Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. Page 2 of 2 Article Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
THE S TAR CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT . —On Friday , 9 th inst ., at the Stirling Castle , Cambenvell . Present : Comps . Fred . Hilton , P . Z ., Preceptor ; Whitby , M . E . Z .. 1329 , M . E . Z . ; G . L . Moore . H . ; T . Grummant , P . Z ., J . ; Stone . S . E . ; Stone , S . N . 1275 , S . N . ; J . Hill , P . S ., 1329 , P . S . ; Meierhoff , A . S . ; Addington , M . E . Z . elect , 1275 , Murche and Davis . The ceremony of Installation of H . Avas
rehearsed . The ceremony of exaltation Avas rehearsed , Comp . Addington candidate . Comp . Meierhoff , 1 st A . S . elect 1275 , Avas admitted a member . The Preceptor thanked the . principals for the support he had received , and promised to Avork the ceremony of Installation to another chair at the next meeting .
QUEEN ' WESTMINSTER AND ST . MARYLEBONE—NO . 2021 . —On Monday , the 12 th inst ., at the Criterion . Piccadilly , W . Present : Bros . Dustenvald , AV . M . ; Spurgin , S . AV . ; EdAvards , J . AA . ; Cleghorn , Preceptor ; C . Bellerby , Secretary ; Cursons , S . D . ; E . H . Bellerby , J . D . ; Raymond , I . G . ; Parker , Dennis , Harnell . jun ., E . B . Cox , A on Joel , and others . The ceremony of installation Avas rehearsed by Bro . E . B . Cox , Bro . E . F . Edwards as AV . M . elect .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Two joining members were elected , and Bro . Spurgin Avas elected W . M . for the next meeting . The fifteen sections will be Avorked in this Lodge of Instruction on Monday , the 2 ( ith inst .. iat seven o ' clock . Bros . Uleghorn . P . iH . 12 S 7 . as W . iVI .. . ) . O . Smith . S . W ., ami . ) . Green way , J . W .
JOPPA—No . 188 . —On Tuesday , the 13 th inst .. at the Manchester Hotel , E . C . Present : Bro . Joseph Davis , W . M . ; Bros . P . M . Chillingworth . S . W . ; P . M . Kaye , J . W . ; Horatio Sai ] ui . Secretary ; Garrard , S . D . ; R . Smith , J . D . ; Isaac AVhite . I . G . ; Pege , P . M . ; Lockstone , Marcus . Friedlander . Macnee . Thorn . Dodd , Marks ,
Goodinge , Ansell , Frantz , Pege , Cohen . Ceremony of Initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Friedlander candidate . The lodge opened in the 2 nd degree and the 1 st section Avas Avorked . Bro . P . M . Chillingworth was elected as W . M . for ensuing Aveek . Several rejiortx from Lodges and Lodges of Instruction , arc "crowded out . " We wilt , endeavour to satisfy our valued correspondents in our ne . et issue .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
IFOIR , TZHLIE CTJS , S . E 2 NTT WEEK . ABBEEVIATION S . Lo ., Lodges ; R . A . C , Chapters ; Mk ., Mark Lodges ; R . Cr ., Rose Croix Chapters ; R . X ., Red CrossConclavesjF . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall , London ; F . M . T ., Freemasons' Tavern , London ; M . C , Masonic Club ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . R ., Masonic Rooms ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; P . R ., Private Rooms ; Hot , Hotel ; Tav ., Tavern ; C . H ., Coffee House ; To . Ha ., Town Hall ; Rt ., Restaurant .
jttotfjfmlitatt JMrg ^ s atttr ( E ljapta , " All Lodges held Avithin Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "— General Laws and Regulations .
? , ? i . ? i NAME OP LODGE AND CHAPTEE . PLACE OF MEETING . Lodge . THIS DAY ( 3 rd ) THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 15 th . 23 Globo FMH
. . . 49 Gihon Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 55 Constitutional Cannon Street Hotel 03 St . Mary ' s F . M . H . lea Temperance White Svran , High Street , Dcjitford 17 a Manchester Andcrton ' s Hot ., E . C . 181 Universal V . M . H . 733 Westbourne Lord's Hot ., St . John ' s Wood 613 New Concord Guildhall Tav ., E . G .
1139 South Norwood Public Hall , South Norwood 1287 Great Northern F . M . H . 1321 Emblematic Horns Tav ., Kcnnington 13 G 5 Clapton Rudolph Chmbrs ., la I , Bishopsgate St . 1475 Peckham Surrey 1 £ . H ., Cambenvell 1512 Hemming Red Lion Hot ., Hampton 1 G 13 Cripplcgatc Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 1623 West Smitlilleld P . HH . 1901 Selwyn ... East Dulwich Hot ., East Dulwich
1903 Duke of Albany (?) R . A . C 507 United Pilgrims F . M . II . 742 Crystal Palace Thicket Hot ., Anerley 834 Andrew Bell and Anchor Hot ' ., Hammersmith ( 3 rd ) FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 10 th .
143 Middlesex Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 975 Rose of Denmark Greyhound Hotel , Richmond 1118 University F . M . H . 1704 Anchor Cannon Street Hotel 19 G 2 Loudon Rifle Brigade Andcrton's Hotel , Fleet Street R . A . C . 10 Westminster and Keystone ... F . M . H . 92 Moira Albion Tav ., Aldersgatc Street
K . T . 48 Kcmeys Tyatc 33 , Golden Siimro , W . ( 3 rd ) SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 17 th . 715 Panmurc Cannon Street Hotel
1329 Sphinx Surrey M . II ., Cambenvell 1364 Earl of Zetland Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 1732 King ' s Cross Andcrton's Hotel , Fleet Street 1767 Kensingston Ludbroke Hall , Netting Hill R . A . C . 1572 Carnarvon Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 1706 Orpheus Holborn Restaurant Mark . 205 Beaconslleld Chequers , Walthamstow
( 3 rd ) MONDAY , NOVEMBER 19 th . 8 British F . M . H . 2 ] Emulation Albion T . IA ' ., Aldersgate Street 185 Tranquility Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 720 I'anmuvc Balham HotBalham
., 862 AVhittington F . M . 11 . 901 City of London Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 907 Roval Albert K . M . H . 1500 White Horse of Kent Holborn Viaduct Hotel 1 G 37- St . Peter , Westminster Criterion , Piccadilly 1657 Aldersgate The Castle and Falcon , Aldersgate St . 1728 Temple Bar Andcrton ' s Hot ., Fieei Street 20 G 0 La Franco Cafe Royal , Regent Street iv
. A ., C . — 12 Prudence Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall Street 1593 Trafalgar Ship Hot ., Greenwich Mark . 333 Kintore Surrey M . II ., Cambenvell 3 G 1 Onslow 8 a , Red Lion Square , W . C . 131 Holy Sanctuary 33 , Golden Square , W .
30 United Mariners ... > Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 73 Mount Lebanon I Bridge House Hot ., S . E . US Eastern Star I Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall Street 162 Cadogau V . M . 11 . 106 Union Criterion , Piccadilly 191 St . Paul's Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 433 Salisbury V . \ 1 . It . 704 Camden Andcrton ' s HotelFleet Street
, 857 St . Mark ' s Surrey M . II ., Cambenvell 1420 Earl Spencer (?) 2021 Queen ' s Westminster Holborn Rest ., W . C . 2022 Haven Lyric Hall , Waling 214 G Stirbiton Maple Hall , Surhiton , Surrcv R . A . C . 255 Ti'is Greyhound , Richmond 749 Doric Andenon ' s Hotel , E . C .
1348 Ebnry F . M . II . 1 G 04 Wanderers F . M . If . Mark . 238 Prince Leopold Andcrton's Hotel , Fleet Street R . C . 45 Oxford and Cambridge 33 , Golden Square , W . ( 3 rd ) WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 21 st .
Grand Stewards F . M . II . 140 St . George ' s 'Trafalgar Hot ., Greenwich 174 Sincerity . Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 190 Oak F . M . II . 700 Nelson M . II ., William Street , Woolwich 96 J Mavburv Inns of Court Hoc , High Holborn 1041 Wandsworth Town Hall , Wandsworth 1150 Buckingham and Chandos ... F . M . II .
1278 Burdetl Coutis Approach Tav .. Victoria Park 1382 Corinthian ... George Hot ., Cubitt Town , Poj lar 1507 Metropolitan Andcrton ' s Hotel , E . C . 1024 Eccleston Criterion , Piccadilly 1673 Langton Holborn Viaduct Hotel 1 G 77 Crusaders Cock Tavern , Highbury 1803 Cornhill London Tav ., Fenchurch Strict R . A . C .
1598 Ley Spring Andcrton ' s Hotel , Fleet Stre 2 t Mark . 181 . Sir Francis Burdctt Albany Hot ., Twickenham R . C . 79 I Orpheus 33 , Golden Square , W . ( 1 th ) THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 22 nd . 34 Mount Moriah FMH
. . . 63 Prosperity Guildhall Tav ., Gr . sh > m Street 60 Grenadiers F . M . H . 211 St . AUelvAclY All ) ion Tvw ., AWev * s . \ te Street 176 William Preston Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 858 South . Middlesex Beaufort House , Fulham 861 Finsbury 191 , Bishopsgate Street 871 Royal Oak White Swan Tav ., Ih-ptford 1421 Langthornc Swan HotelStratford
, 1563 City of Westminster Cafe Roval , Regent Street 1638 Skelmersdale Surrey M . II . 1816 ' Victoria Park Queen ' s Hotel , Victoria Park 1974 St . Man-Abbot ' s Town Hall , Kensington R . A . C . 5 St . George ' s F . M . H . 177 Domatic Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 538 Vane F . M . H .
657 Canonbury Masons' Anns , B . isinghall Street 1001 Itavensboui'iic Town Hall , Catford 10 J 3 West Smilhlielil Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street Mark . 211 Earl of Carnarvon Ladbroke Hall Netting Hill ll . C . ¦ 97 Rose and Lily | 33 , Golden Square , W . N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in sufficient time . —ED . M , S .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
THE S TAR CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT . —On Friday , 9 th inst ., at the Stirling Castle , Cambenvell . Present : Comps . Fred . Hilton , P . Z ., Preceptor ; Whitby , M . E . Z .. 1329 , M . E . Z . ; G . L . Moore . H . ; T . Grummant , P . Z ., J . ; Stone . S . E . ; Stone , S . N . 1275 , S . N . ; J . Hill , P . S ., 1329 , P . S . ; Meierhoff , A . S . ; Addington , M . E . Z . elect , 1275 , Murche and Davis . The ceremony of Installation of H . Avas
rehearsed . The ceremony of exaltation Avas rehearsed , Comp . Addington candidate . Comp . Meierhoff , 1 st A . S . elect 1275 , Avas admitted a member . The Preceptor thanked the . principals for the support he had received , and promised to Avork the ceremony of Installation to another chair at the next meeting .
QUEEN ' WESTMINSTER AND ST . MARYLEBONE—NO . 2021 . —On Monday , the 12 th inst ., at the Criterion . Piccadilly , W . Present : Bros . Dustenvald , AV . M . ; Spurgin , S . AV . ; EdAvards , J . AA . ; Cleghorn , Preceptor ; C . Bellerby , Secretary ; Cursons , S . D . ; E . H . Bellerby , J . D . ; Raymond , I . G . ; Parker , Dennis , Harnell . jun ., E . B . Cox , A on Joel , and others . The ceremony of installation Avas rehearsed by Bro . E . B . Cox , Bro . E . F . Edwards as AV . M . elect .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Two joining members were elected , and Bro . Spurgin Avas elected W . M . for the next meeting . The fifteen sections will be Avorked in this Lodge of Instruction on Monday , the 2 ( ith inst .. iat seven o ' clock . Bros . Uleghorn . P . iH . 12 S 7 . as W . iVI .. . ) . O . Smith . S . W ., ami . ) . Green way , J . W .
JOPPA—No . 188 . —On Tuesday , the 13 th inst .. at the Manchester Hotel , E . C . Present : Bro . Joseph Davis , W . M . ; Bros . P . M . Chillingworth . S . W . ; P . M . Kaye , J . W . ; Horatio Sai ] ui . Secretary ; Garrard , S . D . ; R . Smith , J . D . ; Isaac AVhite . I . G . ; Pege , P . M . ; Lockstone , Marcus . Friedlander . Macnee . Thorn . Dodd , Marks ,
Goodinge , Ansell , Frantz , Pege , Cohen . Ceremony of Initiation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Friedlander candidate . The lodge opened in the 2 nd degree and the 1 st section Avas Avorked . Bro . P . M . Chillingworth was elected as W . M . for ensuing Aveek . Several rejiortx from Lodges and Lodges of Instruction , arc "crowded out . " We wilt , endeavour to satisfy our valued correspondents in our ne . et issue .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
IFOIR , TZHLIE CTJS , S . E 2 NTT WEEK . ABBEEVIATION S . Lo ., Lodges ; R . A . C , Chapters ; Mk ., Mark Lodges ; R . Cr ., Rose Croix Chapters ; R . X ., Red CrossConclavesjF . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall , London ; F . M . T ., Freemasons' Tavern , London ; M . C , Masonic Club ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . R ., Masonic Rooms ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; P . R ., Private Rooms ; Hot , Hotel ; Tav ., Tavern ; C . H ., Coffee House ; To . Ha ., Town Hall ; Rt ., Restaurant .
jttotfjfmlitatt JMrg ^ s atttr ( E ljapta , " All Lodges held Avithin Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "— General Laws and Regulations .
? , ? i . ? i NAME OP LODGE AND CHAPTEE . PLACE OF MEETING . Lodge . THIS DAY ( 3 rd ) THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 15 th . 23 Globo FMH
. . . 49 Gihon Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 55 Constitutional Cannon Street Hotel 03 St . Mary ' s F . M . H . lea Temperance White Svran , High Street , Dcjitford 17 a Manchester Andcrton ' s Hot ., E . C . 181 Universal V . M . H . 733 Westbourne Lord's Hot ., St . John ' s Wood 613 New Concord Guildhall Tav ., E . G .
1139 South Norwood Public Hall , South Norwood 1287 Great Northern F . M . H . 1321 Emblematic Horns Tav ., Kcnnington 13 G 5 Clapton Rudolph Chmbrs ., la I , Bishopsgate St . 1475 Peckham Surrey 1 £ . H ., Cambenvell 1512 Hemming Red Lion Hot ., Hampton 1 G 13 Cripplcgatc Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 1623 West Smitlilleld P . HH . 1901 Selwyn ... East Dulwich Hot ., East Dulwich
1903 Duke of Albany (?) R . A . C 507 United Pilgrims F . M . II . 742 Crystal Palace Thicket Hot ., Anerley 834 Andrew Bell and Anchor Hot ' ., Hammersmith ( 3 rd ) FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 10 th .
143 Middlesex Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 975 Rose of Denmark Greyhound Hotel , Richmond 1118 University F . M . H . 1704 Anchor Cannon Street Hotel 19 G 2 Loudon Rifle Brigade Andcrton's Hotel , Fleet Street R . A . C . 10 Westminster and Keystone ... F . M . H . 92 Moira Albion Tav ., Aldersgatc Street
K . T . 48 Kcmeys Tyatc 33 , Golden Siimro , W . ( 3 rd ) SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 17 th . 715 Panmurc Cannon Street Hotel
1329 Sphinx Surrey M . II ., Cambenvell 1364 Earl of Zetland Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 1732 King ' s Cross Andcrton's Hotel , Fleet Street 1767 Kensingston Ludbroke Hall , Netting Hill R . A . C . 1572 Carnarvon Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 1706 Orpheus Holborn Restaurant Mark . 205 Beaconslleld Chequers , Walthamstow
( 3 rd ) MONDAY , NOVEMBER 19 th . 8 British F . M . H . 2 ] Emulation Albion T . IA ' ., Aldersgate Street 185 Tranquility Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 720 I'anmuvc Balham HotBalham
., 862 AVhittington F . M . 11 . 901 City of London Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 907 Roval Albert K . M . H . 1500 White Horse of Kent Holborn Viaduct Hotel 1 G 37- St . Peter , Westminster Criterion , Piccadilly 1657 Aldersgate The Castle and Falcon , Aldersgate St . 1728 Temple Bar Andcrton ' s Hot ., Fieei Street 20 G 0 La Franco Cafe Royal , Regent Street iv
. A ., C . — 12 Prudence Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall Street 1593 Trafalgar Ship Hot ., Greenwich Mark . 333 Kintore Surrey M . II ., Cambenvell 3 G 1 Onslow 8 a , Red Lion Square , W . C . 131 Holy Sanctuary 33 , Golden Square , W .
30 United Mariners ... > Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 73 Mount Lebanon I Bridge House Hot ., S . E . US Eastern Star I Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall Street 162 Cadogau V . M . 11 . 106 Union Criterion , Piccadilly 191 St . Paul's Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 433 Salisbury V . \ 1 . It . 704 Camden Andcrton ' s HotelFleet Street
, 857 St . Mark ' s Surrey M . II ., Cambenvell 1420 Earl Spencer (?) 2021 Queen ' s Westminster Holborn Rest ., W . C . 2022 Haven Lyric Hall , Waling 214 G Stirbiton Maple Hall , Surhiton , Surrcv R . A . C . 255 Ti'is Greyhound , Richmond 749 Doric Andenon ' s Hotel , E . C .
1348 Ebnry F . M . II . 1 G 04 Wanderers F . M . If . Mark . 238 Prince Leopold Andcrton's Hotel , Fleet Street R . C . 45 Oxford and Cambridge 33 , Golden Square , W . ( 3 rd ) WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 21 st .
Grand Stewards F . M . II . 140 St . George ' s 'Trafalgar Hot ., Greenwich 174 Sincerity . Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 190 Oak F . M . II . 700 Nelson M . II ., William Street , Woolwich 96 J Mavburv Inns of Court Hoc , High Holborn 1041 Wandsworth Town Hall , Wandsworth 1150 Buckingham and Chandos ... F . M . II .
1278 Burdetl Coutis Approach Tav .. Victoria Park 1382 Corinthian ... George Hot ., Cubitt Town , Poj lar 1507 Metropolitan Andcrton ' s Hotel , E . C . 1024 Eccleston Criterion , Piccadilly 1673 Langton Holborn Viaduct Hotel 1 G 77 Crusaders Cock Tavern , Highbury 1803 Cornhill London Tav ., Fenchurch Strict R . A . C .
1598 Ley Spring Andcrton ' s Hotel , Fleet Stre 2 t Mark . 181 . Sir Francis Burdctt Albany Hot ., Twickenham R . C . 79 I Orpheus 33 , Golden Square , W . ( 1 th ) THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 22 nd . 34 Mount Moriah FMH
. . . 63 Prosperity Guildhall Tav ., Gr . sh > m Street 60 Grenadiers F . M . H . 211 St . AUelvAclY All ) ion Tvw ., AWev * s . \ te Street 176 William Preston Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 858 South . Middlesex Beaufort House , Fulham 861 Finsbury 191 , Bishopsgate Street 871 Royal Oak White Swan Tav ., Ih-ptford 1421 Langthornc Swan HotelStratford
, 1563 City of Westminster Cafe Roval , Regent Street 1638 Skelmersdale Surrey M . II . 1816 ' Victoria Park Queen ' s Hotel , Victoria Park 1974 St . Man-Abbot ' s Town Hall , Kensington R . A . C . 5 St . George ' s F . M . H . 177 Domatic Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 538 Vane F . M . H .
657 Canonbury Masons' Anns , B . isinghall Street 1001 Itavensboui'iic Town Hall , Catford 10 J 3 West Smilhlielil Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street Mark . 211 Earl of Carnarvon Ladbroke Hall Netting Hill ll . C . ¦ 97 Rose and Lily | 33 , Golden Square , W . N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in sufficient time . —ED . M , S .