Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge Chapter Meetings
For the current Aveek , compiled from the Cosmojwlitan Masonic Calendar ( G . KENNING . London ) . This table is correct as to days of meeting named in the respective Warrants or Charters . In some instances , however , the Lodges , etc ., may be out of session , and further enquiry may be necessary to prevent disappointment .
ABBREVIATIONS . Lo ., Lodges ; R . A . 0 ., Chapters ; Mk ., Mark Lodges ; R . Cr ., Rosa Croix Chapters ; R . X ., Red Cross Conclaves ; F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall , London ; F . M . T ., Freemasons' Tavern , London ; M . C , Masonic Club ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . R ., Masonic Rooms ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; P . R ., Private Rooms ; Hot ., Hotel ; Tav ., Tavern ; C . H ., Coffee House ; To . Ha ., Town Hall ; Rt ., Restaurant .
JHtonjrolitattEn & gsa anir Cljapto * " All Lodges held Avithin Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' HALE , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "— General Laws and Regulations .
N f I I Lodge X ' AMK 0 P LODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING . ( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 13 th . ¦ 107 G Capper Guildhall Tavern , Grcsham Street 155 S Duke of Connaught S . M . H .. Cainberwell
1642 Earl of Carnarvon Ladbrooke Hall , Notting Hill 21 GS Derby Allcroft Athen ; euni , Camden Road , Islington R . A . C . 72 Royal Jubilee Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 8 G 0 Dalhonsic Ditto 89 S Tempcrance-in-the-East ... 6 , Ncwbv Place , Poplar 907 Royal Albert F . M . Hall ( 2 nd ) FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 11 th .
153 G I United Military I Lord Raglan , Plumstead 1602 | Sir Hugh Myddelton | Agricultural Hall , N . ( 3 rd ) SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 15 th . 1707 Kensington S . Kensington Hot ., Queen ' s Gate Ter . / W . li . A . C . 382 Royal Union Chequer ' s Hotel , Uxbridgc 155 G Addiscombe Masonic Hall , Crovdon 2048 Levander Railwav
Henry Hotel , Harrow Station Mark . 357 Chiswick Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge ( 3 rd ) MONDAY . SEPTEMBER 16 th . 720 i Panmnre Balham Hotel , Balham 901 City of London Guildhall Tavern 20 G 0 i La Franco Cafe Royal , Regent Street R . A . C . ! 1929 J Mozart Greyhound Hotel , Croydon
No . of ^ UI ] , , LODGE AND C HAPTER . PLACE OF MEETING . . LjOugC . ( 3 rd ) TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 18 th . | BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES , AT 4 . ! 704 Camden Anderton ' s HotelFleet Street
, 857 Isaac Newton University ... i Red Lion Hotel , Cambridge 2045 AVharton ' . ! AVillesden , Middlesex 214 G Surbiton : Maple Hall , Surbiton , Surrey 2191 Amilo-Amcriean Criterion , Piccadilly I R . A . C , " | j 933 Doric Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street i 1 G 01 Wanderers F . M . Hall ' 2021 Queen ' s AVestminster ; 8 a , Hod Lion Square
i ( 3 rd ) "WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 19 th . BOARD OF BENEVOLENT , AT 6 . i 1044 Wandsworth Ta . Ho ., Wandsworth i 1278 Burdett-Coutts Approach Tavern , Victoria Park ! 1382 Corinthian George Hotel , Cubitt Town , E . j 1624 Eccleston Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . ( 3 rd ) THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 20 th .
HOUSE COMMITTEE , GIRLS' SCHOOL , AT 4 . 30 . 1227 i Upton | Spotted Dog Tav ., Upton , Essex 1321 i Emblematic Horns Tavern , Kcnnington 1327 | King Harold : Four Swans Ho ., AValtham Cross 1365 Clapton : Rudolph Chambers , 191 , Bshpsgt . St . 1623 ! AVest Smithlleld I F . M . Hall 19 G 3 I Duke of Albany ; M . H ., Shaftesbury Park , Lavender Hill R . A . C . I i 733 I Westbourne . Lords Hotel , St . John's AVood
Provincial Lodges And Chapters (Largest Centres).
Provincial Lodges and Chapters ( Largest Centres ) .
. s . ., 74 Athol 3 rd Oct M . H ., Severn Street 4 G 8 Light 16 th Oct Great AVes tern Hotel 473 Faithful gth Oct M . H ., New Street 587 Howe 8 th Oct Ditto 739 Temperance ... 11 th Oct Ditto 887 Leigh 22 nd Oct Ditto 925 Bedford 17 th Sept Ditto 938 Grosvenor 19 th Sept Ditto
1016 Elkington 25 th Sept Ditto 1031 Fletcher loth Oct Ditto 1163 Emulation 27 th Sept Ditto 1180 Forward 1 st Oct Ditto 1474 Israel 8 th Oct M . H ., Severn Street 1551 Charity 18 th Sept M . H ., New Street 1644 Alma Mater ... 19 th Oct Ditto R . A . C .
43 Fortitude 11 th Dec Great Western Hotel 74 Athol 4 th Nov M . II ., Severn Street 587 Howe 1 st Nov M . H ., New Street 938 Grosvenor 6 th Nov Ditto 101 C Elkington 4 th Oct Ditto 1031 Fletcher 4 th Dec Ditto
BOLTON—5 LODGES , 3 CHAPTERS . 37 -Anchor and Hope ... 8 tl ; Oct F . M . IL , Institute Street 146 Antiquity ] 0 th Oct Ditto . 221 St . John 19 th Sept Ditto 348 St . John ' s 27 th Sept Ditto 1723 St . George 2 Gth Sept Ditto R . A . C .
37 Concord 15 th Oct Ditto 221 St . John 3 rd Oct Ditto 348 St . John ' s 25 th Oct i Ditto B RADFORD —5 L ODGES , 2 C HAPTERS . 302 Hope 17 th Sejit [ M . H ., Darley Street GOO Harmony 20 th Sept . V . M . 11 ., Salem Street 974 Pentailia 2 nd Oct MHDarley Street
p . ., 1018 Shakespeare ... loth Oct M . if ., Darley Street 1 G 4 S Prince of Wales (?) 5 th Oct Ditto R . A . C . 302 Charity 22 nd Oct Ditto 600 Sincerity 2 nd Oct F . M . II ., Salem Street BRIGHTON—9 LODGES , 5 CHAPTERS . 271 l Ciarenco 19 th Oct l Pavilion
Roya ... Roya 315 Royal V ' ork ... 2 nd Oct Ditto 732 Royal Brunswick ... To-DAY Ditto 811 Yarborough ... 20 th Oct Ditto 14 GG Hova Ecclesia ... Gth Oct Old Ship Hotel 163 G St . Cecilia 25 th Sopt Royal Pavilion 1821 Allingworth ... 20 th Sept Ditto 1947 Stanford 10 th Oct Town Hall , Hove 2201 Earl of Sussex ... 27 th Oct Royal Pavilion
R . A . C . 271 Lennox 2 nd Nov Ditto 315 Royal Pavilion ... lGth Oct Ditto 732 Koyal Sussex ... 27 th Sopt Ditto 811 Yarborough ... 12 th Oct Ditto 14 GG Hova Villa 5 th Oct Old Ship Hotel
? ° NAME OP LODGE OR C HAPTER . PLACE OP MHETING . Lodge . BRISTOL—9 LODGES , 3 CHAPTERS . C 8 Royal Clarence 8 th Oct FMIfPark Street
. . . . . ., 103 Beaufort 2 nd Oct Ditto "M n-iHo ^ ity - } 10 t ' ' Ort Ditto 32 G Moira 3 rd Oct Ditto 610 Colston 19 th Sopt Ditto 686 Jerusalem 9 th Oct Ditto 1388 Canynges 6 th Oct Ditto 1404 St . Vincent 27 th Sopt Ditto Ditto
2257 Powell 24 th Sopt R . A . C . 68 Royal Clarence ... 15 th Sept Ditto 103 Beaufort 25 th Sept Ditto 187 Charity 6 th Oct Ditto DERBY—i LODGES , 2 CHAPTERS . 253 Tyrian 25 th Sept MHGower Street
. ., 731 Arboretum 10 th Oct Ditto 802 Repose 20 th Sept Ditto 1085 Hartington 3 rd Oct Ditto R . A . C . 253 Justice 13 th Nov Ditto 731 Faith 17 th Oct Ditto DOUGLASI . of M . —5 LODGES , 1 CHAPTER .
, 1004 ¦ Atliolo 19 th Sopt | M . II ., Loch Parade 1242 ! Tynwald 3 rd Oct Ditto 2049 Elian Vanniu ... (?) Ditto 2050 St . Trinians ... 4 th Oct Ditto 2197 I Spencer AValpole ... 8 th Oct Ditto R . A . C | 1004 ! Athole 20 th Sopt Ditto
HAMPTON COURT—11 LODGES , 1 CHAPTERS . 70 S Carnarvon ... My , Jn & Jy only Mitre Hotel 778 Bard of Avon Jn , Jy & An only Ditto 788 Crescent Ap . My , Jn & Jyonly Ditto 1194 A'illiers Gth Oct Ditto 1293 Burdett 27 th Oct Ditto 1415 Campbell 13 tli Oct Ditto
1491 Felix Apto . lyonly Ditto 1512 Hemming 18 th Oct Greyhound Hotel 1597 Mit .-grave 15 th Sept Ditto 1 G 91 Quadratic ... My , Jn , Jy only Mitre Hotel 2024 Raymond Thrupp CO Ditto 2087 Electric 22 nd Sept Ditto 2105 Cama 15 th Deo Ditto 2183 Royal Hamp . Court loth Oct Ditto
R . A . C . 778 Bard of Avon My & Jy only Mitre Hotel 1194 Royal Middlesex ... 26 th Oct Ditto 1293 Burdett Jan 1889 Ditto 1691 Quadratic 15 th Oct Ditto HULL—5 LODGES , 4 CHAPTERS . 57 Humber 20 th Sept F . M . II ., Osborne Street
250 Minerva 10 th Oct M . II ., Dagga Lano 1010 Kingston 3 rd Oct M . If ., Worship Street 1605 De la Polo 28 th Sept 58 , Charlotte Street 2134 AVilborforce ... 5 th Oct Ditto
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge Chapter Meetings
For the current Aveek , compiled from the Cosmojwlitan Masonic Calendar ( G . KENNING . London ) . This table is correct as to days of meeting named in the respective Warrants or Charters . In some instances , however , the Lodges , etc ., may be out of session , and further enquiry may be necessary to prevent disappointment .
ABBREVIATIONS . Lo ., Lodges ; R . A . 0 ., Chapters ; Mk ., Mark Lodges ; R . Cr ., Rosa Croix Chapters ; R . X ., Red Cross Conclaves ; F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall , London ; F . M . T ., Freemasons' Tavern , London ; M . C , Masonic Club ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . R ., Masonic Rooms ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; P . R ., Private Rooms ; Hot ., Hotel ; Tav ., Tavern ; C . H ., Coffee House ; To . Ha ., Town Hall ; Rt ., Restaurant .
JHtonjrolitattEn & gsa anir Cljapto * " All Lodges held Avithin Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' HALE , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "— General Laws and Regulations .
N f I I Lodge X ' AMK 0 P LODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING . ( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 13 th . ¦ 107 G Capper Guildhall Tavern , Grcsham Street 155 S Duke of Connaught S . M . H .. Cainberwell
1642 Earl of Carnarvon Ladbrooke Hall , Notting Hill 21 GS Derby Allcroft Athen ; euni , Camden Road , Islington R . A . C . 72 Royal Jubilee Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 8 G 0 Dalhonsic Ditto 89 S Tempcrance-in-the-East ... 6 , Ncwbv Place , Poplar 907 Royal Albert F . M . Hall ( 2 nd ) FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 11 th .
153 G I United Military I Lord Raglan , Plumstead 1602 | Sir Hugh Myddelton | Agricultural Hall , N . ( 3 rd ) SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 15 th . 1707 Kensington S . Kensington Hot ., Queen ' s Gate Ter . / W . li . A . C . 382 Royal Union Chequer ' s Hotel , Uxbridgc 155 G Addiscombe Masonic Hall , Crovdon 2048 Levander Railwav
Henry Hotel , Harrow Station Mark . 357 Chiswick Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge ( 3 rd ) MONDAY . SEPTEMBER 16 th . 720 i Panmnre Balham Hotel , Balham 901 City of London Guildhall Tavern 20 G 0 i La Franco Cafe Royal , Regent Street R . A . C . ! 1929 J Mozart Greyhound Hotel , Croydon
No . of ^ UI ] , , LODGE AND C HAPTER . PLACE OF MEETING . . LjOugC . ( 3 rd ) TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 18 th . | BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES , AT 4 . ! 704 Camden Anderton ' s HotelFleet Street
, 857 Isaac Newton University ... i Red Lion Hotel , Cambridge 2045 AVharton ' . ! AVillesden , Middlesex 214 G Surbiton : Maple Hall , Surbiton , Surrey 2191 Amilo-Amcriean Criterion , Piccadilly I R . A . C , " | j 933 Doric Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street i 1 G 01 Wanderers F . M . Hall ' 2021 Queen ' s AVestminster ; 8 a , Hod Lion Square
i ( 3 rd ) "WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 19 th . BOARD OF BENEVOLENT , AT 6 . i 1044 Wandsworth Ta . Ho ., Wandsworth i 1278 Burdett-Coutts Approach Tavern , Victoria Park ! 1382 Corinthian George Hotel , Cubitt Town , E . j 1624 Eccleston Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . ( 3 rd ) THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 20 th .
HOUSE COMMITTEE , GIRLS' SCHOOL , AT 4 . 30 . 1227 i Upton | Spotted Dog Tav ., Upton , Essex 1321 i Emblematic Horns Tavern , Kcnnington 1327 | King Harold : Four Swans Ho ., AValtham Cross 1365 Clapton : Rudolph Chambers , 191 , Bshpsgt . St . 1623 ! AVest Smithlleld I F . M . Hall 19 G 3 I Duke of Albany ; M . H ., Shaftesbury Park , Lavender Hill R . A . C . I i 733 I Westbourne . Lords Hotel , St . John's AVood
Provincial Lodges And Chapters (Largest Centres).
Provincial Lodges and Chapters ( Largest Centres ) .
. s . ., 74 Athol 3 rd Oct M . H ., Severn Street 4 G 8 Light 16 th Oct Great AVes tern Hotel 473 Faithful gth Oct M . H ., New Street 587 Howe 8 th Oct Ditto 739 Temperance ... 11 th Oct Ditto 887 Leigh 22 nd Oct Ditto 925 Bedford 17 th Sept Ditto 938 Grosvenor 19 th Sept Ditto
1016 Elkington 25 th Sept Ditto 1031 Fletcher loth Oct Ditto 1163 Emulation 27 th Sept Ditto 1180 Forward 1 st Oct Ditto 1474 Israel 8 th Oct M . H ., Severn Street 1551 Charity 18 th Sept M . H ., New Street 1644 Alma Mater ... 19 th Oct Ditto R . A . C .
43 Fortitude 11 th Dec Great Western Hotel 74 Athol 4 th Nov M . II ., Severn Street 587 Howe 1 st Nov M . H ., New Street 938 Grosvenor 6 th Nov Ditto 101 C Elkington 4 th Oct Ditto 1031 Fletcher 4 th Dec Ditto
BOLTON—5 LODGES , 3 CHAPTERS . 37 -Anchor and Hope ... 8 tl ; Oct F . M . IL , Institute Street 146 Antiquity ] 0 th Oct Ditto . 221 St . John 19 th Sept Ditto 348 St . John ' s 27 th Sept Ditto 1723 St . George 2 Gth Sept Ditto R . A . C .
37 Concord 15 th Oct Ditto 221 St . John 3 rd Oct Ditto 348 St . John ' s 25 th Oct i Ditto B RADFORD —5 L ODGES , 2 C HAPTERS . 302 Hope 17 th Sejit [ M . H ., Darley Street GOO Harmony 20 th Sept . V . M . 11 ., Salem Street 974 Pentailia 2 nd Oct MHDarley Street
p . ., 1018 Shakespeare ... loth Oct M . if ., Darley Street 1 G 4 S Prince of Wales (?) 5 th Oct Ditto R . A . C . 302 Charity 22 nd Oct Ditto 600 Sincerity 2 nd Oct F . M . II ., Salem Street BRIGHTON—9 LODGES , 5 CHAPTERS . 271 l Ciarenco 19 th Oct l Pavilion
Roya ... Roya 315 Royal V ' ork ... 2 nd Oct Ditto 732 Royal Brunswick ... To-DAY Ditto 811 Yarborough ... 20 th Oct Ditto 14 GG Hova Ecclesia ... Gth Oct Old Ship Hotel 163 G St . Cecilia 25 th Sopt Royal Pavilion 1821 Allingworth ... 20 th Sept Ditto 1947 Stanford 10 th Oct Town Hall , Hove 2201 Earl of Sussex ... 27 th Oct Royal Pavilion
R . A . C . 271 Lennox 2 nd Nov Ditto 315 Royal Pavilion ... lGth Oct Ditto 732 Koyal Sussex ... 27 th Sopt Ditto 811 Yarborough ... 12 th Oct Ditto 14 GG Hova Villa 5 th Oct Old Ship Hotel
? ° NAME OP LODGE OR C HAPTER . PLACE OP MHETING . Lodge . BRISTOL—9 LODGES , 3 CHAPTERS . C 8 Royal Clarence 8 th Oct FMIfPark Street
. . . . . ., 103 Beaufort 2 nd Oct Ditto "M n-iHo ^ ity - } 10 t ' ' Ort Ditto 32 G Moira 3 rd Oct Ditto 610 Colston 19 th Sopt Ditto 686 Jerusalem 9 th Oct Ditto 1388 Canynges 6 th Oct Ditto 1404 St . Vincent 27 th Sopt Ditto Ditto
2257 Powell 24 th Sopt R . A . C . 68 Royal Clarence ... 15 th Sept Ditto 103 Beaufort 25 th Sept Ditto 187 Charity 6 th Oct Ditto DERBY—i LODGES , 2 CHAPTERS . 253 Tyrian 25 th Sept MHGower Street
. ., 731 Arboretum 10 th Oct Ditto 802 Repose 20 th Sept Ditto 1085 Hartington 3 rd Oct Ditto R . A . C . 253 Justice 13 th Nov Ditto 731 Faith 17 th Oct Ditto DOUGLASI . of M . —5 LODGES , 1 CHAPTER .
, 1004 ¦ Atliolo 19 th Sopt | M . II ., Loch Parade 1242 ! Tynwald 3 rd Oct Ditto 2049 Elian Vanniu ... (?) Ditto 2050 St . Trinians ... 4 th Oct Ditto 2197 I Spencer AValpole ... 8 th Oct Ditto R . A . C | 1004 ! Athole 20 th Sopt Ditto
HAMPTON COURT—11 LODGES , 1 CHAPTERS . 70 S Carnarvon ... My , Jn & Jy only Mitre Hotel 778 Bard of Avon Jn , Jy & An only Ditto 788 Crescent Ap . My , Jn & Jyonly Ditto 1194 A'illiers Gth Oct Ditto 1293 Burdett 27 th Oct Ditto 1415 Campbell 13 tli Oct Ditto
1491 Felix Apto . lyonly Ditto 1512 Hemming 18 th Oct Greyhound Hotel 1597 Mit .-grave 15 th Sept Ditto 1 G 91 Quadratic ... My , Jn , Jy only Mitre Hotel 2024 Raymond Thrupp CO Ditto 2087 Electric 22 nd Sept Ditto 2105 Cama 15 th Deo Ditto 2183 Royal Hamp . Court loth Oct Ditto
R . A . C . 778 Bard of Avon My & Jy only Mitre Hotel 1194 Royal Middlesex ... 26 th Oct Ditto 1293 Burdett Jan 1889 Ditto 1691 Quadratic 15 th Oct Ditto HULL—5 LODGES , 4 CHAPTERS . 57 Humber 20 th Sept F . M . II ., Osborne Street
250 Minerva 10 th Oct M . II ., Dagga Lano 1010 Kingston 3 rd Oct M . If ., Worship Street 1605 De la Polo 28 th Sept 58 , Charlotte Street 2134 AVilborforce ... 5 th Oct Ditto