Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
FOR AGED FREEMASONS and WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . ( Kntntr patron anir ^ prcsiircttt : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . THE ANNIVEBSARY FESTIVAL AVILL TAKE PLACE AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , On WEDNESDAY , 21 th FEBRUARY , 1889 ; UPON AVHICH OCCASION The Right Honble . The EARL OF EUSTON , R . W . Prov . G . M ., Northants . and Hunts ., has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . BRETHREN are earnestly invited to accept the Office of SteAvards upon this occasion , and they will greatly oblige by fonvarding their names and masonic rank , as soon as convenient , to the Secretary , Avho will gladly give any information required , and supply them Avith the necessary circulars , < fcc . It is fraternally hoped that upon this occasion , OAving to the large number of applicants and the feAV vacancies , Brethren Avill use their influence to obtain donations towards the funds of the Institution , Avhich were never more needed than at the present time . Expenditure in Annuities alone , £ 15 , 000 . Permanent income only , £ 3 , 600 . 428 Annuitants on the Funds . 140 Candidates seeking" admission . JAMES TERRY , Vice-Patron , P . G . S . B ., Office : —4 , FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . Secretary .
ML ^ BY HER MAJESTY'S { | | fe | ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . ^ J | l t : 'jw ' " ' ^ gjt ¦ TO MERCURY . — NO DA . T 6 ER . — NO 6 LYCERI-TE . _ B _ RO _ MI _ E 3 : ____ I _ A _ ID' S Patent Double-Valve Gas Governors . 11 * ^ Instruments are , without doubt , the Cheapest and Simplest in the Market . _ I \ M' VVVMVWVVAVSVANVVVVVMVV J ^ J _^? _ 5 _^&>_ . __ jE . ziensi velii ado / jtecl ~ by Tl . J ^ f . Crovainxntervt . the , aristocracy . * - •¦___¦___ . _ , i - _ - _ i--r ^* v <" - - * - e - „ ¦ __ /¦ HI- '_______ . TJSC : * M ctrtd . Utrqest nxccriciftLctLirers tit / : 7 ie worlcL . ^ P *™^ n ( iJ _ 5 __ nS ^^ f HI VWi % r - "» ' WV- |< - » ^^ 'VVV Sr ^ VVV ^ N ^ % HVl V ^ f St . George ' s Works , London Fields Station , \ SEK LOINT-DO-I-T . _ E 3 . g ,. % - ~ - ¦ - ~ ^ -Wj ^ Guaranteed for 7 years . Saving 20 to 60 per cent .
W «? V _/ __ fa ___ I ______ O « 73 , OORNHILL , E . G . For Trices , see daily papers . Trucks direct from the Colliery to every Railway Station .
FOURTH ANNUAL jfarth . London ] Y _ asonic Benevolent Ball . V : i ) KR TUB r . lTKOXAOK OF Sill A . KAYK KOLLIT , AT . P ., mid COWLEY LAAI 15 KRT , E * Q ., M . P . I ' res ' nlriil - ( . ' HAULMS Towxi . KV , ICM . . Yire-I'rcsiilculs—liro . J . TKHHV , P . fr . S . H .: liro . F . JII . NCKKS , P . G . S . I ! . ; l ! ro . F . It . AV . \\" . Unniiics , l ' . fi .. S . P ..: IJro . IJinv . uti ) Tniiuv , I ' . d' . S . and P . M . liu , i , ws . rilirE FOURTH ANXUAL BALL will be held at the FKKEMASONS' TAVKRX , GREAT JL QI ; KI : X STREET . AV . C , on AVEDXESDAA- , JANUARY _ » , IHH ' . I . TICKETS ( including Supper and Light Refreshments ) : — D .. IM : I . K TICKKT ( to admit Lady and Gentleman ) , 21 / -. GENTLE . YIAX' . S SIXULE . 12 / 6 . LADY ' S SIXUI . R , 10 / 6 . The Profits accruing from this Ball will be given to the Masonic Charities . Dancing to commence at 8 . 30 p . m . precisely . Bro . WRIGHT'S Quadrille Band , A dispensation to wear Masonic Clothing has been granted . Urn . . 1 . POTTKII . D . C . 1 «! I 3 , lie n . TiTii ? .. 10 , lliphlinrv Pari ! . N . liro . PfiKOV I'lllLMI'S , Wi , Jl < m . t-cc , 21 , Alliicm /{' < i ; td , lliiUowny Ko . iW , X . AH Tirl . -els mil nlniiieil hi / Friday , 2 Hll < Jirei tuber , will ! " ¦ LVIIK ' HII ml as sul / i . and jiuot he jiciitl fur .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
FOR AGED FREEMASONS and WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . ( Kntntr patron anir ^ prcsiircttt : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . THE ANNIVEBSARY FESTIVAL AVILL TAKE PLACE AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , On WEDNESDAY , 21 th FEBRUARY , 1889 ; UPON AVHICH OCCASION The Right Honble . The EARL OF EUSTON , R . W . Prov . G . M ., Northants . and Hunts ., has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . BRETHREN are earnestly invited to accept the Office of SteAvards upon this occasion , and they will greatly oblige by fonvarding their names and masonic rank , as soon as convenient , to the Secretary , Avho will gladly give any information required , and supply them Avith the necessary circulars , < fcc . It is fraternally hoped that upon this occasion , OAving to the large number of applicants and the feAV vacancies , Brethren Avill use their influence to obtain donations towards the funds of the Institution , Avhich were never more needed than at the present time . Expenditure in Annuities alone , £ 15 , 000 . Permanent income only , £ 3 , 600 . 428 Annuitants on the Funds . 140 Candidates seeking" admission . JAMES TERRY , Vice-Patron , P . G . S . B ., Office : —4 , FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . Secretary .
ML ^ BY HER MAJESTY'S { | | fe | ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . ^ J | l t : 'jw ' " ' ^ gjt ¦ TO MERCURY . — NO DA . T 6 ER . — NO 6 LYCERI-TE . _ B _ RO _ MI _ E 3 : ____ I _ A _ ID' S Patent Double-Valve Gas Governors . 11 * ^ Instruments are , without doubt , the Cheapest and Simplest in the Market . _ I \ M' VVVMVWVVAVSVANVVVVVMVV J ^ J _^? _ 5 _^&>_ . __ jE . ziensi velii ado / jtecl ~ by Tl . J ^ f . Crovainxntervt . the , aristocracy . * - •¦___¦___ . _ , i - _ - _ i--r ^* v <" - - * - e - „ ¦ __ /¦ HI- '_______ . TJSC : * M ctrtd . Utrqest nxccriciftLctLirers tit / : 7 ie worlcL . ^ P *™^ n ( iJ _ 5 __ nS ^^ f HI VWi % r - "» ' WV- |< - » ^^ 'VVV Sr ^ VVV ^ N ^ % HVl V ^ f St . George ' s Works , London Fields Station , \ SEK LOINT-DO-I-T . _ E 3 . g ,. % - ~ - ¦ - ~ ^ -Wj ^ Guaranteed for 7 years . Saving 20 to 60 per cent .
W «? V _/ __ fa ___ I ______ O « 73 , OORNHILL , E . G . For Trices , see daily papers . Trucks direct from the Colliery to every Railway Station .
FOURTH ANNUAL jfarth . London ] Y _ asonic Benevolent Ball . V : i ) KR TUB r . lTKOXAOK OF Sill A . KAYK KOLLIT , AT . P ., mid COWLEY LAAI 15 KRT , E * Q ., M . P . I ' res ' nlriil - ( . ' HAULMS Towxi . KV , ICM . . Yire-I'rcsiilculs—liro . J . TKHHV , P . fr . S . H .: liro . F . JII . NCKKS , P . G . S . I ! . ; l ! ro . F . It . AV . \\" . Unniiics , l ' . fi .. S . P ..: IJro . IJinv . uti ) Tniiuv , I ' . d' . S . and P . M . liu , i , ws . rilirE FOURTH ANXUAL BALL will be held at the FKKEMASONS' TAVKRX , GREAT JL QI ; KI : X STREET . AV . C , on AVEDXESDAA- , JANUARY _ » , IHH ' . I . TICKETS ( including Supper and Light Refreshments ) : — D .. IM : I . K TICKKT ( to admit Lady and Gentleman ) , 21 / -. GENTLE . YIAX' . S SIXULE . 12 / 6 . LADY ' S SIXUI . R , 10 / 6 . The Profits accruing from this Ball will be given to the Masonic Charities . Dancing to commence at 8 . 30 p . m . precisely . Bro . WRIGHT'S Quadrille Band , A dispensation to wear Masonic Clothing has been granted . Urn . . 1 . POTTKII . D . C . 1 «! I 3 , lie n . TiTii ? .. 10 , lliphlinrv Pari ! . N . liro . PfiKOV I'lllLMI'S , Wi , Jl < m . t-cc , 21 , Alliicm /{' < i ; td , lliiUowny Ko . iW , X . AH Tirl . -els mil nlniiieil hi / Friday , 2 Hll < Jirei tuber , will ! " ¦ LVIIK ' HII ml as sul / i . and jiuot he jiciitl fur .