Article Original Correspondence. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic "Bitter-Sweet." Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
Many brethren are travelling long distances for the purpose of deliberation , in the interests of the Institution , on a crisis of the utmost gravity . It Avould be an insult to the Committee of Investigation ( as strong and capable a committee as could possibly be formed ) and a stultification of ourselves to ignore their report , or not to accept it as a judicial deliA'crancc on the present state of the
school . The feeling of indignation is strong and general , but the question noAV before us is hoAv the Institution can be thoroughly reformed anel purged from the abuses Avhich mar its usefulness . The more restrained and careful the discussion the more certain is a successful result . The House and Finance Committees are entitled to a patient
hearing , and the more freely this is accorded the stronger Avill be the position of those Avho propose to insist that reform shall be thorough , and not merely nominal . No institution can be reformed by vulgar and senseless clamour , and Avhile nothing less should content us than such a change in administration and system as Avill
guarantee a better management in the future—an object AA-hich must be presseel without consideration of persons—this result Avill be attained most effectually and most promptly by a resolution on the part of the General Court , as calm and deliberate as it is firm . Yours fraternally , J . BODKNIIAM , V . P .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
J . It ., CROYDON . —You arc wrong to reproach us for the result of your OAVII delay . Your communication could liavo reached us long- beforo it did ; and moreover it might have been in the form of a notice . AVe cannot undertake to prepare reports from programmes alone . J . P . lS ., Boi / rox—Your original songs shall appear in "Poet's Corner " PAMtASt QUI MERUIT FKRAT—See Trestle Board Column . LIFE GOVERNOR , M . B . F . —Your letter reaches us as AVC go to press . Shall have attention .
Ites Okrljattrjus antr Moohz fttctibtb . South African Freemason ; The Liberal Freemason , Boston , Mass ., U . S . A . ; Society .
Masonic "Bitter-Sweet."
Masonic "Bitter - Sweet . "
"Tho Aveu of our life is of a mingled yarn ; good and ill together . "—Shalcc . ipcrc . The Viator Lodge , membership of Avhich Avill be restricted to that very useful and hard working body , the commercial travellers of England . Avas consecrated on Saturday last by a very old " traveller " Col . Shaehvell Clerke , Avho for many years , both at home and abroad , has represented the grand old firm of " Queen and
Country , unlimited . The AVarclens chairs Avere filled by Bros . Belton and Matier , the oration of the Chaplain called forth the unanimous expression of " AVell done , AVeldon , " and the Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Frank Richardson , apparently solved the problem of being in tAvo places at once .
* * # AVe sat doAvn some seventy to dinner , which it is scarcely necessary to say Avas very satisfactory , and Brother Arthur CleniOAV , the manager of Anderton ' s Hotel AA orkedlike a galley slave to promote the comfort and harmony of the evening .
Jf- Jf- j / - ¦ 7 S * * 7 l * -JE * The General Committee of the Boys' School met on Saturday , and managed to beat the record . I have never been at Donnybrook Fair , nor do I know much , except theoretically , about a bear garden , but I shoulel say that either of these places Avould be a peaceful haven of rest after my experience of some of the life governors , who were barely restrained from open , violence .
• ft * w Tp If the Special General Court , on Thursday , is to be conducted on similar lines , I warn ill brethren Avho haA * o any respect for themselves to keep away . I most certainly belieA-e there Avill be nothing to be found in the hall on Friday but hats and boots . Like the farfamed Kilkenny cats , the opposing parties will have eaten each other . * J £ M . n * TP
My congratulations to the neAvly appointed grand officers of Grand Mark Lodge , and especially to such well-knoAvn brethren as Lord Cremorne , Sir Lionel Darell , AV . G . Lemon , occ . This popular Grand body may Avell be high up in the favour of the universal craft . As I foreshadoAved some time ago , the "Great Earl" of Euston has succeeded the lamented Canon Portal as President of the General Board . Long life and health to him .
I am told the contest for the Board of General purposes bids fair to be very close . I have no doubt but that tho good sense of the electors Avill take care that the best men AVHI . THK DINER OUT .
HOUNSEY CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT—No . 800 . —A coirvocation Avas hekl at the Porchester Hotel , Leinster Place , Cleveland Square , Paildington . AV . Present : G . March , J . 733 , M . E . Z . ; AV . C . AVilliams , II . 733 , II . ; J . Davies , N . 733 , J . ; II . Dehane , P . Z . 890 , S . E . ; AV . II . Chalfont , N . 1 ) 75 , S . N . ; J . Cruttenden , 779 , P . S . ; M . Speigel , 834 . The chapter Avas declared open for the purpose of improvement . The minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . Tho
eeremony of exaltation Avas rehearsed , Comp . Chalfont , candidate . A letter from Comp . Dean Avas read , thanking tho companions for their kind sympathy during his illness , anel that he hoped to be present at the next convocation . Comp . Davies Avas elected M . E . Z . for the ensuing tAvo weeks . After hearty gooel wishes the chapter was closed .
Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
A Half-yearly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and A \ ales , and the Colonies and Depen dencies of the British Crown , Avas held in the Hall at Holborn Restaurant , London , on Tuesday , the Ith inst ., the Right Hon . the Marquess of Hertford , R . AV . Deputy Grand Master , presiding . The R . AA . Bro . William Kelly , Prov . G . M ., Leicestershire , acted as
D . G . M . The R . AV . Bros , the Right Hon . the Earl of Euston , G . S . AA arden , anel the Hon . Alan do Tatton Egerton , G . J . Warden , occupied their respectiA r e chairs ; and the remaining Grand Officers were also present , together Avith a large assemblage of Past Granel Officers , anel the Masters , AVardens , Overseers , and brethren of private lodges . Grand Lodge having been opened in form , the
presiding Grand Master , in a feeling address , referred to the great loss sustained by the Order by the recent lamented ilecease of tho M . AA \ Bro . the ReA * . Canon Portal , Past Grand Master , which melancholy event liael been formally communicated to the Granel Lodge on the 12 th April , anel AA-hose eminent ability and zealous service had so materially conduced to the successful progress of the Mark
Degree . Words Avere inadequate to describe the appreciation of those lengthened anel valuable services , which would ever be gratefully remembered by all whose gooel fortune it Avas to be associated Avith him in the various spheres of labour in Avhich he had played so conspicuous a part . A letter of condolence had been forwarded to Mrs . Portal conve >* ing a tribute of respect and
affectionate remembrance , to Avhich a sympathetic reply had been made , and therefore no further resolution Avas necessary . It would not , hoAA'ever . have been fitting to commence the business of the present communication , more particularly as Granel Lodge anel its members evidenced their SOITOAV by the outAA'ard tokens of mourning , Avithout some reference to the loss they had sustained , anel a
SOITOAVful remembrance of their lamented brother ' s association Avith them even up to the date of their last meeting , when he atlvocated the purpose they hael in vieAV of securing premises for the future convenience of their Grand Loelge . The R . AV . Bro . AV . Kelly , acting Dep . G . M ., endorsed the observations of the acting Granel Master . The minutes of the Grand Lodge , held on the ( ith December
last , and of the Special Grand Lodge , held on the oth March , Avere then confirmed . The folloAving recommendations of the General Board Avere unanimously agreed , viz . : — " That in the Colonies and Dependencies of the British CroAvn the title of ' Provincial Grand Lodge' shall bo changed to ' District Grand Lodge , ' and that poAvers be given to such
District Grand Lodge to regulate the Fees paj / ablc to their own Funds , subject to the approval of the Board ; " and , "That the rank of Past Master be conferred on the Most AVorshipful Bro . Chief Justice AA ay , Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of South Australia , anel that the Aelelaide Loelge , No . -11 , be authorised to carry this
resolution into effect . " The remainder of the Report AA'as aelopted , together Avith a recommendation of a Grant to the AVidoAV of a deceased brother . The acceptance of the position of Most AVorshipful Granel Master for the ensuing year by H . R . H . the Prince of AVales Avas announceel and proclaimed in the customary manner . The following brethren
were appointed by His Royal Highness , anel in most instances Avere invested by the Acting Grand Master , viz .: — The Rt . Hon . Lord Egerton of Tatton ... Pro Grand Master . The Most Hon . the Marquess of Hertford ... Dep . G . Master . The Rt . Hon . Lord Cremorne G . S . AV . Sir Lionel Darell , Bart G . J . AV .
Richard Vassar Vassar Smith G . M . O . AV . G . Lemon G . S . O . Butler AVilkins G . J . O . The Rev . Dr . Herbert Kynaston G . Chap . The Rev . Trevor Parkins G . Chan .
Henry Faija ( elected ) G . Treas . Frank Richardson G . Reg . The Rt . Hon . the Earl of Euston Pres . G . Bd . Frederick Binckes G . Sec . Felix Sumner Knyvett G .. S . D . AVilliam Goodacre G . S . D .
Henry Stocker G . J . D . II . E . Cousans G . J . D . Rowland Plumbe G . Insp . AVks . Robert Berridge G . Dir . Cer . J . H . Matthews G . Asst . D . C . J . B . Bridgman G . Asst . D . C .
Dr . F . B . Purchas G . Swel . Br . AV . F . Christian G . Std . Br . A . R . Carter G . Std . Br . Thomas Troman G . Org . Chas . Fitzgerald Matier A . G . Sec . Joseph MahiAvarmg ... ... ... ... G . I . G . J . Umvin A . G . I . G .
Grand , Stewards . Bros , J . M . Collins , Bon Accord Lodge ; E . M . Money , Olel Kent Lodge ; Philip Saillarel , Grosvenor Lodge , Ml ; Edwin Storr , Brixton , 231 ; T . E . Bielellecombe , Trinity College , 2-14 ; G . II . NeAvington Bridges , Kintore , 333 ; J . AV . HoAvard Thompson , Percy ,
144 ; Henry Fisher , Prov . of AVanvickshire ; AVilliam Denne , Invicta , No . 378 ; G . J . Brady , Prov . of Dorsetshire ; AV . It . Felton , ProA * . of Glo ' ster anel Hereford ; S . Knight , Prov . of Berks and Oxon ; K . McEwen , Prov . of North AVales ; and G . P . Airey . Alfred , No . 247 .
Gnival Ji ' oard , Bros . Frederic Davison , Alfred AVilliams , James Moon , C . II . Driver , Thomas Cubitt , George Cooper , IX George Mickley , J . E . DaAvson , R . Loveland Lovelancl , A . F . Godson , M . J ' ., anel Rev . Hayman Cuinmings , Tno Grand Lodge having been closed Avith solemn prayer , a large proportion of the brethren adjourned to banquet .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
Many brethren are travelling long distances for the purpose of deliberation , in the interests of the Institution , on a crisis of the utmost gravity . It Avould be an insult to the Committee of Investigation ( as strong and capable a committee as could possibly be formed ) and a stultification of ourselves to ignore their report , or not to accept it as a judicial deliA'crancc on the present state of the
school . The feeling of indignation is strong and general , but the question noAV before us is hoAv the Institution can be thoroughly reformed anel purged from the abuses Avhich mar its usefulness . The more restrained and careful the discussion the more certain is a successful result . The House and Finance Committees are entitled to a patient
hearing , and the more freely this is accorded the stronger Avill be the position of those Avho propose to insist that reform shall be thorough , and not merely nominal . No institution can be reformed by vulgar and senseless clamour , and Avhile nothing less should content us than such a change in administration and system as Avill
guarantee a better management in the future—an object AA-hich must be presseel without consideration of persons—this result Avill be attained most effectually and most promptly by a resolution on the part of the General Court , as calm and deliberate as it is firm . Yours fraternally , J . BODKNIIAM , V . P .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
J . It ., CROYDON . —You arc wrong to reproach us for the result of your OAVII delay . Your communication could liavo reached us long- beforo it did ; and moreover it might have been in the form of a notice . AVe cannot undertake to prepare reports from programmes alone . J . P . lS ., Boi / rox—Your original songs shall appear in "Poet's Corner " PAMtASt QUI MERUIT FKRAT—See Trestle Board Column . LIFE GOVERNOR , M . B . F . —Your letter reaches us as AVC go to press . Shall have attention .
Ites Okrljattrjus antr Moohz fttctibtb . South African Freemason ; The Liberal Freemason , Boston , Mass ., U . S . A . ; Society .
Masonic "Bitter-Sweet."
Masonic "Bitter - Sweet . "
"Tho Aveu of our life is of a mingled yarn ; good and ill together . "—Shalcc . ipcrc . The Viator Lodge , membership of Avhich Avill be restricted to that very useful and hard working body , the commercial travellers of England . Avas consecrated on Saturday last by a very old " traveller " Col . Shaehvell Clerke , Avho for many years , both at home and abroad , has represented the grand old firm of " Queen and
Country , unlimited . The AVarclens chairs Avere filled by Bros . Belton and Matier , the oration of the Chaplain called forth the unanimous expression of " AVell done , AVeldon , " and the Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Frank Richardson , apparently solved the problem of being in tAvo places at once .
* * # AVe sat doAvn some seventy to dinner , which it is scarcely necessary to say Avas very satisfactory , and Brother Arthur CleniOAV , the manager of Anderton ' s Hotel AA orkedlike a galley slave to promote the comfort and harmony of the evening .
Jf- Jf- j / - ¦ 7 S * * 7 l * -JE * The General Committee of the Boys' School met on Saturday , and managed to beat the record . I have never been at Donnybrook Fair , nor do I know much , except theoretically , about a bear garden , but I shoulel say that either of these places Avould be a peaceful haven of rest after my experience of some of the life governors , who were barely restrained from open , violence .
• ft * w Tp If the Special General Court , on Thursday , is to be conducted on similar lines , I warn ill brethren Avho haA * o any respect for themselves to keep away . I most certainly belieA-e there Avill be nothing to be found in the hall on Friday but hats and boots . Like the farfamed Kilkenny cats , the opposing parties will have eaten each other . * J £ M . n * TP
My congratulations to the neAvly appointed grand officers of Grand Mark Lodge , and especially to such well-knoAvn brethren as Lord Cremorne , Sir Lionel Darell , AV . G . Lemon , occ . This popular Grand body may Avell be high up in the favour of the universal craft . As I foreshadoAved some time ago , the "Great Earl" of Euston has succeeded the lamented Canon Portal as President of the General Board . Long life and health to him .
I am told the contest for the Board of General purposes bids fair to be very close . I have no doubt but that tho good sense of the electors Avill take care that the best men AVHI . THK DINER OUT .
HOUNSEY CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT—No . 800 . —A coirvocation Avas hekl at the Porchester Hotel , Leinster Place , Cleveland Square , Paildington . AV . Present : G . March , J . 733 , M . E . Z . ; AV . C . AVilliams , II . 733 , II . ; J . Davies , N . 733 , J . ; II . Dehane , P . Z . 890 , S . E . ; AV . II . Chalfont , N . 1 ) 75 , S . N . ; J . Cruttenden , 779 , P . S . ; M . Speigel , 834 . The chapter Avas declared open for the purpose of improvement . The minutes of the last convocation were read and confirmed . Tho
eeremony of exaltation Avas rehearsed , Comp . Chalfont , candidate . A letter from Comp . Dean Avas read , thanking tho companions for their kind sympathy during his illness , anel that he hoped to be present at the next convocation . Comp . Davies Avas elected M . E . Z . for the ensuing tAvo weeks . After hearty gooel wishes the chapter was closed .
Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
A Half-yearly Communication of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and A \ ales , and the Colonies and Depen dencies of the British Crown , Avas held in the Hall at Holborn Restaurant , London , on Tuesday , the Ith inst ., the Right Hon . the Marquess of Hertford , R . AV . Deputy Grand Master , presiding . The R . AA . Bro . William Kelly , Prov . G . M ., Leicestershire , acted as
D . G . M . The R . AV . Bros , the Right Hon . the Earl of Euston , G . S . AA arden , anel the Hon . Alan do Tatton Egerton , G . J . Warden , occupied their respectiA r e chairs ; and the remaining Grand Officers were also present , together Avith a large assemblage of Past Granel Officers , anel the Masters , AVardens , Overseers , and brethren of private lodges . Grand Lodge having been opened in form , the
presiding Grand Master , in a feeling address , referred to the great loss sustained by the Order by the recent lamented ilecease of tho M . AA \ Bro . the ReA * . Canon Portal , Past Grand Master , which melancholy event liael been formally communicated to the Granel Lodge on the 12 th April , anel AA-hose eminent ability and zealous service had so materially conduced to the successful progress of the Mark
Degree . Words Avere inadequate to describe the appreciation of those lengthened anel valuable services , which would ever be gratefully remembered by all whose gooel fortune it Avas to be associated Avith him in the various spheres of labour in Avhich he had played so conspicuous a part . A letter of condolence had been forwarded to Mrs . Portal conve >* ing a tribute of respect and
affectionate remembrance , to Avhich a sympathetic reply had been made , and therefore no further resolution Avas necessary . It would not , hoAA'ever . have been fitting to commence the business of the present communication , more particularly as Granel Lodge anel its members evidenced their SOITOAV by the outAA'ard tokens of mourning , Avithout some reference to the loss they had sustained , anel a
SOITOAVful remembrance of their lamented brother ' s association Avith them even up to the date of their last meeting , when he atlvocated the purpose they hael in vieAV of securing premises for the future convenience of their Grand Loelge . The R . AV . Bro . AV . Kelly , acting Dep . G . M ., endorsed the observations of the acting Granel Master . The minutes of the Grand Lodge , held on the ( ith December
last , and of the Special Grand Lodge , held on the oth March , Avere then confirmed . The folloAving recommendations of the General Board Avere unanimously agreed , viz . : — " That in the Colonies and Dependencies of the British CroAvn the title of ' Provincial Grand Lodge' shall bo changed to ' District Grand Lodge , ' and that poAvers be given to such
District Grand Lodge to regulate the Fees paj / ablc to their own Funds , subject to the approval of the Board ; " and , "That the rank of Past Master be conferred on the Most AVorshipful Bro . Chief Justice AA ay , Grand Master of Free and Accepted Masons of South Australia , anel that the Aelelaide Loelge , No . -11 , be authorised to carry this
resolution into effect . " The remainder of the Report AA'as aelopted , together Avith a recommendation of a Grant to the AVidoAV of a deceased brother . The acceptance of the position of Most AVorshipful Granel Master for the ensuing year by H . R . H . the Prince of AVales Avas announceel and proclaimed in the customary manner . The following brethren
were appointed by His Royal Highness , anel in most instances Avere invested by the Acting Grand Master , viz .: — The Rt . Hon . Lord Egerton of Tatton ... Pro Grand Master . The Most Hon . the Marquess of Hertford ... Dep . G . Master . The Rt . Hon . Lord Cremorne G . S . AV . Sir Lionel Darell , Bart G . J . AV .
Richard Vassar Vassar Smith G . M . O . AV . G . Lemon G . S . O . Butler AVilkins G . J . O . The Rev . Dr . Herbert Kynaston G . Chap . The Rev . Trevor Parkins G . Chan .
Henry Faija ( elected ) G . Treas . Frank Richardson G . Reg . The Rt . Hon . the Earl of Euston Pres . G . Bd . Frederick Binckes G . Sec . Felix Sumner Knyvett G .. S . D . AVilliam Goodacre G . S . D .
Henry Stocker G . J . D . II . E . Cousans G . J . D . Rowland Plumbe G . Insp . AVks . Robert Berridge G . Dir . Cer . J . H . Matthews G . Asst . D . C . J . B . Bridgman G . Asst . D . C .
Dr . F . B . Purchas G . Swel . Br . AV . F . Christian G . Std . Br . A . R . Carter G . Std . Br . Thomas Troman G . Org . Chas . Fitzgerald Matier A . G . Sec . Joseph MahiAvarmg ... ... ... ... G . I . G . J . Umvin A . G . I . G .
Grand , Stewards . Bros , J . M . Collins , Bon Accord Lodge ; E . M . Money , Olel Kent Lodge ; Philip Saillarel , Grosvenor Lodge , Ml ; Edwin Storr , Brixton , 231 ; T . E . Bielellecombe , Trinity College , 2-14 ; G . II . NeAvington Bridges , Kintore , 333 ; J . AV . HoAvard Thompson , Percy ,
144 ; Henry Fisher , Prov . of AVanvickshire ; AVilliam Denne , Invicta , No . 378 ; G . J . Brady , Prov . of Dorsetshire ; AV . It . Felton , ProA * . of Glo ' ster anel Hereford ; S . Knight , Prov . of Berks and Oxon ; K . McEwen , Prov . of North AVales ; and G . P . Airey . Alfred , No . 247 .
Gnival Ji ' oard , Bros . Frederic Davison , Alfred AVilliams , James Moon , C . II . Driver , Thomas Cubitt , George Cooper , IX George Mickley , J . E . DaAvson , R . Loveland Lovelancl , A . F . Godson , M . J ' ., anel Rev . Hayman Cuinmings , Tno Grand Lodge having been closed Avith solemn prayer , a large proportion of the brethren adjourned to banquet .