Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGES OF INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
The annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held on November 29 th , in the Masonic Hall , Douglas . A large number of the most distinguished brethren in the province supported the R . W . P . G . M ., Bro . J . S . Goldie-Taubman . The minutes of October 11 th , 1887 , having been read and confirmed , it was resolved to leave with the P . G . M . the selection of P . G . Treas .
lor the ensuing year , and he accordingly nominated Bro . Alex . Bruce to the post . The P . G . M . announced that , in recognition of Bro . Nesbitt ' s invaluable services , not only to that lodge in particular , but to the craft in the Island , he had conferred upon him the rank of P . P . S . G . W . Bro . Swinnerton moved , as recommendation from the Spencer Walpole Lodge . " That Avith a view to securing
uniformity of working , the Prov . Grand Lodge bo requested to take such steps as may be necessary to promote the holding of combined lodges of instruction . " He pointed out that in some Insular lodges there were variations in working which did not affect any points of principle , but which would be bettdr removed , and the whole province brought to work on cne uniform system . —After some
discussion , the matter was referred to a representative committee , to report to a later meeting . At the Banquet , the usual loyal and masonic toasts having been honoured , the Prov . G . M . urged upon Masters of lodges that they should investigate very carefully the characters of persons they admitted into the craft , as one black sheep very often brought
discredit on the whole ledge . Though they were glad to see joining members , they did not wish to increase in numbers at the expense of their character ( hear , hear ) . Due care in this direction Avould add to the prestige of the craft , and Avould increase its power —for it was already a powerful body and could do a great deal more than they thought , if they only pulled together . The craft would
also advance in the eyes of the world at large , if they managed to to build up a large charity fund , so that Masons might at least keep their own poor , and not leave them to be a drag on the people outside . He did not say they ought not to subscribe to things outside , but they certainly should try to build up a large charity fund , so that if affliction came upon a brother , he or his family could be relieved
CONSECRATION OF A NEW LODGE . On the 28 th ulto ., a new lodge , the Thornham , was consecrated at Roy ton , East Lancashire , when a number of Prov . Gd . officers were present ; amongst whom Avere Bros . Col . L . Gendre N . Starkie , Prov . G . M . ; A . Clegg , P . P . G . S . W . ; Rev . J . J . Bygoe Bagot , Prov . G . C . ; J . II . Tillitoe , P . P . S . G . W . ; Pemberton , Prov . G . D . C ;
Hollingworth , P . P . G . T . ; Bro . Greaves , P . P . G ., Sdt . of Wks . Bro . Col . Starkie otficiatetl as the consecrating officer . An impressive oration dealing with the duties devolving upon those Avho have entered the order was delivered by Bro . the Rev . J . J . B . Bagot , P . G . C Bro . J . H . Tillitoe , P . P . S . G . W . then installed as first W . M .
Bro . Haworth . Bro . II . L . Hollingworth invested the officers as follows : Bros . Young , S . W . ; J . H . Harrison , J . W . ; Riley , S . D . ; C Whittaker , Secretary ; Meanock , Treasurer ; J . H . Riley , I . G . By this addition , there are noAV 1 ) 8 lodges in the province of East Lancashire .
STUART LODGE—No . 1632 . —At the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , on the 26 th inst . In the absence of Bro . Henry E . Vickers , the W . M ., through illness . Bro . Alfred Bannister , I . P . M ., presided , Bro . II . Baldwin , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., acting as I . P . M . There were also present : —Bros . Charles Stuart Barker , P . M .. acting as D . C ; C . Linsey , S . W . ; Edward Pettit , J . W . ; T . Poore , P . M ., Secretary ;
G . II . G . Morgan , Organist . S . D . ; Charles Friern , J . D . ; R . Barham , P . M .. A . D . C ; A . J . Croft , I . G . ; James Bolding , W . S . ; E . W . WestAvood , W . H . Yickers , W . Cyril Beaumont , W . Bolding , and T . Bowler , Tyler . Visitors : —Bros . Chas . Everist , P . M . 720 ; Archbd . Walden , 2146 ; A . Jones , S . D . 1941 ); and Bro . Rushton Odell , Organist , 2077 . A A-ote of sympathy with the W . M . in his illness consequent on a fall about a month ago , Avhereby he sustained
concussion of the spine , Avas passed . Mr . William Cyril Beaumont , stockbroker , of Upper Nonvood , Avas duly initiated into Freemasonry and Bro . Edward Westwood Avas raised , both ceremonies being rendered A'ery impressiA-ely . After supper the usual masonic toasts Avere honoured and a very pleasant evening Avas spent . Bros . Pettit , WestAvood , BaldAvin , Poore , Odell and others rendering songs and recitations in capital style . A committee Avas formed for the purpose of starting a Lodge of Instruction in connection Avith this Lodge .
LEWIS CHAPTER—No . 1185 . —On Saturday , the 24 th ult ., at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Green . Comps . Geo . PoAvell , P . Z ., M . E . Z . ; J . II . Crowther , P . Z .. H . ; H . T . Thompson , P . Z ., acting J . ; Geo . J . ROAV , P . Z ., Scribe E . and Treasurer ; Hildreth , S . N . ; Carr , P . S . ; Gushing , 1 st A . S . ; Crunden , 2 nd A . S . ; Dr . Morris , Orme , Curry , & c , and ROAVC , Janitor . The balance sheet Avas read and adopted .
Bro . Henry Curry , late of the united Strength Lodge , No . 228 , was exalted by the M . E . Z . Comp . Hildreth announced his intention of serving as steward for the R . M . B . I ., representing the chapter , and five guineas were unanimously A'oted on his list . TAVO propositions for exaltation in February next Avere received . The chapter Avas
closed , and the comps . adjourned to the banquet . After the usual loyal anel Masonic toasts had been given , the M . E . Z . proposed the toast of the exaltee Avho had been initiated into Freemasonry by Bro . Terrj , Sec . R . M . B . I . Comp . Hildreth , a visitor from America , thanked the Chapter for its cordial welcome and gave an interesting account of Royal Arch Freemasonry in America .
NORTH LONDON CHAPTER . —At St . Paul's Road , Canonbury , on the 29 th ult . Comp . W . C . Wigley , M . E . Z . ; J . McLaren , H . ; W . B . Kidder . J . ; J . E . Sheffield , Scribe E . ; N . Salmon , P . S . ; and several other companions . The ceremony of exaltation Avas A cry ably rehearsed and a very instructive CA'ening resulted . Meetings weekly , on Thursday , at eight p . m . sharp .
Lodges Of Instruction.
STAR—No . 1275 . —Dover Castle , Broad way . Deptford , Saturday 1 st inst . ; Bro . Walter Martin , Preceptor , W . M . ; Bros . Judge , S . W . ; Falkner , J . W . ; Wilkinson , Secretary ; Barrett , S . D . ; Ashby ! J . D . ; Sykes , I . G . ; NeAvell , Organist . The first meeting of this lodge of instruction , in its new homo , brought together nearly 50 members of the craft , and for many reasons the brethren are to be
congratulated on their removal . The ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Thomas candidate ; after which the ceremony of installation was A'ery ably rendered by the W . M ., Bro . Eagles acting as W . M . elect . Bros . Featherston , Morgan , Overton and Scott Avere elected members . Bro . Judge , S . W . Avas elected W . M . for the ensuing meeting , and a sum of money was then \ -oted towards a deserving charitable object in the neighbourhood of Deptford .
ZETLAND—No . 511 . —On Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at the York and Albany , Regent's Park , N . W . Bros . Hill , W . M . ; Casely , S . W . ; Rex , J . W . ; Mulvey , Preceptor ; H . Lichtenfield , Secretary ; Clarke , S . D . ; Bartlett . J . D . ; Marriott , I . G . ; Gittens , Schieu , anel others . The
ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Marriott candidate . The ceremoiy of installation was rehearsed by Bro . Mulvey , Bro . Hill acting as W . M . elect . The second section of the first lecture Avas Avorked by the W . M . assisted by Bro . Schieu . Bro . Casely , S . W ., Avas elected W . M . for the next meeting .
ROYAL ARTHUR—NO . 1360 . —At the Prince of Wales Hotel , Wimbledon , on the 29 th ult . —Bro . King . P . M .. P . Z .. Preceptor — Bros . Wade . W . M . ; Wing . S . W . ; Bond , J . W . ; Shell . ' S . D . ; Salter . J . D . ; Brasier , I . G . ; W . H . Wingfield , P . M ., Secretary ; Magee . P . M . ; Jolliffe , Roffey , Porter , Holmes , McMullen , Ackerman , Burges , Ewen and Johnson . The ceremonies of initiation and passing Avere
rehearsed , Bro . EAven as candidate . The first section Avas Avorked by the Preceptor . BIT . Wing Avas elected W . M . for ensuing Aveek . BEACONSFIELD—1662 . —At the Chequers' Hotel , WalthamstoAv , on the 26 th ult ., about thirty brethren participated in a social gathering and supper , under the presidency of Bro . J . Wildash , P . M . of the mother lodge . Bro . T . Franklin , P . M . 1662 , occupied the
vice-chair , and amongst the company Ave noticed Bros . F . Carr , P . M . ; W . HalloAvs , P . M . ; S . Jackson ; H . Inman , W . M . 1662 ; C Avison , C . Collins , Sir W . Macgregor , Bart ., H . French Bromhead , Hon . Sec , & c . A most pleasant and successful entertainment Avas accompanied by songs and recitations , and Avas brought to a close in perfect harmony .
EBURY—1348 . —At the Greyhound Hotel , Streatham Common , on the 29 th ult . Bros . Griggs , W . M . ; Beavan , S . W . ; Stevens , J . W . ; Wimble , S . D . ; Ilobbs , J . D . ; Ingrain , I . G . ; Warren , P . M ., Actg . Preceptor ; Thomson , Actg . Secretary ; James , and others . The ceremonies of the tAvo first degrees Avere rehearsed , Bro . Wimble candidate . The first and second sections Avere also Avorked . Bro . Thomson was elected W . M . for the ensuing Aveek , and after a most instructive eA'ening the meeting adjourned .
RAA ' ENSBOURNE—No . 1601 . —At the George Inn , Catford , on the 28 th ult ., the ceremony of installation of W . M . Avas rehearsetl by W . Bro . James Stevens , P . M ., in the presence of a gathering of brethren , Past Masters , and others , Avhich would have been larger
but for the inclemency of the weather . The addresses were delivered in a very efficient manner by Bro . J . T . Axford , S . W . of the Hornsey Lodge , No . 890 , Avho thereby gave evidence of the masonic proficiency and qualification for the higher duties of his chair , to Avhich it is likely he Avill be presently elected .
JOPPA LODGE—No . 188 . —On Tuesday , the 27 th inst ., at the Manchester Hotel , Aldersgate Street , E . C . —Bro . E . Ansell , W . M . — Bros . F . Jones , S . W . ; Garrard , J . W . ; Thorn , Preceptor ; Saqui , Secretary ; Poynter , S . D . ; Dodd , J . D . ; Lockstone , I . G . ; Poppmacher , Cohen , Goodinge , Marcus , and Marks . The ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Poppmacher candidate . Bro . Thorn Avorked the 2 nd and 3 rd sections of the first lecture . Bro . Jones , S . W ., Avas elected W . M . for ensuing meeting .
On Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Manchester Hotel , Aldersgate Street , E . C . ; Bro . F . Jones , W . M . ; Bros . Goodinge , S . W . ; P . M . ChillingAvorth , J . W . ; Thom , Preceptor ; II . Saqui , Secretary ; Liscoinbe , S . D .: Danziger , J . D . ; J . Botibol , I . G . : also Bros . Marks ,
Nightingale , Poppmacher , Marcus , Lockstone , Dodd , Rosenberg , H . Lazarus , J . Davis , Pege , Garrard ; the ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Marks candidate . Bro . Danziger Avorked the 1 st section of the first lecture , and Bro . Thom Avorked the 4 th section of the first lecture .
STAR CHAPTER OF INSTRUCTION . —No . 1275 . —On Friday , 30 th ult ., at the Stirling Castle . CamberAvell . Present : Comps . F , Hilton , P . Z ., Preceptor ; G . L . Moore , H . 169 , M . E . Z . ; T . Grummant , P . Z ., II . ; V . S . Murche . J . ; Stone , S . E . ; Jackson , S . N . ; Meierhoff , P . S . ; Oldfield , A . S . ; Benedetti ; Addington , M . E . Z .
Elect , 1275 ; Fleck , Briant , Davis , and C . Woods . The ceremony of exaltation Avas rehearsed , Comp . Fleck personating candidate . Comp . Jackson , S . N ., 169 , Avas unanimously elected a joining member . Comp . Grummant Avas elected M . E . Z . for the next meeting .
PROSPERITY LODGE—No . 65 . —The annual supper was held on Tuesday , the 27 th ult . Bro . D . Moss , P . M . 1275 , Preceptor , presided , Bro . Roberts , P . M . 65 , occupying the vice-chair . There Avere present : Bros . Lashbrooko , Treasurer ; Cary , S . D . 1625 , Secretary ; B . Da Costa , S . D . 1349 ; L . Da Costa , S . W . 1349 ; Stone , Fisher , Sarson , Hancock , 192 ; B . Valentine , A . Valentine , Simmons , Holmes , Rouse , Waterman , Jarrams , Corry , 392 . The usual toasts Avere given and a pleasant evening enlivened by song was passed .
WILL any brother greatly oblige a P . M . and P . Z . by kindly forwarding to him a spare copy of their Lodge or Chapter summons , as he is endeavouring to form a complete collection of them from No . 1 upwards . —Address , C E . FERRY , 55 , Tregunter Road , South Kensington , S . W . — FADVT . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
The annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held on November 29 th , in the Masonic Hall , Douglas . A large number of the most distinguished brethren in the province supported the R . W . P . G . M ., Bro . J . S . Goldie-Taubman . The minutes of October 11 th , 1887 , having been read and confirmed , it was resolved to leave with the P . G . M . the selection of P . G . Treas .
lor the ensuing year , and he accordingly nominated Bro . Alex . Bruce to the post . The P . G . M . announced that , in recognition of Bro . Nesbitt ' s invaluable services , not only to that lodge in particular , but to the craft in the Island , he had conferred upon him the rank of P . P . S . G . W . Bro . Swinnerton moved , as recommendation from the Spencer Walpole Lodge . " That Avith a view to securing
uniformity of working , the Prov . Grand Lodge bo requested to take such steps as may be necessary to promote the holding of combined lodges of instruction . " He pointed out that in some Insular lodges there were variations in working which did not affect any points of principle , but which would be bettdr removed , and the whole province brought to work on cne uniform system . —After some
discussion , the matter was referred to a representative committee , to report to a later meeting . At the Banquet , the usual loyal and masonic toasts having been honoured , the Prov . G . M . urged upon Masters of lodges that they should investigate very carefully the characters of persons they admitted into the craft , as one black sheep very often brought
discredit on the whole ledge . Though they were glad to see joining members , they did not wish to increase in numbers at the expense of their character ( hear , hear ) . Due care in this direction Avould add to the prestige of the craft , and Avould increase its power —for it was already a powerful body and could do a great deal more than they thought , if they only pulled together . The craft would
also advance in the eyes of the world at large , if they managed to to build up a large charity fund , so that Masons might at least keep their own poor , and not leave them to be a drag on the people outside . He did not say they ought not to subscribe to things outside , but they certainly should try to build up a large charity fund , so that if affliction came upon a brother , he or his family could be relieved
CONSECRATION OF A NEW LODGE . On the 28 th ulto ., a new lodge , the Thornham , was consecrated at Roy ton , East Lancashire , when a number of Prov . Gd . officers were present ; amongst whom Avere Bros . Col . L . Gendre N . Starkie , Prov . G . M . ; A . Clegg , P . P . G . S . W . ; Rev . J . J . Bygoe Bagot , Prov . G . C . ; J . II . Tillitoe , P . P . S . G . W . ; Pemberton , Prov . G . D . C ;
Hollingworth , P . P . G . T . ; Bro . Greaves , P . P . G ., Sdt . of Wks . Bro . Col . Starkie otficiatetl as the consecrating officer . An impressive oration dealing with the duties devolving upon those Avho have entered the order was delivered by Bro . the Rev . J . J . B . Bagot , P . G . C Bro . J . H . Tillitoe , P . P . S . G . W . then installed as first W . M .
Bro . Haworth . Bro . II . L . Hollingworth invested the officers as follows : Bros . Young , S . W . ; J . H . Harrison , J . W . ; Riley , S . D . ; C Whittaker , Secretary ; Meanock , Treasurer ; J . H . Riley , I . G . By this addition , there are noAV 1 ) 8 lodges in the province of East Lancashire .
STUART LODGE—No . 1632 . —At the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , on the 26 th inst . In the absence of Bro . Henry E . Vickers , the W . M ., through illness . Bro . Alfred Bannister , I . P . M ., presided , Bro . II . Baldwin , P . P . G . S . B . Middx ., acting as I . P . M . There were also present : —Bros . Charles Stuart Barker , P . M .. acting as D . C ; C . Linsey , S . W . ; Edward Pettit , J . W . ; T . Poore , P . M ., Secretary ;
G . II . G . Morgan , Organist . S . D . ; Charles Friern , J . D . ; R . Barham , P . M .. A . D . C ; A . J . Croft , I . G . ; James Bolding , W . S . ; E . W . WestAvood , W . H . Yickers , W . Cyril Beaumont , W . Bolding , and T . Bowler , Tyler . Visitors : —Bros . Chas . Everist , P . M . 720 ; Archbd . Walden , 2146 ; A . Jones , S . D . 1941 ); and Bro . Rushton Odell , Organist , 2077 . A A-ote of sympathy with the W . M . in his illness consequent on a fall about a month ago , Avhereby he sustained
concussion of the spine , Avas passed . Mr . William Cyril Beaumont , stockbroker , of Upper Nonvood , Avas duly initiated into Freemasonry and Bro . Edward Westwood Avas raised , both ceremonies being rendered A'ery impressiA-ely . After supper the usual masonic toasts Avere honoured and a very pleasant evening Avas spent . Bros . Pettit , WestAvood , BaldAvin , Poore , Odell and others rendering songs and recitations in capital style . A committee Avas formed for the purpose of starting a Lodge of Instruction in connection Avith this Lodge .
LEWIS CHAPTER—No . 1185 . —On Saturday , the 24 th ult ., at the King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Green . Comps . Geo . PoAvell , P . Z ., M . E . Z . ; J . II . Crowther , P . Z .. H . ; H . T . Thompson , P . Z ., acting J . ; Geo . J . ROAV , P . Z ., Scribe E . and Treasurer ; Hildreth , S . N . ; Carr , P . S . ; Gushing , 1 st A . S . ; Crunden , 2 nd A . S . ; Dr . Morris , Orme , Curry , & c , and ROAVC , Janitor . The balance sheet Avas read and adopted .
Bro . Henry Curry , late of the united Strength Lodge , No . 228 , was exalted by the M . E . Z . Comp . Hildreth announced his intention of serving as steward for the R . M . B . I ., representing the chapter , and five guineas were unanimously A'oted on his list . TAVO propositions for exaltation in February next Avere received . The chapter Avas
closed , and the comps . adjourned to the banquet . After the usual loyal anel Masonic toasts had been given , the M . E . Z . proposed the toast of the exaltee Avho had been initiated into Freemasonry by Bro . Terrj , Sec . R . M . B . I . Comp . Hildreth , a visitor from America , thanked the Chapter for its cordial welcome and gave an interesting account of Royal Arch Freemasonry in America .
NORTH LONDON CHAPTER . —At St . Paul's Road , Canonbury , on the 29 th ult . Comp . W . C . Wigley , M . E . Z . ; J . McLaren , H . ; W . B . Kidder . J . ; J . E . Sheffield , Scribe E . ; N . Salmon , P . S . ; and several other companions . The ceremony of exaltation Avas A cry ably rehearsed and a very instructive CA'ening resulted . Meetings weekly , on Thursday , at eight p . m . sharp .
Lodges Of Instruction.
STAR—No . 1275 . —Dover Castle , Broad way . Deptford , Saturday 1 st inst . ; Bro . Walter Martin , Preceptor , W . M . ; Bros . Judge , S . W . ; Falkner , J . W . ; Wilkinson , Secretary ; Barrett , S . D . ; Ashby ! J . D . ; Sykes , I . G . ; NeAvell , Organist . The first meeting of this lodge of instruction , in its new homo , brought together nearly 50 members of the craft , and for many reasons the brethren are to be
congratulated on their removal . The ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Thomas candidate ; after which the ceremony of installation was A'ery ably rendered by the W . M ., Bro . Eagles acting as W . M . elect . Bros . Featherston , Morgan , Overton and Scott Avere elected members . Bro . Judge , S . W . Avas elected W . M . for the ensuing meeting , and a sum of money was then \ -oted towards a deserving charitable object in the neighbourhood of Deptford .
ZETLAND—No . 511 . —On Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at the York and Albany , Regent's Park , N . W . Bros . Hill , W . M . ; Casely , S . W . ; Rex , J . W . ; Mulvey , Preceptor ; H . Lichtenfield , Secretary ; Clarke , S . D . ; Bartlett . J . D . ; Marriott , I . G . ; Gittens , Schieu , anel others . The
ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Marriott candidate . The ceremoiy of installation was rehearsed by Bro . Mulvey , Bro . Hill acting as W . M . elect . The second section of the first lecture Avas Avorked by the W . M . assisted by Bro . Schieu . Bro . Casely , S . W ., Avas elected W . M . for the next meeting .
ROYAL ARTHUR—NO . 1360 . —At the Prince of Wales Hotel , Wimbledon , on the 29 th ult . —Bro . King . P . M .. P . Z .. Preceptor — Bros . Wade . W . M . ; Wing . S . W . ; Bond , J . W . ; Shell . ' S . D . ; Salter . J . D . ; Brasier , I . G . ; W . H . Wingfield , P . M ., Secretary ; Magee . P . M . ; Jolliffe , Roffey , Porter , Holmes , McMullen , Ackerman , Burges , Ewen and Johnson . The ceremonies of initiation and passing Avere
rehearsed , Bro . EAven as candidate . The first section Avas Avorked by the Preceptor . BIT . Wing Avas elected W . M . for ensuing Aveek . BEACONSFIELD—1662 . —At the Chequers' Hotel , WalthamstoAv , on the 26 th ult ., about thirty brethren participated in a social gathering and supper , under the presidency of Bro . J . Wildash , P . M . of the mother lodge . Bro . T . Franklin , P . M . 1662 , occupied the
vice-chair , and amongst the company Ave noticed Bros . F . Carr , P . M . ; W . HalloAvs , P . M . ; S . Jackson ; H . Inman , W . M . 1662 ; C Avison , C . Collins , Sir W . Macgregor , Bart ., H . French Bromhead , Hon . Sec , & c . A most pleasant and successful entertainment Avas accompanied by songs and recitations , and Avas brought to a close in perfect harmony .
EBURY—1348 . —At the Greyhound Hotel , Streatham Common , on the 29 th ult . Bros . Griggs , W . M . ; Beavan , S . W . ; Stevens , J . W . ; Wimble , S . D . ; Ilobbs , J . D . ; Ingrain , I . G . ; Warren , P . M ., Actg . Preceptor ; Thomson , Actg . Secretary ; James , and others . The ceremonies of the tAvo first degrees Avere rehearsed , Bro . Wimble candidate . The first and second sections Avere also Avorked . Bro . Thomson was elected W . M . for the ensuing Aveek , and after a most instructive eA'ening the meeting adjourned .
RAA ' ENSBOURNE—No . 1601 . —At the George Inn , Catford , on the 28 th ult ., the ceremony of installation of W . M . Avas rehearsetl by W . Bro . James Stevens , P . M ., in the presence of a gathering of brethren , Past Masters , and others , Avhich would have been larger
but for the inclemency of the weather . The addresses were delivered in a very efficient manner by Bro . J . T . Axford , S . W . of the Hornsey Lodge , No . 890 , Avho thereby gave evidence of the masonic proficiency and qualification for the higher duties of his chair , to Avhich it is likely he Avill be presently elected .
JOPPA LODGE—No . 188 . —On Tuesday , the 27 th inst ., at the Manchester Hotel , Aldersgate Street , E . C . —Bro . E . Ansell , W . M . — Bros . F . Jones , S . W . ; Garrard , J . W . ; Thorn , Preceptor ; Saqui , Secretary ; Poynter , S . D . ; Dodd , J . D . ; Lockstone , I . G . ; Poppmacher , Cohen , Goodinge , Marcus , and Marks . The ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Poppmacher candidate . Bro . Thorn Avorked the 2 nd and 3 rd sections of the first lecture . Bro . Jones , S . W ., Avas elected W . M . for ensuing meeting .
On Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Manchester Hotel , Aldersgate Street , E . C . ; Bro . F . Jones , W . M . ; Bros . Goodinge , S . W . ; P . M . ChillingAvorth , J . W . ; Thom , Preceptor ; II . Saqui , Secretary ; Liscoinbe , S . D .: Danziger , J . D . ; J . Botibol , I . G . : also Bros . Marks ,
Nightingale , Poppmacher , Marcus , Lockstone , Dodd , Rosenberg , H . Lazarus , J . Davis , Pege , Garrard ; the ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Marks candidate . Bro . Danziger Avorked the 1 st section of the first lecture , and Bro . Thom Avorked the 4 th section of the first lecture .
STAR CHAPTER OF INSTRUCTION . —No . 1275 . —On Friday , 30 th ult ., at the Stirling Castle . CamberAvell . Present : Comps . F , Hilton , P . Z ., Preceptor ; G . L . Moore , H . 169 , M . E . Z . ; T . Grummant , P . Z ., II . ; V . S . Murche . J . ; Stone , S . E . ; Jackson , S . N . ; Meierhoff , P . S . ; Oldfield , A . S . ; Benedetti ; Addington , M . E . Z .
Elect , 1275 ; Fleck , Briant , Davis , and C . Woods . The ceremony of exaltation Avas rehearsed , Comp . Fleck personating candidate . Comp . Jackson , S . N ., 169 , Avas unanimously elected a joining member . Comp . Grummant Avas elected M . E . Z . for the next meeting .
PROSPERITY LODGE—No . 65 . —The annual supper was held on Tuesday , the 27 th ult . Bro . D . Moss , P . M . 1275 , Preceptor , presided , Bro . Roberts , P . M . 65 , occupying the vice-chair . There Avere present : Bros . Lashbrooko , Treasurer ; Cary , S . D . 1625 , Secretary ; B . Da Costa , S . D . 1349 ; L . Da Costa , S . W . 1349 ; Stone , Fisher , Sarson , Hancock , 192 ; B . Valentine , A . Valentine , Simmons , Holmes , Rouse , Waterman , Jarrams , Corry , 392 . The usual toasts Avere given and a pleasant evening enlivened by song was passed .
WILL any brother greatly oblige a P . M . and P . Z . by kindly forwarding to him a spare copy of their Lodge or Chapter summons , as he is endeavouring to form a complete collection of them from No . 1 upwards . —Address , C E . FERRY , 55 , Tregunter Road , South Kensington , S . W . — FADVT . ]