Article THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTIONS. Page 1 of 1 Article Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week. Page 1 of 1 Article We are requested to notify that :- Page 1 of 1 Article COLONIAL CLIPPINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Royal Masonic Institutions.
R . M . I . B . —AVe have much pleasure in publishing the following ¦ official statement as a satisfactory evidence of careful tuition and training : —University Local Examination , Cambrielge , December , 1888 ; Honours—2 nd Class : A . Blunt , J . P . Seagrave , and J . P . Templeman ; 3 rd Class : F . F . Coleman , II . R . Graves , F . A . Herring ; anel the folloAving satisfied the examiners : S . II . Bevis , J .
Bloomfield . S . AV . Gibson , F . AV . Lewis , N . McCaskie , J . Shaw , L . Taylor , and J . E . AValters . There Avere nineteen candidates sent up , and fourteen passed , six with honours and eight to satisfaction of examiners . The report is signed by Bro . Morris , the head master , who with his staff is to be congratulated on the favourable result of the examination .
R . M . I . G . —AA . Bro . Lord Henniker , Provincial Grand Master for Suffolk , has undertaken the eluties of Chairman at the forthcoming festival of this Institution , to be held on AA ednesday , 2 nd May , and we shall hope to find that not only by his province , but generally throughout the craft , he will be w * ell supported . Notwithstanding the exceptionally large contribution at the Centenary Festival of this institution last A'ear . there are abundant reasons , and some of
even more importance than heretofore , why the stewards' lists on the 2 nd prox . should total to nearly if not epiite as much as in the years immediately preceding the centcnerary celebration . For one thing , it is proposed to increase at next clect : < n the number of pupils and inmates by so many as twenty , and that in itself will add materially to the coining year ' s requirements . AVith all this on our mind Ave cannot , howeA er , refrain from adding , JSrethren , don't forget the boys in June !
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
Madras Masonic Record , for March ; Proceedings of Grand Commundcry Knights Templars ef the State of Louisiana , 1839 : Proceedings of the , Grand , Chapter of R . A . M . ' s if the State of Louisiana , 1889 ; Proceedings of the District Grand Chapter of the Punjab ; Triads in Masonry , AVhymper ; Latoiitia .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
AV . Bro . James Stevens , P . M ., P . Z ., will deliver his popular lecture on the ritual of the first degree , entitled " Knobs and Excrescences , " in the Clapton Lodge of Instruction , No . 13 G 5 , at the "Lord Stanley , " Sandringham Road , Hackney , on Friday , the 12 th inst ., at 7 p . m .
The General Committee of R . M . I , for Boys Avill meet at F . M . Hall , London , on Saturday next , at 4 p . m . The General Committee of the R . M . Benevolent Institution
will meet at F . M . Hall , on AVednesday , the 10 th mst ., at 4 p . m . Bro . Augustus Harris Avill be installed Eminent Preceptor of the Bard of Avon and Drury Lane Preceptory of Knights' Templar , at 33 , Golden Square , London , on the ( ith inst .
Colonial Clippings.
The 20 th of March last past Avas the appointed clay for the constitution of the United Grand Lodge of Afctoria . and the installation of Bro . Sir AV . J . Clarke , Bart ., as the first M . AV . G . M . of the neAV Grand Loelge . Our advices Avill doubtless bring us , in elue course , particulars which will be of a very interesting nature , and , as far as space Avill permit , they shall be communicated to our readers .
The death of the Deputy G . Master of the Grand Lodge of all Scottish Freemasonry in India , the It . AV . Bro . J . Y . Lang , a P . M . of Lodge Caledonia , is a loss greatly to be deplored by our Indian brethren , and will be felt by many members of the craft nearer home . All the Scottish lodges in India have been placed in
mourning , and a memorial service in honour of the decea > ed brother has been held at Bombay . AVe note that Bro . K . R . Cam a , a member of the Avell-knoAvn Cama family * , of which our brother D . P . Cama , Past G . Treasurer of England , is also a member , took part in this service , and paid a just tribute to the memory of the lamented deceased .
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
" All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS' HALT , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Regulations . Louse F AME 0 F L 0 DGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING . Lo ° Uro J ^ op L ODGE AND C HAPTER . P LACE OF M EETING .
( T HIS DAY ) ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , APRIL 4 th . 10 AVcstminster and Keystone ... F . M . H . 27 Egyptian Andcrton ' s Hotel , E . C . 45 Strong Man M . H . Tav ., Hasinghull Street , E . C . 227 Ionic . Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., E . C . 554 Yarborough Green Dragon , Stepney . 822 A'ietoria Rillcs . F . M . li AVhite
1155 Excelsior Swan , Deptford . 1178 Perfect Ashlar Bridge House Hot ., S . E . 1672 Mornington Imperial Hot ., Holhorn Viaduct , E . C . 1707 Eleanor Great Eastern Hot ., Liverpool St ., E . C . 1772 Pinilico A'ictoria Mans . Rest .. Victoria St ., S . W . 1780 Old England M . TL , New Thornton H ' th . nr . Croydon 1 K 01 Co bo rii C April llth ) Vestry Hall , Bow R . A . C 2 StJames ' s FMII
. . . . 181 Universal Ditto 1381 Kennington Horns Tav ., Kennington , S . E . 1716 All Saints (? April 14 th ) ... Vestry Hall , Fairlield Road , Bow Mark . 197 Studholme 33 , Golden Square , AV . 244 Trinity College S 13 , Mamlevillc Place , AV . ( 1 st ) FRIDAY , APRIL 5 th .
7 UG Florence Nightingale I M . 11 ., AVilliam Street , AVoolwieh S 90 Hornsey Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 14 S 9 Maniuis of Ripon Cock Tav ., High bury , X . 1627 Roval Kensington F . M . IT . R . A . C . ' 259 Prince of AVales AVillis's Rooms , King St ., St . James ' s , AV . Mark . 8 Thistle F . M . T .
( 1 st ) SATURDAY , APRIL Gth . 1622 Rose .. ; Surrey M . It ., Camberwell 1949 ! Brixton I Brixton Hall , Acre Lane IC . T . i — i 127 I Bard of Avon and Drury L .-tiie .. j 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . ( 2 nd ) MONDAY , APRIL Sth .
29 | St . Albans Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street , E . C . 58 Felicity Shi ]) and Turtle . Leadenhall St ., E . C . 90 ! St . John ' s Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street , EC . 136 ! Good Report Inns of Court Hot ., W . C . 193 j Confidence Andcrton's Hot ,, Fleet Street , E . C . 957 Leigh F . M . II . 1237 ! Enlield George Hot ., Enfield 1571 Leopold Bridge House HotelLondon BdgSE
, ., .. 1670 Adclphi F . M . H . 1891 St . Ambrose Baron ' . s Court Hot ., AVest Kensington 1922 Earl of Latlioni Greyhound Hot ., Slrcaiham 2243 Argonauts Cromwell Hall , Putney R . A . C . ' 22 Alount Sion Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . 1366 Highgate Gate llcuse'Tav ., Highgate Mark .
44 i Florence Nightingale M . II ., AVoolwieh ( 2 nd ) TUESDAY , APRIL ilth . 90 Burlington Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street , E . C . 198 Percy Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., E . C . 211 St . Michael ' s M . II ., Air Street , Regent Street 228 United . Strength Guildhall Tar ., Uresliam . Street , E . C . 235 Nine Muses AVillis ' s Kooms , St . James ' s , W . 54
S AVellington AVhite Swan Tav-., Deptford 834 Ranelagh Criterion , Piccadilly , W . 317 CosinoyoliUn . Cannon SU'eut Ho' ., E . C .
( 2 nd ) TUESDAY , APRIL 'Jth— continued , 933 Doric Andcrton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . 12 G 9 Stanhope Surrey M . H ., Camberwell 1593 Royal Naval College Ship Hot ., Greenwich 1604 AVanderers F . M . H . 1614 Covcnt Garden Criterion . Piccadilly , AV . 2127 Drury Lane Theatre RoyalDrury Lane
, R . A . C . 145 Prudent Brethren F . M . II . 185 Jerusalem F . M . T . Mark . 22 Sonthwark Bridge House Hot ., S . E .
( 2 nd ) AVEDNESDAY , APRIL 10 th . 3 Fidelity i F . M . H . 11 Enoch Ditto 13 Union AVaterloo I M . II ., AVilliam St ., AA ' oolwich 15 Kent F . M . H . 147 Justice AVhite Swan , Deptford 749 Bclgrave Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C .
781 Merchant Navy Silver Tav ., Burdett Rd ., Limehouse , E 12 C 0 John Hcrvey F . M . H . 1306 St . John Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate , E . C . 1538 St . Martin ' s-le-Grand ] Gt . Eastern Hotel , Liverpool Street 15 S 6 Upper Norwood I White Hart Hot ., Upper Norwood 1694 Imperial i Pier Hotel , Oakley Street , Chelsea 1900 Montague Guest i Inns of Court Hotel , AV . C . 2272 Rye I Peckham Public Hall , Rye Lane R . A . C . 1524 Duke of Connaught Anderton ' s Hot ., E . C . Mark . Old Kent Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., E . C .
( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , APRIL 1 lth . 19 Royal Athelstan Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 91 Regularity F . M . H . 206 Friendship Ship and Turtle , E . C . 238 Pilgrim F . M . H . 263 Bank of England Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street , E . C . 534 Polish National F . Al . II . Albion StreetEC
657 Canonbury Tav ., Aldcrsgate , .. 860 Dalbousie Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 879 Sonthwark Bridge House Hotel , S . E . 1076 Caliper Guildhall Tavern . Gresham St ., E . C . V 2 K , MnadanaM JM . Qr . s , Tsl Surrey RiJies , Camberwell 1471 Islington Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 1558 Duke of Connaught Surrey M . H ., Cambfinvell 1599 Skelmersdalc Ship and Turtle Leadenhall STtreel Hall
18 IM Coborn A ' estry , Bow 2047 Beckenham Public Hall , Beckenham 2090 Hammersmith A ' estry Hall , Hammersmith ' ' ' St . George ' s Trafalgar Hotel , Greenwich 619 Beadon M . II .. Masons'Avenue . E . C . 813- Now Concord Guildhall Tav ., Graham Street , E . C . 898 T ' emperance-in-the-East ... 6 , Newby Place , Poplar , E . Throe CrownsNnh Woolwich
1472 Henley . > - 1612 Earl of Carnarvon . Ladbroke Hall , Nuttaig llill 1716 All Saints' A ' estry Hall , Fairfield Road , Bow * ' 86 Sampson and Lion M . IL , Masons' Avenue , K . C . tt . C . ll . „ r , ,, c 44 Bard of Avon 33 , Golden Square , AV . N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London _ Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in sufficient time , —ED . M . S .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Royal Masonic Institutions.
R . M . I . B . —AVe have much pleasure in publishing the following ¦ official statement as a satisfactory evidence of careful tuition and training : —University Local Examination , Cambrielge , December , 1888 ; Honours—2 nd Class : A . Blunt , J . P . Seagrave , and J . P . Templeman ; 3 rd Class : F . F . Coleman , II . R . Graves , F . A . Herring ; anel the folloAving satisfied the examiners : S . II . Bevis , J .
Bloomfield . S . AV . Gibson , F . AV . Lewis , N . McCaskie , J . Shaw , L . Taylor , and J . E . AValters . There Avere nineteen candidates sent up , and fourteen passed , six with honours and eight to satisfaction of examiners . The report is signed by Bro . Morris , the head master , who with his staff is to be congratulated on the favourable result of the examination .
R . M . I . G . —AA . Bro . Lord Henniker , Provincial Grand Master for Suffolk , has undertaken the eluties of Chairman at the forthcoming festival of this Institution , to be held on AA ednesday , 2 nd May , and we shall hope to find that not only by his province , but generally throughout the craft , he will be w * ell supported . Notwithstanding the exceptionally large contribution at the Centenary Festival of this institution last A'ear . there are abundant reasons , and some of
even more importance than heretofore , why the stewards' lists on the 2 nd prox . should total to nearly if not epiite as much as in the years immediately preceding the centcnerary celebration . For one thing , it is proposed to increase at next clect : < n the number of pupils and inmates by so many as twenty , and that in itself will add materially to the coining year ' s requirements . AVith all this on our mind Ave cannot , howeA er , refrain from adding , JSrethren , don't forget the boys in June !
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
Madras Masonic Record , for March ; Proceedings of Grand Commundcry Knights Templars ef the State of Louisiana , 1839 : Proceedings of the , Grand , Chapter of R . A . M . ' s if the State of Louisiana , 1889 ; Proceedings of the District Grand Chapter of the Punjab ; Triads in Masonry , AVhymper ; Latoiitia .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
AV . Bro . James Stevens , P . M ., P . Z ., will deliver his popular lecture on the ritual of the first degree , entitled " Knobs and Excrescences , " in the Clapton Lodge of Instruction , No . 13 G 5 , at the "Lord Stanley , " Sandringham Road , Hackney , on Friday , the 12 th inst ., at 7 p . m .
The General Committee of R . M . I , for Boys Avill meet at F . M . Hall , London , on Saturday next , at 4 p . m . The General Committee of the R . M . Benevolent Institution
will meet at F . M . Hall , on AVednesday , the 10 th mst ., at 4 p . m . Bro . Augustus Harris Avill be installed Eminent Preceptor of the Bard of Avon and Drury Lane Preceptory of Knights' Templar , at 33 , Golden Square , London , on the ( ith inst .
Colonial Clippings.
The 20 th of March last past Avas the appointed clay for the constitution of the United Grand Lodge of Afctoria . and the installation of Bro . Sir AV . J . Clarke , Bart ., as the first M . AV . G . M . of the neAV Grand Loelge . Our advices Avill doubtless bring us , in elue course , particulars which will be of a very interesting nature , and , as far as space Avill permit , they shall be communicated to our readers .
The death of the Deputy G . Master of the Grand Lodge of all Scottish Freemasonry in India , the It . AV . Bro . J . Y . Lang , a P . M . of Lodge Caledonia , is a loss greatly to be deplored by our Indian brethren , and will be felt by many members of the craft nearer home . All the Scottish lodges in India have been placed in
mourning , and a memorial service in honour of the decea > ed brother has been held at Bombay . AVe note that Bro . K . R . Cam a , a member of the Avell-knoAvn Cama family * , of which our brother D . P . Cama , Past G . Treasurer of England , is also a member , took part in this service , and paid a just tribute to the memory of the lamented deceased .
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
" All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS' HALT , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Regulations . Louse F AME 0 F L 0 DGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING . Lo ° Uro J ^ op L ODGE AND C HAPTER . P LACE OF M EETING .
( T HIS DAY ) ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , APRIL 4 th . 10 AVcstminster and Keystone ... F . M . H . 27 Egyptian Andcrton ' s Hotel , E . C . 45 Strong Man M . H . Tav ., Hasinghull Street , E . C . 227 Ionic . Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., E . C . 554 Yarborough Green Dragon , Stepney . 822 A'ietoria Rillcs . F . M . li AVhite
1155 Excelsior Swan , Deptford . 1178 Perfect Ashlar Bridge House Hot ., S . E . 1672 Mornington Imperial Hot ., Holhorn Viaduct , E . C . 1707 Eleanor Great Eastern Hot ., Liverpool St ., E . C . 1772 Pinilico A'ictoria Mans . Rest .. Victoria St ., S . W . 1780 Old England M . TL , New Thornton H ' th . nr . Croydon 1 K 01 Co bo rii C April llth ) Vestry Hall , Bow R . A . C 2 StJames ' s FMII
. . . . 181 Universal Ditto 1381 Kennington Horns Tav ., Kennington , S . E . 1716 All Saints (? April 14 th ) ... Vestry Hall , Fairlield Road , Bow Mark . 197 Studholme 33 , Golden Square , AV . 244 Trinity College S 13 , Mamlevillc Place , AV . ( 1 st ) FRIDAY , APRIL 5 th .
7 UG Florence Nightingale I M . 11 ., AVilliam Street , AVoolwieh S 90 Hornsey Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 14 S 9 Maniuis of Ripon Cock Tav ., High bury , X . 1627 Roval Kensington F . M . IT . R . A . C . ' 259 Prince of AVales AVillis's Rooms , King St ., St . James ' s , AV . Mark . 8 Thistle F . M . T .
( 1 st ) SATURDAY , APRIL Gth . 1622 Rose .. ; Surrey M . It ., Camberwell 1949 ! Brixton I Brixton Hall , Acre Lane IC . T . i — i 127 I Bard of Avon and Drury L .-tiie .. j 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . ( 2 nd ) MONDAY , APRIL Sth .
29 | St . Albans Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street , E . C . 58 Felicity Shi ]) and Turtle . Leadenhall St ., E . C . 90 ! St . John ' s Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street , EC . 136 ! Good Report Inns of Court Hot ., W . C . 193 j Confidence Andcrton's Hot ,, Fleet Street , E . C . 957 Leigh F . M . II . 1237 ! Enlield George Hot ., Enfield 1571 Leopold Bridge House HotelLondon BdgSE
, ., .. 1670 Adclphi F . M . H . 1891 St . Ambrose Baron ' . s Court Hot ., AVest Kensington 1922 Earl of Latlioni Greyhound Hot ., Slrcaiham 2243 Argonauts Cromwell Hall , Putney R . A . C . ' 22 Alount Sion Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . 1366 Highgate Gate llcuse'Tav ., Highgate Mark .
44 i Florence Nightingale M . II ., AVoolwieh ( 2 nd ) TUESDAY , APRIL ilth . 90 Burlington Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street , E . C . 198 Percy Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., E . C . 211 St . Michael ' s M . II ., Air Street , Regent Street 228 United . Strength Guildhall Tar ., Uresliam . Street , E . C . 235 Nine Muses AVillis ' s Kooms , St . James ' s , W . 54
S AVellington AVhite Swan Tav-., Deptford 834 Ranelagh Criterion , Piccadilly , W . 317 CosinoyoliUn . Cannon SU'eut Ho' ., E . C .
( 2 nd ) TUESDAY , APRIL 'Jth— continued , 933 Doric Andcrton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . 12 G 9 Stanhope Surrey M . H ., Camberwell 1593 Royal Naval College Ship Hot ., Greenwich 1604 AVanderers F . M . H . 1614 Covcnt Garden Criterion . Piccadilly , AV . 2127 Drury Lane Theatre RoyalDrury Lane
, R . A . C . 145 Prudent Brethren F . M . II . 185 Jerusalem F . M . T . Mark . 22 Sonthwark Bridge House Hot ., S . E .
( 2 nd ) AVEDNESDAY , APRIL 10 th . 3 Fidelity i F . M . H . 11 Enoch Ditto 13 Union AVaterloo I M . II ., AVilliam St ., AA ' oolwich 15 Kent F . M . H . 147 Justice AVhite Swan , Deptford 749 Bclgrave Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C .
781 Merchant Navy Silver Tav ., Burdett Rd ., Limehouse , E 12 C 0 John Hcrvey F . M . H . 1306 St . John Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate , E . C . 1538 St . Martin ' s-le-Grand ] Gt . Eastern Hotel , Liverpool Street 15 S 6 Upper Norwood I White Hart Hot ., Upper Norwood 1694 Imperial i Pier Hotel , Oakley Street , Chelsea 1900 Montague Guest i Inns of Court Hotel , AV . C . 2272 Rye I Peckham Public Hall , Rye Lane R . A . C . 1524 Duke of Connaught Anderton ' s Hot ., E . C . Mark . Old Kent Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., E . C .
( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , APRIL 1 lth . 19 Royal Athelstan Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 91 Regularity F . M . H . 206 Friendship Ship and Turtle , E . C . 238 Pilgrim F . M . H . 263 Bank of England Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street , E . C . 534 Polish National F . Al . II . Albion StreetEC
657 Canonbury Tav ., Aldcrsgate , .. 860 Dalbousie Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 879 Sonthwark Bridge House Hotel , S . E . 1076 Caliper Guildhall Tavern . Gresham St ., E . C . V 2 K , MnadanaM JM . Qr . s , Tsl Surrey RiJies , Camberwell 1471 Islington Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 1558 Duke of Connaught Surrey M . H ., Cambfinvell 1599 Skelmersdalc Ship and Turtle Leadenhall STtreel Hall
18 IM Coborn A ' estry , Bow 2047 Beckenham Public Hall , Beckenham 2090 Hammersmith A ' estry Hall , Hammersmith ' ' ' St . George ' s Trafalgar Hotel , Greenwich 619 Beadon M . II .. Masons'Avenue . E . C . 813- Now Concord Guildhall Tav ., Graham Street , E . C . 898 T ' emperance-in-the-East ... 6 , Newby Place , Poplar , E . Throe CrownsNnh Woolwich
1472 Henley . > - 1612 Earl of Carnarvon . Ladbroke Hall , Nuttaig llill 1716 All Saints' A ' estry Hall , Fairfield Road , Bow * ' 86 Sampson and Lion M . IL , Masons' Avenue , K . C . tt . C . ll . „ r , ,, c 44 Bard of Avon 33 , Golden Square , AV . N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London _ Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in sufficient time , —ED . M . S .