Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
Our R EPORTS AND INTELLIGENCE COLUMNS we purpose placing at the disposal of Secretaries and Members of Lodges who may " oe willing to assist our endeavours to spread information . We shall increase the number of our pages as mag be found necessary to meet their requirements , but must respectfully request them to condense , as much as they consistently can , the information they may be disposed to send its . —Address : Editor , THE MASONIC STAR , 51 ) , Moor Lane , London .
* * The list of Annual Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAB continues to increase most satisfactorily , and we shall be pleased to hear from other Brethren willing to support us .
BRIXTON' LODCE—No . I ' . M ' . I . —On Saturdav . the Oth mst .. at Brixton Hall , S . W . Present : Bro . C . J . Axford , W . M . —Bros . A . E . Albert . S . W . : R . Evans . J . W . ; AY . Kirkla . nd . Treasurer : H . Lovegrove . P . M .. Secretary : A . Jones , S . D . - . J . Bott . I . G . : J . J . Newland . D . C . : J . Read . P . M .. Organist : J . Hicks , AV . S . ; R . Poore . P . M . : AY . E . Farriugton . P . M .: AV . Death . Chas . R . Cutler . E .
Fanning Gye . and other members . A isitors : Bros . II . AV . Packer . - 'OIS : R , Ralli-Jolmston . S . AV ., 1777 : Chas . B . Cooper . AV . M .. 44 !) II . Hooper . AY . M .. MlSii : C . II . Phillips . P . M .. liISC : AY . Burridge . I ! I 22 : Jas . Stevens . P . M ., P . Z . : H . A . Wood ; T . Poore . P . M ., Hon . Member : and T . C . Edmunds , AY . M .. 1507 . Bro . Gye was passed to the degree of F . C .. and Bro . Death was raised M . M .. the
work being thoroughly well performed by the AY . M . and his officers , and made very effective by appropriate musical accompaniments by Bro . John Read . The AY . M . stated his intention to officiate as Steward at the ensuing festival of the R . M . B . I ., and has prospects of a creditable list of donations from the lodge and its members . After labour refreshment was served , and a very agreeable evening was passed in harmony and social converse .
DERWEXT LODK-E—No . 40—HASTIXC . S . —At the meeting on Monday , there were present Bros . Markwich , AY . M . : Rev . J . Puttick , P . P . G . C . S . AV . : AV . S . Allen . J . AY . ; F . Eossiter . P . P . G . D .. Treas . J . Pearce . P . M .. Sec .: F . C . Edwards , S . D . ; G . Randell . J . D . ; R . AYalmsley . J . G .: also C . E . Botley . P . M . acting I . P . M .: F . Plowman . P . M . : Aid . Ilennah . R . N .. P . P . G . D . C . P . M .: Councillor
\ Y . II . Russell , P . G . A . D . C .. P . M . ; II . Boyce . E . J . McCormich . L . J . Jukes . C . J . Ticehnrst . F . Duke . F . Johnson , G . F . AYood , H . C . Bennett . The Secretary announced that a wreath and letter of condolence had been sent to the widow of the late Bro . Bnllman . and read an acknowledgement of same . Bro . Johnson , who had just returned from Australia , was rinsed to the sublime degree of M . M .. the ceremony being done by the AV . M . with his usual
ability . Mr . Hugh Chaffey Bennett was initiated , the charge being given by the J . AY ., Bro . Allen , in a most impressive manner . Bro . F . Plowman . P . M .. proposed as a candidate Mr . J . Taylor , of the firm of Taylor Brothers , builders . It was mentioned by Bro . Mardell that the Emulation Lodge of Instruction . No . 40 , had resumed work , and he hoped as many as possible would attend . The brethren adjourned to supper , which was served by Bro . Boyce in excellent style .
The installation meeting of the St . Martin ' s-le-Grand Lodge , No . 1538 , was held last evening at the Great Eastern Hotel , Liverpool Street . E . G ., when Bro . M . J . Mumford was installed AA . M . for the ensuing year . AYe shall report this meeting fully in our next .
ST . JOHN ' S LODGE ( NO . 1 ( 17 ) . —Bro . AV . A . Scurrah . P . P . G . S . of AV .. of Middlesex , was duly installed W . M . of this lodge on the !) th inst ., in the presence of a large and distinguished assemblage of the brethren . Bro . Edwin Storr , P . M . and Secretary , was the installing . Master .
METROPOLITAN LODGE—NO . I () 5 (; . —On Friday , the 5 th inst ., at the Portugal Arms , Fleet Street , E . C ., Bro . Snelling , AY . M . —Bros . Shepherd . S . AV . : Shaw . J . AV . ; Stacey . Preceptor : Snelling . Secretary : Morley , S . D . ; Beaver , J . D . ; Knight , J . G . ; Jenkins . Skelton . Gush . AA ' einel , Norman , Hill , and several others . The ceremony of
initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Smith candidate . The ceremony of installation was rehearsed by the AY . M ., Bro . Shepherd acting- as W . M . elect . Bro . Snelling was electa ! an honorary member of the lodge , and Bro . Shepherd W . M . for the ensuing meeting . VICTORIA PARK LOIXJE—NO . lSKi . —The J ^ Sections were worked by the members on Thursday , the 4 th inst .. at the George . Broadway .
Stratford . E .. in the presence of a large number of brethren . Bro J . Bradford as AV . M . : Bros . Calver . S . AV . : AV . G . Norman . J . AY . ; I . Boulton , I . P . M . First Lecture—Bros . Thompson worked the 1 st Section . Rooks 2 nd . Porter 3 rd , Hawksworth till . Pringle 5 th . Jialony ( ith , Steedman 7 th . Second Lecture—Bros . Mansfield , sen . ! 1 st Section , Calver 2 nd , Bush 3 rd , Pringle ith , Thompson 5 th .
Third Lecture—Bros . Norman worked the 1 st Section . Alckers 2 nd . Poole 3 rd . Thanks were accorded to Bro . Bradford for occupying the chair that evening , and also to the brethren who had assisted him . It was resolved that , C 5 5 s . should be presented to a brother who had suffered a heavy loss through a calamitous fire which had occurred on his premises . Four brethren were elected joining members .
I ' liE GREAT CITY LODCE—No . 142 ( 5 . —On Thursday , 4 th inst ., at the Masons' Hall Tavern , the first meeting of the season was well attended . Present : — Bros . Gwynn , Barrett , Tattersall , Hills , AVhitehouse , Gaskin , Bromhead , Pitt , Munday , Ford . Owens , and
tiisenmaun . The ceremonies of initiation and passing were rehearsed , Bro . Gwyn being AY . M .. and Bro . J . K . Pitt Preceptor . The Lodge was opened in the 3 rd degree and closed down . A very enjoyable evening was spent . The Lodge will meet at 6 . 30 l » . m . regularly throughout the winter .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
RAVKXSBOintxt ;—No . 1 <><)] . —On the 3 rd inst .. at the George Inn . Cat ford . S . E . — Bro . Anderson . AY . M . —Bros . Lancaster . S . AV .: Thomas . J . W .: II . Shaw . Preceptor : C . Atkins . Secretary : AV . Smith . Treasurer : Nov s . S . D .: Hardy Smith . J . D . : J . T . ' Axford . I . G . ; Pickering , Drew . Ca . tt . Clark . ' Sheiton . McCarthy . Sidney . AVhite . AVest , Bolton . Edwards . A'isger . Jas . Stevens . Peters . Jackson and
nth rs . 1 ' irst meeting of the new session . The cer niony of initiation was admirably rehearsed by the preceptor . Bro . II . Shaw . Two joining members wen ; admitted . Business relating to the Annual Supper , the Charitable . Association , and other matters , occupied the remainder of the evening . Bro . Anderson was thanked for his services in the chair , and Bro . Lancaster was elected AY . M . for the ensuing week .
DUKE OF COXXAITGHT—No . 1524 . —On AVednesday . Oct . 3 rd . at the Roval Edward . Mare Street . Ilacknev . E . —Bro . Samuel Smither , AY . M . —Bros . Baker . S . AV .: Gray . J . AY . ; Catlin . S . D .. Forss , J . D . ; Ames . I . G . : Dignam . Secretary : Richardson . Preceptor ; also present . Bros . Shuter . Leigh , jun .. Leigh , sen ., and others . The
ceremony of Initiation was ably worked by Bro . S . Smither . AA . M ., Bro . Leigh , jun .. candidate . The first and second sections of the Lectures were ably worked by Bro . P . M . Forss . Bro . Forss will rehearse the ceremony of Installation in this Lodge on AVednesday , Nov . 7 th .
MANCHESTER—No . 17 !) . —On the ( 5 th inst .. at the Blue Post , Charlotte Street . Fitzroy Square . AY . —Bro . Green way . AV . M . —Bros . Von Joel . S . AV . : Dickeson , J . AV ! : Mar . S . D . ; Lioiienfield . J . D . ; Hughes . I . G . : Smith . 1744 . Preceptor : AVood . S . AV ., 1 ( 581 . Secretary and several brethren . The 1 st Section of the Lecture was worked by the Preceptor . The ceremony of Liitiation was rehearsed , Bro . AYhiting candidate . The 5 th Section was worked by the AV . M Bro . AA'illiams was elected a member , and Bro . Yon Joel AV . M . for ensuing meeting .
THE CAMDEN CHAPTER OF IXSTRUCTTOX—No . 704 . —On Tuesday , the !) th inst ., at the Moorgate . Moorgate Street , E . C . Present : Comps . Vine , M . E . Z . ; Phillips . II . ; Carter . J . : Dean . S . E . ; Ives , N . ; Collinson , P . S . ; Knight . Parkes and Hughes . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed . Comp . Shurmer candidate . Comp . Phillips was elected M . E . Z . for the next meeting , and two companions were elected joining members .
THE STAR CHAPTER OE IMPROVEMENT—No . 1275 . —On Friday , the 5 th inst .. at the Stirling Castle , Church Street , Camberwell , at 8 . Present : Comps . F . Hilton . P . Z . 1275 . Preceptor : T . G ruminant . M . E . Z . : AV . Briant . II . ; A . T . Murche . J . : C . II . Stone . S . N . 1275 , S . E . ; C . AVoods , S . N . : Stone . P . S . : Davis . Addington . J . S .
Latham , and R . B . Bryant , P . Z . 720 , 1224 , 132 !) . P . P . G . A . S .. Suffolk . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . J . Addington , II . 1275 , personating candidate . Comp . R . B . Bryant . P . Z ., was elected a joining member and Comp . AA . Briant . II ., was elected M . E . Z . for Friday , 12 th inst .
SOI'TIIWAUK LODOK—No . 87 !) .- A very interesting and pleasant evening was spent last Tlmr .-ilay atthis Lodgenf Inslrm-tioii . Iicld at the Sir ( ianii't Wolseloy . Rotherhithe New Road , when some forty members met to do honour to their esteemed Preceptor , lirn . W . lieavis , P . M . and See . S 7 ! l and W .. M . Kilo , who recently had the distinction of Provincial rank conferred upon him by the Provincial ( Iraud . Master of . Middlesex . P . m . Walter Martin . P .. M . K 7 ! l , occupied the chair , and alluded to the indefatigable and willing manner in which liro
lieavis bad given instruction to the brethren attending the Lodge , and bow delighted they till were when they beard of the well-deserved honour he had received : an honour which the brethren of the Sonthwark Lodge appreciated very highly , as it was the first time that cither of its members bad attained that distinction . In addressing liro . P . eavis . liro . Martin explained how unanimous tin brethren were in iheirdcsircto mark , in some slight manner , their high estimation of bis invariable courtesy mid kindness on till occasions ,, and they thought thev
could not do better than present liim with the full dress clothing of ( fraud Pursuivant of Middlesex , and in investing him with it , on behalf of the subscribers , be assured him of their earnest desire lor his long-continued health and happiness , and their hope that for many years to come he would w-ir tin clothing with kindly thoughts of the esteem and regard in which he was held by all the brethren of the Sonthwark Lodge of Instruction , liro . lieavis . who . on rising to respond , met with c | tiiteau ovation , thanked the liiellireu for their very
valuable and appropriate gut , and assured them that he appreciated very highly the kind feelings which had been just - expressed towards him . It was always a pleasure to him to be of service to any member of the Lodge , and the many happy hours he had spent in it , and the invariable kindness he had received at the hands of the brethren , would ever be in his recollection . The handsome gift they had been pleased in bestow upon him that evening he should consider a tie of affection to the Lodge lie was so proud of , and for which h" ban worked with
so much pleasure , and he should always wear it with pride and grat ideation liro . lieavis resinned his seal : amidst hearty congratulations . The apron ( which , together Willi I lie collar and gauntlets ) was enclosed in a handsome leal her ease bore the following inscription : " Presented to liro . W . lieavis . P . M .. and See . , S 7 ! and W . M . Rilu . Provincial ( fraud Pursuivant , Middlesex , by the members of tin Sonthwark Lodge of Instruction , as a token of their esteem and regard , and in recognition of liis valuable services as Preceptor , - ! lh October , 1 SS . S . "
The foundation stone of a new Masonic Hall was laid at Howden . Yorks . East Riding , on Monday , the 1 st inst ., by R . AY . Bro . Lieut .-Col . the Hon . AV . T . Orde Powlett . P . G . AY .. Deputy Provincial Grand Master . Amongst the brethren present were : Bros . M . C . Peck , P . G . S . : Tesseyman . P . P . G . T . : Beevers . P . P . G-. Supt . AVorks ; G . H . Anderton . P . P . G .. Standard Bearer : Rev . AV .
Hutchinson , M . A .. P . P . G . C . : Rev . AV . Booth . P . P . G-. C .: Rev . G . L . M . Rees , P . G . C . : II . Green . P . P . G ' . R . : Lieut .-Col . Storry . P . P . G . S . D . : H . B . Anderson . P . P . S . AV . ; Rev . G . S . Dunbar ! P . P . G-. C , West Yorks : II . T . Gardiner , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; the AVorshipfui Masters of several lodges at Hull , Goole , and other towns in North and East Yorkshire , and many others . They were met by Bro . Robert Briggs . AV . M . of the Howden St . Cuthbert ' s Lodge .
The ceremony was performed with full Masonic honours . Bro . Orde Powlett gave a short address , in which he referred to the very pleasing circumstances under which they were met , and expressed the hope that the blessing of the Great Architect of the universe would rest upon their work that day . A luncheon was subsequently held at the Barman ' s Hotel , Bro . Robert Briggs , AV . M .. presiding .
PRESS EXCHANGES . Wc have to acknowledge the receipt of Fniiua . ioii , ; I ' m' mason ' s Clironirle ; Masonic llcricic , Cincinnati ! , for Sept .: Lilicral I ' m-masou , lio-ton , Mass .. lot Sept . ; Masonic Adi'ucalr , IndianopolKl'or Sept .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
Our R EPORTS AND INTELLIGENCE COLUMNS we purpose placing at the disposal of Secretaries and Members of Lodges who may " oe willing to assist our endeavours to spread information . We shall increase the number of our pages as mag be found necessary to meet their requirements , but must respectfully request them to condense , as much as they consistently can , the information they may be disposed to send its . —Address : Editor , THE MASONIC STAR , 51 ) , Moor Lane , London .
* * The list of Annual Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAB continues to increase most satisfactorily , and we shall be pleased to hear from other Brethren willing to support us .
BRIXTON' LODCE—No . I ' . M ' . I . —On Saturdav . the Oth mst .. at Brixton Hall , S . W . Present : Bro . C . J . Axford , W . M . —Bros . A . E . Albert . S . W . : R . Evans . J . W . ; AY . Kirkla . nd . Treasurer : H . Lovegrove . P . M .. Secretary : A . Jones , S . D . - . J . Bott . I . G . : J . J . Newland . D . C . : J . Read . P . M .. Organist : J . Hicks , AV . S . ; R . Poore . P . M . : AY . E . Farriugton . P . M .: AV . Death . Chas . R . Cutler . E .
Fanning Gye . and other members . A isitors : Bros . II . AV . Packer . - 'OIS : R , Ralli-Jolmston . S . AV ., 1777 : Chas . B . Cooper . AV . M .. 44 !) II . Hooper . AY . M .. MlSii : C . II . Phillips . P . M .. liISC : AY . Burridge . I ! I 22 : Jas . Stevens . P . M ., P . Z . : H . A . Wood ; T . Poore . P . M ., Hon . Member : and T . C . Edmunds , AY . M .. 1507 . Bro . Gye was passed to the degree of F . C .. and Bro . Death was raised M . M .. the
work being thoroughly well performed by the AY . M . and his officers , and made very effective by appropriate musical accompaniments by Bro . John Read . The AY . M . stated his intention to officiate as Steward at the ensuing festival of the R . M . B . I ., and has prospects of a creditable list of donations from the lodge and its members . After labour refreshment was served , and a very agreeable evening was passed in harmony and social converse .
DERWEXT LODK-E—No . 40—HASTIXC . S . —At the meeting on Monday , there were present Bros . Markwich , AY . M . : Rev . J . Puttick , P . P . G . C . S . AV . : AV . S . Allen . J . AY . ; F . Eossiter . P . P . G . D .. Treas . J . Pearce . P . M .. Sec .: F . C . Edwards , S . D . ; G . Randell . J . D . ; R . AYalmsley . J . G .: also C . E . Botley . P . M . acting I . P . M .: F . Plowman . P . M . : Aid . Ilennah . R . N .. P . P . G . D . C . P . M .: Councillor
\ Y . II . Russell , P . G . A . D . C .. P . M . ; II . Boyce . E . J . McCormich . L . J . Jukes . C . J . Ticehnrst . F . Duke . F . Johnson , G . F . AYood , H . C . Bennett . The Secretary announced that a wreath and letter of condolence had been sent to the widow of the late Bro . Bnllman . and read an acknowledgement of same . Bro . Johnson , who had just returned from Australia , was rinsed to the sublime degree of M . M .. the ceremony being done by the AV . M . with his usual
ability . Mr . Hugh Chaffey Bennett was initiated , the charge being given by the J . AY ., Bro . Allen , in a most impressive manner . Bro . F . Plowman . P . M .. proposed as a candidate Mr . J . Taylor , of the firm of Taylor Brothers , builders . It was mentioned by Bro . Mardell that the Emulation Lodge of Instruction . No . 40 , had resumed work , and he hoped as many as possible would attend . The brethren adjourned to supper , which was served by Bro . Boyce in excellent style .
The installation meeting of the St . Martin ' s-le-Grand Lodge , No . 1538 , was held last evening at the Great Eastern Hotel , Liverpool Street . E . G ., when Bro . M . J . Mumford was installed AA . M . for the ensuing year . AYe shall report this meeting fully in our next .
ST . JOHN ' S LODGE ( NO . 1 ( 17 ) . —Bro . AV . A . Scurrah . P . P . G . S . of AV .. of Middlesex , was duly installed W . M . of this lodge on the !) th inst ., in the presence of a large and distinguished assemblage of the brethren . Bro . Edwin Storr , P . M . and Secretary , was the installing . Master .
METROPOLITAN LODGE—NO . I () 5 (; . —On Friday , the 5 th inst ., at the Portugal Arms , Fleet Street , E . C ., Bro . Snelling , AY . M . —Bros . Shepherd . S . AV . : Shaw . J . AV . ; Stacey . Preceptor : Snelling . Secretary : Morley , S . D . ; Beaver , J . D . ; Knight , J . G . ; Jenkins . Skelton . Gush . AA ' einel , Norman , Hill , and several others . The ceremony of
initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Smith candidate . The ceremony of installation was rehearsed by the AY . M ., Bro . Shepherd acting- as W . M . elect . Bro . Snelling was electa ! an honorary member of the lodge , and Bro . Shepherd W . M . for the ensuing meeting . VICTORIA PARK LOIXJE—NO . lSKi . —The J ^ Sections were worked by the members on Thursday , the 4 th inst .. at the George . Broadway .
Stratford . E .. in the presence of a large number of brethren . Bro J . Bradford as AV . M . : Bros . Calver . S . AV . : AV . G . Norman . J . AY . ; I . Boulton , I . P . M . First Lecture—Bros . Thompson worked the 1 st Section . Rooks 2 nd . Porter 3 rd , Hawksworth till . Pringle 5 th . Jialony ( ith , Steedman 7 th . Second Lecture—Bros . Mansfield , sen . ! 1 st Section , Calver 2 nd , Bush 3 rd , Pringle ith , Thompson 5 th .
Third Lecture—Bros . Norman worked the 1 st Section . Alckers 2 nd . Poole 3 rd . Thanks were accorded to Bro . Bradford for occupying the chair that evening , and also to the brethren who had assisted him . It was resolved that , C 5 5 s . should be presented to a brother who had suffered a heavy loss through a calamitous fire which had occurred on his premises . Four brethren were elected joining members .
I ' liE GREAT CITY LODCE—No . 142 ( 5 . —On Thursday , 4 th inst ., at the Masons' Hall Tavern , the first meeting of the season was well attended . Present : — Bros . Gwynn , Barrett , Tattersall , Hills , AVhitehouse , Gaskin , Bromhead , Pitt , Munday , Ford . Owens , and
tiisenmaun . The ceremonies of initiation and passing were rehearsed , Bro . Gwyn being AY . M .. and Bro . J . K . Pitt Preceptor . The Lodge was opened in the 3 rd degree and closed down . A very enjoyable evening was spent . The Lodge will meet at 6 . 30 l » . m . regularly throughout the winter .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
RAVKXSBOintxt ;—No . 1 <><)] . —On the 3 rd inst .. at the George Inn . Cat ford . S . E . — Bro . Anderson . AY . M . —Bros . Lancaster . S . AV .: Thomas . J . W .: II . Shaw . Preceptor : C . Atkins . Secretary : AV . Smith . Treasurer : Nov s . S . D .: Hardy Smith . J . D . : J . T . ' Axford . I . G . ; Pickering , Drew . Ca . tt . Clark . ' Sheiton . McCarthy . Sidney . AVhite . AVest , Bolton . Edwards . A'isger . Jas . Stevens . Peters . Jackson and
nth rs . 1 ' irst meeting of the new session . The cer niony of initiation was admirably rehearsed by the preceptor . Bro . II . Shaw . Two joining members wen ; admitted . Business relating to the Annual Supper , the Charitable . Association , and other matters , occupied the remainder of the evening . Bro . Anderson was thanked for his services in the chair , and Bro . Lancaster was elected AY . M . for the ensuing week .
DUKE OF COXXAITGHT—No . 1524 . —On AVednesday . Oct . 3 rd . at the Roval Edward . Mare Street . Ilacknev . E . —Bro . Samuel Smither , AY . M . —Bros . Baker . S . AV .: Gray . J . AY . ; Catlin . S . D .. Forss , J . D . ; Ames . I . G . : Dignam . Secretary : Richardson . Preceptor ; also present . Bros . Shuter . Leigh , jun .. Leigh , sen ., and others . The
ceremony of Initiation was ably worked by Bro . S . Smither . AA . M ., Bro . Leigh , jun .. candidate . The first and second sections of the Lectures were ably worked by Bro . P . M . Forss . Bro . Forss will rehearse the ceremony of Installation in this Lodge on AVednesday , Nov . 7 th .
MANCHESTER—No . 17 !) . —On the ( 5 th inst .. at the Blue Post , Charlotte Street . Fitzroy Square . AY . —Bro . Green way . AV . M . —Bros . Von Joel . S . AV . : Dickeson , J . AV ! : Mar . S . D . ; Lioiienfield . J . D . ; Hughes . I . G . : Smith . 1744 . Preceptor : AVood . S . AV ., 1 ( 581 . Secretary and several brethren . The 1 st Section of the Lecture was worked by the Preceptor . The ceremony of Liitiation was rehearsed , Bro . AYhiting candidate . The 5 th Section was worked by the AV . M Bro . AA'illiams was elected a member , and Bro . Yon Joel AV . M . for ensuing meeting .
THE CAMDEN CHAPTER OF IXSTRUCTTOX—No . 704 . —On Tuesday , the !) th inst ., at the Moorgate . Moorgate Street , E . C . Present : Comps . Vine , M . E . Z . ; Phillips . II . ; Carter . J . : Dean . S . E . ; Ives , N . ; Collinson , P . S . ; Knight . Parkes and Hughes . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed . Comp . Shurmer candidate . Comp . Phillips was elected M . E . Z . for the next meeting , and two companions were elected joining members .
THE STAR CHAPTER OE IMPROVEMENT—No . 1275 . —On Friday , the 5 th inst .. at the Stirling Castle , Church Street , Camberwell , at 8 . Present : Comps . F . Hilton . P . Z . 1275 . Preceptor : T . G ruminant . M . E . Z . : AV . Briant . II . ; A . T . Murche . J . : C . II . Stone . S . N . 1275 , S . E . ; C . AVoods , S . N . : Stone . P . S . : Davis . Addington . J . S .
Latham , and R . B . Bryant , P . Z . 720 , 1224 , 132 !) . P . P . G . A . S .. Suffolk . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . J . Addington , II . 1275 , personating candidate . Comp . R . B . Bryant . P . Z ., was elected a joining member and Comp . AA . Briant . II ., was elected M . E . Z . for Friday , 12 th inst .
SOI'TIIWAUK LODOK—No . 87 !) .- A very interesting and pleasant evening was spent last Tlmr .-ilay atthis Lodgenf Inslrm-tioii . Iicld at the Sir ( ianii't Wolseloy . Rotherhithe New Road , when some forty members met to do honour to their esteemed Preceptor , lirn . W . lieavis , P . M . and See . S 7 ! l and W .. M . Kilo , who recently had the distinction of Provincial rank conferred upon him by the Provincial ( Iraud . Master of . Middlesex . P . m . Walter Martin . P .. M . K 7 ! l , occupied the chair , and alluded to the indefatigable and willing manner in which liro
lieavis bad given instruction to the brethren attending the Lodge , and bow delighted they till were when they beard of the well-deserved honour he had received : an honour which the brethren of the Sonthwark Lodge appreciated very highly , as it was the first time that cither of its members bad attained that distinction . In addressing liro . P . eavis . liro . Martin explained how unanimous tin brethren were in iheirdcsircto mark , in some slight manner , their high estimation of bis invariable courtesy mid kindness on till occasions ,, and they thought thev
could not do better than present liim with the full dress clothing of ( fraud Pursuivant of Middlesex , and in investing him with it , on behalf of the subscribers , be assured him of their earnest desire lor his long-continued health and happiness , and their hope that for many years to come he would w-ir tin clothing with kindly thoughts of the esteem and regard in which he was held by all the brethren of the Sonthwark Lodge of Instruction , liro . lieavis . who . on rising to respond , met with c | tiiteau ovation , thanked the liiellireu for their very
valuable and appropriate gut , and assured them that he appreciated very highly the kind feelings which had been just - expressed towards him . It was always a pleasure to him to be of service to any member of the Lodge , and the many happy hours he had spent in it , and the invariable kindness he had received at the hands of the brethren , would ever be in his recollection . The handsome gift they had been pleased in bestow upon him that evening he should consider a tie of affection to the Lodge lie was so proud of , and for which h" ban worked with
so much pleasure , and he should always wear it with pride and grat ideation liro . lieavis resinned his seal : amidst hearty congratulations . The apron ( which , together Willi I lie collar and gauntlets ) was enclosed in a handsome leal her ease bore the following inscription : " Presented to liro . W . lieavis . P . M .. and See . , S 7 ! and W . M . Rilu . Provincial ( fraud Pursuivant , Middlesex , by the members of tin Sonthwark Lodge of Instruction , as a token of their esteem and regard , and in recognition of liis valuable services as Preceptor , - ! lh October , 1 SS . S . "
The foundation stone of a new Masonic Hall was laid at Howden . Yorks . East Riding , on Monday , the 1 st inst ., by R . AY . Bro . Lieut .-Col . the Hon . AV . T . Orde Powlett . P . G . AY .. Deputy Provincial Grand Master . Amongst the brethren present were : Bros . M . C . Peck , P . G . S . : Tesseyman . P . P . G . T . : Beevers . P . P . G-. Supt . AVorks ; G . H . Anderton . P . P . G .. Standard Bearer : Rev . AV .
Hutchinson , M . A .. P . P . G . C . : Rev . AV . Booth . P . P . G-. C .: Rev . G . L . M . Rees , P . G . C . : II . Green . P . P . G ' . R . : Lieut .-Col . Storry . P . P . G . S . D . : H . B . Anderson . P . P . S . AV . ; Rev . G . S . Dunbar ! P . P . G-. C , West Yorks : II . T . Gardiner , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; the AVorshipfui Masters of several lodges at Hull , Goole , and other towns in North and East Yorkshire , and many others . They were met by Bro . Robert Briggs . AV . M . of the Howden St . Cuthbert ' s Lodge .
The ceremony was performed with full Masonic honours . Bro . Orde Powlett gave a short address , in which he referred to the very pleasing circumstances under which they were met , and expressed the hope that the blessing of the Great Architect of the universe would rest upon their work that day . A luncheon was subsequently held at the Barman ' s Hotel , Bro . Robert Briggs , AV . M .. presiding .
PRESS EXCHANGES . Wc have to acknowledge the receipt of Fniiua . ioii , ; I ' m' mason ' s Clironirle ; Masonic llcricic , Cincinnati ! , for Sept .: Lilicral I ' m-masou , lio-ton , Mass .. lot Sept . ; Masonic Adi'ucalr , IndianopolKl'or Sept .