Article HIGH TWELVE Page 1 of 1 Article Dramatic Notes and Observation. Page 1 of 1
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High Twelve
" Cease labour and go to refreshment . "
After Lodge is closed . Rrefhren may . find relaxation and amusement in LONDON at—THEATRE ROYAL . DUUUY LANE . Lessee and Alanager , Bro . Augustus Harris . TllF , ARMADA o . t 7 . 30 .
II . VY . MARRET THEATRE . Lessee and Manage ' . ' , Mr . II . ltorbohm Tree . CAI'T AIN" SWIFT at 8 . 30 . THAT IIIIKWUTI , TRKTOR at 7 . 50 . ADELPHI THEATRE . Sole Proprietors an . l Alanagers , Bros . A . & S . Gatti . TllF . UNION JACK at 8 . Tin- ; LOTTKRY TICKET , at 7 . 15 .
THE GLOBE . Lessee and Manager , Air . John Lart . THK AIoxic ' s ROOM at S . 15 . SAVOY THEATRE . Alanager . Air . D'O . vly Carte . THK YKOMAX OF TIIK GI : ARI > , S . 30 .
PRINCE OF AVALES' THEATRE . Sole Lessee and Alanager , Air . Horace Sedger . DOROTHY 8 . 30 . AVARRANTKI ) Bt'lUU . AJt PttOOF , 7 . 40 . VAUDEVILLE THEATRE . Sole Lessee and Alanager , Air . Thomas Thome . JOsKl'H ' S SWKETI 1 UAKT at S . 30 . TllF . BROTHERS at 7 . 45 .
COAIEDY THEATRE . Lessee and Alanager , Air . C . 11 . llawtrcy . UNCLES AND AUNTS at 9 . THK SPY at S . LYCEUM THEATRE . Sole Lessee , Air . Henry Irving . A P ARISIAN P . OJIA . NCK at 8 . 45 . LKSBIA at 7 . 45 .
OLYA 1 PIG THEATRE . Lessee and Manageress , Agnes Hewitt . K 1 TC 11 KN Lovi : at 7 . 10 . TICKKT OF LKAVK ATAN at 8 . TERRY'S THEATRE . Sole Lessee and Alanager , Bro . Edward Terry . SWKKT LAVF . NDKR at 8 . 30 .
OPERA COAIIQUE . Lessee and Manager , Air . F . J . Harris . CARINA at 8 . 30 .
BRIGHTONTHEATRE ROYAL . Sole Proprietress , Airs . Nye Chart . THK PAFKR CM ASK at 7 . 30 .
LIVERPOOLROYAL COURT THEATRE . Proprietors , The Carl Rosa Opera Company . THK QFKKN ' sinij . ixo , & c . PRINCE OF WALES' THEATRE .
. Manageress , All ' s .- Fanny Josephs . K I . KI'TO . MANIA .
. Manager , . Mr . Ramsay . DollOTIIY .
LEEDSGRAND THEATRE . Lessee , Air . Wilson Barrett . AlISS E . SMKHAbJJA . THIOATRE ROYAL . Vltti . il Nits , &( . ' .
Dramatic Notes And Observation.
© rama & c Qtoto anh Omett > ation &
( Communicated . ) . MR . BEEKBOHM TREE v .-ill commence a series of matinees at the Havmarket shortly .
FRENCH PLAYS at the Royalty -will be again to the fore on the loth inst ., when M . Mayer produces " L'Abbo Constantin . " There is some talk of this play being rendered in English at another house later on .
SATURDAY , the 20 th mst .. is the day fixed for opening the new Shaftesbury Theatre in Shaftesbury Avenue . Mr . J . C . Smith , who has an excellent provincial reputation , will , it is said , stage
manage . IT is reported that Bro . Irving intends , when he returns to the Lyceum , to produce "Macbeth . " and that the mounting of the pl . iy will be of the most elaborate description .
Bite . F . J . POTTER ( Emblematic , 1321 ) has returned from America after arranging the Antipodean Gaiety Company ' s winter season there . He again returns to America en the L'Tth for seven months . The company come from Sydney to San Francisco per
R . S . " Alameda . '' ON Saturday Mr . Rutland Barrington re-opens the St . James ' Theatre with a new drama , called The Dean ' s Daughter , " the joint production of Mr . Sydney Grundy and Mr . F . C . Phillips .
Miss OLGA NETHERSOLE leaves the Adelphi Theatre to play at the St . J ames ' . Her part in The Union Jack"' Avill be entrusted to Miss Dorothy Dene . MR . G . P . HAAVTREY ' long talked-of neAV play , entitled Atalanta , " Avill shortly be produced .
SIGNORINA BESSONE . AVIIO has been unable to appear at the Alhambra during the last three weeks , owing to indisposition resumed her part in the ballet of "Antiope" last Monday . MR . W . BAILEY has undertaken the management of the New Alhambra , Brighton , in addition to his duties as manager of the Metropolitan Music Hall . It will open on or about the 2 'Jth inst .
BRITANNI A ' favourite tragedian , Mr . J . B . HOAVC , has just pt Wished tin interesting book , entitled ' A Cosmopolitan Actor , " being his life and adventures all over the world . THE Dundee Theatre was totally destroyed by fire last Saturday morning . It had been built seventy years .
"PAUL JONES IS the name of the new play which Mr . Horace Sedger produces at the Prince of Wales' Theatre in January next . LOOK out for the ISth inst ,. on which date Mr . Sydney Alport takes his annual beneiit at the Vaudeville Theatre . "Joseph ' s Sweetheart" will be played by the whole strength of the company , and there will also be songs and recitations .
MISS ANNIE ROSE ( Mrs . Horace Nevill ) has been engaged b \ Miss Wallis to play Celia , in ¦• As You Like It , " at the New Shaftesbury Theatre .
A NEAV opera , the joint production of Messrs . Gilbert and Sullivan , was " staged" at the Savoy on the 3 rd inst . As was anticipated , it was received by a critical audience with much favour . Bro . Sir Arthur Sullivan wielded the baton on this occasion .
HARRY HUNTER , of the Mohawks , will take his annual benefit to-day ( Thursday , the 11 th inst . ) MR . T . C . VALENTINE , stage manager at Bro . Terry ' s Theatre , who goes to New York to produce " Sweet Lavender . " had a farewell supper given to him at the Adelaide Gallon' last Wednesday .
BRO . WILSON BARRETT has nearly finished another new p lay , entitled " Nowadays . " "The Good Old Times" ( the piece he has just comjdoted ) will lie produced shortly . THERE will be great doings next Monday at the Promenade Concerts . Freeman Thomas takes his beneiit . and it is the last
night of the season . A GRAND CIRCUS at Coveiit Garden will be opened at Christmas by Freeman Thomas . ¦ THE provincial rights of " Bachelors , " hy Robert Buchanan and Herman Vezin . have been secured by Mr . Frank Green .
IHOSE of our readers who have not already seen "The Armada ' at Drury Lane ought to do so forthwith . The piece is mounted in Bro . Harris' best manner , and Miss Winifred Emery as the heroine plays well , as also does Mr . Leonard Boyne in the character of Vyvyan Foster . The scene in the 1 st act between these two is in itself alone well worth witnessing .
LAST week we referred to Bro . John Maclean ' s farewell dinner its given by the Savage Club . It was in connection with the Logic Club , of which Bro . Maclean is the Preceptor , that the incident occurred . "CAPTAIN SAVIET" is still doing good business at the Haymarket Theatre . The house was crammed last Saturday . STELLA .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
High Twelve
" Cease labour and go to refreshment . "
After Lodge is closed . Rrefhren may . find relaxation and amusement in LONDON at—THEATRE ROYAL . DUUUY LANE . Lessee and Alanager , Bro . Augustus Harris . TllF , ARMADA o . t 7 . 30 .
II . VY . MARRET THEATRE . Lessee and Manage ' . ' , Mr . II . ltorbohm Tree . CAI'T AIN" SWIFT at 8 . 30 . THAT IIIIKWUTI , TRKTOR at 7 . 50 . ADELPHI THEATRE . Sole Proprietors an . l Alanagers , Bros . A . & S . Gatti . TllF . UNION JACK at 8 . Tin- ; LOTTKRY TICKET , at 7 . 15 .
THE GLOBE . Lessee and Manager , Air . John Lart . THK AIoxic ' s ROOM at S . 15 . SAVOY THEATRE . Alanager . Air . D'O . vly Carte . THK YKOMAX OF TIIK GI : ARI > , S . 30 .
PRINCE OF AVALES' THEATRE . Sole Lessee and Alanager , Air . Horace Sedger . DOROTHY 8 . 30 . AVARRANTKI ) Bt'lUU . AJt PttOOF , 7 . 40 . VAUDEVILLE THEATRE . Sole Lessee and Alanager , Air . Thomas Thome . JOsKl'H ' S SWKETI 1 UAKT at S . 30 . TllF . BROTHERS at 7 . 45 .
COAIEDY THEATRE . Lessee and Alanager , Air . C . 11 . llawtrcy . UNCLES AND AUNTS at 9 . THK SPY at S . LYCEUM THEATRE . Sole Lessee , Air . Henry Irving . A P ARISIAN P . OJIA . NCK at 8 . 45 . LKSBIA at 7 . 45 .
OLYA 1 PIG THEATRE . Lessee and Manageress , Agnes Hewitt . K 1 TC 11 KN Lovi : at 7 . 10 . TICKKT OF LKAVK ATAN at 8 . TERRY'S THEATRE . Sole Lessee and Alanager , Bro . Edward Terry . SWKKT LAVF . NDKR at 8 . 30 .
OPERA COAIIQUE . Lessee and Manager , Air . F . J . Harris . CARINA at 8 . 30 .
BRIGHTONTHEATRE ROYAL . Sole Proprietress , Airs . Nye Chart . THK PAFKR CM ASK at 7 . 30 .
LIVERPOOLROYAL COURT THEATRE . Proprietors , The Carl Rosa Opera Company . THK QFKKN ' sinij . ixo , & c . PRINCE OF WALES' THEATRE .
. Manageress , All ' s .- Fanny Josephs . K I . KI'TO . MANIA .
. Manager , . Mr . Ramsay . DollOTIIY .
LEEDSGRAND THEATRE . Lessee , Air . Wilson Barrett . AlISS E . SMKHAbJJA . THIOATRE ROYAL . Vltti . il Nits , &( . ' .
Dramatic Notes And Observation.
© rama & c Qtoto anh Omett > ation &
( Communicated . ) . MR . BEEKBOHM TREE v .-ill commence a series of matinees at the Havmarket shortly .
FRENCH PLAYS at the Royalty -will be again to the fore on the loth inst ., when M . Mayer produces " L'Abbo Constantin . " There is some talk of this play being rendered in English at another house later on .
SATURDAY , the 20 th mst .. is the day fixed for opening the new Shaftesbury Theatre in Shaftesbury Avenue . Mr . J . C . Smith , who has an excellent provincial reputation , will , it is said , stage
manage . IT is reported that Bro . Irving intends , when he returns to the Lyceum , to produce "Macbeth . " and that the mounting of the pl . iy will be of the most elaborate description .
Bite . F . J . POTTER ( Emblematic , 1321 ) has returned from America after arranging the Antipodean Gaiety Company ' s winter season there . He again returns to America en the L'Tth for seven months . The company come from Sydney to San Francisco per
R . S . " Alameda . '' ON Saturday Mr . Rutland Barrington re-opens the St . James ' Theatre with a new drama , called The Dean ' s Daughter , " the joint production of Mr . Sydney Grundy and Mr . F . C . Phillips .
Miss OLGA NETHERSOLE leaves the Adelphi Theatre to play at the St . J ames ' . Her part in The Union Jack"' Avill be entrusted to Miss Dorothy Dene . MR . G . P . HAAVTREY ' long talked-of neAV play , entitled Atalanta , " Avill shortly be produced .
SIGNORINA BESSONE . AVIIO has been unable to appear at the Alhambra during the last three weeks , owing to indisposition resumed her part in the ballet of "Antiope" last Monday . MR . W . BAILEY has undertaken the management of the New Alhambra , Brighton , in addition to his duties as manager of the Metropolitan Music Hall . It will open on or about the 2 'Jth inst .
BRITANNI A ' favourite tragedian , Mr . J . B . HOAVC , has just pt Wished tin interesting book , entitled ' A Cosmopolitan Actor , " being his life and adventures all over the world . THE Dundee Theatre was totally destroyed by fire last Saturday morning . It had been built seventy years .
"PAUL JONES IS the name of the new play which Mr . Horace Sedger produces at the Prince of Wales' Theatre in January next . LOOK out for the ISth inst ,. on which date Mr . Sydney Alport takes his annual beneiit at the Vaudeville Theatre . "Joseph ' s Sweetheart" will be played by the whole strength of the company , and there will also be songs and recitations .
MISS ANNIE ROSE ( Mrs . Horace Nevill ) has been engaged b \ Miss Wallis to play Celia , in ¦• As You Like It , " at the New Shaftesbury Theatre .
A NEAV opera , the joint production of Messrs . Gilbert and Sullivan , was " staged" at the Savoy on the 3 rd inst . As was anticipated , it was received by a critical audience with much favour . Bro . Sir Arthur Sullivan wielded the baton on this occasion .
HARRY HUNTER , of the Mohawks , will take his annual benefit to-day ( Thursday , the 11 th inst . ) MR . T . C . VALENTINE , stage manager at Bro . Terry ' s Theatre , who goes to New York to produce " Sweet Lavender . " had a farewell supper given to him at the Adelaide Gallon' last Wednesday .
BRO . WILSON BARRETT has nearly finished another new p lay , entitled " Nowadays . " "The Good Old Times" ( the piece he has just comjdoted ) will lie produced shortly . THERE will be great doings next Monday at the Promenade Concerts . Freeman Thomas takes his beneiit . and it is the last
night of the season . A GRAND CIRCUS at Coveiit Garden will be opened at Christmas by Freeman Thomas . ¦ THE provincial rights of " Bachelors , " hy Robert Buchanan and Herman Vezin . have been secured by Mr . Frank Green .
IHOSE of our readers who have not already seen "The Armada ' at Drury Lane ought to do so forthwith . The piece is mounted in Bro . Harris' best manner , and Miss Winifred Emery as the heroine plays well , as also does Mr . Leonard Boyne in the character of Vyvyan Foster . The scene in the 1 st act between these two is in itself alone well worth witnessing .
LAST week we referred to Bro . John Maclean ' s farewell dinner its given by the Savage Club . It was in connection with the Logic Club , of which Bro . Maclean is the Preceptor , that the incident occurred . "CAPTAIN SAVIET" is still doing good business at the Haymarket Theatre . The house was crammed last Saturday . STELLA .