Article Proposed United Grand Lodge of New Zealand. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF ESSEX. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF ESSEX. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF SOMERSET. Page 1 of 2 →
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Proposed United Grand Lodge Of New Zealand.
STATEMENT showing Annual Receip ts and Expenditure of District and Provincial Grand Lodges , ivith Number of Lodges under each Jurisdiction , and Approximate Number of Members .
, Auckland , S . C Auckland , I . G . Wellington , E . C Canterbury , E . C Canterbury . S . C . ( Estimated ) Otago and Southland , E . C . Otago and Southland , S . C . ( Estimated ) ...
Westland , E . C Nelson and Marlborough , E . C
o rt ^ ' --o 252 J § f < « % ~ S 19 929
17 821 15 810 19 8 ( 59 20 1243 9 652 14 737 22 1152
7 250 6 237 148 7700
RECEIPTS . BaI < "lrc Receipts Tnt , . cnaonssr . ««^ r ° taIS - ~ £ ~ ~ " A . ~ " ~ £ "" s . d . I s . d .
. 340 13 7 198 13 10 539 7 5 274 8 2 215 17 2 490 5 4 69 11 10 145 1 10 214 13 8 73 10 1 202 1 0 275 11 1 100 3 6 304 7 8 404 11 2 145 4 11 114 5 6 259 10 5
73 4 5 149 12 0 222 16 5 355 2 4 279 5 9 634 8 1 72 4 0 64 3 3 136 7 3 1504 2 10 1673 8 0 3177 10 10
E XPENDITURE . Remitted n On District Balances to u „„ mln ™ an ( l Provincial at Grand Lodges . *> enevoiencc . l Grand Lodges , end of 1888 . t £ sA £ s . d . C sd £ s . d .
, . . , . . 19 17 6 10 3 0 108 16 11 400 10 0 51 19 6 0 12 0 129 3 6 308 10 4 58 11 6 3 10 1 53 15 0 99 6 2 21 13 6 21 17 0 I 199 12 0 32 8 7 11 2 6 85 10 0 137 7 0 170 11 8 27 10 4 0 6 4 68 7 9 163 6 0
31 19 10 25 10 0 87 13 1 77 13 6 67 5 1 0 15 6 : 167 1 0 399 6 6 7 5 0 ... ! 30 2 0 99 0 . 3 i 297 4 9 147 14 10 j 981 18 3 1750 13 0
We may add to the foregoing that when in Sydney , on a late occasion , the Grand Master of New South Wales proposed the health of Lord Onslow as a Past Grand Warden of England , and expressed the hope that he might see a United Grand Lodge of New Zealand soon ; to
which Lord Onslow replied that he could not then say anything in reference to the movement , though his sympathies were with unity—solid and harmonious—in Masonry . We read between the lines , and join with our Auckland brethren in hoping , that when the change does
come , as it surely will , Brother Lord Onslow will be unanimously elected the first M . W . Grand Master . We believe that the punning motto of his lordship ' s family is " Festina lente , " and we recommend it for adoption by the promoters of the proposed Masonic Union .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Essex.
The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex was held on Tuesday , the 6 th inst ., at Easton Lodge , Dunmow , the seat of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , the Right Honourable the Lord Brooke , M . P . The Provincial Grand Lodge meeting was held in the library at Easton Lodge , and at half-past two o ' clock the Provincial
Grand Master , preceded by his officers , entered the Provincial Grand Lodge which was afterwards opened in due form . In the unavoidable absence of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , the Very Worshipful Bro . F . A . Philbrick , Q . C ., Grand Registrar , the position was occupied by the Rev . C . J . Martyn , P . G . Chaplain . The Provincial Grand Master was saluted , according to ancient form .
The minutes were read and confirmed . The roll of lodges was then called over , and all the lodges were fully represented . The auditors' report and the report of the Charity Committee were then fully discussed . The Provincial Grand Master then addressed the brethren , expressing his satisfaction at the progress that had been made in the province since he
was elected their Provincial Grand Master , and commented upon the satisfactory manner in which the business of Provincial Grand Lodge had been carried out without any disputes or disagreements of any kind , and how pleased and proud he was at [ its being held under his roof . The next business was the election of Treasurer , this being the
only position the brethren have the privilege of electing , and although the present treasurer has occupied the position for the last ten years , to their entire satisfaction , they have arrived at the conclusion it ought be held only for one year ( like the Treasurer of Grand Lodge ) . There were therefore three candidates , viz .. - Bros . Durrant , the late treasurer ; Joseph Sadler , W . M . of the St . Peter ' s Lodge .
1024 ( and Mayor of Maldon ) : and Bro . Edward James Acworth . P . M ., Epping Lodge , 2077 . The Provincial Grand Master thought as there were three candidates the election had better be by ballot . In the result Bro . Sadler obtained the highest number of votes , and was duly elected . The Provincial Grand Master proceeded to appoint and invest his
officers for the year , and they received the usual salutations . The Provincial Grand Master then stated that , considering the extra amount of work that devolved upon the Provincial Grand Secretary . Bro . Mailing , P . A . G . D . C ., England , he should recommend his annual fee be augmented to 20 guineas , which was carried unanimously : also that in recognition of his services for the last year a sum of
10 guineas be presented to him , which was also carried unanimously . A committee was then formed to revise the bye-laws of Provincial Grand Lodge ; and afterwards sums of 10 guineas each were voted to the three charities , and a sum of 10 guineas to the Farmers ' Benevolent Fund , in consideration of the agricultural distress , particularly in that part of the province . Letters were then read from Lord Euston , Sir Francis Burdett ,
Lord Alg . Lennox . Marquis or Hertford . Col . Shadwell Gierke , Grand Secretary , and several other distinguished Freemasons , expressing their regret at not being able to attend . A vote of thanks was unanimously carried for the kindness of the Provincial Grand Master and Lady Brooke for allowing Provincial Grand Lodge to be holden at Easton Lodge , which was duly acknowledged by the Provincial Grand Master . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in due form . A banquet took place
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Essex.
in the marquee erected in the grounds , which was admirably served , there being an abundance of everything ( champagne Moet , Perrier Jouet and Giesler ) , and the menu had the words '' A good digestion to you all , and once more I shower a welcome on you , welcome all ! " The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master presided , supported by several distinguished Freemasons . A very humorous
speech was made by the Rev . C . J . Martyn , responding to the toast of the Grand Officers of England , which elicited hearty applause from the brethren . The health of the Provincial Grand Master was drank with great enthusiasm , finishing with that old-fashioned English ditty , " He ' s a jolly good fellow . " Other toasts followed . The Band of the Northumberland Fusiliers played a selection of
music during the banquet . In the evening a short concert was given on the lawn , with some capital recitations , Lady Brooke joining the assembly , and whose presence caused great satisfaction . The grounds were prettily and tastefully illuminated , and just before leaving there was a display of fireworks , the set-piece being
• ' Welcome to the Freemasons , " thus ending one of the most pleasant meetings of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex , and which will never be forgotten by some 200 brethren who had the pleasure of being present . We must not forget to mention that the thanks of the brethren are due to the Great Eastern Railway Company , in connection with this meeting .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Somerset.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Somersetshire was held at the Town Hall , Weston-Super-Mare , under the presidency of the M . W . the Prov . G . M . the Right . Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro-Grand Master of England . The apartment had been decorated for the occasion by a committee from the receiving Lodge ( St . Kew , 1222 ) . The officers of the P . G . L . were received with due honours at 1 . 30 .
and , under the presidencj' of the D . P . G . M . ( Bro . R . C . Else ) the formal part of the business was proceeded with . The minutes of the last meeting were confirmed , and the audited accounts of the treasurer produced , the same showing a balance in hand of £ 93 lis . lid . as against £ 143 4 s . Id . at the corresponding period of last [ year . The P . G . Treasurer ( Bro . C . L . F . Edwards ) explained
that at first sight it would appear that they had lost £ 50 during the year , whereas their ordinary receipts had exceeded their expenditure by £ 48 , as their disbursements included £ 89 5 s . to the Girls ' School , and £ 18 7 s . fid . annuity to Bro . Woodward . The revised bye-laws were produced , the principal alteration being to the effect that every officer of the P . G . L ., on his appointment to
officeexcept that of steward—shall provide himself with and retain the same as his property , a full dress collar and apron of the regulation pattern . This alteration was suggested to save the Province the cost of a new set of office emblems , which are sadly needed . The resolution was unanimously adopted . The M . W . the Prov . G . M . entered the Lodge room at 2 . 30 ,
accompanied by Bros . Ffarington , W . M ., and G . H . Perrett , I . P . M . ( officers of the receiving Lodge ) preceded by the G . S . B . and P . G . Deacons . His Lordship , having apologised for being late—owing to the crowded traffic on the railway—thanked the D . P . G . M . for having proceeded with the business . He then invested the following
brethren with collars of office for the ensuing year : —P . S . G . W . George Ernest Alford , P . M ., 1222 ; P . J . G . W . Arthur Duckett , P . M ., 291 ; P . G . Chap ., F . S . Byrde , 1296 ; assist do ., F . \ V . Macdonald , 329 ; Treasurer C . L . Fry Edwards ( re-elected ) ; P . G . Reg ., W . Fuller , 53 ; P . G . Sec , J . C . Hunt ( re-appointed ); P . S . G . D ., F . W . Warren , 1953 ;
P . J . G . D ., A . S . Ashcroft , 1296 ; P . G . S . Works , G . B . Laffan ; P . G . D . C ,
S . Spill , 793 ; Assist , do .. S . W . Pusey , 437 ; P . G . S . B ., C . E . Pearce , 261 : P . G . Standard B ., W . E . Bennett . 2038 ; assist , do ., F . Wood , 1199 ; P . G . Organist , W . E . Sparrow , 906 ; P . G . Purst ., P . Manning , 285 ; assist , do ., T . E . Wilton , 241 ; Stewards : G . H . Perret , 1222 ; C . Lockyer , 976 ; J . Gill , 1966 ; E . P . Palmer , 772 ; G . Barry , 814 ; P . G . Tyler , A . J . Salter ; assist , do ., C . Bidgood .
The M . W . P . G . M . thought the whole of the large assemblage that day would agree with him in a resolution expressive of their deep regret at the lamented death of Brigadier-General Adair , P . P . G . M . of Somerset , and their sympathy with the bereaved members of his family . The resolution was unanimously carried .
The P . G . M . then proposed that a similar resolution should be recorded in the case of the late Bro . Sumner Toms , who had died during his year of office as P . G . J . W . This was also unanimously carried . On the proposal of the P . G . Treasurer , Bro . T . P . Ashley ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Proposed United Grand Lodge Of New Zealand.
STATEMENT showing Annual Receip ts and Expenditure of District and Provincial Grand Lodges , ivith Number of Lodges under each Jurisdiction , and Approximate Number of Members .
, Auckland , S . C Auckland , I . G . Wellington , E . C Canterbury , E . C Canterbury . S . C . ( Estimated ) Otago and Southland , E . C . Otago and Southland , S . C . ( Estimated ) ...
Westland , E . C Nelson and Marlborough , E . C
o rt ^ ' --o 252 J § f < « % ~ S 19 929
17 821 15 810 19 8 ( 59 20 1243 9 652 14 737 22 1152
7 250 6 237 148 7700
RECEIPTS . BaI < "lrc Receipts Tnt , . cnaonssr . ««^ r ° taIS - ~ £ ~ ~ " A . ~ " ~ £ "" s . d . I s . d .
. 340 13 7 198 13 10 539 7 5 274 8 2 215 17 2 490 5 4 69 11 10 145 1 10 214 13 8 73 10 1 202 1 0 275 11 1 100 3 6 304 7 8 404 11 2 145 4 11 114 5 6 259 10 5
73 4 5 149 12 0 222 16 5 355 2 4 279 5 9 634 8 1 72 4 0 64 3 3 136 7 3 1504 2 10 1673 8 0 3177 10 10
E XPENDITURE . Remitted n On District Balances to u „„ mln ™ an ( l Provincial at Grand Lodges . *> enevoiencc . l Grand Lodges , end of 1888 . t £ sA £ s . d . C sd £ s . d .
, . . , . . 19 17 6 10 3 0 108 16 11 400 10 0 51 19 6 0 12 0 129 3 6 308 10 4 58 11 6 3 10 1 53 15 0 99 6 2 21 13 6 21 17 0 I 199 12 0 32 8 7 11 2 6 85 10 0 137 7 0 170 11 8 27 10 4 0 6 4 68 7 9 163 6 0
31 19 10 25 10 0 87 13 1 77 13 6 67 5 1 0 15 6 : 167 1 0 399 6 6 7 5 0 ... ! 30 2 0 99 0 . 3 i 297 4 9 147 14 10 j 981 18 3 1750 13 0
We may add to the foregoing that when in Sydney , on a late occasion , the Grand Master of New South Wales proposed the health of Lord Onslow as a Past Grand Warden of England , and expressed the hope that he might see a United Grand Lodge of New Zealand soon ; to
which Lord Onslow replied that he could not then say anything in reference to the movement , though his sympathies were with unity—solid and harmonious—in Masonry . We read between the lines , and join with our Auckland brethren in hoping , that when the change does
come , as it surely will , Brother Lord Onslow will be unanimously elected the first M . W . Grand Master . We believe that the punning motto of his lordship ' s family is " Festina lente , " and we recommend it for adoption by the promoters of the proposed Masonic Union .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Essex.
The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex was held on Tuesday , the 6 th inst ., at Easton Lodge , Dunmow , the seat of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , the Right Honourable the Lord Brooke , M . P . The Provincial Grand Lodge meeting was held in the library at Easton Lodge , and at half-past two o ' clock the Provincial
Grand Master , preceded by his officers , entered the Provincial Grand Lodge which was afterwards opened in due form . In the unavoidable absence of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , the Very Worshipful Bro . F . A . Philbrick , Q . C ., Grand Registrar , the position was occupied by the Rev . C . J . Martyn , P . G . Chaplain . The Provincial Grand Master was saluted , according to ancient form .
The minutes were read and confirmed . The roll of lodges was then called over , and all the lodges were fully represented . The auditors' report and the report of the Charity Committee were then fully discussed . The Provincial Grand Master then addressed the brethren , expressing his satisfaction at the progress that had been made in the province since he
was elected their Provincial Grand Master , and commented upon the satisfactory manner in which the business of Provincial Grand Lodge had been carried out without any disputes or disagreements of any kind , and how pleased and proud he was at [ its being held under his roof . The next business was the election of Treasurer , this being the
only position the brethren have the privilege of electing , and although the present treasurer has occupied the position for the last ten years , to their entire satisfaction , they have arrived at the conclusion it ought be held only for one year ( like the Treasurer of Grand Lodge ) . There were therefore three candidates , viz .. - Bros . Durrant , the late treasurer ; Joseph Sadler , W . M . of the St . Peter ' s Lodge .
1024 ( and Mayor of Maldon ) : and Bro . Edward James Acworth . P . M ., Epping Lodge , 2077 . The Provincial Grand Master thought as there were three candidates the election had better be by ballot . In the result Bro . Sadler obtained the highest number of votes , and was duly elected . The Provincial Grand Master proceeded to appoint and invest his
officers for the year , and they received the usual salutations . The Provincial Grand Master then stated that , considering the extra amount of work that devolved upon the Provincial Grand Secretary . Bro . Mailing , P . A . G . D . C ., England , he should recommend his annual fee be augmented to 20 guineas , which was carried unanimously : also that in recognition of his services for the last year a sum of
10 guineas be presented to him , which was also carried unanimously . A committee was then formed to revise the bye-laws of Provincial Grand Lodge ; and afterwards sums of 10 guineas each were voted to the three charities , and a sum of 10 guineas to the Farmers ' Benevolent Fund , in consideration of the agricultural distress , particularly in that part of the province . Letters were then read from Lord Euston , Sir Francis Burdett ,
Lord Alg . Lennox . Marquis or Hertford . Col . Shadwell Gierke , Grand Secretary , and several other distinguished Freemasons , expressing their regret at not being able to attend . A vote of thanks was unanimously carried for the kindness of the Provincial Grand Master and Lady Brooke for allowing Provincial Grand Lodge to be holden at Easton Lodge , which was duly acknowledged by the Provincial Grand Master . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed in due form . A banquet took place
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Essex.
in the marquee erected in the grounds , which was admirably served , there being an abundance of everything ( champagne Moet , Perrier Jouet and Giesler ) , and the menu had the words '' A good digestion to you all , and once more I shower a welcome on you , welcome all ! " The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master presided , supported by several distinguished Freemasons . A very humorous
speech was made by the Rev . C . J . Martyn , responding to the toast of the Grand Officers of England , which elicited hearty applause from the brethren . The health of the Provincial Grand Master was drank with great enthusiasm , finishing with that old-fashioned English ditty , " He ' s a jolly good fellow . " Other toasts followed . The Band of the Northumberland Fusiliers played a selection of
music during the banquet . In the evening a short concert was given on the lawn , with some capital recitations , Lady Brooke joining the assembly , and whose presence caused great satisfaction . The grounds were prettily and tastefully illuminated , and just before leaving there was a display of fireworks , the set-piece being
• ' Welcome to the Freemasons , " thus ending one of the most pleasant meetings of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex , and which will never be forgotten by some 200 brethren who had the pleasure of being present . We must not forget to mention that the thanks of the brethren are due to the Great Eastern Railway Company , in connection with this meeting .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Somerset.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Somersetshire was held at the Town Hall , Weston-Super-Mare , under the presidency of the M . W . the Prov . G . M . the Right . Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro-Grand Master of England . The apartment had been decorated for the occasion by a committee from the receiving Lodge ( St . Kew , 1222 ) . The officers of the P . G . L . were received with due honours at 1 . 30 .
and , under the presidencj' of the D . P . G . M . ( Bro . R . C . Else ) the formal part of the business was proceeded with . The minutes of the last meeting were confirmed , and the audited accounts of the treasurer produced , the same showing a balance in hand of £ 93 lis . lid . as against £ 143 4 s . Id . at the corresponding period of last [ year . The P . G . Treasurer ( Bro . C . L . F . Edwards ) explained
that at first sight it would appear that they had lost £ 50 during the year , whereas their ordinary receipts had exceeded their expenditure by £ 48 , as their disbursements included £ 89 5 s . to the Girls ' School , and £ 18 7 s . fid . annuity to Bro . Woodward . The revised bye-laws were produced , the principal alteration being to the effect that every officer of the P . G . L ., on his appointment to
officeexcept that of steward—shall provide himself with and retain the same as his property , a full dress collar and apron of the regulation pattern . This alteration was suggested to save the Province the cost of a new set of office emblems , which are sadly needed . The resolution was unanimously adopted . The M . W . the Prov . G . M . entered the Lodge room at 2 . 30 ,
accompanied by Bros . Ffarington , W . M ., and G . H . Perrett , I . P . M . ( officers of the receiving Lodge ) preceded by the G . S . B . and P . G . Deacons . His Lordship , having apologised for being late—owing to the crowded traffic on the railway—thanked the D . P . G . M . for having proceeded with the business . He then invested the following
brethren with collars of office for the ensuing year : —P . S . G . W . George Ernest Alford , P . M ., 1222 ; P . J . G . W . Arthur Duckett , P . M ., 291 ; P . G . Chap ., F . S . Byrde , 1296 ; assist do ., F . \ V . Macdonald , 329 ; Treasurer C . L . Fry Edwards ( re-elected ) ; P . G . Reg ., W . Fuller , 53 ; P . G . Sec , J . C . Hunt ( re-appointed ); P . S . G . D ., F . W . Warren , 1953 ;
P . J . G . D ., A . S . Ashcroft , 1296 ; P . G . S . Works , G . B . Laffan ; P . G . D . C ,
S . Spill , 793 ; Assist , do .. S . W . Pusey , 437 ; P . G . S . B ., C . E . Pearce , 261 : P . G . Standard B ., W . E . Bennett . 2038 ; assist , do ., F . Wood , 1199 ; P . G . Organist , W . E . Sparrow , 906 ; P . G . Purst ., P . Manning , 285 ; assist , do ., T . E . Wilton , 241 ; Stewards : G . H . Perret , 1222 ; C . Lockyer , 976 ; J . Gill , 1966 ; E . P . Palmer , 772 ; G . Barry , 814 ; P . G . Tyler , A . J . Salter ; assist , do ., C . Bidgood .
The M . W . P . G . M . thought the whole of the large assemblage that day would agree with him in a resolution expressive of their deep regret at the lamented death of Brigadier-General Adair , P . P . G . M . of Somerset , and their sympathy with the bereaved members of his family . The resolution was unanimously carried .
The P . G . M . then proposed that a similar resolution should be recorded in the case of the late Bro . Sumner Toms , who had died during his year of office as P . G . J . W . This was also unanimously carried . On the proposal of the P . G . Treasurer , Bro . T . P . Ashley ,