Article PROVINCIAL NOTES. Page 1 of 1 Article Point-Left-Right. Page 1 of 1
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Provincial Notes.
The new Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire is the R . AV . Bro . Col . Foster Gough , P . G . Std . Br . Eng ., and late the Deputy-Grand Master for that province , and who succeeds Bro . Col . Tudor hi that high station . Bro . Col . Bindley , of Burtou-on-Trent , has
been appointed D . P . G . M . AA ith such a number of colonels at the head of its masonic affairs , the province of Staffordshire should consist of a well drilled and disciplined body of craftsmen , and from all we can gather it does , for it has been , and doubtless will continue to be , Avell looked after by its Grand Officers .
AGRICOLA LODGE—No . 1991 . —The regular meeting of this lod < re was held on the 25 th ult .. at the Mas-uric Hall , Castlegate . There were present AV . Bros . A . M . AVhite , AV . M ., P . A . G . P . ; Major A . H . H . McGachen , P . M ., P . P . A . D . of C . : Captain F . Hewson , P . M .. P . Z ., P . D G . S . D ., Malta ; Bros . J . H . Taylor , S . AV ., P . G . Stewd . ; J . E . AVilkinson , J . AA . ; J . Eccles , treas . ; Captain J . Thomson , sec . : J .
AVilson , chaplain ; W . H . AVigham , S . D . ; G . Manton , J . D . ; T . Laverack , D . of C . ; J . Sutcliffe , org . ; T . N . Lathom . I . G . ; D . Young and J . AV . Dow , stewards ; E . Osborne , tyler ; and about 22 members and 5 visitors . Successful ballots having been taken for two joining members and for one candidate , the W . M . initiated the latter and another candidate who was sucjessfully balloted for at the previous regular meeting , anel parsed two brethren to tho second
degree . The S . W . ( Bro . J . H . Taylor . P . G . Stewd . ) , was then elected AV . M . ; Bro . J . Eccles Avas re-elected treasurer ; Bro . J . E . AVilkinson , J . W . ; and G . Manton , J . D ., were re-elected auditors : and Bro . E . Osborne Avas re-elected tyler for the ensuing year . The lodge was afterwards closed , and the remainder of the evening spent in social intercourse , the usual loyal and other toasts being given , interspersed with songs , & c , rendered by the brethren .
Bro . Major AV . AV . Turner , AA . M . of Pelham Lodge , No . 1303 , opened his lodge at the Freemason ' s Hall , Lewes , on the 29 th ult .. and raised Bro . AA hitelock to the M . M . degree . He also initiateel Mr . T . R . Hunt , both ceremonies being ably performed . Bro . AV .
AVright , S AV ., was elected AV . M . for tho ensuing year , and Bro . T . R . AVhite ( Mayor of Lewes ) , Avas re-elected treasurer . A P . M . jewel was voteel to Bro . Major Turner on his retiring from the chair , his year of office having been marked by a fair amount of excellent work in the ceremonies of the three degrees .
The officers of the South Saxon Chapter , No . 311 , Lewes , Sussex , were elected on the 27 th ult ., Comp . A . Holman being for the second time chosen first principal . A P . Z . jewel was voted to Comp . G-. E . Chapman , for his services during the past year as M . E . Z . The masonic jubilee of Bro . M . B . Bircham , a Past Master of the Joppa Lodge , No . 1114 , Avas an occasion of significance at the last
regular meeting of the lodge at Fakenham , Norfolk , on the 27 th ult . The W . M ., Bro . G . Curson , presided , and a large number of brethren were present . After the business of the lodge , which included the raising of Bro . Dr . Powell to th-3 third degree , and the voting of a sum of twenty guineas to the Royal Masonic Institution
for Boys , a special presentation P . M . jewel , towards the cost of Avhich the members of the lodge had subscribed , was presented t ) Bro . Bircham by the AV . M .. acompanied by many complimentary expressions in relation to that worthy brother ' s masonic services . Bro . M . B . Bircham was initiated into Freemasonry in the Royal Athelstane Lodge , No . 19 , on the 13 th March , 1839 .
The installation of Bro . Major-General Thomas Cumming as AV . M . of the Military Jubilee Lodge , No . 21 !) . ") , at the Freemasons ' Hall , Dover , on the 28 th ult ., was attended by some fifty brethren , members and distinguished visitors . The proceedings were excellently carried out , the ceremonial of installation performed by AV . Bro . Major Moore , I . P . M ., being faultlessand receiving a cordial
, vote of approbation . This lodge is officered by ' Soldier Masons , " and those " told off for duty" this year are selected from the highest grades of " non .-coms . " Sergeant F . Cassidy , of the Military Police , Avas initiated into the Order in the course of the evening , which terminated Avith a banquet and musical entertainment .
There Avas an imposing Masonic ceremonial at Bristol in the 27 th inst ., the occasion being the installation of the R . AV . Bro . AV . A . F . Powell as Prov . G . M . in succession to the R . AV . Bro . the Earl of Limerick , who has recently resigned on account of his increased public duties occupying so much of his time as to render it difficult for him to devote the attention to his Masonic eludes that
he could have Avished . Bro . Powell is a very old Mason , having been initiateel so far back as 1843 in the Moria Lo . lge . now known as the Moria Lodge of Honour , ^! o . 326 " , of which he is the oldest subscribing member . He attained the high rank of D . P . G-. M . in 18 . J 3 , acting under the late Bro . Shute , the then R . AV . P . G . M ., anel subsequently the Earl of Limerick , who was installed as Grand Master of the province of Bristol in 1 S <; 7 . Bro . Powell also holds the high position of P . G . D . of England .
ROYAL JUBILEE CHAPTER—NO . 72 . —The March meeting of this old chapter was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , on Thursday , the 14 th instant . The chapter was opened by the principals , and the minutes of the last regular meeting and the emergency meeting were read and confirmed . There being no business before the chapter , the lecture of the first chair was given by ex-Comn .
u . AValler , P . Z . ; the second lecture by ex-Comp . Axford , II . ; and the _ lecture of the third chair by ex-Comp . II . Lovegrove , P . Z ., Scribe E . The other members present were : —Ex-Comp . L S Fontaine , M . E . Z . ; A . Darch , J . ; Comps . C . R . AVilliams , S . N . ; W . 1 < . Bates , P . S . ; E . Lowcock . first asst . soj . ; and N . Turner . The onl y visitor was ex-Comp . F . AV . Driver . P . Z . The members dined together at the close of the business .
Point - Left - Right .
A special waggon has been chartered to convey the P . O . O . ' s from this office to the bankers , re the AVood Fund , and the whole proceeding has been a source of great delight to the printing boys of the neighbourhood . It is impossible to give the name of each subscriber and even the amount of his subscription , but we will
summarise them in one which bears the name of " East Lancashire , " whom I heartily thank for his donation of half-a-crown . Of all ths thousands of masons who read iny r column Aveekly , there is but a solitary brother who can afford a trifle to so worthy an object .
To keep everyone in countenance it was suggested that half-a-orown should be the maximum gift as far as this enlicj was concerned . AVe lmve reduced our luxurious living to make this provision , and we had hopeel hundreds of brethren would hav e made the sacrifice also . Oh ! iny brothers , my brothers , I am ashamed of you .
But remember the fund is not closeel for weeks . * * * A very sjnsible suggestion has been made by Bro . AV . G . Nottage , AV . M . of the AVindsor Castle Lodge , as to the visiting of brethren to strange lodges in their own province . The suggestion is really so
sensible anel so good , that I would defer my comments until I have had the opportunity of visiting' the AVindsor Castle Lodge next Aveek . The young master of this lodge is he who carried out s splendidly the funeral arrangements of the late Bro . John AVhitehouse , who \\ as , at the time of his ele ; -th , the senior Freemason in the province of Berks , and Bucks .
A prodigy in masonrj' has at last been discovered . He has been raised but a few months , is already a member of fo-. ir craft lodges , has been advanced in Mark Masonry , will enter into the office of Junior AVarden this month , has developeel a s jheme for founding a lodge of Avhich I belieA'e he wishes to hold all the offices in his own
person . I would wish this prodigy all success in his furious zeal for the purples of Freemasonry . But— " there is betwixt the smile we do aspire to , the SAveet aspect of princes anel their ruin , more pangs anel fears than war or women have , anel when they fall they fall like Lucifer . "
I would advise the brethren of a certain lodge in the province of Berks and Bucks to let the matters of their accounts and the officers lately connected therewith be treated in future a- ; aunent historv .
It is bad form to revert to such subjects , when ' massaging " the present officers of the lodge . These little things do more harm to masonry than open warfare , and the man who uses them to emphasize his remarks , sinks very low elown indeed . Detenda est Carthago .
A beautiful little story reaches me regarding the kindness of our Princess Christian . A certain kindly elisposed olel man was escorting an unfortunate young person to a home where it was thought her evil ways might , by better associations , be eliscareled . The pair were seen by the Princess at a Lonelon terminus .
and she recognised m the " unfortunate a previous servant of her employ . Enquiries Avere evidently made , for two days after , the well elisposed old man received a letter from the Princess , who , Avith a few kindly remarks , enclosed the sum of three pounds to
pay the expens ? s of the young girl . The Princess Christian has a heart that is big enough to holel the good opinions of the whole world . She is a Past Grand Mistress of all that is beautiful in tho refinement of human nature .
I have referred the query that was made to me by Bro . Robinson the other evening to my Editor who says that a brother may enter his lodge if it be regularly' composed and demand to be raised whether the raising be down on th . D agenda or net , but subject , of course , to the will of the AV . M .
I am eA er , dear readers , in very great haste , Yours fraternally , THE DRUID
A very successful meeting of the Cordwainer Warel Loelge Avas held on the 20 th ulto . Bro . Frank Taylor , CO ., presided , and a P . M . jewel was votad to him . Bro . Alderman Col . Cowan was unanimously electeel AV . M ., and Bro . II . J . Adams was re-electeel treasurer .
SECRETARIES r . MASTERS . —How many bodies are go \ erned from the Secretary ' s table instead of from the Ea < t . ' How many Masters fear the autocrat who records the proceedings , who has sat for years at his desk and elictateel the proceedings and ruling j . ' The Master is the responsible officer anel should assume the responsibility .
First preparing himself for the position , not filling it for the honor , he should resolutely assume its duties , and , if tlie members have elected a recording officer who assumes he is tho botly , it is an easy matter for the presiding officer of any boely of Masons to relegate him to his proper place . —ALBERT P . CHARLES .
DON ' T judge a man by the clothes he Avears . Gcd made ono anel the tailor the other . Don't judge a man by his family , for Cain belonged to a good family . Don ' t judge a man by his failure in life , for many a man fails because he is too honest to succeed . Trestle Board .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Notes.
The new Provincial Grand Master for Staffordshire is the R . AV . Bro . Col . Foster Gough , P . G . Std . Br . Eng ., and late the Deputy-Grand Master for that province , and who succeeds Bro . Col . Tudor hi that high station . Bro . Col . Bindley , of Burtou-on-Trent , has
been appointed D . P . G . M . AA ith such a number of colonels at the head of its masonic affairs , the province of Staffordshire should consist of a well drilled and disciplined body of craftsmen , and from all we can gather it does , for it has been , and doubtless will continue to be , Avell looked after by its Grand Officers .
AGRICOLA LODGE—No . 1991 . —The regular meeting of this lod < re was held on the 25 th ult .. at the Mas-uric Hall , Castlegate . There were present AV . Bros . A . M . AVhite , AV . M ., P . A . G . P . ; Major A . H . H . McGachen , P . M ., P . P . A . D . of C . : Captain F . Hewson , P . M .. P . Z ., P . D G . S . D ., Malta ; Bros . J . H . Taylor , S . AV ., P . G . Stewd . ; J . E . AVilkinson , J . AA . ; J . Eccles , treas . ; Captain J . Thomson , sec . : J .
AVilson , chaplain ; W . H . AVigham , S . D . ; G . Manton , J . D . ; T . Laverack , D . of C . ; J . Sutcliffe , org . ; T . N . Lathom . I . G . ; D . Young and J . AV . Dow , stewards ; E . Osborne , tyler ; and about 22 members and 5 visitors . Successful ballots having been taken for two joining members and for one candidate , the W . M . initiated the latter and another candidate who was sucjessfully balloted for at the previous regular meeting , anel parsed two brethren to tho second
degree . The S . W . ( Bro . J . H . Taylor . P . G . Stewd . ) , was then elected AV . M . ; Bro . J . Eccles Avas re-elected treasurer ; Bro . J . E . AVilkinson , J . W . ; and G . Manton , J . D ., were re-elected auditors : and Bro . E . Osborne Avas re-elected tyler for the ensuing year . The lodge was afterwards closed , and the remainder of the evening spent in social intercourse , the usual loyal and other toasts being given , interspersed with songs , & c , rendered by the brethren .
Bro . Major AV . AV . Turner , AA . M . of Pelham Lodge , No . 1303 , opened his lodge at the Freemason ' s Hall , Lewes , on the 29 th ult .. and raised Bro . AA hitelock to the M . M . degree . He also initiateel Mr . T . R . Hunt , both ceremonies being ably performed . Bro . AV .
AVright , S AV ., was elected AV . M . for tho ensuing year , and Bro . T . R . AVhite ( Mayor of Lewes ) , Avas re-elected treasurer . A P . M . jewel was voteel to Bro . Major Turner on his retiring from the chair , his year of office having been marked by a fair amount of excellent work in the ceremonies of the three degrees .
The officers of the South Saxon Chapter , No . 311 , Lewes , Sussex , were elected on the 27 th ult ., Comp . A . Holman being for the second time chosen first principal . A P . Z . jewel was voted to Comp . G-. E . Chapman , for his services during the past year as M . E . Z . The masonic jubilee of Bro . M . B . Bircham , a Past Master of the Joppa Lodge , No . 1114 , Avas an occasion of significance at the last
regular meeting of the lodge at Fakenham , Norfolk , on the 27 th ult . The W . M ., Bro . G . Curson , presided , and a large number of brethren were present . After the business of the lodge , which included the raising of Bro . Dr . Powell to th-3 third degree , and the voting of a sum of twenty guineas to the Royal Masonic Institution
for Boys , a special presentation P . M . jewel , towards the cost of Avhich the members of the lodge had subscribed , was presented t ) Bro . Bircham by the AV . M .. acompanied by many complimentary expressions in relation to that worthy brother ' s masonic services . Bro . M . B . Bircham was initiated into Freemasonry in the Royal Athelstane Lodge , No . 19 , on the 13 th March , 1839 .
The installation of Bro . Major-General Thomas Cumming as AV . M . of the Military Jubilee Lodge , No . 21 !) . ") , at the Freemasons ' Hall , Dover , on the 28 th ult ., was attended by some fifty brethren , members and distinguished visitors . The proceedings were excellently carried out , the ceremonial of installation performed by AV . Bro . Major Moore , I . P . M ., being faultlessand receiving a cordial
, vote of approbation . This lodge is officered by ' Soldier Masons , " and those " told off for duty" this year are selected from the highest grades of " non .-coms . " Sergeant F . Cassidy , of the Military Police , Avas initiated into the Order in the course of the evening , which terminated Avith a banquet and musical entertainment .
There Avas an imposing Masonic ceremonial at Bristol in the 27 th inst ., the occasion being the installation of the R . AV . Bro . AV . A . F . Powell as Prov . G . M . in succession to the R . AV . Bro . the Earl of Limerick , who has recently resigned on account of his increased public duties occupying so much of his time as to render it difficult for him to devote the attention to his Masonic eludes that
he could have Avished . Bro . Powell is a very old Mason , having been initiateel so far back as 1843 in the Moria Lo . lge . now known as the Moria Lodge of Honour , ^! o . 326 " , of which he is the oldest subscribing member . He attained the high rank of D . P . G-. M . in 18 . J 3 , acting under the late Bro . Shute , the then R . AV . P . G . M ., anel subsequently the Earl of Limerick , who was installed as Grand Master of the province of Bristol in 1 S <; 7 . Bro . Powell also holds the high position of P . G . D . of England .
ROYAL JUBILEE CHAPTER—NO . 72 . —The March meeting of this old chapter was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , on Thursday , the 14 th instant . The chapter was opened by the principals , and the minutes of the last regular meeting and the emergency meeting were read and confirmed . There being no business before the chapter , the lecture of the first chair was given by ex-Comn .
u . AValler , P . Z . ; the second lecture by ex-Comp . Axford , II . ; and the _ lecture of the third chair by ex-Comp . II . Lovegrove , P . Z ., Scribe E . The other members present were : —Ex-Comp . L S Fontaine , M . E . Z . ; A . Darch , J . ; Comps . C . R . AVilliams , S . N . ; W . 1 < . Bates , P . S . ; E . Lowcock . first asst . soj . ; and N . Turner . The onl y visitor was ex-Comp . F . AV . Driver . P . Z . The members dined together at the close of the business .
Point - Left - Right .
A special waggon has been chartered to convey the P . O . O . ' s from this office to the bankers , re the AVood Fund , and the whole proceeding has been a source of great delight to the printing boys of the neighbourhood . It is impossible to give the name of each subscriber and even the amount of his subscription , but we will
summarise them in one which bears the name of " East Lancashire , " whom I heartily thank for his donation of half-a-crown . Of all ths thousands of masons who read iny r column Aveekly , there is but a solitary brother who can afford a trifle to so worthy an object .
To keep everyone in countenance it was suggested that half-a-orown should be the maximum gift as far as this enlicj was concerned . AVe lmve reduced our luxurious living to make this provision , and we had hopeel hundreds of brethren would hav e made the sacrifice also . Oh ! iny brothers , my brothers , I am ashamed of you .
But remember the fund is not closeel for weeks . * * * A very sjnsible suggestion has been made by Bro . AV . G . Nottage , AV . M . of the AVindsor Castle Lodge , as to the visiting of brethren to strange lodges in their own province . The suggestion is really so
sensible anel so good , that I would defer my comments until I have had the opportunity of visiting' the AVindsor Castle Lodge next Aveek . The young master of this lodge is he who carried out s splendidly the funeral arrangements of the late Bro . John AVhitehouse , who \\ as , at the time of his ele ; -th , the senior Freemason in the province of Berks , and Bucks .
A prodigy in masonrj' has at last been discovered . He has been raised but a few months , is already a member of fo-. ir craft lodges , has been advanced in Mark Masonry , will enter into the office of Junior AVarden this month , has developeel a s jheme for founding a lodge of Avhich I belieA'e he wishes to hold all the offices in his own
person . I would wish this prodigy all success in his furious zeal for the purples of Freemasonry . But— " there is betwixt the smile we do aspire to , the SAveet aspect of princes anel their ruin , more pangs anel fears than war or women have , anel when they fall they fall like Lucifer . "
I would advise the brethren of a certain lodge in the province of Berks and Bucks to let the matters of their accounts and the officers lately connected therewith be treated in future a- ; aunent historv .
It is bad form to revert to such subjects , when ' massaging " the present officers of the lodge . These little things do more harm to masonry than open warfare , and the man who uses them to emphasize his remarks , sinks very low elown indeed . Detenda est Carthago .
A beautiful little story reaches me regarding the kindness of our Princess Christian . A certain kindly elisposed olel man was escorting an unfortunate young person to a home where it was thought her evil ways might , by better associations , be eliscareled . The pair were seen by the Princess at a Lonelon terminus .
and she recognised m the " unfortunate a previous servant of her employ . Enquiries Avere evidently made , for two days after , the well elisposed old man received a letter from the Princess , who , Avith a few kindly remarks , enclosed the sum of three pounds to
pay the expens ? s of the young girl . The Princess Christian has a heart that is big enough to holel the good opinions of the whole world . She is a Past Grand Mistress of all that is beautiful in tho refinement of human nature .
I have referred the query that was made to me by Bro . Robinson the other evening to my Editor who says that a brother may enter his lodge if it be regularly' composed and demand to be raised whether the raising be down on th . D agenda or net , but subject , of course , to the will of the AV . M .
I am eA er , dear readers , in very great haste , Yours fraternally , THE DRUID
A very successful meeting of the Cordwainer Warel Loelge Avas held on the 20 th ulto . Bro . Frank Taylor , CO ., presided , and a P . M . jewel was votad to him . Bro . Alderman Col . Cowan was unanimously electeel AV . M ., and Bro . II . J . Adams was re-electeel treasurer .
SECRETARIES r . MASTERS . —How many bodies are go \ erned from the Secretary ' s table instead of from the Ea < t . ' How many Masters fear the autocrat who records the proceedings , who has sat for years at his desk and elictateel the proceedings and ruling j . ' The Master is the responsible officer anel should assume the responsibility .
First preparing himself for the position , not filling it for the honor , he should resolutely assume its duties , and , if tlie members have elected a recording officer who assumes he is tho botly , it is an easy matter for the presiding officer of any boely of Masons to relegate him to his proper place . —ALBERT P . CHARLES .
DON ' T judge a man by the clothes he Avears . Gcd made ono anel the tailor the other . Don't judge a man by his family , for Cain belonged to a good family . Don ' t judge a man by his failure in life , for many a man fails because he is too honest to succeed . Trestle Board .