Article Boards of Installed Masters. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE MASONIC "POET'S CORNER." Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGES OF INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Boards Of Installed Masters.
correspondents huxo . in view either to discuss this , or the necessities for proof of an Installed Master ' s entitlement to the position he claims , by his ability to communicate certain " signs , tokens and Avords , " of Avhich the great majority of rulers in the craft are as ignorant as the
merest tyro in freemasonry . What is IIOAV required is best expressed in the concluding sentence of the letter of our correspondent -T . S . II . ( see page i ) 8 ) . " The question raised as to irregularity in the use of this formula is an
important one , and ought to be at once ansAvered . If it really never Avas part of the authorised Avork of the United Grand Lodge , its use should be firmly discountenancec ] , otherwise it is too beautiful and instructive to be lost . " With this AVC heartily concur .
The Masonic "Poet's Corner."
To tlie Editor of TWE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , I miss this Aveek . and for the first time , one of the most interesting features of your journal—the Poet ' s Corner . I trust this will be continued . Failing the contributions of members of the Craft who have already contributed , and a further supply from
the writings of our deceased brother , Robert Morris , Avhose masonic poetry has been hitherto unapproached , I shall have to send you some of the old-fashioned masonic ditties . I don't knoAV why they called a masonic poem a ditty , except that the terminals of the verses almost ahvays ended in -ity , but they did . They had little frivol //// about them , however , and no jollity , and they had a strong
family resemblance . They were full of solemn / 7 ?/ , and divin / 7 // , and -placidity , and although charity appeared prominently , as it should in everything masonic , there was no hilar / 7 // . The monotony is occasionally varied by an ety , as in sati / 7 // and sobri / 7 // , but even these are not cheerful words , and although they naturally lead up to "Lurlirf ?/ , " which is a word our Swiss friends
use ( and one which , I am informed by a friend of mine , used actually to be in vogue in this country Avhen he Avas a boy coining home early from market—I think Covent Garden , but am not sure ) I have never seen it used in masonic poetry . NOAV and again we get ality . I think one writer got so far as joviality , but he apparently composed his ditty late at night . I
Avas going to say we Avant a little mor ( c ) ality . but there is plenty of this in the old-fashioned masonic ditty . We want a masonic A erse that we can sing , or at any rate recite . and although we should prefer original music ( if we cannot get original metre ) , such a one as the parody on "Here ' s to the
Maiden , " which appeared a few weeks ago , serves the purpose . I don't like , however ( I don't say " Ave" because you are " Ave" and ¦ yu may ) , a Dibdin drinking chorus , tacked on to moral not to say religious Avords , as in the '' song" appearing in your issue of the 21 st March . Yours fraternally . Clapham . March 28 th , 1 SS 9 . FRIAR ' TUCK .
P . S . —Here ' s one which , may be Avorthy of insertion . It has only one it y in it . KING Solomon , that wise projector . In masonry took great delight ;
And Hiram , that great architector , Whose actions will ever shine bright ; From the heart of a true honest mason , There ' s none can the secret remoA'c , Our actions are justice , morality ,
Friendship , and brotherly love . We meet , like true friends on the le \ el , And lovingly part on the square ; Alike we respect King and beggar , Provided they ' re just and sincere . We scorn an ungenerous action , Nene can with Freemasons compare , Wo love and we live Avithin compass ,
By rules that are honest and fair . We exclude all talkative fellows , That w . ll babble and prate past their wit , They ne ' er shall come into our secret ,
For they re neither worthy nor fit . But the person that's Avell recommended , And is found to be honest and true , When our lodge is well tyled we'll prepare him , And like masons our work we'll pursue .
There are some foolish folks who reject us , For which they are highly to blame , Though they cannot show any objection , Or reason for doing the same . The art ' s a divine inspiration .
As all honest men must declare , So here ' s to all true hearted brothers , That live within compass and square .
The task of converting Bacon ' s Hotel in London into the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters has been entrusted to Bro . C . II . Driver , G . M . O ., who built the Masonic Hall at Gibraltar , and Bro . Robert Berridge , P . G . M . O ., P . G . D . C . Although the general scheme of decoration is to be Italian , the two beautiful Queen Anne rooms are
to remain intact . One is to be reserved for the use of the Prince of Wales , and the other will be assigned to his deputy . The works are to commence immediately , and the inauguration of the building will take place towards the close of the year . Great Queen Street Avill wear quite a freshened appearance when this neAV facade is finished .
Lodge Meetings.
LODGE OF UNITY '—No . 183 . —The Lodge met at the Ship and Turtle . Leadenhall Street , on Monday the 25 th ult . Present : Bros . E . A . Francis , W . M . ; II . Hooper . R . Corsham , G . P . Britten . G . W . Speth , J . W . Oliver , G . II . Lindsey-Kenton , S . Richardson , G . B . Eangley . G W . Pinnach . F . W . Zimcr , A . , T . Hirsch , R . P . Angel , W . E . Watson . AV . Newbold . G . Pragnell , W . J . Godwin , J . A .
Goudsre . J . D . E . Tarr . T . C . Tassell . A . Cook , E . Wareham , A . 0 . Side , AV . F . B . Watts . F . AV . Mcllwraith . and Thos . Heath . Visitors J . Dorton and C . R . Higgins of 107 <> ; AV . Ilopekirk . G . Pt ., and J . Kew of 170 ; F . P . Lister and H . Nilson . AV . M .. of 12 S 3 ; A . Rolley . AV . M .. I r > 24 : J . Godwin . 1343 ; F . A . Smith . AV . M .. J . II . Hastieand T . Edmonston . of Kit !!); II . Sprake , 2192 : Raymond Thrupp .
P . A . G . D . C . H . II . Room . P . G . Sec . Mdx .. N . F . Dalville . of ir > 07 ; AA . B . Trick . 13 ( i ( i : L . Hirsch . 1818 ; G . J . Oxford , 1949 ; AV . P . BroAvn . 90 ; ' J . Harling . 30 : P . Sullnrd and H . G . Cubitt . of 2020 ; J . S . Tavener , 104-1 ; AV . A . Brown . 1507 ; A . Blenham , 1558 ; C . Quilter , 51 ; and P . Phillips , 820 . The report of the Permanent Committee was read and adopted . Bro . J . A . Goudge Avas raised to
the third degree . Bro . II . Hooper , S . AV .. was installed as AV . M . of the Ledge and invested and appointed his officers as folloAvs : —R . Corsham . S . AV .: J . AV . Oliver . J . AV . ; G . P . Britti n . treas . : G . AV Speth . sec . ; G . II . Lindsev-Kenton . S . D .: F . AV . Zimer , J . D . ; J . D . E . Tarr , I . G . ; S . Richardson , D . C . ; G . AA . Pinnoch , AV . S . ; A . O . Side , A . AV . S . ; G . AV . Speth . ore . ; L . G . Reinhardt , tyler . The
presentation to the I . P . M .. Bro . Francis , of a P . M . Jewel hj the AV . M . on behalf of the Lodge , evoked great enthusiasm and after the ordinary routine work the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The toasts and speeches were cf the usual kind and need no special comment , but the applause Avith which the AV . M . Avas greeted was remarkable for its warmth and spontaneity , and Avas perhaps even
excelled in both these qualities when the health of the I . P . M . Avas propesed . Harmonious as this lodge has ever been . it is evident that these two officers are special favourites . The vocal music provided by the members and visitors Avas aboA'e the average of amateur Avork , and the evening from beginning to end Avas one of the pleasantest and most successful Ave have ever spent . One little
fact mentioned by the secretary struck us as curious , viz . : that although this old lodge has been uninterruptedly at Avork for 120 years , doing its duty staunchly and bravely in ev ery respect , it has never had a Grand Ledge Collar conferred upon one of its members . As one of the visitors remarked , this is possibly owing to its great modesty .
C ( RINTHIAN LODGE—No . 1382 . —The lodge met on AA ' ednesday , 20 th ult . There Avas a A ery full attendance , including fiil ibrothers of the lodge and 19 visitors . Bro . Cornelius McLeod Avas duly installed as AV . M ., succeeding Bro . Sidney C . Hill . The installation ceremony was Avorked by Bro . J . Deloes . P . M ., in a most able and impressive manner . The AA ^ . M . appointed his officers for the
following year : —Bros . J . Perry , S . W . : E . Penniston , J . AV . ; A . H . Oakley , sec . ; R . J . Pitt . S . D . ; G . A . Saunders , J . D . ; S . J . Limn , I . G . ; A . J . Deloes and AV . Blois , steAvards ; Win . Millington , P . M ., D . C ; G . Thornton , org . ; and J . AVilliams , tyler . Bro . Carnaby was invested as treasurer . A summary of the receipts and expenses for the year Avas presented to the lodge . The sad and almost sudden death of
Bro . Geo . Limn , P . M ., Avas reported . Bro . Limn has been conspicuous in masonry , as one who has ever Avorked zealously and nobly on behalf of distressed brothers , their Avidows , and orphans . His loss will be deeply and Avidely felt . It Avas resolved that a letter of condolence be sent to the family of Bro . G . Limn . After voting five guineas to a needy brother , and hearty thanks to Bro . Deloes for working the installation ceremony , the lodge was closed .
A large number of brethren accompanied the AV . M . to the installation banquet , Avhich was served by Bro . Host Clark in his usual able style . On the removal of the cloth the loyal and masonic toasts were given . In many replies warm congratulations were given to Bro . Delo ; s upon his return to the lodge after a long and trying illness . During the evening a magnificent wreath , intended for the funeral of Bro . Limn on the morroAV , Avas passed round the lodge for inspection . The brothers refrained from singing , & c .
The installation meeting of St . Mark's Lodge , No . 857 , Avas held at the Surrey Masonic Hall , London , on the 19 th ult ., when , after Bros . Brown and Moody had been passed to the second degree , Bro . C . II . AVhite Avas installed the AV . M . for the ensuing year . His predecessor , Bro . Jenkins , performed the ceremony , and was ably assisted therein by Bro . P . M . Boulton , as director of ceremonies . There was a goodly muster of brethren , including nine past masters and numerous visitors . A banquet and musical entertainment followed labour .
Lodges Of Instruction.
GREAT CITY L' < DOE OF INSTRUCTION , No . 1426 . —A meeting of this lodge was held at Mason ' s Hall Tavern , EC , on Thursday , the 2 Sth . ult . Bros . J . II . Gaskin , AV . M . ; D . Hills , S . AV . ; H . Whitehouse . J . AV . ; J . K . Pitt , Preceptor . The working was tho first and second degrees , Bro . J . L . Barrett candidate . A vote of sympathy
was unanimously accorded Bro . AV . Paddle , P . M ., & c , Avho has sustained a severe domestic affliction in the death of his daughter . It was decided to promote a " smoking concert , " to take place at the end of April . There will be two ballots for the Benevolent Fund on Thursday next , the 4 th inst , at 8 p . m . Members of the lodge are earnestly asked to attend .
STAR CHAPTKR—NO . 1275 . —On Friday , 29 th ult ., at the Stirling Castle , Camberwell—Present : Comps . F . Hilton , P . Z ., Preceptor : Murche , M . E . Z . ; AVinghain , II . ; Neeld , P . Z .. J . ; C . II . Stone , S . E . ; AVoods . S . N . ; Stone , P . Z . ; Add ngton , A . S . ; Eckersall , Latham
If . Martin , Patrick , and Comp . Allison , a visitor . The ceremony of exaltation Avas rehearsed , Comp . Eckersall candidate . Comp AVingham was elected M . E . Z . for the 12 th inst ., as the populai Preceptor . Comp . F . Hilton , will preside , on Friday , the 5 th inst . at the annual supper .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Boards Of Installed Masters.
correspondents huxo . in view either to discuss this , or the necessities for proof of an Installed Master ' s entitlement to the position he claims , by his ability to communicate certain " signs , tokens and Avords , " of Avhich the great majority of rulers in the craft are as ignorant as the
merest tyro in freemasonry . What is IIOAV required is best expressed in the concluding sentence of the letter of our correspondent -T . S . II . ( see page i ) 8 ) . " The question raised as to irregularity in the use of this formula is an
important one , and ought to be at once ansAvered . If it really never Avas part of the authorised Avork of the United Grand Lodge , its use should be firmly discountenancec ] , otherwise it is too beautiful and instructive to be lost . " With this AVC heartily concur .
The Masonic "Poet's Corner."
To tlie Editor of TWE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , I miss this Aveek . and for the first time , one of the most interesting features of your journal—the Poet ' s Corner . I trust this will be continued . Failing the contributions of members of the Craft who have already contributed , and a further supply from
the writings of our deceased brother , Robert Morris , Avhose masonic poetry has been hitherto unapproached , I shall have to send you some of the old-fashioned masonic ditties . I don't knoAV why they called a masonic poem a ditty , except that the terminals of the verses almost ahvays ended in -ity , but they did . They had little frivol //// about them , however , and no jollity , and they had a strong
family resemblance . They were full of solemn / 7 ?/ , and divin / 7 // , and -placidity , and although charity appeared prominently , as it should in everything masonic , there was no hilar / 7 // . The monotony is occasionally varied by an ety , as in sati / 7 // and sobri / 7 // , but even these are not cheerful words , and although they naturally lead up to "Lurlirf ?/ , " which is a word our Swiss friends
use ( and one which , I am informed by a friend of mine , used actually to be in vogue in this country Avhen he Avas a boy coining home early from market—I think Covent Garden , but am not sure ) I have never seen it used in masonic poetry . NOAV and again we get ality . I think one writer got so far as joviality , but he apparently composed his ditty late at night . I
Avas going to say we Avant a little mor ( c ) ality . but there is plenty of this in the old-fashioned masonic ditty . We want a masonic A erse that we can sing , or at any rate recite . and although we should prefer original music ( if we cannot get original metre ) , such a one as the parody on "Here ' s to the
Maiden , " which appeared a few weeks ago , serves the purpose . I don't like , however ( I don't say " Ave" because you are " Ave" and ¦ yu may ) , a Dibdin drinking chorus , tacked on to moral not to say religious Avords , as in the '' song" appearing in your issue of the 21 st March . Yours fraternally . Clapham . March 28 th , 1 SS 9 . FRIAR ' TUCK .
P . S . —Here ' s one which , may be Avorthy of insertion . It has only one it y in it . KING Solomon , that wise projector . In masonry took great delight ;
And Hiram , that great architector , Whose actions will ever shine bright ; From the heart of a true honest mason , There ' s none can the secret remoA'c , Our actions are justice , morality ,
Friendship , and brotherly love . We meet , like true friends on the le \ el , And lovingly part on the square ; Alike we respect King and beggar , Provided they ' re just and sincere . We scorn an ungenerous action , Nene can with Freemasons compare , Wo love and we live Avithin compass ,
By rules that are honest and fair . We exclude all talkative fellows , That w . ll babble and prate past their wit , They ne ' er shall come into our secret ,
For they re neither worthy nor fit . But the person that's Avell recommended , And is found to be honest and true , When our lodge is well tyled we'll prepare him , And like masons our work we'll pursue .
There are some foolish folks who reject us , For which they are highly to blame , Though they cannot show any objection , Or reason for doing the same . The art ' s a divine inspiration .
As all honest men must declare , So here ' s to all true hearted brothers , That live within compass and square .
The task of converting Bacon ' s Hotel in London into the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters has been entrusted to Bro . C . II . Driver , G . M . O ., who built the Masonic Hall at Gibraltar , and Bro . Robert Berridge , P . G . M . O ., P . G . D . C . Although the general scheme of decoration is to be Italian , the two beautiful Queen Anne rooms are
to remain intact . One is to be reserved for the use of the Prince of Wales , and the other will be assigned to his deputy . The works are to commence immediately , and the inauguration of the building will take place towards the close of the year . Great Queen Street Avill wear quite a freshened appearance when this neAV facade is finished .
Lodge Meetings.
LODGE OF UNITY '—No . 183 . —The Lodge met at the Ship and Turtle . Leadenhall Street , on Monday the 25 th ult . Present : Bros . E . A . Francis , W . M . ; II . Hooper . R . Corsham , G . P . Britten . G . W . Speth , J . W . Oliver , G . II . Lindsey-Kenton , S . Richardson , G . B . Eangley . G W . Pinnach . F . W . Zimcr , A . , T . Hirsch , R . P . Angel , W . E . Watson . AV . Newbold . G . Pragnell , W . J . Godwin , J . A .
Goudsre . J . D . E . Tarr . T . C . Tassell . A . Cook , E . Wareham , A . 0 . Side , AV . F . B . Watts . F . AV . Mcllwraith . and Thos . Heath . Visitors J . Dorton and C . R . Higgins of 107 <> ; AV . Ilopekirk . G . Pt ., and J . Kew of 170 ; F . P . Lister and H . Nilson . AV . M .. of 12 S 3 ; A . Rolley . AV . M .. I r > 24 : J . Godwin . 1343 ; F . A . Smith . AV . M .. J . II . Hastieand T . Edmonston . of Kit !!); II . Sprake , 2192 : Raymond Thrupp .
P . A . G . D . C . H . II . Room . P . G . Sec . Mdx .. N . F . Dalville . of ir > 07 ; AA . B . Trick . 13 ( i ( i : L . Hirsch . 1818 ; G . J . Oxford , 1949 ; AV . P . BroAvn . 90 ; ' J . Harling . 30 : P . Sullnrd and H . G . Cubitt . of 2020 ; J . S . Tavener , 104-1 ; AV . A . Brown . 1507 ; A . Blenham , 1558 ; C . Quilter , 51 ; and P . Phillips , 820 . The report of the Permanent Committee was read and adopted . Bro . J . A . Goudge Avas raised to
the third degree . Bro . II . Hooper , S . AV .. was installed as AV . M . of the Ledge and invested and appointed his officers as folloAvs : —R . Corsham . S . AV .: J . AV . Oliver . J . AV . ; G . P . Britti n . treas . : G . AV Speth . sec . ; G . II . Lindsev-Kenton . S . D .: F . AV . Zimer , J . D . ; J . D . E . Tarr , I . G . ; S . Richardson , D . C . ; G . AA . Pinnoch , AV . S . ; A . O . Side , A . AV . S . ; G . AV . Speth . ore . ; L . G . Reinhardt , tyler . The
presentation to the I . P . M .. Bro . Francis , of a P . M . Jewel hj the AV . M . on behalf of the Lodge , evoked great enthusiasm and after the ordinary routine work the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The toasts and speeches were cf the usual kind and need no special comment , but the applause Avith which the AV . M . Avas greeted was remarkable for its warmth and spontaneity , and Avas perhaps even
excelled in both these qualities when the health of the I . P . M . Avas propesed . Harmonious as this lodge has ever been . it is evident that these two officers are special favourites . The vocal music provided by the members and visitors Avas aboA'e the average of amateur Avork , and the evening from beginning to end Avas one of the pleasantest and most successful Ave have ever spent . One little
fact mentioned by the secretary struck us as curious , viz . : that although this old lodge has been uninterruptedly at Avork for 120 years , doing its duty staunchly and bravely in ev ery respect , it has never had a Grand Ledge Collar conferred upon one of its members . As one of the visitors remarked , this is possibly owing to its great modesty .
C ( RINTHIAN LODGE—No . 1382 . —The lodge met on AA ' ednesday , 20 th ult . There Avas a A ery full attendance , including fiil ibrothers of the lodge and 19 visitors . Bro . Cornelius McLeod Avas duly installed as AV . M ., succeeding Bro . Sidney C . Hill . The installation ceremony was Avorked by Bro . J . Deloes . P . M ., in a most able and impressive manner . The AA ^ . M . appointed his officers for the
following year : —Bros . J . Perry , S . W . : E . Penniston , J . AV . ; A . H . Oakley , sec . ; R . J . Pitt . S . D . ; G . A . Saunders , J . D . ; S . J . Limn , I . G . ; A . J . Deloes and AV . Blois , steAvards ; Win . Millington , P . M ., D . C ; G . Thornton , org . ; and J . AVilliams , tyler . Bro . Carnaby was invested as treasurer . A summary of the receipts and expenses for the year Avas presented to the lodge . The sad and almost sudden death of
Bro . Geo . Limn , P . M ., Avas reported . Bro . Limn has been conspicuous in masonry , as one who has ever Avorked zealously and nobly on behalf of distressed brothers , their Avidows , and orphans . His loss will be deeply and Avidely felt . It Avas resolved that a letter of condolence be sent to the family of Bro . G . Limn . After voting five guineas to a needy brother , and hearty thanks to Bro . Deloes for working the installation ceremony , the lodge was closed .
A large number of brethren accompanied the AV . M . to the installation banquet , Avhich was served by Bro . Host Clark in his usual able style . On the removal of the cloth the loyal and masonic toasts were given . In many replies warm congratulations were given to Bro . Delo ; s upon his return to the lodge after a long and trying illness . During the evening a magnificent wreath , intended for the funeral of Bro . Limn on the morroAV , Avas passed round the lodge for inspection . The brothers refrained from singing , & c .
The installation meeting of St . Mark's Lodge , No . 857 , Avas held at the Surrey Masonic Hall , London , on the 19 th ult ., when , after Bros . Brown and Moody had been passed to the second degree , Bro . C . II . AVhite Avas installed the AV . M . for the ensuing year . His predecessor , Bro . Jenkins , performed the ceremony , and was ably assisted therein by Bro . P . M . Boulton , as director of ceremonies . There was a goodly muster of brethren , including nine past masters and numerous visitors . A banquet and musical entertainment followed labour .
Lodges Of Instruction.
GREAT CITY L' < DOE OF INSTRUCTION , No . 1426 . —A meeting of this lodge was held at Mason ' s Hall Tavern , EC , on Thursday , the 2 Sth . ult . Bros . J . II . Gaskin , AV . M . ; D . Hills , S . AV . ; H . Whitehouse . J . AV . ; J . K . Pitt , Preceptor . The working was tho first and second degrees , Bro . J . L . Barrett candidate . A vote of sympathy
was unanimously accorded Bro . AV . Paddle , P . M ., & c , Avho has sustained a severe domestic affliction in the death of his daughter . It was decided to promote a " smoking concert , " to take place at the end of April . There will be two ballots for the Benevolent Fund on Thursday next , the 4 th inst , at 8 p . m . Members of the lodge are earnestly asked to attend .
STAR CHAPTKR—NO . 1275 . —On Friday , 29 th ult ., at the Stirling Castle , Camberwell—Present : Comps . F . Hilton , P . Z ., Preceptor : Murche , M . E . Z . ; AVinghain , II . ; Neeld , P . Z .. J . ; C . II . Stone , S . E . ; AVoods . S . N . ; Stone , P . Z . ; Add ngton , A . S . ; Eckersall , Latham
If . Martin , Patrick , and Comp . Allison , a visitor . The ceremony of exaltation Avas rehearsed , Comp . Eckersall candidate . Comp AVingham was elected M . E . Z . for the 12 th inst ., as the populai Preceptor . Comp . F . Hilton , will preside , on Friday , the 5 th inst . at the annual supper .