Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article The Masonic "Poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1 Article THE QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION OF THE UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article We Notify that:- Page 1 of 1 Article Press Exchanges and Books Received. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Col . A . Thrale Perkins , Somerset ; Alderman Harwood , East Lancashire ; J . S . Eastes , Kent ; Gerard Ford . Sussex ; J . E . Le Feuvre , Hants ; A . C . Spaull . Salop ; T . Bodenham , Staffordshire ; R . Wylie , \ V . Lancashire ; and Edward Tony , Grand Treasurer , be invited to act as a Provisional Committee to manage the affairs of the Institution , and be requested to report to a future Court the
best and most effective mode of carrying out the recommendations in the Report which the brethren had unanimously adopted . " Bro . W . F . Smithson having seconded this resolution , and Bro . Philbrick . setting aside his own personal feelings , having assented thereto , the resolution was put and carried unanimously . This would at once have terminated the meeting , but an attempt on the
part of Bro . Ilaynham Stewart to speak in favour of the late House Committee , raised such an amount of disorder as precluded the customary vote of thanks to the chairman . —neverbetter deserved by any brother than on this ocsasion , —from being heard and responded to as it oth rwise would most assuredly have been but for such ill-judged ami ill-timed proceeding .
The Masonic "Poet's Corner."
The Masonic "Poet's Corner . "
( Original and Selected . ' ) IN THE HEART OF A MASON'S LODGE .
BY BRO . JOHN FAWCETT SKELTON , P . M . 11 G , P . Z . Tunc— - On Board of a Man-of-War . " ( Old Sea-song , 1710 ) . Around the " festive board , " we sit all at our ease , And , keeping all Masonic , we do whate ' er we please ; The Graces all are there , with love upon the square ,
In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge . Chorus—In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge , In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge , The Graces all are there , with love upon the square , In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge .
Ihe symbols of the Craft , in beauty hang around ; There ' s food for deep reflection on the tesselated ground , The faces on the wall , only happy days recall , In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge . Chorus—In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge ,
The faces on the wall , etc . We sing a merry song—smoke the calumet of peace , " And gaily chat together in our cabinet of bliss ; Each brother doeB his best to entertain the rest , In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge . Chorus—In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge , Each brother does his best , & c .
] So angry look is seen , each face is bright and gay , And ev ' ry risky topic of debate is put away ; We keep the jubilee of the jolly " Fourth Degree , " In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge .
Chorus—In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge , AVe keep the jubilee , ki . Our troubles in the world stop at the mystic door , And nothing inharmonious may pass the threshhold o ' er ,
For sorrow , grief , and care , never sit upon the square , In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge . Chorus—In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge , For sorrow , grief , and care , k ; .
May the canker-worm of strife ne ' er enter to destroy , The glowing fruits of Masonry , its beauty and its joy ; Let love and honour dwell , with charity , as well , In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge . Chorus—In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge , Lot love and honour dwell , kc .
[ Tlis mu-ilc to the al )< n-e BOIIJJ i . s foiml in No . 2 G of tho "Sixpenny Musical Library , " F . Pitman , * J , Paternoster Row , E . G . ] Written for the MASONIC STAII ; may he reproduced " icilli credit . "
The sublime tjachings of Masonry are not simply our idealization , but a realization , and it is the ambition of every true Mason so to live that his brother man may see in him a living witness to this one great Masonic truth : the greatest possible usefulness is the highest law of Masonic life . No man is worthy of its name who is content to absorb it-3 sunshine and yet shed no ray of light or warmth upon his fellow man . —Hugh M . Curdy , in Voice if Masonry .
THE mass of Masons , especially the youmrcr brethren , seem to look upon the Master as a sore of presiding officer , without any partieila : powers or prerogatives , but the truth is that he possesses almost absolute authority over the brethren within the jurisdiction of his lodge . Of course this power is at the present time co . ifiue 1 to things Masonic , it being the modification of the almost unlimited powers of Masters in past years , while wc were Operative Masons . — I ' nice of Masonry .
He who thinks that he has accomplished all there is to be learned in the eatire field of intellectual and moral teaching of Freemasonry deceives himsolf . The V > est educated among us has gained but a superficial view , while he who has learned the simplest lessons taught by the tenacity of the acacia , has linked his soul to the
Infinite and built a temple therein whose corner stone is taken from the quarries of eternal truth , and whose timbers are stronger than the cedars of Lebanon . Masonry is tine religion of education under forma and ceremonies . It pays homage to no other system , and because of its independence it has life . — Grand Master of West Virginia , U . S . A .
The Quarterly Communication Of The United Grand Lodge Of England.
The Grand Lodge met for tho June Communication on tho 6 'th inst .. under the presidency of the R . AV . Bro . AV . AV . B . Beach , M . P ., Prov . CM . for Hants and Isle of Wight , in tho unavoidable absence of the Pro . Grand Master the Rt . Hon . tho Earl of Carnarvon . R . AV . Bro . Sir Francis Burde . it , Burt .. Pro . G . M . fur Middlesex , oinciivted as D . G . M .. and R . AV . Bro ' . IIu » h D . Sandoman . Past Dist . G . M . of
Bengal , as P . G . M . there was a larg j attendance of other past and present Grand Officers and other members of the Craft . The acting Grand Master explained the cause of absence of the Pro . Grand Master , and the minutes of former mci ti igs were read . A Commtmicition from the M . W . Grand Master submitting and recommending an application from "The United Grand Lodge of Victoria "
for recognition was made , and it ap ] etring that out of a total of 142 lodges , belonging to various jurisdictions in that Colony , only two had not joined the new Grand Lodge , the request was granted with tho distinct understanding that the said two lodges continuing to desire to belong to the Grand Lodge of England , should , nevertheless be acknowledged and recognised by the new body . \ V . Bro .
Philbrick supported the application , wishing the new Grand Lodge every masonic success , and the motion was carried amidst applause . It was then announced that His Royal Highness the M . AA . Grand Master had , subject to tho recognition which had just been made , acceded to the request of the Grand Lodge of Victoria that he should become their Patron . This was also received with
expressions of satisfaction . AY . Bro . Thomas Fenn , President of the Board of General Purposes , was re-invested en rc-appointment The Colonial Board were nominated and elected as follows : —by tho M . AV . G . M ., Bros . Lieut .-Col . Harding , Chairman ; Hugh D . Sandoman and Brackstone Baker , members ; and by Grand Lodge . Bros . Col . Frederick Gadsden ( Madras ) , P . M . -134 ; Capt . Thomas Charles
AValls , AV . M . lli . jii ; James Brett . P . M . 177 ; Reginald St . A . Roumieu , P . M . 15 .-J 7 ; Albert Escott . P . M . 153 !); John Spekht Cumberland , P . M . 2 I 2 S ; and Lennox Browne , AV . M . 225 < i . The following were declared duly elected on the Committee of Management for the Royal Benevolent Institution : —Bros . C . A . Cottebrunc , P . M . 733 ; Hugh Cotter . P . M . 554 ; J . E . Dawson , P . M .,
104 ; C . G . Dillev . P . M . J 155 ; Major A . Durrant , P . M . 5 G 9 ; C . Kcmpton , P . M . 12 S 7 ; A . II . Tattershall , P . M . 11 ( 1 ; I . Dixon , P . M . 15 ( 57 : R . Griggs . P . M . 22 S ; and Win . Henry Hubbert , P . M . 1 ( 525 and tho Grand Master appointed the following brethren on the same Committee : —Bros . Col . Shadwell II . Gierke , Jabez Hogg . Robert Turtle Pigott , D . C . L . ; Deii .-Insp .-Gen . Thomas Purchas , M . D ., R . N .:
Frederick Mead , Thomas George Bullen , James Brett , Henry Garrod ; William Henry Perryman , and David Dixon Mercer . The report of the Board of Benevolence was received and the whole of the grants specified in 1 ho Agenda ( see page ]!) 5 ) , and amounting to . C 810 . were confirmed . The report of the Board of General Purposes was received and adopted , and a grant of ; C 70
from its funds for the supply of coals to the inmates of the institution at Croydon during the winter season , was agreed to . Grand Lodge was then closed in form , and subsequently tho result of the ballot for members of the Board of General Purposes was declared . The successful candidates were—Bros . T . Hastings Miller , AV . M .
211 ) 2 ; Lennox Browne . AV . M . 2256 ' ; AV . A . Scurrah , AV . M . JG 7 ; Capt . T . C . Walls , AV . M . l « 5 ( i ; E . C . Mulvey , AV . M . 171 ) : Gordon Smith , AA . M . M ; J . L . Alex . Momkton , M . A ., AV . M . 11 ) 7 ; George Gardner , AV . M . 23 ( 10 ; F . E . Pocock . M . D .. P . M . lS ' . ll ; Joseph D . Langton , P . M . 20 % ; George Read . P . M . 511 ; Tom Drew Bear , P . M . 1584 ; William G . Lemon . P . M . 1 (! 5 ; and Henry Pritchard , P . M . 1415 .
We Notify That:-
We Notify that:-
THE Wot D FUND . Our brother , ' The Druid , " havirg severed his connection with the MAS NIC STA " , has handed over t- > us his collection to this fund . If any other bie-hren are anxious or des ' rous of subscribing , and will send on their amounts to us , we will acknowledge and pay same to the General Committee on July 1 st next . —THE EDI i on .
The Election Meeting of the Lebanon Lodge No . 132 (> , AV . Bro . E . A . Smith , W . M ., will le held at the Railway Hotel , Feltham , Middx ., on Saturday next , a ^ 3 p . m . There are four candidates for Initiation , and also work in the Second degree . The Chapter attached to this Lodge holds its next convocation at the "Red Lion " Hotel , Hampton , on Saturday , ( ith July .
The twenty first anniversary meeting of tho Mark Benevolent Fund will be held on the 24 tin July , under the distinguished Presidency of the It . AV . Bro . Sir Lionel Edward Darell , Bart ., Grand Junior Warden of Mark Master Masons for the present year . Bro . C . F . Matier . P . G . W ., secretary to the fund , will receive the names of brjth-en willing to act as Stewards on tint occasion .
The election meeting of the Royal Alfred Aged Merchant Seamen ' s Institution , of which H . R . H . the Duke of Edinburgh , K . G ., K . T ., ( cc , is patron , and AV . Bro . AV . H . Saunders , P . M ., Secretary , and in which a large number of members of the Craft are interested , will take place at Cannon Street Hotel , London , on
Saturday next , the 15 th inst . There are so many as 237 applicants for 25 vacancies in this noble Institution , which merits the general support of the British public , and more especially of that portion more immediately connected with our commercial ports and seaboard towns .
The fifti 2 th Anniversary of the Consecration of Sutherland Lodge of Unity , No . 4 ( i 0 . will be commemorated by a banquet at the Town Hall , Newcastle-under Lyme , on the 2 ( ith July .
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
Press Exchanges and Books Received .
The Australian , Key-done ; Society ; Voice of Masonry , Chicago , for June ; Masinic Review , Cincinnatti , for May .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Col . A . Thrale Perkins , Somerset ; Alderman Harwood , East Lancashire ; J . S . Eastes , Kent ; Gerard Ford . Sussex ; J . E . Le Feuvre , Hants ; A . C . Spaull . Salop ; T . Bodenham , Staffordshire ; R . Wylie , \ V . Lancashire ; and Edward Tony , Grand Treasurer , be invited to act as a Provisional Committee to manage the affairs of the Institution , and be requested to report to a future Court the
best and most effective mode of carrying out the recommendations in the Report which the brethren had unanimously adopted . " Bro . W . F . Smithson having seconded this resolution , and Bro . Philbrick . setting aside his own personal feelings , having assented thereto , the resolution was put and carried unanimously . This would at once have terminated the meeting , but an attempt on the
part of Bro . Ilaynham Stewart to speak in favour of the late House Committee , raised such an amount of disorder as precluded the customary vote of thanks to the chairman . —neverbetter deserved by any brother than on this ocsasion , —from being heard and responded to as it oth rwise would most assuredly have been but for such ill-judged ami ill-timed proceeding .
The Masonic "Poet's Corner."
The Masonic "Poet's Corner . "
( Original and Selected . ' ) IN THE HEART OF A MASON'S LODGE .
BY BRO . JOHN FAWCETT SKELTON , P . M . 11 G , P . Z . Tunc— - On Board of a Man-of-War . " ( Old Sea-song , 1710 ) . Around the " festive board , " we sit all at our ease , And , keeping all Masonic , we do whate ' er we please ; The Graces all are there , with love upon the square ,
In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge . Chorus—In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge , In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge , The Graces all are there , with love upon the square , In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge .
Ihe symbols of the Craft , in beauty hang around ; There ' s food for deep reflection on the tesselated ground , The faces on the wall , only happy days recall , In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge . Chorus—In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge ,
The faces on the wall , etc . We sing a merry song—smoke the calumet of peace , " And gaily chat together in our cabinet of bliss ; Each brother doeB his best to entertain the rest , In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge . Chorus—In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge , Each brother does his best , & c .
] So angry look is seen , each face is bright and gay , And ev ' ry risky topic of debate is put away ; We keep the jubilee of the jolly " Fourth Degree , " In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge .
Chorus—In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge , AVe keep the jubilee , ki . Our troubles in the world stop at the mystic door , And nothing inharmonious may pass the threshhold o ' er ,
For sorrow , grief , and care , never sit upon the square , In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge . Chorus—In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge , For sorrow , grief , and care , k ; .
May the canker-worm of strife ne ' er enter to destroy , The glowing fruits of Masonry , its beauty and its joy ; Let love and honour dwell , with charity , as well , In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge . Chorus—In the heart of a Mason ' s lodge , Lot love and honour dwell , kc .
[ Tlis mu-ilc to the al )< n-e BOIIJJ i . s foiml in No . 2 G of tho "Sixpenny Musical Library , " F . Pitman , * J , Paternoster Row , E . G . ] Written for the MASONIC STAII ; may he reproduced " icilli credit . "
The sublime tjachings of Masonry are not simply our idealization , but a realization , and it is the ambition of every true Mason so to live that his brother man may see in him a living witness to this one great Masonic truth : the greatest possible usefulness is the highest law of Masonic life . No man is worthy of its name who is content to absorb it-3 sunshine and yet shed no ray of light or warmth upon his fellow man . —Hugh M . Curdy , in Voice if Masonry .
THE mass of Masons , especially the youmrcr brethren , seem to look upon the Master as a sore of presiding officer , without any partieila : powers or prerogatives , but the truth is that he possesses almost absolute authority over the brethren within the jurisdiction of his lodge . Of course this power is at the present time co . ifiue 1 to things Masonic , it being the modification of the almost unlimited powers of Masters in past years , while wc were Operative Masons . — I ' nice of Masonry .
He who thinks that he has accomplished all there is to be learned in the eatire field of intellectual and moral teaching of Freemasonry deceives himsolf . The V > est educated among us has gained but a superficial view , while he who has learned the simplest lessons taught by the tenacity of the acacia , has linked his soul to the
Infinite and built a temple therein whose corner stone is taken from the quarries of eternal truth , and whose timbers are stronger than the cedars of Lebanon . Masonry is tine religion of education under forma and ceremonies . It pays homage to no other system , and because of its independence it has life . — Grand Master of West Virginia , U . S . A .
The Quarterly Communication Of The United Grand Lodge Of England.
The Grand Lodge met for tho June Communication on tho 6 'th inst .. under the presidency of the R . AV . Bro . AV . AV . B . Beach , M . P ., Prov . CM . for Hants and Isle of Wight , in tho unavoidable absence of the Pro . Grand Master the Rt . Hon . tho Earl of Carnarvon . R . AV . Bro . Sir Francis Burde . it , Burt .. Pro . G . M . fur Middlesex , oinciivted as D . G . M .. and R . AV . Bro ' . IIu » h D . Sandoman . Past Dist . G . M . of
Bengal , as P . G . M . there was a larg j attendance of other past and present Grand Officers and other members of the Craft . The acting Grand Master explained the cause of absence of the Pro . Grand Master , and the minutes of former mci ti igs were read . A Commtmicition from the M . W . Grand Master submitting and recommending an application from "The United Grand Lodge of Victoria "
for recognition was made , and it ap ] etring that out of a total of 142 lodges , belonging to various jurisdictions in that Colony , only two had not joined the new Grand Lodge , the request was granted with tho distinct understanding that the said two lodges continuing to desire to belong to the Grand Lodge of England , should , nevertheless be acknowledged and recognised by the new body . \ V . Bro .
Philbrick supported the application , wishing the new Grand Lodge every masonic success , and the motion was carried amidst applause . It was then announced that His Royal Highness the M . AA . Grand Master had , subject to tho recognition which had just been made , acceded to the request of the Grand Lodge of Victoria that he should become their Patron . This was also received with
expressions of satisfaction . AY . Bro . Thomas Fenn , President of the Board of General Purposes , was re-invested en rc-appointment The Colonial Board were nominated and elected as follows : —by tho M . AV . G . M ., Bros . Lieut .-Col . Harding , Chairman ; Hugh D . Sandoman and Brackstone Baker , members ; and by Grand Lodge . Bros . Col . Frederick Gadsden ( Madras ) , P . M . -134 ; Capt . Thomas Charles
AValls , AV . M . lli . jii ; James Brett . P . M . 177 ; Reginald St . A . Roumieu , P . M . 15 .-J 7 ; Albert Escott . P . M . 153 !); John Spekht Cumberland , P . M . 2 I 2 S ; and Lennox Browne , AV . M . 225 < i . The following were declared duly elected on the Committee of Management for the Royal Benevolent Institution : —Bros . C . A . Cottebrunc , P . M . 733 ; Hugh Cotter . P . M . 554 ; J . E . Dawson , P . M .,
104 ; C . G . Dillev . P . M . J 155 ; Major A . Durrant , P . M . 5 G 9 ; C . Kcmpton , P . M . 12 S 7 ; A . II . Tattershall , P . M . 11 ( 1 ; I . Dixon , P . M . 15 ( 57 : R . Griggs . P . M . 22 S ; and Win . Henry Hubbert , P . M . 1 ( 525 and tho Grand Master appointed the following brethren on the same Committee : —Bros . Col . Shadwell II . Gierke , Jabez Hogg . Robert Turtle Pigott , D . C . L . ; Deii .-Insp .-Gen . Thomas Purchas , M . D ., R . N .:
Frederick Mead , Thomas George Bullen , James Brett , Henry Garrod ; William Henry Perryman , and David Dixon Mercer . The report of the Board of Benevolence was received and the whole of the grants specified in 1 ho Agenda ( see page ]!) 5 ) , and amounting to . C 810 . were confirmed . The report of the Board of General Purposes was received and adopted , and a grant of ; C 70
from its funds for the supply of coals to the inmates of the institution at Croydon during the winter season , was agreed to . Grand Lodge was then closed in form , and subsequently tho result of the ballot for members of the Board of General Purposes was declared . The successful candidates were—Bros . T . Hastings Miller , AV . M .
211 ) 2 ; Lennox Browne . AV . M . 2256 ' ; AV . A . Scurrah , AV . M . JG 7 ; Capt . T . C . Walls , AV . M . l « 5 ( i ; E . C . Mulvey , AV . M . 171 ) : Gordon Smith , AA . M . M ; J . L . Alex . Momkton , M . A ., AV . M . 11 ) 7 ; George Gardner , AV . M . 23 ( 10 ; F . E . Pocock . M . D .. P . M . lS ' . ll ; Joseph D . Langton , P . M . 20 % ; George Read . P . M . 511 ; Tom Drew Bear , P . M . 1584 ; William G . Lemon . P . M . 1 (! 5 ; and Henry Pritchard , P . M . 1415 .
We Notify That:-
We Notify that:-
THE Wot D FUND . Our brother , ' The Druid , " havirg severed his connection with the MAS NIC STA " , has handed over t- > us his collection to this fund . If any other bie-hren are anxious or des ' rous of subscribing , and will send on their amounts to us , we will acknowledge and pay same to the General Committee on July 1 st next . —THE EDI i on .
The Election Meeting of the Lebanon Lodge No . 132 (> , AV . Bro . E . A . Smith , W . M ., will le held at the Railway Hotel , Feltham , Middx ., on Saturday next , a ^ 3 p . m . There are four candidates for Initiation , and also work in the Second degree . The Chapter attached to this Lodge holds its next convocation at the "Red Lion " Hotel , Hampton , on Saturday , ( ith July .
The twenty first anniversary meeting of tho Mark Benevolent Fund will be held on the 24 tin July , under the distinguished Presidency of the It . AV . Bro . Sir Lionel Edward Darell , Bart ., Grand Junior Warden of Mark Master Masons for the present year . Bro . C . F . Matier . P . G . W ., secretary to the fund , will receive the names of brjth-en willing to act as Stewards on tint occasion .
The election meeting of the Royal Alfred Aged Merchant Seamen ' s Institution , of which H . R . H . the Duke of Edinburgh , K . G ., K . T ., ( cc , is patron , and AV . Bro . AV . H . Saunders , P . M ., Secretary , and in which a large number of members of the Craft are interested , will take place at Cannon Street Hotel , London , on
Saturday next , the 15 th inst . There are so many as 237 applicants for 25 vacancies in this noble Institution , which merits the general support of the British public , and more especially of that portion more immediately connected with our commercial ports and seaboard towns .
The fifti 2 th Anniversary of the Consecration of Sutherland Lodge of Unity , No . 4 ( i 0 . will be commemorated by a banquet at the Town Hall , Newcastle-under Lyme , on the 2 ( ith July .
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
Press Exchanges and Books Received .
The Australian , Key-done ; Society ; Voice of Masonry , Chicago , for June ; Masinic Review , Cincinnatti , for May .