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Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Metropolitan Lodges and Chapters of Instruction .
The Editor desires that the following List may be taken as only approximately correct . To ensure absolute correctness in future issues ¦ information from the Secretaries of the Lodges not named , or iinperfectly announced , is especially solicited .
13 Union Waterloo ... at 8 Earl of Chathm .. Win . St ., Woolwich . 27 Egyptian „ 7 . 30 ( V ) 144 St . Luke ' s ,, 7 . 30 White Hart Tav . King ' s Road , Chelsea . 147 Justice „ 8 Brown Boar . High Street . Deptford . 259 Prince of AValcs ... ,. 7 . 30 liaihvav Hot .. Wimbledon 435 Salisbury „ 8 Union Tav ., Air Street , W . 754 High Cross 8 Coach & HorsesLower Tottenham
„ . . 871 Royal Oak „ 8 Lecture Hall , High Street , Deptford . 879 Southwark „ 8 Sir Garnet Wolselev , Roth . New Road . 901 City of London ... „ G . 30 Citv Arms Rest ,, St , Mary Axe . 907 Royal Albert „ 7 . 30 White Hart , Abchurch Lane , E . C . 1158 Southern Star ,, 8 Sir Syd . Smith . Chester St ., Kcnn . Rd ., 1259 Duke of Edinburgh ... „ 7 C . of G . Hope Tav ., Limehouse Church . 1278 Burdctt Coutts „ 8 Swan Tav ., NCAV Bethnal Green Road . 1306 St , John „ 8 Three CroAvns , Mile End Road . 1339 Stockwell
, 7 . 30 Cock Tav ., Kennington Road . 1348 Ebury , 8 Grevhound Hot .. Streatham Common 1360 Royal Arthur „ 7 Prince of AValcs Hot , Wimbledon 13 G 6 If ighgate „ 8 Bull and Gate , Highgate Road , N . 142 G The Great Citv , 6 . 30 M . IT ., Mason ' s Avenue , E . C . 1441 Ivy „ 8 Railwav Tav ., Battersca Rise , S . W . 1571 Leopold , 7 Austin ' s Hot ,, London Street , E . C . 1602 Sir Hugh Myddelton 8 White HorseLiverpool RoadN
... „ , , . 1614 Covent Garden 8 Criterion , Piccadillv . [ well . 1622 Rose „ 8 Stirling Castle Hot .. Church St .. Camber-1625 Tredegar , 7 . 30 Wellington Arms , Bow Road , E . 1673 Langton ,, 5 . 30 White Hart , Abchurch Lane . 1685 Guelph „ 8 Town Hall LeA-tonstone 1744 Roval Savoy „ 8 Blue Post , Charlotte Street , AV . 1791 Creaton „ 8 Whtshf . Hot ,, GldhwkRd . Shephd ' sBsh 1816 Victoria Park „ 8 The George Inn , Broadwav , Stratford .
RA . C . 188 . Toppa „ 7 Whitbv Tav ., 57 , Wappincr Wall . 753 Prince Frederick Win , ,, 7 30 Eagle Tav ., Clifton Road , Maida Vale . 1471 North London , 8 Northampton Hot ., St . Paul ' s Rd ., Cauonbury , N . 1624 Eccleston 7 . 30 Crown & Anchor , 79 , Ebury St ., S . W .
( 3 rd ) FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 10 th . 9 Albion at Crown Hot ,, Essex Stteet , Strand . 25 Robert Burns „ 8 Bedford Hd . Hot ,, Maiden La .. Gov . Gar . 167 St . John ' s 8 York & Albany Hot ., Albany St ., N . AV . 169 Temperance „ 8 Railway Tavern , New Cross Road . 217 Stability MasHaTavBasinghall Street
„ . . ., . 256 Unions ( Emnla . L of I . ) „ 6 F . M . IT 607 United Pilgrims 7 . 30 S . M . IT ., Cambenvell New Road . 733 AVcstbourne „ 8 ( V ) 749 Belgrave „ 8 Clarence Hot ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 765 St . James ' s , 8 Princess Vict ., LoAvcr Rd ., Rotherhithe 766 William Preston ... „ 8 St . Andrew ' s Tav ., George Street , AV . 780 Royal Alfred , 8 Star and Garter Hot ,, Kew Bridge . 834 Ranelagh 8 Six BellsQueen StHammersmithW
, ., , . 902 Burgoyne 7 Essex Arms , Essex Street , Strand . 1056 A ictoria ( Metro . L . of I . ) „ 7 Portugal Hot ., 155 , Fleet Street , E . G . 1785 Lewis „ 7 . 30 Fishmongers'Arms , Wood Green . 1228 Beacontrce „ 8 Green Man , Leytonstone 1287 Great Northern ... „ 8 Berwick Arms , Berners Street , AV . [ bury 1298 Royal Standard ... „ 8 Builder ' s Arms , St . Paul ' s Road ., Canon-1365 Clapton 8 lid . Stanley , Sandringham ltd ., Dalston 1381 Kennington „ 7 . 30 Horns Tav ., Kennington Park , S . E . 1472 730 Three North AVoolwich
Henley . Crowns , 1607 Loyally „ 8 Private Ro ., 206 . Mare Street , Hackney 1629 Henry Muggeridge ... „ 6 M . H ., Mason's Avenue , E . C . 1 G 42 Earl of Carnarvon ... „ 8 Lad broke Hall , Ladbroke Grove Road 1716 All Saints , 7 . 30 Town Hail , Poplar . 2030 Abbey 7 . 30 King's Arms , Buckingham Palace , Rd 890 Hornsev „ 8 PorchestcrHot „ Lein . stcrPI ., Paddingn . 946 Hill 8 HotRichmond
Strawberry , ... „ Greyhound ., , S . AV . 355 Royal Savoy ,, 7 . 30 The " Moorgatc , 15 , Finsbury Pavt , . E . C . 1275 Star „ 8 Stirling Castle , Church St ., Cmbrwll , S . E . ( 3 rd ) SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 17 th .
179 Manchester at 8 , Blue Post , Charlotte St ., Fitzroy Sq . 198 Percy 8 . lolly Farmers , Southgatc Road , N . 1275 Star „ 7 Five Bells , 155 , New Cross Road . 1288 Finsbury Park 8 i Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 1364 Earl of Zetland ... „ 7 ! Royal Edward , Mare Street , Hackney . 1541 Alexandra Palace 7 . 30 i Station Hot ., Cambcrwcll New Road . 1624 Eccleston 7 | King ' s Head , Ebury Bridge , Pimlico . 2012 Chiswiek 730 Windsor Castl St
. I e , King ., Hammersmith R . A . C . j 19 Mount Sinai 8 j Union Tav .. Air Street , Regent Street . 186 Industry 7 . 30 : Prince Regent , Dulwich Road , S . E . ( 3 rd ) MONDAY , NOVEMBER lflth .
22 Loughborough at 8 Gauden Hot ,, Clapham , S . W . 45 Strong Man 7 Bull and Bell , Jiopemakur Street , E . C . 174 Sincerity „ 7 Railway Tav ., Fenchurch Street , E C . ISO St . James ' s Union ... „ 8 Union Tav ., Air Street , AV . 511 Zetland „ 8 York and Albany , Regent ' s Pk ., N . AV . 548 Wellington 8 White Swan , High Street , Deptford . 933 Doric , 8 Duke ' s Head , Whitcchapel , E . 1178 Perfect Ashlar 8 Hot
„ Bridge House ., S . E . 1227 Upton , 8 Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate . 1425 Hyde Park „ 8 Porchester Hot ., LeinsterPl ., Paddingn . 1489 Marquess of Ripon ... „ 8 Royal Edward , Marc Street , Hackney .
Lod ° c NAME OP LODGE OR CHAPTER . PLACE OF MEETING . [ ( 3 rd ) MONDAY , NOVEMBER 19 th—continued .
1507 Metropolitan at 7 . 30 Moorgatc Tav ., Finsburv Pavement . 1536 United Military ...,. 7 . 30 Karl Chatham . Thomas St ., Woolwich . 1572 Carnarvon 6 Salutation , Newgate Street . 1585 Royal Commemoration „ 8 Railway Hot ., Putney Station . 1586 Upper Norwood ... „ 8 AVhitc Hart , Church Rd ., Up . Norwood 1608 Kilburn , 8 South Molton Hot ,, South Molton St . 1623 AVest Smithfleld ... „ 7 New Market Hot ,, King St ., AV . Smithfd . 1662 Beaconsllcld AValthamstow
S Chequers , . 1707 Eleanor , 8 Seven Sisters Hot ., Tottenham . 1804 Coborn „ 8 Eagle Hot ,, Snaresbrook . 1891 St . Ambrose „ 8 Baron ' s Court Hot ., AVest . Kensington . 1901 Sclwyn , 8 East Dulwich Hot ., Dulwich . 2021 Qn ' s AVr . & S . Marylebn . „ 8 Criterion , Piccadillv . 2090 Hammersmith ,, 7 . 30 The Baths , Black's Rd ., Hammersmith . R . A . C 206 Hope ... - „ — Globe Tav ., Royal Hill , Greenwich .
( 3 rd ) TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 20 th . 55 Constitutional at 7 Bedford Hot ., Southmpn . Bldgs . JTolbn . G 5 Prosperity „ 7 Hercules Tav ., Leadcnhall Street , E . C . 140 St . George „ 8 Public Hall , NCAV Cross . 141 Faith „ 8 Vic . Mans . Rt ., Victoria Street , S . AV . 177 Doinatic 730 Cambcrwcll Road
„ . Surrey M . IT ., NCAV . 188 . Toppa 7 Manchester Hot ., Aldersgate Street . 238 Pilgrim ( AVork in German 1 st & 3 rd Trie . ) „ 7 Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street . 463 E . Surrey Lo . of Coned . ,, 7 . 45 Greyhound Hotel , Croydon . 554 Yarborough „ 8 Green Dragon , Stepney . 704 Camden „ 8 Northbrook Hotel , Lee . 706 Florence Nightingale ... 730 MITAVilliam StreetAVoolwich .
,,. . ., , 753 Prince Fredk . AVilliam „ Eagle Tav ., Clifton Road , Maida Vale . 820 Lily , 8 Grevhound Hot ., Richmond . 858 South Middlesex ... „ 7 . 30 Beaufort Ho ., AValham Green . 860 Dalhousie , 8 Sister's Tav ., Pownall Road , Dalston . 861 Finsbury , King's Head Tav ., Threadneedlo Street . 1014 AA andsworth „ 8 East Hill Hot ,, Alma Rd ., AVandsworth 1076 Capper „ 8 Railway Hot ., Angel Lane , Stratford . 1155 Excelsior 8 Com . Dk . Tav ., Plough Rd ., Rothcrhithe
1321 Emblematic „ 8 Red Lion , York Street , St . James Square 1349 Friars , 7 . 30 Liverpool Arms , Canning Town . 1382 Corinthian , 7 George Hot ., Cubitt ToAvn , Poplar . 1446 Mount Edgecumbe ... „ 8 Crown Tav ., Lambeth Road , S . E . 1471 Islington , 7 . 30 Cock Tav ., Highburv . 1540 Chaucer , 8 Old AVhitc Hart , High Street , Borough 1558 Duke of Connaught ... „ 8 j Palmcrston Arms , Grosvenor Park , S . E . 1586 Upper Norwood 8 ] AVhite HartChurch Rd Norwood
... „ , ,, Up . . 1612 AVest Middlesex ... „ 7 . 30 Bell Hot ,, Ealing . 1695 New Finsbury Park ... „ 8 ! Hornsey AA ood Tav ., N . 1767 Kensington , 8 ScarsdaleArms , EdAvardes Sq ., Kensgtn . 1839 Duke of Cornwall ... „ 7 Queen's Arms , Queen Street , Cheapside 1949 1 Brixton „ 8 Prince Regent , Dulwich Road , S . E . 1950 Southgatc „ 8 Railway Hot ., New Sonthgate . 2266 Cator ... .. ' . ... „ 8 Railway Hotel , Beckenham R . AC . j 25 1 Robert 8 StoreStMartin
Burns „ Sussex , . ' s Lane . 704 | Camden „ 8 . 30 Tlie Moorgate , Moorgatc Street . 975 Metropolitan 6 . 30 AVhite Hart , Cannon Street , E . C . 1 G 42 Earl of Carnan-ou ... „ 8 Ladbroke Hall , Ladbroke Grove Road .
( 3 rd ) WEDNESDAY . NOVEMBER 21 st . 3 Fidelity at 8 The Alfred , Roman Road , Barnsbury 30 United Mariners ... „ 7 . 30 Lugard Hot ., Lugard Road , Peckham . 73 Mount Lebanon ... „ 8 George Inn , Boro' High Street . 79 Pythagorean „ 8 Portland Hot ., Greenwich . 87 Vitrnvian 8 BdgHoHotLondon Bridge
, . . ., . 186 Industry „ 8 . 30 ( V ) 193 Confidence „ 7 (?) 228 United Strength 8 Hope Tav ., Stanhope St ., Regent ' s Pk . 538 La Tolerance 8 Portland Arms , Gt , Portland Street . 720 Pamm-. re „ 7 Balham Hot ,, Balham . 781 Merchant Navy 7 . 30 Silver Tav ., Burdctt Road , Limehouse . 813 New Concord 8 Jolly Farmers , Sonthgate Road , N . 8 G 2 AVhittington 730 Red LionPoppins CourtFleet Street
,,. , , . 898 Temperance in East ... „ 7 . 30 Greenwich Pensr ., Bow Lane , Poplar . 1339 Stockwell , 6 M . II . Tav ., Mason ' s Avenue , E . C . 1475 Peckham „ 8 Lord AVellington , Old Kent Road , S . E . 1524 Duke of Connaught ... „ 8 Royal Edward , Mare St ., Hackney , E . 1585 Royal Commemoration „ 8 The Eight Bells , Putney 1601 Ravensbourne „ 8 George Inn . Catford , S . E . 1604 AVanderers 7 . 30 Vict . Mans . Rest ., Vict . Street , S . W . 1681 Londesborough 8 Berkeley Anns , John St ., Berkeley Sq . 1708 Plucknett '
, 7 . 45 Bald Faced Stag , East End , Finchloy . 1922 Earl of Lathom ... „ 8 Station Hot ., Cambenvell NCAV Road . 1963 Duke of Albany 7 . 30 Rock Tav ., Battersca Park ltd . 2206 The Hendon 8 Old Welsh Harp , Hendon R . A . C . 177 Domatic „ 7 Union Tav ., Air Street , AV . 180 St . James ' s Union ... „ 8 Ditto 033 Doric , 7 . 30 Print . H . AVks ., 202 , AVhitcchapel Road 1339 Stockwell 6
* M . H . Tav ., Mason ' s Avenue , E . C . 1950 Sonthgate „ 8 Railway Hotel , New Sonthgate . * Tills Chapter meets only on third Mondays in each month . ( 4 th ) THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 22 nd . Lodges and Chapters , as 3 rd Thursday in November { see ante ) .
% * lite Editor will be greatly obliged for any information the Secretaries of the various Lodges may be pleased to send to him .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Metropolitan Lodges and Chapters of Instruction .
The Editor desires that the following List may be taken as only approximately correct . To ensure absolute correctness in future issues ¦ information from the Secretaries of the Lodges not named , or iinperfectly announced , is especially solicited .
13 Union Waterloo ... at 8 Earl of Chathm .. Win . St ., Woolwich . 27 Egyptian „ 7 . 30 ( V ) 144 St . Luke ' s ,, 7 . 30 White Hart Tav . King ' s Road , Chelsea . 147 Justice „ 8 Brown Boar . High Street . Deptford . 259 Prince of AValcs ... ,. 7 . 30 liaihvav Hot .. Wimbledon 435 Salisbury „ 8 Union Tav ., Air Street , W . 754 High Cross 8 Coach & HorsesLower Tottenham
„ . . 871 Royal Oak „ 8 Lecture Hall , High Street , Deptford . 879 Southwark „ 8 Sir Garnet Wolselev , Roth . New Road . 901 City of London ... „ G . 30 Citv Arms Rest ,, St , Mary Axe . 907 Royal Albert „ 7 . 30 White Hart , Abchurch Lane , E . C . 1158 Southern Star ,, 8 Sir Syd . Smith . Chester St ., Kcnn . Rd ., 1259 Duke of Edinburgh ... „ 7 C . of G . Hope Tav ., Limehouse Church . 1278 Burdctt Coutts „ 8 Swan Tav ., NCAV Bethnal Green Road . 1306 St , John „ 8 Three CroAvns , Mile End Road . 1339 Stockwell
, 7 . 30 Cock Tav ., Kennington Road . 1348 Ebury , 8 Grevhound Hot .. Streatham Common 1360 Royal Arthur „ 7 Prince of AValcs Hot , Wimbledon 13 G 6 If ighgate „ 8 Bull and Gate , Highgate Road , N . 142 G The Great Citv , 6 . 30 M . IT ., Mason ' s Avenue , E . C . 1441 Ivy „ 8 Railwav Tav ., Battersca Rise , S . W . 1571 Leopold , 7 Austin ' s Hot ,, London Street , E . C . 1602 Sir Hugh Myddelton 8 White HorseLiverpool RoadN
... „ , , . 1614 Covent Garden 8 Criterion , Piccadillv . [ well . 1622 Rose „ 8 Stirling Castle Hot .. Church St .. Camber-1625 Tredegar , 7 . 30 Wellington Arms , Bow Road , E . 1673 Langton ,, 5 . 30 White Hart , Abchurch Lane . 1685 Guelph „ 8 Town Hall LeA-tonstone 1744 Roval Savoy „ 8 Blue Post , Charlotte Street , AV . 1791 Creaton „ 8 Whtshf . Hot ,, GldhwkRd . Shephd ' sBsh 1816 Victoria Park „ 8 The George Inn , Broadwav , Stratford .
RA . C . 188 . Toppa „ 7 Whitbv Tav ., 57 , Wappincr Wall . 753 Prince Frederick Win , ,, 7 30 Eagle Tav ., Clifton Road , Maida Vale . 1471 North London , 8 Northampton Hot ., St . Paul ' s Rd ., Cauonbury , N . 1624 Eccleston 7 . 30 Crown & Anchor , 79 , Ebury St ., S . W .
( 3 rd ) FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 10 th . 9 Albion at Crown Hot ,, Essex Stteet , Strand . 25 Robert Burns „ 8 Bedford Hd . Hot ,, Maiden La .. Gov . Gar . 167 St . John ' s 8 York & Albany Hot ., Albany St ., N . AV . 169 Temperance „ 8 Railway Tavern , New Cross Road . 217 Stability MasHaTavBasinghall Street
„ . . ., . 256 Unions ( Emnla . L of I . ) „ 6 F . M . IT 607 United Pilgrims 7 . 30 S . M . IT ., Cambenvell New Road . 733 AVcstbourne „ 8 ( V ) 749 Belgrave „ 8 Clarence Hot ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 765 St . James ' s , 8 Princess Vict ., LoAvcr Rd ., Rotherhithe 766 William Preston ... „ 8 St . Andrew ' s Tav ., George Street , AV . 780 Royal Alfred , 8 Star and Garter Hot ,, Kew Bridge . 834 Ranelagh 8 Six BellsQueen StHammersmithW
, ., , . 902 Burgoyne 7 Essex Arms , Essex Street , Strand . 1056 A ictoria ( Metro . L . of I . ) „ 7 Portugal Hot ., 155 , Fleet Street , E . G . 1785 Lewis „ 7 . 30 Fishmongers'Arms , Wood Green . 1228 Beacontrce „ 8 Green Man , Leytonstone 1287 Great Northern ... „ 8 Berwick Arms , Berners Street , AV . [ bury 1298 Royal Standard ... „ 8 Builder ' s Arms , St . Paul ' s Road ., Canon-1365 Clapton 8 lid . Stanley , Sandringham ltd ., Dalston 1381 Kennington „ 7 . 30 Horns Tav ., Kennington Park , S . E . 1472 730 Three North AVoolwich
Henley . Crowns , 1607 Loyally „ 8 Private Ro ., 206 . Mare Street , Hackney 1629 Henry Muggeridge ... „ 6 M . H ., Mason's Avenue , E . C . 1 G 42 Earl of Carnarvon ... „ 8 Lad broke Hall , Ladbroke Grove Road 1716 All Saints , 7 . 30 Town Hail , Poplar . 2030 Abbey 7 . 30 King's Arms , Buckingham Palace , Rd 890 Hornsev „ 8 PorchestcrHot „ Lein . stcrPI ., Paddingn . 946 Hill 8 HotRichmond
Strawberry , ... „ Greyhound ., , S . AV . 355 Royal Savoy ,, 7 . 30 The " Moorgatc , 15 , Finsbury Pavt , . E . C . 1275 Star „ 8 Stirling Castle , Church St ., Cmbrwll , S . E . ( 3 rd ) SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 17 th .
179 Manchester at 8 , Blue Post , Charlotte St ., Fitzroy Sq . 198 Percy 8 . lolly Farmers , Southgatc Road , N . 1275 Star „ 7 Five Bells , 155 , New Cross Road . 1288 Finsbury Park 8 i Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 1364 Earl of Zetland ... „ 7 ! Royal Edward , Mare Street , Hackney . 1541 Alexandra Palace 7 . 30 i Station Hot ., Cambcrwcll New Road . 1624 Eccleston 7 | King ' s Head , Ebury Bridge , Pimlico . 2012 Chiswiek 730 Windsor Castl St
. I e , King ., Hammersmith R . A . C . j 19 Mount Sinai 8 j Union Tav .. Air Street , Regent Street . 186 Industry 7 . 30 : Prince Regent , Dulwich Road , S . E . ( 3 rd ) MONDAY , NOVEMBER lflth .
22 Loughborough at 8 Gauden Hot ,, Clapham , S . W . 45 Strong Man 7 Bull and Bell , Jiopemakur Street , E . C . 174 Sincerity „ 7 Railway Tav ., Fenchurch Street , E C . ISO St . James ' s Union ... „ 8 Union Tav ., Air Street , AV . 511 Zetland „ 8 York and Albany , Regent ' s Pk ., N . AV . 548 Wellington 8 White Swan , High Street , Deptford . 933 Doric , 8 Duke ' s Head , Whitcchapel , E . 1178 Perfect Ashlar 8 Hot
„ Bridge House ., S . E . 1227 Upton , 8 Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate . 1425 Hyde Park „ 8 Porchester Hot ., LeinsterPl ., Paddingn . 1489 Marquess of Ripon ... „ 8 Royal Edward , Marc Street , Hackney .
Lod ° c NAME OP LODGE OR CHAPTER . PLACE OF MEETING . [ ( 3 rd ) MONDAY , NOVEMBER 19 th—continued .
1507 Metropolitan at 7 . 30 Moorgatc Tav ., Finsburv Pavement . 1536 United Military ...,. 7 . 30 Karl Chatham . Thomas St ., Woolwich . 1572 Carnarvon 6 Salutation , Newgate Street . 1585 Royal Commemoration „ 8 Railway Hot ., Putney Station . 1586 Upper Norwood ... „ 8 AVhitc Hart , Church Rd ., Up . Norwood 1608 Kilburn , 8 South Molton Hot ,, South Molton St . 1623 AVest Smithfleld ... „ 7 New Market Hot ,, King St ., AV . Smithfd . 1662 Beaconsllcld AValthamstow
S Chequers , . 1707 Eleanor , 8 Seven Sisters Hot ., Tottenham . 1804 Coborn „ 8 Eagle Hot ,, Snaresbrook . 1891 St . Ambrose „ 8 Baron ' s Court Hot ., AVest . Kensington . 1901 Sclwyn , 8 East Dulwich Hot ., Dulwich . 2021 Qn ' s AVr . & S . Marylebn . „ 8 Criterion , Piccadillv . 2090 Hammersmith ,, 7 . 30 The Baths , Black's Rd ., Hammersmith . R . A . C 206 Hope ... - „ — Globe Tav ., Royal Hill , Greenwich .
( 3 rd ) TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 20 th . 55 Constitutional at 7 Bedford Hot ., Southmpn . Bldgs . JTolbn . G 5 Prosperity „ 7 Hercules Tav ., Leadcnhall Street , E . C . 140 St . George „ 8 Public Hall , NCAV Cross . 141 Faith „ 8 Vic . Mans . Rt ., Victoria Street , S . AV . 177 Doinatic 730 Cambcrwcll Road
„ . Surrey M . IT ., NCAV . 188 . Toppa 7 Manchester Hot ., Aldersgate Street . 238 Pilgrim ( AVork in German 1 st & 3 rd Trie . ) „ 7 Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street . 463 E . Surrey Lo . of Coned . ,, 7 . 45 Greyhound Hotel , Croydon . 554 Yarborough „ 8 Green Dragon , Stepney . 704 Camden „ 8 Northbrook Hotel , Lee . 706 Florence Nightingale ... 730 MITAVilliam StreetAVoolwich .
,,. . ., , 753 Prince Fredk . AVilliam „ Eagle Tav ., Clifton Road , Maida Vale . 820 Lily , 8 Grevhound Hot ., Richmond . 858 South Middlesex ... „ 7 . 30 Beaufort Ho ., AValham Green . 860 Dalhousie , 8 Sister's Tav ., Pownall Road , Dalston . 861 Finsbury , King's Head Tav ., Threadneedlo Street . 1014 AA andsworth „ 8 East Hill Hot ,, Alma Rd ., AVandsworth 1076 Capper „ 8 Railway Hot ., Angel Lane , Stratford . 1155 Excelsior 8 Com . Dk . Tav ., Plough Rd ., Rothcrhithe
1321 Emblematic „ 8 Red Lion , York Street , St . James Square 1349 Friars , 7 . 30 Liverpool Arms , Canning Town . 1382 Corinthian , 7 George Hot ., Cubitt ToAvn , Poplar . 1446 Mount Edgecumbe ... „ 8 Crown Tav ., Lambeth Road , S . E . 1471 Islington , 7 . 30 Cock Tav ., Highburv . 1540 Chaucer , 8 Old AVhitc Hart , High Street , Borough 1558 Duke of Connaught ... „ 8 j Palmcrston Arms , Grosvenor Park , S . E . 1586 Upper Norwood 8 ] AVhite HartChurch Rd Norwood
... „ , ,, Up . . 1612 AVest Middlesex ... „ 7 . 30 Bell Hot ,, Ealing . 1695 New Finsbury Park ... „ 8 ! Hornsey AA ood Tav ., N . 1767 Kensington , 8 ScarsdaleArms , EdAvardes Sq ., Kensgtn . 1839 Duke of Cornwall ... „ 7 Queen's Arms , Queen Street , Cheapside 1949 1 Brixton „ 8 Prince Regent , Dulwich Road , S . E . 1950 Southgatc „ 8 Railway Hot ., New Sonthgate . 2266 Cator ... .. ' . ... „ 8 Railway Hotel , Beckenham R . AC . j 25 1 Robert 8 StoreStMartin
Burns „ Sussex , . ' s Lane . 704 | Camden „ 8 . 30 Tlie Moorgate , Moorgatc Street . 975 Metropolitan 6 . 30 AVhite Hart , Cannon Street , E . C . 1 G 42 Earl of Carnan-ou ... „ 8 Ladbroke Hall , Ladbroke Grove Road .
( 3 rd ) WEDNESDAY . NOVEMBER 21 st . 3 Fidelity at 8 The Alfred , Roman Road , Barnsbury 30 United Mariners ... „ 7 . 30 Lugard Hot ., Lugard Road , Peckham . 73 Mount Lebanon ... „ 8 George Inn , Boro' High Street . 79 Pythagorean „ 8 Portland Hot ., Greenwich . 87 Vitrnvian 8 BdgHoHotLondon Bridge
, . . ., . 186 Industry „ 8 . 30 ( V ) 193 Confidence „ 7 (?) 228 United Strength 8 Hope Tav ., Stanhope St ., Regent ' s Pk . 538 La Tolerance 8 Portland Arms , Gt , Portland Street . 720 Pamm-. re „ 7 Balham Hot ,, Balham . 781 Merchant Navy 7 . 30 Silver Tav ., Burdctt Road , Limehouse . 813 New Concord 8 Jolly Farmers , Sonthgate Road , N . 8 G 2 AVhittington 730 Red LionPoppins CourtFleet Street
,,. , , . 898 Temperance in East ... „ 7 . 30 Greenwich Pensr ., Bow Lane , Poplar . 1339 Stockwell , 6 M . II . Tav ., Mason ' s Avenue , E . C . 1475 Peckham „ 8 Lord AVellington , Old Kent Road , S . E . 1524 Duke of Connaught ... „ 8 Royal Edward , Mare St ., Hackney , E . 1585 Royal Commemoration „ 8 The Eight Bells , Putney 1601 Ravensbourne „ 8 George Inn . Catford , S . E . 1604 AVanderers 7 . 30 Vict . Mans . Rest ., Vict . Street , S . W . 1681 Londesborough 8 Berkeley Anns , John St ., Berkeley Sq . 1708 Plucknett '
, 7 . 45 Bald Faced Stag , East End , Finchloy . 1922 Earl of Lathom ... „ 8 Station Hot ., Cambenvell NCAV Road . 1963 Duke of Albany 7 . 30 Rock Tav ., Battersca Park ltd . 2206 The Hendon 8 Old Welsh Harp , Hendon R . A . C . 177 Domatic „ 7 Union Tav ., Air Street , AV . 180 St . James ' s Union ... „ 8 Ditto 033 Doric , 7 . 30 Print . H . AVks ., 202 , AVhitcchapel Road 1339 Stockwell 6
* M . H . Tav ., Mason ' s Avenue , E . C . 1950 Sonthgate „ 8 Railway Hotel , New Sonthgate . * Tills Chapter meets only on third Mondays in each month . ( 4 th ) THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 22 nd . Lodges and Chapters , as 3 rd Thursday in November { see ante ) .
% * lite Editor will be greatly obliged for any information the Secretaries of the various Lodges may be pleased to send to him .