Article The Masonic " Poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1 Article THE ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF THE EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT. Page 1 of 1 Article CONVOCATION OF THE DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF MADRAS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE OLD MASONIANS. Page 1 of 1
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The Masonic " Poet's Corner."
The Masonic " Poet's Corner . "
( Original and Selected . ' ) THE FIVE POINTS OF FELLOWSHIP .
REVISED . —ASA L . BROWN , PLATTEVILLE , "WISCONSIN . WHEN need or distress , AA'hen misfortune or SOITOAV , Assail or encompass a brother around , Go , serve and assist him , Avait not for the morroAv ,
On foot , e ' en , though out of thy way he be found . Ah , yes , there is help in fraternal devotion , A solace in SOITOAV , an aid in distress . Which fills the , sad heart Avith soft , thrilling emotion . When true to the first on its mission AVC press .
When faint through the gloaming the Vesper is pealing : When clear on the morn rings the Matin ' s sAveet tone . With heart and Avith A'oice , on thy closet floor kneeling . Remember a brother ' s welfare as thine OAVII .
Praise GOD for His loA'e and His grace , and His blessing On thee , and thy home , and thine OAVII loved and dear . 'Chen think of the second , and while Him addressing . Let brotherly 1 . 0 A e plead in language sincere .
Preserve m thy breast Avhat a brother , confiding , Commends to thy keeping , if honest and just , Inviolate hale it . and keep it in hiding , And , strong in thy honour , betray not his trust .
Forget not the builder , beset and in danger . E ' en death from his bosom extorted no icord . So keep thou the third , though it be to a stranger , Enough that a brother the trust has conferred .
Aye , stretch forth thy hand if a brother is falling . Support him , and aid him his feet to regain . AAvait not the summons , the sign , or the calling . But fly to relieA-e him from danger or pain .
If slander ' s foul tongue his fair name is assailing . Though absent or present his honour defend . And proA-e that the fourth shall be ever availing To rescue the fame of a brother and friend .
I o err is but human : a brother , forgmng . Performs but a duty , a labour of love : And he Avho demurs or who fails is not living The life SIIOAVII and taught bA' the Master aboA'e .
Approach then the erring Avith kind admonition . With counsels of hn-e Aviii him back to the square . Five points thus obeyed , Ave attain the fruition Of duty , as taucht by our FELLOAVSHII . ' STAR .
The Annual Festival Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement.
The annual festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement took place on Friday , the 22 nd ult ., at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Thomas Fenn . the President of the Board of General Purposes , occupied the chair as W . M ' ., AvhileBro . SIKHOAV , on Avhomthe control of the lodge has now devolved , occupied the S . W . chair . The lodge Avas opened in the Three Degrees , Avhen , by the
direction of the Presiding Master . Bro . Matter , Bro . Monteuuis and others formed a deputation to Avait on Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of Euston , Prov . G . M . of Norths and Hunts , Avho had kindly consented to preside ; , and usher him into the lodge . When his lordship had taken his seat at the right of the Presiding Master . Bro . Fenn gave the time , and the brethren greeted his lordshi p Avith five .
Bro . Fenn then proceeded to work the first lecture , an doing Avhich he AVSIS assisted by the folloAving brethren : —1 st section by Bro . C . E . Cassall , S . D . lil 5 : 2 nd , A . C . A . Higerty , P . M . 1014 , Sec . ; 3 rd , W . H . Kirivy . J . D . l'M > ~ > ' . Ith . Black ( in the absence on business of Bro . W . A . Dawson , P . M . ] 7 ( IS ) : 5 th . Robt . Clay SudloAV , P . M . 2 C . 3 . & c . : ( ith . W . P . Reynolds . J . W . 7 : 7 th . C . W . A . Trollope . P . M . 1 S 20 .
At the conclusion of the last section . Lord Euston said he really thought that , for the admirable Avork Avhich they had all been privileged to hear that evening , the least thing they could do Avas to thank , as he then did , those brethren Avho had assisted the W . M .
for the treat they had given the . assembled brethren in enabling them to hear the Avork so perfectly and so Avell done . He , therefore , asked the brethren to join him in thanking all those brethren Avho had taken part in the Avork of the eA ening . This Avas seconded by Bro . Simpson , P . G . C ., and carried unanimously .
Bro . Fenn , addressing Lord Euston and the brethren , said it Avas usual for the brother who occupied the chair to say a I ' Avords in aeknoAvledgment of the compliment , Avhich Avas really paid , not to him , but to the brethren Avho had done the Avork . But lie Avassure that the brethren AVIIO had assisted him in the Avork Avould be
extremely gratified that their exertions had met with approval , and would esteem the vote of thanks , so cordially given them ' very hi ghly . In offering the visitors present an opportunity of joining the lodge , Bro . Fenn informed them that after payment of necessary expenses their funds were devoted to the three masonic charities . After stating Avhat they had been able to
do for the charities in the past , he concluded by saying that they had this year voted twenty guineas to the BeneA olent Institution in place of their usual ten g'uineaw . After the supper , Avhich folloAved the closing of the lodge , the toasts proper to the occasion Avere proposed , all of Avhich Avere most heartily received .
Convocation Of The District Grand Lodge Of Madras.
On 2 ( ith Jan . last , at <> . 30 o ' clock , a Regular Convocation of the Dis - trict Grand Lodge of Madras was held in the Masonic Hall of Lodge " Perfect Unanimity , " No . 150 ( E . C ) , Mount Road . There AV . IS a large gathering of Master Masons , representing all the local lodges , ranged under their respective banners . To the riyht of the throne Avere the lodges Perfect Unanimity , No . 150 ; Mount , No . i ) 2 (> ; and
John Miller , No . H ) 0 ti : to the left , Universal Charity , No . 273 ; Pitt-Macdonald , No . 1108 ; and Carnatic , 2130 . After the brethren had assembled the Right Hon . His Excellency the R . W . Bro . Lord Connemara , P . O .. G . C . I . E .. the District Grand Master , Avith his Deputy . W . Bro . Colonel G . M . J . Moore , R . A ., and the District Grand Officers in their full Masonic paraphernalia , entered in
procession and took their respectiA-e seats on the dai ' s . The District Grand Lodge Avas duly opened by the District Grand Master , and W . Bro . BroAvne , B . D .. the Venerable Archdeacon , offered prayer . After the . business on the agenda paper had been completed , the District Grand Master appointed and iiiA-ested his Grand Officers for the current year . viz . : —
W . Bros . Sir Arthur Collins . Kt .. ( , ) . (' ., Chief Justice . S . W . ; Venerable J . F . Browne . E . J ) ., Archdeacon . J . W . ; Bro . Rev . C . IT . Maiden . M . A .. chap . : AV . Bros . T . V . Ponnoosawniy Pillay . . hidye , Registrar ; Cowosjce Eduljee , President Board of General Purposes ; J . T . Greatorex . sec ; J . II . Peebles . -Ith year treas . ; Sur .-Major Walker . S . D .: Kelly , J . D . ; F . Dtmstervilie , Supt . of Wks . : J . B . Barton . D . of C . ; Donald Calder . Asst . D . of C . ; Symonds . SAvd . Br .
linkerjee Fukerjec . Std . Br . ; RamasaAvmy , Asst . Std . Br . ; Bro . F . W . Read , org . ; W . Bros . R . C . Carey , pursvt . ; P . Vijayarangum Mudaliar . jun . pursvt . ; and Bro . A . Cooper , tyler . Five brethren Avere appointed to serve on the Board of General Purposes and seA-en Avere elected by the brethren present . The District Grand Lodge Avas then duly closed Avith solemn prayer by the newly appointed D . G . chap . Bro . Rev . C . II . Maiden . M . A .
The brethren then adjourned to the banqueting room , Avhere . after a sumptuous dinner , the District Grand Master proposed the folloAving toasts . A-iz . : the Queen-Empress and the Craft ; H . R . II . the Prince of Wales , Grand Master , and the rest of the Royal Family , Avhich vrere responded to by the brethren most enthusiasticalh' . W . Bro . Willie Grant in proposing the health of His
Excellency the R . W . Bro . Lord Connemara , said that the three principal officers of the District Grand Lodge Avere heads of three important departments . A iz .: the State , the LaAV . and the Church—Lord Connemara Avas the GoA'ernor of the Presidency , Sir Arthur Collins the Chief Justice of Judicature , and the Venerable J . F . BroAvne . Archdeacon of the diocese of Madras . The District
Grand Master m responding said that by tlie union of the State . LaAV , and the Church , the peace , harmony and brotherly love of the ; members of the Craft Avould be greatly cemented . W . Bro . Col , Moore proposed the Mofussil Lodges Avhich Avas responded to by AV . Bro . Fred . Pinsent . W . Bro . J . Stiven proposed the visiting
brethren and Avas replied to by Bro . Cecil M . BarroAV . Bro . A . Cooper . D . G . tyler , proposed , ' To all poor and distressed , " & c , AA'hich brought the pleasant evening to a close . Between the toasts W . Bro . NeAvitt and Bro . Read entertained the brethren Avith some popular and humorous songs .
The Old Masonians.
Iho seventh social evening of this society Avas held on Friday , the 1 st inst .. and Ave availed ourselves of an opportunity to look in upon - Our Boys" and share in their agreeable entertainment , as we Avould adA ise other Metropolitan and Provincial supporters of our Institutions to do IIOAV and then , if they Avould care to see what tin intelligent and respectable class of young men the former pupil *
of the Boys' School become Avhen " out in the Avorld . " If tin visitors to these social entertainments felt but a small share of tin gratification Ave have experienced , they Avould be amply repaid foi the time devoted to that purpose . At the opening of the entertainment on Friday last . Sir . A . B . Whiteley took the chair , but the programme of music and recitation had not proceeded far when tlu
president of the society , W Bro . A . F . G odson . M . I ' ., Prov . Dep . Grand Master for Worcestershire : W . Bro . A . M . Broadley . Past Dep . G . M . Malta . Ax .: and W . Bro . F . Binckes , P . G . S . B . and Sec . R . M . I . B ., entered , and Avere enthusiastically receiA-ed . At the earnest solicitation of Mr . Whiteley and the company . Bro . Godson took the chair , intimating that he could onh r devote a short hour
to its duties , as his presence Avould be soon afterwards required at AVestminster . Before , hoAvever . taking up the programme before him , he stated that Bro . Binckes desired to say a few words which he believed Avould give his hearers much satisfaction . Bro . Binckes at once said that he had been requested to propose Bros . Broadley and Augustus Harris as vice-presidents of the association , a
statement which it is almost needless to say Avas cordiall y receiA ^ ed and gaA * e general satisfaction . After a 1 ' remarks from Bro . Broadley , Bro . Godson arranged that the annual dinner should take place on the 13 th April . Avlien either he or the A . AV . Bro . the Rev . J . C . Martyn , Dep . G . Master for Suffolk , will preside . The programme of the entertainment Avas then proceeded Avith , the several vocalists
and reciters vicing Avith each other in the displayiof talent and ability . Bro . Godson being * presently called away to '' a very different place . " Bro . Binckes presided for the remainder of the evening , Avhich Avas characterised by good fellowship and harmony throughout . It would be invidious to select from the list of those AVIIO assisted any particular names , and our space will not admit of a lengthened
notice . AVe can only say that AVC have attended many a more pretentious smoking concert than that "Our Boys" offer their members and visitors without experiencing half the enjoyment they fortnightly afford . Brethren Avould do Avell to book the 15 th inst ., at 8 p . m ., for a visit to Anderton ' s Hotel , on Avhich occasion the eighth social evening of the session Avill be held , and Mr . AV . A . Glass Avill preside .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic " Poet's Corner."
The Masonic " Poet's Corner . "
( Original and Selected . ' ) THE FIVE POINTS OF FELLOWSHIP .
REVISED . —ASA L . BROWN , PLATTEVILLE , "WISCONSIN . WHEN need or distress , AA'hen misfortune or SOITOAV , Assail or encompass a brother around , Go , serve and assist him , Avait not for the morroAv ,
On foot , e ' en , though out of thy way he be found . Ah , yes , there is help in fraternal devotion , A solace in SOITOAV , an aid in distress . Which fills the , sad heart Avith soft , thrilling emotion . When true to the first on its mission AVC press .
When faint through the gloaming the Vesper is pealing : When clear on the morn rings the Matin ' s sAveet tone . With heart and Avith A'oice , on thy closet floor kneeling . Remember a brother ' s welfare as thine OAVII .
Praise GOD for His loA'e and His grace , and His blessing On thee , and thy home , and thine OAVII loved and dear . 'Chen think of the second , and while Him addressing . Let brotherly 1 . 0 A e plead in language sincere .
Preserve m thy breast Avhat a brother , confiding , Commends to thy keeping , if honest and just , Inviolate hale it . and keep it in hiding , And , strong in thy honour , betray not his trust .
Forget not the builder , beset and in danger . E ' en death from his bosom extorted no icord . So keep thou the third , though it be to a stranger , Enough that a brother the trust has conferred .
Aye , stretch forth thy hand if a brother is falling . Support him , and aid him his feet to regain . AAvait not the summons , the sign , or the calling . But fly to relieA-e him from danger or pain .
If slander ' s foul tongue his fair name is assailing . Though absent or present his honour defend . And proA-e that the fourth shall be ever availing To rescue the fame of a brother and friend .
I o err is but human : a brother , forgmng . Performs but a duty , a labour of love : And he Avho demurs or who fails is not living The life SIIOAVII and taught bA' the Master aboA'e .
Approach then the erring Avith kind admonition . With counsels of hn-e Aviii him back to the square . Five points thus obeyed , Ave attain the fruition Of duty , as taucht by our FELLOAVSHII . ' STAR .
The Annual Festival Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement.
The annual festival of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement took place on Friday , the 22 nd ult ., at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Thomas Fenn . the President of the Board of General Purposes , occupied the chair as W . M ' ., AvhileBro . SIKHOAV , on Avhomthe control of the lodge has now devolved , occupied the S . W . chair . The lodge Avas opened in the Three Degrees , Avhen , by the
direction of the Presiding Master . Bro . Matter , Bro . Monteuuis and others formed a deputation to Avait on Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of Euston , Prov . G . M . of Norths and Hunts , Avho had kindly consented to preside ; , and usher him into the lodge . When his lordship had taken his seat at the right of the Presiding Master . Bro . Fenn gave the time , and the brethren greeted his lordshi p Avith five .
Bro . Fenn then proceeded to work the first lecture , an doing Avhich he AVSIS assisted by the folloAving brethren : —1 st section by Bro . C . E . Cassall , S . D . lil 5 : 2 nd , A . C . A . Higerty , P . M . 1014 , Sec . ; 3 rd , W . H . Kirivy . J . D . l'M > ~ > ' . Ith . Black ( in the absence on business of Bro . W . A . Dawson , P . M . ] 7 ( IS ) : 5 th . Robt . Clay SudloAV , P . M . 2 C . 3 . & c . : ( ith . W . P . Reynolds . J . W . 7 : 7 th . C . W . A . Trollope . P . M . 1 S 20 .
At the conclusion of the last section . Lord Euston said he really thought that , for the admirable Avork Avhich they had all been privileged to hear that evening , the least thing they could do Avas to thank , as he then did , those brethren Avho had assisted the W . M .
for the treat they had given the . assembled brethren in enabling them to hear the Avork so perfectly and so Avell done . He , therefore , asked the brethren to join him in thanking all those brethren Avho had taken part in the Avork of the eA ening . This Avas seconded by Bro . Simpson , P . G . C ., and carried unanimously .
Bro . Fenn , addressing Lord Euston and the brethren , said it Avas usual for the brother who occupied the chair to say a I ' Avords in aeknoAvledgment of the compliment , Avhich Avas really paid , not to him , but to the brethren Avho had done the Avork . But lie Avassure that the brethren AVIIO had assisted him in the Avork Avould be
extremely gratified that their exertions had met with approval , and would esteem the vote of thanks , so cordially given them ' very hi ghly . In offering the visitors present an opportunity of joining the lodge , Bro . Fenn informed them that after payment of necessary expenses their funds were devoted to the three masonic charities . After stating Avhat they had been able to
do for the charities in the past , he concluded by saying that they had this year voted twenty guineas to the BeneA olent Institution in place of their usual ten g'uineaw . After the supper , Avhich folloAved the closing of the lodge , the toasts proper to the occasion Avere proposed , all of Avhich Avere most heartily received .
Convocation Of The District Grand Lodge Of Madras.
On 2 ( ith Jan . last , at <> . 30 o ' clock , a Regular Convocation of the Dis - trict Grand Lodge of Madras was held in the Masonic Hall of Lodge " Perfect Unanimity , " No . 150 ( E . C ) , Mount Road . There AV . IS a large gathering of Master Masons , representing all the local lodges , ranged under their respective banners . To the riyht of the throne Avere the lodges Perfect Unanimity , No . 150 ; Mount , No . i ) 2 (> ; and
John Miller , No . H ) 0 ti : to the left , Universal Charity , No . 273 ; Pitt-Macdonald , No . 1108 ; and Carnatic , 2130 . After the brethren had assembled the Right Hon . His Excellency the R . W . Bro . Lord Connemara , P . O .. G . C . I . E .. the District Grand Master , Avith his Deputy . W . Bro . Colonel G . M . J . Moore , R . A ., and the District Grand Officers in their full Masonic paraphernalia , entered in
procession and took their respectiA-e seats on the dai ' s . The District Grand Lodge Avas duly opened by the District Grand Master , and W . Bro . BroAvne , B . D .. the Venerable Archdeacon , offered prayer . After the . business on the agenda paper had been completed , the District Grand Master appointed and iiiA-ested his Grand Officers for the current year . viz . : —
W . Bros . Sir Arthur Collins . Kt .. ( , ) . (' ., Chief Justice . S . W . ; Venerable J . F . Browne . E . J ) ., Archdeacon . J . W . ; Bro . Rev . C . IT . Maiden . M . A .. chap . : AV . Bros . T . V . Ponnoosawniy Pillay . . hidye , Registrar ; Cowosjce Eduljee , President Board of General Purposes ; J . T . Greatorex . sec ; J . II . Peebles . -Ith year treas . ; Sur .-Major Walker . S . D .: Kelly , J . D . ; F . Dtmstervilie , Supt . of Wks . : J . B . Barton . D . of C . ; Donald Calder . Asst . D . of C . ; Symonds . SAvd . Br .
linkerjee Fukerjec . Std . Br . ; RamasaAvmy , Asst . Std . Br . ; Bro . F . W . Read , org . ; W . Bros . R . C . Carey , pursvt . ; P . Vijayarangum Mudaliar . jun . pursvt . ; and Bro . A . Cooper , tyler . Five brethren Avere appointed to serve on the Board of General Purposes and seA-en Avere elected by the brethren present . The District Grand Lodge Avas then duly closed Avith solemn prayer by the newly appointed D . G . chap . Bro . Rev . C . II . Maiden . M . A .
The brethren then adjourned to the banqueting room , Avhere . after a sumptuous dinner , the District Grand Master proposed the folloAving toasts . A-iz . : the Queen-Empress and the Craft ; H . R . II . the Prince of Wales , Grand Master , and the rest of the Royal Family , Avhich vrere responded to by the brethren most enthusiasticalh' . W . Bro . Willie Grant in proposing the health of His
Excellency the R . W . Bro . Lord Connemara , said that the three principal officers of the District Grand Lodge Avere heads of three important departments . A iz .: the State , the LaAV . and the Church—Lord Connemara Avas the GoA'ernor of the Presidency , Sir Arthur Collins the Chief Justice of Judicature , and the Venerable J . F . BroAvne . Archdeacon of the diocese of Madras . The District
Grand Master m responding said that by tlie union of the State . LaAV , and the Church , the peace , harmony and brotherly love of the ; members of the Craft Avould be greatly cemented . W . Bro . Col , Moore proposed the Mofussil Lodges Avhich Avas responded to by AV . Bro . Fred . Pinsent . W . Bro . J . Stiven proposed the visiting
brethren and Avas replied to by Bro . Cecil M . BarroAV . Bro . A . Cooper . D . G . tyler , proposed , ' To all poor and distressed , " & c , AA'hich brought the pleasant evening to a close . Between the toasts W . Bro . NeAvitt and Bro . Read entertained the brethren Avith some popular and humorous songs .
The Old Masonians.
Iho seventh social evening of this society Avas held on Friday , the 1 st inst .. and Ave availed ourselves of an opportunity to look in upon - Our Boys" and share in their agreeable entertainment , as we Avould adA ise other Metropolitan and Provincial supporters of our Institutions to do IIOAV and then , if they Avould care to see what tin intelligent and respectable class of young men the former pupil *
of the Boys' School become Avhen " out in the Avorld . " If tin visitors to these social entertainments felt but a small share of tin gratification Ave have experienced , they Avould be amply repaid foi the time devoted to that purpose . At the opening of the entertainment on Friday last . Sir . A . B . Whiteley took the chair , but the programme of music and recitation had not proceeded far when tlu
president of the society , W Bro . A . F . G odson . M . I ' ., Prov . Dep . Grand Master for Worcestershire : W . Bro . A . M . Broadley . Past Dep . G . M . Malta . Ax .: and W . Bro . F . Binckes , P . G . S . B . and Sec . R . M . I . B ., entered , and Avere enthusiastically receiA-ed . At the earnest solicitation of Mr . Whiteley and the company . Bro . Godson took the chair , intimating that he could onh r devote a short hour
to its duties , as his presence Avould be soon afterwards required at AVestminster . Before , hoAvever . taking up the programme before him , he stated that Bro . Binckes desired to say a few words which he believed Avould give his hearers much satisfaction . Bro . Binckes at once said that he had been requested to propose Bros . Broadley and Augustus Harris as vice-presidents of the association , a
statement which it is almost needless to say Avas cordiall y receiA ^ ed and gaA * e general satisfaction . After a 1 ' remarks from Bro . Broadley , Bro . Godson arranged that the annual dinner should take place on the 13 th April . Avlien either he or the A . AV . Bro . the Rev . J . C . Martyn , Dep . G . Master for Suffolk , will preside . The programme of the entertainment Avas then proceeded Avith , the several vocalists
and reciters vicing Avith each other in the displayiof talent and ability . Bro . Godson being * presently called away to '' a very different place . " Bro . Binckes presided for the remainder of the evening , Avhich Avas characterised by good fellowship and harmony throughout . It would be invidious to select from the list of those AVIIO assisted any particular names , and our space will not admit of a lengthened
notice . AVe can only say that AVC have attended many a more pretentious smoking concert than that "Our Boys" offer their members and visitors without experiencing half the enjoyment they fortnightly afford . Brethren Avould do Avell to book the 15 th inst ., at 8 p . m ., for a visit to Anderton ' s Hotel , on Avhich occasion the eighth social evening of the session Avill be held , and Mr . AV . A . Glass Avill preside .