Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article We are requested to notify that :- Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY AND POLITICS IN FRANCE. Page 1 of 1
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Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
V . M . desires to thank "Provincial " for the copy of report , statement and list , of members of the Staffordshire Masonic Charitable Association for 18 K 7 , which has been forwarded in answer to request , in our issue of the 21 th nil . 1 ) . T . J . IJ . —We cannot possibly insert , your conununicai ion in iis entirely . I f yon wili kindly condense it we will endeavour to piu ii in ne . vt week .
A large gathering of brethren assembled at Andertons Hotel , E . G ., London , on the 1 st inst ., to honour the installation of Bro . James Tobias Axford as W . M . of the Homsey Lodge . No . 890 . The popularity of the newly installed brother was evidenced by the numerous attendances and the representation of lodges on the occasion . Amongst those present were—Bros . A . A . Drew , P . M ., who
in the regretable absence ot Bro . Henry W . Jones , W . M ., presided at the opening of the lodge : J . T . Axford . S . W . ; E . L . Axford . J . W . : Dr . W . H . Kempster . treas .: E . J . Canderlier , sec . ; G . A . Pickering , S . D .: S . J . Pitt . ' . T . D . ; W . Garrard , I . G .: Past Masters Major J . C . Grant . J . West , and J . Bransdon , and Bowler , tyler ; C . J . Donbavand , J . J . Garton . F . 0 . Wildash . G . Zahn . G . A . Lhow .
T . Eagleton , H . G . Walker , G . Wallis , R . W . Brown , W . G . Donbavand , J . A . Arnati , Peyton , Dashwood , i . e ., kc . The attendance book was also signed bv the following visitors : —Past Masters R . S . Sindall . 200 1 . P . G . S . B ., Middlesex : Henry Shaw , 834 ; James Stevens . 1210 ; M . Disher , 1470 : F . A . Ford . 1 S 03 : R . Nettlefield . CO ; J . T . Pilditch , 1257 ; Edwd . Dah / . ell . 1549 ; W . Gowland , 200 ;
W . G . Lemon . 105 . and W . Jaques . 1714 : J . Batstone , W . M . 1801 . and B . W . Ford . W . M . 1803 : Bro . H . L . Truman , 21 ; H . Kempton . ( 50 : W . A . Colyer , 193 : T . Schmer , 205 ; Templer Down . 507 : D . Earnshaw , 525 ; E . J . Donbavand .- A . J . Holland , ( 519 ; F . H . Cozens . 907 : G . Tones . 1050 ; R . Ardennes . 1184 : R . Hardy Smith . 1190 ; F . H . Villaneuve and E . H . Young , of 1329 ; Dr . H . Visger and J . Clark .
of 1558 : F . Bevan , ] 70 (! : W . Blackburn and A . Tucker , of 1733 : , 1 . A . Brown , 2204 : S . M . Wilson , & c , ilc . There was a large amount of business before the lodge , although an emergency had been hold since the regular meeting in December . This was admirably got through , and the times stated for the several portions of the work and their conclusion were kept to the minute . This
may be taken as pretty nearly a solitary exception to a general rule . The report of the permanent committee having been received , Bro . R . W . Brown was elected a joining member . The acting W . M ., Bro . Drew then raised Bro . C . J . Donbavand to the degree of M . M . Bro . Brandon . P . M . then initiated Messrs . W . J . Donbavand and Henry G . Walker . Bro . J . J . West , P . M . very ably installed Bro . J . T .
Axford into the chair of K . S ., and after the usual salutations , the newly installed master invested the following officers , viz .: —Bros . E . L . Axford , S . W . ; Geo . A . Pickering , J . W .: Dr . W . H . Kempster , P . M ., treas . ; A . A . Drew . P . M ., sec . : E . J . Canderlier , S . D . ; J . S . Pitt , J . D . , R . Garrard , I . G . ; R . W . Brown , D . C . ; C . J . Donbavand , steward , and Bowler , tyler . The addresses were respectively
and very ably delivered by Past Masters Kempster , Brandon and Drew , and the business of installation was conducted throughout , and concluded in a most satisfactory manner . The new master and his officers at once set to work , and Bros . Wallis , Garton , Wildash . Thow and Zalm obtained the privileges of the second degree . A few matters of routine business terminated the work in lodge
precisely at the hour named , and the company at once proceeded to the banquet . This was a very elaborate affair , excellently well served , and reflected much credit on Bro . F . H . Clemow , the proprietor of Andertons hotel . After the cloth had been cleared , Bro . Axford , W . M . introduced the several loyal and masonic toasts , and directed the entire proceedings of a most enjoyable evening with
creditable ability . For the visitors , Bros . W . G . Lemon , 105 , and F . A . Ford , both of them recently elected to the honourable position of London County Councillors , returned thanks , congratulating the master and members on the undoubted prosperity of the lodge , and the assurance given by the character of the work that evening performed , that a continuance of good masonic service
might be relied upon . A capital programme ot music under the direction of Bro . F . Bevan was performed by Bros . J . A . Brown , Edward Dalzell , F . H . Cozens , F . Bevan , and Mr . Horace Drew , the latter a son of Br ' o . Past Master Drew , and whose excellent clarionet solos were highly appreciated . Bro . James Stevens , P . M .,
being specially called upon , recited the exquisite masonic poem of the late Bro . Dr . Rob . Morris , entitled ' ¦ Masons' Vows . " In every respect this installation meeting was a decided success , and the lodge deserves the hearty congratulations which were freely bestowed on its master and officers when the hour for separation at last arrived .
MASONIC CHARITY BALI , BANGOR . —A grand masonic ball , hold in aid of the fund to purchase a life presentation to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls for the province of North Wales , took place at the George Hotel , Garth Ferry , on Wednesday night , under the patronage of Bro . Lord Harlech , P . G . M ., N . Wales : Bro . Henry Piatt , Bro . Sackville West , and Bro . C . Hunter ( Plascoch ) . The
committee to which the arrangements were entrusted consisted of the Worshipful Masters of the lodges of St . David , Segontium , Anglesey , St . Eleth , St . Cybi , St . Tudno , and Madoc , Bros . Col . Piatt , Col . West , Sydney Piatt , T . E . Harris , R . H . Pritchard , J . Pritchard . and H . Greig Hughes ; the secretaries being Mr . W . Thornton Jones and Dr . Langford Jones . The ball was attended by a very
large and brilliant company , dancing commencing at nine o ' clock . The ball room was exquisitely decorated with masonic emblems and devices and plants , which were kindly supplied by Lord Penrhyn and Sir R . H . Williams-Bulkeley , " Bart . Richardson ' s band , of Liverpool , was also in attendance , and the entertainment was highly successful .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The Panmure Chapter , No . 720 , will hold a convocation at the Horns Tavern , Kennington Park , London , S . E ., on Monday next , the 11 th inst .. at 0 p . m . Exaltations and elections . The Chiswick Lodge , No . 2012 , Lord George F . Hamilton M . P ., W . M ., will meet at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , on Monday next , the llth inst ., at 5 p . m . Passings and raisings . Dinner at seven
The Great City Lodge , No . 1420 , W . Bro . Jonn Seex , W . M ., will meet at Cannon Street Hotel , London . E . G ., on Saturday , the 9 th inst ., at 4 p . m . The Ubique Lodge , No . 1789 , will hold its usual quarterly meeting at the Regent Masonic Hall , Cafe Royal , Air Street , Regent Street , London . AV .. on Monday , the llth inst ., at 6 p . m . Passings , raising and election .
The Union Lodge of Instruction , at Leicester , will hold its sixth meeting for the present session , under the presidency of R . W . Bro . Kelly . F . S . JJ ., F . ll . Hist . < __• ., P . P . G . M ., & c , at Freemason ' s Hall , Leicester , to-morrow ( Friday , 8 th inst . ) , at 7 p . m ., when a lecture on " The symbols and legends of Freemasonry , " will be delivered by Bro . J . Finlay Finlayson , No . 711 , Quatuor Coronati , No . 2070 . & c . Supper at 8 . 30 .
The installation meeting of the Drury Lane Lodge will be held in the saloon of Drury Lane Theatre on Tuesday , the 12 th inst ., at 3 p . m . Admiral Sir E . A . Inglefield is the W . M . Elect . Alderman Sir H . A . Isaacs is the Senior Warden Designate . The Hobart Lodge of Instruction , under warrant from
Tasmanian Union Lodge , 530 , E . C , holds its meetings at Freemasons' Hall . Murray Street , Hobart , Tasmania , on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month , at 7 . 30 p . m . Members of 530 , 801 , 345 , and 302 , are members of this lodge . Bro . James Chisholm , Secretary . New Wharf . Hobart . Tasmania .
The Egerton Lodge , No . 1030 , W . Bro . James Cookson , W . M ., will meet at the George Hotel , Heaton Norris , Lancashire , on Monday , the 18 th inst ., at 0 p . m . - —The ' - , 01 d Masonians" will entertain their friends at a social meeting at Anderton ' s Hotel , on Friday the 15 th inst ., at 8 . 30 p . m . Mr . R , S . Chandler will preside .
The fifteen sections will be worked in the following lodges of instruction , viz . : — RAVENSBOURKE , No . 1001 , at the George Hotel , Catford , S . E ., on Wednesday , 13 th February , at 7 p . m . Walter Martin , P . M .
879 , W . M . ; J . G . Milbourn , P . M . 13 , S . W . ; P . McCarthy , P . M . 1070 , J . W . ; H . Shaw , P . M . 834 , Preceptor ; C . Atkins , I . G . 548 , Secretary . CAMDEN , No . 704 , at the Lord Xorthbrook Hotel , Lee , S . E ., on Tuesday , 20 th February .
Freemasonry And Politics In France.
The following may interest our readers as an example of how things " masonic" are arranged on the other side of the " silver streak . " The old adage , " they do these things better in France , " does certainly not apply in matters masonic ; and herein is to be seen the foresight of our English predecessors , in tabooing the connection of Freemasonry with political clubs .
The following translation , from L . e Matin of the 19 th ult ., will serve to introduce the subsequent extract from the Standard of yesterday : — At a meeting of Freemasons of the department of the Seine , on the 18 th ulto ., having for special object to consider the election of the 27 th ; after some discussion , the following order of the day
was adopted : " Considering that the Republic is the only form of Government which allows of the improvement of the fate of citizens by reform cand continual social progress , and that it is the only one under which the people may manage its own affairs , and which assures the maintenance of liberty ;
" Considering that Freemasonry would fail in its duty if it did not help , by every means in the defence of Republican Institutions , in the face of the monarchist and clerical coalition which supports both morally and financially the candidature of Boulanger , and that all ought to unite in favor of the Republican candidate ; " Invites every member of every committee of the Seine to
canvass actively in favour of the candidate Jacques , and energetically oppose the plebiscitary and monarchial ways of General Boulanger , whose success would imperil all Republican institutions . " A remarkable scene occurred at the Masonic Lodge of which M . Laguerre is the Master . This Lodge , named the " Republique Democratique , " is composed of about a dozen members
who are Boulangists . It was known that M . Lalou , the Boulangist writer and editor of the Fruncn , was to be initiated , and as almost all the Paris Masons are strong anti-Boulangists , they invaded the hall . M . Laguerre opened the proceeding by announcing that M . Lalou being absent from Paris , his initiation must be deferred till March , especially as one of the three reports on M . Lalou was
not finished . Violent protests were raised , people on all sides crying out that it was a shameful trick unworthy of a Masonic Lodge . A member proposed to proceed at once to the discussion of M . Lalou ' s candidature , but M . Laguerre would not listen to the idea . The tumult then grew deafening , and , not being able to restore order , M . Laguerre closed the sitting and left . He had great difficulty in
reaching the door through the compact crowd of his adversaries , who hustled him so unmercifully that he lost his hat . After his departure , M . Denechaud assumed the Presidency , and a resolution was adopted protesting against the conduct of M . Laguerre for favouring the intrusion of a profane person , and demanding his impeaohraent by the Council of the Order .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
V . M . desires to thank "Provincial " for the copy of report , statement and list , of members of the Staffordshire Masonic Charitable Association for 18 K 7 , which has been forwarded in answer to request , in our issue of the 21 th nil . 1 ) . T . J . IJ . —We cannot possibly insert , your conununicai ion in iis entirely . I f yon wili kindly condense it we will endeavour to piu ii in ne . vt week .
A large gathering of brethren assembled at Andertons Hotel , E . G ., London , on the 1 st inst ., to honour the installation of Bro . James Tobias Axford as W . M . of the Homsey Lodge . No . 890 . The popularity of the newly installed brother was evidenced by the numerous attendances and the representation of lodges on the occasion . Amongst those present were—Bros . A . A . Drew , P . M ., who
in the regretable absence ot Bro . Henry W . Jones , W . M ., presided at the opening of the lodge : J . T . Axford . S . W . ; E . L . Axford . J . W . : Dr . W . H . Kempster . treas .: E . J . Canderlier , sec . ; G . A . Pickering , S . D .: S . J . Pitt . ' . T . D . ; W . Garrard , I . G .: Past Masters Major J . C . Grant . J . West , and J . Bransdon , and Bowler , tyler ; C . J . Donbavand , J . J . Garton . F . 0 . Wildash . G . Zahn . G . A . Lhow .
T . Eagleton , H . G . Walker , G . Wallis , R . W . Brown , W . G . Donbavand , J . A . Arnati , Peyton , Dashwood , i . e ., kc . The attendance book was also signed bv the following visitors : —Past Masters R . S . Sindall . 200 1 . P . G . S . B ., Middlesex : Henry Shaw , 834 ; James Stevens . 1210 ; M . Disher , 1470 : F . A . Ford . 1 S 03 : R . Nettlefield . CO ; J . T . Pilditch , 1257 ; Edwd . Dah / . ell . 1549 ; W . Gowland , 200 ;
W . G . Lemon . 105 . and W . Jaques . 1714 : J . Batstone , W . M . 1801 . and B . W . Ford . W . M . 1803 : Bro . H . L . Truman , 21 ; H . Kempton . ( 50 : W . A . Colyer , 193 : T . Schmer , 205 ; Templer Down . 507 : D . Earnshaw , 525 ; E . J . Donbavand .- A . J . Holland , ( 519 ; F . H . Cozens . 907 : G . Tones . 1050 ; R . Ardennes . 1184 : R . Hardy Smith . 1190 ; F . H . Villaneuve and E . H . Young , of 1329 ; Dr . H . Visger and J . Clark .
of 1558 : F . Bevan , ] 70 (! : W . Blackburn and A . Tucker , of 1733 : , 1 . A . Brown , 2204 : S . M . Wilson , & c , ilc . There was a large amount of business before the lodge , although an emergency had been hold since the regular meeting in December . This was admirably got through , and the times stated for the several portions of the work and their conclusion were kept to the minute . This
may be taken as pretty nearly a solitary exception to a general rule . The report of the permanent committee having been received , Bro . R . W . Brown was elected a joining member . The acting W . M ., Bro . Drew then raised Bro . C . J . Donbavand to the degree of M . M . Bro . Brandon . P . M . then initiated Messrs . W . J . Donbavand and Henry G . Walker . Bro . J . J . West , P . M . very ably installed Bro . J . T .
Axford into the chair of K . S ., and after the usual salutations , the newly installed master invested the following officers , viz .: —Bros . E . L . Axford , S . W . ; Geo . A . Pickering , J . W .: Dr . W . H . Kempster , P . M ., treas . ; A . A . Drew . P . M ., sec . : E . J . Canderlier , S . D . ; J . S . Pitt , J . D . , R . Garrard , I . G . ; R . W . Brown , D . C . ; C . J . Donbavand , steward , and Bowler , tyler . The addresses were respectively
and very ably delivered by Past Masters Kempster , Brandon and Drew , and the business of installation was conducted throughout , and concluded in a most satisfactory manner . The new master and his officers at once set to work , and Bros . Wallis , Garton , Wildash . Thow and Zalm obtained the privileges of the second degree . A few matters of routine business terminated the work in lodge
precisely at the hour named , and the company at once proceeded to the banquet . This was a very elaborate affair , excellently well served , and reflected much credit on Bro . F . H . Clemow , the proprietor of Andertons hotel . After the cloth had been cleared , Bro . Axford , W . M . introduced the several loyal and masonic toasts , and directed the entire proceedings of a most enjoyable evening with
creditable ability . For the visitors , Bros . W . G . Lemon , 105 , and F . A . Ford , both of them recently elected to the honourable position of London County Councillors , returned thanks , congratulating the master and members on the undoubted prosperity of the lodge , and the assurance given by the character of the work that evening performed , that a continuance of good masonic service
might be relied upon . A capital programme ot music under the direction of Bro . F . Bevan was performed by Bros . J . A . Brown , Edward Dalzell , F . H . Cozens , F . Bevan , and Mr . Horace Drew , the latter a son of Br ' o . Past Master Drew , and whose excellent clarionet solos were highly appreciated . Bro . James Stevens , P . M .,
being specially called upon , recited the exquisite masonic poem of the late Bro . Dr . Rob . Morris , entitled ' ¦ Masons' Vows . " In every respect this installation meeting was a decided success , and the lodge deserves the hearty congratulations which were freely bestowed on its master and officers when the hour for separation at last arrived .
MASONIC CHARITY BALI , BANGOR . —A grand masonic ball , hold in aid of the fund to purchase a life presentation to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls for the province of North Wales , took place at the George Hotel , Garth Ferry , on Wednesday night , under the patronage of Bro . Lord Harlech , P . G . M ., N . Wales : Bro . Henry Piatt , Bro . Sackville West , and Bro . C . Hunter ( Plascoch ) . The
committee to which the arrangements were entrusted consisted of the Worshipful Masters of the lodges of St . David , Segontium , Anglesey , St . Eleth , St . Cybi , St . Tudno , and Madoc , Bros . Col . Piatt , Col . West , Sydney Piatt , T . E . Harris , R . H . Pritchard , J . Pritchard . and H . Greig Hughes ; the secretaries being Mr . W . Thornton Jones and Dr . Langford Jones . The ball was attended by a very
large and brilliant company , dancing commencing at nine o ' clock . The ball room was exquisitely decorated with masonic emblems and devices and plants , which were kindly supplied by Lord Penrhyn and Sir R . H . Williams-Bulkeley , " Bart . Richardson ' s band , of Liverpool , was also in attendance , and the entertainment was highly successful .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The Panmure Chapter , No . 720 , will hold a convocation at the Horns Tavern , Kennington Park , London , S . E ., on Monday next , the 11 th inst .. at 0 p . m . Exaltations and elections . The Chiswick Lodge , No . 2012 , Lord George F . Hamilton M . P ., W . M ., will meet at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , on Monday next , the llth inst ., at 5 p . m . Passings and raisings . Dinner at seven
The Great City Lodge , No . 1420 , W . Bro . Jonn Seex , W . M ., will meet at Cannon Street Hotel , London . E . G ., on Saturday , the 9 th inst ., at 4 p . m . The Ubique Lodge , No . 1789 , will hold its usual quarterly meeting at the Regent Masonic Hall , Cafe Royal , Air Street , Regent Street , London . AV .. on Monday , the llth inst ., at 6 p . m . Passings , raising and election .
The Union Lodge of Instruction , at Leicester , will hold its sixth meeting for the present session , under the presidency of R . W . Bro . Kelly . F . S . JJ ., F . ll . Hist . < __• ., P . P . G . M ., & c , at Freemason ' s Hall , Leicester , to-morrow ( Friday , 8 th inst . ) , at 7 p . m ., when a lecture on " The symbols and legends of Freemasonry , " will be delivered by Bro . J . Finlay Finlayson , No . 711 , Quatuor Coronati , No . 2070 . & c . Supper at 8 . 30 .
The installation meeting of the Drury Lane Lodge will be held in the saloon of Drury Lane Theatre on Tuesday , the 12 th inst ., at 3 p . m . Admiral Sir E . A . Inglefield is the W . M . Elect . Alderman Sir H . A . Isaacs is the Senior Warden Designate . The Hobart Lodge of Instruction , under warrant from
Tasmanian Union Lodge , 530 , E . C , holds its meetings at Freemasons' Hall . Murray Street , Hobart , Tasmania , on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month , at 7 . 30 p . m . Members of 530 , 801 , 345 , and 302 , are members of this lodge . Bro . James Chisholm , Secretary . New Wharf . Hobart . Tasmania .
The Egerton Lodge , No . 1030 , W . Bro . James Cookson , W . M ., will meet at the George Hotel , Heaton Norris , Lancashire , on Monday , the 18 th inst ., at 0 p . m . - —The ' - , 01 d Masonians" will entertain their friends at a social meeting at Anderton ' s Hotel , on Friday the 15 th inst ., at 8 . 30 p . m . Mr . R , S . Chandler will preside .
The fifteen sections will be worked in the following lodges of instruction , viz . : — RAVENSBOURKE , No . 1001 , at the George Hotel , Catford , S . E ., on Wednesday , 13 th February , at 7 p . m . Walter Martin , P . M .
879 , W . M . ; J . G . Milbourn , P . M . 13 , S . W . ; P . McCarthy , P . M . 1070 , J . W . ; H . Shaw , P . M . 834 , Preceptor ; C . Atkins , I . G . 548 , Secretary . CAMDEN , No . 704 , at the Lord Xorthbrook Hotel , Lee , S . E ., on Tuesday , 20 th February .
Freemasonry And Politics In France.
The following may interest our readers as an example of how things " masonic" are arranged on the other side of the " silver streak . " The old adage , " they do these things better in France , " does certainly not apply in matters masonic ; and herein is to be seen the foresight of our English predecessors , in tabooing the connection of Freemasonry with political clubs .
The following translation , from L . e Matin of the 19 th ult ., will serve to introduce the subsequent extract from the Standard of yesterday : — At a meeting of Freemasons of the department of the Seine , on the 18 th ulto ., having for special object to consider the election of the 27 th ; after some discussion , the following order of the day
was adopted : " Considering that the Republic is the only form of Government which allows of the improvement of the fate of citizens by reform cand continual social progress , and that it is the only one under which the people may manage its own affairs , and which assures the maintenance of liberty ;
" Considering that Freemasonry would fail in its duty if it did not help , by every means in the defence of Republican Institutions , in the face of the monarchist and clerical coalition which supports both morally and financially the candidature of Boulanger , and that all ought to unite in favor of the Republican candidate ; " Invites every member of every committee of the Seine to
canvass actively in favour of the candidate Jacques , and energetically oppose the plebiscitary and monarchial ways of General Boulanger , whose success would imperil all Republican institutions . " A remarkable scene occurred at the Masonic Lodge of which M . Laguerre is the Master . This Lodge , named the " Republique Democratique , " is composed of about a dozen members
who are Boulangists . It was known that M . Lalou , the Boulangist writer and editor of the Fruncn , was to be initiated , and as almost all the Paris Masons are strong anti-Boulangists , they invaded the hall . M . Laguerre opened the proceeding by announcing that M . Lalou being absent from Paris , his initiation must be deferred till March , especially as one of the three reports on M . Lalou was
not finished . Violent protests were raised , people on all sides crying out that it was a shameful trick unworthy of a Masonic Lodge . A member proposed to proceed at once to the discussion of M . Lalou ' s candidature , but M . Laguerre would not listen to the idea . The tumult then grew deafening , and , not being able to restore order , M . Laguerre closed the sitting and left . He had great difficulty in
reaching the door through the compact crowd of his adversaries , who hustled him so unmercifully that he lost his hat . After his departure , M . Denechaud assumed the Presidency , and a resolution was adopted protesting against the conduct of M . Laguerre for favouring the intrusion of a profane person , and demanding his impeaohraent by the Council of the Order .