Article The Masonic "Poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1 Article We are requested to notify that :- Page 1 of 1 Article We are requested to notify that :- Page 1 of 1 Article OUR TRESTLS BOARD Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic "Poet's Corner."
The Masonic "Poet's Corner . "
{ Original and Selected . ' ) TO STRETCH THE LIBERAL HAND .
To stretch the liberal hand . And pour the stream of gladness O ' er misery ' s withered strand . —¦ To cheer the hearth of sadness , — To dry the orphan ' s tear ,
And soothe the heart nigh broken , — To breathe in sorrow ' s ear Kind Avords in kindness spoken . — This is the Mason ' s part . The Mason ' s bounden duty , This rears the Mason ' s heart
In Avisdom . strength and beauty . To practice virtue ' s laAvs With fervencj' and freedom . And in her noble cause Advance Avhere ' cr she lead 'em , — To curb izihe headlomr course
Of passion ' s fiery pinion , And bend its stubborn force To reason ' s mild dominion , — This is the Mason ' s part . The Mason ' s bounden duty , —¦ This rears the Mason's heart
In wisdom , strength and beauty . To shield a brother ' s fame From envy and detraction , And proA'e that truth ' s our aim In spirit , life and action , — To trust in God , through all
The danger and temptation , Which to his lot may fall . In trial and probation . — This is the Mason ' s part , The Mason ' s bounden duty , This rears the Mason ' s heart In Avisdom , strength and beauty . ANONYMOUS .
F RIEXDSHIP , true friendship , is a sacred bond , E , equiring for its strength no outward aid ; E mbracing in its grasp two kindred souls , E nriching each in sunshine and in shade . M asonry free and accepted is the base ,
A sound and happy site to build upon . S o by its mystic tokens , and its signs , O ur plans and purports AVC may fairly con . N 0 bitter thoughts or deeds can ever split S ouls that in Friendship ' s ties are firmly knit . J . H . JEWELL . P . M . 1223 . P . P . G . R .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The installation of Bro . Charles Joslm as W . M . of the Stour Valley Lodge , Xo . 1224 , for the ensuing year , will take place at the Freemasons' Hall , Sudbury , Suffolk , to-morrow ( Friday ) afternoon , the Kith inst . ' . at - ! p . m ., the V . W . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn . Dep . P . G . M . for Suffolk , officiating as Installing Master .
Lodge Temperance . Xo . Hit ) , AVUI meet this evening ( Thurs day ) , at the White Swan Hotel , Deptford , at half-past five o ' clock Bro . J . G . Dale , W . M . Ceremony in second degree . The annual banquet of the Faith Lodge of Instruction , No .
Ill , Avill take place at the Restaurant , Victoria Chambers , Victoria St : eet , S . W ., on Wednesday , the 28 th inst ., Bro . C . A . Cokebrane , P . M ., JP . G . P .. in the chair . Tickets 5 s . each , to be obtained of Bro . Cloots , at the Restaurant , or of the Hon . Sec , Bro . C . Hunt . 29 , Chapel Street . Belgrave Square , S . W .
The Panmuro Lodge , Xo . 720 , Bro . Fredk . Purkiss , W . M ., will meet at the Balham Hotel , Balham , on Monday , the 20 th inst ., at six p . m . Raising and other business . The Leopold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1571 , has arranged to attend in force the working of the Fifteen Sections by the members of the Great City Lodge of Instruction , at Masons ' Hall , Masons ' Avenue , E . G ., on the 22 nd inst ., at 0 . 30 .
The Sections of the First Lecture will be Avorked in the XCAV Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1005 , on Tuesday , the 20 th inst ., at 8 p . m .
W . Bro . James Stevens , P . M ., P . Z ., has consented to deliver a lecture on " The Ritual and Ceremonial of the Symbolic Degrees of Freemasonry , " in the Leopold Lodge of Instruction , Xo . 1571 , at the Blackwall Railway Hotel . London Street , E . G .. on the 20 th inst ., at 7 p . m .
The half-yearly meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Eastern Division of the County of Lancaster will be held at Hulme TOAVII Hall , Manchester , to-morrow ( Friday ) , the Kith inst ., at 2 . 30 p . m . After the business of the Grand Lodge , a Court of Governors of the Educational and BeneA'olent Institution of the Province will be held .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
On the 21 st hist ., at a convocation of St . John ' s Royal Arch Chapter . Xo . 328 . Torquay Masonic Hall , Ex ( Join ]) . W . J . Hiighan , P . G . A . Soj . Eng ., will deliver an address on " The Three Degrees in relation to Royal Arch Masonry , " eaotei-ieitll ' I J considered . The annual supper of the Carnarvon Lodge of Instruction . Xo . 1572 . will be held at the Salutation . Newgate Street . "E . G .. on MondaA-. the 19 th inst .
I . he Installation Mooting of the Whittiiigton Lodge , No . 802 , will be held at Freemason ' s Hall . Great Queen Street , on the lihh inst .. at 1 . 30 p . m .. Avhen Bro . James Irvine Avill be installed by Bro . William Hill , W . M .
The ceremony of installation Avill be worked at the Dalhousio Lodge of Instruction , No . 800 . at the Sisters Tavern , Pownall Road , Dalston . on Tuesday next , the 20 th inst ., at eight o ' clock . Bro ' . Lorkin . P . M .. installing Master .
Our Trestls Board
^ T-T ™ *»~ ..-3 W •!¦ IHI .. ' ¦'" Ill- ' J ^—U'l - .... ^ ^ .. Tl .. I— .. U . ^ y ^ n . ^ , / " For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
ALL communications should be forwarded 59 . Moor Lane . Fore Street . E . G .. London . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to the EDITOR : and all others to Messrs . AUA . BROS .
TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS . —This number of THE MASONIC STAR , No . 13 , Avill complete the first quarter , for Avhich many of our subscribers have favoured us Avith orders , and Ave take this opportunity to thank them for the support they have given us . Wo shall be much obliged if those Avho have not yet remitted the amount of their quarterly subscriptions Avill kindly do so during the ensuing
week to Messrs . ADA . MS BROS ., and if those upon whom Ave have no monetary claim Avill be good enough to intimate their wish to continue their support , Ave shall esteem their instructions . This does not , of course , apply to our half-yearly and yearly subscribers . The series of numbers for the quarter Avill be forwarded on receipt of remittance of Is . ( id . in stamps . The supply can be but limited , as an early number is nearly out of print .
¦ x -i :- * = >? * We are gratified by the foreign support accorded to us . We must ' however , ask our friends to make their remittances agree Avith our published terms . In some instances the amount has not been sufficient to include the cost of foreign postage ; .
m * m # - * We are sorry to learn , from the letter of a correspondent Avhich appeared in our last number , that , notwithstanding an announcement made public in the press to the effect that the enquiry into the management and administration of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys Avas to be open to gOA'ernors and subscribers , and to reportersthe special committee have closed the doors of the judicial
, ch unber ajainst all but themseh'es , the officials and witnesses . Speaking in our individual capacity as governors , we think this is very bad policy , and such as Avill materially affect the reception of the report , A \ hatever may be the nature of it . As journalists we have no feeling in the matter , for Ave think that until the enquiry is terminated , press comments would be very undesirable . When
both parties have been heard and a decision by the Special Committee arrived at and reported , it will be time enough to discuss particulars . Meanwhile , those concerned should recognise the fact that the R . M . I . B . is exactly in the position of any public eha . 'liable institution which is not masonic , and the management of Avhich is in question , and that no shelter from publicity can be justifiable on the score of masonic secrecy .
" Hearty good Avishcs ! " Can any of our readers inform us why this eastern , of many j'ears' standing , if not as old as our modern practice of Freemasonry , of " paying due reverence to Master , Wardens and Fellows , and putting them to worship , " as our Ancient Charges direct , is now being in some sections of our fraternity entirely set aside . ' By Avhose dictum or authority is it sought to
put " out of court " that courtesy which so many of us have always considered befitting the position of visitors to lodges , as a means of general introduction , a return for kindly reception , and a fulfilment of the injunction to behave courteously as well within as Avithout the lodge . " We could adduce many reasons why this practice of
giving " hearty good Avishes " to W . M . and brethren should lie continued , and fail to find one for its prohibition . At present many brethren are concerned as to what they should do . and differ amongst themselves on the subject . Will some authority set them right , and receiA'o their " hearty good Avishes " for so doing . '
There were two propositions for initiation , on the agenda of a Lodge Avhich AVC visited last Aveek , but , for the first time in the history of the Lodge , as AVC were informed , notwithstanding the undoubted respectability and moral characters of the applicants , and
almost assuredly in consequence of discontent with , a recent Avellconsidered departure from the ordinary appointments by rotation , the ballots were in each instance declared foul , and the applications Avere , in accordance with the regulations of the Order , rejected . The bye-laws of this particular Lodge appeal to its members to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic "Poet's Corner."
The Masonic "Poet's Corner . "
{ Original and Selected . ' ) TO STRETCH THE LIBERAL HAND .
To stretch the liberal hand . And pour the stream of gladness O ' er misery ' s withered strand . —¦ To cheer the hearth of sadness , — To dry the orphan ' s tear ,
And soothe the heart nigh broken , — To breathe in sorrow ' s ear Kind Avords in kindness spoken . — This is the Mason ' s part . The Mason ' s bounden duty , This rears the Mason ' s heart
In Avisdom . strength and beauty . To practice virtue ' s laAvs With fervencj' and freedom . And in her noble cause Advance Avhere ' cr she lead 'em , — To curb izihe headlomr course
Of passion ' s fiery pinion , And bend its stubborn force To reason ' s mild dominion , — This is the Mason ' s part . The Mason ' s bounden duty , —¦ This rears the Mason's heart
In wisdom , strength and beauty . To shield a brother ' s fame From envy and detraction , And proA'e that truth ' s our aim In spirit , life and action , — To trust in God , through all
The danger and temptation , Which to his lot may fall . In trial and probation . — This is the Mason ' s part , The Mason ' s bounden duty , This rears the Mason ' s heart In Avisdom , strength and beauty . ANONYMOUS .
F RIEXDSHIP , true friendship , is a sacred bond , E , equiring for its strength no outward aid ; E mbracing in its grasp two kindred souls , E nriching each in sunshine and in shade . M asonry free and accepted is the base ,
A sound and happy site to build upon . S o by its mystic tokens , and its signs , O ur plans and purports AVC may fairly con . N 0 bitter thoughts or deeds can ever split S ouls that in Friendship ' s ties are firmly knit . J . H . JEWELL . P . M . 1223 . P . P . G . R .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The installation of Bro . Charles Joslm as W . M . of the Stour Valley Lodge , Xo . 1224 , for the ensuing year , will take place at the Freemasons' Hall , Sudbury , Suffolk , to-morrow ( Friday ) afternoon , the Kith inst . ' . at - ! p . m ., the V . W . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn . Dep . P . G . M . for Suffolk , officiating as Installing Master .
Lodge Temperance . Xo . Hit ) , AVUI meet this evening ( Thurs day ) , at the White Swan Hotel , Deptford , at half-past five o ' clock Bro . J . G . Dale , W . M . Ceremony in second degree . The annual banquet of the Faith Lodge of Instruction , No .
Ill , Avill take place at the Restaurant , Victoria Chambers , Victoria St : eet , S . W ., on Wednesday , the 28 th inst ., Bro . C . A . Cokebrane , P . M ., JP . G . P .. in the chair . Tickets 5 s . each , to be obtained of Bro . Cloots , at the Restaurant , or of the Hon . Sec , Bro . C . Hunt . 29 , Chapel Street . Belgrave Square , S . W .
The Panmuro Lodge , Xo . 720 , Bro . Fredk . Purkiss , W . M ., will meet at the Balham Hotel , Balham , on Monday , the 20 th inst ., at six p . m . Raising and other business . The Leopold Lodge of Instruction , No . 1571 , has arranged to attend in force the working of the Fifteen Sections by the members of the Great City Lodge of Instruction , at Masons ' Hall , Masons ' Avenue , E . G ., on the 22 nd inst ., at 0 . 30 .
The Sections of the First Lecture will be Avorked in the XCAV Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1005 , on Tuesday , the 20 th inst ., at 8 p . m .
W . Bro . James Stevens , P . M ., P . Z ., has consented to deliver a lecture on " The Ritual and Ceremonial of the Symbolic Degrees of Freemasonry , " in the Leopold Lodge of Instruction , Xo . 1571 , at the Blackwall Railway Hotel . London Street , E . G .. on the 20 th inst ., at 7 p . m .
The half-yearly meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of the Eastern Division of the County of Lancaster will be held at Hulme TOAVII Hall , Manchester , to-morrow ( Friday ) , the Kith inst ., at 2 . 30 p . m . After the business of the Grand Lodge , a Court of Governors of the Educational and BeneA'olent Institution of the Province will be held .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
On the 21 st hist ., at a convocation of St . John ' s Royal Arch Chapter . Xo . 328 . Torquay Masonic Hall , Ex ( Join ]) . W . J . Hiighan , P . G . A . Soj . Eng ., will deliver an address on " The Three Degrees in relation to Royal Arch Masonry , " eaotei-ieitll ' I J considered . The annual supper of the Carnarvon Lodge of Instruction . Xo . 1572 . will be held at the Salutation . Newgate Street . "E . G .. on MondaA-. the 19 th inst .
I . he Installation Mooting of the Whittiiigton Lodge , No . 802 , will be held at Freemason ' s Hall . Great Queen Street , on the lihh inst .. at 1 . 30 p . m .. Avhen Bro . James Irvine Avill be installed by Bro . William Hill , W . M .
The ceremony of installation Avill be worked at the Dalhousio Lodge of Instruction , No . 800 . at the Sisters Tavern , Pownall Road , Dalston . on Tuesday next , the 20 th inst ., at eight o ' clock . Bro ' . Lorkin . P . M .. installing Master .
Our Trestls Board
^ T-T ™ *»~ ..-3 W •!¦ IHI .. ' ¦'" Ill- ' J ^—U'l - .... ^ ^ .. Tl .. I— .. U . ^ y ^ n . ^ , / " For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
ALL communications should be forwarded 59 . Moor Lane . Fore Street . E . G .. London . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to the EDITOR : and all others to Messrs . AUA . BROS .
TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS . —This number of THE MASONIC STAR , No . 13 , Avill complete the first quarter , for Avhich many of our subscribers have favoured us Avith orders , and Ave take this opportunity to thank them for the support they have given us . Wo shall be much obliged if those Avho have not yet remitted the amount of their quarterly subscriptions Avill kindly do so during the ensuing
week to Messrs . ADA . MS BROS ., and if those upon whom Ave have no monetary claim Avill be good enough to intimate their wish to continue their support , Ave shall esteem their instructions . This does not , of course , apply to our half-yearly and yearly subscribers . The series of numbers for the quarter Avill be forwarded on receipt of remittance of Is . ( id . in stamps . The supply can be but limited , as an early number is nearly out of print .
¦ x -i :- * = >? * We are gratified by the foreign support accorded to us . We must ' however , ask our friends to make their remittances agree Avith our published terms . In some instances the amount has not been sufficient to include the cost of foreign postage ; .
m * m # - * We are sorry to learn , from the letter of a correspondent Avhich appeared in our last number , that , notwithstanding an announcement made public in the press to the effect that the enquiry into the management and administration of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys Avas to be open to gOA'ernors and subscribers , and to reportersthe special committee have closed the doors of the judicial
, ch unber ajainst all but themseh'es , the officials and witnesses . Speaking in our individual capacity as governors , we think this is very bad policy , and such as Avill materially affect the reception of the report , A \ hatever may be the nature of it . As journalists we have no feeling in the matter , for Ave think that until the enquiry is terminated , press comments would be very undesirable . When
both parties have been heard and a decision by the Special Committee arrived at and reported , it will be time enough to discuss particulars . Meanwhile , those concerned should recognise the fact that the R . M . I . B . is exactly in the position of any public eha . 'liable institution which is not masonic , and the management of Avhich is in question , and that no shelter from publicity can be justifiable on the score of masonic secrecy .
" Hearty good Avishcs ! " Can any of our readers inform us why this eastern , of many j'ears' standing , if not as old as our modern practice of Freemasonry , of " paying due reverence to Master , Wardens and Fellows , and putting them to worship , " as our Ancient Charges direct , is now being in some sections of our fraternity entirely set aside . ' By Avhose dictum or authority is it sought to
put " out of court " that courtesy which so many of us have always considered befitting the position of visitors to lodges , as a means of general introduction , a return for kindly reception , and a fulfilment of the injunction to behave courteously as well within as Avithout the lodge . " We could adduce many reasons why this practice of
giving " hearty good Avishes " to W . M . and brethren should lie continued , and fail to find one for its prohibition . At present many brethren are concerned as to what they should do . and differ amongst themselves on the subject . Will some authority set them right , and receiA'o their " hearty good Avishes " for so doing . '
There were two propositions for initiation , on the agenda of a Lodge Avhich AVC visited last Aveek , but , for the first time in the history of the Lodge , as AVC were informed , notwithstanding the undoubted respectability and moral characters of the applicants , and
almost assuredly in consequence of discontent with , a recent Avellconsidered departure from the ordinary appointments by rotation , the ballots were in each instance declared foul , and the applications Avere , in accordance with the regulations of the Order , rejected . The bye-laws of this particular Lodge appeal to its members to