Article Reports of Lodges, &c. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Lodges, &c. Page 1 of 2 Article Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Lodges, &C.
Reports of Lodges , & c .
THE MACDONALD LODGE , NO . 121 ( 5—Head Quarters , First Surrey Rifles , Camberwell , S . E . —This popular Lodge , in connection with the Volunteer service , attained its majority on the 9 th inst ., having been established in association with the First Surrey Rifle Corps , in 18 ( 58 . It has justified the expectations which were then formed as to its progress , and the possibilities which might be the outcome of
military discipline conjoined to the practice of Masonic ceremonial , and has always held a deserved reputation for the excellent character of its work . Although yo"ng in yerrs . the annals of the Lodge contain many interesting episodes , which at some future date will doubtless have a bearing on Masonic history , whilst on its register of members will be found the names of many who have assisted in
making the history of the nation , amongst the first of whom , and within a few months of Consecration , were initiated Bros . Hormuzd Rassam and Henry Blanc , who had but just previously been prisoners in the hands of the King of Abyssinia . , On the occasion of the late meeting , many of these episodes were remembered with much satisfaction . The Lodge was opened by W . Bro . A . R . Cranch , and business
was at once proceeded with . This comprised the initiation of Mr . Frank Roberts , who was introduced into Masonry by the W . M . ; the installation of Bro . T . V . Turner as W . M . for the ensuing year ; and the subsequent initiation of Messrs . W . W . Payne and H . J . Pearn . The respective ceremonies were effectively performed , Bro . Cranch carrying out the duties of installation most creditably , and the
newly installed Master " fleshing his maiden sword" in perfect accordance with the traditions of the Lodge . The P . M . jewel , a combination of masonic and military emblems specially designed for the " Macdonald , " was presented to Bro . Cranch in open lodge , and was suitably acknowledged . A very excellent banquet was served in the spackus " canteen , " and subsequently the toast list was
supplemented by a musical entertainment , under the direction of the I . P . M ., Bro . Cranch , who was assisted by Bros . W . H . Symons , Edward Dalzell , F . P . Baxter , and Sydney Hill ( Organist of the Lodge ) . A most enjoyable , evening was the result and the Visitors were most earnest in their expressions of satisfaction with " labour and refreshment , " and the hearty character of their reception .
Amongst those who had the satisfaction of sharing in the festivity connected with the Lodge ' s majority , and in addition to those already named , were the officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Bros . W . S . Harvey , S . W .: A . G . White , J . W .: Capt . A . Styan , Treas . ; W . J . Messenger , P . M ., Sec . ; F . P . Baxter . S . D . ; R . A . Marshall . J . D . ; Major Easterbrook . I . G . ; Capt , G . H . N . Bridges , P . M ., D . C . — Medcalf , Assist , D . C . ; Sydney Hill . Org . ; — Pitcher ar d F .
Chapman , Stewards ; Past Masters James Stevens , G . Waterall . W . C . Hale . Lieut .-Col . Nevill , A . C . Bradley . A . J . Style , T . A . Fitzer , and C . W . Davis ; Bros . C . J . Henton , E . W . Dubois , J . F . Sims , S . F . Cornish . H . F . Mawby . H . Keeley , & c , & c . and Visitors , Bros . G . R . Steel , P . M ., and Percy Leftwich , of No . 1 : J . P . Prober ., P . M . 8 , P . G . S . ; J . G . Milner , 2 ( 5 ; J . N . Bate , P . M ., 72 ; J . H . Ellis , 177 ; J . G . Dunn , 192 ; W . S . Payne , P . M ., 1669 ; J . H . Cureton , 2182 ; J . N . Callaway . Sec . London Scottish Rifles , 2310 , & c .
Reports Of Lodges, &C.
THE JOHN CARPENTER LODGE—No . 1997 . —This young and prospering lodge , emanating from the companionship and intercourse of former pupils of the City of London Schools , and conse- J quently carrying into its working one of the very first principles of \ J » Masonry , held its installation festival on Friday , the 10 th inst ., at ' the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate Street . The lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . C . J . Wilkinson-Pimbury , the following officers and
members being present during the evening , viz .: —Bros . H . Wilson , S . W . ; A . Norris , J . W . ; Jas . Pender , sec . ; J . Inskipp , S . D . ; Mount Brown . J . D . ; C . Lamb , I . G . ; Lewis Ferguson , D . C . ; J . P . W , Goodwin . W . S ..- Frank Taylor . I . P . M . ; J . M . May , P . M . ; Sir Henry Knight , P . M . : G . Waterall , P . M . ; T . Noton , P . M . ; E . Solomon , D . Kinsr . J . G . Mavdon , P . E . Clann , P . J . Bellingham , F . J . Archer ,
John Chisman , G . Inskipp , and M . Goddard , P . M ., tyler . The visitors were Bros . G . Scammell . 353 ; James Stevens , P . M . 1216 ; C . E . Ferry , P . M . ( 55 : H . P . R . Robinson , 27 ; C . Stevens , P . M . 1793 ; H . Shaw , P . M . 831 ; ' G . A . Pickering , J . W . 890 ; J . C . Higgs , 109-1 ; R . Dyson , P . M . ( 55 ; F . Read , 1987 : W . Crawford , P . M . 129 ; E . Holsworth . 1607 : G . Austin , 1457 : M ! . Woolf , 7 ( 56 ; J . Sacby , 1297 ;
C . D . Singer , 12 ; E . W . Allen , P . M . 173 ; R . D . Armstrong , 1563 ; and J . W . Haden , J . D . 766 . Bro . John Chisman , of Lodge Harmony , No . 275 , Huddersfield , having been elected a joining member , W . Bro . Wilkinson-Pimbury at once proceeded with the installation of Bro . Alfred Norris , the W . M . Elect , who was presented by W . Bro . Frank Taylor for that purpose . In faultless style the
beautiful ceremony was performed by the Installing Master to the general satisfaction of all present ; and when , at the termination of his labours , Bro . Pimbury received from the hands of his successor the reward of merit in the form of a handsome P . M . jewel , the acclamation of the brethren proved how well it Avas deserved . The new Master was also cordially greeted , and when it became known
at a later period of the evening that his father had been some fifty years ago a Grand Deacon of England , wishes were freely expressed that in course of time a somewhat similar dignity might aAvait him . We took occasion to notice especially the cordiality which prevailed throughout this meeting ; the remembrance of its several honorary members and their apologies for necessitated absence ; the receipt
of numerous telegrams from others unable to be present at the banquet ( notably one from Bro . W . Crawford , P . M . 129 , who , having witnessed the " labour " in lodge was compelled to forego " refreshment , " and conveyed his " hearty good Avishes " by wire in a lengthy message and " regardless of expense " ) , and the general f . nsivA evinr-pr ! fnr thn hnrmmeRs and comfort of each and all
associated in the evening ' s proceedings , Avhich Avere to the fullest extent enjoyable . The after dinner toasts alternated with some excellent songs and recitations , by , amongst others , Bros . J . P . W . Goodwin , org . ; L . Ferguson , James Stevens ( Masons' Vows ' ) , Jules Bellingham , F . J . Archer , and F . Inskipp . The officers appointed for the
ensuing year are Bros . Hugh Wilson , S . W . ; F . Inskipp , J . W .: C . W . C . Hatton , P . M ., P . G . D ., treas . ; Jas . Finder , P . M ., sec ; Mount Brown , S . D . ; C . Lamb , J . D . ; L . Ferguson , I . G . ; J . P . W . ^ GoodAvin , D . C . and org .: S . H . Simon , W . S .. ; G . Inskipp , asst . W . S ., and Goddard , tyler .
THE PANMURE CHAPTER—No . 720 . The installation convocation of this Chapter was held on Monday last , the 13 th inst ., at the Horns Tavern , Kennington . There was a goodly attendance of
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
« All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "— General Laws and Regulations . Sigl j NAME op Tj 0 DGE AKD CHAPTER ] PLACE OP MEETING . j £ g } j ££ NAME OP LODGE AND CUAPTEB . PLACE OP MEETING .
( THIS DAY ) THURSDAY , MAY 16 ch . 55 : Constitutional Cannon Street Hot ., E . C . 813 New Concord Guildhall Tav ., E . C . 1227 Upton Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate , E . 1320 Blackheath Trafalgar Hot ,, Greenwich 1321 Emblematic Bridge House Hut ., S . E . 1305 Clapton 191 , Bishopsgate St ., E . C .
19 G 3 Duke of Albany Albert Palace , Batiersoa Park R . A . C . 03 St . Mary ' s F . M . H . 217 Stability Anderton ' s Hot ., E . C . 5 ( J 7 United " Pilgrims F . M . H . 742 Crystal Palace Thicket Hot ., Anerlcy 834 Andrew Windsor Castle Hot ,, ' . Hammersmith 1210 Macdonald Hd . Qrs . 1 st Surrey Rifles , Camberwell 1383 Friends-in-Council 33 , Golden Square , W .
( Srd ) FRIDAY , MAY 17 th . C f Friendship Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s , AV . 143 Middlesex Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C , 1118 University F . M . II . ( 3 rd ) SATURDAY , MAY 18 th . 1185 Lewis j King'Anns HotWood GreenN
s ., , . 1329 Sphinx Surrey M . H ., Camberwell 1584 | Loyalty and Charity Star and Garter Hot ., Kew Bridge 17 G 7 Kensington ... " ! Ladbroke Hall , Not ling Hill R . A . C . | j 1572 : Carnarvon ! Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 17 ( 10 : Or ] 'hen . j Holborn Restaurant , W . C . ( 3 rd ) MONDAY , MAY 20 th .
1 Grand Masters F . M . T . 8 British I F . M . H . 721 ) Panumrc Balham Hot ., Balham 2000 La France Caf _ Royal , Regent Htrcct , W . 59 Royal Naval F . M . II . 1593 Trafalgar Ship Hot ., Greenwich } 657 Aldersgate Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C .
333 Kintore Surrey M . IL . Camberwell XV . 1 , 154 Shadwe .. Gierke ... ... M . H ., 33 , Golden Square , "W .
( 3 rd ) TUESDAY , MAY 21 st . 194 St . Paul ' s Cannon Street Hot ., E . C . 701 Camden Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 857 St . Mark ' s Surrey M . IL , Camberwell 2045 Wharton Willesden , Middlesex 2191 Anglo-American Criterion , Piccadilly , W .
R . A . C . 19 Mount Sinai Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . G . 2 G Castle OUa . p . at-Himwmv ... CM 6 Royal , Regent Street , W . 40 Old Union ... ... Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 205 Israel Cannon Street Hot ., E . C . 228 United Strength ... Guildhall Tav ., Gresliam Street , E . C . 2021 Queen ' s Westminster Holborn Rest ., W . C .
( 4 th ) WEDNESDAY , MAY 22 nd . 2 ! Antiquity F . M . H . 012 Euphrates Holborn Rest ., W . C . 753 Prince Frederick William ... Lord ' s Hotel , St . John ' s Wood 754 High Cross Seven Sister ' s Hot ., Tottenham , N . 1017 Monteilore ... Caf 6 Royal , Regent Street , AV . 1719 Evening Star 'F . M . H .
( ith ) THURSDAY , MAY 23 rd . 31 Mount Moria F . M . H . 99 Shakespeare Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 211 St . Michael ' s Cafd Royal , Regent Street , AV . 507 United Pilgrims Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge 8 « 1 Finsbury 191 , Bishopsgate St ., L . C . 1421 Angpl HotelIltovil
Langthorno , 1523 St . Mary Magdalen CaftS Royal , Regent Street , W . 1023 West Smi . hii . ld F . M . II . 105 8 Skelmersdale Surrey M . H ., fe . L 1974 St . Mary Abbotts Town Hall , Kensington 5 St . George ' s F - - ,:, .,. 4 Di t 29 St Albans ... ... Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 157 Bedford F . M . H . , „ _ , _ ,. Canonbni Mason'ArmsBasinghall Street
0 . 7 -y s , 700 William Preston Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 1001 Ravensbourne Town Hall , Catford 1023 AVest Smithllcld Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . Murk ' 13 Hiram Greyhound Hot ., Uiehmond
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Lodges, &C.
Reports of Lodges , & c .
THE MACDONALD LODGE , NO . 121 ( 5—Head Quarters , First Surrey Rifles , Camberwell , S . E . —This popular Lodge , in connection with the Volunteer service , attained its majority on the 9 th inst ., having been established in association with the First Surrey Rifle Corps , in 18 ( 58 . It has justified the expectations which were then formed as to its progress , and the possibilities which might be the outcome of
military discipline conjoined to the practice of Masonic ceremonial , and has always held a deserved reputation for the excellent character of its work . Although yo"ng in yerrs . the annals of the Lodge contain many interesting episodes , which at some future date will doubtless have a bearing on Masonic history , whilst on its register of members will be found the names of many who have assisted in
making the history of the nation , amongst the first of whom , and within a few months of Consecration , were initiated Bros . Hormuzd Rassam and Henry Blanc , who had but just previously been prisoners in the hands of the King of Abyssinia . , On the occasion of the late meeting , many of these episodes were remembered with much satisfaction . The Lodge was opened by W . Bro . A . R . Cranch , and business
was at once proceeded with . This comprised the initiation of Mr . Frank Roberts , who was introduced into Masonry by the W . M . ; the installation of Bro . T . V . Turner as W . M . for the ensuing year ; and the subsequent initiation of Messrs . W . W . Payne and H . J . Pearn . The respective ceremonies were effectively performed , Bro . Cranch carrying out the duties of installation most creditably , and the
newly installed Master " fleshing his maiden sword" in perfect accordance with the traditions of the Lodge . The P . M . jewel , a combination of masonic and military emblems specially designed for the " Macdonald , " was presented to Bro . Cranch in open lodge , and was suitably acknowledged . A very excellent banquet was served in the spackus " canteen , " and subsequently the toast list was
supplemented by a musical entertainment , under the direction of the I . P . M ., Bro . Cranch , who was assisted by Bros . W . H . Symons , Edward Dalzell , F . P . Baxter , and Sydney Hill ( Organist of the Lodge ) . A most enjoyable , evening was the result and the Visitors were most earnest in their expressions of satisfaction with " labour and refreshment , " and the hearty character of their reception .
Amongst those who had the satisfaction of sharing in the festivity connected with the Lodge ' s majority , and in addition to those already named , were the officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Bros . W . S . Harvey , S . W .: A . G . White , J . W .: Capt . A . Styan , Treas . ; W . J . Messenger , P . M ., Sec . ; F . P . Baxter . S . D . ; R . A . Marshall . J . D . ; Major Easterbrook . I . G . ; Capt , G . H . N . Bridges , P . M ., D . C . — Medcalf , Assist , D . C . ; Sydney Hill . Org . ; — Pitcher ar d F .
Chapman , Stewards ; Past Masters James Stevens , G . Waterall . W . C . Hale . Lieut .-Col . Nevill , A . C . Bradley . A . J . Style , T . A . Fitzer , and C . W . Davis ; Bros . C . J . Henton , E . W . Dubois , J . F . Sims , S . F . Cornish . H . F . Mawby . H . Keeley , & c , & c . and Visitors , Bros . G . R . Steel , P . M ., and Percy Leftwich , of No . 1 : J . P . Prober ., P . M . 8 , P . G . S . ; J . G . Milner , 2 ( 5 ; J . N . Bate , P . M ., 72 ; J . H . Ellis , 177 ; J . G . Dunn , 192 ; W . S . Payne , P . M ., 1669 ; J . H . Cureton , 2182 ; J . N . Callaway . Sec . London Scottish Rifles , 2310 , & c .
Reports Of Lodges, &C.
THE JOHN CARPENTER LODGE—No . 1997 . —This young and prospering lodge , emanating from the companionship and intercourse of former pupils of the City of London Schools , and conse- J quently carrying into its working one of the very first principles of \ J » Masonry , held its installation festival on Friday , the 10 th inst ., at ' the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate Street . The lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . C . J . Wilkinson-Pimbury , the following officers and
members being present during the evening , viz .: —Bros . H . Wilson , S . W . ; A . Norris , J . W . ; Jas . Pender , sec . ; J . Inskipp , S . D . ; Mount Brown . J . D . ; C . Lamb , I . G . ; Lewis Ferguson , D . C . ; J . P . W , Goodwin . W . S ..- Frank Taylor . I . P . M . ; J . M . May , P . M . ; Sir Henry Knight , P . M . : G . Waterall , P . M . ; T . Noton , P . M . ; E . Solomon , D . Kinsr . J . G . Mavdon , P . E . Clann , P . J . Bellingham , F . J . Archer ,
John Chisman , G . Inskipp , and M . Goddard , P . M ., tyler . The visitors were Bros . G . Scammell . 353 ; James Stevens , P . M . 1216 ; C . E . Ferry , P . M . ( 55 : H . P . R . Robinson , 27 ; C . Stevens , P . M . 1793 ; H . Shaw , P . M . 831 ; ' G . A . Pickering , J . W . 890 ; J . C . Higgs , 109-1 ; R . Dyson , P . M . ( 55 ; F . Read , 1987 : W . Crawford , P . M . 129 ; E . Holsworth . 1607 : G . Austin , 1457 : M ! . Woolf , 7 ( 56 ; J . Sacby , 1297 ;
C . D . Singer , 12 ; E . W . Allen , P . M . 173 ; R . D . Armstrong , 1563 ; and J . W . Haden , J . D . 766 . Bro . John Chisman , of Lodge Harmony , No . 275 , Huddersfield , having been elected a joining member , W . Bro . Wilkinson-Pimbury at once proceeded with the installation of Bro . Alfred Norris , the W . M . Elect , who was presented by W . Bro . Frank Taylor for that purpose . In faultless style the
beautiful ceremony was performed by the Installing Master to the general satisfaction of all present ; and when , at the termination of his labours , Bro . Pimbury received from the hands of his successor the reward of merit in the form of a handsome P . M . jewel , the acclamation of the brethren proved how well it Avas deserved . The new Master was also cordially greeted , and when it became known
at a later period of the evening that his father had been some fifty years ago a Grand Deacon of England , wishes were freely expressed that in course of time a somewhat similar dignity might aAvait him . We took occasion to notice especially the cordiality which prevailed throughout this meeting ; the remembrance of its several honorary members and their apologies for necessitated absence ; the receipt
of numerous telegrams from others unable to be present at the banquet ( notably one from Bro . W . Crawford , P . M . 129 , who , having witnessed the " labour " in lodge was compelled to forego " refreshment , " and conveyed his " hearty good Avishes " by wire in a lengthy message and " regardless of expense " ) , and the general f . nsivA evinr-pr ! fnr thn hnrmmeRs and comfort of each and all
associated in the evening ' s proceedings , Avhich Avere to the fullest extent enjoyable . The after dinner toasts alternated with some excellent songs and recitations , by , amongst others , Bros . J . P . W . Goodwin , org . ; L . Ferguson , James Stevens ( Masons' Vows ' ) , Jules Bellingham , F . J . Archer , and F . Inskipp . The officers appointed for the
ensuing year are Bros . Hugh Wilson , S . W . ; F . Inskipp , J . W .: C . W . C . Hatton , P . M ., P . G . D ., treas . ; Jas . Finder , P . M ., sec ; Mount Brown , S . D . ; C . Lamb , J . D . ; L . Ferguson , I . G . ; J . P . W . ^ GoodAvin , D . C . and org .: S . H . Simon , W . S .. ; G . Inskipp , asst . W . S ., and Goddard , tyler .
THE PANMURE CHAPTER—No . 720 . The installation convocation of this Chapter was held on Monday last , the 13 th inst ., at the Horns Tavern , Kennington . There was a goodly attendance of
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
« All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "— General Laws and Regulations . Sigl j NAME op Tj 0 DGE AKD CHAPTER ] PLACE OP MEETING . j £ g } j ££ NAME OP LODGE AND CUAPTEB . PLACE OP MEETING .
( THIS DAY ) THURSDAY , MAY 16 ch . 55 : Constitutional Cannon Street Hot ., E . C . 813 New Concord Guildhall Tav ., E . C . 1227 Upton Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate , E . 1320 Blackheath Trafalgar Hot ,, Greenwich 1321 Emblematic Bridge House Hut ., S . E . 1305 Clapton 191 , Bishopsgate St ., E . C .
19 G 3 Duke of Albany Albert Palace , Batiersoa Park R . A . C . 03 St . Mary ' s F . M . H . 217 Stability Anderton ' s Hot ., E . C . 5 ( J 7 United " Pilgrims F . M . H . 742 Crystal Palace Thicket Hot ., Anerlcy 834 Andrew Windsor Castle Hot ,, ' . Hammersmith 1210 Macdonald Hd . Qrs . 1 st Surrey Rifles , Camberwell 1383 Friends-in-Council 33 , Golden Square , W .
( Srd ) FRIDAY , MAY 17 th . C f Friendship Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s , AV . 143 Middlesex Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C , 1118 University F . M . II . ( 3 rd ) SATURDAY , MAY 18 th . 1185 Lewis j King'Anns HotWood GreenN
s ., , . 1329 Sphinx Surrey M . H ., Camberwell 1584 | Loyalty and Charity Star and Garter Hot ., Kew Bridge 17 G 7 Kensington ... " ! Ladbroke Hall , Not ling Hill R . A . C . | j 1572 : Carnarvon ! Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 17 ( 10 : Or ] 'hen . j Holborn Restaurant , W . C . ( 3 rd ) MONDAY , MAY 20 th .
1 Grand Masters F . M . T . 8 British I F . M . H . 721 ) Panumrc Balham Hot ., Balham 2000 La France Caf _ Royal , Regent Htrcct , W . 59 Royal Naval F . M . II . 1593 Trafalgar Ship Hot ., Greenwich } 657 Aldersgate Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C .
333 Kintore Surrey M . IL . Camberwell XV . 1 , 154 Shadwe .. Gierke ... ... M . H ., 33 , Golden Square , "W .
( 3 rd ) TUESDAY , MAY 21 st . 194 St . Paul ' s Cannon Street Hot ., E . C . 701 Camden Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 857 St . Mark ' s Surrey M . IL , Camberwell 2045 Wharton Willesden , Middlesex 2191 Anglo-American Criterion , Piccadilly , W .
R . A . C . 19 Mount Sinai Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . G . 2 G Castle OUa . p . at-Himwmv ... CM 6 Royal , Regent Street , W . 40 Old Union ... ... Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 205 Israel Cannon Street Hot ., E . C . 228 United Strength ... Guildhall Tav ., Gresliam Street , E . C . 2021 Queen ' s Westminster Holborn Rest ., W . C .
( 4 th ) WEDNESDAY , MAY 22 nd . 2 ! Antiquity F . M . H . 012 Euphrates Holborn Rest ., W . C . 753 Prince Frederick William ... Lord ' s Hotel , St . John ' s Wood 754 High Cross Seven Sister ' s Hot ., Tottenham , N . 1017 Monteilore ... Caf 6 Royal , Regent Street , AV . 1719 Evening Star 'F . M . H .
( ith ) THURSDAY , MAY 23 rd . 31 Mount Moria F . M . H . 99 Shakespeare Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 211 St . Michael ' s Cafd Royal , Regent Street , AV . 507 United Pilgrims Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge 8 « 1 Finsbury 191 , Bishopsgate St ., L . C . 1421 Angpl HotelIltovil
Langthorno , 1523 St . Mary Magdalen CaftS Royal , Regent Street , W . 1023 West Smi . hii . ld F . M . II . 105 8 Skelmersdale Surrey M . H ., fe . L 1974 St . Mary Abbotts Town Hall , Kensington 5 St . George ' s F - - ,:, .,. 4 Di t 29 St Albans ... ... Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street 157 Bedford F . M . H . , „ _ , _ ,. Canonbni Mason'ArmsBasinghall Street
0 . 7 -y s , 700 William Preston Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 1001 Ravensbourne Town Hall , Catford 1023 AVest Smithllcld Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . Murk ' 13 Hiram Greyhound Hot ., Uiehmond