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The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution Festival.
The Animal Festival of this Institution was held at Freemasons ' Hall , London , on Wednesday , the 27 th ulto .. and was largely attended . Bro . the Right Hon . tlie Earl of Euston , Prov . Grand Master for Norths and Hunts , presiding . The large Hall of the Tavern was filled to its utmost capacity for dining purposes , and the gallery was fully occupied by a charming company of ladies at
the opening of proceedings . The Chairman , supported by numerous Grand Officers and distinguished Freemasons , was conducted to his seat , and Grace having been said by Bro . the Rev . II . Cooper Smith , the brethren sat down to banquet , the ladies retiring under the charge of a numerous body of Stewards , to partake of the
refreshment provided for them , and to give place to a string and reed band under the direction of Bro . II . . T . Caleott , which performed a choice selection of favourite airs during dinner . "With the service of dessert , and after Grace , the toasts of " The Queen . " and "H . R . II . the Prince of Wales . KG .. M . W . G . M .. the Grand Patron and President of the Institution , the Princess of AVales . and the other
members of the Royal Family . " were proposed and drank with much enthusiasm , the band playing the appropriate anthems . Tlie healths of "The M . W . Prov . Grand-Master . "' "The R . W . Deputy Grand Master , and the present and past Grand Officers , " having been also duly honoured , the hitter receiving an able response from Y . W . Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke . Grand \ Secretarv . the Earl of
Euston ( chairman ) proposed the toast of the evening— ' ¦ Success to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons . " His LORDSI I 1 p said : I am quite certain that the Craft in general must be pleased when we see this grand assemblage of Stewards from every province under the I ' nited Grand Lodge of England present here this evening . It is a
number of Stewards that I may say it does me personally great credit to see here from last year : whereas there were then 27 ( i . this year there are 35 S . ( Cheers . ) I hope that when tlie Secretary reads out the lists the increased number of Stewards will show ail increased list of subscriptions . ( Cheers . ) I trust you will pardon
me if I go back some fifty years to the foundation of this Institution . It is an Institution which was founded and suggested by the then Most Worshipful Grand Master . H . R . II . the Duke of Sussex . in IS 12 , and since that time 730 aged Masons have been relieved Avith annuities at the rate of . 00 a year as long as they lived . Alter the last election there were ISO annuitants on the list
receiving CIO a year , and I am sorry to say that there is an enormous number AVIIO still want to come on that list . Times have not gone well : what has hit one has hit another , and it has hit some very hard . And when I tell you that there are CI candidates for the next election , and only 11 vacancies , it will convey to your mind how much we Avant to do beyond what we are doing iiow .
Our income from Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter for Aged Masons —I mean men—is . ClIOO a year . The dividends on the funded property is . CL 12 S a year , making a total of , C 2 , 02 S a year . Our deficiency every year , which has been made up , is C 5 . 1 72 . NOAV . brethren . Avhen you look at that you will feel with me that we ought not every year to depend so entirely upon tlie subscriptions
of the Craft , but that we should go on doing what we arc doing to the best of our ability—that Ave should use our income only in case of need—that AVC ought to keep on increasing and increasing the invested funded property , so that if a really bad year comes , which God grant it may not , we may then take the income and say we can tide over this . " But if we get hard hit and ruwc to dip into our funded
property , where are we going to be the next year . ' If once you begin to dip into your reserve fund , you Avill find the next year you will want to dip again , and the next year again , and in that way capital will soon go . Let us be content , and in spite of having to say with difficult words ' No : let us seek out the most deserving eases that come before us , and give them the annuities we can afford to snve .
and not try and go beyond our absolute power . '' There is another branch of this Institution—the WidoAvs' Fund—and after the last election there Avere 230 widows receiving C 32 a . year each , and some of them are at the home of the Institution . That means , C 7 . 300 a year . The income of the Institution is . CS . ~ * f » from Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter and . CSS 2 from their invested funds , making a
total of . CI . 732 , leaving a deficiency of Cti . OOO . In plain language that means that year by year , as brethren all come forward as you have all done—those brethren AVIIO have the interest of the Craft at heart , and endeavour to keep up not only the name but the spirit of Charity— , C ] 5 , 000 yearly is wanted to keep this Institution going Avithout touching the funds of the Institution . ( Hear , hear . )
1 cannot tell you , but I suppose presently the Secretary will tell you , what we have got to-night . I can only say it is a good lift on the road towards that sum . ( Cheers . ) We cannot expect every year such a lift , particularly after the Centenary of the Girls ' School , when the whole Craft was called upon and " answered in a way that no Charities had ever been answered before , for on that occasion C 50 . < i 00 Avas forthcoming on iho day of the celebration of
the Centenary of the Girls' School at the Royal Albert Hall a sum that we trust may do good to that Institution , that may set it on its legs . and . we hope , may enable it to make additions that they may want , so that they may not want so much the next two or three years ; they cannot expect it . They have raised an immense sum . and yon must not forget the old saying that the young arc all vorv well in their Avay , but there are many men and many widows who are receiving the grants of C-Ki and C 32 a year respectively , some of them living at their own homes , some of them Jiving down at the Institution at Croydon . One old lady I saw there nn-self -she
had been 25 years at the institution , and I may tell you that before she came there she had every luxury in the world : but when her husband died he left her penniless , after she had been living in the greatest , alfluence and ease , and that old lady whom I saw liviii" - there is content and happy in the . habitation provided for her by this Benevolent Institution . I do not want to detain you Jong , but 1 do want to say one thing . 1 want you all to go back to " your
The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution Festival.
provinces and to your respective lodges and take back the thanks oI the Benevolent Institution for sending you up here this evening , and not only sending you up . but sending you up . as I trust you will hear from the Secretary , with a full hand . I think there is very little more to be said except this , that as we go on , so let us pull together in that harmony and brotherly love which we always
have done , and let us never forget either one Charity or the other . Let us keep the one great object of our Institution before us , and Avhatcver the world may say of Freemasonry , whether they say that AVO dine too well or we enjoy ourselves too much , let us have that one consolation in our conscience , that wc are doing good in oA ery wav we possibly can . ( Applause . ) Brethren . I give A'ou the toast
of the evening , and that is " Success to the Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and Widows of Masons , " and , Avhile asking you to drink it heartily , I call upon Bro . Farnlield to reply to the toast . Bro . J . A . FARNPI I ; LD . in responding to the toast , said : The large assemblage that Ave have here to-night does my heart good , because I fullv believe that when so large a number of Masons are assembled
together , the outcome of that assembly will be a very large total ol the lists of the Stewards of the money that has been brought in . It was with fear and trembling the Committee approached this year , because in reviewing our balance sheet at the last General Committee , we found that last year Ave Avere something like . C 2 , 000 to the bad : and after the bumper FestiA al that the Girls' School
had Ave cannot hope to have as large a sum this year as the last . But everything comes to those that hope and do not despair , and seeing you all assembled round us to support his lordship in the chair . Ave have eA'ery lurpe that the total to-night Avill not be less than last year , but that it will be more . ( Cheers . ) In that hope I am sure you all Avill agree Avith me , and , therefore . I Avill not
further trespass upon your time , but thank you all on behalf of the Committee and Executive of the Institution for so kindly responding to the toast . ( Applause . ) Bro . TERRY then read the lists of subscriptions which amounted to . CI 3 , lS ( i " is ., being the collections of l ! Kl SteAvards representing
London Lodges . ami producing . CO . SSI 10 s . " id .. Mid of 170 SteAvards representing Provincial . Lodges and producing . C ( i . 3 ( ll Us . according to the folloAving summary . A-iz .: — , c ' s . d . I . C s . d . Berks and Bucks ... 23 2 ( I j Laneashire ( WestDiv . ) ' . 13 ' . ) ( I Bristol 52 5 ( I ! Lincolnshire IIS 1 I 0
Cambridgeshire ... 'M 10 0 Middlesex 300 3 o Cheshire ... ... 3 ( i 15 ( I Xorthants and Hunts (> S 3 S C > Cormvall ... ... 157 10 0 Nottinghamshire ... 57 15 o Cumberland A : West- Oxfordshire 15 ' . ) 1 ( i moiiand 102 12 ( i Shropshire 210 IS u Derbyshire ... ... 32 11 0 Somersetshire ... 51 15 o Devonshire Staffordshire ... 10 10 O Dorsetshire 15 ( i 10 0 Suffolk 32 C > II O
Durham 115 10 o Surrey 211 IS il Essex 2 ! U IS 0 Sussex 20 S lo II Gloucestershire ... HI 10 0 Warwickshire ... 117 o 0 Hants A : Isle of Wight 135 ( I li Wiltshire KiS o o Hertfordshire ... 233 5 0 Worcestershire ... 77 I 0
Kent S 2 ! 17 ( J Yorkshire ( Xth . AiEast ) 105 0 0 Lancashire ( EastDiv . ) 171 3 ( I .. ( West ) ... 100 o o The announcement of the grand total of subscriptions was receiA ed Avith applause .
Bro . RICHARD EVE . P . G . Treas . proposed the health of the High I Hon . Chairman , " a Provincial . Grand . Master , AVOII recognised in hie proA ince . and one of the most popular of Provincial Grand Masters , although but comparatively a young mason , having made great headway in the craft , hold . ng at one and the same time position ? of great importance and some of minor official character , thereby supporting our order , and dignifying it to the utmost of his ability .
In response , Bro . Lord EUSTON thanked the brethren for the cordial reception of the toast , and in the course of his speech , remarked that he Avished he had become a mason on attaining his majority , for he did not knoAV of any institution Avhich could compare with it in respect of its poAver to do good , or in regard to its ability to face the Avhole Avorld and defy calumny . To the toast of "Success to the other Masonic Institutions . " Avhose
respective festivals arc fixed for the ensuing May ( Girls ) , and Juno ( Boys ) , Bros . HI- ; DGI ; S and BINCKES made appropriate responses : the latter more especially adverting to the investigation Avhich has been instituted with reference to the management of the Boys ' School , and expressing his fears that support may bo withheld pending the production of the report on that enquiry . The text of Bro . Bincke ' s speech Ave shall have occasion to refer to and more
fully expound , but this is not the proper time to enlarge thereon . W (! believe , ourseh'es . that should it proA'e that Avrong or mistake exi > ts , all Avill be set right , and that at no distant date ; Avhilst if the renort to be issued should absolve the management of ibe
institution from "faults , " it would be a great pity if complaints against the administration Avhich cannot be justified , should have interfered Avith the assistance so sadly needed to maintain its prestige and prosperity . Bro . ROBERT GREY , P . G . I ) .. President of the Board of Benevolence proposed "the Stewards . " complimenting them upon the success of their endeavoursand . . after suitable response from Bro . Sir Lionel
, DAUKLL . the CHAIH . MAX proposed a toast to the ladies Avho had honoured the festival by their welcome presence . Uro . Major LA . MISERT having responded on their behalf , the brethren at once proceeded to accompany them to the adjoining temple , in Avhich a concert for their delectation and in
grand , arranged delight Avas progress , and in Avhich the following distinguished artistes took part , under the direction of Bro . Robert De Lacy . Vicar Choral , St , Paul ' s Cathedral : —Miss Julie Albu , Miss Blanche Murray , 11 . A . . Miss Julia Jones . Madame Pauline Featherby , Bros . Edward DalzoH , Alfred Kenningham . Herbert Schartau , R . K . Miles , and H . D ( Lacy ; solo violin— . Madame Adeliua Dinelli : at the grand piano—Bro . John Jefferies . Tlie orchestra was under the direction of Bro . II . J . Caleott .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution Festival.
The Animal Festival of this Institution was held at Freemasons ' Hall , London , on Wednesday , the 27 th ulto .. and was largely attended . Bro . the Right Hon . tlie Earl of Euston , Prov . Grand Master for Norths and Hunts , presiding . The large Hall of the Tavern was filled to its utmost capacity for dining purposes , and the gallery was fully occupied by a charming company of ladies at
the opening of proceedings . The Chairman , supported by numerous Grand Officers and distinguished Freemasons , was conducted to his seat , and Grace having been said by Bro . the Rev . II . Cooper Smith , the brethren sat down to banquet , the ladies retiring under the charge of a numerous body of Stewards , to partake of the
refreshment provided for them , and to give place to a string and reed band under the direction of Bro . II . . T . Caleott , which performed a choice selection of favourite airs during dinner . "With the service of dessert , and after Grace , the toasts of " The Queen . " and "H . R . II . the Prince of Wales . KG .. M . W . G . M .. the Grand Patron and President of the Institution , the Princess of AVales . and the other
members of the Royal Family . " were proposed and drank with much enthusiasm , the band playing the appropriate anthems . Tlie healths of "The M . W . Prov . Grand-Master . "' "The R . W . Deputy Grand Master , and the present and past Grand Officers , " having been also duly honoured , the hitter receiving an able response from Y . W . Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke . Grand \ Secretarv . the Earl of
Euston ( chairman ) proposed the toast of the evening— ' ¦ Success to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons . " His LORDSI I 1 p said : I am quite certain that the Craft in general must be pleased when we see this grand assemblage of Stewards from every province under the I ' nited Grand Lodge of England present here this evening . It is a
number of Stewards that I may say it does me personally great credit to see here from last year : whereas there were then 27 ( i . this year there are 35 S . ( Cheers . ) I hope that when tlie Secretary reads out the lists the increased number of Stewards will show ail increased list of subscriptions . ( Cheers . ) I trust you will pardon
me if I go back some fifty years to the foundation of this Institution . It is an Institution which was founded and suggested by the then Most Worshipful Grand Master . H . R . II . the Duke of Sussex . in IS 12 , and since that time 730 aged Masons have been relieved Avith annuities at the rate of . 00 a year as long as they lived . Alter the last election there were ISO annuitants on the list
receiving CIO a year , and I am sorry to say that there is an enormous number AVIIO still want to come on that list . Times have not gone well : what has hit one has hit another , and it has hit some very hard . And when I tell you that there are CI candidates for the next election , and only 11 vacancies , it will convey to your mind how much we Avant to do beyond what we are doing iiow .
Our income from Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter for Aged Masons —I mean men—is . ClIOO a year . The dividends on the funded property is . CL 12 S a year , making a total of , C 2 , 02 S a year . Our deficiency every year , which has been made up , is C 5 . 1 72 . NOAV . brethren . Avhen you look at that you will feel with me that we ought not every year to depend so entirely upon tlie subscriptions
of the Craft , but that we should go on doing what we arc doing to the best of our ability—that Ave should use our income only in case of need—that AVC ought to keep on increasing and increasing the invested funded property , so that if a really bad year comes , which God grant it may not , we may then take the income and say we can tide over this . " But if we get hard hit and ruwc to dip into our funded
property , where are we going to be the next year . ' If once you begin to dip into your reserve fund , you Avill find the next year you will want to dip again , and the next year again , and in that way capital will soon go . Let us be content , and in spite of having to say with difficult words ' No : let us seek out the most deserving eases that come before us , and give them the annuities we can afford to snve .
and not try and go beyond our absolute power . '' There is another branch of this Institution—the WidoAvs' Fund—and after the last election there Avere 230 widows receiving C 32 a . year each , and some of them are at the home of the Institution . That means , C 7 . 300 a year . The income of the Institution is . CS . ~ * f » from Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter and . CSS 2 from their invested funds , making a
total of . CI . 732 , leaving a deficiency of Cti . OOO . In plain language that means that year by year , as brethren all come forward as you have all done—those brethren AVIIO have the interest of the Craft at heart , and endeavour to keep up not only the name but the spirit of Charity— , C ] 5 , 000 yearly is wanted to keep this Institution going Avithout touching the funds of the Institution . ( Hear , hear . )
1 cannot tell you , but I suppose presently the Secretary will tell you , what we have got to-night . I can only say it is a good lift on the road towards that sum . ( Cheers . ) We cannot expect every year such a lift , particularly after the Centenary of the Girls ' School , when the whole Craft was called upon and " answered in a way that no Charities had ever been answered before , for on that occasion C 50 . < i 00 Avas forthcoming on iho day of the celebration of
the Centenary of the Girls' School at the Royal Albert Hall a sum that we trust may do good to that Institution , that may set it on its legs . and . we hope , may enable it to make additions that they may want , so that they may not want so much the next two or three years ; they cannot expect it . They have raised an immense sum . and yon must not forget the old saying that the young arc all vorv well in their Avay , but there are many men and many widows who are receiving the grants of C-Ki and C 32 a year respectively , some of them living at their own homes , some of them Jiving down at the Institution at Croydon . One old lady I saw there nn-self -she
had been 25 years at the institution , and I may tell you that before she came there she had every luxury in the world : but when her husband died he left her penniless , after she had been living in the greatest , alfluence and ease , and that old lady whom I saw liviii" - there is content and happy in the . habitation provided for her by this Benevolent Institution . I do not want to detain you Jong , but 1 do want to say one thing . 1 want you all to go back to " your
The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution Festival.
provinces and to your respective lodges and take back the thanks oI the Benevolent Institution for sending you up here this evening , and not only sending you up . but sending you up . as I trust you will hear from the Secretary , with a full hand . I think there is very little more to be said except this , that as we go on , so let us pull together in that harmony and brotherly love which we always
have done , and let us never forget either one Charity or the other . Let us keep the one great object of our Institution before us , and Avhatcver the world may say of Freemasonry , whether they say that AVO dine too well or we enjoy ourselves too much , let us have that one consolation in our conscience , that wc are doing good in oA ery wav we possibly can . ( Applause . ) Brethren . I give A'ou the toast
of the evening , and that is " Success to the Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and Widows of Masons , " and , Avhile asking you to drink it heartily , I call upon Bro . Farnlield to reply to the toast . Bro . J . A . FARNPI I ; LD . in responding to the toast , said : The large assemblage that Ave have here to-night does my heart good , because I fullv believe that when so large a number of Masons are assembled
together , the outcome of that assembly will be a very large total ol the lists of the Stewards of the money that has been brought in . It was with fear and trembling the Committee approached this year , because in reviewing our balance sheet at the last General Committee , we found that last year Ave Avere something like . C 2 , 000 to the bad : and after the bumper FestiA al that the Girls' School
had Ave cannot hope to have as large a sum this year as the last . But everything comes to those that hope and do not despair , and seeing you all assembled round us to support his lordship in the chair . Ave have eA'ery lurpe that the total to-night Avill not be less than last year , but that it will be more . ( Cheers . ) In that hope I am sure you all Avill agree Avith me , and , therefore . I Avill not
further trespass upon your time , but thank you all on behalf of the Committee and Executive of the Institution for so kindly responding to the toast . ( Applause . ) Bro . TERRY then read the lists of subscriptions which amounted to . CI 3 , lS ( i " is ., being the collections of l ! Kl SteAvards representing
London Lodges . ami producing . CO . SSI 10 s . " id .. Mid of 170 SteAvards representing Provincial . Lodges and producing . C ( i . 3 ( ll Us . according to the folloAving summary . A-iz .: — , c ' s . d . I . C s . d . Berks and Bucks ... 23 2 ( I j Laneashire ( WestDiv . ) ' . 13 ' . ) ( I Bristol 52 5 ( I ! Lincolnshire IIS 1 I 0
Cambridgeshire ... 'M 10 0 Middlesex 300 3 o Cheshire ... ... 3 ( i 15 ( I Xorthants and Hunts (> S 3 S C > Cormvall ... ... 157 10 0 Nottinghamshire ... 57 15 o Cumberland A : West- Oxfordshire 15 ' . ) 1 ( i moiiand 102 12 ( i Shropshire 210 IS u Derbyshire ... ... 32 11 0 Somersetshire ... 51 15 o Devonshire Staffordshire ... 10 10 O Dorsetshire 15 ( i 10 0 Suffolk 32 C > II O
Durham 115 10 o Surrey 211 IS il Essex 2 ! U IS 0 Sussex 20 S lo II Gloucestershire ... HI 10 0 Warwickshire ... 117 o 0 Hants A : Isle of Wight 135 ( I li Wiltshire KiS o o Hertfordshire ... 233 5 0 Worcestershire ... 77 I 0
Kent S 2 ! 17 ( J Yorkshire ( Xth . AiEast ) 105 0 0 Lancashire ( EastDiv . ) 171 3 ( I .. ( West ) ... 100 o o The announcement of the grand total of subscriptions was receiA ed Avith applause .
Bro . RICHARD EVE . P . G . Treas . proposed the health of the High I Hon . Chairman , " a Provincial . Grand . Master , AVOII recognised in hie proA ince . and one of the most popular of Provincial Grand Masters , although but comparatively a young mason , having made great headway in the craft , hold . ng at one and the same time position ? of great importance and some of minor official character , thereby supporting our order , and dignifying it to the utmost of his ability .
In response , Bro . Lord EUSTON thanked the brethren for the cordial reception of the toast , and in the course of his speech , remarked that he Avished he had become a mason on attaining his majority , for he did not knoAV of any institution Avhich could compare with it in respect of its poAver to do good , or in regard to its ability to face the Avhole Avorld and defy calumny . To the toast of "Success to the other Masonic Institutions . " Avhose
respective festivals arc fixed for the ensuing May ( Girls ) , and Juno ( Boys ) , Bros . HI- ; DGI ; S and BINCKES made appropriate responses : the latter more especially adverting to the investigation Avhich has been instituted with reference to the management of the Boys ' School , and expressing his fears that support may bo withheld pending the production of the report on that enquiry . The text of Bro . Bincke ' s speech Ave shall have occasion to refer to and more
fully expound , but this is not the proper time to enlarge thereon . W (! believe , ourseh'es . that should it proA'e that Avrong or mistake exi > ts , all Avill be set right , and that at no distant date ; Avhilst if the renort to be issued should absolve the management of ibe
institution from "faults , " it would be a great pity if complaints against the administration Avhich cannot be justified , should have interfered Avith the assistance so sadly needed to maintain its prestige and prosperity . Bro . ROBERT GREY , P . G . I ) .. President of the Board of Benevolence proposed "the Stewards . " complimenting them upon the success of their endeavoursand . . after suitable response from Bro . Sir Lionel
, DAUKLL . the CHAIH . MAX proposed a toast to the ladies Avho had honoured the festival by their welcome presence . Uro . Major LA . MISERT having responded on their behalf , the brethren at once proceeded to accompany them to the adjoining temple , in Avhich a concert for their delectation and in
grand , arranged delight Avas progress , and in Avhich the following distinguished artistes took part , under the direction of Bro . Robert De Lacy . Vicar Choral , St , Paul ' s Cathedral : —Miss Julie Albu , Miss Blanche Murray , 11 . A . . Miss Julia Jones . Madame Pauline Featherby , Bros . Edward DalzoH , Alfred Kenningham . Herbert Schartau , R . K . Miles , and H . D ( Lacy ; solo violin— . Madame Adeliua Dinelli : at the grand piano—Bro . John Jefferies . Tlie orchestra was under the direction of Bro . II . J . Caleott .