Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article SPOILT VOTES AT ELECTIONS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC CHARTIES. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
® Ij £ Jltastfnn : ^ iar * THURSDAY , l l | 2 gS | l MAY 9 , 1889 .
Edited by W . BRO . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., Ac , Ac .
Published every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may be had from all Newsagents through the Publishers , 123 to 125 , Fleet Street , E . C .
Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR residing in London and the Suburbs -will receive their copies by the first post on THURSDAY MORNING . Copies for Country Subscribers will be forwarded by the NIGHT Mail on Wednesday .
TERMS , including postage , payable in advance : — United Kingdom and Countries comprised Places not in General comprised in India , Postal Union . Postal Union . iaBrindisi . Twelve Months . . . 6 s . 6 d . . . . 8 s . 8 d . . . . 10 s . lOd . Six Months 3 s . 4 d . . . . 4 s . 6 d . . . . 5 s . 6 d . Three Months . . . Is . 9 d . ... 2 s . 4 d . . . . 3 s . Od .
Post Office Orders , payable at the General Post Office , London , E . G ., to Messrs . ADAMS BROS ., 59 , Moor Lane , London , E . C . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed & Co . and all communications concerning Subscriptions and Advertisements should be addressed to " Manager . "
AH other communications , letters , & c , to be addressed " Editor of THE MASONIC STAR , 59 . Moor Lane . Fore Street . London , E . C . " Publishing Offices : 123 to 125 , FLEET STREET , E . G . VOLUME I « In Masonic Cloth Cover—Now Ready —Price 3 s . 6 d .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
Without in any way holding' ourselves responsible for , or even approving of the opinions expressed , wo freely throw open our columns for the proper discussion of all matters of a general character relating to Freemasonry . Correspondents must be as brief as possible , must write plainly , only use one side of the paper , and cannot expect the return of rejected contributions . Every contribution must be accompanied with thn name of the writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor A / T HE MASONIC STAB . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . Would yon kindly inform me , through the medium of the MASONIC STAR , in which order the 33 degrees of Masonry come 2
By so doing you will be conferring a favour on me , and also , I believe , many other young brethren . Thanking you in anticipation , Yours faithfully and fraternall y , Dalston , London , C . TAYLOR . April 25 th , 1889 . % * The following are the Designations of the several Degrees of the Ancient and Accented Rite : —
1 . Entered Appren- ^ vog § by " . Knight of the East and West tice . fe upreme lb" KnIB ^ th % E 0 a S ™ d *» Fellow Craft / Council for Pelican , and Sovereign « T MW PV Mason England Prince Rose Croix of 6 . Master mason , j and Wales- H . R . D . M . ¦ i . Secret Master . 19 . G rand Pontiff .
^ 5 . Perfect Master . 20 . Venerable Grand Master . C . Intimate Secre- 21 . Patriarch Noachite . tary . 22 , Prince of Libanus . 7 . Provost & Judge . 23 . Chief of the Tabernacle . 8 . Intendant of the 24 . Prince of the Tabernacle . Buildings . fVimm ,. , 25 . Knight of the Brazen Ser-9 Elect of Nine C ent
. . I HS P . 10 . Elect of Fifteen . / of Per- 2 G . Prince of Mercy . 11 . Sublime Elect . fection . 27 . Commander of the Temple . 12 . Grand Master 28 . Knight of the Sun . Architect . 29 . Knight of St . Andrew . 13 . Royal Arch ( of 30 . Grand Elected Knight K . H .
Enoch ) . Knight of the Black and 11 . Scotch Knight of AVhite Eagle . Perfection . J 31 . Grand Inspector , Inquisitor , 15 . Knight of the- , . Commander . Sword or of , [" c £ ™ "f 32 - Sublime Prince of the Royal the East . \ of Princes Secret . 10 . Prince of Jeru- [ of 33 rd and last Degree , Sovereign salem . ) Jerusalem . Grand Inspector General .
Of these only the 18 th , 301 It . 31 st , 32 nd , and 33 rd are worked in extenso -in this country . There are also Marls , Templar , Cryptic , and other degrees , which har . e distinct organizations of tlieir men , the foundations if each being " pure and simple Masonry" which consists of the three Craft degrees and the Jloyal Arch only . We are greatly indebted to our IP ' . Jim . the Grand Secretary of England for this information . —ED . M . S .
Spoilt Votes At Elections.
To the Editor <)/ "THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , As Chairman of Scrutineers at the election both of the Boys ' and Girls' Schools , permit me to say that I am very pleased to see that you have given public notice in your valuable paper to the remarks I was again compelled to make respecting the large
number of spoilt votes , and to the manner in which many subscribers fill in their proxy papers . At the election of the Benevolent Listitution next week , I trust that greater care will be exercised , and that subscribers will content themselves with simply carrying out the printed
instructions on the proxy papers , and that is to put the figure representing the value of the proxy in the proper space against the name of the candidate they wish to vote for , and nothing more . This will prevent many mistakes , and considerably lessen the work of the scrutineers . " Yours fraternally , Cth May , 1889 . G . W ARD A ERRY .
The Masonic Charties.
To the J-Jditor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , On the 7 th ult . you published a letter of mine on the above subject . As I expected , no information has been vouchsafed touching the questions I then propounded . It may interest some of your readers if you will reproduce in your columns the following : —
rt % 'T . r— : ' —I © © to 10 £ *¦* -co o to CO o 3 . 1 M - I I I I - III a to . , 00 O < M CS CO eg S- - ? < M O CO I-H i-H « CO O < M i-H rH
C ^ A S — " w © o to o g II " l I II 11 °° " ~ II °
Z > r 3 . -, CO CO CO CO £ ? Pl M -tj rH r-1 rH I-H M E H , _ _ . __ . ^ ——g ., 2 . 'd © © © © ©©©©©© ©© EH os td © © © © , ,,, ©©©«©© , ©© M s 2 I I I I
fc < J ~ -2 - ;>©©©© OWONOM © IN H ff * Z " " «» M to M O CI O we M ^ £ s 2 fj £ J ^ © © © © © © -M © ? 4 O P ,. H . / ' - © ©©©© i-i © b "
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• " * J 3 H u _ t i - l i-H to © ( M CO ^ rgsg M I I I I I 0 S ° ^ S w ' ' ' ' ' oo to - * - * t-01 s ^ Sf't ^' eo co to ooci i-i < J CO = ; £ , r-l - ± < l ^ - * CO > Q i _ i 5 i—l i—I i - l i—l r-l r-l g " ¦ J 2 en -oJ-oto co to a > © © ©
S £ ~ ° p -3 '" C * StiSi c -CO O -JHCO C 5 © i-H CO ** rl'ls ^ rt I I rt r " rt I '" O " O-S 3 © tO © CO IO ~ H r-l to fti ^ " S ? = a w > ¦ - © co 1- -H co o rH s a 3 . 1 ! £ ^ o > -i toco co o - * ci CD 3 ^ C ( M iM cy | c-1 ~ fi > 0 -ri 00 K i—l l—I i—li—I i—I r-H i—I rH zo ci © i—i f > t co io tO I- OO
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You will perceive that the subscription list for 1885 amounted to £ 17 , C 3 ( i ( is . 8 d ., whereas £ 15 , 514 is the amount returned as subscriptions and donations , & c . I have not seen any report as to how the balance of £ 2 , 000 odd was disposed of , neither do I think it was noticed at the May meeting . The blanks in above statement I am at the moment unable to fill
in , but enough is shown to warrant enquiries . The office salaries are stated to have been in 1878 , £ 620 17 s . ; in 1888 , £ 801 , an increase of nearly 50 per cent . In 1878 the warden is allowed £ 20 and matron £ 30 . In 1888 , same servants figure for £ 20 and £ o' 2 respectively . Now , sir , I am informed that during the last 8 or i years there has been no warden .
Perhaps the secretary will state if this is correct or not . I have to-day had an interview with a friend who has on several occasions served the office of steward , who by his own and friend ' s exertions has collected some £ 1 , 500 , and ho tells me that " it is customary for the various secretaries to Avrite to stewards requesting them to pay the money represented by their several lists into the
Office . " Is commission for " collection" paid on such amounts . ' If not , is it the difference between " subscriptions and donations , '' and amount of stewards' lists , which is chargeable . This difference last year appears to bo about £ . ' 3 , 000 , the rate to yield £ o' 3 'J thus being over 20 per cent , on that sum . I have several other points in connection with this Charity which
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
® Ij £ Jltastfnn : ^ iar * THURSDAY , l l | 2 gS | l MAY 9 , 1889 .
Edited by W . BRO . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., Ac , Ac .
Published every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may be had from all Newsagents through the Publishers , 123 to 125 , Fleet Street , E . C .
Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR residing in London and the Suburbs -will receive their copies by the first post on THURSDAY MORNING . Copies for Country Subscribers will be forwarded by the NIGHT Mail on Wednesday .
TERMS , including postage , payable in advance : — United Kingdom and Countries comprised Places not in General comprised in India , Postal Union . Postal Union . iaBrindisi . Twelve Months . . . 6 s . 6 d . . . . 8 s . 8 d . . . . 10 s . lOd . Six Months 3 s . 4 d . . . . 4 s . 6 d . . . . 5 s . 6 d . Three Months . . . Is . 9 d . ... 2 s . 4 d . . . . 3 s . Od .
Post Office Orders , payable at the General Post Office , London , E . G ., to Messrs . ADAMS BROS ., 59 , Moor Lane , London , E . C . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed & Co . and all communications concerning Subscriptions and Advertisements should be addressed to " Manager . "
AH other communications , letters , & c , to be addressed " Editor of THE MASONIC STAR , 59 . Moor Lane . Fore Street . London , E . C . " Publishing Offices : 123 to 125 , FLEET STREET , E . G . VOLUME I « In Masonic Cloth Cover—Now Ready —Price 3 s . 6 d .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
Without in any way holding' ourselves responsible for , or even approving of the opinions expressed , wo freely throw open our columns for the proper discussion of all matters of a general character relating to Freemasonry . Correspondents must be as brief as possible , must write plainly , only use one side of the paper , and cannot expect the return of rejected contributions . Every contribution must be accompanied with thn name of the writer , not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor A / T HE MASONIC STAB . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . Would yon kindly inform me , through the medium of the MASONIC STAR , in which order the 33 degrees of Masonry come 2
By so doing you will be conferring a favour on me , and also , I believe , many other young brethren . Thanking you in anticipation , Yours faithfully and fraternall y , Dalston , London , C . TAYLOR . April 25 th , 1889 . % * The following are the Designations of the several Degrees of the Ancient and Accented Rite : —
1 . Entered Appren- ^ vog § by " . Knight of the East and West tice . fe upreme lb" KnIB ^ th % E 0 a S ™ d *» Fellow Craft / Council for Pelican , and Sovereign « T MW PV Mason England Prince Rose Croix of 6 . Master mason , j and Wales- H . R . D . M . ¦ i . Secret Master . 19 . G rand Pontiff .
^ 5 . Perfect Master . 20 . Venerable Grand Master . C . Intimate Secre- 21 . Patriarch Noachite . tary . 22 , Prince of Libanus . 7 . Provost & Judge . 23 . Chief of the Tabernacle . 8 . Intendant of the 24 . Prince of the Tabernacle . Buildings . fVimm ,. , 25 . Knight of the Brazen Ser-9 Elect of Nine C ent
. . I HS P . 10 . Elect of Fifteen . / of Per- 2 G . Prince of Mercy . 11 . Sublime Elect . fection . 27 . Commander of the Temple . 12 . Grand Master 28 . Knight of the Sun . Architect . 29 . Knight of St . Andrew . 13 . Royal Arch ( of 30 . Grand Elected Knight K . H .
Enoch ) . Knight of the Black and 11 . Scotch Knight of AVhite Eagle . Perfection . J 31 . Grand Inspector , Inquisitor , 15 . Knight of the- , . Commander . Sword or of , [" c £ ™ "f 32 - Sublime Prince of the Royal the East . \ of Princes Secret . 10 . Prince of Jeru- [ of 33 rd and last Degree , Sovereign salem . ) Jerusalem . Grand Inspector General .
Of these only the 18 th , 301 It . 31 st , 32 nd , and 33 rd are worked in extenso -in this country . There are also Marls , Templar , Cryptic , and other degrees , which har . e distinct organizations of tlieir men , the foundations if each being " pure and simple Masonry" which consists of the three Craft degrees and the Jloyal Arch only . We are greatly indebted to our IP ' . Jim . the Grand Secretary of England for this information . —ED . M . S .
Spoilt Votes At Elections.
To the Editor <)/ "THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , As Chairman of Scrutineers at the election both of the Boys ' and Girls' Schools , permit me to say that I am very pleased to see that you have given public notice in your valuable paper to the remarks I was again compelled to make respecting the large
number of spoilt votes , and to the manner in which many subscribers fill in their proxy papers . At the election of the Benevolent Listitution next week , I trust that greater care will be exercised , and that subscribers will content themselves with simply carrying out the printed
instructions on the proxy papers , and that is to put the figure representing the value of the proxy in the proper space against the name of the candidate they wish to vote for , and nothing more . This will prevent many mistakes , and considerably lessen the work of the scrutineers . " Yours fraternally , Cth May , 1889 . G . W ARD A ERRY .
The Masonic Charties.
To the J-Jditor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , On the 7 th ult . you published a letter of mine on the above subject . As I expected , no information has been vouchsafed touching the questions I then propounded . It may interest some of your readers if you will reproduce in your columns the following : —
rt % 'T . r— : ' —I © © to 10 £ *¦* -co o to CO o 3 . 1 M - I I I I - III a to . , 00 O < M CS CO eg S- - ? < M O CO I-H i-H « CO O < M i-H rH
C ^ A S — " w © o to o g II " l I II 11 °° " ~ II °
Z > r 3 . -, CO CO CO CO £ ? Pl M -tj rH r-1 rH I-H M E H , _ _ . __ . ^ ——g ., 2 . 'd © © © © ©©©©©© ©© EH os td © © © © , ,,, ©©©«©© , ©© M s 2 I I I I
fc < J ~ -2 - ;>©©©© OWONOM © IN H ff * Z " " «» M to M O CI O we M ^ £ s 2 fj £ J ^ © © © © © © -M © ? 4 O P ,. H . / ' - © ©©©© i-i © b "
. S * II II £ , O ~ < M © > 0 lO > 0 to © i—l tq in . _>©© ot co - * to co to g -rf « o to i- co co cc co co H n —z gaH . JO © CO ©© tO 2 l <
• " * J 3 H u _ t i - l i-H to © ( M CO ^ rgsg M I I I I I 0 S ° ^ S w ' ' ' ' ' oo to - * - * t-01 s ^ Sf't ^' eo co to ooci i-i < J CO = ; £ , r-l - ± < l ^ - * CO > Q i _ i 5 i—l i—I i - l i—l r-l r-l g " ¦ J 2 en -oJ-oto co to a > © © ©
S £ ~ ° p -3 '" C * StiSi c -CO O -JHCO C 5 © i-H CO ** rl'ls ^ rt I I rt r " rt I '" O " O-S 3 © tO © CO IO ~ H r-l to fti ^ " S ? = a w > ¦ - © co 1- -H co o rH s a 3 . 1 ! £ ^ o > -i toco co o - * ci CD 3 ^ C ( M iM cy | c-1 ~ fi > 0 -ri 00 K i—l l—I i—li—I i—I r-H i—I rH zo ci © i—i f > t co io tO I- OO
^ 1 ^ I— CO CO CO CO CO CO COCO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO i -H i-H I—I rH I—IT —( I—I i—l IH H rH H -y -4 ' R " O - . ; ;; ^ - = - - - ;; a
You will perceive that the subscription list for 1885 amounted to £ 17 , C 3 ( i ( is . 8 d ., whereas £ 15 , 514 is the amount returned as subscriptions and donations , & c . I have not seen any report as to how the balance of £ 2 , 000 odd was disposed of , neither do I think it was noticed at the May meeting . The blanks in above statement I am at the moment unable to fill
in , but enough is shown to warrant enquiries . The office salaries are stated to have been in 1878 , £ 620 17 s . ; in 1888 , £ 801 , an increase of nearly 50 per cent . In 1878 the warden is allowed £ 20 and matron £ 30 . In 1888 , same servants figure for £ 20 and £ o' 2 respectively . Now , sir , I am informed that during the last 8 or i years there has been no warden .
Perhaps the secretary will state if this is correct or not . I have to-day had an interview with a friend who has on several occasions served the office of steward , who by his own and friend ' s exertions has collected some £ 1 , 500 , and ho tells me that " it is customary for the various secretaries to Avrite to stewards requesting them to pay the money represented by their several lists into the
Office . " Is commission for " collection" paid on such amounts . ' If not , is it the difference between " subscriptions and donations , '' and amount of stewards' lists , which is chargeable . This difference last year appears to bo about £ . ' 3 , 000 , the rate to yield £ o' 3 'J thus being over 20 per cent , on that sum . I have several other points in connection with this Charity which