Article Masonic Exchange & Mart Column Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Exchange & Mart Column Page 1 of 1 Article Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
* „ . * Ill answer to several enquiries ire desire to state that this column will he open to all subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR without charge , for the present at any rate . We wisli to see whether or not it is of itsc for the puipose intended before tee make any definite arrangement as to its continuance . —ED . M . S .
FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE . Calcill ' s Candid , Disquisition of the Principles of Freemasonry , 1769 ¦— Treicman ' s Princip les of Freemasonry , 1777 — The Unparalleled Suff ' erinqs of John Oust as , tortured , by the Inquisition , Plates and List of R . A . Chapters 17— . —Masonic Effusions . F . C .
, Daniel , 1819—^ 1 Masonic- Treatise , with , an Elucidation , W . Finch , 1802— Vestiges of Genuine Freemasonry , M . Margalouth , 1852—The Masonic . Charities , G . Taylor—An Investigation of the cause of hostility of the Church of Home towards Freemasonry , 187-. — An Essay on- the Origin of Freemasonry , 1880—Preston ' s Illustrations , 1788 ' 1 S 0118121821 . 1841— Freemason ' s Quarterly Magazine and
, , , Review , 1851-2-3-4-5 , in Parts as issued . —T . F . Speculative Masonry , J . Yarker — History and Articles of Masonry , M . Cooke—Masonic , Vocal Manual , W . Garforth , 1852—Lectures on Freemasonry , G . D . Goodyear , 1864—Lyre Maconnique ,
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
J . A . Jacquelin , 1811 — Code des Fra-nemucons , 1830—Masonic- Miscellanies , S . Jones , 1797—The Anti-Christian- Character of Freemasonry . M . C . Trcvilian , 1849 ( supposed ) . —BELL . WAXTED .
The Freemason ' s Magazine and Masonic Mirror , A"ols . xvii . to xxiv . —AsPiitAX-. The Freemason ' s Maqazine and Masonic Mirror , for 1866 , March 31 st ; 1868 , May 2 nd . 9 th . Kith . 23 rd and 30 th . July 11 th , 18 th and 25 th . Sept . 19 th and 26 th . Oct . 3 rd . 10 th , 17 th and 24 th . Dec . 10 th : 1801 ) . May 27 th , July 1 st . 8 th and 15 th , Sept . 30 th , Oct . 7 th 14 th and 21 stXov . 4 th and 1 lth : 1870 . Sept . 3 rd 10 th
, , , and 24 th , ike . ; anel Freemason ' s Magazine , for 1798 , 2 A'ols ., 8 A-O , London . Will purchase in odel parts or volumes , or gootl exchanges . —T . F . Ahiman Rezon , 1787-1813—B-oyal Arch Regulations before 1823 ¦—Preston ' s Illustrations , 1772 . 1775—Sketches and Reprints , W . J . Hughan . First Part 1871—Constitutions 185518611866—And
, , , , the following histories : Freemasonry in- Inverness — In China-Amoy—At Bottoms Eastwood—Doyle ' s Lodge of Fellowship—St . Hilda , Lodge , South Shields—Imperial George Lodge—Britannic Lodge—Kelso Lodge—Grand Lodge Report , December , 1871 . —T . F . Ahiman Rezon , 1787 , 1800 . 1801 , 1813— G . I . Constitutions , 1855 , ' 61 , 'do , ' &) , ' 67 , 8 vo . —Royal Arch- Regulations , 1864 ,
1879—Proceedings of Grand Lodge , December , 187 L . —BULL . * i . * We await information as to results of negotiations opened , and arc surprised , that we are not . in many instances , informed , when business is concluded—ED . M . S .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
FOB T _ E _ 1 _ E _ 1 GTT _ E 5 , _ Ea _ E __ T _ r : WIE-EIK :.
$ IUtr 0 p 0 ittatt ti %££ an & ( Eljapta . " All Lodges held Avithin Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laics and Regulations .
Lodge NAJIE OP LODGE AND CnArTER . PLACE OF MEETING . THIS DAY ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , DECEMBER 6 th . 10 AVestminstcr and Keystone FMII
... . . . 27 Egyptian Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 45 Strong Man M . H . Tav ., Basinghall St ., E . C . 192 Lion and Lamb Cannon Street Hotel 227 Ionic Ship ami Turtle , Leadcnhall Street 231 St . Andrew's F . M . H . 538 La Tolerance Ditto 554 Yarborough Green Dragon , Stepncv , E . 822 Victoria Rillcs F . M . H .
1178 Perfect Ashlar Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge 1351 St . Clement Danes The Palsgrave . 225 , Strand , AV . C 13 G 1 United Service Cafe Royal , Regent Street , W . 1425 Hyde Park The AVostbourne , 1 , Craven Road , AV . 1672 Mornington Imperial Hot ., Holborn Viaduct 1772 Pimlico Victoria Atans . Rest ,, Victoria St ., S . AV . 1790 Old England M . H ., New Thornton Heath . nr . Crydn . 2128 United Northern Counties ... Inns of Court Hot ., Lincoln ' s Inn Fields
R . A . C . 2 St . James ' s F . M . H . 9 Mount Moriah Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 174 Sincerity London Tav ., Fenehurch Street 1381 Kennington Horns Tav ., Kennington Mark . 197 Studholme 33 , Golden Square , AV .
( 1 st ) FRIDAY , DECEMBER 7 th . 92 Moira Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 700 Florence Nightingale M . If ., William Street , Woolwich 890 lionise ; , - Anderton's Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 1275 Star Ship Hot ., Greenwich 1489 Marquis of Ripon Cock Tav ., Highbury , X .
1 G 27 Royal Kensington F . M . II . 1815 Penge Thicket Hotel , Anerley 1891 St . Ambrose Baron ' s Court Hot ., AVcst Kensington R . A . C . 8 British F . M . II . Mark . 8 Thistle F . M . T . ( 2 nd ) SATURDAY , DECEMBERjTSth .
108 London Ship and Turtle , E . G . 173 Phoenix F . At . II . 142 G The Great City at i ... Cannon Street Hotel 1671 Mizpah Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 1928 Gallery Brixton Hall , Acre Lane , Brixton 19 G 4 Clerkenwell Holborn Viaduct Hot . R . A . C . 1297 AVcst Kent Thicket Hot ., Anerley 1397 Anerley Ditto
( 2 nd ) MONDAY , DECEMBER 10 th . 6 St . George's and Comer Stone ... F . M . H . 29 St . Alban ' s Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 59 Itoynl Naval F . if . II . 90 St . John ' s Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street E . C . 136 Good Hcport Inns of Court Hot Holborn
., High 193 Confidence Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 857 Leigh F . M . H . 1305 St . Marylebone Criterion , Piccadilly 1571 Leopold Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge 1670 Adelphi p . M . II . 1805 Bromley St . Leonard Vestry Hall , Bow Road 2030 The Abbey Town Hall , Westminster H . A . C .
22 Mount Slcn Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 58 Felicity Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall Street 1118 University F . M . H . R . C . . I I 53 Holy Sanctuary ... | 33 , Golden Square , AV .
Lo ° f ° J NAME OP LODGE AND CHAI ' . PLACE OF MEETING . ( 2 nd ) TUESDAY , DECEMBER 11 th . 9 G Burlington Albion TavAldersgate Street
., 180 St . James ' s Union V . M . H . 198 Percy Ship and Turtle , E . C . 228 United Strength Guildhall Taw , ( Iresham Street 235 Nine Muses Willis ' s Room * , St . James ' s 518 AVellington White Swan Taw , Deptford 834 Ranclagh Criterion , Piccadilly 119 G Urban F . M . II . 1593 Royal Naval College Ship Hot . Greenwich
, 1 C 01 AVandcrcrs F . M . H . 1 G 14 Covent Garden Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . 19 G 9 Waldeek F . M . II . 2250 The AVarncr Chingford , Essex R . A . C . 145 Prudent Brethren F . AI . IL 185 Jerusalem Ditto Mark .
223 AVcst Smithlield 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . 236 Clapton 191 , Bishopsgate St ., E . C . R . C . 71 Bayard 33 , Golden Square , AV .
( 2 nd ) WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 12 th . 3 Fidelity F . At . II . 11 F . noch ... Ditto 13 Union AVateiioo If . H ., William Street , AVoolwlch 15 Kent F . if . II . 147 Justice While Swan , High Street , Deptford 781 Merchant Navy Silver TawBurdett RdLimeliouse
, ., 12 G 0 John Ilervey F . if . H . 1306 St . John Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgatc 1349 Friars Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall Street 1538 St . Alartin ' . s-lc-Grand Great Kasteni Hot ., Liverpool Street 15 SG Upper Norwood AYhitc Hart Hotel , Upper Norwood 1610 Northern Bar 33 , Golden Square , W . 1694 Imperial Pier Hotel , Oakley Street , Chelsea 1718 Centurion Inns of Court Hotel
1900 Montague Guest Ditto 2183 Royal Hampton Court Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court li . O-Ii . 1 I Grand Metropolitan Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . ( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , DECEMBER 13 th . 19 Royal Athelstan Cannon Street HotelEC
, .. 206 Friendship Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall Street 238 Pilgrim F . M . II . 263 Bank of Kuglaud Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 534 Polish National F . M . II . 65 < Cancmbui-y Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 8 G 0 Dalhousie Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street KI 7 G Capper Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 1216 Macdonald Hd . Qrs ., 1 st Surrey R ., Camberwell 1058 Duke of Canibewell
Connaught Surrey M . II ., 1598 Ley Spring Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 1708 Plucknett Baldfaeed Stag , Fast FInchley 1791 Creaton F . M . II . 1987 Strand Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . 2017 Beekeiiham Public Hall , Bcekenhaiu R . A . C . 72 Royal Jubilee Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 554
Yarborough Green Dragon , Stepney 907 Royal Albert AVhite Hart Tav ., Abchurch Lane 1642 Marl of Carnarvon Ladbroke Hall , Notting Hill Mark . 7 Carnarvon Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 86 Samson and Lion M . II ., Masons' Avenue , E . C . K . T . 117 New Temple Inner Temple , Fleet Street , E . C .
N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London , Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in sufficient tinw . —ED . M . S .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
* „ . * Ill answer to several enquiries ire desire to state that this column will he open to all subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR without charge , for the present at any rate . We wisli to see whether or not it is of itsc for the puipose intended before tee make any definite arrangement as to its continuance . —ED . M . S .
FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE . Calcill ' s Candid , Disquisition of the Principles of Freemasonry , 1769 ¦— Treicman ' s Princip les of Freemasonry , 1777 — The Unparalleled Suff ' erinqs of John Oust as , tortured , by the Inquisition , Plates and List of R . A . Chapters 17— . —Masonic Effusions . F . C .
, Daniel , 1819—^ 1 Masonic- Treatise , with , an Elucidation , W . Finch , 1802— Vestiges of Genuine Freemasonry , M . Margalouth , 1852—The Masonic . Charities , G . Taylor—An Investigation of the cause of hostility of the Church of Home towards Freemasonry , 187-. — An Essay on- the Origin of Freemasonry , 1880—Preston ' s Illustrations , 1788 ' 1 S 0118121821 . 1841— Freemason ' s Quarterly Magazine and
, , , Review , 1851-2-3-4-5 , in Parts as issued . —T . F . Speculative Masonry , J . Yarker — History and Articles of Masonry , M . Cooke—Masonic , Vocal Manual , W . Garforth , 1852—Lectures on Freemasonry , G . D . Goodyear , 1864—Lyre Maconnique ,
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
J . A . Jacquelin , 1811 — Code des Fra-nemucons , 1830—Masonic- Miscellanies , S . Jones , 1797—The Anti-Christian- Character of Freemasonry . M . C . Trcvilian , 1849 ( supposed ) . —BELL . WAXTED .
The Freemason ' s Magazine and Masonic Mirror , A"ols . xvii . to xxiv . —AsPiitAX-. The Freemason ' s Maqazine and Masonic Mirror , for 1866 , March 31 st ; 1868 , May 2 nd . 9 th . Kith . 23 rd and 30 th . July 11 th , 18 th and 25 th . Sept . 19 th and 26 th . Oct . 3 rd . 10 th , 17 th and 24 th . Dec . 10 th : 1801 ) . May 27 th , July 1 st . 8 th and 15 th , Sept . 30 th , Oct . 7 th 14 th and 21 stXov . 4 th and 1 lth : 1870 . Sept . 3 rd 10 th
, , , and 24 th , ike . ; anel Freemason ' s Magazine , for 1798 , 2 A'ols ., 8 A-O , London . Will purchase in odel parts or volumes , or gootl exchanges . —T . F . Ahiman Rezon , 1787-1813—B-oyal Arch Regulations before 1823 ¦—Preston ' s Illustrations , 1772 . 1775—Sketches and Reprints , W . J . Hughan . First Part 1871—Constitutions 185518611866—And
, , , , the following histories : Freemasonry in- Inverness — In China-Amoy—At Bottoms Eastwood—Doyle ' s Lodge of Fellowship—St . Hilda , Lodge , South Shields—Imperial George Lodge—Britannic Lodge—Kelso Lodge—Grand Lodge Report , December , 1871 . —T . F . Ahiman Rezon , 1787 , 1800 . 1801 , 1813— G . I . Constitutions , 1855 , ' 61 , 'do , ' &) , ' 67 , 8 vo . —Royal Arch- Regulations , 1864 ,
1879—Proceedings of Grand Lodge , December , 187 L . —BULL . * i . * We await information as to results of negotiations opened , and arc surprised , that we are not . in many instances , informed , when business is concluded—ED . M . S .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
FOB T _ E _ 1 _ E _ 1 GTT _ E 5 , _ Ea _ E __ T _ r : WIE-EIK :.
$ IUtr 0 p 0 ittatt ti %££ an & ( Eljapta . " All Lodges held Avithin Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laics and Regulations .
Lodge NAJIE OP LODGE AND CnArTER . PLACE OF MEETING . THIS DAY ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , DECEMBER 6 th . 10 AVestminstcr and Keystone FMII
... . . . 27 Egyptian Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 45 Strong Man M . H . Tav ., Basinghall St ., E . C . 192 Lion and Lamb Cannon Street Hotel 227 Ionic Ship ami Turtle , Leadcnhall Street 231 St . Andrew's F . M . H . 538 La Tolerance Ditto 554 Yarborough Green Dragon , Stepncv , E . 822 Victoria Rillcs F . M . H .
1178 Perfect Ashlar Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge 1351 St . Clement Danes The Palsgrave . 225 , Strand , AV . C 13 G 1 United Service Cafe Royal , Regent Street , W . 1425 Hyde Park The AVostbourne , 1 , Craven Road , AV . 1672 Mornington Imperial Hot ., Holborn Viaduct 1772 Pimlico Victoria Atans . Rest ,, Victoria St ., S . AV . 1790 Old England M . H ., New Thornton Heath . nr . Crydn . 2128 United Northern Counties ... Inns of Court Hot ., Lincoln ' s Inn Fields
R . A . C . 2 St . James ' s F . M . H . 9 Mount Moriah Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 174 Sincerity London Tav ., Fenehurch Street 1381 Kennington Horns Tav ., Kennington Mark . 197 Studholme 33 , Golden Square , AV .
( 1 st ) FRIDAY , DECEMBER 7 th . 92 Moira Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 700 Florence Nightingale M . If ., William Street , Woolwich 890 lionise ; , - Anderton's Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 1275 Star Ship Hot ., Greenwich 1489 Marquis of Ripon Cock Tav ., Highbury , X .
1 G 27 Royal Kensington F . M . II . 1815 Penge Thicket Hotel , Anerley 1891 St . Ambrose Baron ' s Court Hot ., AVcst Kensington R . A . C . 8 British F . M . II . Mark . 8 Thistle F . M . T . ( 2 nd ) SATURDAY , DECEMBERjTSth .
108 London Ship and Turtle , E . G . 173 Phoenix F . At . II . 142 G The Great City at i ... Cannon Street Hotel 1671 Mizpah Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 1928 Gallery Brixton Hall , Acre Lane , Brixton 19 G 4 Clerkenwell Holborn Viaduct Hot . R . A . C . 1297 AVcst Kent Thicket Hot ., Anerley 1397 Anerley Ditto
( 2 nd ) MONDAY , DECEMBER 10 th . 6 St . George's and Comer Stone ... F . M . H . 29 St . Alban ' s Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 59 Itoynl Naval F . if . II . 90 St . John ' s Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street E . C . 136 Good Hcport Inns of Court Hot Holborn
., High 193 Confidence Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 857 Leigh F . M . H . 1305 St . Marylebone Criterion , Piccadilly 1571 Leopold Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge 1670 Adelphi p . M . II . 1805 Bromley St . Leonard Vestry Hall , Bow Road 2030 The Abbey Town Hall , Westminster H . A . C .
22 Mount Slcn Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 58 Felicity Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall Street 1118 University F . M . H . R . C . . I I 53 Holy Sanctuary ... | 33 , Golden Square , AV .
Lo ° f ° J NAME OP LODGE AND CHAI ' . PLACE OF MEETING . ( 2 nd ) TUESDAY , DECEMBER 11 th . 9 G Burlington Albion TavAldersgate Street
., 180 St . James ' s Union V . M . H . 198 Percy Ship and Turtle , E . C . 228 United Strength Guildhall Taw , ( Iresham Street 235 Nine Muses Willis ' s Room * , St . James ' s 518 AVellington White Swan Taw , Deptford 834 Ranclagh Criterion , Piccadilly 119 G Urban F . M . II . 1593 Royal Naval College Ship Hot . Greenwich
, 1 C 01 AVandcrcrs F . M . H . 1 G 14 Covent Garden Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . 19 G 9 Waldeek F . M . II . 2250 The AVarncr Chingford , Essex R . A . C . 145 Prudent Brethren F . AI . IL 185 Jerusalem Ditto Mark .
223 AVcst Smithlield 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . 236 Clapton 191 , Bishopsgate St ., E . C . R . C . 71 Bayard 33 , Golden Square , AV .
( 2 nd ) WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 12 th . 3 Fidelity F . At . II . 11 F . noch ... Ditto 13 Union AVateiioo If . H ., William Street , AVoolwlch 15 Kent F . if . II . 147 Justice While Swan , High Street , Deptford 781 Merchant Navy Silver TawBurdett RdLimeliouse
, ., 12 G 0 John Ilervey F . if . H . 1306 St . John Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgatc 1349 Friars Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall Street 1538 St . Alartin ' . s-lc-Grand Great Kasteni Hot ., Liverpool Street 15 SG Upper Norwood AYhitc Hart Hotel , Upper Norwood 1610 Northern Bar 33 , Golden Square , W . 1694 Imperial Pier Hotel , Oakley Street , Chelsea 1718 Centurion Inns of Court Hotel
1900 Montague Guest Ditto 2183 Royal Hampton Court Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court li . O-Ii . 1 I Grand Metropolitan Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . ( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , DECEMBER 13 th . 19 Royal Athelstan Cannon Street HotelEC
, .. 206 Friendship Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall Street 238 Pilgrim F . M . II . 263 Bank of Kuglaud Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 534 Polish National F . M . II . 65 < Cancmbui-y Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 8 G 0 Dalhousie Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street KI 7 G Capper Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 1216 Macdonald Hd . Qrs ., 1 st Surrey R ., Camberwell 1058 Duke of Canibewell
Connaught Surrey M . II ., 1598 Ley Spring Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 1708 Plucknett Baldfaeed Stag , Fast FInchley 1791 Creaton F . M . II . 1987 Strand Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . 2017 Beekeiiham Public Hall , Bcekenhaiu R . A . C . 72 Royal Jubilee Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 554
Yarborough Green Dragon , Stepney 907 Royal Albert AVhite Hart Tav ., Abchurch Lane 1642 Marl of Carnarvon Ladbroke Hall , Notting Hill Mark . 7 Carnarvon Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 86 Samson and Lion M . II ., Masons' Avenue , E . C . K . T . 117 New Temple Inner Temple , Fleet Street , E . C .
N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London , Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in sufficient tinw . —ED . M . S .