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LI _ M _ IT _ EID - Incorporated under the Companies' Acts , 1862 to 1886 . Capital £ 25 , 000 , In 2 , 500 Shares of . £ 10 each , of which 2 , 300 are offered for Subscription at par , and are payable as follows : -SI per Sn £ u _? e on application . _ S 3 per Sl _ . E _ . re on allotment . _ B 3 pes ? Share one month after allotment . And the balance—if required—at an interval of not less than three months . Where no allotment is made the amount paid on application will be returned in full , and where the number of Shares allotted is less than the amount applied for the surplus will be credited to the payment on allotment . THESE SHARES ARE , IN THE FIRST PLACE , OFFERED TO JFJE ^ ttttl & JL & 02 X & ' And each holder of five Shares will be entitled to nominate a Boy for admission on the advantageous terms specified below . Jjjah'otts . THE RT . HON . EARL FERRERS . Prov . G . M . of Leicestershire . COL . E . C . MALET DE CARTERET . Prov . G . M . of Jersey . THE RT . HON . THE EARL OF HARDWICKE , Prov . G . M . of WILLIAM HENRY GRENFELL , ESQ ., Taplow Court , Cambridgeshire . Maidenhead . CEouncil unit Jjirrritrrs . THE REV . DR . MORRIS . P . M ., Head Master R . M . Inst . ( Boys ) . CAPTAIN J . PERCY GROVES ( late 27 th Inniskillings ) . Caversham , CAPTAIN SADLER , P . M ., 67 . Medora Road , Brixton Hill , S . W . Oxon . JOHN KERSHAW , ESQ .. C . E ., u Marazion , " St . Leonards-on-Sea . E . J . SHREWSBURY , ESQ ., A . R . I B . A ., P . M ., Maidenhead . Berks . ^ Cjenir ittnsfcr . THE REV . JAMES PAYNE , D . C . L ., P . P . G . Ch . Oxon . 151 rtttltcrs . LONDON AND COUNTY BANK , and all its Branches . j STEPHENS , BLANDY & CO ., Maidenhead and Reading . Hinliritors . WM . OSBORNE JONES , ESQ ., 8 , Mason ' s Avenue , London , E . C . | F . A . JONES , ESQ ., Maidenhead , Berks . f § cmtnr" ( pro tem . ) SJcmpornrn ( Dffirrs . Mil . C . H . RICKS . 1 , Park Street , Maidenhead , Berks . PROSPECTUS . THIS Company has been formed Avith the object of providing a PUBLIC SCHOOL education of the highest class for the sons of Freemasons and others , at the least possible cost consistent Avith efficiency . Such a school will , it is believed , meet a want already expressed by many brethren , and considering the numbers and influence of Freemasons , there is no doubt that a school supporteil by them cannot fail to bo a great success . As a first step the Company has contracted to purchase the freehold premises known as Craufurd College , Maidenhead , Berks , together Avith the playing fields ( about 13 acres ) , fixtures , fittings , furniture , and goodwill for £ 16 ,-23 , of which sum the vendor takes £ 2 , 000 in fully paiel-up Shares in the Company , Avhich will take over the College as a going concern from the date of the completion of the purchase . This property is most admirably adapted for the purpose required . It is within 25 miles of London , on the main line of the Great Western Railway . The position is particularly healthy , being on high ground and gravel soil . The premises comprise : the Head Master ' s residence , the College buildings , with accommodation for 127 boys , and , in addition to the ordinary requirements of a school , there are C 0 A ered fives courts , a cinder track for cycling and sports , a gymnasium , carpenter ' s room , large tepid swimmii'g bath , and a laboratory . The College Avas founded upwards of 10 years ago , and has ever since been doing good work in the education of sons of gentlemen . It is now . and has for some years past , been conducted under the Head Mastership of the REV . JAMES PAYNE , D . C . L ., assisted by a Wrangler , and other Graduates in honours of Oxford and Cambridge , and in the last Report on the condition of the College , dated July , 1888 , the REV . R . K . VINTER , M . A . ( late Fellow of St . John ' s College , Cambridge , Examiner for the Cambrieige Local Syndicate ) saj-s : "It is evident that the course of education adopted at Craufurd College is Avell defined and thorough . The " youngest is able to move upward step by step until he is ready to present himself for the most searching competitive examinations . ' ¦ ' Such a plan avoids high-pressure and must recommend itself to parents as the proper and surest way of educating youth . " Arrangements have been made by which DR . PAYNE and the present staff of Masters Avill continue in the service of the Company , and there are at present some 50 boarders at the School . The advantage of the purchase to Shareholders is manifest , as the Company is saA'ed the necessity of starting a school , by acquiring this long-establishetl one , thus earning a dividend from the commencement . There is no other school offering advantages to Freemasons ; it may therefore confidently be expected that the number of pupils will speedily reach 100 , in . which case it is estimated that the profits of the Company Avill not be less than £ 10 per cent . ( I . ) The Shares are , in the first instance , offered to Freemasons , and all vacancies in the school will be filled up first from the sons of Shareholders ; in the second place from the sons of Freemasons ; and lastly from the sons of the public generally . iThe holders of not less than five Shares may nominate a boy for admission into the school on the terms specifieel below . ( II . ) Special exhibitions , tenable at the College , Avill be offered for competition to sons of Freemasons . ( III ) . Scholarships will be given ( as funds permit ) to those Avho wish to proceed from the College to the Universities . ( IV . ) Exhibitions will be offered to a few of the cleverest and most deserving boys of the Royal Masonic Institution , to enable them to continue their education at Craufurd College after leaving the former . The terms are at present fixed as follows : — BOARDERS under 1-1 nominated by Shareholders 50 Guhuas . ,, ,, un-nominatetl „ .. .. ., 60 „ „ over 14 , but under 16 , nominated „ 60 „ -, „ un-nominatcd ,, 70 ,, ,. OA'er 1 ( 5 . at Special Terms DAY SCHOLARS , nominated 20 Guineas . „ un-nominated .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 . „ The Directors are empowered ( after the Shareholders have received at lea * t : C 5 per cent . ) to set aside the profits , or a portion thereof for the aboAHi-mentioned Exhibitions and Scholarships , and it is believed that Freemasons Avill assist by donations to augment this Fund . A member of the Craft has already offered two exhibitions for the benefit of boys coming from the Roya ) Masonic School . Applications for Shares should be made to the Bankers' Solicitors , or at the Offices oj the Company ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
LI _ M _ IT _ EID - Incorporated under the Companies' Acts , 1862 to 1886 . Capital £ 25 , 000 , In 2 , 500 Shares of . £ 10 each , of which 2 , 300 are offered for Subscription at par , and are payable as follows : -SI per Sn £ u _? e on application . _ S 3 per Sl _ . E _ . re on allotment . _ B 3 pes ? Share one month after allotment . And the balance—if required—at an interval of not less than three months . Where no allotment is made the amount paid on application will be returned in full , and where the number of Shares allotted is less than the amount applied for the surplus will be credited to the payment on allotment . THESE SHARES ARE , IN THE FIRST PLACE , OFFERED TO JFJE ^ ttttl & JL & 02 X & ' And each holder of five Shares will be entitled to nominate a Boy for admission on the advantageous terms specified below . Jjjah'otts . THE RT . HON . EARL FERRERS . Prov . G . M . of Leicestershire . COL . E . C . MALET DE CARTERET . Prov . G . M . of Jersey . THE RT . HON . THE EARL OF HARDWICKE , Prov . G . M . of WILLIAM HENRY GRENFELL , ESQ ., Taplow Court , Cambridgeshire . Maidenhead . CEouncil unit Jjirrritrrs . THE REV . DR . MORRIS . P . M ., Head Master R . M . Inst . ( Boys ) . CAPTAIN J . PERCY GROVES ( late 27 th Inniskillings ) . Caversham , CAPTAIN SADLER , P . M ., 67 . Medora Road , Brixton Hill , S . W . Oxon . JOHN KERSHAW , ESQ .. C . E ., u Marazion , " St . Leonards-on-Sea . E . J . SHREWSBURY , ESQ ., A . R . I B . A ., P . M ., Maidenhead . Berks . ^ Cjenir ittnsfcr . THE REV . JAMES PAYNE , D . C . L ., P . P . G . Ch . Oxon . 151 rtttltcrs . LONDON AND COUNTY BANK , and all its Branches . j STEPHENS , BLANDY & CO ., Maidenhead and Reading . Hinliritors . WM . OSBORNE JONES , ESQ ., 8 , Mason ' s Avenue , London , E . C . | F . A . JONES , ESQ ., Maidenhead , Berks . f § cmtnr" ( pro tem . ) SJcmpornrn ( Dffirrs . Mil . C . H . RICKS . 1 , Park Street , Maidenhead , Berks . PROSPECTUS . THIS Company has been formed Avith the object of providing a PUBLIC SCHOOL education of the highest class for the sons of Freemasons and others , at the least possible cost consistent Avith efficiency . Such a school will , it is believed , meet a want already expressed by many brethren , and considering the numbers and influence of Freemasons , there is no doubt that a school supporteil by them cannot fail to bo a great success . As a first step the Company has contracted to purchase the freehold premises known as Craufurd College , Maidenhead , Berks , together Avith the playing fields ( about 13 acres ) , fixtures , fittings , furniture , and goodwill for £ 16 ,-23 , of which sum the vendor takes £ 2 , 000 in fully paiel-up Shares in the Company , Avhich will take over the College as a going concern from the date of the completion of the purchase . This property is most admirably adapted for the purpose required . It is within 25 miles of London , on the main line of the Great Western Railway . The position is particularly healthy , being on high ground and gravel soil . The premises comprise : the Head Master ' s residence , the College buildings , with accommodation for 127 boys , and , in addition to the ordinary requirements of a school , there are C 0 A ered fives courts , a cinder track for cycling and sports , a gymnasium , carpenter ' s room , large tepid swimmii'g bath , and a laboratory . The College Avas founded upwards of 10 years ago , and has ever since been doing good work in the education of sons of gentlemen . It is now . and has for some years past , been conducted under the Head Mastership of the REV . JAMES PAYNE , D . C . L ., assisted by a Wrangler , and other Graduates in honours of Oxford and Cambridge , and in the last Report on the condition of the College , dated July , 1888 , the REV . R . K . VINTER , M . A . ( late Fellow of St . John ' s College , Cambridge , Examiner for the Cambrieige Local Syndicate ) saj-s : "It is evident that the course of education adopted at Craufurd College is Avell defined and thorough . The " youngest is able to move upward step by step until he is ready to present himself for the most searching competitive examinations . ' ¦ ' Such a plan avoids high-pressure and must recommend itself to parents as the proper and surest way of educating youth . " Arrangements have been made by which DR . PAYNE and the present staff of Masters Avill continue in the service of the Company , and there are at present some 50 boarders at the School . The advantage of the purchase to Shareholders is manifest , as the Company is saA'ed the necessity of starting a school , by acquiring this long-establishetl one , thus earning a dividend from the commencement . There is no other school offering advantages to Freemasons ; it may therefore confidently be expected that the number of pupils will speedily reach 100 , in . which case it is estimated that the profits of the Company Avill not be less than £ 10 per cent . ( I . ) The Shares are , in the first instance , offered to Freemasons , and all vacancies in the school will be filled up first from the sons of Shareholders ; in the second place from the sons of Freemasons ; and lastly from the sons of the public generally . iThe holders of not less than five Shares may nominate a boy for admission into the school on the terms specifieel below . ( II . ) Special exhibitions , tenable at the College , Avill be offered for competition to sons of Freemasons . ( III ) . Scholarships will be given ( as funds permit ) to those Avho wish to proceed from the College to the Universities . ( IV . ) Exhibitions will be offered to a few of the cleverest and most deserving boys of the Royal Masonic Institution , to enable them to continue their education at Craufurd College after leaving the former . The terms are at present fixed as follows : — BOARDERS under 1-1 nominated by Shareholders 50 Guhuas . ,, ,, un-nominatetl „ .. .. ., 60 „ „ over 14 , but under 16 , nominated „ 60 „ -, „ un-nominatcd ,, 70 ,, ,. OA'er 1 ( 5 . at Special Terms DAY SCHOLARS , nominated 20 Guineas . „ un-nominated .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 . „ The Directors are empowered ( after the Shareholders have received at lea * t : C 5 per cent . ) to set aside the profits , or a portion thereof for the aboAHi-mentioned Exhibitions and Scholarships , and it is believed that Freemasons Avill assist by donations to augment this Fund . A member of the Craft has already offered two exhibitions for the benefit of boys coming from the Roya ) Masonic School . Applications for Shares should be made to the Bankers' Solicitors , or at the Offices oj the Company ,