Article Investigation. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Investigation. Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC MEMORIAL WINDOW. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC INSTITUTIONS. Page 1 of 1
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Secretary , they have practically acquiesced in leaving the whole control in his hands . Thus for some time the Secretary has virtually managed the School , and the House Committee has been content , except in rare instances , to register and endorse his proceedings . " This is strong
enough to warrant any amount of exception if the shorthand writer ' s notes do not prove it up to the hilt . If it be found they do so there can be hut one course open to the Committee , and which , possessing the " independence and character" attributed to them , they will , we presume ,
unhesitatingly take . On the other hand , if so much be not really proved , considerable condonation of other less important shortcomings would be admissible , and a reinstatement into the confidence of the subscribers most probably ensue . As matters now stand , and on the
assumption that cause cannot be shewn in the manner indicated , the " starting with a strong Committee on an entirely fresh basis " is an absolute necessity . We personally regret to say this for many reasons which can be readily understood by our brethren , but nevertheless it must be said .
The concluding portion of the report , we are surprised to notice , has been already published in a non-masonic North of England paper , which , three or four days before the subscribers to the institution were permitted to know anything about it , must have been supplied with the verbatim ct literatim extract . We are curious to know who
supplied that information . It must have been some one outside the circle of those in the West of England who were to " keep the contents of the report entirely unknown to everyone , " & c . We wonder who it was ? However , no harm can come of re-production in this instance , so here it
is : — " In any vieAV , the alternative that there is and has been mismanagement and extravagance to a serious extent cannot be resisted , and we do not see how these evils can be adequately dealt with unless an entire change in the way the Institution is conducted takes place . Wc are
unanimously of opinion that : ( 1 ) The School is in an unsatisfactory state as regards its management ; ( 2 ) The Educational Staff is satisfactory , the teaching good , and the School discipline well maintained ; ( 3 ) There is an antagonism between the Educational and Domestic Staff ,
which seriously impairs the usefulness of the Institution ; ( 4 ) The effective control has fallen away from the House Committee ; ( 5 ) The expenditure is extravagant , and not properly regulated ; (( 5 ) The feeding and clothing of the boys are not sucli as are represented by the expenditure ,
and their health and comfort are not satisfactorily attended to by the Domestic Staff ; ( 7 ) The Finance Committee exercises no real check on the expenditure ; ( 8 ) The
Accounts are not kept on a proper system , and those published are misleading ; and (' . )) The Secretary has engrossed the control of the Institution into his own hands , and to this and the friction between him and the Domestic Staff
on the one side , and the Head Master and his adherents on the other , the great part of the present evils is to be attributed . We therefore are of opinion that : —( 1 ) An entire change in administration , and a thorough breaking away from the present practice , must take place before
the management , discipline , and expenditure of the Institution will be satisfactory ; ( 2 ) There should be but one head authority ( viz ., the Head Master ) , at Wood Green , and the entire establishment there be subject to him ; ( 8 ) The House Committee should be able
and willing to take and keep the control in its own hands , must be in touch with the daily life of the School , and give more personal attention and exercise an intelligent authority in the Institution ; ( 4 ) The questions of sufficient playgrounds and proper appliances for health
and cleanliness of the pupils require immediate attention ; ( 5 ) The Finance Committee should regulate the expenditure under the House Committee , and not rest its efforts after merely checking vouchers and books put before it ; ( 6 ) The accounts should be kept as recommended by a
qualified public accountant and annually published as audited and approved by the Finance Committee ; and ( 7 ) The Secretary ' s duties should be strictly limited to the office , and he should not interfere at Wood Green save as the mere official channel of communication with the Head
Master . " Upon these recommendations , and doubtless upon other subjects named in the Report , a Special General Court
will shortly deliberate . In our opinion such deliberation cannot take place too soon , for the longer the present agitation in respect of the School is permitted to continue ,
the greater will be the amount of injury done to its best interests . The business is not settled by the presentation of the Report , as some may think , but aAvaits a further stage of progress . The sooner that is reached the better .
Masonic Memorial Window.
The following is a detailed description of the Memorial Window recently erected in St . Nicholas' Church , Yarmouth , and which was unveiled on the 12 th inst . by the R . W . Grand Master of the Province of Norfolk , the Lord Suffield , - K . C . B . The work has been carried out under the superintendence of Messrs . Cox and Buckley , of London : —
The window , which is in three long lancet lights , consists of two stages of subjects , Avhich are thus disposed : —The three larger pictures in the upper stage show the " Preparation , " the "Dedication " of the Temple by Solomon , and the " Restoration" of the Walls of Jerusalem by Nehemiah . The left hand light shows King Solomon consulting with Hiram
and his workmen , the plan of the Temple being spread out before them .. —1 Kings v ., 18 . The centre light represents Solomon with outstretched arms , dedicating his labour to the Almighty and blessing his subjects . behind him are the Singers and Priests blowing the festal trumpets ; while on either hand are Harpers and Incense Bearers . —2 Chvou .,
vi ., 8 . In the right hand light Nehemiah and his Companions are pictured " building the walls in troublous times , " each man with his sword ready girded to repel the enemies of the good work . —Xeh iv ., 1 G , 17 . Below the larger subjects are three symbolical pictures with
texts , applicable not directly to the historical events portrayed , but to the three " foundations " of all work " well and truly " done —Faith , Hope , and Charity . The left hand panel ( beneath the preparation of the Temple ) shows the " storming of Jericho " by the Priests who bore the ark round the walls of the rebellious stronghold , blowing the while on
their trumpets . The text reads , ' If ye have Faith it shall be done . " The right hand panel ( below the restoration of the walls ) depicts the death bed of Jacob , the patriarch is shown resting on his staff and encouraging his sons by the vision of their future success . The text is , " I have a good Hope because of thy word . " The centre light ( beneath the picture of the Dedication Festival )
shows the charity of Job in reference to his own description of his life , Job xxix . — " I was eyes to the blind , feet to the lame , a father to the poor . I caused the widow ' s heart to sing for joy , when the ear heard me then it blessed me , when the eye saw me it gave witness to me . " The text beneath this central panel is " The end of the Commandment is Charity . " In the upper portion of this
window , in the various spandrils and foils , are armorial bearings , and the Emblems of the Craft . The Freemasons of Great Britain may be well congratulated on this evidence of their desire to beautify the sanctuary , and leave to their successors in the ancient and honourable Craft a memorial worthy of themselves and not unworthy of the building in which it stands .
The Masonic Institutions.
R . M . I . BOYS . —The regular monthly meeting of the General Committee was held at Freemasons' Hall on the -1 th inst . Bro . George Plucknett , P . G . D .. treas ., presided , and there were present thirtyeight members and the secretary . Two petitions were considered and accepted . The resignations of Bros . Charles Belton and Dudley Rolls as members of the House Committee , and Bro . Henry Young . as n . member of the Audit and Finance Committee , were submittc . l
and accepted . The following brethren were nominated for election next month as members of the House Committee , viz .: —Bros . A . Brookman , J . S . Cumberland . Richard Eve , W . Masters , and Edward Terry , proposed by Bro . C . E . Soppet ; Bros . George Corbie and John Glass , by Bro . Andrew R . Motion ; and Bros . A . F . Godson M . P . H . W , Hunt , J . L . Mather , James Moon , T . Hastings Miller .
, J . Joyce Murray , W . Paas , F . W . Ramsay , M . D ., II . Venn , and John Wordsworth , by Bro . Charles Daniel—12 to be elected . The following were nominated for election as an Audit and Finance Committee ' , viz . -. —Bros . Thomas Cubitt , G . P . Gillard , H . S . Goodall , Thomas Griffiths . C . F , Hogard , W . Maple , S . Richardson , W . A . Scurrah .
and C . E . Soppet , by Bro . George Mickley—5 ) to be elected . It was resolved that the customary mark of distinction should be retained in the voting papers , those who are " old members " being distinguished by an * against their names , and the proceedings terminated with a vote of thanks to the chairman .
R . M . B . I . —The Committee of Management held its regular meeting at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday . Bro . Jabez Hogg , P . G . D ., presided , and there were present 31 members and the Secretary . The deaths of one widow annuitant , and one widow candidate were
reported . The Warden ' s report for the past month was read , an " also that of Mr . Griggs on the purchase of land at Croydon . Tho draft report of the Sub-Committee , appointed to draw up the report of the proceedings during the past year , was read and approved , and a vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated the proceedings .
The Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Maryland has presented Captain Murrcll , of the Missouri , with a gold medal for rescuing the crew and passengers of the Danmark .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Secretary , they have practically acquiesced in leaving the whole control in his hands . Thus for some time the Secretary has virtually managed the School , and the House Committee has been content , except in rare instances , to register and endorse his proceedings . " This is strong
enough to warrant any amount of exception if the shorthand writer ' s notes do not prove it up to the hilt . If it be found they do so there can be hut one course open to the Committee , and which , possessing the " independence and character" attributed to them , they will , we presume ,
unhesitatingly take . On the other hand , if so much be not really proved , considerable condonation of other less important shortcomings would be admissible , and a reinstatement into the confidence of the subscribers most probably ensue . As matters now stand , and on the
assumption that cause cannot be shewn in the manner indicated , the " starting with a strong Committee on an entirely fresh basis " is an absolute necessity . We personally regret to say this for many reasons which can be readily understood by our brethren , but nevertheless it must be said .
The concluding portion of the report , we are surprised to notice , has been already published in a non-masonic North of England paper , which , three or four days before the subscribers to the institution were permitted to know anything about it , must have been supplied with the verbatim ct literatim extract . We are curious to know who
supplied that information . It must have been some one outside the circle of those in the West of England who were to " keep the contents of the report entirely unknown to everyone , " & c . We wonder who it was ? However , no harm can come of re-production in this instance , so here it
is : — " In any vieAV , the alternative that there is and has been mismanagement and extravagance to a serious extent cannot be resisted , and we do not see how these evils can be adequately dealt with unless an entire change in the way the Institution is conducted takes place . Wc are
unanimously of opinion that : ( 1 ) The School is in an unsatisfactory state as regards its management ; ( 2 ) The Educational Staff is satisfactory , the teaching good , and the School discipline well maintained ; ( 3 ) There is an antagonism between the Educational and Domestic Staff ,
which seriously impairs the usefulness of the Institution ; ( 4 ) The effective control has fallen away from the House Committee ; ( 5 ) The expenditure is extravagant , and not properly regulated ; (( 5 ) The feeding and clothing of the boys are not sucli as are represented by the expenditure ,
and their health and comfort are not satisfactorily attended to by the Domestic Staff ; ( 7 ) The Finance Committee exercises no real check on the expenditure ; ( 8 ) The
Accounts are not kept on a proper system , and those published are misleading ; and (' . )) The Secretary has engrossed the control of the Institution into his own hands , and to this and the friction between him and the Domestic Staff
on the one side , and the Head Master and his adherents on the other , the great part of the present evils is to be attributed . We therefore are of opinion that : —( 1 ) An entire change in administration , and a thorough breaking away from the present practice , must take place before
the management , discipline , and expenditure of the Institution will be satisfactory ; ( 2 ) There should be but one head authority ( viz ., the Head Master ) , at Wood Green , and the entire establishment there be subject to him ; ( 8 ) The House Committee should be able
and willing to take and keep the control in its own hands , must be in touch with the daily life of the School , and give more personal attention and exercise an intelligent authority in the Institution ; ( 4 ) The questions of sufficient playgrounds and proper appliances for health
and cleanliness of the pupils require immediate attention ; ( 5 ) The Finance Committee should regulate the expenditure under the House Committee , and not rest its efforts after merely checking vouchers and books put before it ; ( 6 ) The accounts should be kept as recommended by a
qualified public accountant and annually published as audited and approved by the Finance Committee ; and ( 7 ) The Secretary ' s duties should be strictly limited to the office , and he should not interfere at Wood Green save as the mere official channel of communication with the Head
Master . " Upon these recommendations , and doubtless upon other subjects named in the Report , a Special General Court
will shortly deliberate . In our opinion such deliberation cannot take place too soon , for the longer the present agitation in respect of the School is permitted to continue ,
the greater will be the amount of injury done to its best interests . The business is not settled by the presentation of the Report , as some may think , but aAvaits a further stage of progress . The sooner that is reached the better .
Masonic Memorial Window.
The following is a detailed description of the Memorial Window recently erected in St . Nicholas' Church , Yarmouth , and which was unveiled on the 12 th inst . by the R . W . Grand Master of the Province of Norfolk , the Lord Suffield , - K . C . B . The work has been carried out under the superintendence of Messrs . Cox and Buckley , of London : —
The window , which is in three long lancet lights , consists of two stages of subjects , Avhich are thus disposed : —The three larger pictures in the upper stage show the " Preparation , " the "Dedication " of the Temple by Solomon , and the " Restoration" of the Walls of Jerusalem by Nehemiah . The left hand light shows King Solomon consulting with Hiram
and his workmen , the plan of the Temple being spread out before them .. —1 Kings v ., 18 . The centre light represents Solomon with outstretched arms , dedicating his labour to the Almighty and blessing his subjects . behind him are the Singers and Priests blowing the festal trumpets ; while on either hand are Harpers and Incense Bearers . —2 Chvou .,
vi ., 8 . In the right hand light Nehemiah and his Companions are pictured " building the walls in troublous times , " each man with his sword ready girded to repel the enemies of the good work . —Xeh iv ., 1 G , 17 . Below the larger subjects are three symbolical pictures with
texts , applicable not directly to the historical events portrayed , but to the three " foundations " of all work " well and truly " done —Faith , Hope , and Charity . The left hand panel ( beneath the preparation of the Temple ) shows the " storming of Jericho " by the Priests who bore the ark round the walls of the rebellious stronghold , blowing the while on
their trumpets . The text reads , ' If ye have Faith it shall be done . " The right hand panel ( below the restoration of the walls ) depicts the death bed of Jacob , the patriarch is shown resting on his staff and encouraging his sons by the vision of their future success . The text is , " I have a good Hope because of thy word . " The centre light ( beneath the picture of the Dedication Festival )
shows the charity of Job in reference to his own description of his life , Job xxix . — " I was eyes to the blind , feet to the lame , a father to the poor . I caused the widow ' s heart to sing for joy , when the ear heard me then it blessed me , when the eye saw me it gave witness to me . " The text beneath this central panel is " The end of the Commandment is Charity . " In the upper portion of this
window , in the various spandrils and foils , are armorial bearings , and the Emblems of the Craft . The Freemasons of Great Britain may be well congratulated on this evidence of their desire to beautify the sanctuary , and leave to their successors in the ancient and honourable Craft a memorial worthy of themselves and not unworthy of the building in which it stands .
The Masonic Institutions.
R . M . I . BOYS . —The regular monthly meeting of the General Committee was held at Freemasons' Hall on the -1 th inst . Bro . George Plucknett , P . G . D .. treas ., presided , and there were present thirtyeight members and the secretary . Two petitions were considered and accepted . The resignations of Bros . Charles Belton and Dudley Rolls as members of the House Committee , and Bro . Henry Young . as n . member of the Audit and Finance Committee , were submittc . l
and accepted . The following brethren were nominated for election next month as members of the House Committee , viz .: —Bros . A . Brookman , J . S . Cumberland . Richard Eve , W . Masters , and Edward Terry , proposed by Bro . C . E . Soppet ; Bros . George Corbie and John Glass , by Bro . Andrew R . Motion ; and Bros . A . F . Godson M . P . H . W , Hunt , J . L . Mather , James Moon , T . Hastings Miller .
, J . Joyce Murray , W . Paas , F . W . Ramsay , M . D ., II . Venn , and John Wordsworth , by Bro . Charles Daniel—12 to be elected . The following were nominated for election as an Audit and Finance Committee ' , viz . -. —Bros . Thomas Cubitt , G . P . Gillard , H . S . Goodall , Thomas Griffiths . C . F , Hogard , W . Maple , S . Richardson , W . A . Scurrah .
and C . E . Soppet , by Bro . George Mickley—5 ) to be elected . It was resolved that the customary mark of distinction should be retained in the voting papers , those who are " old members " being distinguished by an * against their names , and the proceedings terminated with a vote of thanks to the chairman .
R . M . B . I . —The Committee of Management held its regular meeting at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday . Bro . Jabez Hogg , P . G . D ., presided , and there were present 31 members and the Secretary . The deaths of one widow annuitant , and one widow candidate were
reported . The Warden ' s report for the past month was read , an " also that of Mr . Griggs on the purchase of land at Croydon . Tho draft report of the Sub-Committee , appointed to draw up the report of the proceedings during the past year , was read and approved , and a vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated the proceedings .
The Grand Lodge of Freemasons of Maryland has presented Captain Murrcll , of the Missouri , with a gold medal for rescuing the crew and passengers of the Danmark .