Article Metropolitan Lodges and Chapters of Instruction. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Metropolitan Lodges and Chapters of Instruction .
No of NAMK 01 , , , OJJ ( . on CHATTER . PLACE OP AIEETINO . I I "; , ° J NAME OF LODGE on CHAPTER . PLACE OK AIEETING . Lodge . Lodge . |
THIS DAY ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , MARCH 7 th . 13 Union Waterloo ... at 8 Pari of Chatlnn .. AVm . St .. AVoolwich . 144 St . Luke ' s ,, 7 . 30 AVhite Hart Tav . King ' s Road , Chelsea . 147 Justice „ 8 Brown Bear . High Street . Deptford . 754 High Cross 8 Coach HorsesLower Tottenham .
„ * , 879 Soutlnvark „ 8 Sir Garnet AVolseley . Both . NOAV Road . 901 ' City of London 6 . 30 Citv Arms Rest .. St . Alarv Axe . 907 Royal Albert , „ 7 . 30 AVhite Hart . Abchurch Lane , F . C . 1017 Alonietiore „ 8 St . James ' s Restaurant , Piccadilly , AA . 1158 Southern Star ,, 8 Sir Syd . Smith . Chester St .. Kenti . Rd ., 1259 Duke of Edinburgh ... „ 7 C . of G . Hope , Tav ., Lintehouse Church . 1278 Burdett Coutts , 8 Swan Tav ., New Bethnal Green Road . 1306 St . John , 8 Three Owns , jrile Knd Road .
1339 StockAvell , 7 . 30 Cock Tav ., Kennington Road . 1348 Eburv „ 8 Greyhound Hot .. Streatham Common 1360 Royal Arthur , 7 . 30 Prince of AVales Hot ., AVimbledon 1 . 366 Highgatc „ 8 Bull and Gate , lliffhgate Road , N . 1126 The Great City „ 6 . 30 AL IL . Mason's Avenue , E . C . 1441 Ivy „ 8 Railway Tav ., Battersea Rise , S . AV . 1571 i Leopold „ 7 Austin's Hot ., Loudon Street , E . C . 16 ( 12 Sir Hugh Alyddclton ... „ 8 AVhite Horse . Liverpool Road , N .
1614 Covent Garden „ 8 Criterion . Piccadilly . [ well . 1022 Rose „ 8 Stirling Castle Hot .. Church St .. Cambcr-1025 Tredegar ,, 7 . 30 AA elIinVton Arms , BOAV Road . E . 1032 Stuart „ 7 Red Lion . Poppins Ct ., Fleet St .. E . C . 1073 i Langton , 5 . 30 AVhite Hart . Abchurch Lane . 1685 I Guelph „ 8 Town Hall Levtonstoiic 1744 RoA-al SiiA-oy „ 8 Blue Post . Charlotte Street . AV . 1791 Creaton ... , 8 Whtshf . Hot .. GldliAvkRd . Sheplid ' sBsh 1816 Victoria Park 8 The Stratford
,. George Inn , BroadAvay , . it . A . 0 . 188 ; Joppa „ 7 AVhitbv Tav .. 57 , AVapping AA all . 753 I Prince Frederick AVm . „ 7 . 30 Faglo TaA-., Clifton Road , Maida A ' ale . 1471 [ North London „ 8 Northampton Ho ., St . Paul ' s Rd ., C'anon-I bury , N . 1 G 24 I Eccleston , 7 . 30 CroAvn * Anchor , 79 , Ebury St .. S . AV .
(• 2 nd ) FRIDAY , MARCH 8 th . 9 Albion at CroAvn Hot ., Essex Stieet . Strand . 25 | Robert , Burns „ 8 Bedford Hd . Hot .. Maiden La .. Cov . Gar . 167 ! St . John ' s 8 York & Albany Hot .. Albany St ., N . AV . 169 Temperance , 8 Raihvay Tavern , NCAV Cross Road . 217 i Stability , ' Alas . Ha . Tav ., Basinghall Street .
256 | Unions ( Finnla . L nil . ) ., 6 F . AL II 507 J United Pilgrims ... „ 7 . 30 i S . M . IL , Cambenvell NOAV Road . 749 ¦ Belgravc „ 8 Clarence Hot ., Aldersgate Street , K . C . 765 : St . James ' s , 8 Princess A ict .. Lower Rd ., Rotherhithe 706 AVilliam Preston ... „ 8 i St . AndrcAv ' s Tav .. George Street . AV . 780 Royal Alfred „ 8 i Star and Garter Hot .. Kew Bridge . 834 Ra ' nelagh „ 8 : Six Bells . Queen St .. Hammersmith . AV . 1056 Victoria ( Metro . L . of I . ) „ 7 Portugal Hot ., 155 , Fleet Street , E . C . 185
' Lewis „ 7 . 30 ; Fishmongers'Arms , AVood Green . 1228 Beacontree „ 8 ] Green Alan . Lcytonstone 1287 : Great Northern ... „ 8 | Bei'Avick Arms . Pernors Street . AV . [ bury 1298 Royal Standard ... „ 8 i Builder ' s Arms . St . Paul's Road .. Canoii-1304 ! Fai-1 of Zetland ... ,. 8 I Royal Edward . Alare Street , llacknev . 1365 '¦ Clapton „ 8 Ld . Stanley , Sandringham Rd ., Dalston 1381 . Kennington „ 7 . 30 ! Horns Tav .. Kennington Park . S . E . 1472 ; Henlcv " , 7 . 30 ! Three Crowns . North AVoolwich
1607 Loyally „ 8 j Private Ro .. 206 . Mare Street , Hackney 1629 Henry Aluggeridge ... „ 6 j ALII .. Mason's AA-enue , K . C . 1642 Earl of Carnarvon ... „ 8 ! Ladbroke Hall . Ladbroke Grove Road . 1716 ! All Saints ,, * v . ? I 0 J TOAVU Hall , Poplar . 2030 i Abbev , 7 . 30 King ' s Arms , Buckingham Palace , Rd . It . A . C . ' j 890 j Hornsey R ( Porchcsterllot ., 1 einsterPl .. Paililingii . 940 : Strawberry Hill , 8 i Orovhound Hot .. Richmond . S . AV . 1275 '
; star ... „ 8 Stirling Castle . Church St ., Cmbrwll . S . K . Mark . I j 355 i Royal Savoy ,, 7 . 30 The Moorgate , 15 , Finsbnry Pavt ., K . C .
( 2 nd ) SATURDAY , -MARCH iltli . 17 !) . Manchester at 8 Blue Post . Charlotte St ., Filzrov Sip 198 Percy , 8 Jolly Farmers . Southgatc Road , ' N . 1275 Star „ 7 Cover Castle . I ' KitdweV . Deptford , S . K . 1288 Finsbnry Park 8 Cerk ' ) nv „ Highbury . N . 15-H Alexandra Palace ... ,, 7 . 30 Station Hot ., Can-hoi well New Road . 2012
ChisAvick ,, 7 . 30 Windsor Castle , King St .. Hammersmith It . A . C . 19 Mount Sinai „ 8 Union Tav .. Air Street . Regent . Street . 186 Industry ,, 7 . 30 Prince Regent , DnlAvieh Road . S . E . ( 2 nd ) MONDAY , MARCH Ilth .
22 Loughborough at 8 Gaudcn Hot .. Claphiini . S . AV . 45 Strong Alan „ 7 Hull and Hell , I opoinaker Street . K . C . 174 Sincerity , 7 Hallway Tav .. Fenclotrch Street , K C . IHO St . James ' s Union 8 Union Tav .. Air Si . feet . W . 511 Zetland „ 8 York and Albany , Regent ' s Pk ., N . W . 548 Wellington „ 8 White Swan , High Street , Deptford . 933 Doric , 8 Duke ' s Head , AVhitcebapcl , K . 1178 Perfect Ashlar 8 Bridge House HotSE
„ .. .. 1227 Upton „ 8 Three Nuns Hot .. Aldgatc . 1425 Hyde Park 8 Porchesler Hot .. Leinster PI ., Paddiiign . ' •" ¦ sn ' Marquess of Rjpon 8 Royal Kdward . Alare Street . Hackney . 1507 Metropolitan , 7 . 30 "Moorgate 'J ' ' ., Finsbnry Pavement . 1536 United Military ... ,, 7 . 30 Karl Chatham . Thomas St .. AVoolwich . 1572 Carnarvon ' „ 6 Salutation , NcAVgato Street . 1585 Royal Commemoration „ 8 Raihvay Hot ., Putney Station .
( 2 nd ) MONDAY . MARCH 11 th—continued . 1586 Upper Norwood ... at 8 AVhite lbtrt , Church ltd ., Up . Norwood 1608 Kilburn „ 8 South Molton Hot ., South Molton St . 1623 AVest Smithflcld ... „ 7 Alanchester Hot ., Aldersgate St ., K . C . 1662 Beaconsticld , 8 Chequers . AValthatnstoAv . 1707 Eleanor , 8 SCATII Sisters Hot .. Tottenham .
1789 Ubiquo 7 . 30 Vict . Alan . Rest .. Victoria St ., S . AV . 1804 Coborn „ 8 Eagle Hot ., Snaresbrook . 1891 St . Ambrose , 8 Baron's Court Hot ., AA ' ost . Kensington . 1901 Sehvvn , 8 East Dulwich Hot .. Dulwich . 2021 Oil ' s AVr . & S . Alarylebn .,, 8 Criterion , Piccadilly . 2090 Hammersmith ... ' ... ,, 7 . 30 The Baths , Black's ltd ., Hammersmith . R . A . C 206 Hope „ Globe Tav ., Royal Hill , Greenwich .
( 2 nd ) TUESDAY , MARCH 12 th . 55 Constitutional at 7 Bedford Hot ., Soutliinpn . Bldgs ., llolbn . 05 Prosperity , 7 Hercules TaA- ., Leadenhall Street , E . C . 140 St . George „ 8 Public Hall . New Cross . 141 Faith „ 8 Vie . Alans . Rt ., Victoria Street , S . AV . 177 Domatic , 7 . 30 Surrey AI . H „ Camberwell New Road ,
188 Joppa ... „ 7 Alanchester Hot ., Aldersgate Street . 238 Pilgrim ( AVork in German 1 st & 3 rd Tue . ) „ 7 Guildhall Ta \ ' ., Greshain Street . 463 E . Surrey Lo . of Coned . ,, 7 . 45 Greyhound Hotel , Croydon . 554 Yarborough „ 8 Green Dragon , Stepney . 704 Camden „ 8 Northbrook Hotel , Lee . 706 Florence Nightingale 7 . 30 Af . IL , AVilliam Street , AVoohvich . 753 Prince Fredk . AVilliam Eagle Tav . Clifton RoadAfaida Vale
„ , , . 820 Lily „ 8 . Greyhound Hot ., Richmond . 858 South Middlesex ... „ 7 . 30 , Beaufort Ho ., AValhani Green . 860 Dalhousie , 8 i Aliddleton Arms , Aliddleton Rd ., Dl .-ln . 861 Finsburv „ \ King ' s Head TaA-., Threadneedlc Street . 1044 AVandsAvorth „ 8 East Hill Hot ,, Alma Rd ., AVandsworth 1076 Capper „ 8 Railway Hot ,, Angel Lane , Stratford . 1155 Excelsior „ 8 ! Com . Dk . TaA-., Plough Rd ., Rothcrhithe 1321 Emblematic „ 8 ! Ashley ' s Hot ., Henrietta St ., Cov . Gilu .
1349 Friars , 7 . 30 Liverpool Arms , Canning Town . 1382 Corinthian „ 7 i George Hot ., Cubitt Towu , Poplar . 1446 Alount Edgccumbe ... „ 8 i Crown Tav ., Lambeth Road , S . E . 1471 Islington , 7 . 30 Cock TaA * ., Highbury . 1540 j Chaucer „ 8 Old AVhite Hart , High Street , Borough 1558 ! Duke of Connaught ... „ 8 Palmerston Anns , Grosvenor Park , S . F . 1586 j Upper Norwood ... ., 8 AVhite Hart , Church ltd ., Up . Norwood , 1612 AVest Middlesex ... ,. 7 . 30 Bell Hot .. Ealing . 8 AVood
1695 NCAV Finsbnry Park ... ., Hornsey Tav ., N . 1767 ! Kensington ' 8 ScarsdaleAnns , EdAvardcsSq .. Kensgtn . 1839 ; Duke of Cornwall ... „ 7 Queen's Arms , Queen Street , Oheapsido 1949 i Brixton 8 Prince Regent , Dulwich Road , S . E . 1950 1 Southgatc ,, 8 Railway Hot .. NCAV Southgatc . 2260 | Cator ' 8 Railway Hotel , Bcckenhain R . AC . I ¦ 25 i Robert , Burns „ 8 Sttssex Store , St . Martin ' s Lane . 704 , Camden , 8 . 30 'I he Moorgate , Moorgate Street . 975 | Mctripolltan , 6 . 30 AVhite Hart , Cannon Street , E . C . 1642 , Earl of Carnarvon ... „ 8 Ladbroke Hall , Ladbroke Grove Road
( 2 nd ) WEDNESDAY , MARCH 13 th . 3 Fidelity at 8 The Alfred , Roman Road , Bani . ' -burv 30 i United Alariners ... ,, 7 . 30 Lugard Hot ., Lugard Road , Pcckliain . 73 i Alount Lebanon ... ., 8 George Inn , Born' High Street . 79 Pythagorean ., 8 Portland Hot ., Greenwich . 87 Viliuvian „ 8 Hdg . Ho . Hot ., London Bridge . 228 United Strength 8 Hope TavStanhope St"Regent ' Pk
... „ ., ., s . 538 ; l . a Tolerance „ 8 Portland Arms , Gt . Portland Slit el . 7 : 10 ; Pannuire ,. 7 Balham Hot ., Balha . n . 781 ; Merchant "Navy ... , ' , 7 . 30 Silver Tav ., Btwdett Road , Limehonse . 813 I New Concord „ 8 Jolly Fanners , Southgatc Road , N . 802 I AVhittington „ 8 Red Lion , Poppins Court , Fleet Street 871 Royal Oak „ 8 Lord Clyde , AVooleii Road , Deptford . 898 ! Tempeiance in East ... ,, 7 . 30 Greenwich Pcnsr ., BOAV Lane , Poplar . 902 I Burgoyno 0 Essex AnusEssex StreetStrand
„ , , . I 1339 StockAvell „ 0 AI . II . Tav ., Alason ' s Avenue . K . C . 1475 Peckhani „ 8 Lord AVellington . Old Kent Road , S . K . 1524 j Duke of Connaught ... „ 8 Royal Edward , Alarc St ., Hackney , K . 1585 j Royal Commemoration „ 8 'I he Eight Bells , Pntne . v 1601 ; llavensbounic „ 8 George Inn . Catlord , S . K . 1604 AVandercrs ,, 7 . 30 Vict . Mans . Rest ., Vict . Street , S . W . 1681 1 Londcsborough „ 8 : Berkeley Ai ms , John St ., Berkeley Sq . 1708 i Plucknett „ 7 . 45 Bald Faced Slag , East End , Finclilcy . 1805 Leonard 8 '
: Bromley SI . ' s „ Cherry Tree , Brunswick lioad , Bow 1922 I Karl of Lathom ... „ 8 Station Hot ,. Camberwell New Road . 1963 , Duke of Albany ... ,, 7 . 30 Atasons Arms , 169 , Battersea Park Road 2206 The llcndon ' „ 8 Old AVclsh Harp , llendon R . A . C . ; 177 I Domatic „ 7 I Union Tav .. Air Street , AV . 18 ( 1 J St . James's Union ... ., 8 ' Swan Tav ., Mount Street , AV . 933 1 Doric ,, 7 . 30 Print . II . Wks .. 202 , Whilcohapel Road ' 1339 Stock !
••¦ ; weI „ 0 AI . 11 . Tav .. Alason ' s Avenue . K . C . 1950 Sonthgate „ 8 llaiiway Hotel , New Sontligale . * This Chapter meets only on third Mondays in each month . ( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , MARCH 1-lth . Lodges and Chapters , as 1 st Thursday in
March-I { see ante ) . * * * 'Hie Editor will be greatly obliged for any iujortnation tin Secret or iex tf the rnrions Lodges may be pleased , to send to hi'in .
THE Highly BURTCOURT Glazed or Rough . Five NOTE i Quires of this PAPER excellent Note <@ Paper ENVELOPES with 100 Court . Envelopes forwarded , carriage paid , to any part of the United Kingdom , for 3 , 6 . ADAMS BROS ., 59 , MOOR LANE , FORE STREET , LONDON , E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Metropolitan Lodges and Chapters of Instruction .
No of NAMK 01 , , , OJJ ( . on CHATTER . PLACE OP AIEETINO . I I "; , ° J NAME OF LODGE on CHAPTER . PLACE OK AIEETING . Lodge . Lodge . |
THIS DAY ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , MARCH 7 th . 13 Union Waterloo ... at 8 Pari of Chatlnn .. AVm . St .. AVoolwich . 144 St . Luke ' s ,, 7 . 30 AVhite Hart Tav . King ' s Road , Chelsea . 147 Justice „ 8 Brown Bear . High Street . Deptford . 754 High Cross 8 Coach HorsesLower Tottenham .
„ * , 879 Soutlnvark „ 8 Sir Garnet AVolseley . Both . NOAV Road . 901 ' City of London 6 . 30 Citv Arms Rest .. St . Alarv Axe . 907 Royal Albert , „ 7 . 30 AVhite Hart . Abchurch Lane , F . C . 1017 Alonietiore „ 8 St . James ' s Restaurant , Piccadilly , AA . 1158 Southern Star ,, 8 Sir Syd . Smith . Chester St .. Kenti . Rd ., 1259 Duke of Edinburgh ... „ 7 C . of G . Hope , Tav ., Lintehouse Church . 1278 Burdett Coutts , 8 Swan Tav ., New Bethnal Green Road . 1306 St . John , 8 Three Owns , jrile Knd Road .
1339 StockAvell , 7 . 30 Cock Tav ., Kennington Road . 1348 Eburv „ 8 Greyhound Hot .. Streatham Common 1360 Royal Arthur , 7 . 30 Prince of AVales Hot ., AVimbledon 1 . 366 Highgatc „ 8 Bull and Gate , lliffhgate Road , N . 1126 The Great City „ 6 . 30 AL IL . Mason's Avenue , E . C . 1441 Ivy „ 8 Railway Tav ., Battersea Rise , S . AV . 1571 i Leopold „ 7 Austin's Hot ., Loudon Street , E . C . 16 ( 12 Sir Hugh Alyddclton ... „ 8 AVhite Horse . Liverpool Road , N .
1614 Covent Garden „ 8 Criterion . Piccadilly . [ well . 1022 Rose „ 8 Stirling Castle Hot .. Church St .. Cambcr-1025 Tredegar ,, 7 . 30 AA elIinVton Arms , BOAV Road . E . 1032 Stuart „ 7 Red Lion . Poppins Ct ., Fleet St .. E . C . 1073 i Langton , 5 . 30 AVhite Hart . Abchurch Lane . 1685 I Guelph „ 8 Town Hall Levtonstoiic 1744 RoA-al SiiA-oy „ 8 Blue Post . Charlotte Street . AV . 1791 Creaton ... , 8 Whtshf . Hot .. GldliAvkRd . Sheplid ' sBsh 1816 Victoria Park 8 The Stratford
,. George Inn , BroadAvay , . it . A . 0 . 188 ; Joppa „ 7 AVhitbv Tav .. 57 , AVapping AA all . 753 I Prince Frederick AVm . „ 7 . 30 Faglo TaA-., Clifton Road , Maida A ' ale . 1471 [ North London „ 8 Northampton Ho ., St . Paul ' s Rd ., C'anon-I bury , N . 1 G 24 I Eccleston , 7 . 30 CroAvn * Anchor , 79 , Ebury St .. S . AV .
(• 2 nd ) FRIDAY , MARCH 8 th . 9 Albion at CroAvn Hot ., Essex Stieet . Strand . 25 | Robert , Burns „ 8 Bedford Hd . Hot .. Maiden La .. Cov . Gar . 167 ! St . John ' s 8 York & Albany Hot .. Albany St ., N . AV . 169 Temperance , 8 Raihvay Tavern , NCAV Cross Road . 217 i Stability , ' Alas . Ha . Tav ., Basinghall Street .
256 | Unions ( Finnla . L nil . ) ., 6 F . AL II 507 J United Pilgrims ... „ 7 . 30 i S . M . IL , Cambenvell NOAV Road . 749 ¦ Belgravc „ 8 Clarence Hot ., Aldersgate Street , K . C . 765 : St . James ' s , 8 Princess A ict .. Lower Rd ., Rotherhithe 706 AVilliam Preston ... „ 8 i St . AndrcAv ' s Tav .. George Street . AV . 780 Royal Alfred „ 8 i Star and Garter Hot .. Kew Bridge . 834 Ra ' nelagh „ 8 : Six Bells . Queen St .. Hammersmith . AV . 1056 Victoria ( Metro . L . of I . ) „ 7 Portugal Hot ., 155 , Fleet Street , E . C . 185
' Lewis „ 7 . 30 ; Fishmongers'Arms , AVood Green . 1228 Beacontree „ 8 ] Green Alan . Lcytonstone 1287 : Great Northern ... „ 8 | Bei'Avick Arms . Pernors Street . AV . [ bury 1298 Royal Standard ... „ 8 i Builder ' s Arms . St . Paul's Road .. Canoii-1304 ! Fai-1 of Zetland ... ,. 8 I Royal Edward . Alare Street , llacknev . 1365 '¦ Clapton „ 8 Ld . Stanley , Sandringham Rd ., Dalston 1381 . Kennington „ 7 . 30 ! Horns Tav .. Kennington Park . S . E . 1472 ; Henlcv " , 7 . 30 ! Three Crowns . North AVoolwich
1607 Loyally „ 8 j Private Ro .. 206 . Mare Street , Hackney 1629 Henry Aluggeridge ... „ 6 j ALII .. Mason's AA-enue , K . C . 1642 Earl of Carnarvon ... „ 8 ! Ladbroke Hall . Ladbroke Grove Road . 1716 ! All Saints ,, * v . ? I 0 J TOAVU Hall , Poplar . 2030 i Abbev , 7 . 30 King ' s Arms , Buckingham Palace , Rd . It . A . C . ' j 890 j Hornsey R ( Porchcsterllot ., 1 einsterPl .. Paililingii . 940 : Strawberry Hill , 8 i Orovhound Hot .. Richmond . S . AV . 1275 '
; star ... „ 8 Stirling Castle . Church St ., Cmbrwll . S . K . Mark . I j 355 i Royal Savoy ,, 7 . 30 The Moorgate , 15 , Finsbnry Pavt ., K . C .
( 2 nd ) SATURDAY , -MARCH iltli . 17 !) . Manchester at 8 Blue Post . Charlotte St ., Filzrov Sip 198 Percy , 8 Jolly Farmers . Southgatc Road , ' N . 1275 Star „ 7 Cover Castle . I ' KitdweV . Deptford , S . K . 1288 Finsbnry Park 8 Cerk ' ) nv „ Highbury . N . 15-H Alexandra Palace ... ,, 7 . 30 Station Hot ., Can-hoi well New Road . 2012
ChisAvick ,, 7 . 30 Windsor Castle , King St .. Hammersmith It . A . C . 19 Mount Sinai „ 8 Union Tav .. Air Street . Regent . Street . 186 Industry ,, 7 . 30 Prince Regent , DnlAvieh Road . S . E . ( 2 nd ) MONDAY , MARCH Ilth .
22 Loughborough at 8 Gaudcn Hot .. Claphiini . S . AV . 45 Strong Alan „ 7 Hull and Hell , I opoinaker Street . K . C . 174 Sincerity , 7 Hallway Tav .. Fenclotrch Street , K C . IHO St . James ' s Union 8 Union Tav .. Air Si . feet . W . 511 Zetland „ 8 York and Albany , Regent ' s Pk ., N . W . 548 Wellington „ 8 White Swan , High Street , Deptford . 933 Doric , 8 Duke ' s Head , AVhitcebapcl , K . 1178 Perfect Ashlar 8 Bridge House HotSE
„ .. .. 1227 Upton „ 8 Three Nuns Hot .. Aldgatc . 1425 Hyde Park 8 Porchesler Hot .. Leinster PI ., Paddiiign . ' •" ¦ sn ' Marquess of Rjpon 8 Royal Kdward . Alare Street . Hackney . 1507 Metropolitan , 7 . 30 "Moorgate 'J ' ' ., Finsbnry Pavement . 1536 United Military ... ,, 7 . 30 Karl Chatham . Thomas St .. AVoolwich . 1572 Carnarvon ' „ 6 Salutation , NcAVgato Street . 1585 Royal Commemoration „ 8 Raihvay Hot ., Putney Station .
( 2 nd ) MONDAY . MARCH 11 th—continued . 1586 Upper Norwood ... at 8 AVhite lbtrt , Church ltd ., Up . Norwood 1608 Kilburn „ 8 South Molton Hot ., South Molton St . 1623 AVest Smithflcld ... „ 7 Alanchester Hot ., Aldersgate St ., K . C . 1662 Beaconsticld , 8 Chequers . AValthatnstoAv . 1707 Eleanor , 8 SCATII Sisters Hot .. Tottenham .
1789 Ubiquo 7 . 30 Vict . Alan . Rest .. Victoria St ., S . AV . 1804 Coborn „ 8 Eagle Hot ., Snaresbrook . 1891 St . Ambrose , 8 Baron's Court Hot ., AA ' ost . Kensington . 1901 Sehvvn , 8 East Dulwich Hot .. Dulwich . 2021 Oil ' s AVr . & S . Alarylebn .,, 8 Criterion , Piccadilly . 2090 Hammersmith ... ' ... ,, 7 . 30 The Baths , Black's ltd ., Hammersmith . R . A . C 206 Hope „ Globe Tav ., Royal Hill , Greenwich .
( 2 nd ) TUESDAY , MARCH 12 th . 55 Constitutional at 7 Bedford Hot ., Soutliinpn . Bldgs ., llolbn . 05 Prosperity , 7 Hercules TaA- ., Leadenhall Street , E . C . 140 St . George „ 8 Public Hall . New Cross . 141 Faith „ 8 Vie . Alans . Rt ., Victoria Street , S . AV . 177 Domatic , 7 . 30 Surrey AI . H „ Camberwell New Road ,
188 Joppa ... „ 7 Alanchester Hot ., Aldersgate Street . 238 Pilgrim ( AVork in German 1 st & 3 rd Tue . ) „ 7 Guildhall Ta \ ' ., Greshain Street . 463 E . Surrey Lo . of Coned . ,, 7 . 45 Greyhound Hotel , Croydon . 554 Yarborough „ 8 Green Dragon , Stepney . 704 Camden „ 8 Northbrook Hotel , Lee . 706 Florence Nightingale 7 . 30 Af . IL , AVilliam Street , AVoohvich . 753 Prince Fredk . AVilliam Eagle Tav . Clifton RoadAfaida Vale
„ , , . 820 Lily „ 8 . Greyhound Hot ., Richmond . 858 South Middlesex ... „ 7 . 30 , Beaufort Ho ., AValhani Green . 860 Dalhousie , 8 i Aliddleton Arms , Aliddleton Rd ., Dl .-ln . 861 Finsburv „ \ King ' s Head TaA-., Threadneedlc Street . 1044 AVandsAvorth „ 8 East Hill Hot ,, Alma Rd ., AVandsworth 1076 Capper „ 8 Railway Hot ,, Angel Lane , Stratford . 1155 Excelsior „ 8 ! Com . Dk . TaA-., Plough Rd ., Rothcrhithe 1321 Emblematic „ 8 ! Ashley ' s Hot ., Henrietta St ., Cov . Gilu .
1349 Friars , 7 . 30 Liverpool Arms , Canning Town . 1382 Corinthian „ 7 i George Hot ., Cubitt Towu , Poplar . 1446 Alount Edgccumbe ... „ 8 i Crown Tav ., Lambeth Road , S . E . 1471 Islington , 7 . 30 Cock TaA * ., Highbury . 1540 j Chaucer „ 8 Old AVhite Hart , High Street , Borough 1558 ! Duke of Connaught ... „ 8 Palmerston Anns , Grosvenor Park , S . F . 1586 j Upper Norwood ... ., 8 AVhite Hart , Church ltd ., Up . Norwood , 1612 AVest Middlesex ... ,. 7 . 30 Bell Hot .. Ealing . 8 AVood
1695 NCAV Finsbnry Park ... ., Hornsey Tav ., N . 1767 ! Kensington ' 8 ScarsdaleAnns , EdAvardcsSq .. Kensgtn . 1839 ; Duke of Cornwall ... „ 7 Queen's Arms , Queen Street , Oheapsido 1949 i Brixton 8 Prince Regent , Dulwich Road , S . E . 1950 1 Southgatc ,, 8 Railway Hot .. NCAV Southgatc . 2260 | Cator ' 8 Railway Hotel , Bcckenhain R . AC . I ¦ 25 i Robert , Burns „ 8 Sttssex Store , St . Martin ' s Lane . 704 , Camden , 8 . 30 'I he Moorgate , Moorgate Street . 975 | Mctripolltan , 6 . 30 AVhite Hart , Cannon Street , E . C . 1642 , Earl of Carnarvon ... „ 8 Ladbroke Hall , Ladbroke Grove Road
( 2 nd ) WEDNESDAY , MARCH 13 th . 3 Fidelity at 8 The Alfred , Roman Road , Bani . ' -burv 30 i United Alariners ... ,, 7 . 30 Lugard Hot ., Lugard Road , Pcckliain . 73 i Alount Lebanon ... ., 8 George Inn , Born' High Street . 79 Pythagorean ., 8 Portland Hot ., Greenwich . 87 Viliuvian „ 8 Hdg . Ho . Hot ., London Bridge . 228 United Strength 8 Hope TavStanhope St"Regent ' Pk
... „ ., ., s . 538 ; l . a Tolerance „ 8 Portland Arms , Gt . Portland Slit el . 7 : 10 ; Pannuire ,. 7 Balham Hot ., Balha . n . 781 ; Merchant "Navy ... , ' , 7 . 30 Silver Tav ., Btwdett Road , Limehonse . 813 I New Concord „ 8 Jolly Fanners , Southgatc Road , N . 802 I AVhittington „ 8 Red Lion , Poppins Court , Fleet Street 871 Royal Oak „ 8 Lord Clyde , AVooleii Road , Deptford . 898 ! Tempeiance in East ... ,, 7 . 30 Greenwich Pcnsr ., BOAV Lane , Poplar . 902 I Burgoyno 0 Essex AnusEssex StreetStrand
„ , , . I 1339 StockAvell „ 0 AI . II . Tav ., Alason ' s Avenue . K . C . 1475 Peckhani „ 8 Lord AVellington . Old Kent Road , S . K . 1524 j Duke of Connaught ... „ 8 Royal Edward , Alarc St ., Hackney , K . 1585 j Royal Commemoration „ 8 'I he Eight Bells , Pntne . v 1601 ; llavensbounic „ 8 George Inn . Catlord , S . K . 1604 AVandercrs ,, 7 . 30 Vict . Mans . Rest ., Vict . Street , S . W . 1681 1 Londcsborough „ 8 : Berkeley Ai ms , John St ., Berkeley Sq . 1708 i Plucknett „ 7 . 45 Bald Faced Slag , East End , Finclilcy . 1805 Leonard 8 '
: Bromley SI . ' s „ Cherry Tree , Brunswick lioad , Bow 1922 I Karl of Lathom ... „ 8 Station Hot ,. Camberwell New Road . 1963 , Duke of Albany ... ,, 7 . 30 Atasons Arms , 169 , Battersea Park Road 2206 The llcndon ' „ 8 Old AVclsh Harp , llendon R . A . C . ; 177 I Domatic „ 7 I Union Tav .. Air Street , AV . 18 ( 1 J St . James's Union ... ., 8 ' Swan Tav ., Mount Street , AV . 933 1 Doric ,, 7 . 30 Print . II . Wks .. 202 , Whilcohapel Road ' 1339 Stock !
••¦ ; weI „ 0 AI . 11 . Tav .. Alason ' s Avenue . K . C . 1950 Sonthgate „ 8 llaiiway Hotel , New Sontligale . * This Chapter meets only on third Mondays in each month . ( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , MARCH 1-lth . Lodges and Chapters , as 1 st Thursday in
March-I { see ante ) . * * * 'Hie Editor will be greatly obliged for any iujortnation tin Secret or iex tf the rnrions Lodges may be pleased , to send to hi'in .
THE Highly BURTCOURT Glazed or Rough . Five NOTE i Quires of this PAPER excellent Note <@ Paper ENVELOPES with 100 Court . Envelopes forwarded , carriage paid , to any part of the United Kingdom , for 3 , 6 . ADAMS BROS ., 59 , MOOR LANE , FORE STREET , LONDON , E . C .