Article CONSECRATION OF A MARK MASTER. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CONSECRATION OF A MARK MASTER. Page 2 of 2 Article Records of Masonic Services OF Provincial Grand Secretaries. Page 1 of 2 →
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Consecration Of A Mark Master.
JUSTICE LODGE—No . 147 . —On Thursday , at the BroAvn Bear , High Street . Deptford . Bros . Leng . AV . M . : Dandridge . S . AV . ; Penrose , J . AV . ; Speight , P . M .. Sec . ; Wilson , S . D . ; Emblin , J . D . ; Faulkner . I . G . ; Hutchings , P . M ., Preceptor ; and several others . The ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed . The Lodge Avas called off , and , on resuming , the Lodge was adA'anced to the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed in a very efficient manner . The Lodge Avas resumed to the First Degree and closed .
RANELAGH LODGE—No . 834 . —On Friday , 31 st ult ., at Six Bells Hotel , Queen Street . Hammersmith . Bros . G . E . Higginson AV . M . A . AVilliams . S . AV . ; P . J . Davies . J . AV . : J . Sims , Preceptor ; D . S . Long . Sec .: R . H . AVilliams , S . D . ; L . Cox . J . D . ; F . AV . AA oodard . I . G .: J . Collings . P . M .: G . Read , P . M . ; D . Stroud , P . M . : J . Pattison .
M . Rice , F . Craggs , J . Davies , AV . J . Coplestone , AV . AA . AVilliams and J . Cotton . The ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . J . Davies being the candidate . Lodge Avas opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony rehearsed . Bro . J . Collings gaA r e the explanation of the tracing board . Bro . A . AA illiams , S . AV ., Avas elected AA . M . for the next meeting , and the Lodge Avas closed .
ISLINGTON LODGE—No . 1471 . —On Tuesday , the 4 th inst .. at the Cock Tavern . Highbury . Bros . J . Da Silva , AV . M . : G . T . Chretien , S . AV . ; Kilsby . J . AV .: C . F . Hogard , P . G . Std . Br ., acting Preceptor ; C . M . Coxon , ' Sec . ; J . Petch . S . D . ; J . G . Cobb , I . G . ; Crick , and Scott . The Lodge Avas opened in the Third Degree , and the
ceremony of raising Avas rehearsed , Bro . Crick candidate . The AA . M ., Bro . Da Silva , Avas elected a member of the Lodge . Bro . Chretien Avas elected AA . M . for the ensuing meeting . A cordial vote of thanks Avas recorded on the minutes to the AV . M . for the exceedingly able manner in Avhich he had fulfilled the duties of the chair for first time in this Lodge . —A meeting of the Second Islington
Masonic Charities Association Avas then held . Avhen the subscriptions Avere received , and a ballot Avas taken for the 21 st Life Governorship secured through this Association .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE—No . 1614 . —On Thursday , the 30 th ult . at the Criteron , Piccadilly . S . AV ., Bros . E . C MulA-ey . W . M . ; J . B Graham , S . AV . ; G . C . Stafford , J . AV . ; S . Lichtenfeld , S . D . ; E . A Morrison , J . D . ; S . C . Fort . I . G . ; AV . Brindley , Preceptor ; R . J Harnell . Acting Sec . ; G . Read . F . M . Noakes . C . B . Shemmonds , G . S
Russell , R . E . Cursons , C . Lambert and A . Samuelli . The Preceptor worked the fourth Section of the Lecture . The AV . M . rehearsed the ceremony of Initiation . Bro . G . Read , candidate . The AV . M . rehearsed the Degree of F . C ., Bro . Lambert , candidate . Bro . J . D . Graham Avas elected AV . M . for the ensuing Aveek . The lodge Avas then closed .
UPTON—No . 1227 . —On Monday , 3 rd mst ., at the Three Nuns . Aldgate . Bros . C . Patrick . AV . M . ; J . Stroud , S . AV . ; C . J . Free . J . AV . Fenner , Preceptor : E . Hill , J . D . ; G . J . Bailey , I . G . ; C . Schmidt , Bruly , Christel , Reifenstein , and others . Bro . Patrick Avorked the
first section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The ceremony of Initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Schmidt candidate . Bro . Fenner Avorked the second , and Bro . Patrick the third sections of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Reinfenstein Avas elected a member . Bro . Stroud Avas elected AV . M . for the ensuing Aveek .
KENSINGTON LODGE—NO . 1767 . —On Tuesday , 4 th mst . at the Scaresdale Arms . Edwardes Square . Kensington , AA . —Bros . Sims . AV . M . ; Higginson , S . AV . ; P . J . Davies . J . AV . ; R . H . AVilliams , Treas . ; AV . C . AAflliams , Sec . ( pro tern . ); Danby , S . D . ; Cotton , J . D . ; Heath , I . G . ; Read , P . M . ; AVood , P . M . ; C . AVoods , Batts , Cory and AVyldes . Bro . StrucTwick . S . G . AA . ( S . C . ) Jamaica , was a visitor . The Lodge Avas
opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . R . H . AVilliams rehearsed part of the ceremony of installation , giving the customary addresses in a very impressive manner . The 1 st Section of the Second lecture was worked by the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . The 1 st and 2 nd Sections of the First Lecture Avere Avorked . Bro . StrudAvick Avas elected a joining member . Bro . Higginson Avas elected AA . M . for the next meeting , and the Lodge Avas then closed .
CREATON LODGE — No . 1791 . —On Thursday , 30 th ult ., at the AVheatsheaf Hotel . GoldhaAvk Road , Shepherd ' s Bush , AV .- —Bros . F . Hardinge , W . M . ; P . J . Davies , S . AV . ; G . Higginson , J . AV . ; J . Davies , Preceptor ; AV . H . Chalfont , P . M ., Sec . ; F . AV . AVoodard , S . D . ; Cotton , J . D . ; Stanley , I . G . ; A . Cavers , StAvd . ; J . Sims , P . M . ; T . AVood . P . M . ; Josey . P . M . ; F . Craggs , Arnott , AVhittell ,
L . Cox . T . Head . Stonnill , and F . AVest . Visitors : Bros . D . M . Davis , P . M ., 1017 ; Biek , 1320 : and Vallentine , P . M ., 1017 . The Lodge Avas opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . T . AVood candidate . The 1 st Section of the Second Lecture Avas Avorked by the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren .
The 2 nd Section of the First Lecture Avas Avorked by the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Vallentine , P . M ., 1017 ; D . Davis , P . M ., 1017 ; and Bick , 1320 , Avere elected joining members . Bro . P . J . Davies Avas elected AV . M . for the next meeting , and the Lodge Avas closed .
ST . AMBROSE LODGE—ISO . 1891 . — -On Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Baron ' s Court Hotel , AVest Kensington—Bros . Dresden , AV . M . ; S . Cochrane , P . M ., S . AV . ; James Sims . P . M ., J . AV . ; F . Craggs . See . ; Conway , S . D . ; P . Skar , J . D . ; J . Davies ! I . G . ; R . H . AVilliams , P . M . ; G . Read .
P . M . ; Jesse Collings , and others . The ceremony of installation Avas rehearsed by Bro . R . II . AVilliams . The Lodge Avas opened in the Third Degree , and resumed to the Second and First Degrees . Bro . S . Cochrane Avas elected AV . M . for the ensuing meeting . —The Fifteen Sections will be worked in this Lodge on Monday , the 24 th instant .
CHISAVICK LODGE—No . 2012 . —On Saturday , the 1 st inst ., at the AVindsor Castle Hotel , King Street , Hammersmith—Bros . D . S . Long , AV . M . ; J . H . AVood , P . M ., S . AV . ; J . Davies , J . AV . ; E . Ayling , Preceptor ; G . Gardner , Treas . ; A . AVilliams . Sec . ; Higginson , S . D . ; Cotton . J . D . ; C . Hopkins . I . G . ; J . Sims , P 3 L 834 ; F . Cochrane , P . M . ; D . Stroud , P . M . ; E . D . Aslete , J . Fox , G . AVebb and F . Craggs .
Consecration Of A Mark Master.
Lodge Avas opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising rehearsed , Bro . Fox being candidate . The AV . M . rendered the traditional history . The ceremony of passing Avas rehearsed , Bro . Cochrane , P . M ., candidate . Bro . A . AVilliams formally tendered his resignation of the office of Secretary of the Lodge , Avhich Avas accepted Avith deep regret .
QUEEN ' S AVESTMINSTER AND ST . MARYLEBONE LODGE—No . 2021 . —On Monday , the 3 rd inst .. at the Criterion , Piccadilly—Bros . G . GreenAvay . AV . M . ; R . E . Cursons . S . AV . ; E . H . Bellerby , J . AV . ; Shemmonds , S . D . ; J . S . Kingston . J . D . ; J . R . Harnell . I . G . ; C . P . Bellerby . Sec . ; T . C . Artand , J . RoAve . C . Reid . R . J . Harnell . AV .
Parker , C . Thompson , and Collings . The AV . M . Avorked the 1 st and 2 nd Sections of the Lecture . The AV . M . rehearsed the Degree of F . C ., Bro . G . Read candidate . Bro . Cursons worked the 1 st Section of the Lecture . Bro . R . E . Cursons Avas elected AV . M . for the ensuing Aveek . —The annual dinner will take place on MondaA r , the
1 st prox .. at the Criterion : Bro . AV . Cleghorn , P . M .. Preceptor , m
the chair . THE ABBEY ( AVESTMINSTER ) LODGE—No . 2030 . —On Friday , the 31 st ult ., at the King ' s Arms , Buckingham Palace Road , S . AV . — Bros . Saunders , AV . M .: Mann , S . AV . ; Stutfield , J . AV . ; Boulton , P . M ., Preceptor ; Gibson , P . M .. Treas . ; Coughlan . P . M ., Sec . ; Piper , S . D . ; Badderly . J . D . ; Mason . P . M ., I . G . ; Arnold , Blades , Dr . Harper , and
Chabot . The ceremony of initiation Avas reheased , Bro . Chabot candidate . The ceremony of passing Avas rehearsed , Bro . Blades being the candidate . Bro . Chabot , 2030 , Avas elected a joining member . A vote of thanks to the AV . M . Avas recorded in the minutes , for the very able and efficient manner in Avhich he had worked the ceremonies of initiation and passing .
LOUGHBOROUGH LODGE . —On Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Gauden Hotel , Clapham Road Station ( L . C . & D . R . )—Bros . Poole , AV . M . ; Russell . S . AV . ; Esling , J . AV . ; AVood , S . D . ; Taylor , J . D . ; Hill , I . G . ; Andrews , Sec . ; Folkard , King , Levett , Grover , Jones , CoAvland , Alexander , and Ruffles . The 1 st Section of the first
Lecture Avas Avorked by Bro . AndreAvs , assisted by the brethren . The ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed by the AV . M ., Bro . Levett as candidate . The 1 st Section of each Lecture in the Second and Third Degrees Avere Avorked by Bro . AndreAvs , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Russell , S . AV ., Avas elected AV . M . for the ensuing Aveek . The ballot for those members Avho have attended 15 times
during the raising of , C 5 5 s . Avill shortly be taken—to be devoted to one of the Charities . Members should therefore attend as often
as possible . COVENT GARDEN—No . 1614 . —On Thursday , September 6 th , at the Criterion . Piccadilly—Bro . J . D . Graham , AV . M . ; G . C . Stafford , S . W . ; F . M . Noakes , JW . ; AV . Brindley , P . M ., Preceptor ; S . C . Firt , S . D . ; J . R . Harnell . J . D .: — Lincoln , I . G . ; and R . J . Harnell ,
I . G . Ceremony of Initiation rehearsed , Bro . I irt being candidate . In second degree the second section Avas Avorked . Ceremony of parsing rehearsed . Bro . Shemmonds candidate . The Lodge resumed , and the first section Avas Avorked . Bro . Stafford Avas elected AV . M . for ensuing Aveek .
Records Of Masonic Services Of Provincial Grand Secretaries.
Records of Masonic Services OF Provincial Grand Secretaries .
Tire Prov . Grand Secretary for Cheshire .
BRO . RICHARD NEWHOUSE Avas initiated in Charity Lodge , 439 . in 1852 ; Avas AV . M . 1861 and 1862 ; took the Mark in 1857 , the Archin 1859 , K . Templar in 1870 , Rose Croix in 1878 ; has passed the Chair in all the above degrees ; is a Past Provincial Officer of Craft , Mark , Arch , and K . T . ; Avas one of the founders of the Stamford Lodge , No . 1045 , in 1865 ; Avas appointed Secretary at
that time , and held it continuously ever since ; Avas one of the Founders of the Prov . Grand Mark Lodge in 1875 ; Avas appointed by Lord Egerton as Prov . Grand Mark Secretary at the time , and still holds that office ; and on the death of Lord De Tabley , the Pro . Grand Master , in 1887 , Avas appointed by Lord Egerton as Prov . Grand Secretary for the Craft .
BRO . THOMAS J . RALLING , Grand Secretary for the province of Essex , Avas initiated in the Angel Lodge , No . 51 , Colchester , in 1869 , installed AV . M . in 1877 , and Prov . Grand Secretary of Essex since 1877 . He was exalted in the Patriotic Chapter , No . 51 , in 1871 , and installed Z . in 1882 . On the formation of the Prov . G . Chapter ( Royal Arch ) of Essex , Comp . Railing
was appointed Prov . G . Scribe E . He is also a P . M . of the Constantine Mark Lodge , No . 145 , Colchester , and a Past Prov . S . G . O . of East Anglia . He is also Past Grand Deacon of England in this Degree , and , during his year of office , had the honour to assist , as Junior Grand Deacon , in advancing H . R . H . the Prince of Wales into the Mark Degree . He Avas appointed P . A . G . D . C . at the Jubilee Meeting at the Albert Hall on 13 th June 1887 ; and
The Prov . Grand Secretary for Essex .
, immediately subsequent , P . G . SAvd . B . in Grand Chapter . He is a member of the Provincial Charity Committee of Essex , has served a Stewardship for the Boys' School , and is a Life Subscriber to both Boys' and Girls' Schools . Bro . Railing still continues Secretary of his mother Lodge , an office he has held since 1871 , and is also Scribe E . of the Patriotic Chapter , and Secretary of the Constantine Mark Lodge , No . 145 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of A Mark Master.
JUSTICE LODGE—No . 147 . —On Thursday , at the BroAvn Bear , High Street . Deptford . Bros . Leng . AV . M . : Dandridge . S . AV . ; Penrose , J . AV . ; Speight , P . M .. Sec . ; Wilson , S . D . ; Emblin , J . D . ; Faulkner . I . G . ; Hutchings , P . M ., Preceptor ; and several others . The ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed . The Lodge Avas called off , and , on resuming , the Lodge was adA'anced to the Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed in a very efficient manner . The Lodge Avas resumed to the First Degree and closed .
RANELAGH LODGE—No . 834 . —On Friday , 31 st ult ., at Six Bells Hotel , Queen Street . Hammersmith . Bros . G . E . Higginson AV . M . A . AVilliams . S . AV . ; P . J . Davies . J . AV . : J . Sims , Preceptor ; D . S . Long . Sec .: R . H . AVilliams , S . D . ; L . Cox . J . D . ; F . AV . AA oodard . I . G .: J . Collings . P . M .: G . Read , P . M . ; D . Stroud , P . M . : J . Pattison .
M . Rice , F . Craggs , J . Davies , AV . J . Coplestone , AV . AA . AVilliams and J . Cotton . The ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . J . Davies being the candidate . Lodge Avas opened in the Second Degree , and the ceremony rehearsed . Bro . J . Collings gaA r e the explanation of the tracing board . Bro . A . AA illiams , S . AV ., Avas elected AA . M . for the next meeting , and the Lodge Avas closed .
ISLINGTON LODGE—No . 1471 . —On Tuesday , the 4 th inst .. at the Cock Tavern . Highbury . Bros . J . Da Silva , AV . M . : G . T . Chretien , S . AV . ; Kilsby . J . AV .: C . F . Hogard , P . G . Std . Br ., acting Preceptor ; C . M . Coxon , ' Sec . ; J . Petch . S . D . ; J . G . Cobb , I . G . ; Crick , and Scott . The Lodge Avas opened in the Third Degree , and the
ceremony of raising Avas rehearsed , Bro . Crick candidate . The AA . M ., Bro . Da Silva , Avas elected a member of the Lodge . Bro . Chretien Avas elected AA . M . for the ensuing meeting . A cordial vote of thanks Avas recorded on the minutes to the AV . M . for the exceedingly able manner in Avhich he had fulfilled the duties of the chair for first time in this Lodge . —A meeting of the Second Islington
Masonic Charities Association Avas then held . Avhen the subscriptions Avere received , and a ballot Avas taken for the 21 st Life Governorship secured through this Association .
COVENT GARDEN LODGE—No . 1614 . —On Thursday , the 30 th ult . at the Criteron , Piccadilly . S . AV ., Bros . E . C MulA-ey . W . M . ; J . B Graham , S . AV . ; G . C . Stafford , J . AV . ; S . Lichtenfeld , S . D . ; E . A Morrison , J . D . ; S . C . Fort . I . G . ; AV . Brindley , Preceptor ; R . J Harnell . Acting Sec . ; G . Read . F . M . Noakes . C . B . Shemmonds , G . S
Russell , R . E . Cursons , C . Lambert and A . Samuelli . The Preceptor worked the fourth Section of the Lecture . The AV . M . rehearsed the ceremony of Initiation . Bro . G . Read , candidate . The AV . M . rehearsed the Degree of F . C ., Bro . Lambert , candidate . Bro . J . D . Graham Avas elected AV . M . for the ensuing Aveek . The lodge Avas then closed .
UPTON—No . 1227 . —On Monday , 3 rd mst ., at the Three Nuns . Aldgate . Bros . C . Patrick . AV . M . ; J . Stroud , S . AV . ; C . J . Free . J . AV . Fenner , Preceptor : E . Hill , J . D . ; G . J . Bailey , I . G . ; C . Schmidt , Bruly , Christel , Reifenstein , and others . Bro . Patrick Avorked the
first section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The ceremony of Initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Schmidt candidate . Bro . Fenner Avorked the second , and Bro . Patrick the third sections of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Reinfenstein Avas elected a member . Bro . Stroud Avas elected AV . M . for the ensuing Aveek .
KENSINGTON LODGE—NO . 1767 . —On Tuesday , 4 th mst . at the Scaresdale Arms . Edwardes Square . Kensington , AA . —Bros . Sims . AV . M . ; Higginson , S . AV . ; P . J . Davies . J . AV . ; R . H . AVilliams , Treas . ; AV . C . AAflliams , Sec . ( pro tern . ); Danby , S . D . ; Cotton , J . D . ; Heath , I . G . ; Read , P . M . ; AVood , P . M . ; C . AVoods , Batts , Cory and AVyldes . Bro . StrucTwick . S . G . AA . ( S . C . ) Jamaica , was a visitor . The Lodge Avas
opened in the Second Degree , and Bro . R . H . AVilliams rehearsed part of the ceremony of installation , giving the customary addresses in a very impressive manner . The 1 st Section of the Second lecture was worked by the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . The 1 st and 2 nd Sections of the First Lecture Avere Avorked . Bro . StrudAvick Avas elected a joining member . Bro . Higginson Avas elected AA . M . for the next meeting , and the Lodge Avas then closed .
CREATON LODGE — No . 1791 . —On Thursday , 30 th ult ., at the AVheatsheaf Hotel . GoldhaAvk Road , Shepherd ' s Bush , AV .- —Bros . F . Hardinge , W . M . ; P . J . Davies , S . AV . ; G . Higginson , J . AV . ; J . Davies , Preceptor ; AV . H . Chalfont , P . M ., Sec . ; F . AV . AVoodard , S . D . ; Cotton , J . D . ; Stanley , I . G . ; A . Cavers , StAvd . ; J . Sims , P . M . ; T . AVood . P . M . ; Josey . P . M . ; F . Craggs , Arnott , AVhittell ,
L . Cox . T . Head . Stonnill , and F . AVest . Visitors : Bros . D . M . Davis , P . M ., 1017 ; Biek , 1320 : and Vallentine , P . M ., 1017 . The Lodge Avas opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . T . AVood candidate . The 1 st Section of the Second Lecture Avas Avorked by the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren .
The 2 nd Section of the First Lecture Avas Avorked by the Preceptor , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Vallentine , P . M ., 1017 ; D . Davis , P . M ., 1017 ; and Bick , 1320 , Avere elected joining members . Bro . P . J . Davies Avas elected AV . M . for the next meeting , and the Lodge Avas closed .
ST . AMBROSE LODGE—ISO . 1891 . — -On Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Baron ' s Court Hotel , AVest Kensington—Bros . Dresden , AV . M . ; S . Cochrane , P . M ., S . AV . ; James Sims . P . M ., J . AV . ; F . Craggs . See . ; Conway , S . D . ; P . Skar , J . D . ; J . Davies ! I . G . ; R . H . AVilliams , P . M . ; G . Read .
P . M . ; Jesse Collings , and others . The ceremony of installation Avas rehearsed by Bro . R . II . AVilliams . The Lodge Avas opened in the Third Degree , and resumed to the Second and First Degrees . Bro . S . Cochrane Avas elected AV . M . for the ensuing meeting . —The Fifteen Sections will be worked in this Lodge on Monday , the 24 th instant .
CHISAVICK LODGE—No . 2012 . —On Saturday , the 1 st inst ., at the AVindsor Castle Hotel , King Street , Hammersmith—Bros . D . S . Long , AV . M . ; J . H . AVood , P . M ., S . AV . ; J . Davies , J . AV . ; E . Ayling , Preceptor ; G . Gardner , Treas . ; A . AVilliams . Sec . ; Higginson , S . D . ; Cotton . J . D . ; C . Hopkins . I . G . ; J . Sims , P 3 L 834 ; F . Cochrane , P . M . ; D . Stroud , P . M . ; E . D . Aslete , J . Fox , G . AVebb and F . Craggs .
Consecration Of A Mark Master.
Lodge Avas opened in the Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising rehearsed , Bro . Fox being candidate . The AV . M . rendered the traditional history . The ceremony of passing Avas rehearsed , Bro . Cochrane , P . M ., candidate . Bro . A . AVilliams formally tendered his resignation of the office of Secretary of the Lodge , Avhich Avas accepted Avith deep regret .
QUEEN ' S AVESTMINSTER AND ST . MARYLEBONE LODGE—No . 2021 . —On Monday , the 3 rd inst .. at the Criterion , Piccadilly—Bros . G . GreenAvay . AV . M . ; R . E . Cursons . S . AV . ; E . H . Bellerby , J . AV . ; Shemmonds , S . D . ; J . S . Kingston . J . D . ; J . R . Harnell . I . G . ; C . P . Bellerby . Sec . ; T . C . Artand , J . RoAve . C . Reid . R . J . Harnell . AV .
Parker , C . Thompson , and Collings . The AV . M . Avorked the 1 st and 2 nd Sections of the Lecture . The AV . M . rehearsed the Degree of F . C ., Bro . G . Read candidate . Bro . Cursons worked the 1 st Section of the Lecture . Bro . R . E . Cursons Avas elected AV . M . for the ensuing Aveek . —The annual dinner will take place on MondaA r , the
1 st prox .. at the Criterion : Bro . AV . Cleghorn , P . M .. Preceptor , m
the chair . THE ABBEY ( AVESTMINSTER ) LODGE—No . 2030 . —On Friday , the 31 st ult ., at the King ' s Arms , Buckingham Palace Road , S . AV . — Bros . Saunders , AV . M .: Mann , S . AV . ; Stutfield , J . AV . ; Boulton , P . M ., Preceptor ; Gibson , P . M .. Treas . ; Coughlan . P . M ., Sec . ; Piper , S . D . ; Badderly . J . D . ; Mason . P . M ., I . G . ; Arnold , Blades , Dr . Harper , and
Chabot . The ceremony of initiation Avas reheased , Bro . Chabot candidate . The ceremony of passing Avas rehearsed , Bro . Blades being the candidate . Bro . Chabot , 2030 , Avas elected a joining member . A vote of thanks to the AV . M . Avas recorded in the minutes , for the very able and efficient manner in Avhich he had worked the ceremonies of initiation and passing .
LOUGHBOROUGH LODGE . —On Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Gauden Hotel , Clapham Road Station ( L . C . & D . R . )—Bros . Poole , AV . M . ; Russell . S . AV . ; Esling , J . AV . ; AVood , S . D . ; Taylor , J . D . ; Hill , I . G . ; Andrews , Sec . ; Folkard , King , Levett , Grover , Jones , CoAvland , Alexander , and Ruffles . The 1 st Section of the first
Lecture Avas Avorked by Bro . AndreAvs , assisted by the brethren . The ceremony of initiation Avas rehearsed by the AV . M ., Bro . Levett as candidate . The 1 st Section of each Lecture in the Second and Third Degrees Avere Avorked by Bro . AndreAvs , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Russell , S . AV ., Avas elected AV . M . for the ensuing Aveek . The ballot for those members Avho have attended 15 times
during the raising of , C 5 5 s . Avill shortly be taken—to be devoted to one of the Charities . Members should therefore attend as often
as possible . COVENT GARDEN—No . 1614 . —On Thursday , September 6 th , at the Criterion . Piccadilly—Bro . J . D . Graham , AV . M . ; G . C . Stafford , S . W . ; F . M . Noakes , JW . ; AV . Brindley , P . M ., Preceptor ; S . C . Firt , S . D . ; J . R . Harnell . J . D .: — Lincoln , I . G . ; and R . J . Harnell ,
I . G . Ceremony of Initiation rehearsed , Bro . I irt being candidate . In second degree the second section Avas Avorked . Ceremony of parsing rehearsed . Bro . Shemmonds candidate . The Lodge resumed , and the first section Avas Avorked . Bro . Stafford Avas elected AV . M . for ensuing Aveek .
Records Of Masonic Services Of Provincial Grand Secretaries.
Records of Masonic Services OF Provincial Grand Secretaries .
Tire Prov . Grand Secretary for Cheshire .
BRO . RICHARD NEWHOUSE Avas initiated in Charity Lodge , 439 . in 1852 ; Avas AV . M . 1861 and 1862 ; took the Mark in 1857 , the Archin 1859 , K . Templar in 1870 , Rose Croix in 1878 ; has passed the Chair in all the above degrees ; is a Past Provincial Officer of Craft , Mark , Arch , and K . T . ; Avas one of the founders of the Stamford Lodge , No . 1045 , in 1865 ; Avas appointed Secretary at
that time , and held it continuously ever since ; Avas one of the Founders of the Prov . Grand Mark Lodge in 1875 ; Avas appointed by Lord Egerton as Prov . Grand Mark Secretary at the time , and still holds that office ; and on the death of Lord De Tabley , the Pro . Grand Master , in 1887 , Avas appointed by Lord Egerton as Prov . Grand Secretary for the Craft .
BRO . THOMAS J . RALLING , Grand Secretary for the province of Essex , Avas initiated in the Angel Lodge , No . 51 , Colchester , in 1869 , installed AV . M . in 1877 , and Prov . Grand Secretary of Essex since 1877 . He was exalted in the Patriotic Chapter , No . 51 , in 1871 , and installed Z . in 1882 . On the formation of the Prov . G . Chapter ( Royal Arch ) of Essex , Comp . Railing
was appointed Prov . G . Scribe E . He is also a P . M . of the Constantine Mark Lodge , No . 145 , Colchester , and a Past Prov . S . G . O . of East Anglia . He is also Past Grand Deacon of England in this Degree , and , during his year of office , had the honour to assist , as Junior Grand Deacon , in advancing H . R . H . the Prince of Wales into the Mark Degree . He Avas appointed P . A . G . D . C . at the Jubilee Meeting at the Albert Hall on 13 th June 1887 ; and
The Prov . Grand Secretary for Essex .
, immediately subsequent , P . G . SAvd . B . in Grand Chapter . He is a member of the Provincial Charity Committee of Essex , has served a Stewardship for the Boys' School , and is a Life Subscriber to both Boys' and Girls' Schools . Bro . Railing still continues Secretary of his mother Lodge , an office he has held since 1871 , and is also Scribe E . of the Patriotic Chapter , and Secretary of the Constantine Mark Lodge , No . 145 .