Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1
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Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
The following reports run ! rovnivumirsuion stand over for want of space lill next week : - Consecration of the . Kintzswood l . oilctc No . 2278 ; Translated Extract from l . ntomio- ; Insinuation Meeting- of tlie . Windsor Castle Lodge No . 771 . W . M . 1 rns . —On tlie disputed subject of the propriety or impropriety of opening' a Board of Installed Masters , for the purpose of installing a W . M ., we know of no i . rr . Ui . riil authority , and the Craft generally appear to be very careless as lo whoiher any such exists or not .
DRURY LANE LODGE , No . 2127 . The annual meeting of the Drury Lane Lodge , No . 2127 . was held in the Grand Saloon . Drury Lane Theatre , at 3 p . m .. on Tuesday last , when Admiral Sir . E . A . Inglefield . K . C . B .. D . C . L ., was installed as Master in the presence of nearly 300 well-known Freemasons including Bros , the Earl of Onslow , the First Lord of the Admiralty .
the Earl of Euston ( P . G . M . of Northamptonshire ) . Lords Alcester . Valentia . and Claude Hamilton . T . F . Halsey , M . P . ( P . G . M . Hertfordshire ) . Major Goldie Taubman ( P . G . M . Isle of Man ) . Sir Edmund Lechmere , M . P . ( P . G . M . AVoreestershire ) . Sir C . H . Gregory , M . P .., fhe Lord Mayor of London . Sir John B . Monckton . Sir Oscar Clayton , Sir John Whittaker Ellis , M . P . ; Sir Reginal Hanson . F . Hanbury
Tracy . M . P . : Sir Morell Mackenzie . Sir R . N . Fowler , M . P . ; Sheriff Newton . E . Dicey , C . B . ; Right Hon . Sir AV . T . Marriott , M . P .: Sir Gabriel Goldney . Bart . ; F . A . Philbrick , Q . C . ; Augustus Harris ; S . Pope , Q . C . ; Rev . Dr . Kynaston , Alderman Sir H . Isaacs . Admiral Cochrane . C . B . ; Massey Mainwaring , Sir Robert Harley . K . C . M . G . ; General Hale Wortham . Dixon-Hartland . M . P . : Colonel Edis .
Charles Barry . F . S . A . ; Phil Morris , A . R . A .: John Aird . M . P . ; Jas . L . Thomas . F . S . A . , Major General Sim . Sir Lionel Darell , Colonel Peters , Major A . B . Cook . Alfred Farquhar , Thos . Fenii , Robert Grey , Col . " ' Shad well , H . Gierke , Grand Secretary , Dr . Robson Roose . Alfred Cooper , Albert Levy , Rev . 0 . J . Martyn . A . M . Broadley ( Secretary of the Lodge Lionel Brough , E . J .
Lonnen , Henshaw Russell , Thomas Beard , the Under Sheriffs of London and Middlesex , the Mayor of Bolton , Colonel Davies Sewell , Dr . Stephen Mackenzie , R . Berridge . G . S . D . : Dr . Stuart . P . G . D . : C . F . Hogard . P . G . Std . Br .: II Peck , P . G . Std . Br .: W . Roebuck . P . G . Swd . Br . ; F . Binches . P . G . Swd . Br .: J . Terry . P . G . Swd . Br .: F . W . R . Hedges . P . G . Swd . Br . ; W . H . Spaull , P . G . A . D . C . ; W .
Lake . P . P . G . Reg . Cornwall : \ Y . W . Morgan , Jim . ; James Stevens . P . M ., P . Z .: Dr . Zacharie , P . G . M . California ; C . E . Soppet , P . G . Std . Bradshaw Brown , P . G . Std .: George Everett , P . M . 177 : George Gardner , P . M . 177 ; H . M . Brown . 6 ' 50 : J . Sadler Wood . P . M . 2005 Major Baker . P . M . : Lennox Browne : Deputy Walford , P . M . fcc . ifcC .
The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Sir John Gorst . Q . C , M . P ., and about 100 Grand Officers entered the lodge in procession . Bro . J . C . Parkinson , P . G . D ., performed the ceremony of installation , and a Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Sir John Gorst , I . P . M . The W . M ... Bro . Sir Edward Inglefield , appointed the following brethren to hold office during the ensuing vear , viz . : —Bros .
Alderman Sir Henrv Isaacs . S . W . : James Fernandez . J . W . : J . S . Fleming , treas .: A . ' M . Broadley , P . M ., P . D . D . G . M . Malta , sec ; Rev . C . J . Martyn . P . G . C , chap .: S . B . Bancroft . S . I ) . ; Harry Nicholls , , 1 . 1 ) . ; Thomas Catling , I . G . ; G . F . Bashford . D . of C . ' ; Osyar Barrett and 0 . J . Phipps , stewards ; Alfred Caldicott , Mus . Baa , org . ; and R . Goddard , tyler . Bro . J . II . Matthews acted as
Director of Ceremonies , assisted by Bro . C . F . Matier and twelve special stewards . At the conclusion of the ceremony , the members and their guests adjourned to the Great Hall of Freemasons' Tavern , where a banquet was served by Messrs . Spiers and Pond . The band of the 1 st Life Guards played in the gallery during dinner , after which
the following toast list was gone through ; The Queen and the Craft , " proposed by the W . M . ; " The M . W . Grand Master , " proposed by the W . M . : ' The Pro . Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , tind Grand Officers , Present and Past . " proposed by the W . M . and responded to by Bro . T . F . Halsey , R . W . P . G . M . Herts ; i- The Earl of Onslow . K . C . M . G ., Governor of New Zealand , P . G . W .. " proposed
by Bro . Sir W . Marriott , M . P ., and responded to by the Earl of Onslow ; " The Worshipful Master , " proposed by Bro . J . C . Parkinson , P . G . D ., and responded to by Bro . Admiral Sir E . A . Inglefield , K . C . B ., D . C . L . ; ; i The Visitors , " proposed by the Secretary and responded to by Bros . LordGeorge Hamilton , the Lord Mayor , Lord Alcester and
Rev . Dr . Kynaston ; " The Past Masters , " proposed by Bro . James Fernandez and responded to by Bro . Sir John Gorst , Q . C . M . P . ; " The Officers of the Lodge , " proposed by Bro . Augustus Harris , P . M ., and responded to by Bro . Sir H . Isaacs , S . AV . : " The Masonic Charities , " proposed by the Earl of Euston and responded to by Bro . F . R . AV . Hedges ; and the Tyler ' s toast .
This well-known and highly successful lodge held its installation meeting at Freemasons' Hall , London , on the 12 th inst ., when a very large attendance of members and visitors testified not only to the well deserved popularity of the AV . M ., Bro . J . Harcourt Lee , but also to that of the AV . M . elect , Bro . AVashington E . Haycock , P . M . The whole of the proceedings reflected the utmost credit on the
officers and those who had the management of the festival in charge . The lodge was opened by Bro . Harcourt Lee , who was well supported by his officers and members . After the passing of Bro . James Saba Mountford and the initiation of Mr . Percy . Burrow Hollick , the ceremony of installation was undertaken by the worthy
secretary of the lodge , Bro . George E . Fairchild , P . M ., P . Z ., who , in a most able manner , placed Bro . Haycock in the chair of K . S ., m the presence of a board of installed masters numbering 36 . In the course of the evening there were present about 80 brethren , and this number would have been considerably augmented but for
Answers To Correspondents.
the inclemency of the weather , which necessitated numerous apologies for absence . Amongst the many visitors we noticed Bros . II . Lawson , M . P ., P . M . ; W . Lestocq , P . M . 1319 ; E . Boyle , P . M . 69 ; R . P . Stevens , P . M . 901 ; AV . H . Honey , P . M ., 11 ; AV . Clarke , P . M . British Union ; AV . A . Tinney , P . M . 1319 ; AV . G . Lemon , P . M . ; J . Adams . P . M . A illiers : James Stevens , P . M . 1210 : A . A . Drew P . M .
890 ; J . T . Axford , AV . M . 890 ; G . A . Pickering . 890 , « fcc , & c . The W . M . invested his officers in the following order : —Bros . Robert Manuel , S . AV .: AVm . Eckstein , J . AV . ; R . H . Pearson , P . M ., treas . ; George E . Fairchild . P . M ., sec . : R . Hardy Smith , S . D . ; James J . Smith . J . D . ; Japheth Tickle . P . P . G . R .. Middlesex . AV . S . ; Charles Hawksley , P . M .. D . C . ; Frederick R . Farrow , I . G .
It . S . Oakeshott , Samuel Hunt , and C . P . Clarke , stwds . ; and James A ery . tyler . The addresses were delivered by the Installing Master and Secretary of the Lodge , AA . Bro . Fairchild , with admirable elocutionary power , giving great satisfaction to all his hearers and terminating the beautiful ceremony of Installation with great effect . After the disposal of some routine business the Lodge was
closed , and shortly afterwards the brethren again met at the Holborn Restaurant . Under the personal supervision of Bro . Hamp , the manager , a very excellent banquet was served , over which the AV . M . presided . The toasts which were subsequently given were introduced by him in excellent terms , indeed the AV . M . ' s speeches were more to the point , more thorough , than anv we have
heard in our Lodges for a long time , [ n proposing the health of the Initiate he was most impressive , and there can be no doubt that the lessons he so tersely yet forcibly set forth will bear good fruit . To the toast drank in his honour he replied with much emphasis on his intention to do nothing during his Mastership and subsequently but what will redound to the welfare and high reputation of the
Lodge . " The presentation of a P . M . jewel to AV . Bro . J . Harcourt Lee followed the toast of the Past Masters , to which both Brothers Lee and Fairchild gave excellent replies . In recognising the A'isitors , the W . M . truly said , ¦¦ the social board without visitors would lose its charm , " and the reception given to the sentiment was most cordial . Bro . Lawson , M . P ., led the replies from several
of the brethren called upon to respond , and the strongest possible testimony was given by them as to the happiness communicated by the kindly and earnest good fellowship which pervaded the entire evening ' s "labour and refreshment . " The programme of music under the direction of Bro . F . H . Cozens , who was assisted by Bros
Franklin Clive . R . AV . Heney and Arthur Thomas , was well selected ; and the several numbers were applauded , and in some instances encored . Expressions of general satisfaction with this festival were freely made when the hour for separation arrived , and the Urban Lodge has every reason to be satisfied with the success which attended the endeavours of its Master and Officers .
The installation meeting of this lodge took place at Brixton Hall , Acre Lane , on Saturday , the 2 nd inst . The members present included : Bro . C J . Axford , P . P . G . D . D . C . Middx .. W . M . ; A . E . Albert . S . AV . ; R . Evens , J . AV . ; AV . Kirkland , treas . : Hy . Lovegrove . P . M ., P . P . G . Supt . AVks . Mddx . Sec ; A . Jones , S . D . ; John Bott , I . G . ; J . J . Newlaud , D . C . ; John Read , P . P . G . Org . Middx ., Org . ;
John Hicks , Std . ; AV . E . Farrington , P . M . ; H . Baldwin , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . Middx . ; R . Poore , P . M ., and many others . Visitors : Bros . Chas . Jenner , AV . M . 159 ; E . Gauntlett . S . W . 1901 ; AV . H . Making , P . M . 1278 ; AV . A . Scurrah , P . P . G . Supt . AA ks . Mddx ., W . M . 107 ; A . H . Scurrah . J . AV . 220 G ; AV . Roberts , 1 ( 524 ; C B . Cooner ,
P . M . 149 ; R . H . Eccles , 1669 ; Charles Lee . S . D . 1624 : AV . Burridge , J . D . 1922 ; J . G . Albert , J . W . 227 ; AV . M . Stiles , AV . M . 1732 ; Geo . Ashton . I . P . M . 140 ; Samuel Hague , J . AV . 2105 ; C . P . McKay , I . P . M . 2048 ; C . A . Philips . P . M . 1986 ; J . A . AVhite , P . M . 957 ; and AV . AV . Lee , 1897 .
The lodge was opened , and , the minutes read and confirmed , after which the Audit Committee ' s report was received and adopted . Bro . Edmond C . AA ickes was passed , and Messrs . H . R . Shaw , W . B . Cleverly , and AV . Hooker initiated into Freemasonry . The ceremonies were ably rendered by Dro . Axford , W . M ., who then proceeded to instal his successor , Bro . Adolphus E . Albert , the
AV . M . elect . A Board of installed Masters having been formed , Bro . Albert was duly installed for the ensuing year . The officers were appointed and invested as follows : —Bros . Evens , S . AV . ; Jones . J . AV . ; AV . Kirkland , treas . ; H . Lovegrove , P . M ., sec . ; John Bott , S . D . ; John Read , P . M ., org . ; Newland , I . G . ; Hicks , D . C . ; R . Bott and Daunton , stwds . ; and Potter , P . M ., tyler .
A Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Axford , and after he had delivered the addresses the lodge was closed . The brethren adjourned to the banquet hall , where an excellent dinner was provided and well served under the superintendence of Bro . Kirkland , treasurer . The u-ual toasts were gone through , and that of the AV . M . was proposed by Bro . Axford , I . P . M ., who
said that Bro . Albert had taken a great interest in the lodge , and had worked up from the lowest office to his present high position : they would find in him an excellent master , and during his year the lodge would continue to prosper . It would be needless to take up the time with a long speech , and they would therefore drink his health and a successful year of office . -
Bro . A . E . Albert , W . M ., returned thanks for the kind way in which the I . P . M . had proposed , and the brethren received , the toast . As the members had placed him in such an honourable positiomhe would do his best to act as all former masters had . The latter had endeavoured to promote the interests of the lodge , and it had been his aim to try and do the same , if not better . As
there was a long programme to get through during the evening he hoped he would excuse the shortness of his reply . The other toasts were the initiates—the I . P . M . and Installing Master , the Visitors , the Officers , & c . Bro . John Read , P . P . G ., Org . Mdx ., Org . presided , with his usual ability , at the pianoforte , and Messrs . Burnham . L . H . Palmer , and Signer Alfieri assisted in the musical programme of the evening .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
The following reports run ! rovnivumirsuion stand over for want of space lill next week : - Consecration of the . Kintzswood l . oilctc No . 2278 ; Translated Extract from l . ntomio- ; Insinuation Meeting- of tlie . Windsor Castle Lodge No . 771 . W . M . 1 rns . —On tlie disputed subject of the propriety or impropriety of opening' a Board of Installed Masters , for the purpose of installing a W . M ., we know of no i . rr . Ui . riil authority , and the Craft generally appear to be very careless as lo whoiher any such exists or not .
DRURY LANE LODGE , No . 2127 . The annual meeting of the Drury Lane Lodge , No . 2127 . was held in the Grand Saloon . Drury Lane Theatre , at 3 p . m .. on Tuesday last , when Admiral Sir . E . A . Inglefield . K . C . B .. D . C . L ., was installed as Master in the presence of nearly 300 well-known Freemasons including Bros , the Earl of Onslow , the First Lord of the Admiralty .
the Earl of Euston ( P . G . M . of Northamptonshire ) . Lords Alcester . Valentia . and Claude Hamilton . T . F . Halsey , M . P . ( P . G . M . Hertfordshire ) . Major Goldie Taubman ( P . G . M . Isle of Man ) . Sir Edmund Lechmere , M . P . ( P . G . M . AVoreestershire ) . Sir C . H . Gregory , M . P .., fhe Lord Mayor of London . Sir John B . Monckton . Sir Oscar Clayton , Sir John Whittaker Ellis , M . P . ; Sir Reginal Hanson . F . Hanbury
Tracy . M . P . : Sir Morell Mackenzie . Sir R . N . Fowler , M . P . ; Sheriff Newton . E . Dicey , C . B . ; Right Hon . Sir AV . T . Marriott , M . P .: Sir Gabriel Goldney . Bart . ; F . A . Philbrick , Q . C . ; Augustus Harris ; S . Pope , Q . C . ; Rev . Dr . Kynaston , Alderman Sir H . Isaacs . Admiral Cochrane . C . B . ; Massey Mainwaring , Sir Robert Harley . K . C . M . G . ; General Hale Wortham . Dixon-Hartland . M . P . : Colonel Edis .
Charles Barry . F . S . A . ; Phil Morris , A . R . A .: John Aird . M . P . ; Jas . L . Thomas . F . S . A . , Major General Sim . Sir Lionel Darell , Colonel Peters , Major A . B . Cook . Alfred Farquhar , Thos . Fenii , Robert Grey , Col . " ' Shad well , H . Gierke , Grand Secretary , Dr . Robson Roose . Alfred Cooper , Albert Levy , Rev . 0 . J . Martyn . A . M . Broadley ( Secretary of the Lodge Lionel Brough , E . J .
Lonnen , Henshaw Russell , Thomas Beard , the Under Sheriffs of London and Middlesex , the Mayor of Bolton , Colonel Davies Sewell , Dr . Stephen Mackenzie , R . Berridge . G . S . D . : Dr . Stuart . P . G . D . : C . F . Hogard . P . G . Std . Br .: II Peck , P . G . Std . Br .: W . Roebuck . P . G . Swd . Br . ; F . Binches . P . G . Swd . Br .: J . Terry . P . G . Swd . Br .: F . W . R . Hedges . P . G . Swd . Br . ; W . H . Spaull , P . G . A . D . C . ; W .
Lake . P . P . G . Reg . Cornwall : \ Y . W . Morgan , Jim . ; James Stevens . P . M ., P . Z .: Dr . Zacharie , P . G . M . California ; C . E . Soppet , P . G . Std . Bradshaw Brown , P . G . Std .: George Everett , P . M . 177 : George Gardner , P . M . 177 ; H . M . Brown . 6 ' 50 : J . Sadler Wood . P . M . 2005 Major Baker . P . M . : Lennox Browne : Deputy Walford , P . M . fcc . ifcC .
The lodge was opened by the W . M ., Sir John Gorst . Q . C , M . P ., and about 100 Grand Officers entered the lodge in procession . Bro . J . C . Parkinson , P . G . D ., performed the ceremony of installation , and a Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Sir John Gorst , I . P . M . The W . M ... Bro . Sir Edward Inglefield , appointed the following brethren to hold office during the ensuing vear , viz . : —Bros .
Alderman Sir Henrv Isaacs . S . W . : James Fernandez . J . W . : J . S . Fleming , treas .: A . ' M . Broadley , P . M ., P . D . D . G . M . Malta , sec ; Rev . C . J . Martyn . P . G . C , chap .: S . B . Bancroft . S . I ) . ; Harry Nicholls , , 1 . 1 ) . ; Thomas Catling , I . G . ; G . F . Bashford . D . of C . ' ; Osyar Barrett and 0 . J . Phipps , stewards ; Alfred Caldicott , Mus . Baa , org . ; and R . Goddard , tyler . Bro . J . II . Matthews acted as
Director of Ceremonies , assisted by Bro . C . F . Matier and twelve special stewards . At the conclusion of the ceremony , the members and their guests adjourned to the Great Hall of Freemasons' Tavern , where a banquet was served by Messrs . Spiers and Pond . The band of the 1 st Life Guards played in the gallery during dinner , after which
the following toast list was gone through ; The Queen and the Craft , " proposed by the W . M . ; " The M . W . Grand Master , " proposed by the W . M . : ' The Pro . Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , tind Grand Officers , Present and Past . " proposed by the W . M . and responded to by Bro . T . F . Halsey , R . W . P . G . M . Herts ; i- The Earl of Onslow . K . C . M . G ., Governor of New Zealand , P . G . W .. " proposed
by Bro . Sir W . Marriott , M . P ., and responded to by the Earl of Onslow ; " The Worshipful Master , " proposed by Bro . J . C . Parkinson , P . G . D ., and responded to by Bro . Admiral Sir E . A . Inglefield , K . C . B ., D . C . L . ; ; i The Visitors , " proposed by the Secretary and responded to by Bros . LordGeorge Hamilton , the Lord Mayor , Lord Alcester and
Rev . Dr . Kynaston ; " The Past Masters , " proposed by Bro . James Fernandez and responded to by Bro . Sir John Gorst , Q . C . M . P . ; " The Officers of the Lodge , " proposed by Bro . Augustus Harris , P . M ., and responded to by Bro . Sir H . Isaacs , S . AV . : " The Masonic Charities , " proposed by the Earl of Euston and responded to by Bro . F . R . AV . Hedges ; and the Tyler ' s toast .
This well-known and highly successful lodge held its installation meeting at Freemasons' Hall , London , on the 12 th inst ., when a very large attendance of members and visitors testified not only to the well deserved popularity of the AV . M ., Bro . J . Harcourt Lee , but also to that of the AV . M . elect , Bro . AVashington E . Haycock , P . M . The whole of the proceedings reflected the utmost credit on the
officers and those who had the management of the festival in charge . The lodge was opened by Bro . Harcourt Lee , who was well supported by his officers and members . After the passing of Bro . James Saba Mountford and the initiation of Mr . Percy . Burrow Hollick , the ceremony of installation was undertaken by the worthy
secretary of the lodge , Bro . George E . Fairchild , P . M ., P . Z ., who , in a most able manner , placed Bro . Haycock in the chair of K . S ., m the presence of a board of installed masters numbering 36 . In the course of the evening there were present about 80 brethren , and this number would have been considerably augmented but for
Answers To Correspondents.
the inclemency of the weather , which necessitated numerous apologies for absence . Amongst the many visitors we noticed Bros . II . Lawson , M . P ., P . M . ; W . Lestocq , P . M . 1319 ; E . Boyle , P . M . 69 ; R . P . Stevens , P . M . 901 ; AV . H . Honey , P . M ., 11 ; AV . Clarke , P . M . British Union ; AV . A . Tinney , P . M . 1319 ; AV . G . Lemon , P . M . ; J . Adams . P . M . A illiers : James Stevens , P . M . 1210 : A . A . Drew P . M .
890 ; J . T . Axford , AV . M . 890 ; G . A . Pickering . 890 , « fcc , & c . The W . M . invested his officers in the following order : —Bros . Robert Manuel , S . AV .: AVm . Eckstein , J . AV . ; R . H . Pearson , P . M ., treas . ; George E . Fairchild . P . M ., sec . : R . Hardy Smith , S . D . ; James J . Smith . J . D . ; Japheth Tickle . P . P . G . R .. Middlesex . AV . S . ; Charles Hawksley , P . M .. D . C . ; Frederick R . Farrow , I . G .
It . S . Oakeshott , Samuel Hunt , and C . P . Clarke , stwds . ; and James A ery . tyler . The addresses were delivered by the Installing Master and Secretary of the Lodge , AA . Bro . Fairchild , with admirable elocutionary power , giving great satisfaction to all his hearers and terminating the beautiful ceremony of Installation with great effect . After the disposal of some routine business the Lodge was
closed , and shortly afterwards the brethren again met at the Holborn Restaurant . Under the personal supervision of Bro . Hamp , the manager , a very excellent banquet was served , over which the AV . M . presided . The toasts which were subsequently given were introduced by him in excellent terms , indeed the AV . M . ' s speeches were more to the point , more thorough , than anv we have
heard in our Lodges for a long time , [ n proposing the health of the Initiate he was most impressive , and there can be no doubt that the lessons he so tersely yet forcibly set forth will bear good fruit . To the toast drank in his honour he replied with much emphasis on his intention to do nothing during his Mastership and subsequently but what will redound to the welfare and high reputation of the
Lodge . " The presentation of a P . M . jewel to AV . Bro . J . Harcourt Lee followed the toast of the Past Masters , to which both Brothers Lee and Fairchild gave excellent replies . In recognising the A'isitors , the W . M . truly said , ¦¦ the social board without visitors would lose its charm , " and the reception given to the sentiment was most cordial . Bro . Lawson , M . P ., led the replies from several
of the brethren called upon to respond , and the strongest possible testimony was given by them as to the happiness communicated by the kindly and earnest good fellowship which pervaded the entire evening ' s "labour and refreshment . " The programme of music under the direction of Bro . F . H . Cozens , who was assisted by Bros
Franklin Clive . R . AV . Heney and Arthur Thomas , was well selected ; and the several numbers were applauded , and in some instances encored . Expressions of general satisfaction with this festival were freely made when the hour for separation arrived , and the Urban Lodge has every reason to be satisfied with the success which attended the endeavours of its Master and Officers .
The installation meeting of this lodge took place at Brixton Hall , Acre Lane , on Saturday , the 2 nd inst . The members present included : Bro . C J . Axford , P . P . G . D . D . C . Middx .. W . M . ; A . E . Albert . S . AV . ; R . Evens , J . AV . ; AV . Kirkland , treas . : Hy . Lovegrove . P . M ., P . P . G . Supt . AVks . Mddx . Sec ; A . Jones , S . D . ; John Bott , I . G . ; J . J . Newlaud , D . C . ; John Read , P . P . G . Org . Middx ., Org . ;
John Hicks , Std . ; AV . E . Farrington , P . M . ; H . Baldwin , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . Middx . ; R . Poore , P . M ., and many others . Visitors : Bros . Chas . Jenner , AV . M . 159 ; E . Gauntlett . S . W . 1901 ; AV . H . Making , P . M . 1278 ; AV . A . Scurrah , P . P . G . Supt . AA ks . Mddx ., W . M . 107 ; A . H . Scurrah . J . AV . 220 G ; AV . Roberts , 1 ( 524 ; C B . Cooner ,
P . M . 149 ; R . H . Eccles , 1669 ; Charles Lee . S . D . 1624 : AV . Burridge , J . D . 1922 ; J . G . Albert , J . W . 227 ; AV . M . Stiles , AV . M . 1732 ; Geo . Ashton . I . P . M . 140 ; Samuel Hague , J . AV . 2105 ; C . P . McKay , I . P . M . 2048 ; C . A . Philips . P . M . 1986 ; J . A . AVhite , P . M . 957 ; and AV . AV . Lee , 1897 .
The lodge was opened , and , the minutes read and confirmed , after which the Audit Committee ' s report was received and adopted . Bro . Edmond C . AA ickes was passed , and Messrs . H . R . Shaw , W . B . Cleverly , and AV . Hooker initiated into Freemasonry . The ceremonies were ably rendered by Dro . Axford , W . M ., who then proceeded to instal his successor , Bro . Adolphus E . Albert , the
AV . M . elect . A Board of installed Masters having been formed , Bro . Albert was duly installed for the ensuing year . The officers were appointed and invested as follows : —Bros . Evens , S . AV . ; Jones . J . AV . ; AV . Kirkland , treas . ; H . Lovegrove , P . M ., sec . ; John Bott , S . D . ; John Read , P . M ., org . ; Newland , I . G . ; Hicks , D . C . ; R . Bott and Daunton , stwds . ; and Potter , P . M ., tyler .
A Past Master ' s jewel was presented to Bro . Axford , and after he had delivered the addresses the lodge was closed . The brethren adjourned to the banquet hall , where an excellent dinner was provided and well served under the superintendence of Bro . Kirkland , treasurer . The u-ual toasts were gone through , and that of the AV . M . was proposed by Bro . Axford , I . P . M ., who
said that Bro . Albert had taken a great interest in the lodge , and had worked up from the lowest office to his present high position : they would find in him an excellent master , and during his year the lodge would continue to prosper . It would be needless to take up the time with a long speech , and they would therefore drink his health and a successful year of office . -
Bro . A . E . Albert , W . M ., returned thanks for the kind way in which the I . P . M . had proposed , and the brethren received , the toast . As the members had placed him in such an honourable positiomhe would do his best to act as all former masters had . The latter had endeavoured to promote the interests of the lodge , and it had been his aim to try and do the same , if not better . As
there was a long programme to get through during the evening he hoped he would excuse the shortness of his reply . The other toasts were the initiates—the I . P . M . and Installing Master , the Visitors , the Officers , & c . Bro . John Read , P . P . G ., Org . Mdx ., Org . presided , with his usual ability , at the pianoforte , and Messrs . Burnham . L . H . Palmer , and Signer Alfieri assisted in the musical programme of the evening .