Article THE MASONIC CHARTIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Masonic "Bitter-Sweet." Page 1 of 1 Article We are requested to notify that :- Page 1 of 1 Article We are requested to notify that :- Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Lodges, &c. Page 1 of 3 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Charties.
I will draw your attention to , but will relegate them to another week . Meanwhile perhaps the writer who criticised me on a former occasion will take the matter I have herein alluded to in hand , and for the good of the R . M . B . I . get us some information . Fraternally yours , SUBSCRIBER .
Masonic "Bitter-Sweet."
Masonic "Bitter - Sweet . "
The web of our life is of a mingled yarn ; good and ill together . "—khalcesperc . One of the most important " functions " of last week was the Consecration of the London Scottish Rifles Lodge No . 2 , 310 , which was most successfully accomplished on Thursday last by the energetic Grand Secretary , Col . Shadwell Gierke , assisted by several well-known grand officers .
The dinner at the Holborn Restaurant was fairly well served , and the speeches were commendably short , but there was far too much music . ft * -JP % C I am as fond of music as anyone can be , especially when accompanied by the fragrant weed , but a song between every speech renders it difficult to catch one ' s train without running away in the middle of the proceedings .
# # # The snn was rising when the last of the brethren ( and I had almost said sisters ) of the Joppa Lodge left the hospitable roof of Freemasons' Tavern on Tuesday . A centenary does not often occur , and the W . M . and brethren evidently determined to make the most of it , and succeeded .
W ^ w There were great doings in Canterbury on Monday . The Invicta Council of Royal and Select Masters held their first Installation , and the meeting was largely attended . The Earl of Euston , whom a little bird tells me will succeed the lamented Canon Portal , paid them an official visit , and the Grand
Recorder installed Rev . Hayman Cnmmings in succession to the well known and popular Bro . Horatio AA ard . JE" W I was much amused by an article in a contemporary on Saturday , touching the composition of the far-famed "Philbrick" Committee . To my mind it was the old tale over again—no case , abuse the plaintiff ' s attorney .
* M . Jfc 3 P W From Ludlow ( Shropshire ) we have pleasant news of the succes of the masonic ball , given by the Lodge of the Marshes , No . Gil , a t the Assembly Rooms there in aid of the funds of the R . M . Benevolent Institution . The party was a numerous one , and general enjoyment was afforded . Terpsichore assisting Charity would not be a bad title for an allegorical painting .
* 4 f . « Sfc •«¦ . JS " A brother informs us that the smoking concert given by the AV . M . and officers of the Harmony Lodge , No . 272 , Boston ( Lincolnshire ) , on the 2 Sth ult ., was attended by a large number of masonic friends , and that a thoroughly enjoyable evening was passed , out of
lodge , certainly , but still in " harmony , " under the presidency of AV . Bro . C . Lucas , the AV . M ., assisted by Bro . J . H . Padley , as director of ceremonies , and several able stewards . The programme appears to have been an exceptionally good one . * M . Mm
The men of Kent , or the Kentish men—which is it ?—attached to the Robinson Lodge , No . 2046 , had a brilliant success in connection with their May-day ball , which was given in the Town Hall , Maidstone , in aid of the funds of the Boys' School . The guests were numerous ; by dispensation from the R . AV . G . M ., Earl Amherst , masonic clothing was worn , and the band of the Royal Engineers
gave great satisfaction . I expect that the financial result will be as good for the " Boys " as the evening ' s entertainment , at which the Mayor and Mayoress of Maidstone and the M . P . for the borough put in an appearance , was agreeable to the brethren and their guests . M , Mm Mm W W < P
From Bolton I hear of an attractive social gathering given by the brethren of the Lodge of Antiquity . No . 140 , at the charming residence of Bro . Downs , the S . AV . of that lodge . The AV . M .. Bro Barrett , J . P . and present Mayor , together with the Past Masters and Officers , exerted themselves to make the gathering successful , and it is to be hoped it will be the precursor of many similar assemblies . THE DINER OUT .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
lhe installation meeting of the Macdonald Lodge , No 1210 AV . Bro . A . R . Cranch , P . M . 1001 ) , AV . M ., will be held this ( Thursday ) evening , the i ) th inst ., at the Head Quarters of the First Surrey Rifles . Flodden Road , Camborwell , at 4 p . m . There will be initiation ceremonies both before and after installation of Bro . T . V . Turner , the AV . M . elect , which will commence at 0 o ' clock precisely . Brethren of the regular or auxiliary forces are requested to appear in uniform .
- —The Panmure Royal Arch Chapter , No . 720 , Ex . Com ]) . II . C . Jefferys , M . E . Z ., will meet in convocation on Monday next , the 13 th inst ., at 0 p . m ., at the Horns Tavern , Kennington Park , ' Lonoon . for the purpose of installation of principals for the ensuing year ! These are Ex . Comps . G . Treves , II . and Z . elect ; AV . II . Tilling .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
J . and H . elect ; and Comp . S . Richards m , J . elect . Ex . Comp . Thomas Poore , P . Z ., 151 , AVirtemberg Street , Clapham , S . AV ., is Scribe E . of this Chapter . The Ebury Lodge of Instruction , No . 1318 , hold their annual festival and supper at the Greyhound Hotel , Streatham Common , this ( Thursday ) evening , at 7 . 30 p . m . The AV . M . of the Mother-LodgeBro . AV . Fowleswill preside .
, , ¦ -Bro . C . F . Matier , Grand Sec . of the Allied Masonic Degrees , has convened a Special Grand Council , at 8 a , Red Lion Square , this evening , !) th inst ., for election of a Grand Blaster in succession to the late lamented Rev . Canon Portal . The fifteen sections will be worked in the Justice Lodge of
Instruction , No . 147 , at the Brown Bear , " High Street , Deptford on Thursday next , the 10 th inst ., commencing at 7 p . m . precisely Section Master , AV . Bro . J . G . Milbourn . P . M . 13 ; Assistant Officers AV . Bros . AV . Martin , P . M . 87 <) ; E . C . Talbot , 1310 ; J . J . Hutchins P . M . 147 , Preceptor ; and S . R . Speight , P . M . 147 , Hon . Sec .
Bro . Dr . J . F . Haskins , Organist of Lodges Nos . 22 , 194 , 212 , 13 G 5 , and 2168 , the members of each of which have promised their support , will give an evening concert at the Town Hall , Shoreditch , on Thursday next , the 16 th inst ., under the patronage of their
Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess Christian , the R . AV . Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Lathom , and Countess of Lathom , and other distinguished personages . Our worthy brother ' s programme is an extremely good one , and we wish him the success his energy and ability merit .
Reports Of Lodges, &C.
Reports of Lodges , & c .
QUATUOR CORONATI LODGE—No . 207 G . —The lodge met at Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the 3 rd inst ., at 5 p . m . Present : —Bros . W . Simpson ' ( R . I . M ., R . A . S . ) , AV . M .. in the chair ; R . F . Gould . P . G . D . ; Col . S . C . Pratt , Jl . A . ; AV . M . Bywater , P . G . Swd . Bearer ; ' G . AV Speth ; Rev . O . J . Ball ; E . Macbean ; AV . II . Rylands . P . G . St . ; Prof . AV . Mattieu AVilliams ; and C . Kupferschmidt . Also
the following members of the Correspondence Circle : —Bros . Col . J . Mead , AA . M . Graham , Rev . O . C . Cochrtn , Prof . F . AV . Driver . James Stevens , G . J . Dunckley , AA . Lake , Rob . A . Gowan , J . B . Mackey , Max Mendellsohn , F . A . Powell , G . A . Nock , C . F . Hogard , P . G . St . B . ; . and G . Greiner . Also the following visitors : —Bros . Rev . S . T . II . Saunders , S . Scott Young , G . R . Langley , and Fras .
Pegler . The minutes having been confirmed , the secretary called attention to the gift of Bro . AV . M . Graham of several photographs of a lodge jewel belonging at one time to Bro . Robert Burns , exhibited at the former meeting , and which he had prepared and brought with him for the acceptance of the brethren . The follow ing ) 1 lodges and 31 brethren were admitted to the Correspondence
Circle , bringing the total of intrants to 62 !) , viz .. the Grand Lodge of Kentucky ; the Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire ; Shirley Lodge , No . 1112 , Southampton ; Mackerfie . ld Lodge . No . 2155 , Newtcn-le-Willows : Humber Lodge , No . 571 , Hull ; Stewart Lodge , No . I 960 , Rawal Pindee ; Lindsey Lodge , No . 712 . Louth ; Cadogan Lorige , No . 162 , Chelsea ; Menturia Lodge , No . 418 ,
Stafford ; Marmion Lodge , No . 1060 , Tamworth ; and Lurgan Lodge , No . 134 , Lurgan , Ireland . And Bros . Gen . J . C . Smith , G . M , Illinois ; H . S . Pike , Colchester ; F . C . Robinson , Bradford ; J . R , Ansdell , Hull ; A . Hart , Crewkerne ; AV . V . S . Cockson , Hartebeestf ontein , Transvaal ; G . C . Cooper , Graaff-Reinet , Cape Colony L . Lipinski , A . Levy , H . Levy , C . E . G . Cumings , B . Danyiger , D . C .
Stevens , and Mudge , all of Johannesburg , Transvaal ; Captain ^ I . J . Vaughan , II . A ., Quetta ; J . A . Gurner , P . G . Reg . ; J . E . Thomas , P . A . G . Scc , both of Adelaide , South Australia ; A . Kemp , Glenelg , South Australia ; G . L . Young , Port Adelaide : R . S . Brown , Grand Sec . E . of Scotland ; J . T . S . Elliot , S . G . AV . of Scotland ; J . AVebster , Edinburgh ; H . Manfield , Northampton ; Major C . M . Howell ,
P . Dis . Dep . G . M . Pennsylvania ; Rev . Dr . J . Y . Mitchell , Lancaster , Pennsylvania ; S . D . Setna , Hong Kong ; AV . Sheppard , Louth ; AV . L . Southwell , Bridgnorth ; J . G . Koch , Penang ; G . R . MacGregor , Bingley , Yorks ; and Geo . Kelly , P . Gr . Swd . B ., London . The routine business having been concluded , Bro . G . AV . Speth read a paper entitled " The Foundation of Modern Freemasonry . " In very
concise language , perhaps too much so , he recounted the proceedings of the four old lodges in London and AVestminster in 1716 and 1717 , which resulted in the formation of the Parent Grand Lodge of the AVorld . The subsequent fortunes of those lodges were then glanced at , the growth of the organization described , reference made to the two schisms of last century , and a short account given of the fees .
clothing , officers , & c , as they varied from time to time . The history was brought down to the beginning of this century , and notice taken of the Institution of the Girls' School and the various Committees of Grand Lodge . The paper was listened to with much attention , and some additions to the general knowledge were contributed by Bros . Rylands and Gould . A vote of thanks concluded the proceedings , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
THE CONSECRATION OF THE LONDON SCOTTISH RIFLES LODGENO . 2310—took place at 8 A , Red Lion Square , London , AV . C , on Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., and was a most interesting event . The new lodge is a welcome addition to those which have been constituted of late years in connection with the popular volunteer regiments of the metropolis formed . since 1859 , and of which the
" Victoria Rifles " Lodge , Xo . 822 , and the " Macdonald" ( First Surrey Rifles ) , No . 1210 , are the premier notable exemplars . The selection of the first Master of the new lodge has been made from amongst the Past Masters of the " Macdonald " in the person of Bro . Capt . James Hepburn-IIas-tie , and as he will doubtless carry the traditions of the " Maedcnald " into the , ; London Scottish , " we may look for as excellent work and as great success in the latest
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Charties.
I will draw your attention to , but will relegate them to another week . Meanwhile perhaps the writer who criticised me on a former occasion will take the matter I have herein alluded to in hand , and for the good of the R . M . B . I . get us some information . Fraternally yours , SUBSCRIBER .
Masonic "Bitter-Sweet."
Masonic "Bitter - Sweet . "
The web of our life is of a mingled yarn ; good and ill together . "—khalcesperc . One of the most important " functions " of last week was the Consecration of the London Scottish Rifles Lodge No . 2 , 310 , which was most successfully accomplished on Thursday last by the energetic Grand Secretary , Col . Shadwell Gierke , assisted by several well-known grand officers .
The dinner at the Holborn Restaurant was fairly well served , and the speeches were commendably short , but there was far too much music . ft * -JP % C I am as fond of music as anyone can be , especially when accompanied by the fragrant weed , but a song between every speech renders it difficult to catch one ' s train without running away in the middle of the proceedings .
# # # The snn was rising when the last of the brethren ( and I had almost said sisters ) of the Joppa Lodge left the hospitable roof of Freemasons' Tavern on Tuesday . A centenary does not often occur , and the W . M . and brethren evidently determined to make the most of it , and succeeded .
W ^ w There were great doings in Canterbury on Monday . The Invicta Council of Royal and Select Masters held their first Installation , and the meeting was largely attended . The Earl of Euston , whom a little bird tells me will succeed the lamented Canon Portal , paid them an official visit , and the Grand
Recorder installed Rev . Hayman Cnmmings in succession to the well known and popular Bro . Horatio AA ard . JE" W I was much amused by an article in a contemporary on Saturday , touching the composition of the far-famed "Philbrick" Committee . To my mind it was the old tale over again—no case , abuse the plaintiff ' s attorney .
* M . Jfc 3 P W From Ludlow ( Shropshire ) we have pleasant news of the succes of the masonic ball , given by the Lodge of the Marshes , No . Gil , a t the Assembly Rooms there in aid of the funds of the R . M . Benevolent Institution . The party was a numerous one , and general enjoyment was afforded . Terpsichore assisting Charity would not be a bad title for an allegorical painting .
* 4 f . « Sfc •«¦ . JS " A brother informs us that the smoking concert given by the AV . M . and officers of the Harmony Lodge , No . 272 , Boston ( Lincolnshire ) , on the 2 Sth ult ., was attended by a large number of masonic friends , and that a thoroughly enjoyable evening was passed , out of
lodge , certainly , but still in " harmony , " under the presidency of AV . Bro . C . Lucas , the AV . M ., assisted by Bro . J . H . Padley , as director of ceremonies , and several able stewards . The programme appears to have been an exceptionally good one . * M . Mm
The men of Kent , or the Kentish men—which is it ?—attached to the Robinson Lodge , No . 2046 , had a brilliant success in connection with their May-day ball , which was given in the Town Hall , Maidstone , in aid of the funds of the Boys' School . The guests were numerous ; by dispensation from the R . AV . G . M ., Earl Amherst , masonic clothing was worn , and the band of the Royal Engineers
gave great satisfaction . I expect that the financial result will be as good for the " Boys " as the evening ' s entertainment , at which the Mayor and Mayoress of Maidstone and the M . P . for the borough put in an appearance , was agreeable to the brethren and their guests . M , Mm Mm W W < P
From Bolton I hear of an attractive social gathering given by the brethren of the Lodge of Antiquity . No . 140 , at the charming residence of Bro . Downs , the S . AV . of that lodge . The AV . M .. Bro Barrett , J . P . and present Mayor , together with the Past Masters and Officers , exerted themselves to make the gathering successful , and it is to be hoped it will be the precursor of many similar assemblies . THE DINER OUT .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
lhe installation meeting of the Macdonald Lodge , No 1210 AV . Bro . A . R . Cranch , P . M . 1001 ) , AV . M ., will be held this ( Thursday ) evening , the i ) th inst ., at the Head Quarters of the First Surrey Rifles . Flodden Road , Camborwell , at 4 p . m . There will be initiation ceremonies both before and after installation of Bro . T . V . Turner , the AV . M . elect , which will commence at 0 o ' clock precisely . Brethren of the regular or auxiliary forces are requested to appear in uniform .
- —The Panmure Royal Arch Chapter , No . 720 , Ex . Com ]) . II . C . Jefferys , M . E . Z ., will meet in convocation on Monday next , the 13 th inst ., at 0 p . m ., at the Horns Tavern , Kennington Park , ' Lonoon . for the purpose of installation of principals for the ensuing year ! These are Ex . Comps . G . Treves , II . and Z . elect ; AV . II . Tilling .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
J . and H . elect ; and Comp . S . Richards m , J . elect . Ex . Comp . Thomas Poore , P . Z ., 151 , AVirtemberg Street , Clapham , S . AV ., is Scribe E . of this Chapter . The Ebury Lodge of Instruction , No . 1318 , hold their annual festival and supper at the Greyhound Hotel , Streatham Common , this ( Thursday ) evening , at 7 . 30 p . m . The AV . M . of the Mother-LodgeBro . AV . Fowleswill preside .
, , ¦ -Bro . C . F . Matier , Grand Sec . of the Allied Masonic Degrees , has convened a Special Grand Council , at 8 a , Red Lion Square , this evening , !) th inst ., for election of a Grand Blaster in succession to the late lamented Rev . Canon Portal . The fifteen sections will be worked in the Justice Lodge of
Instruction , No . 147 , at the Brown Bear , " High Street , Deptford on Thursday next , the 10 th inst ., commencing at 7 p . m . precisely Section Master , AV . Bro . J . G . Milbourn . P . M . 13 ; Assistant Officers AV . Bros . AV . Martin , P . M . 87 <) ; E . C . Talbot , 1310 ; J . J . Hutchins P . M . 147 , Preceptor ; and S . R . Speight , P . M . 147 , Hon . Sec .
Bro . Dr . J . F . Haskins , Organist of Lodges Nos . 22 , 194 , 212 , 13 G 5 , and 2168 , the members of each of which have promised their support , will give an evening concert at the Town Hall , Shoreditch , on Thursday next , the 16 th inst ., under the patronage of their
Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess Christian , the R . AV . Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Lathom , and Countess of Lathom , and other distinguished personages . Our worthy brother ' s programme is an extremely good one , and we wish him the success his energy and ability merit .
Reports Of Lodges, &C.
Reports of Lodges , & c .
QUATUOR CORONATI LODGE—No . 207 G . —The lodge met at Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the 3 rd inst ., at 5 p . m . Present : —Bros . W . Simpson ' ( R . I . M ., R . A . S . ) , AV . M .. in the chair ; R . F . Gould . P . G . D . ; Col . S . C . Pratt , Jl . A . ; AV . M . Bywater , P . G . Swd . Bearer ; ' G . AV Speth ; Rev . O . J . Ball ; E . Macbean ; AV . II . Rylands . P . G . St . ; Prof . AV . Mattieu AVilliams ; and C . Kupferschmidt . Also
the following members of the Correspondence Circle : —Bros . Col . J . Mead , AA . M . Graham , Rev . O . C . Cochrtn , Prof . F . AV . Driver . James Stevens , G . J . Dunckley , AA . Lake , Rob . A . Gowan , J . B . Mackey , Max Mendellsohn , F . A . Powell , G . A . Nock , C . F . Hogard , P . G . St . B . ; . and G . Greiner . Also the following visitors : —Bros . Rev . S . T . II . Saunders , S . Scott Young , G . R . Langley , and Fras .
Pegler . The minutes having been confirmed , the secretary called attention to the gift of Bro . AV . M . Graham of several photographs of a lodge jewel belonging at one time to Bro . Robert Burns , exhibited at the former meeting , and which he had prepared and brought with him for the acceptance of the brethren . The follow ing ) 1 lodges and 31 brethren were admitted to the Correspondence
Circle , bringing the total of intrants to 62 !) , viz .. the Grand Lodge of Kentucky ; the Provincial Grand Lodge of Staffordshire ; Shirley Lodge , No . 1112 , Southampton ; Mackerfie . ld Lodge . No . 2155 , Newtcn-le-Willows : Humber Lodge , No . 571 , Hull ; Stewart Lodge , No . I 960 , Rawal Pindee ; Lindsey Lodge , No . 712 . Louth ; Cadogan Lorige , No . 162 , Chelsea ; Menturia Lodge , No . 418 ,
Stafford ; Marmion Lodge , No . 1060 , Tamworth ; and Lurgan Lodge , No . 134 , Lurgan , Ireland . And Bros . Gen . J . C . Smith , G . M , Illinois ; H . S . Pike , Colchester ; F . C . Robinson , Bradford ; J . R , Ansdell , Hull ; A . Hart , Crewkerne ; AV . V . S . Cockson , Hartebeestf ontein , Transvaal ; G . C . Cooper , Graaff-Reinet , Cape Colony L . Lipinski , A . Levy , H . Levy , C . E . G . Cumings , B . Danyiger , D . C .
Stevens , and Mudge , all of Johannesburg , Transvaal ; Captain ^ I . J . Vaughan , II . A ., Quetta ; J . A . Gurner , P . G . Reg . ; J . E . Thomas , P . A . G . Scc , both of Adelaide , South Australia ; A . Kemp , Glenelg , South Australia ; G . L . Young , Port Adelaide : R . S . Brown , Grand Sec . E . of Scotland ; J . T . S . Elliot , S . G . AV . of Scotland ; J . AVebster , Edinburgh ; H . Manfield , Northampton ; Major C . M . Howell ,
P . Dis . Dep . G . M . Pennsylvania ; Rev . Dr . J . Y . Mitchell , Lancaster , Pennsylvania ; S . D . Setna , Hong Kong ; AV . Sheppard , Louth ; AV . L . Southwell , Bridgnorth ; J . G . Koch , Penang ; G . R . MacGregor , Bingley , Yorks ; and Geo . Kelly , P . Gr . Swd . B ., London . The routine business having been concluded , Bro . G . AV . Speth read a paper entitled " The Foundation of Modern Freemasonry . " In very
concise language , perhaps too much so , he recounted the proceedings of the four old lodges in London and AVestminster in 1716 and 1717 , which resulted in the formation of the Parent Grand Lodge of the AVorld . The subsequent fortunes of those lodges were then glanced at , the growth of the organization described , reference made to the two schisms of last century , and a short account given of the fees .
clothing , officers , & c , as they varied from time to time . The history was brought down to the beginning of this century , and notice taken of the Institution of the Girls' School and the various Committees of Grand Lodge . The paper was listened to with much attention , and some additions to the general knowledge were contributed by Bros . Rylands and Gould . A vote of thanks concluded the proceedings , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
THE CONSECRATION OF THE LONDON SCOTTISH RIFLES LODGENO . 2310—took place at 8 A , Red Lion Square , London , AV . C , on Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., and was a most interesting event . The new lodge is a welcome addition to those which have been constituted of late years in connection with the popular volunteer regiments of the metropolis formed . since 1859 , and of which the
" Victoria Rifles " Lodge , Xo . 822 , and the " Macdonald" ( First Surrey Rifles ) , No . 1210 , are the premier notable exemplars . The selection of the first Master of the new lodge has been made from amongst the Past Masters of the " Macdonald " in the person of Bro . Capt . James Hepburn-IIas-tie , and as he will doubtless carry the traditions of the " Maedcnald " into the , ; London Scottish , " we may look for as excellent work and as great success in the latest