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Summary Of The Provinces .
. C s . d . & s . d . Bedfordshire ... -12 0 0 Lincolnshire ... ( Ill (> O Berks & Bucks ... 207 ( i ( I Middlesex I' . I . 'J 1 ( i Cambridgeshire ... 1 (! 2 15 0 Monmouthshire ... 30 ( i 12 ( I Cheshire 131 5 0 Norfolk 101 11 0
Cornwall 10 .. 0 0 North AVales ... < i . $ 15 ( Cumber . .. AVestmore . 37 Ki 0 Oxfordshire 13 13 0 Derbyshire ' . 7 ' . ) 10 0 Shropshire < . )¦ _ It ) O Devonshire 103 . 1 !) 0 Somersetshire ... 110 10 0 Durham 105 0 0 South AVales—East 323 1 . " , ( i Essex -S 31 5 ( i South Wales—West 201 S 0 Gloucestershire ... 105 0 0 Staffordshire ... l ' . li ) 10 0
Hants & Isle of AV . 1-1118 0 Suffolk 1-1-1 7 ( i Hertfordshire ... 78 15 0 Surrey 102 2 O Kent 4 < I 3 0 0 Sussex il ' . iO 17 < i Lancashire East ... 52 10 0 Worcestershire ... 252 ( I 0 ,, AVest ... 152 5 0 Yorkshire , AVest ... 770 0 0 Leicester & Rutland 525 0 0 Foreign Stations ... 52 10 0 153 STEWARDS—LONDON . C 0 . 5 S 0 15 ( i 182 STEWARDS—PROVINCES ( including the Chairman ) . C ( U ! 02 2 ( i
' ; tlR . 182 18 0 The monthly meeting of the General Committee appointed by the subscribers of the lloyal Masonic Institute for Boys , was held on Saturday last , at Freemasons' Hall , London , Bro . the Right Hon the Earl of Euston . chairman of the Provisional Committee appointed by the Spacial Court held on the ( ith of June , presiding , the vicechairman , Bro . F . A . Philbrick , Q . C , grand registrar , being also
present . Several members of the provisional committee and a large number of life governors and life subscribers attended . After the formal business of the meeting had been transacted , and a list of sixty-nine candidates for admission to the school settled , sixteen vacancies were declared for the October election .
Bro . the Earl of Euston then presented to the committee the report drawn up by the provisional committee of its transactions since the ( ith of June , and his lordship read the report as , follows : — " The Report of the Provisional Management Committee appointed by the Special General Court on June ( ith . 188 !) .
" 1 . This committee has . since its appointment , held five meetings , one of which was at Wood Green . The Earl of Euston was elected chairman , Bro . F . A . Philbrick , vice-chairman , and Bro . J . I ) . Langton , lion . see . of the committee .
" 2 . On the 12 th June the late House , Finance , and Audit Committees passed a resolution handing over the management of the Institution to this committee , and this committee , on the same day , passed a resolution accepting the charge , and has since that day done all things necessary in carrying on the Institution .
" 3 . The matron and steward of the Institution having resigned , this committee has taken the matter into their consideration , and they recommend that the office of steward be not filled up for the present , but that the matron be at once appointed . They , therefore , ask that they bo empowered to make the appointment subject to the approval of the next general committee .
• ' 4 . The committee is ot opinion that a fresh medical officer is required , and recommend they be empowered to take the necessary steps to attain this result forthwith . " 5 . It appears to this committee that in the interests of the Institution and in order to carry out the wishes of the special court it is necessary there should be a change at as early a perio . l as
possible in the office of secretary . The committee are unanimous in recommending that a retiring allowance should be accorded to Brother Frederick Binckes , and asks the general committee to authorise it to confer with Bro . Binckes on the terms of his retirement , to arrange them if jiossible , and report thereon to the next general committee .
" ( i . The committee has under its consideration the various recommendations of the committee of enquiry , with a view to carry them out as desired by the general court . It has not lost sight of the question of the head mastership , but deems it advisable to reserve this with other important subjects for further deliberation . " 7 . The committ . c asks this general committee to confirm what it
has already done , and to depute to it the powers of the house , audit , and finance committees , in order that it may be duly authorised to carry out the directions given by the special court on the occasion of the appointment . The various duties devolving on the committee render it desirable in their opinion that they should be enabled to add to their number if found requisite .
" The committee have accepted the honorary services of Messrs . Kennedy and Hobbs . chartered accountants , and have appointed a sub-committee , who have received an interim report advising on the system of bookkeeping , and that sub-committee arc engaged in furthering the question of the financial condition of the institution . " Dated the ( ith day of July . ISS ' . l .
" ( Signed ) EI ' STON . " Bro . Philbrick , in moving "that the report of the provisional management committee now read bo received and entered on the minutes , and that its proceedings and recommendation do receive the sanction of this committee which authorises the provisional committee to carry the same into effect , '' said the committee found it necessary to ask that further members should be added to their
number , which was now 21 , but all of them did not attend . Some of these gentlemen , such as Bro . Gerard Ford , of Brighton , were not always able to be present , and the duties of the committee were becoming both many and arduous . The committee , however , was anxious to continue its labours with the same zeal , assiduity and thoroughness as heretofore , and would like some more brethren to
be conjoined with them . Bro . J . S . Cumberland seconded the motion . A short discussion arose on the report , the different speakers expressing their approval of the manner in which the provisional management committee had discharged the burden thrown upon them . Bro . James Motion asked whether the secretary had resigned in conformity with the wish expressed at the Special
Court of Juno ( ith . Bro . Binckes rose and said certainly not . He had not resigned . Bro . . Tames Motion then took exception to that paragraph of the report relating to a retiring allowance to the secretary . He strongly objected to any retiring allowance . It was , however , explained that no recommendation by the committee that a retiring allowance of any amount would bind the subscribers to the Institution in any war whatever . The committee could only
recommend , and whatever recommendation they might make would be submitted to a special or quarterly court of subscribers for their confirmation or rejection . 'The report was then agreed to without a dissentient voice , and a resolution was afterwards come to authorising Lord Euston to sign all cheques . Grants of C 5 and . £ 10 for outfits were made to some ex-pupils of the institution , and a vote of thanks to the chairman closed the proceedings .
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
Press Exchanges and Books Received .
Masonic lie view , London ; Masonic Derirw , Cincinnati ; ' / 'he Liberal Freemason , Boston , Mass . : Society : London Freemason- ; Freemason ' s Chr < nielc ; South African Freemason .
ROYAL EViASONIG INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . "WOOD GEE-EN , LONDON , N . I ) EQUIRED . —A Matron , to enter on her duties on 1 st August . \ l 1 SS ! I . She must be a spinster or a widow without encumbrance ; between thirty and forty years of age : experienced in all domestic duties and in the control of servants ; able to keep accounts ; and a good manager . Salary to commence at , l _ S 0 per annum , with board , & c . Full particulars may be obtained from the Secretary of the Institution , as under . . Applications with testimonials to be sent in to the Secretary not later than 12 o ' clock noon , on Monday , Sth July next . FREDERICK BINCKES , Secretary . Oflicc—0 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street . London , AV . C . 2-1 th June . SSf ) .
ROYAL ORDER OF SCOTLAND . Provincial Grand Lodge of London and the Metropolitan Counties . THE Knight Companions will meet in Council at 33 . Golden Square , AV ., on SATUKDAV . the 13 th July , ] SS !» , at ' 2 . 30 for 3 p . m . precisely , and the R . AV . Prov . G . M . desires the attendance of all duly qualified Brethren . Names and addresses of Candidates with name of Chapter , must be sent to mo not later than the 3 rd July next . The ANNUAL BANQUET will be held at the Zoological Gardens . Regent ' s Park . I \ . AV .. at 0 . 30 precisely . By Order , 28 , Golden Square , AV . FRANK RICHARDSON , 1 ' rer . G . Sic .
POST CARD COMPETITION . PRIZE VALUE 30 s . PARIS EXHIBITION . The French are annoyed because the English and Americans close their stands on Sundays . For further particulars see July number of " HOPE . " Do you " approve" or " disapprove" of the action of the Anglo-SaxonsP Write word " approve" or " disapprove" on Post Card , put your name and address , and guess the number of Post Cards you think will be sent in . Prize 30 s . for nearest guess . Post Cards to be sent to o . N . MASTE 11 S , before July 15 . 7 .. Post Free . ] "HOPE , " [ One Year ,. ' 6 . J . N . MASTERS , Jeweller , EYE .
. . XrOSITIOX I'XIVKUSKLU . _ . !_ I'AIilS , 1 . 89 . Wk^ NGLO-PRENCH VILLAG E HOTEL DES BAINS , Avenue de Versailles , Auteuil , PARIS NEAR THE EXHIBITION . Ofjn Comfortable Bedrooms ; plenty of writ or ami baths ; flood l . njrli . s . i I ' ood OUU or Cuisine Fruiicuisc ; Ciiit-eit Hall anil Cafe attached to the linilding ; Garden ami Kiver ( ihe Seine ) , Willi lioatins ? . All lliu features « if a Club ; certain accommodation by day , week , or month . Panics : Bedroom per Night ( including Attendance ) 5 s . Breakfast and Dinner at Ordinary London Tariff . Sccictarg : Tin- ; llnx . C . C . WJOCAX . jjivtctuv al Paris : Air . C . m _ CJL . STKI . AIX , . looms may be reserved at the Ollices of ATr . ... Cram .. __ 2 , Strand : Alessrs . CUTiiiii-KTsox & Co ., -II , lli-oinjitoii iior . d , Kniyhtsbridge ; and Air . JOHN I'UOCToa , HI , Graced ) iireh Street , E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Summary Of The Provinces .
. C s . d . & s . d . Bedfordshire ... -12 0 0 Lincolnshire ... ( Ill (> O Berks & Bucks ... 207 ( i ( I Middlesex I' . I . 'J 1 ( i Cambridgeshire ... 1 (! 2 15 0 Monmouthshire ... 30 ( i 12 ( I Cheshire 131 5 0 Norfolk 101 11 0
Cornwall 10 .. 0 0 North AVales ... < i . $ 15 ( Cumber . .. AVestmore . 37 Ki 0 Oxfordshire 13 13 0 Derbyshire ' . 7 ' . ) 10 0 Shropshire < . )¦ _ It ) O Devonshire 103 . 1 !) 0 Somersetshire ... 110 10 0 Durham 105 0 0 South AVales—East 323 1 . " , ( i Essex -S 31 5 ( i South Wales—West 201 S 0 Gloucestershire ... 105 0 0 Staffordshire ... l ' . li ) 10 0
Hants & Isle of AV . 1-1118 0 Suffolk 1-1-1 7 ( i Hertfordshire ... 78 15 0 Surrey 102 2 O Kent 4 < I 3 0 0 Sussex il ' . iO 17 < i Lancashire East ... 52 10 0 Worcestershire ... 252 ( I 0 ,, AVest ... 152 5 0 Yorkshire , AVest ... 770 0 0 Leicester & Rutland 525 0 0 Foreign Stations ... 52 10 0 153 STEWARDS—LONDON . C 0 . 5 S 0 15 ( i 182 STEWARDS—PROVINCES ( including the Chairman ) . C ( U ! 02 2 ( i
' ; tlR . 182 18 0 The monthly meeting of the General Committee appointed by the subscribers of the lloyal Masonic Institute for Boys , was held on Saturday last , at Freemasons' Hall , London , Bro . the Right Hon the Earl of Euston . chairman of the Provisional Committee appointed by the Spacial Court held on the ( ith of June , presiding , the vicechairman , Bro . F . A . Philbrick , Q . C , grand registrar , being also
present . Several members of the provisional committee and a large number of life governors and life subscribers attended . After the formal business of the meeting had been transacted , and a list of sixty-nine candidates for admission to the school settled , sixteen vacancies were declared for the October election .
Bro . the Earl of Euston then presented to the committee the report drawn up by the provisional committee of its transactions since the ( ith of June , and his lordship read the report as , follows : — " The Report of the Provisional Management Committee appointed by the Special General Court on June ( ith . 188 !) .
" 1 . This committee has . since its appointment , held five meetings , one of which was at Wood Green . The Earl of Euston was elected chairman , Bro . F . A . Philbrick , vice-chairman , and Bro . J . I ) . Langton , lion . see . of the committee .
" 2 . On the 12 th June the late House , Finance , and Audit Committees passed a resolution handing over the management of the Institution to this committee , and this committee , on the same day , passed a resolution accepting the charge , and has since that day done all things necessary in carrying on the Institution .
" 3 . The matron and steward of the Institution having resigned , this committee has taken the matter into their consideration , and they recommend that the office of steward be not filled up for the present , but that the matron be at once appointed . They , therefore , ask that they bo empowered to make the appointment subject to the approval of the next general committee .
• ' 4 . The committee is ot opinion that a fresh medical officer is required , and recommend they be empowered to take the necessary steps to attain this result forthwith . " 5 . It appears to this committee that in the interests of the Institution and in order to carry out the wishes of the special court it is necessary there should be a change at as early a perio . l as
possible in the office of secretary . The committee are unanimous in recommending that a retiring allowance should be accorded to Brother Frederick Binckes , and asks the general committee to authorise it to confer with Bro . Binckes on the terms of his retirement , to arrange them if jiossible , and report thereon to the next general committee .
" ( i . The committee has under its consideration the various recommendations of the committee of enquiry , with a view to carry them out as desired by the general court . It has not lost sight of the question of the head mastership , but deems it advisable to reserve this with other important subjects for further deliberation . " 7 . The committ . c asks this general committee to confirm what it
has already done , and to depute to it the powers of the house , audit , and finance committees , in order that it may be duly authorised to carry out the directions given by the special court on the occasion of the appointment . The various duties devolving on the committee render it desirable in their opinion that they should be enabled to add to their number if found requisite .
" The committee have accepted the honorary services of Messrs . Kennedy and Hobbs . chartered accountants , and have appointed a sub-committee , who have received an interim report advising on the system of bookkeeping , and that sub-committee arc engaged in furthering the question of the financial condition of the institution . " Dated the ( ith day of July . ISS ' . l .
" ( Signed ) EI ' STON . " Bro . Philbrick , in moving "that the report of the provisional management committee now read bo received and entered on the minutes , and that its proceedings and recommendation do receive the sanction of this committee which authorises the provisional committee to carry the same into effect , '' said the committee found it necessary to ask that further members should be added to their
number , which was now 21 , but all of them did not attend . Some of these gentlemen , such as Bro . Gerard Ford , of Brighton , were not always able to be present , and the duties of the committee were becoming both many and arduous . The committee , however , was anxious to continue its labours with the same zeal , assiduity and thoroughness as heretofore , and would like some more brethren to
be conjoined with them . Bro . J . S . Cumberland seconded the motion . A short discussion arose on the report , the different speakers expressing their approval of the manner in which the provisional management committee had discharged the burden thrown upon them . Bro . James Motion asked whether the secretary had resigned in conformity with the wish expressed at the Special
Court of Juno ( ith . Bro . Binckes rose and said certainly not . He had not resigned . Bro . . Tames Motion then took exception to that paragraph of the report relating to a retiring allowance to the secretary . He strongly objected to any retiring allowance . It was , however , explained that no recommendation by the committee that a retiring allowance of any amount would bind the subscribers to the Institution in any war whatever . The committee could only
recommend , and whatever recommendation they might make would be submitted to a special or quarterly court of subscribers for their confirmation or rejection . 'The report was then agreed to without a dissentient voice , and a resolution was afterwards come to authorising Lord Euston to sign all cheques . Grants of C 5 and . £ 10 for outfits were made to some ex-pupils of the institution , and a vote of thanks to the chairman closed the proceedings .
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
Press Exchanges and Books Received .
Masonic lie view , London ; Masonic Derirw , Cincinnati ; ' / 'he Liberal Freemason , Boston , Mass . : Society : London Freemason- ; Freemason ' s Chr < nielc ; South African Freemason .
ROYAL EViASONIG INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . "WOOD GEE-EN , LONDON , N . I ) EQUIRED . —A Matron , to enter on her duties on 1 st August . \ l 1 SS ! I . She must be a spinster or a widow without encumbrance ; between thirty and forty years of age : experienced in all domestic duties and in the control of servants ; able to keep accounts ; and a good manager . Salary to commence at , l _ S 0 per annum , with board , & c . Full particulars may be obtained from the Secretary of the Institution , as under . . Applications with testimonials to be sent in to the Secretary not later than 12 o ' clock noon , on Monday , Sth July next . FREDERICK BINCKES , Secretary . Oflicc—0 , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street . London , AV . C . 2-1 th June . SSf ) .
ROYAL ORDER OF SCOTLAND . Provincial Grand Lodge of London and the Metropolitan Counties . THE Knight Companions will meet in Council at 33 . Golden Square , AV ., on SATUKDAV . the 13 th July , ] SS !» , at ' 2 . 30 for 3 p . m . precisely , and the R . AV . Prov . G . M . desires the attendance of all duly qualified Brethren . Names and addresses of Candidates with name of Chapter , must be sent to mo not later than the 3 rd July next . The ANNUAL BANQUET will be held at the Zoological Gardens . Regent ' s Park . I \ . AV .. at 0 . 30 precisely . By Order , 28 , Golden Square , AV . FRANK RICHARDSON , 1 ' rer . G . Sic .
POST CARD COMPETITION . PRIZE VALUE 30 s . PARIS EXHIBITION . The French are annoyed because the English and Americans close their stands on Sundays . For further particulars see July number of " HOPE . " Do you " approve" or " disapprove" of the action of the Anglo-SaxonsP Write word " approve" or " disapprove" on Post Card , put your name and address , and guess the number of Post Cards you think will be sent in . Prize 30 s . for nearest guess . Post Cards to be sent to o . N . MASTE 11 S , before July 15 . 7 .. Post Free . ] "HOPE , " [ One Year ,. ' 6 . J . N . MASTERS , Jeweller , EYE .
. . XrOSITIOX I'XIVKUSKLU . _ . !_ I'AIilS , 1 . 89 . Wk^ NGLO-PRENCH VILLAG E HOTEL DES BAINS , Avenue de Versailles , Auteuil , PARIS NEAR THE EXHIBITION . Ofjn Comfortable Bedrooms ; plenty of writ or ami baths ; flood l . njrli . s . i I ' ood OUU or Cuisine Fruiicuisc ; Ciiit-eit Hall anil Cafe attached to the linilding ; Garden ami Kiver ( ihe Seine ) , Willi lioatins ? . All lliu features « if a Club ; certain accommodation by day , week , or month . Panics : Bedroom per Night ( including Attendance ) 5 s . Breakfast and Dinner at Ordinary London Tariff . Sccictarg : Tin- ; llnx . C . C . WJOCAX . jjivtctuv al Paris : Air . C . m _ CJL . STKI . AIX , . looms may be reserved at the Ollices of ATr . ... Cram .. __ 2 , Strand : Alessrs . CUTiiiii-KTsox & Co ., -II , lli-oinjitoii iior . d , Kniyhtsbridge ; and Air . JOHN I'UOCToa , HI , Graced ) iireh Street , E . C .