Article Original Correspondence. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1 Article NEW SOUTH WALES. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
2 . Consistent Avith the nature of their occupation , can anything fairer be done for them by existing laAvs . ' 3 . Have they been fairly dealt with in the Sandgate Lodge . ' In reply to first question . I take it that feAv lodges expect the military to be mere financiers , and no right thinking brother Avill eiiA ' . v them all the honour their status and ability may demand at
our hands . They are more than average patrons of the craft , both in numbers and contributions , having frequently to join different lodges and constitutions , to enjoy masonic privileges . The reason they join in greater numbers is one Ave may all bo proud of , viz ., their duty take- * - them to move foreign countries than any other mason on the face of th > globe , and it is probably the OHIA' chance
open to them to make lite pleasant outside the family circle or their OAVII regiment , and create that kindly and brotherly feeling and intercourse between ourselves and the numerous races the G . A . O . T . U . has destined us to rule oA * er . and Avhich AVC all so much desire . In answer to No . 2 , I say that more can be done for them , and is done at most other militarA * stations . Avithout infringing upon the
Book of Constitutions , by P . G . Master recommending a prayer of petition for an ordinary Avarrant . and a paragraph in bye-laAVs regulating the proportion of ciA * ilians to be admitted , so that the military always predominate in lodges formed for their benefit . The military have founded many lodges , only to find that in a few years they have had no A'oice in them , and it Avill always be the
case , Avithout some safeguard of this kind . "P . M . 1 ,-1315 * ' should know that a ' * Class Lodge " Avas never asked for , and that a purely military lodge has no chance of being granted since 1882 . In answer to No . 3 . I believe the military haA'e a very substantial grievance against this particular lodge , and the present correspondence does not bear out P . M . ' s statement ** that there has alwavs
been the greatest goodwill , ku . " I say that they have never agrci d amongst themselves . There has of late years been a clique to the destruction of all harmony and masonic spirit , and I am not A-ery proud of being a P . M . of a lodge where another P . M . will lead anyone to believe that the chair has been given six or seven times to a soldier or sailor . The lodge Avas founded by Captain Coates in
1873 , and since then the only soldier that has eA * er been in the chair is Bro . Field , and that is 11 years ago , and some years one or two soldiers have been given office and in others they have been given nothing , although the chief support has been derived from them . IIOAV can he possibly quote a '" Serving Bro . " to pi * OA * e advancement to military brethren . ' Worthy as our Brother Tyler undoubtedly is . he has ncA'cr been a soldier since the lodge Avas formed .
Many instances could be quoted to show how little hope there is for harmony in this lodge , and but that your space is v-aluable I would give particulars . Probably in a future letter you may permit me the opportunity to explain reasons why an endeavour to remedy the existing evil should have met Avith the approval of the provincial authorities instead of an unqualified rejection . Yours fraternally . "W . PERRY . I . P . M .. 28 th February . 188 !' . Sandgate Lodge . No . M 3 (! .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
-X . Y .- 'Fhe question yon raise is si strange one ; we will give it consideration and endeavour to tiud a solution . I' . Jl . —AVliere , von ean have learnt siudi " curious "' ritual Ave arc at a loss m conceive . It . i' ini'HKsible to revise such a mass of errors .
A IICAV Mark Lodge Avill be consecrated this month , bearing the title in honour of the M . W . Deputy Grand Mark Master . Lord Egerton of Tatton . Bros . Belgrave Ninnis . Dr . Brodie , Lennox Browne , T . G . Lewis-Thomas , and Captain Henry Wright are amongst the founders and first officers . The lodge Avill meet at 8 . v , Red Lion Square . W . C .
The forthcoming Festival of the Mark Benevolent Fund , to be held in July , will le presided over by Bro . Lionel E . Darell , P . G . S .
The Festival to be held in May Avill be presided OA * cr by the R . W . Bro . Lord ilemiiker . Prov . Grand Master for Suffolk , and AVC have reason to anticipate that heAvill beAvell supported on that occasion , particularly bA * the lodges under his more immediate rule . A
meeting of the-Building Committee is to bo held in April , for the purpose of receiving and deciding on tenders from eminent builders tor the construction of the Centenary Hall and IICAV buildings at Wandsworth Common , the plans and designs of Avhich have been virtually settled .
W . BRO . BAKIII - . I .. P . M . -UW ) . P . Z . 272 , P . G . A . D . C . Lines ., who has successiA'ely been elected Councillor . Alderman , and Provisional Chairman of the County Council of Holland , was . on Friday last , elected unanimously the permanent Chairman of that body . Bros . E . W . Gooch . S . D . * Kill , J . Laming , -Hi !) ( Spalding ) and R . W . Ntaiiiland . 272 ( Boston ) , are also members of the Holland C . (' .
A MASONIC AT HOME . "—The AV . M .. officers , and brethren , of the Army and Navy Lodge . No . 11 ) 71—Avhich Avas consecrated , in 1882 . for the convenience of officers quartered in the Aldorshot Division—gave an *' At Home" at the Officers' Club House on Thursday night , the 2 . 1 st ult ., Avhich proved to be a most enjoyable
event . Lpwnrds of . ' > i ) i ) invitations were issued to the . Masters and Pas t Masters of adjoining lodges and distinguished brethren of the order , in addition to the Staff' of the Aldorshot Division and other officers , and the leading families of the neighbourhood , most of whom AVC re present . The visitors were received by the AV . M . ( W . I ' ro . AV . M . Foster ) and 'Mrs . Foster , and Mrs . Onslow .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
The Masonic llecord of AVestern India , published at Allahabad . in its issue for October last , reproduced in cctcii ;; : > our article in No . I of THE MASONIC STAR under the title ** Is Publication injurious to Freemasonry . ' "' and . complimenting us thereupon , thought it " a subject which should elicit some strong expressions of opinion from the fraternity . ' '
No such expressions have reached us from any craftsman in England , but in distant lands the subject has had consideration : and a correspondent to the . Ifitsonir llccci-d itself , as AVC find in its December number , evidently is in exceptional disagreement Avith us . He forwarded to that paper a letter Avith extracts from an
oration deliA-ered by Bro . the Rev . Ihomas Russell . P . Prov . G . Chap . ( CornAvall ) in October . 1875 . Avhich he considers fully answers the question in the affirmative , but which Ave do not hesitate to declare , having in former years been in direct correspondence Avith the
author , haA'ing a knoAvledge of his sentiments at that date , and reading his oration by the light of such acquaintance , rather tends to strengthen than to controvert our arguments in favour of discreet publication outside those esoteric secrets Avhich our obligations compel us to regard .
It is not for those who arc not of our fraternity that masonic journals are published , for but little that can interest ** strangers " will be found in their pages , and certainly not anything affecting that secrecy Avhich may not ; be revealed ; but for the general information of craftsmen who desire to learn more of the tenets of Freemasonry
and the . progress oE the order than can lie obtained within the confines of their respective lodges . For such of our brethren AVC still , and shall continue to , maintain that publication is NOT injurious to Freemasonry , but , on the contrary , most useful and advantageous . * * * ** *
The discontinuance of ** Our City Article"' docs not appear to bo relished by some of our esteemed subscribers . On the other hand , its insertion met with strong objection from many Avho thought the space could bo better utilized . AA e cannot expect to
please all AVIIO take interest in us . at the same time have no desire to do otherwise . If Ave could but knoAV in Avhich direction general satisfaction could lie given AVC should point that way once and for all . MeaiiAvhile , Ave must not veer about at the caprice of every Avind that bloA \ r s .
It may interest many visitors to the Isle of AVight , and especially to A'cntnor . to knoAV that the Yarborough Lodge of Instruction . No . ool , holds its meetings at the Masonic Hall , at A ' cntnor , 0 A cry Monday , at 7 . 30 p . m . The dates of meeting of the Mother Lodge Avill be found in our tabulated list of Provincial Lodge Meetings .
On the retirement of A . AV . Bro . Sir John Monckton , P . P . B . G . P .. from the office of Treasurer of the Buckingham and Chandos Lodge . No . Il . "i 0 , on the 20 th ult .. the brethren presented Lady Monckton , as an acknoAvledgment of Sir John ' s eminent services on behalf of the lodge , Avith a valuable diamond ornament .
AVe had lately an opportunity of hearing a very talented artiste in the person of Mdlle . Eva Norini . AVIIO charmed a critical audience by her able rendering of the part of Marguerite , at an entertainment Avhich included the garden scene in Faust . This young lady .
Avho is Ave believe available for general concerts . Avould bo doubtless much appreciated in connection Avith the musical portion of our lodge entertainments , if h > r services could 1 K > secured by any of our in 1 rcprcneurx .
New South Wales.
The inauguration of a United Grand Lodge of the . . Masons in Alotoria Avill take place on March 20 th . and the installation of Sir W . J . Clarke as ( . ' rand Master Avill take place on the following day . The plan for the extension of the accommodation of the Masonic Hall at Deniliquin has been approved by the management , and the
architect . Mr . A ahland , of Sandhurst , is now preparing specifications . When these are completed the tenders AVI'U . be called . Tin extensions Avill cost about £ 1 . . The present building Avill be left as it is , and a new hall will be erected between it and . Messrs Hunter and Son ' s premises , in addition to Avhich there Avill . be an ornamental front . Avith offices fachur the main street .
. MASONIC LECTURE I ; Y A \ . BRO . I . B . A \ HYTI :: IEAI > . P .. M . —A meeting Avas held on Tuesday e \ -ening . the 2 (! th ult .. at the Masonic Hall , Darley Street , Bradford , of Freemasons interested in . the advancement of the Order . Avhen a very interesting paper was read by Bro . T . B . AVhvtehead . P . M . of the Eboracuin Lodire . York , on
"The Advance of Intelligent Masonry . " After some discussion on the subject of the paper and a hearty vote ef thanks , on the motion of Bros . J . L . Alherton , J . Ramsden Riley , and . 1 . AV . Balme . to Bro . Whytuhead . it was decided to form a society , to be colled "The Bradford and District , Masonic Literary Society . " of which Bro . AVhvtehead should lie the president .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
2 . Consistent Avith the nature of their occupation , can anything fairer be done for them by existing laAvs . ' 3 . Have they been fairly dealt with in the Sandgate Lodge . ' In reply to first question . I take it that feAv lodges expect the military to be mere financiers , and no right thinking brother Avill eiiA ' . v them all the honour their status and ability may demand at
our hands . They are more than average patrons of the craft , both in numbers and contributions , having frequently to join different lodges and constitutions , to enjoy masonic privileges . The reason they join in greater numbers is one Ave may all bo proud of , viz ., their duty take- * - them to move foreign countries than any other mason on the face of th > globe , and it is probably the OHIA' chance
open to them to make lite pleasant outside the family circle or their OAVII regiment , and create that kindly and brotherly feeling and intercourse between ourselves and the numerous races the G . A . O . T . U . has destined us to rule oA * er . and Avhich AVC all so much desire . In answer to No . 2 , I say that more can be done for them , and is done at most other militarA * stations . Avithout infringing upon the
Book of Constitutions , by P . G . Master recommending a prayer of petition for an ordinary Avarrant . and a paragraph in bye-laAVs regulating the proportion of ciA * ilians to be admitted , so that the military always predominate in lodges formed for their benefit . The military have founded many lodges , only to find that in a few years they have had no A'oice in them , and it Avill always be the
case , Avithout some safeguard of this kind . "P . M . 1 ,-1315 * ' should know that a ' * Class Lodge " Avas never asked for , and that a purely military lodge has no chance of being granted since 1882 . In answer to No . 3 . I believe the military haA'e a very substantial grievance against this particular lodge , and the present correspondence does not bear out P . M . ' s statement ** that there has alwavs
been the greatest goodwill , ku . " I say that they have never agrci d amongst themselves . There has of late years been a clique to the destruction of all harmony and masonic spirit , and I am not A-ery proud of being a P . M . of a lodge where another P . M . will lead anyone to believe that the chair has been given six or seven times to a soldier or sailor . The lodge Avas founded by Captain Coates in
1873 , and since then the only soldier that has eA * er been in the chair is Bro . Field , and that is 11 years ago , and some years one or two soldiers have been given office and in others they have been given nothing , although the chief support has been derived from them . IIOAV can he possibly quote a '" Serving Bro . " to pi * OA * e advancement to military brethren . ' Worthy as our Brother Tyler undoubtedly is . he has ncA'cr been a soldier since the lodge Avas formed .
Many instances could be quoted to show how little hope there is for harmony in this lodge , and but that your space is v-aluable I would give particulars . Probably in a future letter you may permit me the opportunity to explain reasons why an endeavour to remedy the existing evil should have met Avith the approval of the provincial authorities instead of an unqualified rejection . Yours fraternally . "W . PERRY . I . P . M .. 28 th February . 188 !' . Sandgate Lodge . No . M 3 (! .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
-X . Y .- 'Fhe question yon raise is si strange one ; we will give it consideration and endeavour to tiud a solution . I' . Jl . —AVliere , von ean have learnt siudi " curious "' ritual Ave arc at a loss m conceive . It . i' ini'HKsible to revise such a mass of errors .
A IICAV Mark Lodge Avill be consecrated this month , bearing the title in honour of the M . W . Deputy Grand Mark Master . Lord Egerton of Tatton . Bros . Belgrave Ninnis . Dr . Brodie , Lennox Browne , T . G . Lewis-Thomas , and Captain Henry Wright are amongst the founders and first officers . The lodge Avill meet at 8 . v , Red Lion Square . W . C .
The forthcoming Festival of the Mark Benevolent Fund , to be held in July , will le presided over by Bro . Lionel E . Darell , P . G . S .
The Festival to be held in May Avill be presided OA * cr by the R . W . Bro . Lord ilemiiker . Prov . Grand Master for Suffolk , and AVC have reason to anticipate that heAvill beAvell supported on that occasion , particularly bA * the lodges under his more immediate rule . A
meeting of the-Building Committee is to bo held in April , for the purpose of receiving and deciding on tenders from eminent builders tor the construction of the Centenary Hall and IICAV buildings at Wandsworth Common , the plans and designs of Avhich have been virtually settled .
W . BRO . BAKIII - . I .. P . M . -UW ) . P . Z . 272 , P . G . A . D . C . Lines ., who has successiA'ely been elected Councillor . Alderman , and Provisional Chairman of the County Council of Holland , was . on Friday last , elected unanimously the permanent Chairman of that body . Bros . E . W . Gooch . S . D . * Kill , J . Laming , -Hi !) ( Spalding ) and R . W . Ntaiiiland . 272 ( Boston ) , are also members of the Holland C . (' .
A MASONIC AT HOME . "—The AV . M .. officers , and brethren , of the Army and Navy Lodge . No . 11 ) 71—Avhich Avas consecrated , in 1882 . for the convenience of officers quartered in the Aldorshot Division—gave an *' At Home" at the Officers' Club House on Thursday night , the 2 . 1 st ult ., Avhich proved to be a most enjoyable
event . Lpwnrds of . ' > i ) i ) invitations were issued to the . Masters and Pas t Masters of adjoining lodges and distinguished brethren of the order , in addition to the Staff' of the Aldorshot Division and other officers , and the leading families of the neighbourhood , most of whom AVC re present . The visitors were received by the AV . M . ( W . I ' ro . AV . M . Foster ) and 'Mrs . Foster , and Mrs . Onslow .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
The Masonic llecord of AVestern India , published at Allahabad . in its issue for October last , reproduced in cctcii ;; : > our article in No . I of THE MASONIC STAR under the title ** Is Publication injurious to Freemasonry . ' "' and . complimenting us thereupon , thought it " a subject which should elicit some strong expressions of opinion from the fraternity . ' '
No such expressions have reached us from any craftsman in England , but in distant lands the subject has had consideration : and a correspondent to the . Ifitsonir llccci-d itself , as AVC find in its December number , evidently is in exceptional disagreement Avith us . He forwarded to that paper a letter Avith extracts from an
oration deliA-ered by Bro . the Rev . Ihomas Russell . P . Prov . G . Chap . ( CornAvall ) in October . 1875 . Avhich he considers fully answers the question in the affirmative , but which Ave do not hesitate to declare , having in former years been in direct correspondence Avith the
author , haA'ing a knoAvledge of his sentiments at that date , and reading his oration by the light of such acquaintance , rather tends to strengthen than to controvert our arguments in favour of discreet publication outside those esoteric secrets Avhich our obligations compel us to regard .
It is not for those who arc not of our fraternity that masonic journals are published , for but little that can interest ** strangers " will be found in their pages , and certainly not anything affecting that secrecy Avhich may not ; be revealed ; but for the general information of craftsmen who desire to learn more of the tenets of Freemasonry
and the . progress oE the order than can lie obtained within the confines of their respective lodges . For such of our brethren AVC still , and shall continue to , maintain that publication is NOT injurious to Freemasonry , but , on the contrary , most useful and advantageous . * * * ** *
The discontinuance of ** Our City Article"' docs not appear to bo relished by some of our esteemed subscribers . On the other hand , its insertion met with strong objection from many Avho thought the space could bo better utilized . AA e cannot expect to
please all AVIIO take interest in us . at the same time have no desire to do otherwise . If Ave could but knoAV in Avhich direction general satisfaction could lie given AVC should point that way once and for all . MeaiiAvhile , Ave must not veer about at the caprice of every Avind that bloA \ r s .
It may interest many visitors to the Isle of AVight , and especially to A'cntnor . to knoAV that the Yarborough Lodge of Instruction . No . ool , holds its meetings at the Masonic Hall , at A ' cntnor , 0 A cry Monday , at 7 . 30 p . m . The dates of meeting of the Mother Lodge Avill be found in our tabulated list of Provincial Lodge Meetings .
On the retirement of A . AV . Bro . Sir John Monckton , P . P . B . G . P .. from the office of Treasurer of the Buckingham and Chandos Lodge . No . Il . "i 0 , on the 20 th ult .. the brethren presented Lady Monckton , as an acknoAvledgment of Sir John ' s eminent services on behalf of the lodge , Avith a valuable diamond ornament .
AVe had lately an opportunity of hearing a very talented artiste in the person of Mdlle . Eva Norini . AVIIO charmed a critical audience by her able rendering of the part of Marguerite , at an entertainment Avhich included the garden scene in Faust . This young lady .
Avho is Ave believe available for general concerts . Avould bo doubtless much appreciated in connection Avith the musical portion of our lodge entertainments , if h > r services could 1 K > secured by any of our in 1 rcprcneurx .
New South Wales.
The inauguration of a United Grand Lodge of the . . Masons in Alotoria Avill take place on March 20 th . and the installation of Sir W . J . Clarke as ( . ' rand Master Avill take place on the following day . The plan for the extension of the accommodation of the Masonic Hall at Deniliquin has been approved by the management , and the
architect . Mr . A ahland , of Sandhurst , is now preparing specifications . When these are completed the tenders AVI'U . be called . Tin extensions Avill cost about £ 1 . . The present building Avill be left as it is , and a new hall will be erected between it and . Messrs Hunter and Son ' s premises , in addition to Avhich there Avill . be an ornamental front . Avith offices fachur the main street .
. MASONIC LECTURE I ; Y A \ . BRO . I . B . A \ HYTI :: IEAI > . P .. M . —A meeting Avas held on Tuesday e \ -ening . the 2 (! th ult .. at the Masonic Hall , Darley Street , Bradford , of Freemasons interested in . the advancement of the Order . Avhen a very interesting paper was read by Bro . T . B . AVhvtehead . P . M . of the Eboracuin Lodire . York , on
"The Advance of Intelligent Masonry . " After some discussion on the subject of the paper and a hearty vote ef thanks , on the motion of Bros . J . L . Alherton , J . Ramsden Riley , and . 1 . AV . Balme . to Bro . Whytuhead . it was decided to form a society , to be colled "The Bradford and District , Masonic Literary Society . " of which Bro . AVhvtehead should lie the president .