Article The Masonic "Poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1 Article We are requested to notify that :- Page 1 of 1 Article We are requested to notify that :- Page 1 of 1 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1
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The Masonic "Poet's Corner."
The Masonic "Poet's Corner . "
{ Original and Selected . ) THE DOOR OF THE HEART .
TYLE the door carefully , Brothers of skill , Vigilant workers in valley and hill ! Cowans and eavesdroppers ever alert , Tyle the door carefully , door of the heart . Carefully , carefully , tyle the door carefully , Tyle the Door carefully , door of the heart .
Guard it from onvyings , let them not in ; Malice and whisperings , creatures of sin ; Bid all unrighteousness sternly depart , Brothers in holiness , tyling the heart . Holily , holily , tyle the door holily ,
Tyle the Door holily . door of the heart .
But should the Angels of Mercy draw nigh , Messengers sent from the Master on high—Should they come knocking with mystical art , Joyfully open the door of the heart ! Joyfully , joyfully , ope the door joyfully , Ope the Door ' loi / fullii , door of the heart .
Are thej r not present , those angels to-night , Laden with riches and sparkling with light 1 Oh , to enjoy all the bliss they impart , Let us , in gratitude , open the heart ! Gratefully , thankfully , ope the door thankfully , Ope the Door thanl / fully , door of the heart . [ From The . Poetry of Freemasonry , by the late Bro . Dr . ROB MORRIS . Masonic Poet Laureate . ]
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The British Union Lodge , No . Ill , W . Bro . William Clarke , W . M ., will meet at Freemasons' Hall , Soane Street , Ipswich , at five p . m . this day ( December ( 5 th ) for the purpose of installing Bro . R . Tilbury as W . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony will be performed by his predecessor , Bro . W . Clarke . Banquet at seven p . m .
The petition for a new lodge , to be called " The West Ham Abbey Lodge , " to be held at the Town Hall , Stratford , has been granted to Bro . James Boulton . P . M . 28 and 105 G , and other
brethren . Bro . Boulton is the W . M . designate , and Bro . C . F . D . Feim , P . M . 171 , will bo its first secretary ; and to them and their colleagues in the formation of the lodge we wish success and great prosperity .
. The Provincial Grand Lodge of Derbyshire will hold its annual meeting in the Masonic Hall , Derby , on Tuesday next , the 11 th inst ., at 2 . 30 p . m . A banquet will be served at .. 30 . Tickets at 2 s . Gd . each , including dinner and desssrt , can be obtained not later than Saturday , the 8 th inst .
The installation meeting of the Priory Lodge , Ao . 1 SG 3 , will take place at the Masonic Hall , Grand Hotel , Tynemouth , Northumberland , on Thursday , December 13 th , when Bro . John Ogle Wallace , W . M ., will instal his successor , Bro . John Coull , S . W , W . M . Elect , into the chair of K . S .. A banquet will be held at the Grand Hotel at G p . m .
The Lodge of Instruction at Newcastle-on-Tyne , . 24 , will meet on the 11 th inst . ( Tuesday , the 25 th , being Christmas Day ) , at the Masonic Hall , Grainger Street , at 7 . 30 , when Bro . A . 1 ' . Alichison , W . M 21 , will rehearse the ceremony of installation Bro . J . B . Gearland , P . M ., as lecture master .
The " Old Masonians " have arranged for a football match between past and present pupils of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , to be played at the school grounds , on Saturday next , the
Sth mst ., at 3 p . m . The Sydney Lodge , No . S 20 , at Sidcup , Kent , on the 20 th inst ., W . Bro . T . Knight , W . M ., initiated a son of Bro . Colonel North , of Eltham , into the order .
The West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction , No . 1 G 23—Bro . T . G . Hodges , S . W . 161 ) 5 , Preceptor— will in future be held at the Manchester Hotel , Aldersgate Street , E . C , on Monday evenings as usual , at seven o ' clock , commencing on Monday , the 3 rd December . The presiding officers on the occasion of the working of the
Fifteen Sections in the Zetland Lodge of Instruction , No . 511 , at the York and Albany , Regent ' s Park , London , on Monday next , the 10 th inst ., will be Bros . James Kew , P . M . 171 ) , W . M . ; George Wood , S . W . 1 ( 581 , S . W . ; and T . Caseley , W . M , 1 ( 51 ) 3 , J . W . Bro . E . 0 . Mulvey , W . M . 24 ( 5 , is the Preceptor , and Bro . Sheppard , P . M . 13 GG , the Secretary ; and both will render their valuable assistance .
The West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction , Ao . 1 ( 523 , will work the Fifteen Sections at the Manchester Hotel , Aldersgate Street , E . C , on Monday next , the 10 th inst ., at G . 30 p . m . Bros . H . Jenkins , S . W . 8 G 0 , W . M .: II . G . Gush , P . M . 1541 , S . W . ; J . Tattersall , J . W . 121 ) 3 , J . W . ; T . G . Hodges , S . W . 1 ( 51 ) 5 , Preceptor , and H . Hill . P . M . 1305 , Secretary .
The next regular meeting of the Great City Lodge , lso . 142 ( 1 W . Bro . John Seex , W . M ., will be held at Cannon Street Hotel on Saturday , the 8 th inst .. at 1 p . m .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
The Fifteen Sections will bo worked in the Arnold Lodge of Instruction . No . 108 ] , at the Albion Tavern , West Moulsey , on Monday . 17 th inst .. at 7 p . m . Bros . Walter Martin , P . M . 879 , W . M . ; E . Talbot , G 5 , S . W . ; J . G . Milbourn , P . M . 13 , J . W . ; and F . C . Croaker , 11 ) 81 , Hon . Sec . Good workers all ! ¦ The installation meeting of the Chiswiek Lodge , No . 2012 , will be held at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kow Bridge , on the Mth January next , when Bro . Lord George Hamilton will be installed W . M . of the lodge .
The Star Lodge of Instruction , No . 1275 , now meets every Saturday at seven o ' clock , at the Dover Castle , Broadway , Deptford , S . E . Preceptor , Bro . Walter Martin , P . M .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
ALL communications should bo forwarded to 50 , Moor Lane , Fore Street , E . C , London . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to the EDITOR ; and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BROS . * * # * # Encouraged by a letter which appears in our correspondence columns ( page 222 ) , we have arranged that our next number ( 17 ) ,
to be published on the 20 th inst .. shall be fonvarded to all tho clubs , reading rooms , and principal hotels in India , China , Japan , Straits Settlements , Australia , New Zealand , Tasmania , Cape Colony , West Africa , Canada , Newfoundland , South America , Fiji ,
St . Helena , West Indies , Gibraltar , Malta , and Constantinople . We notify our intention in the interests of the Craft generally ; and of those who may be disposed to avail themselves of the circulation of this special number by advertisement . * * # # # Secretaries of Lodges in London and largest provincial centres
will greatly oblige us by checking our Lists of Lodge Meetings , in regard to Xo 4 S 6 . BUiir ( Craft ) . their individual lodges ; and in any case F . M . H ., Surrey Street . of error by forwarding a post card to the 1 st . Uo » . every month . Editor , at 59 , Moor Lane . London . E . C , thus :
An esteemed brother , P . M . No . 589 , P . G . J . W . and Secy . 1544 , writes to us on the subject of masonic mendicancy , and repeats the everlasting question , " Can anything be done to stop or abate the masonic tramp nuisance . '" He cautions our lodges against a certain Thomas Fitzgerald , presenting a duplicate certificate from the Grand Lot ! go of Scotland , and asking alms as a Mason . The
secretary of the Lour Forfar Lodge , No . 309 ( S . C . ) , from which T . F . hails , states that he is unworthy and undeserving , and ' ' ¦ wishes the masonic community could be rid of such a pest . " We really do not know how r to answer the question other than by recommending the brethren to apply the customary ' whip " as a test . Don"t altogether refuse relief—it is not in accordance with our principles to do so . We might sometimes drive to desperation
a worthy man and regret it when too late . Subscribe enough for food and lodging for a night , and in the morning offer the balance of a " whip round " for some sort of w ork suitable to the applicant ' s age , trade , and condition . Amongst the members of any lodge there can surely be found something to be done in the way of labour for a day or two . Apply the labour test in this fashion , and it will soon be ascertained what manner of man our brother is . In the case above referred to T . F . is a tailor . Set him to mend some clothes .
* * * * # As an example of the manner in which innovations are made in Masonic Ritual and Ceremonial , and which are in too many instances permitted to grow into custom and give some sort of warrant to the phrase , ¦ ' I was taught so , and so I teach , " w e narrate the following . In a provincial lodge there is , according to a correspondent who
will find his enquiry answered in another column , a P . M . who also on occasion takes duty as a Preceptor . In F . C ., as our readers are aware , a certain " advance " has to bo made under the instruction of S . D ., and that officer in the lodge referred to has been accustomed to the performance of " the proper method" by facing S . and winding to the left . He is now required to reverse that method and to reach the desired position by N ., winding to the right ; and
the P . M . in question declares that he is correct in his teaching and that it is the London working . As he is in a position to exact obedience from his pupils , unless indeed they altogether decline his assistance , it can easily be imagined how such an error might in course of time , and in some districts , be accepted as pure and genuine ritual . The attention of the R . W . G . M . of the province in which the lodge is situated ought to be called to this dej ar jure from our established custom .
The Aew York correspondent of The Daily Telegraph informs us that " Mrs . E . Quimley docs not feed the embarrassment of riches . She announces that she is about to deliver lectures and receive subscriptions for the purpose of buying the City of Jerusalem and rebuilding Solomon ' s Temple according to the original designs . To
carry out this modest project , which , she says , will interest Israelites and Freemasons all over the world , she requires about ; Cl () , 0 O 0 , O () O , of which sum 7 s . ( id . has already been subscribed by her enthusiastic friends . " We wonder will " perseverance in a just cause ultimately overcome all difficulties " in this instance . '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic "Poet's Corner."
The Masonic "Poet's Corner . "
{ Original and Selected . ) THE DOOR OF THE HEART .
TYLE the door carefully , Brothers of skill , Vigilant workers in valley and hill ! Cowans and eavesdroppers ever alert , Tyle the door carefully , door of the heart . Carefully , carefully , tyle the door carefully , Tyle the Door carefully , door of the heart .
Guard it from onvyings , let them not in ; Malice and whisperings , creatures of sin ; Bid all unrighteousness sternly depart , Brothers in holiness , tyling the heart . Holily , holily , tyle the door holily ,
Tyle the Door holily . door of the heart .
But should the Angels of Mercy draw nigh , Messengers sent from the Master on high—Should they come knocking with mystical art , Joyfully open the door of the heart ! Joyfully , joyfully , ope the door joyfully , Ope the Door ' loi / fullii , door of the heart .
Are thej r not present , those angels to-night , Laden with riches and sparkling with light 1 Oh , to enjoy all the bliss they impart , Let us , in gratitude , open the heart ! Gratefully , thankfully , ope the door thankfully , Ope the Door thanl / fully , door of the heart . [ From The . Poetry of Freemasonry , by the late Bro . Dr . ROB MORRIS . Masonic Poet Laureate . ]
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The British Union Lodge , No . Ill , W . Bro . William Clarke , W . M ., will meet at Freemasons' Hall , Soane Street , Ipswich , at five p . m . this day ( December ( 5 th ) for the purpose of installing Bro . R . Tilbury as W . M . for the ensuing year . The ceremony will be performed by his predecessor , Bro . W . Clarke . Banquet at seven p . m .
The petition for a new lodge , to be called " The West Ham Abbey Lodge , " to be held at the Town Hall , Stratford , has been granted to Bro . James Boulton . P . M . 28 and 105 G , and other
brethren . Bro . Boulton is the W . M . designate , and Bro . C . F . D . Feim , P . M . 171 , will bo its first secretary ; and to them and their colleagues in the formation of the lodge we wish success and great prosperity .
. The Provincial Grand Lodge of Derbyshire will hold its annual meeting in the Masonic Hall , Derby , on Tuesday next , the 11 th inst ., at 2 . 30 p . m . A banquet will be served at .. 30 . Tickets at 2 s . Gd . each , including dinner and desssrt , can be obtained not later than Saturday , the 8 th inst .
The installation meeting of the Priory Lodge , Ao . 1 SG 3 , will take place at the Masonic Hall , Grand Hotel , Tynemouth , Northumberland , on Thursday , December 13 th , when Bro . John Ogle Wallace , W . M ., will instal his successor , Bro . John Coull , S . W , W . M . Elect , into the chair of K . S .. A banquet will be held at the Grand Hotel at G p . m .
The Lodge of Instruction at Newcastle-on-Tyne , . 24 , will meet on the 11 th inst . ( Tuesday , the 25 th , being Christmas Day ) , at the Masonic Hall , Grainger Street , at 7 . 30 , when Bro . A . 1 ' . Alichison , W . M 21 , will rehearse the ceremony of installation Bro . J . B . Gearland , P . M ., as lecture master .
The " Old Masonians " have arranged for a football match between past and present pupils of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , to be played at the school grounds , on Saturday next , the
Sth mst ., at 3 p . m . The Sydney Lodge , No . S 20 , at Sidcup , Kent , on the 20 th inst ., W . Bro . T . Knight , W . M ., initiated a son of Bro . Colonel North , of Eltham , into the order .
The West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction , No . 1 G 23—Bro . T . G . Hodges , S . W . 161 ) 5 , Preceptor— will in future be held at the Manchester Hotel , Aldersgate Street , E . C , on Monday evenings as usual , at seven o ' clock , commencing on Monday , the 3 rd December . The presiding officers on the occasion of the working of the
Fifteen Sections in the Zetland Lodge of Instruction , No . 511 , at the York and Albany , Regent ' s Park , London , on Monday next , the 10 th inst ., will be Bros . James Kew , P . M . 171 ) , W . M . ; George Wood , S . W . 1 ( 581 , S . W . ; and T . Caseley , W . M , 1 ( 51 ) 3 , J . W . Bro . E . 0 . Mulvey , W . M . 24 ( 5 , is the Preceptor , and Bro . Sheppard , P . M . 13 GG , the Secretary ; and both will render their valuable assistance .
The West Smithfield Lodge of Instruction , Ao . 1 ( 523 , will work the Fifteen Sections at the Manchester Hotel , Aldersgate Street , E . C , on Monday next , the 10 th inst ., at G . 30 p . m . Bros . H . Jenkins , S . W . 8 G 0 , W . M .: II . G . Gush , P . M . 1541 , S . W . ; J . Tattersall , J . W . 121 ) 3 , J . W . ; T . G . Hodges , S . W . 1 ( 51 ) 5 , Preceptor , and H . Hill . P . M . 1305 , Secretary .
The next regular meeting of the Great City Lodge , lso . 142 ( 1 W . Bro . John Seex , W . M ., will be held at Cannon Street Hotel on Saturday , the 8 th inst .. at 1 p . m .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
The Fifteen Sections will bo worked in the Arnold Lodge of Instruction . No . 108 ] , at the Albion Tavern , West Moulsey , on Monday . 17 th inst .. at 7 p . m . Bros . Walter Martin , P . M . 879 , W . M . ; E . Talbot , G 5 , S . W . ; J . G . Milbourn , P . M . 13 , J . W . ; and F . C . Croaker , 11 ) 81 , Hon . Sec . Good workers all ! ¦ The installation meeting of the Chiswiek Lodge , No . 2012 , will be held at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kow Bridge , on the Mth January next , when Bro . Lord George Hamilton will be installed W . M . of the lodge .
The Star Lodge of Instruction , No . 1275 , now meets every Saturday at seven o ' clock , at the Dover Castle , Broadway , Deptford , S . E . Preceptor , Bro . Walter Martin , P . M .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
ALL communications should bo forwarded to 50 , Moor Lane , Fore Street , E . C , London . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to the EDITOR ; and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BROS . * * # * # Encouraged by a letter which appears in our correspondence columns ( page 222 ) , we have arranged that our next number ( 17 ) ,
to be published on the 20 th inst .. shall be fonvarded to all tho clubs , reading rooms , and principal hotels in India , China , Japan , Straits Settlements , Australia , New Zealand , Tasmania , Cape Colony , West Africa , Canada , Newfoundland , South America , Fiji ,
St . Helena , West Indies , Gibraltar , Malta , and Constantinople . We notify our intention in the interests of the Craft generally ; and of those who may be disposed to avail themselves of the circulation of this special number by advertisement . * * # # # Secretaries of Lodges in London and largest provincial centres
will greatly oblige us by checking our Lists of Lodge Meetings , in regard to Xo 4 S 6 . BUiir ( Craft ) . their individual lodges ; and in any case F . M . H ., Surrey Street . of error by forwarding a post card to the 1 st . Uo » . every month . Editor , at 59 , Moor Lane . London . E . C , thus :
An esteemed brother , P . M . No . 589 , P . G . J . W . and Secy . 1544 , writes to us on the subject of masonic mendicancy , and repeats the everlasting question , " Can anything be done to stop or abate the masonic tramp nuisance . '" He cautions our lodges against a certain Thomas Fitzgerald , presenting a duplicate certificate from the Grand Lot ! go of Scotland , and asking alms as a Mason . The
secretary of the Lour Forfar Lodge , No . 309 ( S . C . ) , from which T . F . hails , states that he is unworthy and undeserving , and ' ' ¦ wishes the masonic community could be rid of such a pest . " We really do not know how r to answer the question other than by recommending the brethren to apply the customary ' whip " as a test . Don"t altogether refuse relief—it is not in accordance with our principles to do so . We might sometimes drive to desperation
a worthy man and regret it when too late . Subscribe enough for food and lodging for a night , and in the morning offer the balance of a " whip round " for some sort of w ork suitable to the applicant ' s age , trade , and condition . Amongst the members of any lodge there can surely be found something to be done in the way of labour for a day or two . Apply the labour test in this fashion , and it will soon be ascertained what manner of man our brother is . In the case above referred to T . F . is a tailor . Set him to mend some clothes .
* * * * # As an example of the manner in which innovations are made in Masonic Ritual and Ceremonial , and which are in too many instances permitted to grow into custom and give some sort of warrant to the phrase , ¦ ' I was taught so , and so I teach , " w e narrate the following . In a provincial lodge there is , according to a correspondent who
will find his enquiry answered in another column , a P . M . who also on occasion takes duty as a Preceptor . In F . C ., as our readers are aware , a certain " advance " has to bo made under the instruction of S . D ., and that officer in the lodge referred to has been accustomed to the performance of " the proper method" by facing S . and winding to the left . He is now required to reverse that method and to reach the desired position by N ., winding to the right ; and
the P . M . in question declares that he is correct in his teaching and that it is the London working . As he is in a position to exact obedience from his pupils , unless indeed they altogether decline his assistance , it can easily be imagined how such an error might in course of time , and in some districts , be accepted as pure and genuine ritual . The attention of the R . W . G . M . of the province in which the lodge is situated ought to be called to this dej ar jure from our established custom .
The Aew York correspondent of The Daily Telegraph informs us that " Mrs . E . Quimley docs not feed the embarrassment of riches . She announces that she is about to deliver lectures and receive subscriptions for the purpose of buying the City of Jerusalem and rebuilding Solomon ' s Temple according to the original designs . To
carry out this modest project , which , she says , will interest Israelites and Freemasons all over the world , she requires about ; Cl () , 0 O 0 , O () O , of which sum 7 s . ( id . has already been subscribed by her enthusiastic friends . " We wonder will " perseverance in a just cause ultimately overcome all difficulties " in this instance . '