Article PROVINCIAL NOTES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1 Article LODGES OF INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1
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Provincial Notes.
The annual meeting of the Cotehelc Lodge , No . 2166 , was held on the Is ; inst .. at Calstock , Cornwall , when Bro . AV . Sowden was installed AV . M . by AV . Bro . Pearce , P . M . Loyal Victoria Lodge , No . 557 . After the business of the lodge , the brethren dined at Bro . Dunbar ' s , Ashburton Hotel , and a most enjoyable evening was spent .
The Isca Lodge ,. ! No . 683 , at Newport , Monmouth , met on the 20 th ulto .. on which occasion a very elegant loving cup was presented to the AV . M . Bro . Barrett , to commemorate the birth of his son on the day of his installation as AV . M of the lodge . The young " Lewis " was named in appreciation of his father ' s connection with the lodge , Gerald Isca Barrett .
The companions of the Fidelity Chapter , R . A ., No . 230 , gave an " at home" at the Ebrington Masonic Hall , Devonport , on the 3 rd inst . A presentation of a life governorship for the Devon Masonic Educational Fund was made to ex-Comp . E . H . Littleton
P . Z ., in appreciation , of his zealous services as steward , representing both chapter and lodge . The presentation evoked considerable applause and was suitably acknowledged . Concert and dance enlivened the evening ' s proceedings , which were greatly appreciated by all who had the good fortune to be present .
The half-yearly report of the representatives of the Essex Masonic Charity Committee at the last elections has just been circulated in the province of Essex . From this it appears that in 1888 the bretliren of that province subscribed £ 146 !) s . to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; £ . > 12 8 s . to the Girls' School ; and
£ 258 6 s . to the Boys' School ; total , £ 1 , 317 3 s . The report is signed by Bros . E . Shead , F . AA ood , R . Clowes , and H . E . Dehane , who earnestly impress upon brethren the necessity of sending in proxies for the Girls' and Boys' Schools elections by April 22 nd , and for the Benevolent Institution by May 13 th .
The annual meeting of the Devon Masonic Educational Fund was held on the 2 nd inst . at the Freemasons' Hall , Plymouth , when there was a large attendance of subscribers and donors to the fund . Bro . AV . J . Brewer , P . P . G . Sec , presided , in the absence of the president , the Prov . Grand Master of Devon . The treasurer ' s report showed a balance in hand from last year , £ 231 ; subscriptions and
donations , £ 22 .- ); interest , £ 15 ; total receipts , £ 471 . Expenditure on children , £ 174 ; working expenses , £ 11 ; total , £ 185 . In bank deposit , £ 500 ; balance current account , £ 277 ; balance in treasurer ' s hands , £ 8 . Total value of fund , £ 785 . The report was received and adopted . AV . Bros . J . R . Lord and J . B . Gover were re-elected the treasurer and secretary . AV . Bros . J . AV . Cornish and E . H . Littleton were elected the auditors for the ensuing year .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
AVe notice that in several of our Masonic Journals attention has been lately directed to some records of masonic work in the last century , from which it would appear that members who were not in their places in Lodge when they had been summoned by the Master to attend , were fined for non-attendance . Of late years , to our knowledge , many Lodge summonses have been issued in which
a portion of ihe Ancient Charges was quoted . This runs : — " That no Master or Fellow could be absent from the Lodge , especially when warned to appear at it , without incurring a severe censure , until it appeared to the Master and Wardens that pure necessity hindered him . " But we never found that it had much effect upon those to whom the hint was given .
W W 'A- "A" p Now , the question is asked , " How would it be if we proceeded to fine and censure our members for non-attendance at Lodge '" and AVorshipful Masters are urged to make a note of the enquiry , and try it on the next case of absence without leave ; and , further , in order to impress the brother , to try both censure and fine at the same time and to mark the effect !
AA e look around and try to think of any Lodge wherein there is a Master who would adopt the suggestion and ¦ ' mark Ihe effect ! " but we can imagine none . In the present day the answer given to the enquiry " AVhy are we called Freemasons . ' " ' ¦ Because we arc free to and free from , " is far too literally interpreted by members of the Order , and the slightest attempt at control is resented as an
encroachment upon individually independent will . " Free to gjod fellowship " is construed by many to mean perfect freedom in all masonic working ; and erroneous as that definition may be , we should not envy the Master who by " censure or fine " attempted now to determine the coming in or the going out of any of those over whom he may have been called to rule .
But whilst enforcement in the manner suggested would assuredly be useless , and the Master who " tried it on " would soon have only unpleasant " effects" to " mark , " there is a plan for always securing a ready and willing attendance and obedience to the Master ' s summons for the opening of his Lodge . Let the work of the Lodge be made attractive by the ability , courtesy and zeal of the
Master himself , by the occasional introduction of other than the mere formuhe of ceremonial work , by the cultivation of the utmost harmony and good fellowship , and the inculcation of those thorough masonic principles which the presiding officer has it in his power , and should have it in his heart , to promulgate at all fitting opportunities , and it will be found that the brethren will need not the threatenings of censure and of fine , but will be drawn together by
Our Trestle Board
the " silken cord" of mutual affection and a strong desire for
renewal of companionship at each ensuing meeting of their lodge . * * # * * AVe understand that Bro . H . R . II . Prince Albert A ^ ictor is likely to succeed the late General Studholme Brownrigg as Provincial Grand Master for Surrey . * # # * # A touching incident is recorded in the N . S . AA ales Masonic
Journal , vividly portraying the almost angelic disposition ot an important acquisition to' that G . Lodge . "A brother had thoughtlessly left his apron in the care and custody of an avuncular relative , who inadvertently placed it with some other relics of needy relatives .
for sale in his window . This ' good and worthy brother , ' full of the spirit , saw the name upon the case , purchased that apron , and restored it with gentle words of reproof , tempered with good and wholesome advice , to ever refrain from the commission of such an unpardonable act again . "
AVe trust that this spirit of "good will " was carried further ; and that enquiries were made into the circumstances of the temporary distress of the receiver of " gentle words of reproof , "
and , being found such as to merit relief , that the grand lesson of freemasonry was practically carried into full and permanent effect . AVe have no cause to doubt it would be so , except that there arc sometimes exceptions to a general rule .
AVe desire to call especial attention to the case of Percy Court , a candidate for admission at the ensuing election of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . The lad is the son of a worthy brother , AVilliam Court , of the Royal Commemoration Lodge , No . 1585 , who was suddenly stricken down whilst in the discharge
of his duty in the employ of Messrs . A eitch , of Chelsea . Percy Court is one of four children , now fatherless and motherless , and this is the only chance he can have for the benefits of the school . Brethren should now reflect on the magnitude of their masonic
obligations , and take care that this case , of all others , should receive sufficient support . AVe shall be very pleased to forward any proxies marked for this very sad case , and which may be sent to us , to the brethren who are supporting it .
Lodges Of Instruction.
SUPPER OF THE STAR CHAPTER OF INSTRUCTION . —The first annual supper of this flourishing chapter took place on Friday , 5 th inst ., at the Stirling Castle , Camberwell . There w : is a good attendance , including Comps . F . Hilton , P . Z ., Preceptor , M . E . Z . ; T . Grummant , P . Z ., H . ; AV . Cowley , P . Z ., J . ; C . II . Stone . S . E . ; C . AVoods , S . N . ; Addington , M . E . Z . 1275 , P . S . ; Lyon , P . Z . ; ' Meierhoff ,
AVingham , North , II . Martin , Eckersall , A . C . AVood , G . L . Moore , M . E . Z . lfii ); Benedetti , Patrick , M . E . Z . 1623 ; V . T . Murche , R . C . Davis , Neeld , P . Z . ; AVatts , P . Z . ; J . E . Latham , Terry , P . Z . ; Oldfield , etc . After a substantial repast had been done justice to , the usual loyal and masonic toasts were honoured . Comp . Grummant , with many eulogiums on the able work of the Preceptor , proposed " Success to
the Star Chapter of Instruction , " coupled with the name of Comp . Hilton , P . Z ., Preceptor . Comp Hilton considered his a position that no one could lightly esteem . To be Preceptor where the beautiful R . A . ritual was inculcated was a grand thing . They began with many doubts , but their success was now certain , for there was probably only one working chapter in London with larger
numbers . He looked forward to the time when it should be not only the largest in London , but also in the country . Comp . AVatts , P . Z ., responded as a visitor . Comp . Hilton , in proposing the health of the V . P ., said that , as M . E . Z . of the mother chapter , he had stood aside to allow the Preceptor to occupy the chair at the
first supper . Ihey all respected Comp . Addington for his enthusiasm . Comp . Addington responded , as did Comp . Stone , to the toast of S . E . Other toasts followed . The evening was enlivened by songs and recitations from Comps . Hilton , Addington , Murche , Stone . Meierhoff , North . Benedetti . Moore , etc .
ROSE LODGE—No . 1622 . —On Thursday , 4 th inst ., at the Stirling Castle , Camberwell . Present : —Bros . D . Rose . R . M . Preceptor , AV . M . ; Hilton , P . M ., P . Z ., S . AV . ; Elgar , sec . 132 !) . J . AV . ; Stone , I . G . 507 , S . D . ; Thompson , J . D . ; T . Grummant , P . M .. P . Z .. sec . ; Pickett . I . G . ; Voisey , P . M ., P . Z . ; Murche , P . M . ; Capt . Vincent , P . M . ! Z . 1777 , II . 132 !) ; Bate , P . M . ; Channon , P . M . ; Loader , P . M . ;
Eckersall . AA ' . M . 217 ; D . D . Mercer , P . M . ; Addington , P . M ., Z . 1275 ; Mole , P . M . ; Towers , I . P . M . 15 ; Irwin , North , R , C . Davis , J . AV . 2266 ; Gomm , Osterstock , Plant , Ayris , Shrubsole , Milliken , AVhitehead , Halls , II . Martin , Edwards , Oathwaite , Say , Price , Meyer , Klyne , Stafford , Kemble , Dunn , Parr , Pellew , Snell , Bethell , etc ,
The fifteen sccti'ins were worked by the following brethren : 1 st . Pickett ; L'nd and 3 rd , R . C . Davies ; 4 th , C . II . Stone ; 5 th , Channon ; 6 th , Hilton ; 7 tl \ 11 . J . Voisey ; 8 th , II . Martin ; llth , Grummant ; 10 th , Murche ; llth , Elgar ; 12 th , Bate ; 13 th , Sowton ; llth , Vincent , and 15 th , Loader . Bros . Klyne and Shrubsole were elected members .
SOUTHWARK LonciE—No . 871 ) . —On the 4 th inst , at the Sir Garnet AVolseley , Rotherhithe New Road . Present ; Bros . Bird , AV . M . ; Norden , S . AV . ; Dale , J . AV . ; AValter , S . D . ; Barrett , J . D . ; Faulkner , I . G .: Newell , Org . ; Beavis , P . M . Precr . ; Harper , Sec . ; AVilkinson , Asst . Sec . ; Leigh , Percival , Day , Taylor , Ray , Davis , Freyer , Goebel , Grosse , AVood , Silver thorne , Freter , & o . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Ray personating the candidate . The lodge
was called " off and on . " The ceremony of installation was rehearsed . A hearty vote of thanks was given to Precr . Beavis for the masterly way in which ho worked the installation ceremony . Bro . Norden was appointed AV . M . for the ensuing meeting . The musical ceremonies are conducted by the able organist , Bro . Newell . The Sir Garnet AVolseley is situated close to South Bermondsey ( L . B . ) , and Deptford Road ( E . L . ) Stations , and Cars from Deptford Tooley Street and Kent Road pass the door .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Notes.
The annual meeting of the Cotehelc Lodge , No . 2166 , was held on the Is ; inst .. at Calstock , Cornwall , when Bro . AV . Sowden was installed AV . M . by AV . Bro . Pearce , P . M . Loyal Victoria Lodge , No . 557 . After the business of the lodge , the brethren dined at Bro . Dunbar ' s , Ashburton Hotel , and a most enjoyable evening was spent .
The Isca Lodge ,. ! No . 683 , at Newport , Monmouth , met on the 20 th ulto .. on which occasion a very elegant loving cup was presented to the AV . M . Bro . Barrett , to commemorate the birth of his son on the day of his installation as AV . M of the lodge . The young " Lewis " was named in appreciation of his father ' s connection with the lodge , Gerald Isca Barrett .
The companions of the Fidelity Chapter , R . A ., No . 230 , gave an " at home" at the Ebrington Masonic Hall , Devonport , on the 3 rd inst . A presentation of a life governorship for the Devon Masonic Educational Fund was made to ex-Comp . E . H . Littleton
P . Z ., in appreciation , of his zealous services as steward , representing both chapter and lodge . The presentation evoked considerable applause and was suitably acknowledged . Concert and dance enlivened the evening ' s proceedings , which were greatly appreciated by all who had the good fortune to be present .
The half-yearly report of the representatives of the Essex Masonic Charity Committee at the last elections has just been circulated in the province of Essex . From this it appears that in 1888 the bretliren of that province subscribed £ 146 !) s . to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; £ . > 12 8 s . to the Girls' School ; and
£ 258 6 s . to the Boys' School ; total , £ 1 , 317 3 s . The report is signed by Bros . E . Shead , F . AA ood , R . Clowes , and H . E . Dehane , who earnestly impress upon brethren the necessity of sending in proxies for the Girls' and Boys' Schools elections by April 22 nd , and for the Benevolent Institution by May 13 th .
The annual meeting of the Devon Masonic Educational Fund was held on the 2 nd inst . at the Freemasons' Hall , Plymouth , when there was a large attendance of subscribers and donors to the fund . Bro . AV . J . Brewer , P . P . G . Sec , presided , in the absence of the president , the Prov . Grand Master of Devon . The treasurer ' s report showed a balance in hand from last year , £ 231 ; subscriptions and
donations , £ 22 .- ); interest , £ 15 ; total receipts , £ 471 . Expenditure on children , £ 174 ; working expenses , £ 11 ; total , £ 185 . In bank deposit , £ 500 ; balance current account , £ 277 ; balance in treasurer ' s hands , £ 8 . Total value of fund , £ 785 . The report was received and adopted . AV . Bros . J . R . Lord and J . B . Gover were re-elected the treasurer and secretary . AV . Bros . J . AV . Cornish and E . H . Littleton were elected the auditors for the ensuing year .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
AVe notice that in several of our Masonic Journals attention has been lately directed to some records of masonic work in the last century , from which it would appear that members who were not in their places in Lodge when they had been summoned by the Master to attend , were fined for non-attendance . Of late years , to our knowledge , many Lodge summonses have been issued in which
a portion of ihe Ancient Charges was quoted . This runs : — " That no Master or Fellow could be absent from the Lodge , especially when warned to appear at it , without incurring a severe censure , until it appeared to the Master and Wardens that pure necessity hindered him . " But we never found that it had much effect upon those to whom the hint was given .
W W 'A- "A" p Now , the question is asked , " How would it be if we proceeded to fine and censure our members for non-attendance at Lodge '" and AVorshipful Masters are urged to make a note of the enquiry , and try it on the next case of absence without leave ; and , further , in order to impress the brother , to try both censure and fine at the same time and to mark the effect !
AA e look around and try to think of any Lodge wherein there is a Master who would adopt the suggestion and ¦ ' mark Ihe effect ! " but we can imagine none . In the present day the answer given to the enquiry " AVhy are we called Freemasons . ' " ' ¦ Because we arc free to and free from , " is far too literally interpreted by members of the Order , and the slightest attempt at control is resented as an
encroachment upon individually independent will . " Free to gjod fellowship " is construed by many to mean perfect freedom in all masonic working ; and erroneous as that definition may be , we should not envy the Master who by " censure or fine " attempted now to determine the coming in or the going out of any of those over whom he may have been called to rule .
But whilst enforcement in the manner suggested would assuredly be useless , and the Master who " tried it on " would soon have only unpleasant " effects" to " mark , " there is a plan for always securing a ready and willing attendance and obedience to the Master ' s summons for the opening of his Lodge . Let the work of the Lodge be made attractive by the ability , courtesy and zeal of the
Master himself , by the occasional introduction of other than the mere formuhe of ceremonial work , by the cultivation of the utmost harmony and good fellowship , and the inculcation of those thorough masonic principles which the presiding officer has it in his power , and should have it in his heart , to promulgate at all fitting opportunities , and it will be found that the brethren will need not the threatenings of censure and of fine , but will be drawn together by
Our Trestle Board
the " silken cord" of mutual affection and a strong desire for
renewal of companionship at each ensuing meeting of their lodge . * * # * * AVe understand that Bro . H . R . II . Prince Albert A ^ ictor is likely to succeed the late General Studholme Brownrigg as Provincial Grand Master for Surrey . * # # * # A touching incident is recorded in the N . S . AA ales Masonic
Journal , vividly portraying the almost angelic disposition ot an important acquisition to' that G . Lodge . "A brother had thoughtlessly left his apron in the care and custody of an avuncular relative , who inadvertently placed it with some other relics of needy relatives .
for sale in his window . This ' good and worthy brother , ' full of the spirit , saw the name upon the case , purchased that apron , and restored it with gentle words of reproof , tempered with good and wholesome advice , to ever refrain from the commission of such an unpardonable act again . "
AVe trust that this spirit of "good will " was carried further ; and that enquiries were made into the circumstances of the temporary distress of the receiver of " gentle words of reproof , "
and , being found such as to merit relief , that the grand lesson of freemasonry was practically carried into full and permanent effect . AVe have no cause to doubt it would be so , except that there arc sometimes exceptions to a general rule .
AVe desire to call especial attention to the case of Percy Court , a candidate for admission at the ensuing election of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . The lad is the son of a worthy brother , AVilliam Court , of the Royal Commemoration Lodge , No . 1585 , who was suddenly stricken down whilst in the discharge
of his duty in the employ of Messrs . A eitch , of Chelsea . Percy Court is one of four children , now fatherless and motherless , and this is the only chance he can have for the benefits of the school . Brethren should now reflect on the magnitude of their masonic
obligations , and take care that this case , of all others , should receive sufficient support . AVe shall be very pleased to forward any proxies marked for this very sad case , and which may be sent to us , to the brethren who are supporting it .
Lodges Of Instruction.
SUPPER OF THE STAR CHAPTER OF INSTRUCTION . —The first annual supper of this flourishing chapter took place on Friday , 5 th inst ., at the Stirling Castle , Camberwell . There w : is a good attendance , including Comps . F . Hilton , P . Z ., Preceptor , M . E . Z . ; T . Grummant , P . Z ., H . ; AV . Cowley , P . Z ., J . ; C . II . Stone . S . E . ; C . AVoods , S . N . ; Addington , M . E . Z . 1275 , P . S . ; Lyon , P . Z . ; ' Meierhoff ,
AVingham , North , II . Martin , Eckersall , A . C . AVood , G . L . Moore , M . E . Z . lfii ); Benedetti , Patrick , M . E . Z . 1623 ; V . T . Murche , R . C . Davis , Neeld , P . Z . ; AVatts , P . Z . ; J . E . Latham , Terry , P . Z . ; Oldfield , etc . After a substantial repast had been done justice to , the usual loyal and masonic toasts were honoured . Comp . Grummant , with many eulogiums on the able work of the Preceptor , proposed " Success to
the Star Chapter of Instruction , " coupled with the name of Comp . Hilton , P . Z ., Preceptor . Comp Hilton considered his a position that no one could lightly esteem . To be Preceptor where the beautiful R . A . ritual was inculcated was a grand thing . They began with many doubts , but their success was now certain , for there was probably only one working chapter in London with larger
numbers . He looked forward to the time when it should be not only the largest in London , but also in the country . Comp . AVatts , P . Z ., responded as a visitor . Comp . Hilton , in proposing the health of the V . P ., said that , as M . E . Z . of the mother chapter , he had stood aside to allow the Preceptor to occupy the chair at the
first supper . Ihey all respected Comp . Addington for his enthusiasm . Comp . Addington responded , as did Comp . Stone , to the toast of S . E . Other toasts followed . The evening was enlivened by songs and recitations from Comps . Hilton , Addington , Murche , Stone . Meierhoff , North . Benedetti . Moore , etc .
ROSE LODGE—No . 1622 . —On Thursday , 4 th inst ., at the Stirling Castle , Camberwell . Present : —Bros . D . Rose . R . M . Preceptor , AV . M . ; Hilton , P . M ., P . Z ., S . AV . ; Elgar , sec . 132 !) . J . AV . ; Stone , I . G . 507 , S . D . ; Thompson , J . D . ; T . Grummant , P . M .. P . Z .. sec . ; Pickett . I . G . ; Voisey , P . M ., P . Z . ; Murche , P . M . ; Capt . Vincent , P . M . ! Z . 1777 , II . 132 !) ; Bate , P . M . ; Channon , P . M . ; Loader , P . M . ;
Eckersall . AA ' . M . 217 ; D . D . Mercer , P . M . ; Addington , P . M ., Z . 1275 ; Mole , P . M . ; Towers , I . P . M . 15 ; Irwin , North , R , C . Davis , J . AV . 2266 ; Gomm , Osterstock , Plant , Ayris , Shrubsole , Milliken , AVhitehead , Halls , II . Martin , Edwards , Oathwaite , Say , Price , Meyer , Klyne , Stafford , Kemble , Dunn , Parr , Pellew , Snell , Bethell , etc ,
The fifteen sccti'ins were worked by the following brethren : 1 st . Pickett ; L'nd and 3 rd , R . C . Davies ; 4 th , C . II . Stone ; 5 th , Channon ; 6 th , Hilton ; 7 tl \ 11 . J . Voisey ; 8 th , II . Martin ; llth , Grummant ; 10 th , Murche ; llth , Elgar ; 12 th , Bate ; 13 th , Sowton ; llth , Vincent , and 15 th , Loader . Bros . Klyne and Shrubsole were elected members .
SOUTHWARK LonciE—No . 871 ) . —On the 4 th inst , at the Sir Garnet AVolseley , Rotherhithe New Road . Present ; Bros . Bird , AV . M . ; Norden , S . AV . ; Dale , J . AV . ; AValter , S . D . ; Barrett , J . D . ; Faulkner , I . G .: Newell , Org . ; Beavis , P . M . Precr . ; Harper , Sec . ; AVilkinson , Asst . Sec . ; Leigh , Percival , Day , Taylor , Ray , Davis , Freyer , Goebel , Grosse , AVood , Silver thorne , Freter , & o . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Ray personating the candidate . The lodge
was called " off and on . " The ceremony of installation was rehearsed . A hearty vote of thanks was given to Precr . Beavis for the masterly way in which ho worked the installation ceremony . Bro . Norden was appointed AV . M . for the ensuing meeting . The musical ceremonies are conducted by the able organist , Bro . Newell . The Sir Garnet AVolseley is situated close to South Bermondsey ( L . B . ) , and Deptford Road ( E . L . ) Stations , and Cars from Deptford Tooley Street and Kent Road pass the door .