Article HIGH TWELVE. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article CRAFT LODGE MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF A MARK MASTER. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
High Twelve.
" Cease labour and go to refreshment . "
f-. The glorious sun has attained its meridian lustre in the South , and declares the hour of high , twelve . The Junior Warden ' s column assumes the . perpendicular , to continue in that position , only ir / iilst labour is suspciuleil , for tlie purposes of refreshment , and to be lowered at all other times . The . plumb ride rests against the rough , and imperfect material to await the return , of the workmen to their several tasks .
The following brethren have agreed to act on the Committee of Inquiry into the discipline , expenditure and administration of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , under the presidency of the V . W ., Bro . Frederick A . Philbrick , Q . C .. Grand Registrar , viz . : — Bro . John Derby Alleroft , Patron of the Institution ; Sir Reginald
Hanson , Bart ., Vice-President ; and Samuel Pope , Q . C ., Vice-Patron as representing London ; and John C . Malcolm , of Leeds , Life Governor ; Lieut .-Col . A . Thrale Perkins , Wells , Life Governor ; and Robert Wylie , Liverpool . Life Governor , as representing AVest
Yorkshire , Somersetshire , and AVest Lancashire respectively , and the Provinces generally . The Committee is to meet at the end of October , or early in November , and notice will be pre \ iously given of the date when determined .
The St . Martins Lodge , No . 510 , Liskeard . Cornwall , has during the past year donated to the three Masonic Institutions ten guineas each , with an additional ten guineas to the Girls' School . It has also subscribed £ 8 to the Local Annuity and Education Fund . The Royal Arch Chapter has given ten guineas each to the Schools .
Bros . Glencross , Courtney , Nettle , Stanton , and Harris have become life subscribers to one or other of the institutions , thus making a grand total of over one hundred guineas in a Lodge of some fifty members , a very good example of the practical discharge of the Grand Principles , Benevolence and Relief , which each and all of our Lodges should endeavour to emulate .
Bro . Baron Henry de AA orms , M . P ., will be sworn a member of the Privy Council , in recognition of his services in connection with the International Conference on the Sugar Bounties . SJt * * A * ^ Ji * w w Last evening , the 12 th inst ., the Kingston Lodge , No . 1010 , were to assemble for the first time in the new premises , above the
Lecture Hall , Kingston Square . This particular portion of the Old Protestant Hall has been leased for a term of years conjointly by the Kingston and the De la Pole ( 1605 ) Lodges , and will in future be the house of the brethren of both bodies . The new premises will not be consecrated till the latter part of September , when it is
expected that Bro . the Earl of Zetland , Provincial Grand Master N . and E . Yorkshire , will be present to perform the ceremony ; meanwhile , his lordship has granted a dispensation to the two lodges to enable them to meet in the new premises . The whole of the alterations have been carried out under the superintendence of Bro . B . S . Jacobs , architect , a Past Master of the Kingston Lodge .
The installation of Comp . the Rev . C . AV . Spencer-Stanhope , M . A ., as Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch Masons for Cheshire , has been arranged to take place at a Provincial Grand Chapter which will he held at the Crewe Arms Hotel , CreAve , on Thursday , the 27 th instant .
Bro . James Terry , Past G . S . B ., and Secretary of the Roj r al Masonic Benevolent Institution , Avill rehearse the ceremonies of consecration and installation at the Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction , No . 1298 , at the Builders' Arms , St . Paul ' s Road . Canonbury , N ., on
Friday , the 21 st inst ., at 7 p . m . Bro . H . Hill , P . M ., 1305 , will act as Director of the Ceremonies , and the musical arrangements will be under the direction of Bro . T . Cull . P . M . 1440 , Preceptor . Bro . E . AVareham , Secretary , 12 , Ashmount Road , Hornsey Lane , N ., will supply further particulars , if required by intending visitors .
The first meeting of a neAv Masonic Benevolent Association for the purpose of providing Life Governorships in the several Benevolent Institutions of our Order was held , in connection with the Old England Lodge , No . 1790 , on the 4 th . inst . Its officers are—Bros . AV . Foulsham , P . M ., P . P . J . G . AV . Northumberland , President ; F . T .
Ridpath , AV . M ., P . G . Stwd . Surrey , A ^ ice-President ; II . M . Hobbs , I . P . M ., P . J . G . W . Surrey , Treas . ; and Jas . Buckley , Sec . The Committee consists of Bros . II . Baber , F . C . Pascall , and AV . II . Hanson . P . M . ' s ; all the officers of the lodge , and the folloAving brethren from other lodges : Bros . AV . Burn , S . D . 858 ; C . Cooke , J . D . 1851 ;
E . E . Cooper , P . M . 1191 . P . J . G . AV . Middx . ; C . Daniel . P . M . 05 ; AV . G . Fenn , S . AV . 538 ; AV . Fox Hawes , S . AV . 403 ; and II . C . A ickers . AV . M . 1032 . Two Life Governorships ( ten guineas each ) Avore ballotted for at this meeting . Future meetings will be held on the first
Tuesday of each month at the Greyhound Hotel , Croydon , at 9 p . m . Bro . James Buckley , Hon . Sec , Qucen ' s-road , Croydon , will give further information to all brethren AVIIO may be desirous of assisting our Institutions through subscriptions to this Association .
- / .- ¦»• . ft . . / ,- ; ; , ; The Election meeting of the RosslynLodge , No . l 543 . Bro . Edward Fiott Ferris , AV . M ., Bro . G . D . Clapham , P . M ., P . P . G . R . Essex ,
Secretary , Avill meet at the Saracen ' s Head Hotel . DUUUIOAV . on AVednesday , the 19 th inst .. at 0 . 30 . Subject to usual ballot , there are three initiations to be performed prior to the elections of AV . M ., ¦ Treasurer and Tyler .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
Our REPORTS AND INTELLIGENCE COLUMNS we purpose placing at the disposal of Secretaries and Members of Lodges who may be willing to assist our endeavours to spread information . We shall increase the number of our pages as may be found necessary to meet their requirements , but must respectfully request tlicm to condense , as much as they consistently can , the information they may be disposed to send us . —Address : Editor , THE MASONIC STAR , 38 , Bow Lane , London .
* * The list of Annual Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR has been opened most satisfactorily , and -we shall be pleased to hear from other Brethren willing to support us .
Craft Lodge Meetings.
PRUDENCE , 2009 , LEEDS . —On Saturday , 8 th mst ., AV . M . Bro . Tudor-Trevor . P . M ., received the AV . M's . of the seven other Leeds Lodges prior to his retirement from the chair next November . Bro . Pratt was passed to the Second Degree , Bro . Dimery , P . M .. of Lodge Eldon , Somerset , Avas admitted a joining member , and Messrs . E . Ellis and J . J . AVilkinson initiated into the Order . Past Master Bro . C . L . Mason , P . P . Gd . Ti \ , also delivered the
explanation of the Second Tracing Board Avith his usual carefulness and lucidity . There Avas a good attendance , and a A ery enjoyable evening was spent . At the next regular meeting the Lodge will be called upon to elect its AV . M . for the ensuing year , Avhen the suffrages of the brethren Avill no doubt fall upon the present S . AV ., Bro . William AVatson , P . M ., who has zealously and successfully initiated himself as the Charity Steward of the Lodge , and as the Librarian of the newly-established Masonic Library of the
province . THE PANMURE LODGE , No . 720 , Avill meet at the Balham Hotel . Balham , on Monday next , the 17 th inst ., at 5 p . m . Bro . Frederic Purkiss , AV . M . ; Bro . Thomas Poore , P . M ., Secretary . There are candidates for each of the degrees , and the Avorking of this
Lodge being generally acknowledged as perfect , members and A isitor . s may rely upon an interesting evening . But why '' Evening Dress I" Does it not frequently interfere with a full muster ? Business men cannot , as a rule , afford the time involved in the change necessary to comply with this request .
Consecration Of A Mark Master.
MASONS' LODGE AT LEAVES . 1 IH 11 SPECIAL meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark IfAll Master Masons of Sussex was held at the Masonic Hall , | ygs \ j Lewes , on the 5 th inst ., when the "Lewis" Mark Lodge , feggggj l No . 391 , was consecrated . The Lodge , in the absence of the R . AV . Bro . Lord Arthur Hill , M . P ., P . G . AV ., Prov . Grand Mark Master , Avas opened by the V . AV . Bro . C . J . Smith , Deputy Prov . Grand Mark Masterassisted by the following officers : Bros . R . Pidcock
, , Prov . G . S . AV . ; Rossiter , Prov . G . J . AA . ; R . Paige , Prov . G . M . O . ; S . Solomon , Prov . G . S . O . ; H . AV . G . Abell , Prov . G . J . O . ; AV . A . Tooth , Prov . G . Chaplain ; J . P . Slingsby Roberts , Prov . G . Registrar ; Seymour Burrows , Prov . G . Secretary ; C . A . Smith , Prov . G . S . D . ; G . Masters , Prov . G . J . D . ; J . Belcher , Prov . G . Sword B . ; J . C . Buckwell , Prov . G . Standard B . ; F . AV . Hailett , Prov . G . Organist ;
A . F . Lamette , Acting Prov . G . I . G . ; C . Golding , Prov . G . Steward ; and H . H . Hughes , Prov . G . Tyler . There Avere also present Bros . G . R . Lockyer , P . P . G . S . O . ; S . Peters , P . P . G . S . O . ; S . R . Legge , P . M . Royal Sussex 75 ; E . AVhittaker , P . M . 139 ; E . Histed , Steward Royal Sussex 75 ; T . AVickham , I . G . ScuthdoAvn 104 ; G . Farncombe , SouthdoAvn 104 ; G . Cole and S . Shrivell , Royal Sussex 75 . The f olloAving brethren were elected to the honourable degree of Mark Master
Masons , viz ., Bros . J . Adames , J . H . Every , AV . AV . Turner . G . Holman , AV . Wright and R . AVeston . The Consecrating Officer , the A . AV . Bro . C . J . Smith , Deputy Prov . G . Master , having addressed the founders of the new Lodge on the nature of the meeting , called upon the Prov . Grand Secretary , who stated the wishes of the founders , and the proceedings they had taken with respect to the Lodge . The Petition and AVarrant having been read and approved , the Deputy Prov . G . Master addressed the brethren . Three months , he said , had
scarcely passed by since they Avere called together to Henfield to consecrate the ' Adur " Lodge , and he trusted the foundation of the two Lodges Avould prove a hapjiy augury for Mark Masonry in Sussex . Although many previous years had been passed in comparative idleness , the seeds of Mark Masonry had been sown broadcast , and they were now reaping the harvest . During that long period many
good brethren had . been gathered to their rest—notably Sir Cordy Burrows , Dr . Cunningham , T . J . Sabine and George Smith . The gaps had happily been filled by young Masons of great ability , of Avhom they were all proud . He Avas personally grateful to Bros . II . W . G . Abell and A . F . Lamette for the interest they had taken in the neAv Lodge . The ceremony of consecration Avas ably
carried out by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Avhile the dutj r of installing the AV . M . elect devolved upon Bro . II . AV . G . Abell . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . F . II . Hailett , who presided at the organ . The following ollicers were elected for the ensuing year , viz .: R . Pidcock , S . AV . ; S . R . Legg . J . AV . ; S . Peters . M . O . ; J . Adames , S . O . ; J . II . Every , J . O . : Rev . AV . A . Tooth , Chaplain ; IT . AV . G . Abell , Treasurer ; AV . AVebb
Turner . Reg . of Marks ; G . Holman , Secretary ; AV . AVright . S . D ; A . F . Lamette , J . D . ; J . J . Abell , D . of C . ; R . AVeston , I . G . ; and II . H . iHughes , Tyler . The Lodge , having been duly closed , the brethren adjourned to the Bear Hotel , Avhere they sat down to an excellent banquet . The usual Masonic toasts were duly honoured and were pleasingly interspersed by songs rendered in charming style by Miss Minnie Freeman .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
High Twelve.
" Cease labour and go to refreshment . "
f-. The glorious sun has attained its meridian lustre in the South , and declares the hour of high , twelve . The Junior Warden ' s column assumes the . perpendicular , to continue in that position , only ir / iilst labour is suspciuleil , for tlie purposes of refreshment , and to be lowered at all other times . The . plumb ride rests against the rough , and imperfect material to await the return , of the workmen to their several tasks .
The following brethren have agreed to act on the Committee of Inquiry into the discipline , expenditure and administration of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , under the presidency of the V . W ., Bro . Frederick A . Philbrick , Q . C .. Grand Registrar , viz . : — Bro . John Derby Alleroft , Patron of the Institution ; Sir Reginald
Hanson , Bart ., Vice-President ; and Samuel Pope , Q . C ., Vice-Patron as representing London ; and John C . Malcolm , of Leeds , Life Governor ; Lieut .-Col . A . Thrale Perkins , Wells , Life Governor ; and Robert Wylie , Liverpool . Life Governor , as representing AVest
Yorkshire , Somersetshire , and AVest Lancashire respectively , and the Provinces generally . The Committee is to meet at the end of October , or early in November , and notice will be pre \ iously given of the date when determined .
The St . Martins Lodge , No . 510 , Liskeard . Cornwall , has during the past year donated to the three Masonic Institutions ten guineas each , with an additional ten guineas to the Girls' School . It has also subscribed £ 8 to the Local Annuity and Education Fund . The Royal Arch Chapter has given ten guineas each to the Schools .
Bros . Glencross , Courtney , Nettle , Stanton , and Harris have become life subscribers to one or other of the institutions , thus making a grand total of over one hundred guineas in a Lodge of some fifty members , a very good example of the practical discharge of the Grand Principles , Benevolence and Relief , which each and all of our Lodges should endeavour to emulate .
Bro . Baron Henry de AA orms , M . P ., will be sworn a member of the Privy Council , in recognition of his services in connection with the International Conference on the Sugar Bounties . SJt * * A * ^ Ji * w w Last evening , the 12 th inst ., the Kingston Lodge , No . 1010 , were to assemble for the first time in the new premises , above the
Lecture Hall , Kingston Square . This particular portion of the Old Protestant Hall has been leased for a term of years conjointly by the Kingston and the De la Pole ( 1605 ) Lodges , and will in future be the house of the brethren of both bodies . The new premises will not be consecrated till the latter part of September , when it is
expected that Bro . the Earl of Zetland , Provincial Grand Master N . and E . Yorkshire , will be present to perform the ceremony ; meanwhile , his lordship has granted a dispensation to the two lodges to enable them to meet in the new premises . The whole of the alterations have been carried out under the superintendence of Bro . B . S . Jacobs , architect , a Past Master of the Kingston Lodge .
The installation of Comp . the Rev . C . AV . Spencer-Stanhope , M . A ., as Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch Masons for Cheshire , has been arranged to take place at a Provincial Grand Chapter which will he held at the Crewe Arms Hotel , CreAve , on Thursday , the 27 th instant .
Bro . James Terry , Past G . S . B ., and Secretary of the Roj r al Masonic Benevolent Institution , Avill rehearse the ceremonies of consecration and installation at the Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction , No . 1298 , at the Builders' Arms , St . Paul ' s Road . Canonbury , N ., on
Friday , the 21 st inst ., at 7 p . m . Bro . H . Hill , P . M ., 1305 , will act as Director of the Ceremonies , and the musical arrangements will be under the direction of Bro . T . Cull . P . M . 1440 , Preceptor . Bro . E . AVareham , Secretary , 12 , Ashmount Road , Hornsey Lane , N ., will supply further particulars , if required by intending visitors .
The first meeting of a neAv Masonic Benevolent Association for the purpose of providing Life Governorships in the several Benevolent Institutions of our Order was held , in connection with the Old England Lodge , No . 1790 , on the 4 th . inst . Its officers are—Bros . AV . Foulsham , P . M ., P . P . J . G . AV . Northumberland , President ; F . T .
Ridpath , AV . M ., P . G . Stwd . Surrey , A ^ ice-President ; II . M . Hobbs , I . P . M ., P . J . G . W . Surrey , Treas . ; and Jas . Buckley , Sec . The Committee consists of Bros . II . Baber , F . C . Pascall , and AV . II . Hanson . P . M . ' s ; all the officers of the lodge , and the folloAving brethren from other lodges : Bros . AV . Burn , S . D . 858 ; C . Cooke , J . D . 1851 ;
E . E . Cooper , P . M . 1191 . P . J . G . AV . Middx . ; C . Daniel . P . M . 05 ; AV . G . Fenn , S . AV . 538 ; AV . Fox Hawes , S . AV . 403 ; and II . C . A ickers . AV . M . 1032 . Two Life Governorships ( ten guineas each ) Avore ballotted for at this meeting . Future meetings will be held on the first
Tuesday of each month at the Greyhound Hotel , Croydon , at 9 p . m . Bro . James Buckley , Hon . Sec , Qucen ' s-road , Croydon , will give further information to all brethren AVIIO may be desirous of assisting our Institutions through subscriptions to this Association .
- / .- ¦»• . ft . . / ,- ; ; , ; The Election meeting of the RosslynLodge , No . l 543 . Bro . Edward Fiott Ferris , AV . M ., Bro . G . D . Clapham , P . M ., P . P . G . R . Essex ,
Secretary , Avill meet at the Saracen ' s Head Hotel . DUUUIOAV . on AVednesday , the 19 th inst .. at 0 . 30 . Subject to usual ballot , there are three initiations to be performed prior to the elections of AV . M ., ¦ Treasurer and Tyler .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
Our REPORTS AND INTELLIGENCE COLUMNS we purpose placing at the disposal of Secretaries and Members of Lodges who may be willing to assist our endeavours to spread information . We shall increase the number of our pages as may be found necessary to meet their requirements , but must respectfully request tlicm to condense , as much as they consistently can , the information they may be disposed to send us . —Address : Editor , THE MASONIC STAR , 38 , Bow Lane , London .
* * The list of Annual Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR has been opened most satisfactorily , and -we shall be pleased to hear from other Brethren willing to support us .
Craft Lodge Meetings.
PRUDENCE , 2009 , LEEDS . —On Saturday , 8 th mst ., AV . M . Bro . Tudor-Trevor . P . M ., received the AV . M's . of the seven other Leeds Lodges prior to his retirement from the chair next November . Bro . Pratt was passed to the Second Degree , Bro . Dimery , P . M .. of Lodge Eldon , Somerset , Avas admitted a joining member , and Messrs . E . Ellis and J . J . AVilkinson initiated into the Order . Past Master Bro . C . L . Mason , P . P . Gd . Ti \ , also delivered the
explanation of the Second Tracing Board Avith his usual carefulness and lucidity . There Avas a good attendance , and a A ery enjoyable evening was spent . At the next regular meeting the Lodge will be called upon to elect its AV . M . for the ensuing year , Avhen the suffrages of the brethren Avill no doubt fall upon the present S . AV ., Bro . William AVatson , P . M ., who has zealously and successfully initiated himself as the Charity Steward of the Lodge , and as the Librarian of the newly-established Masonic Library of the
province . THE PANMURE LODGE , No . 720 , Avill meet at the Balham Hotel . Balham , on Monday next , the 17 th inst ., at 5 p . m . Bro . Frederic Purkiss , AV . M . ; Bro . Thomas Poore , P . M ., Secretary . There are candidates for each of the degrees , and the Avorking of this
Lodge being generally acknowledged as perfect , members and A isitor . s may rely upon an interesting evening . But why '' Evening Dress I" Does it not frequently interfere with a full muster ? Business men cannot , as a rule , afford the time involved in the change necessary to comply with this request .
Consecration Of A Mark Master.
MASONS' LODGE AT LEAVES . 1 IH 11 SPECIAL meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark IfAll Master Masons of Sussex was held at the Masonic Hall , | ygs \ j Lewes , on the 5 th inst ., when the "Lewis" Mark Lodge , feggggj l No . 391 , was consecrated . The Lodge , in the absence of the R . AV . Bro . Lord Arthur Hill , M . P ., P . G . AV ., Prov . Grand Mark Master , Avas opened by the V . AV . Bro . C . J . Smith , Deputy Prov . Grand Mark Masterassisted by the following officers : Bros . R . Pidcock
, , Prov . G . S . AV . ; Rossiter , Prov . G . J . AA . ; R . Paige , Prov . G . M . O . ; S . Solomon , Prov . G . S . O . ; H . AV . G . Abell , Prov . G . J . O . ; AV . A . Tooth , Prov . G . Chaplain ; J . P . Slingsby Roberts , Prov . G . Registrar ; Seymour Burrows , Prov . G . Secretary ; C . A . Smith , Prov . G . S . D . ; G . Masters , Prov . G . J . D . ; J . Belcher , Prov . G . Sword B . ; J . C . Buckwell , Prov . G . Standard B . ; F . AV . Hailett , Prov . G . Organist ;
A . F . Lamette , Acting Prov . G . I . G . ; C . Golding , Prov . G . Steward ; and H . H . Hughes , Prov . G . Tyler . There Avere also present Bros . G . R . Lockyer , P . P . G . S . O . ; S . Peters , P . P . G . S . O . ; S . R . Legge , P . M . Royal Sussex 75 ; E . AVhittaker , P . M . 139 ; E . Histed , Steward Royal Sussex 75 ; T . AVickham , I . G . ScuthdoAvn 104 ; G . Farncombe , SouthdoAvn 104 ; G . Cole and S . Shrivell , Royal Sussex 75 . The f olloAving brethren were elected to the honourable degree of Mark Master
Masons , viz ., Bros . J . Adames , J . H . Every , AV . AV . Turner . G . Holman , AV . Wright and R . AVeston . The Consecrating Officer , the A . AV . Bro . C . J . Smith , Deputy Prov . G . Master , having addressed the founders of the new Lodge on the nature of the meeting , called upon the Prov . Grand Secretary , who stated the wishes of the founders , and the proceedings they had taken with respect to the Lodge . The Petition and AVarrant having been read and approved , the Deputy Prov . G . Master addressed the brethren . Three months , he said , had
scarcely passed by since they Avere called together to Henfield to consecrate the ' Adur " Lodge , and he trusted the foundation of the two Lodges Avould prove a hapjiy augury for Mark Masonry in Sussex . Although many previous years had been passed in comparative idleness , the seeds of Mark Masonry had been sown broadcast , and they were now reaping the harvest . During that long period many
good brethren had . been gathered to their rest—notably Sir Cordy Burrows , Dr . Cunningham , T . J . Sabine and George Smith . The gaps had happily been filled by young Masons of great ability , of Avhom they were all proud . He Avas personally grateful to Bros . II . W . G . Abell and A . F . Lamette for the interest they had taken in the neAv Lodge . The ceremony of consecration Avas ably
carried out by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Avhile the dutj r of installing the AV . M . elect devolved upon Bro . II . AV . G . Abell . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . F . II . Hailett , who presided at the organ . The following ollicers were elected for the ensuing year , viz .: R . Pidcock , S . AV . ; S . R . Legg . J . AV . ; S . Peters . M . O . ; J . Adames , S . O . ; J . II . Every , J . O . : Rev . AV . A . Tooth , Chaplain ; IT . AV . G . Abell , Treasurer ; AV . AVebb
Turner . Reg . of Marks ; G . Holman , Secretary ; AV . AVright . S . D ; A . F . Lamette , J . D . ; J . J . Abell , D . of C . ; R . AVeston , I . G . ; and II . H . iHughes , Tyler . The Lodge , having been duly closed , the brethren adjourned to the Bear Hotel , Avhere they sat down to an excellent banquet . The usual Masonic toasts were duly honoured and were pleasingly interspersed by songs rendered in charming style by Miss Minnie Freeman .