Article Masonic "Bitter-Sweet." Page 1 of 1 Article We notify that :- Page 1 of 1 Article We notify that :- Page 1 of 1 Article COLONIAL, DISTRICT AND FOREIGN ITEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic "Bitter-Sweet."
Masonic "Bitter - Sweet . "
" The wet ) of our life is of a mingled yarn ; good and ill together . "—Shal : csperc . A very " swagger " meeting indeed was that of the Euston Council of Royal and Select Masters , held at Red Lion Square on Wednesday last . Among those present were the popular Earl of Euston , Col . Shadwell Gierke , Major A . B . Cook , and Sir Lionel Darell , while the list of candidates included such deservedly well known names in
they craft as Bros . Robert Grey , Sir Regidald Hanson , Bart ., General Coysgarul Sim , Frederick Mead , & c , & c . * Jf . M , The very interesting ceremony was carefully performed by Bro . R . B . Bryant , who was assisted by Bros . Matier and Frank Richardson . * M , M . TT W
I marvel much there is no sumptuary law as to the clothing of Grand Officers . I was at a meeting not long ago , in daylight by the by , at which nine present or past Grand Officers were present , and there were nine different shades of what the Masonic clothier calls—Purple , and the Book of Constitutions—Garter Blue . Perhaps the greatest authority in the world on ' ribbons , " Garter King at Arms , will lay down the law .
* # # The meeting of Great Priory was largely attended , and really was a very pretty sight . I was sorry to see that the Great Sub-Prior was suffering from a sharp attack of his old enemy , gout .
The new grand officers were all well received , especially the ubiquitous Bro . Augustus Harris , who , what with theatrical enterprise , County Council and Freemasonry , must find the twentyfour hours of the day quite insufficient for labour , to say nothing about refreshment .
By the alteration of the qualification of a candidate , one year as a master mason , instead of two , I think the Great Priory have scored heavily . The order ought now to increase both in members and preceptories , _ 3 fc ; V . J * . The performance of " Sweet Lavender " ( all sweet here and no
bitter ) at Bro . Terry ' s Theatre on Saturday evening last , was witnessed by H . R . H . the Princess of Wales , accompanied by T . R . IL the young Princesses and Prince George of Wales . ** U _ jf . ^ F 5 JSF It will be a " bitter " reflection to me if it be true as stated in " the largest circulation " that a " fish famine " in London is imminent .
I am one of those who believe in the excellent qualities of a fish diet , and shall not take kindly to the Paris Exhibition if it becomes the cause of a diminished supply dwing the ensuing season . *• _ . . _ . _ p ^ p Asparagus , plovers' egg ? , strawberries and other fruits are
likewise threatened with scanty suppl y , and these being delicacies I am much inclined to , their absence at " refreshment after labour " will be anything but consolatory . I say with Bishop Still , "I cannot eat but little meat , my stomach is not good , " and therefore the more shall I feel the diminished supply of those lighter viands with , which my inner man is in full agreement .
# * * " Little Dinners by a Live Lord , " a series of very readable articles in Society interest me greatly . In the eleven chapters already published there are some grand hints in relation to the " art of dining " ; and the opinions given of the respective vintages of high class wines are especially valued by THE DINER OUT .
We Notify That :-
We notify that :-
It is anticipated that the forthcoming Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex will be held at Eastern Lodge , the county seat of the Provincial Grand Master , Lord Brooke , under the banner of Rosslyn Lodge , No . 1543 , at Dunmow . The Lebanon Lodge , No . 1326 , W . Bro . Edwin Arthur Smith , W . M ., will meet at the Railway Hotel , Feltham , on Saturday , the 18 th inst ., at 3 p . m . Work in the first degree , and refreshment after labour .
The Board of General Purposes will meet at Freemasons ' Hall , London , on the 21 st inst ., at 4 p . m . The Board of Benevolence will meet at Freemasons' Hall , London , on the 22 nd inst ., at 6 p . m . Brethren in South Africa , as well as at home , may be interested in learning that Messrs . Henochsberg & Fool . South African merchants , late of Australian Avenue , London , E . C ., have removed into new premises , " 33 , Jewin Crescent , E . C . "
The Panmure Lodge , No . 720 , Bro . Frederic Purkiss , W . M ., will meet at the Balham Hotel , Balham , on Monday next , at 3 p . m . Installation of Bro . Dr . Lewis Jones , three initiations and one raising , and banquet . The East Surrey Lodge of Concord Lodge of Instruction No . 463 , completed its winter session on the 7 th inst ., and has adjourned until further notice .
Bro . Frederick Topham , P . M . 551 , will give his first Dramatic Recital in London , at the Stein way Hall , Lower Seymour Street . W ., on Monday afternoon next , 20 th inst ., at 3 p . m ., under distinguished patronage . The Kintore Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . 333 , W . Bro .
B . R . Bryant , W . M ., will meet at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , on Monday next , 20 th inst ., at ( 5 . 15 p . m ., for the advancement of an approved candidate , and the installation of Bro . Lieut .-Col C . H . Nevill as W . M . for the ensuing year . Mourning to be worn for the late M . W . Grand Master , the Rev . Canon Portal .
A Royal Ark Mariners' Lodge , Eintore , No . 333 , AV . Bro . Capt . James Hepburn Hastie , W . C . N ., will be held previous to the above meeting , and opened at 5 . 45 p . m . The annual general meeting of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution and election of male and female annuitants will take place at Freemason's Hall , London , on Friday , 17 th inst .. at high twelve .
We Notify That :-
The 101 st anniversary festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will be held in London , on the 22 nd inst . The Right Hon . the Lord Henniker , Prov . G . M . Suffolk , presiding . A special general court of Governors and Subscribers to the R . M . I . Girls will be held at Freemasons' Hall , London , to-day ( Kith ) , at 3 p . m ., to empower the Centenary Committee to accept a tender for the new buildings in a sum not exceeding £ 31 , 000 . The House Committee R . M . I . G . will meet on the 23 rd inst ., at 4 . 30 p . m .
Colonial, District And Foreign Items.
MONTREAL . — " The Post-Diluvian Period and the Great Pyramid of Ghizeh " was the subject of a very interesting lecture , given by W . Bro . Greig in the Masonic chamber . ; , before a large audience of Masons and their friends . The origin , history and discovery of the great pyramid were , explained in an interesting and graphic manner . W . Bro . W . Cooper acted as chairman .
MELBOURNE . —On the 23 rd March , after the inauguration of the Grand Lodge of Victoria , a special convocation was held at Freemasons' Hall , Collins Street , for the purpose of forming a Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Freemasons . His Excellency Chief Justice Way . the Grand Z . of South Australia attended , and performed the duties of Installing Principal , and the first Grand Officers of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Victoria were then appointed .
CAIRO . —An esteemed correspondent at Cairo sends us some interesting particulars in relation to Freemasonry at that place from which we extract the following : — " The Order is flourishing here , and we have now got a Masonic Hall in which are working the Bulwer Lodge , No . 10 ( 58 ; the Bulwer Chapter attached thereto , the Mark Masters Lodge of Egypt , No . 311 , with the R . A .
Mariners Lodge attached . The hall is in the most fashionable quarter , and is considered one of the finest fitted-up and prettiest Masonic Halls out of England . It accommodates also the Bulwer Masonic Club which draws a number of brethren together nightly , and is a great boon to the members . In connection with the club a series of monthly smoking concerts have been arranged , the latest
of which took place on the 2 nd inst ., and was a great success . " We congratulate our Cairo brethren on their possession of so many advantages , and hope that the progress of the Bulwer Lodge in promoting the welfare of Freemasonry in its district may never be impeded . We note that the Bulwer Lodge was constituted in 18 ( 55 .
but had ceased working for some years prior to 1 S 82 , when the present members , chiefly military brethren , set to work as soldiers know how to work , resuscitated its fallen fortunes , and once more set it " doing well . " All honour to them : and so much the more dishonour if their successors should fail to maintain its present prestige and usefulness .
NORFOLK . —YARMOUTH . —A handsome . New Masonic Memorial Window has been erected by the Freemasons of the borough in St . Nicholas Church , Yarmouth , and was unveiled by the R . W . Bro . Lord Suffield , K . C . II ., the Provincial Grand Master , on Sunday
afternoon , the 12 th inst ., in the presence of a large number of brethren , who attended in full Masonic regalia . As it will doubtless interest many of our readers , we reprint from the Yarmouth Gazette , in another column , a detailed description of this fine work of art .
SUFFOLK . —STOUR VALLEY LODGE —No . 1224 . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Sudbury , on the 10 th inst ., W . Bro . C . Josliu , W . M . The Deputy Grand Master , V . W . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , was present , as also were W . Bros . W . J . Mason , I . P . M ., and Pratt , Emmerson , Ardley , Alston , and Grimwood , Past Masters ; Bros . Reid , J . W . ; Bailey , S . D . ; Andrews , J . D . ; Harris-Hills , I . G . ; J . F . Hills , treas . ; F . Wheeler , sec . ;
Hurst , org . ; George Grant , Sheehan , Garrett , and other members and visitors numbering between 40 and 50 . Bro . Henry Flower Martyn , a son of the Deputy Grand Master and a resident of Florida , U . S . A ., who had been initiated and passed in this lodge in 1886 " , was raised to the third degree by the W . M . in a very ahle manner , and the ceremony was completed by the delivery of the traditional history by the Dep . G . M . The beautiful ceremony of the
degree was made most effective by the accompanying appropriate music , rendered on the large organ by the talented organist , Bro . Hurst . After the lodge had been closed , the brethren adjourned to that most comfortable of hotels , the Rose and Crown , where Bro . George , the host , had prepared one of his characteristic feasts , " the very best and plenty of it , " and where a most harmonious evening was spent in thoroughly Masonic good fellowship .
YORKSHIRE . —WEST RIDING—The Lodge of St . George , No . 242 , held its Installation meeting on the Srd inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Doncaster , when the retiring W . M . Bro . G . C . Wilkie , gave place to Bro . A . W . Fretwell , who was ably inducted into the chair of K . S . by Bro . F . D . Walker , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D ., the ceremony being accompanied by full musical service . A large number of brethren attended from surrounding Lodges , and a banquet was given at the Reindeer Hotel .
YORKSHIRE . —N . & E . RIDINGS . —The sixty-second anniversary of laying the foundation stone of the Humber Lodge , No . 57 , was celebrated on the 7 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Hull . After presentations had been made to W . Bros . John Clark and A . King , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., and the closing of the Lodge , a banquet was given in the banqueting hall . There was a large attendance of members and of visiting brethren present on this occasion .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic "Bitter-Sweet."
Masonic "Bitter - Sweet . "
" The wet ) of our life is of a mingled yarn ; good and ill together . "—Shal : csperc . A very " swagger " meeting indeed was that of the Euston Council of Royal and Select Masters , held at Red Lion Square on Wednesday last . Among those present were the popular Earl of Euston , Col . Shadwell Gierke , Major A . B . Cook , and Sir Lionel Darell , while the list of candidates included such deservedly well known names in
they craft as Bros . Robert Grey , Sir Regidald Hanson , Bart ., General Coysgarul Sim , Frederick Mead , & c , & c . * Jf . M , The very interesting ceremony was carefully performed by Bro . R . B . Bryant , who was assisted by Bros . Matier and Frank Richardson . * M , M . TT W
I marvel much there is no sumptuary law as to the clothing of Grand Officers . I was at a meeting not long ago , in daylight by the by , at which nine present or past Grand Officers were present , and there were nine different shades of what the Masonic clothier calls—Purple , and the Book of Constitutions—Garter Blue . Perhaps the greatest authority in the world on ' ribbons , " Garter King at Arms , will lay down the law .
* # # The meeting of Great Priory was largely attended , and really was a very pretty sight . I was sorry to see that the Great Sub-Prior was suffering from a sharp attack of his old enemy , gout .
The new grand officers were all well received , especially the ubiquitous Bro . Augustus Harris , who , what with theatrical enterprise , County Council and Freemasonry , must find the twentyfour hours of the day quite insufficient for labour , to say nothing about refreshment .
By the alteration of the qualification of a candidate , one year as a master mason , instead of two , I think the Great Priory have scored heavily . The order ought now to increase both in members and preceptories , _ 3 fc ; V . J * . The performance of " Sweet Lavender " ( all sweet here and no
bitter ) at Bro . Terry ' s Theatre on Saturday evening last , was witnessed by H . R . H . the Princess of Wales , accompanied by T . R . IL the young Princesses and Prince George of Wales . ** U _ jf . ^ F 5 JSF It will be a " bitter " reflection to me if it be true as stated in " the largest circulation " that a " fish famine " in London is imminent .
I am one of those who believe in the excellent qualities of a fish diet , and shall not take kindly to the Paris Exhibition if it becomes the cause of a diminished supply dwing the ensuing season . *• _ . . _ . _ p ^ p Asparagus , plovers' egg ? , strawberries and other fruits are
likewise threatened with scanty suppl y , and these being delicacies I am much inclined to , their absence at " refreshment after labour " will be anything but consolatory . I say with Bishop Still , "I cannot eat but little meat , my stomach is not good , " and therefore the more shall I feel the diminished supply of those lighter viands with , which my inner man is in full agreement .
# * * " Little Dinners by a Live Lord , " a series of very readable articles in Society interest me greatly . In the eleven chapters already published there are some grand hints in relation to the " art of dining " ; and the opinions given of the respective vintages of high class wines are especially valued by THE DINER OUT .
We Notify That :-
We notify that :-
It is anticipated that the forthcoming Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex will be held at Eastern Lodge , the county seat of the Provincial Grand Master , Lord Brooke , under the banner of Rosslyn Lodge , No . 1543 , at Dunmow . The Lebanon Lodge , No . 1326 , W . Bro . Edwin Arthur Smith , W . M ., will meet at the Railway Hotel , Feltham , on Saturday , the 18 th inst ., at 3 p . m . Work in the first degree , and refreshment after labour .
The Board of General Purposes will meet at Freemasons ' Hall , London , on the 21 st inst ., at 4 p . m . The Board of Benevolence will meet at Freemasons' Hall , London , on the 22 nd inst ., at 6 p . m . Brethren in South Africa , as well as at home , may be interested in learning that Messrs . Henochsberg & Fool . South African merchants , late of Australian Avenue , London , E . C ., have removed into new premises , " 33 , Jewin Crescent , E . C . "
The Panmure Lodge , No . 720 , Bro . Frederic Purkiss , W . M ., will meet at the Balham Hotel , Balham , on Monday next , at 3 p . m . Installation of Bro . Dr . Lewis Jones , three initiations and one raising , and banquet . The East Surrey Lodge of Concord Lodge of Instruction No . 463 , completed its winter session on the 7 th inst ., and has adjourned until further notice .
Bro . Frederick Topham , P . M . 551 , will give his first Dramatic Recital in London , at the Stein way Hall , Lower Seymour Street . W ., on Monday afternoon next , 20 th inst ., at 3 p . m ., under distinguished patronage . The Kintore Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . 333 , W . Bro .
B . R . Bryant , W . M ., will meet at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , on Monday next , 20 th inst ., at ( 5 . 15 p . m ., for the advancement of an approved candidate , and the installation of Bro . Lieut .-Col C . H . Nevill as W . M . for the ensuing year . Mourning to be worn for the late M . W . Grand Master , the Rev . Canon Portal .
A Royal Ark Mariners' Lodge , Eintore , No . 333 , AV . Bro . Capt . James Hepburn Hastie , W . C . N ., will be held previous to the above meeting , and opened at 5 . 45 p . m . The annual general meeting of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution and election of male and female annuitants will take place at Freemason's Hall , London , on Friday , 17 th inst .. at high twelve .
We Notify That :-
The 101 st anniversary festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will be held in London , on the 22 nd inst . The Right Hon . the Lord Henniker , Prov . G . M . Suffolk , presiding . A special general court of Governors and Subscribers to the R . M . I . Girls will be held at Freemasons' Hall , London , to-day ( Kith ) , at 3 p . m ., to empower the Centenary Committee to accept a tender for the new buildings in a sum not exceeding £ 31 , 000 . The House Committee R . M . I . G . will meet on the 23 rd inst ., at 4 . 30 p . m .
Colonial, District And Foreign Items.
MONTREAL . — " The Post-Diluvian Period and the Great Pyramid of Ghizeh " was the subject of a very interesting lecture , given by W . Bro . Greig in the Masonic chamber . ; , before a large audience of Masons and their friends . The origin , history and discovery of the great pyramid were , explained in an interesting and graphic manner . W . Bro . W . Cooper acted as chairman .
MELBOURNE . —On the 23 rd March , after the inauguration of the Grand Lodge of Victoria , a special convocation was held at Freemasons' Hall , Collins Street , for the purpose of forming a Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Freemasons . His Excellency Chief Justice Way . the Grand Z . of South Australia attended , and performed the duties of Installing Principal , and the first Grand Officers of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Victoria were then appointed .
CAIRO . —An esteemed correspondent at Cairo sends us some interesting particulars in relation to Freemasonry at that place from which we extract the following : — " The Order is flourishing here , and we have now got a Masonic Hall in which are working the Bulwer Lodge , No . 10 ( 58 ; the Bulwer Chapter attached thereto , the Mark Masters Lodge of Egypt , No . 311 , with the R . A .
Mariners Lodge attached . The hall is in the most fashionable quarter , and is considered one of the finest fitted-up and prettiest Masonic Halls out of England . It accommodates also the Bulwer Masonic Club which draws a number of brethren together nightly , and is a great boon to the members . In connection with the club a series of monthly smoking concerts have been arranged , the latest
of which took place on the 2 nd inst ., and was a great success . " We congratulate our Cairo brethren on their possession of so many advantages , and hope that the progress of the Bulwer Lodge in promoting the welfare of Freemasonry in its district may never be impeded . We note that the Bulwer Lodge was constituted in 18 ( 55 .
but had ceased working for some years prior to 1 S 82 , when the present members , chiefly military brethren , set to work as soldiers know how to work , resuscitated its fallen fortunes , and once more set it " doing well . " All honour to them : and so much the more dishonour if their successors should fail to maintain its present prestige and usefulness .
NORFOLK . —YARMOUTH . —A handsome . New Masonic Memorial Window has been erected by the Freemasons of the borough in St . Nicholas Church , Yarmouth , and was unveiled by the R . W . Bro . Lord Suffield , K . C . II ., the Provincial Grand Master , on Sunday
afternoon , the 12 th inst ., in the presence of a large number of brethren , who attended in full Masonic regalia . As it will doubtless interest many of our readers , we reprint from the Yarmouth Gazette , in another column , a detailed description of this fine work of art .
SUFFOLK . —STOUR VALLEY LODGE —No . 1224 . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Sudbury , on the 10 th inst ., W . Bro . C . Josliu , W . M . The Deputy Grand Master , V . W . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , was present , as also were W . Bros . W . J . Mason , I . P . M ., and Pratt , Emmerson , Ardley , Alston , and Grimwood , Past Masters ; Bros . Reid , J . W . ; Bailey , S . D . ; Andrews , J . D . ; Harris-Hills , I . G . ; J . F . Hills , treas . ; F . Wheeler , sec . ;
Hurst , org . ; George Grant , Sheehan , Garrett , and other members and visitors numbering between 40 and 50 . Bro . Henry Flower Martyn , a son of the Deputy Grand Master and a resident of Florida , U . S . A ., who had been initiated and passed in this lodge in 1886 " , was raised to the third degree by the W . M . in a very ahle manner , and the ceremony was completed by the delivery of the traditional history by the Dep . G . M . The beautiful ceremony of the
degree was made most effective by the accompanying appropriate music , rendered on the large organ by the talented organist , Bro . Hurst . After the lodge had been closed , the brethren adjourned to that most comfortable of hotels , the Rose and Crown , where Bro . George , the host , had prepared one of his characteristic feasts , " the very best and plenty of it , " and where a most harmonious evening was spent in thoroughly Masonic good fellowship .
YORKSHIRE . —WEST RIDING—The Lodge of St . George , No . 242 , held its Installation meeting on the Srd inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Doncaster , when the retiring W . M . Bro . G . C . Wilkie , gave place to Bro . A . W . Fretwell , who was ably inducted into the chair of K . S . by Bro . F . D . Walker , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D ., the ceremony being accompanied by full musical service . A large number of brethren attended from surrounding Lodges , and a banquet was given at the Reindeer Hotel .
YORKSHIRE . —N . & E . RIDINGS . —The sixty-second anniversary of laying the foundation stone of the Humber Lodge , No . 57 , was celebrated on the 7 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Hull . After presentations had been made to W . Bros . John Clark and A . King , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., and the closing of the Lodge , a banquet was given in the banqueting hall . There was a large attendance of members and of visiting brethren present on this occasion .