Article OUR TRESTLS BOARD ← Page 2 of 2 Article PRESS EXCHANGES AND BOOKS RECEIVED . Page 1 of 1 Article INSTALLATION MEETING OF THE DERBY ALLCROFT LODGE, No. 2168. Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Trestls Board
prevent the annoyance and discredit occasioned by " pilling , " by the adoption of the gentlemanly course of private communication with the W . M ., but AVC cannot say , from our OAVII observation , that in this instance the appeal Avas understood by the three objectors . They had a certain poAver and they used it . The laAV is AA-ith them , and whilst things remain as they are , equality must stand aside .
An original operetta , words by Bro . E . Humphrey , P . M ., and Mr . J . Addison , music by Bro . James Weaver , Avill be produced at the Garrison Theatre . Woolwich , on Saturday and Monday , the 17 th and 19 th inst ., for copyright purposes . * # # # *
Bro . John Secx , the Worshipful Master of the Great City Lodge Xo . 1120 , has been elected Mayor of Reigate ( Surrey ) , for the ensuing year : to Avhom Ave offer our congratulations . * = * * * * Those of our readers Avho Avish to dispense their charity in
support of a most praiseAVorthy undertaking , may like to know that Dr . Barnardo is about to open tAvo common lodging-houses "for children only , " and Avould be glad of any donations , however small , sent to him at Stepney CauseAvay .
Bro . SaAver , of Lodge 1157 , in his letter inserted last Aveek , and relating to the reprint of our articles on " Lodge Officers " in book form , asks us to explain our meaning in relation to the folloAving sentence : — " The gavel Avith which he ( The Worshipful Master ) has been entrusted for purposes of order merely completes in their
estimation the necessary complement of ordinary chairmanship ; for they hare forgotten , -if indeed they have ever heard , the solitary reference to his grand jmitotype , which in the , course of ceremonial ¦ is . or should lie , enunciated-1 " The Avords in italics have reference to the omission , HOAV gradually becoming a most reprehensible
custom , of entirely avoiding the closing , according to the proper formula , and with the prescribed ritual of a lodge Avhich has been opened in the third degree . It is only in that portion of craft ceremonial that mention is made of K . S . as the prototype of the W . M ., and the " Grand Master , " whom he represents . In our OAVII
knoAvledge , there are Masters of Lodges under our constitution Avho have neA-cr seen the ceremony of closing a Master Masons or FCIIOAV Craftsmen ' s Lodge , with the respective ceremonies connected there-Avith . This being so , it may be fairly asked how many members beloAV the position of W . M . are in the like state of ignorance as to
that portion of ritual Avith Avhich all Master Masons should be acquainted . We will not stay to ask the reasons AA-hy , instead of carefully rendered and highly instructive ceremonial , the Avork of Freemasonry is slurred over by a substituted expression which is not based on fact , for these reasons are many and obvious , as Avell
as unAvorthy of those Avho should give a full day ' s labour before rest and refreshment . " By the poAver vested in me , I resume , " & c , is not Masonic ritual , and is only used Avhere absolute incapacity , or a strong desire to hasten elseAvhere , prompts the opportunity of avoiding Masonic duty .
" By the poAver m me vested , I resume . " May we ^ ask Avhen and Avhere , in any portion of the ritual Ave practise , this " said poAver is given for the closing of a lodge in the 2 nd or 3 rd degrees ? Brethren should remember that a M . M . lodge is a separate and distinct lodge from that of a F . C ., Avhich in like manner is separate and distinct
from the L . A . lodge . The poAver to loAver or raise the lodge from and into the higher degrees during the meeting of the brethren , and of course after proper opening of each , may be certainly exercised ; but , as Ave read ritual and ceremonial , in Avhatever degree the lodge is opened , in that it should be closed " in due form and with solemn prayer , " before the final adjournment of the meeting .
We have perused Avith much interest the prospectus of the Craufurd College Company , Limited , Avhich appeared in our ad-A'ertising columns last Aveek , and have formed a very favourable opinion of the scheme for providing education for " the sons of Freemasons and others . " The company appears to have the
necessary preliminary support of highly distinguished brethren as patrons , and the names of members of the Council and Directory should give confidence to intending shareholders . The craft has not yet a good public school at which the higher education Ave referred to in a former number can be secured ; and to such
amongst us as have declared that they could and Avould afford all that is required by this enterprise , if only their sons could receive but similar care and tuition to that Ave extend to the sons of less fortunate brethren placed in our boys' school , this proposal must be most Avelcome . We do not hesitate to recommend the proposed
college to those of our order Avho seek a thorough education and comfortable home for their boys at a reasonable cost , and Avith the lirospective advantage of commercial success producing good dividends on their respective investments . The prospectus is exhaustive in respect of all necessary particulars , and Ave refer our readers thereto for such further information as they may require .
Press Exchanges And Books Received .
Voice of Freemasonry , Chicago , for November ; Masonic Advocate . Indianopolis , for November ; Proceedings of Grand Lodge of Scotland ; Sydney Illustrated JVvwts and Masonic Su-vvleinent .
The members of the Alliance Lodge gave their annual installation banquet at the Guildhall Tavern on Wednesday , under the presidency of the neAvly-elected Worshipful Master , Bro . Henry Clarke , a member of the Court of Common Council .
Installation Meeting Of The Derby Allcroft Lodge, No. 2168.
On the 8 th inst ., held at the Athenamm , Camden Road , London . Present : V . W . Bro . Thos . Eccleston Gibb , W . M . ; V . W . Bro . John D . Allcroft , P . G . T ., LP . M . ; Bros . J . P . Fitzgerald , S . W .. W . M . elect ; H . Halliday , J . W . ; E . Y . Jolliffe . P . M ., Treas . ; R . D . Cummings , P . M ., Sec . ; Joseph Corbett , P . M ., S . D . ; Dr . Haskins , Organist ; J . F . Davey and C . Coutts Michie , SteAvards ; Garcia , Harding ,
Thomas , Lord , Hyman , Dixon , Mostyn , RaAvlinson , Boden , Charles , Godfrey , Webb , Orrock . BroAvn . Mill ward and Taylor ; Geo . Harman , Tyler . Visitors : Bros . ' Ernest Wright , P . M . 1301 ; W . Cook , P . M . 22 ; J . H . Hall , 2015 ; T . de B . Holmes . J . W . 1319 ; Geo . E . Fail-child , W . M . 1319 ; Henry Tinney , P . M . 1319 ; J . W . Neave , W . M . 1228 ; E . Scattergood , P . M . 753 ; R . Pittam Stevens , W . M . 901 ; A . Prince ,
S . D . 901 ; R . A . Kircaldy . P . M . 1321-: James Stevens . P . M . 1120 ; A . T . Yardly , 901 ; J . Edgar , W . M . 1287 ; H . Ryan , 08 ; EdAA-ard White . P . M . 177 ; T . Gayton . 1077 ; Matt . H . Hale . P . M . 27 ; W . W . Morgan , 1107 ; J . Hank , P . M . 212 ; T . Williams , 2029 ; Albert James , 1700 ; R . Grice , 1399 ; James Kift , 1791 , & c . The Lodge having been opened and previous minutes confirmed , Messrs . F . W . Webb and Robert Orrock were severally introduced and initiated , the
ceremonies being excellently irendered by the W . M . and officers . W . Bro . R . D . Cummings , P . M . and Sec , then installed into the chair of K . S . Bro . James Percy Fitzgerald , P . M ., P . Z ., the W . M . elect , and completed a most creditable performance of that beautiful ceremony by the delivery of the usual addresses in perfect manner . The Board of Installed Masters numbered tAventy-tAvo . The officers invested for the year AA ere : Bros . H . Halliday , S . W . ;
J . Corbett , P . M ., J . W . ; E . Jolliffe , P . M ., Treas . ; R . D . Cummings , P . M ., Sec . ; J . P . Harding , P . M ., S . D . ; AV . F . Ford , J . D . ; G . RaAvlinson , I . G .: S . Garcia , P . M ., D . C . ; J . F . Davey and C . Michie , SteAvards ; Dr . Haskins , Org . ; and G . Harman , Tyler . In the
course of the e \ -ening ' s proceedings , W . Bro . Thos . Eccleston . Gibbs , I . P . M ., Avas presented with a very handsome Past Master ' s jeAA r el . Banquet Avas served in the large hall , Avhich Avas gaily decorated for the occasion ; and the purveyors , Messrs . Beale & Co ., of Hollo way Road , deseiwe much commendation for quality and quantity of provisions , and most attentive service . The selection of
music , under the direction of Bros . J . F . Haskins and J . Kift , assisted by Bros . A . James , Robert Grise , W . Abbott , and Walter CoAvard were extremely good , and the performance of the entire programme better and more satisfactory than the generality of much more pretentious musical displays . The W . M . adopted that most excellent practice , not sufficiently observed in our
opinion , of delegating some of the "toasts" to his principal officers , and setting the example of breA-ity , Avhich Avas followed by " them and other speakers in responding , greatly increasing the geniality and pleasure of the meeting . The guests of the Lodge expressed the greatest satisfaction with both the " labour and refreshment " Avhich had been set before them , and the Derby Allcroft Lodge may
feel assured that the installation of Bro . Fitzgerald will not readily be forgotten by those Avho had the opportunity to be present on the occasion . We should not omit to add that in responding to one of the formal toasts , V . W . Bro . John Derby Allcroft , P . G . Treas . ( Avho in rising Avas received in a most cordial manner ) , referring to his
position as one of the Special Committee appointed to enquire into the discipline and administration of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , stated that part of the labours of that Committee were concluded , and that , after a brief adjournment , the enquiry Avould shortly terminate and report be made to those interested in the affairs of that institution .
The annual meeting of the Masonic Lodge Huyshe , No . 1099 , Avas held on Thursday , the 8 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Home Park , Stoke , Devon , to instal Bro . H . W . Pengelly as W . M . for the year ensuing . The installing officers Avere W . Bros . W . A . Staton , the retiring W . M . ; E . Aitken-Davies , P . P . G . S . Wks . ; J . Allen , P . P . G . St . B . ; W . H . Giliman , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; W . T . Walter , all of 1099 , assisted
by the following Board of installed Masters : —W . Bros . H . Rogers , 1099 ; W . L . Lavers , 1255 ; W . H . W . Macey , 1817 ; R . Selmon , 159 . The f olloAving officers Avere invested : —W . Bro . W . A . Staton , LP . M .: Bros . W . G . Spraguj , S . W . ; J . Foster , J . W . ; W . Bros . S . Panter , treas . ; J . Allen , sec . ; Bros . G . Vanstone , S . D . ; S . J . Page , J . D . ; W . H . Dillon , D . C . ; P . Symons , A . D . C . ; W . Penrose , O . ; S . L . Edgcumbe , A . O . ; J . Stevens , S . Fry , G . Miller , W . H . Bird , steAvards ; J . Rashbrook ,
tyler . W . Bro . E . Aitken-Davies Avas re-elected the representative of the lodge on the Committee of Petitions . W . Bro . Lemon presented the lodge Avith a framed photograph of the Temple , Freemasons' Hall , London , as it appeared after the fire in May , 1883 . On a nanel AA'as inscribed , "Presented to Lodge ' Huyshe , ' No . 1099 , Stoke ' Damerel , by W . Bro . Rev . T . W . Lemon , M . A ., P . M . and Chap . 189 ( 70 , 223 , 1071 , 1205 , and 2025 honorary ) , P . P . G . C , and Provincial Junior Grand Warden of Devonshire , Nov . 8 th , 1888 . "
THE SECRETS OP FREEMASONRY . —Let the possessor of them be expatriated , shipwrecked or imprisoned ; let him be stripped of everything he has got in the world , these credentials remain . They have stayed the hand of the destroyer ; they have softened the asperities of the tyrant ; they have mitigated the horrors of
captivity ; they have subdued the rancour of malevolence , and broken doAvn the barrier of political animosity . On the field of battle , in the solitudes of the uncultivated forest , and in the busy haunts of the croAvded city , they have made friends of men of the most hostile feelings . —Bro . Br . Benjamin Franklin .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
J . B . H . —Sorry we cannot print your letter ; the subject-matter is not applicable to our columns .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Trestls Board
prevent the annoyance and discredit occasioned by " pilling , " by the adoption of the gentlemanly course of private communication with the W . M ., but AVC cannot say , from our OAVII observation , that in this instance the appeal Avas understood by the three objectors . They had a certain poAver and they used it . The laAV is AA-ith them , and whilst things remain as they are , equality must stand aside .
An original operetta , words by Bro . E . Humphrey , P . M ., and Mr . J . Addison , music by Bro . James Weaver , Avill be produced at the Garrison Theatre . Woolwich , on Saturday and Monday , the 17 th and 19 th inst ., for copyright purposes . * # # # *
Bro . John Secx , the Worshipful Master of the Great City Lodge Xo . 1120 , has been elected Mayor of Reigate ( Surrey ) , for the ensuing year : to Avhom Ave offer our congratulations . * = * * * * Those of our readers Avho Avish to dispense their charity in
support of a most praiseAVorthy undertaking , may like to know that Dr . Barnardo is about to open tAvo common lodging-houses "for children only , " and Avould be glad of any donations , however small , sent to him at Stepney CauseAvay .
Bro . SaAver , of Lodge 1157 , in his letter inserted last Aveek , and relating to the reprint of our articles on " Lodge Officers " in book form , asks us to explain our meaning in relation to the folloAving sentence : — " The gavel Avith which he ( The Worshipful Master ) has been entrusted for purposes of order merely completes in their
estimation the necessary complement of ordinary chairmanship ; for they hare forgotten , -if indeed they have ever heard , the solitary reference to his grand jmitotype , which in the , course of ceremonial ¦ is . or should lie , enunciated-1 " The Avords in italics have reference to the omission , HOAV gradually becoming a most reprehensible
custom , of entirely avoiding the closing , according to the proper formula , and with the prescribed ritual of a lodge Avhich has been opened in the third degree . It is only in that portion of craft ceremonial that mention is made of K . S . as the prototype of the W . M ., and the " Grand Master , " whom he represents . In our OAVII
knoAvledge , there are Masters of Lodges under our constitution Avho have neA-cr seen the ceremony of closing a Master Masons or FCIIOAV Craftsmen ' s Lodge , with the respective ceremonies connected there-Avith . This being so , it may be fairly asked how many members beloAV the position of W . M . are in the like state of ignorance as to
that portion of ritual Avith Avhich all Master Masons should be acquainted . We will not stay to ask the reasons AA-hy , instead of carefully rendered and highly instructive ceremonial , the Avork of Freemasonry is slurred over by a substituted expression which is not based on fact , for these reasons are many and obvious , as Avell
as unAvorthy of those Avho should give a full day ' s labour before rest and refreshment . " By the poAver vested in me , I resume , " & c , is not Masonic ritual , and is only used Avhere absolute incapacity , or a strong desire to hasten elseAvhere , prompts the opportunity of avoiding Masonic duty .
" By the poAver m me vested , I resume . " May we ^ ask Avhen and Avhere , in any portion of the ritual Ave practise , this " said poAver is given for the closing of a lodge in the 2 nd or 3 rd degrees ? Brethren should remember that a M . M . lodge is a separate and distinct lodge from that of a F . C ., Avhich in like manner is separate and distinct
from the L . A . lodge . The poAver to loAver or raise the lodge from and into the higher degrees during the meeting of the brethren , and of course after proper opening of each , may be certainly exercised ; but , as Ave read ritual and ceremonial , in Avhatever degree the lodge is opened , in that it should be closed " in due form and with solemn prayer , " before the final adjournment of the meeting .
We have perused Avith much interest the prospectus of the Craufurd College Company , Limited , Avhich appeared in our ad-A'ertising columns last Aveek , and have formed a very favourable opinion of the scheme for providing education for " the sons of Freemasons and others . " The company appears to have the
necessary preliminary support of highly distinguished brethren as patrons , and the names of members of the Council and Directory should give confidence to intending shareholders . The craft has not yet a good public school at which the higher education Ave referred to in a former number can be secured ; and to such
amongst us as have declared that they could and Avould afford all that is required by this enterprise , if only their sons could receive but similar care and tuition to that Ave extend to the sons of less fortunate brethren placed in our boys' school , this proposal must be most Avelcome . We do not hesitate to recommend the proposed
college to those of our order Avho seek a thorough education and comfortable home for their boys at a reasonable cost , and Avith the lirospective advantage of commercial success producing good dividends on their respective investments . The prospectus is exhaustive in respect of all necessary particulars , and Ave refer our readers thereto for such further information as they may require .
Press Exchanges And Books Received .
Voice of Freemasonry , Chicago , for November ; Masonic Advocate . Indianopolis , for November ; Proceedings of Grand Lodge of Scotland ; Sydney Illustrated JVvwts and Masonic Su-vvleinent .
The members of the Alliance Lodge gave their annual installation banquet at the Guildhall Tavern on Wednesday , under the presidency of the neAvly-elected Worshipful Master , Bro . Henry Clarke , a member of the Court of Common Council .
Installation Meeting Of The Derby Allcroft Lodge, No. 2168.
On the 8 th inst ., held at the Athenamm , Camden Road , London . Present : V . W . Bro . Thos . Eccleston Gibb , W . M . ; V . W . Bro . John D . Allcroft , P . G . T ., LP . M . ; Bros . J . P . Fitzgerald , S . W .. W . M . elect ; H . Halliday , J . W . ; E . Y . Jolliffe . P . M ., Treas . ; R . D . Cummings , P . M ., Sec . ; Joseph Corbett , P . M ., S . D . ; Dr . Haskins , Organist ; J . F . Davey and C . Coutts Michie , SteAvards ; Garcia , Harding ,
Thomas , Lord , Hyman , Dixon , Mostyn , RaAvlinson , Boden , Charles , Godfrey , Webb , Orrock . BroAvn . Mill ward and Taylor ; Geo . Harman , Tyler . Visitors : Bros . ' Ernest Wright , P . M . 1301 ; W . Cook , P . M . 22 ; J . H . Hall , 2015 ; T . de B . Holmes . J . W . 1319 ; Geo . E . Fail-child , W . M . 1319 ; Henry Tinney , P . M . 1319 ; J . W . Neave , W . M . 1228 ; E . Scattergood , P . M . 753 ; R . Pittam Stevens , W . M . 901 ; A . Prince ,
S . D . 901 ; R . A . Kircaldy . P . M . 1321-: James Stevens . P . M . 1120 ; A . T . Yardly , 901 ; J . Edgar , W . M . 1287 ; H . Ryan , 08 ; EdAA-ard White . P . M . 177 ; T . Gayton . 1077 ; Matt . H . Hale . P . M . 27 ; W . W . Morgan , 1107 ; J . Hank , P . M . 212 ; T . Williams , 2029 ; Albert James , 1700 ; R . Grice , 1399 ; James Kift , 1791 , & c . The Lodge having been opened and previous minutes confirmed , Messrs . F . W . Webb and Robert Orrock were severally introduced and initiated , the
ceremonies being excellently irendered by the W . M . and officers . W . Bro . R . D . Cummings , P . M . and Sec , then installed into the chair of K . S . Bro . James Percy Fitzgerald , P . M ., P . Z ., the W . M . elect , and completed a most creditable performance of that beautiful ceremony by the delivery of the usual addresses in perfect manner . The Board of Installed Masters numbered tAventy-tAvo . The officers invested for the year AA ere : Bros . H . Halliday , S . W . ;
J . Corbett , P . M ., J . W . ; E . Jolliffe , P . M ., Treas . ; R . D . Cummings , P . M ., Sec . ; J . P . Harding , P . M ., S . D . ; AV . F . Ford , J . D . ; G . RaAvlinson , I . G .: S . Garcia , P . M ., D . C . ; J . F . Davey and C . Michie , SteAvards ; Dr . Haskins , Org . ; and G . Harman , Tyler . In the
course of the e \ -ening ' s proceedings , W . Bro . Thos . Eccleston . Gibbs , I . P . M ., Avas presented with a very handsome Past Master ' s jeAA r el . Banquet Avas served in the large hall , Avhich Avas gaily decorated for the occasion ; and the purveyors , Messrs . Beale & Co ., of Hollo way Road , deseiwe much commendation for quality and quantity of provisions , and most attentive service . The selection of
music , under the direction of Bros . J . F . Haskins and J . Kift , assisted by Bros . A . James , Robert Grise , W . Abbott , and Walter CoAvard were extremely good , and the performance of the entire programme better and more satisfactory than the generality of much more pretentious musical displays . The W . M . adopted that most excellent practice , not sufficiently observed in our
opinion , of delegating some of the "toasts" to his principal officers , and setting the example of breA-ity , Avhich Avas followed by " them and other speakers in responding , greatly increasing the geniality and pleasure of the meeting . The guests of the Lodge expressed the greatest satisfaction with both the " labour and refreshment " Avhich had been set before them , and the Derby Allcroft Lodge may
feel assured that the installation of Bro . Fitzgerald will not readily be forgotten by those Avho had the opportunity to be present on the occasion . We should not omit to add that in responding to one of the formal toasts , V . W . Bro . John Derby Allcroft , P . G . Treas . ( Avho in rising Avas received in a most cordial manner ) , referring to his
position as one of the Special Committee appointed to enquire into the discipline and administration of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , stated that part of the labours of that Committee were concluded , and that , after a brief adjournment , the enquiry Avould shortly terminate and report be made to those interested in the affairs of that institution .
The annual meeting of the Masonic Lodge Huyshe , No . 1099 , Avas held on Thursday , the 8 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Home Park , Stoke , Devon , to instal Bro . H . W . Pengelly as W . M . for the year ensuing . The installing officers Avere W . Bros . W . A . Staton , the retiring W . M . ; E . Aitken-Davies , P . P . G . S . Wks . ; J . Allen , P . P . G . St . B . ; W . H . Giliman , P . P . G . A . D . C . ; W . T . Walter , all of 1099 , assisted
by the following Board of installed Masters : —W . Bros . H . Rogers , 1099 ; W . L . Lavers , 1255 ; W . H . W . Macey , 1817 ; R . Selmon , 159 . The f olloAving officers Avere invested : —W . Bro . W . A . Staton , LP . M .: Bros . W . G . Spraguj , S . W . ; J . Foster , J . W . ; W . Bros . S . Panter , treas . ; J . Allen , sec . ; Bros . G . Vanstone , S . D . ; S . J . Page , J . D . ; W . H . Dillon , D . C . ; P . Symons , A . D . C . ; W . Penrose , O . ; S . L . Edgcumbe , A . O . ; J . Stevens , S . Fry , G . Miller , W . H . Bird , steAvards ; J . Rashbrook ,
tyler . W . Bro . E . Aitken-Davies Avas re-elected the representative of the lodge on the Committee of Petitions . W . Bro . Lemon presented the lodge Avith a framed photograph of the Temple , Freemasons' Hall , London , as it appeared after the fire in May , 1883 . On a nanel AA'as inscribed , "Presented to Lodge ' Huyshe , ' No . 1099 , Stoke ' Damerel , by W . Bro . Rev . T . W . Lemon , M . A ., P . M . and Chap . 189 ( 70 , 223 , 1071 , 1205 , and 2025 honorary ) , P . P . G . C , and Provincial Junior Grand Warden of Devonshire , Nov . 8 th , 1888 . "
THE SECRETS OP FREEMASONRY . —Let the possessor of them be expatriated , shipwrecked or imprisoned ; let him be stripped of everything he has got in the world , these credentials remain . They have stayed the hand of the destroyer ; they have softened the asperities of the tyrant ; they have mitigated the horrors of
captivity ; they have subdued the rancour of malevolence , and broken doAvn the barrier of political animosity . On the field of battle , in the solitudes of the uncultivated forest , and in the busy haunts of the croAvded city , they have made friends of men of the most hostile feelings . —Bro . Br . Benjamin Franklin .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
J . B . H . —Sorry we cannot print your letter ; the subject-matter is not applicable to our columns .