Article Masonic exchange & Mart Column Page 1 of 1 Article Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
Masonic exchange & Mart Column
* „ .. * In answer to sereral enquiries HT desire to state that this column , -will lie open to all subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR without charge , for the present at any rate . We -wish to see whether or not it is of use for the purpose intended before we make any definite arranqemcut as to its continuance . —ED . M . S .
Calc / lTs Candid , Disquisition of the Princijilcs of Freemasonry , 17 ( J 1 ) — Treieman ' s Principles of Freemasonry , 1777—The Unparalleled Sufferings of John Cusfos , tortured- by the Inquisition , Plates and List of R . A . Chapters . 17— . —Masonic Efusions . F . G . Daniel , 181 !)—A Masonic Treatise , with an Elucidation , W . Finch ,
1802— Vestiges of Genuine Freemasonry , M . Margalouth , 1852—The Masonic Charities . G-. Taylor—An- In relitigation of the cause of hostility of the Church of Howe towards Freemasonry , 1 S 7-. — Ait Essay on- the Origin of Freemasonry . 1880—Presto / fs Illustrations , 1788 . 1801 . 1812 . ' l 821 . 1841—Freemason ' s Quarterly Maqazine and Review , 1851-2-3-4-5 , Tn Parts as issued . —T . F . Speculative Masonry , J . Yarker — History and , Articles of Mason I'll , M . Cooke—Masonic Vocal Manual , W . Garforth ,
1852—lectures on- Freemasonry , G . D . Goodyear . 18 ( 14—lyre Maeonnique J . A . Jacquelin , 1811 — Code lies Francmacons , 1830—Masonic Jl / scellanies , S . Jones , 17 SI 7—The Anti-Christian Character of Freemasonry , M . C . Trevilian , 181 !) ( supposed)—R . A . Apron and Sash . 13 s . u'd . ; Mark Apron , ( is . 3 d . ; Ditto , 4 s . ( id . —BELL . FOR SALE ( CHEAP ) . — -Gou'd ' s History of Freemasonry , bound in red morocco—A Royal Arch-Principal ' s Apron—A Royal Arch Jewel . —TEMPLAR .
Ahnnan llezon , 178 i-1813—Royal Arch Regulations before 1823 —Preston ' s Illustrations , 1772 . 1775—Sketches and- Reprints . W . J . Hug'han . First Part , 1871—Constitutions , 1855 , 18 ( 51 , 18 ( 5 ( 5—And the following histories : Freemasonry in Inverness — In China-Amoy—At Jiottoms Eastwood—Doyle ' s Lodge of Fellowship—St . Hilda Lodge , South Shields—Imperial George Lodge—Jiritannie Lodqe — Kelso Lodge — Grand Lodge Report , December , 1871 . —T . F .
Ahiman Rezon , 1787 , 1800 . 1 S 01 , 1813 —/? . I . Constitutions , 1855 '<>] , '(>;> . ' 6 ( i , ' ( 57 , 8 vo . —Royal Arch Regulations , 18 ( 54 , 187 !)—Pro cecdinqs of Grand- Lodqe , December . 1871 . —BELL .
In a summons for a lodge about to meet we find that part of the work is " to initiate Mr . and Esq . " Is there so great a difference of social position between these gentlemen that they cannot be introduced into Freemasonry ¦ ' on the level " :
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
For the current week , compiled from the Cosmopolitan Jlasonic Calendar ( G-. KENNING , London ) . This table is correct as to days of meeting named in the respective Warrants or Charters . In some instances , however , the Lodges , & c , may be out of session , and further enquiry may be necessary to prevent disappointment .
ABBREVIATIONS . Lo ., Lodges ; R . A . C , Chapters ; Mk ., Mark Lodges ; R . Cr ., Rose Croix Chapters ; R . X ., Red Cross Conclaves ; F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall , London ; F . M . T ., Freemasons' Tavern , London ; M . C , Masonic Club ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . R ., Masonic Rooms ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; P . R ., Private Rooms ; Hot , Hotel ; Tav ., Tavern ; C . H ., Coffee House ; To . Ha ., Town Hall ; Rt ., Restaurant .
KobpzJStonpnlttananb ( Kljaptos . ' ¦ ' All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Regulations .
T „! ?„ . SAME OF LODGE AXI > CII AI ' TF . H . PLACE OF MKETIXC . IjOilgO , THIS DAY ( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , OCTOBER 11 th . 20 G Friendship Ship ami Turtle , E . C . 23 S Pilgrim f German ) FMI I
... « G 0 Dalhonsie Andcrton's Hot ., E . G . S 7 D Sonthwark Bridge lionise Hotel , London Bdg ., S . E . 107 G Capper Guildhall Tavern , Gresham Street 121 G Alacdonald at 0 . 15 ... 1 st Surrey Riiics , Camhcrwoll 1171 Islington Cock Tav ., Highbury , X . 1558 Duke of Connaught Surrey AL IT ., Cainberwell 1508 Levspring Andcrton ' s Hotel , E . G . 1590 Skelmersdalc M . II . Masons' AvenueE . C .
, . 17 US Plncknett Baldfaeed Stag , East Finehlcy 1791 Crouton V . AL H . 1804 Coborn Vestry Hall , Bow 19 S 7 Shand Criterion , Piccadilly Soon Hammersmith Vestry Hall , Hammersmith R . A . C . 7 ; i Mount Lebanon Bridge House Hotel , London Bdg ., S . E . MO StGeorge Trafalgar HotelGreenwich
. , 452 Frederick of Unity M . II ., Croydon Girt Bcadon ... . ' . M . II ., Masons' Avenue , E . C . K 13 New Concord Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 1383 Friends-iii-Council 33 , Golden Square , W . 1710 All Saints Vestry Hall , Fairlleld Road , Bow Mark . Sii . Samson and Linn M . If ., Masons' Avenue , E . C .
( 2 nd ) FRIDAY , OCTOBER 12 th . 157 Bedford F . M . If . 177 Dom . itic Andcrton ' s Hotel , E . C . 1201 Kelectrie . F . M . H . 1559 New Cross i Ship Hot ., Greenwich R . A . C . ! 33 Brittannic F . M . H . 5 G 9 Fitzroy j Hon . Artillery CoHdQrsCity Road
. . ., Mark . I Ml Grosvenor ; Cafe Royal , Regent Street ( 2 nd ) SATURDAY , OCTOBER , 13 th . 1120 The Great City Cannon Street Hotel 1 C 07 Loyalty Loudon Tavern , Fenchureh Street 1037 Unity Railway Hot ., Harrow Station ¦ 1 G 71 Aflzpah Ylbkm Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street
1 GK 5 Cnelph Town Hull , Leyton 1743 1 ' ersevcranco Anilorlou ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 1839 Duke of Cornwall I '' . . VI . If . 19 « 4 Clcrkenwell Holhorn Viaduct Hotel R . A . C . 1297 West Kenti Thicket Hotel , Ancrley . 1397 Anerley Ditto ( 3 rd ) MONDAY , OCTOBER l ., th .
21 j Emulation Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street 185 Tranquility Guildhall Tav ., Grcsham Street 720 I'anmure Balhani Hot ., Balhain 8 G : > AVhiitinglon F . M . II . 901 Citv of London Guildhall Tavern 907 Royal Albert F . M . If . 1537 St . Peter , Westminster Criterion Piccadilly 1 G 57 Aldor-gale Albion TavAldcrsgate Street
. ., . , E . C , 1728 Temple Bar Andcrton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street R . A . C . 1319 Asaph F . M . H . Marie . 173 Temple Green Dragon , stepney
30 United Mariners Guildhall Tav ., E . C ' . 73 Mount Lebanon Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge 95 Eastern Star Ship and Turtle , E . C . 205 Harmony Grcvhound , Richmond 435 Salisbury F . M . II . 1339 Stockwell Surrey M . II ., Camberwell M 20 Karl Spencer Craven Hot ., Lavender Hill , S . AV . IG 95 Xew Finsbury Park Cock Tav ., Highbury , X .
2021 Queen ' s Westminster 8 a , Red Lion Square , W . C . ( ' !) 20-15 Wharton Willesden , Aliddx . d ) 2140 Surbiton M . H .. Surbiton , S . W . 2191 Anglo-American Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . R . A . C . 11 Enoch KM . H . 19 Mount Sinai Andcrton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 180 Industry KM . II .
( 3 rd ) WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 17 th . 140 St . George ' s ' Trafalgar Hot ., Greenwich 174 Sinccriry Guildhall Tav .. E . C . til !) Beadon Greyhound Hot ., Dnlwieh 1044 Wandsworth Town Hall , Wandsworth 1150 Buckingham and Chandos ... F . M . H .
13 S 2 Corinthian j George Hot ., Cubitt Town , E . 1507 Metropolitan Andcrton ' s Hotel . Fleet Street 1024 Kecle .-ton Criterion , Piccadilly 1077 Crusaders ; Holhorn Viaduct Hot . 1710 All Saints Town Hall , Poplar R . A . C . 141 Faith ' Andcrton ' s Hotel . Fleet Street 192 Lion and Lamb Cannon Street Hotel
( 3 rd ) THURSDAY , OCTOBER 18 th . HOUSE . COAIAUTTEK , GIRLS' SCHOOL , AT 4 . 30 . 19 : Gihon Guildhall Tav ., Gresliam Street 55 Constitutional | Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 109 Temperance : White Swan Hot ., High St ., Deptford 179 Manchester ' Andcrton ' s HotelFleet Street
, 181 Universal j F . Af . II . 733 AVcstbiiurne Lords'Hotel , St . John ' s AVood 813 Xew Concord ; Guildhall Tav .. E . C . 1139 South Norwood Public Hall , So . Norwood 1287 Great Northern > F . AL H . 1320 Blackhcath ! Trafalgar Hot ., Greenwich 1175 Peekham | Surrey Al . II ., Camberwell lO'lii | Cripplcgate I AJbiori Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street 10 'Sl Londcsboro 8 Air Street Street
' , . Regent , \ V 1 19 ( 11 j Sehvyn j East lliilwich Hot ., East Diilwich Jt . A . C .. | j 79 ; Pythagorean I Ship Hot ., Greenwich 217 j Stability ; Andcrton ' s Hotel , E . C . Mark . I j ! \ Vw \ Accord | Sa , Red Lion Square , W . C . X . B . — 117 ; will ins-it hours of meeting of London , . Lodqes , if summonses are sent to us in sufficient time . —ED . M . S .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
Masonic exchange & Mart Column
* „ .. * In answer to sereral enquiries HT desire to state that this column , -will lie open to all subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR without charge , for the present at any rate . We -wish to see whether or not it is of use for the purpose intended before we make any definite arranqemcut as to its continuance . —ED . M . S .
Calc / lTs Candid , Disquisition of the Princijilcs of Freemasonry , 17 ( J 1 ) — Treieman ' s Principles of Freemasonry , 1777—The Unparalleled Sufferings of John Cusfos , tortured- by the Inquisition , Plates and List of R . A . Chapters . 17— . —Masonic Efusions . F . G . Daniel , 181 !)—A Masonic Treatise , with an Elucidation , W . Finch ,
1802— Vestiges of Genuine Freemasonry , M . Margalouth , 1852—The Masonic Charities . G-. Taylor—An- In relitigation of the cause of hostility of the Church of Howe towards Freemasonry , 1 S 7-. — Ait Essay on- the Origin of Freemasonry . 1880—Presto / fs Illustrations , 1788 . 1801 . 1812 . ' l 821 . 1841—Freemason ' s Quarterly Maqazine and Review , 1851-2-3-4-5 , Tn Parts as issued . —T . F . Speculative Masonry , J . Yarker — History and , Articles of Mason I'll , M . Cooke—Masonic Vocal Manual , W . Garforth ,
1852—lectures on- Freemasonry , G . D . Goodyear . 18 ( 14—lyre Maeonnique J . A . Jacquelin , 1811 — Code lies Francmacons , 1830—Masonic Jl / scellanies , S . Jones , 17 SI 7—The Anti-Christian Character of Freemasonry , M . C . Trevilian , 181 !) ( supposed)—R . A . Apron and Sash . 13 s . u'd . ; Mark Apron , ( is . 3 d . ; Ditto , 4 s . ( id . —BELL . FOR SALE ( CHEAP ) . — -Gou'd ' s History of Freemasonry , bound in red morocco—A Royal Arch-Principal ' s Apron—A Royal Arch Jewel . —TEMPLAR .
Ahnnan llezon , 178 i-1813—Royal Arch Regulations before 1823 —Preston ' s Illustrations , 1772 . 1775—Sketches and- Reprints . W . J . Hug'han . First Part , 1871—Constitutions , 1855 , 18 ( 51 , 18 ( 5 ( 5—And the following histories : Freemasonry in Inverness — In China-Amoy—At Jiottoms Eastwood—Doyle ' s Lodge of Fellowship—St . Hilda Lodge , South Shields—Imperial George Lodge—Jiritannie Lodqe — Kelso Lodge — Grand Lodge Report , December , 1871 . —T . F .
Ahiman Rezon , 1787 , 1800 . 1 S 01 , 1813 —/? . I . Constitutions , 1855 '<>] , '(>;> . ' 6 ( i , ' ( 57 , 8 vo . —Royal Arch Regulations , 18 ( 54 , 187 !)—Pro cecdinqs of Grand- Lodqe , December . 1871 . —BELL .
In a summons for a lodge about to meet we find that part of the work is " to initiate Mr . and Esq . " Is there so great a difference of social position between these gentlemen that they cannot be introduced into Freemasonry ¦ ' on the level " :
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
For the current week , compiled from the Cosmopolitan Jlasonic Calendar ( G-. KENNING , London ) . This table is correct as to days of meeting named in the respective Warrants or Charters . In some instances , however , the Lodges , & c , may be out of session , and further enquiry may be necessary to prevent disappointment .
ABBREVIATIONS . Lo ., Lodges ; R . A . C , Chapters ; Mk ., Mark Lodges ; R . Cr ., Rose Croix Chapters ; R . X ., Red Cross Conclaves ; F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall , London ; F . M . T ., Freemasons' Tavern , London ; M . C , Masonic Club ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . R ., Masonic Rooms ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; P . R ., Private Rooms ; Hot , Hotel ; Tav ., Tavern ; C . H ., Coffee House ; To . Ha ., Town Hall ; Rt ., Restaurant .
KobpzJStonpnlttananb ( Kljaptos . ' ¦ ' All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Regulations .
T „! ?„ . SAME OF LODGE AXI > CII AI ' TF . H . PLACE OF MKETIXC . IjOilgO , THIS DAY ( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , OCTOBER 11 th . 20 G Friendship Ship ami Turtle , E . C . 23 S Pilgrim f German ) FMI I
... « G 0 Dalhonsie Andcrton's Hot ., E . G . S 7 D Sonthwark Bridge lionise Hotel , London Bdg ., S . E . 107 G Capper Guildhall Tavern , Gresham Street 121 G Alacdonald at 0 . 15 ... 1 st Surrey Riiics , Camhcrwoll 1171 Islington Cock Tav ., Highbury , X . 1558 Duke of Connaught Surrey AL IT ., Cainberwell 1508 Levspring Andcrton ' s Hotel , E . G . 1590 Skelmersdalc M . II . Masons' AvenueE . C .
, . 17 US Plncknett Baldfaeed Stag , East Finehlcy 1791 Crouton V . AL H . 1804 Coborn Vestry Hall , Bow 19 S 7 Shand Criterion , Piccadilly Soon Hammersmith Vestry Hall , Hammersmith R . A . C . 7 ; i Mount Lebanon Bridge House Hotel , London Bdg ., S . E . MO StGeorge Trafalgar HotelGreenwich
. , 452 Frederick of Unity M . II ., Croydon Girt Bcadon ... . ' . M . II ., Masons' Avenue , E . C . K 13 New Concord Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 1383 Friends-iii-Council 33 , Golden Square , W . 1710 All Saints Vestry Hall , Fairlleld Road , Bow Mark . Sii . Samson and Linn M . If ., Masons' Avenue , E . C .
( 2 nd ) FRIDAY , OCTOBER 12 th . 157 Bedford F . M . If . 177 Dom . itic Andcrton ' s Hotel , E . C . 1201 Kelectrie . F . M . H . 1559 New Cross i Ship Hot ., Greenwich R . A . C . ! 33 Brittannic F . M . H . 5 G 9 Fitzroy j Hon . Artillery CoHdQrsCity Road
. . ., Mark . I Ml Grosvenor ; Cafe Royal , Regent Street ( 2 nd ) SATURDAY , OCTOBER , 13 th . 1120 The Great City Cannon Street Hotel 1 C 07 Loyalty Loudon Tavern , Fenchureh Street 1037 Unity Railway Hot ., Harrow Station ¦ 1 G 71 Aflzpah Ylbkm Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street
1 GK 5 Cnelph Town Hull , Leyton 1743 1 ' ersevcranco Anilorlou ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 1839 Duke of Cornwall I '' . . VI . If . 19 « 4 Clcrkenwell Holhorn Viaduct Hotel R . A . C . 1297 West Kenti Thicket Hotel , Ancrley . 1397 Anerley Ditto ( 3 rd ) MONDAY , OCTOBER l ., th .
21 j Emulation Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street 185 Tranquility Guildhall Tav ., Grcsham Street 720 I'anmure Balhani Hot ., Balhain 8 G : > AVhiitinglon F . M . II . 901 Citv of London Guildhall Tavern 907 Royal Albert F . M . If . 1537 St . Peter , Westminster Criterion Piccadilly 1 G 57 Aldor-gale Albion TavAldcrsgate Street
. ., . , E . C , 1728 Temple Bar Andcrton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street R . A . C . 1319 Asaph F . M . H . Marie . 173 Temple Green Dragon , stepney
30 United Mariners Guildhall Tav ., E . C ' . 73 Mount Lebanon Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge 95 Eastern Star Ship and Turtle , E . C . 205 Harmony Grcvhound , Richmond 435 Salisbury F . M . II . 1339 Stockwell Surrey M . II ., Camberwell M 20 Karl Spencer Craven Hot ., Lavender Hill , S . AV . IG 95 Xew Finsbury Park Cock Tav ., Highbury , X .
2021 Queen ' s Westminster 8 a , Red Lion Square , W . C . ( ' !) 20-15 Wharton Willesden , Aliddx . d ) 2140 Surbiton M . H .. Surbiton , S . W . 2191 Anglo-American Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . R . A . C . 11 Enoch KM . H . 19 Mount Sinai Andcrton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 180 Industry KM . II .
( 3 rd ) WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 17 th . 140 St . George ' s ' Trafalgar Hot ., Greenwich 174 Sinccriry Guildhall Tav .. E . C . til !) Beadon Greyhound Hot ., Dnlwieh 1044 Wandsworth Town Hall , Wandsworth 1150 Buckingham and Chandos ... F . M . H .
13 S 2 Corinthian j George Hot ., Cubitt Town , E . 1507 Metropolitan Andcrton ' s Hotel . Fleet Street 1024 Kecle .-ton Criterion , Piccadilly 1077 Crusaders ; Holhorn Viaduct Hot . 1710 All Saints Town Hall , Poplar R . A . C . 141 Faith ' Andcrton ' s Hotel . Fleet Street 192 Lion and Lamb Cannon Street Hotel
( 3 rd ) THURSDAY , OCTOBER 18 th . HOUSE . COAIAUTTEK , GIRLS' SCHOOL , AT 4 . 30 . 19 : Gihon Guildhall Tav ., Gresliam Street 55 Constitutional | Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 109 Temperance : White Swan Hot ., High St ., Deptford 179 Manchester ' Andcrton ' s HotelFleet Street
, 181 Universal j F . Af . II . 733 AVcstbiiurne Lords'Hotel , St . John ' s AVood 813 Xew Concord ; Guildhall Tav .. E . C . 1139 South Norwood Public Hall , So . Norwood 1287 Great Northern > F . AL H . 1320 Blackhcath ! Trafalgar Hot ., Greenwich 1175 Peekham | Surrey Al . II ., Camberwell lO'lii | Cripplcgate I AJbiori Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street 10 'Sl Londcsboro 8 Air Street Street
' , . Regent , \ V 1 19 ( 11 j Sehvyn j East lliilwich Hot ., East Diilwich Jt . A . C .. | j 79 ; Pythagorean I Ship Hot ., Greenwich 217 j Stability ; Andcrton ' s Hotel , E . C . Mark . I j ! \ Vw \ Accord | Sa , Red Lion Square , W . C . X . B . — 117 ; will ins-it hours of meeting of London , . Lodqes , if summonses are sent to us in sufficient time . —ED . M . S .