Article Reports of Lodges, &c. ← Page 2 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Lodges, &C.
Past Principals of the Chapter itself as well as of other companions , the M . E . Z . for the past year retiring with much credit to himself , and the new First Principal being expected to do much to enhance the prosperity of the Chapter during his year of office . The proceedings of the evening were interesting and agreeable . The M . E . Z . Comp .,
H . C . Jefferys , having - with Ex . Comps ., G . Treves . H .: W . H . Tilling , J . ; and Past Principals . John Read . James Stevens . M .: S . Larlham , Thos . Poore , W . Watts , J . S . Terry , and R , Field , opened the Chapter , and , other companions having been admitted ! Ex . Comp ., Thomas Poore , P . Z . and Scribe E .. installed , in his usual
perfect and effective style , Comps . Treves , Tilling and Stephen Richardson as Z . H . and J . respectively . Comp . T . Poore was then re-invested as S . E . ; Comp . Terry as Treas . ; Comp . Thomas Owens as P . S . A handsome P . Z . jewel Avas presented to Ex . Comp . Jefferys on the completion of his vear of office , and after some
routine business , the Chapter was closed . At the subsequent banquet the usual loyal toasts were honoured and harmony prevailed . Comp . A . C . Wood , of the Crystal Palace Chapter , No . 712 , returning thanks for the visitors .
The seventh annual festival of the Vestis Lodge of Instruction , held under the Avarrant of the East Medina Lod ~ e . No , 175 , was held at the Masonic Hall , Ryde . on the Sth inst .. " under the presidency of W . Bro . Francis Newman , P . P . S . G . W ., who , as Section Master , worked the whole of the fifteen sections , assisted bv Bros . Ernest Groves , S . W . ; 0 . B . Gabell . J . W . ; W . H . Long . S . D .: " T . W .
Fair , J . D . ; H . A . Matthews , I . G . ; Watts , Keet , Smith , Ansle , G . Mullins , Stroud , J . Ellery , Andrews , Sweetman . and H . Durrani , sec . The whole of the Avork was performed in a most creditable manner and gave general satisfaction . STAR CHAPTER OF INSTRUCTION—NO . 1275 . —On Friday . 10 th
inst ., at the Stirling Castle . Church Street . Camberwell . Present : Comps . F . Hilton . P . Z .. M . E . Z . and Preceptor ; T . Grnmmant . P . Z . ; H . Stone , J . ; C . H . Stone , S . E . ; C . N . M . North , S . N . ; C . Woods . P . S . ; H . Martin . A . S . ; Towers and Whitby , P . Z . The ceremony
of exaltation Avas rehearsed , Comp . ToAvers candidate . Coinp . Grummant Avas elected M . E . Z . for the next meeting . Notice of motion Avas given that the Chapter do adjourn at the end of the present month for the summer . RAVENSBOURNE LODGE OP INSTRUCTION —NO . 1601 . —May Sth .
at the George Tavern , Lewisham , Bros . George Pickering , W . M . ; Thomas , S . W . ; Alfred Morris , J . W . ; Walter Smith , Treasurer ; Chas . Atkins , Secretary ; Dr . Visger , S . D . ; J . Joyce , J D .: Walker , I . G . ; H . Shaw , P . M ., Preceptor ; Shelton , Drew , P . M . ; W . Martin , James Stevens , P . M . ; Newbould , Clark , and others . The ceremony
in the second degree was ably Avorked by the W . M ., Bro . Shelton as candidate . Bro . Morris , Avho is W . M . elect of the John Carpenter Lodge , No . 1997 , rehearsed the investiture of officers . Bro . Thomas Avas elected W . M . for the ensuing week . The festival of this Lodge of Instruction is to be held on Thursday , the 30 th inst ., at 7 p . m . JOPPA LODGE OF INSTRUCTION—NO . 188—On Tuesday , the
llth May , at the Manchester Hotel , Aldersgate Street , E . C . Present : Bros . J . Goodridge , W . M . ; E . Ansell , S . W . ; Dodd , J . W . ; S . Dancyger , Preceptor ; H . Saqui , Sec . ; M . Cohen , S . D . ; A . Cohen , J . D . ; Garrard , I . G . ; A . J . Mark ' s , J . Davis , Jun ! , A . Botibol . A . Quadratstein . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Quadratstein as candidate . The 1 st section of the 2 nd and the 1 st and 2 nd sections of the 1 st lectures were rehearsed . Bro . Ansell
Avas elected W . M . for ensuing week . Notice of motion given that the _ W . M . takes the chair at 8 p . m . instead of 7 p . m . Secretary notified that a ballot for a Life Governorship would take place next Tuesday , and proceedings terminated . LANGTON LODGE OF INSTRUCTION —NO . 1673—Held tit the AVhite Hart Tavern , Abchurch Lane , E . G ., Thursday , the 9 th May , 1889 .
Present—Bros . Brewer , W . M . ; Marshall . S . W . ; C . W . C . Webb , J . W . ; Hall , S . D . ; De Paiva , J . D . ; Godfrey , I . G . ; Hobbs , Precr . ; Mapleton , sec . ; Burne and Leaver , and Wood ( visitor ) . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Leaver acting as candidate . The ceremony of installation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Burne acting as
candidate . Bro . Marshall Avas elected W . M . for the ensuing meeting , and gave notice that the ceremony to be rehearsed would be that of passing , and the explanation of the tracing board would also be given . Bro . Wood Avas elected a member of the lodge .
ESTABLISHED 1851 . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane . BANK , KBECK BIB THREE per CENT . INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS repayable on demand . TWO per CENT , on CURRENT ACCOUNTS , calculated on the minimum monthly balances , when not drawn below £ 100 . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , can be obtained post free , on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT Manager .
The Birkbeck Building Society's Annual Receipts exceed Five Millions . 1 IOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO 11 GUINEAS PER MONTH , OR A PLOT OV LAND FOR FIVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH . Apply at the Oflicc of the BIRKBECK FBEEUOLO ) LAND SOCIETY . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , oil application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT Manager . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
Recommended to the Subscribers to the " Masonic Star . " HOTELS
OTAE AND GARTER HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , k 3 Bro . Jon . N P . Ri ] . !_> , Proprietor . Seven Lodges and Chapters held in lh .. Hotel , which possesses Special Facilities for Concerts , Evening Parlies and Banquets . Scale of Charges on Application .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , Hampton Court Station ( adjoining the Railway and facing the River and Palace ) . Bro . Joux MAYO has ample accommodation in the now wing for V > -AW _ YK _ t __ iov any number up to 10 ( 1 . Spacious landing to River . Specimens of Menus , with prices , sent on application . Three Lodges meet at the Castle Hotel , and reference may bo made to the respective Masters as to the , catering , & c .
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , S . E ., PKAHfi . & Sox , Proprietors . Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Balls , Soirees , Concerts , Masonic , Public , or Private Meetings , & c . The Suite of Rooms for Ralls and Concerts includes the Ball Room , Ante-Room , Refreshment and Supper Rooms and Ladies' Retiring Rooms . The Masonic Temple will seat 40 . Terms on Application .
BOURNEMOUTH . Board and Residence , south aspect , close to the Sea , Pleasure Gardens : centre of Town ; Home comforts Terms , 30 ' -. Apply M . A . Hood , Cavcrsham , Poole Hill .
' rpHE BEDFORD" FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL - L HOTEL , PORTSMOUTH . Proprietor R . P . BIUANT . QT . ELMO ( BOARDING HOUSE ) , No . 13 , LOCH K 3 PEOMENADE , DOUGLAS , ISLE OF MAN . Incomparably the Queen of Northern Watering Places . Bro . P . T . SCREECH begs respectfully to offer to intending visitors to this charming health and pleasure resort the comfortable advantages of a Home from Home . This establishment , with an old connection ( 17 years ) , is conveniently situated on the margin of the beautiful Bay , and within two minutes' walk of the landing Pier—the arrangements being personally superintended by Miss SHIMMI N and Mrs . SCREECH . First-class Cuisine—Terms moderate . Particulars on application .
These spaces are reserved for Hotels offering inducements to Masonic visitors .
"WJLZDsTTIEID .. SECOND-HAND Lodge Furniture , Oak or Mahogany preferred ; also Clothing . Reply , with inventory , price and order to view , to X ., Office of this paper .
___ BDVI : ___ PIJo" 3 ^__ M : _ E _!__ I _^^ 'Z V ^^ 3 _ TT E _ : DBROTHER . 21 , Good Shorthand Writer , desires engagement as Cashier , Correspondent , Book-keeper , or other position of Trust . Eight years' references . M . M ., c / o TOLKII , 7 , Harrow Rd ., W .
TO BIE LET . A FURNISHED House in a main position in a Town in the South-West Suburbs . Forty minutes from town on Distric and South Western Railways . 3 Reception , -1 Bedrooms , and good Gardens . Low Rent to careful Tenant . Apply—Manager , MASONIC STAR .
TO THE TEA TRADE . Anyone requiring a Pine First Floor , situated close to Leadenhall Street , and within 3 minutes of Mark and Mincing Lanes . Rent £ 50 . Apply—BLAND & CAMPION , 15 , Fenchurch Street , E . C .
TO FOUNDERS OF LODGES , CHAPTERS , PRECEPTORIES , & c . The Windsor Castle Masonic Temple to be let . Replete with every convenience ( including Organ ) for Craft Lodges , 11 . A . Chapters , Encampments , Preceptories , & c . Resident Tyler . Apply to E . GRISBROOK , Windsor .
Gout and Rheumatism The SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT of and the Recipe , by H . T . LAIT . Fressingfield , Harleston , Norfolk . Free to all on receipt of stamp for postag * .. "Mr . Lait ' s aim is to eradicate the disease from the system by removing the cause , and this is most successfully done by his treatment . "—The Court Journal . "Mr . Lait ' s remedy has proved most successful , and that his treatment is the true one seems beyond all doubt . " — The Ipswich Journal .
WANTED TO PURCHASE , a complete set of Craft and Arch Working Tools . Apply by letter , " Manager , " MASONIC STAR Newspaper , 59 , Moor Lane , E . C .
ALFRED W , MURRAY , 27 , Merchant ami Military Tailor , , KING STBEET , LONDON , E . C . First-class Materials and Perfect Fit Guaranteed . Prices exceedingly moderate . Inspection incited .
JAMES STEVENSON , G . E ., The People ' s Patent Agent , GRAY'S INN CHAMBERS , 20 , HIGH HOLBOJW , W . C . er Lowest Possible Charges . J £ * J
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Lodges, &C.
Past Principals of the Chapter itself as well as of other companions , the M . E . Z . for the past year retiring with much credit to himself , and the new First Principal being expected to do much to enhance the prosperity of the Chapter during his year of office . The proceedings of the evening were interesting and agreeable . The M . E . Z . Comp .,
H . C . Jefferys , having - with Ex . Comps ., G . Treves . H .: W . H . Tilling , J . ; and Past Principals . John Read . James Stevens . M .: S . Larlham , Thos . Poore , W . Watts , J . S . Terry , and R , Field , opened the Chapter , and , other companions having been admitted ! Ex . Comp ., Thomas Poore , P . Z . and Scribe E .. installed , in his usual
perfect and effective style , Comps . Treves , Tilling and Stephen Richardson as Z . H . and J . respectively . Comp . T . Poore was then re-invested as S . E . ; Comp . Terry as Treas . ; Comp . Thomas Owens as P . S . A handsome P . Z . jewel Avas presented to Ex . Comp . Jefferys on the completion of his vear of office , and after some
routine business , the Chapter was closed . At the subsequent banquet the usual loyal toasts were honoured and harmony prevailed . Comp . A . C . Wood , of the Crystal Palace Chapter , No . 712 , returning thanks for the visitors .
The seventh annual festival of the Vestis Lodge of Instruction , held under the Avarrant of the East Medina Lod ~ e . No , 175 , was held at the Masonic Hall , Ryde . on the Sth inst .. " under the presidency of W . Bro . Francis Newman , P . P . S . G . W ., who , as Section Master , worked the whole of the fifteen sections , assisted bv Bros . Ernest Groves , S . W . ; 0 . B . Gabell . J . W . ; W . H . Long . S . D .: " T . W .
Fair , J . D . ; H . A . Matthews , I . G . ; Watts , Keet , Smith , Ansle , G . Mullins , Stroud , J . Ellery , Andrews , Sweetman . and H . Durrani , sec . The whole of the Avork was performed in a most creditable manner and gave general satisfaction . STAR CHAPTER OF INSTRUCTION—NO . 1275 . —On Friday . 10 th
inst ., at the Stirling Castle . Church Street . Camberwell . Present : Comps . F . Hilton . P . Z .. M . E . Z . and Preceptor ; T . Grnmmant . P . Z . ; H . Stone , J . ; C . H . Stone , S . E . ; C . N . M . North , S . N . ; C . Woods . P . S . ; H . Martin . A . S . ; Towers and Whitby , P . Z . The ceremony
of exaltation Avas rehearsed , Comp . ToAvers candidate . Coinp . Grummant Avas elected M . E . Z . for the next meeting . Notice of motion Avas given that the Chapter do adjourn at the end of the present month for the summer . RAVENSBOURNE LODGE OP INSTRUCTION —NO . 1601 . —May Sth .
at the George Tavern , Lewisham , Bros . George Pickering , W . M . ; Thomas , S . W . ; Alfred Morris , J . W . ; Walter Smith , Treasurer ; Chas . Atkins , Secretary ; Dr . Visger , S . D . ; J . Joyce , J D .: Walker , I . G . ; H . Shaw , P . M ., Preceptor ; Shelton , Drew , P . M . ; W . Martin , James Stevens , P . M . ; Newbould , Clark , and others . The ceremony
in the second degree was ably Avorked by the W . M ., Bro . Shelton as candidate . Bro . Morris , Avho is W . M . elect of the John Carpenter Lodge , No . 1997 , rehearsed the investiture of officers . Bro . Thomas Avas elected W . M . for the ensuing week . The festival of this Lodge of Instruction is to be held on Thursday , the 30 th inst ., at 7 p . m . JOPPA LODGE OF INSTRUCTION—NO . 188—On Tuesday , the
llth May , at the Manchester Hotel , Aldersgate Street , E . C . Present : Bros . J . Goodridge , W . M . ; E . Ansell , S . W . ; Dodd , J . W . ; S . Dancyger , Preceptor ; H . Saqui , Sec . ; M . Cohen , S . D . ; A . Cohen , J . D . ; Garrard , I . G . ; A . J . Mark ' s , J . Davis , Jun ! , A . Botibol . A . Quadratstein . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Quadratstein as candidate . The 1 st section of the 2 nd and the 1 st and 2 nd sections of the 1 st lectures were rehearsed . Bro . Ansell
Avas elected W . M . for ensuing week . Notice of motion given that the _ W . M . takes the chair at 8 p . m . instead of 7 p . m . Secretary notified that a ballot for a Life Governorship would take place next Tuesday , and proceedings terminated . LANGTON LODGE OF INSTRUCTION —NO . 1673—Held tit the AVhite Hart Tavern , Abchurch Lane , E . G ., Thursday , the 9 th May , 1889 .
Present—Bros . Brewer , W . M . ; Marshall . S . W . ; C . W . C . Webb , J . W . ; Hall , S . D . ; De Paiva , J . D . ; Godfrey , I . G . ; Hobbs , Precr . ; Mapleton , sec . ; Burne and Leaver , and Wood ( visitor ) . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Leaver acting as candidate . The ceremony of installation Avas rehearsed , Bro . Burne acting as
candidate . Bro . Marshall Avas elected W . M . for the ensuing meeting , and gave notice that the ceremony to be rehearsed would be that of passing , and the explanation of the tracing board would also be given . Bro . Wood Avas elected a member of the lodge .
ESTABLISHED 1851 . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane . BANK , KBECK BIB THREE per CENT . INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS repayable on demand . TWO per CENT , on CURRENT ACCOUNTS , calculated on the minimum monthly balances , when not drawn below £ 100 . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , can be obtained post free , on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT Manager .
The Birkbeck Building Society's Annual Receipts exceed Five Millions . 1 IOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO 11 GUINEAS PER MONTH , OR A PLOT OV LAND FOR FIVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH . Apply at the Oflicc of the BIRKBECK FBEEUOLO ) LAND SOCIETY . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , oil application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT Manager . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
Recommended to the Subscribers to the " Masonic Star . " HOTELS
OTAE AND GARTER HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , k 3 Bro . Jon . N P . Ri ] . !_> , Proprietor . Seven Lodges and Chapters held in lh .. Hotel , which possesses Special Facilities for Concerts , Evening Parlies and Banquets . Scale of Charges on Application .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , Hampton Court Station ( adjoining the Railway and facing the River and Palace ) . Bro . Joux MAYO has ample accommodation in the now wing for V > -AW _ YK _ t __ iov any number up to 10 ( 1 . Spacious landing to River . Specimens of Menus , with prices , sent on application . Three Lodges meet at the Castle Hotel , and reference may bo made to the respective Masters as to the , catering , & c .
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , S . E ., PKAHfi . & Sox , Proprietors . Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Balls , Soirees , Concerts , Masonic , Public , or Private Meetings , & c . The Suite of Rooms for Ralls and Concerts includes the Ball Room , Ante-Room , Refreshment and Supper Rooms and Ladies' Retiring Rooms . The Masonic Temple will seat 40 . Terms on Application .
BOURNEMOUTH . Board and Residence , south aspect , close to the Sea , Pleasure Gardens : centre of Town ; Home comforts Terms , 30 ' -. Apply M . A . Hood , Cavcrsham , Poole Hill .
' rpHE BEDFORD" FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL - L HOTEL , PORTSMOUTH . Proprietor R . P . BIUANT . QT . ELMO ( BOARDING HOUSE ) , No . 13 , LOCH K 3 PEOMENADE , DOUGLAS , ISLE OF MAN . Incomparably the Queen of Northern Watering Places . Bro . P . T . SCREECH begs respectfully to offer to intending visitors to this charming health and pleasure resort the comfortable advantages of a Home from Home . This establishment , with an old connection ( 17 years ) , is conveniently situated on the margin of the beautiful Bay , and within two minutes' walk of the landing Pier—the arrangements being personally superintended by Miss SHIMMI N and Mrs . SCREECH . First-class Cuisine—Terms moderate . Particulars on application .
These spaces are reserved for Hotels offering inducements to Masonic visitors .
"WJLZDsTTIEID .. SECOND-HAND Lodge Furniture , Oak or Mahogany preferred ; also Clothing . Reply , with inventory , price and order to view , to X ., Office of this paper .
___ BDVI : ___ PIJo" 3 ^__ M : _ E _!__ I _^^ 'Z V ^^ 3 _ TT E _ : DBROTHER . 21 , Good Shorthand Writer , desires engagement as Cashier , Correspondent , Book-keeper , or other position of Trust . Eight years' references . M . M ., c / o TOLKII , 7 , Harrow Rd ., W .
TO BIE LET . A FURNISHED House in a main position in a Town in the South-West Suburbs . Forty minutes from town on Distric and South Western Railways . 3 Reception , -1 Bedrooms , and good Gardens . Low Rent to careful Tenant . Apply—Manager , MASONIC STAR .
TO THE TEA TRADE . Anyone requiring a Pine First Floor , situated close to Leadenhall Street , and within 3 minutes of Mark and Mincing Lanes . Rent £ 50 . Apply—BLAND & CAMPION , 15 , Fenchurch Street , E . C .
TO FOUNDERS OF LODGES , CHAPTERS , PRECEPTORIES , & c . The Windsor Castle Masonic Temple to be let . Replete with every convenience ( including Organ ) for Craft Lodges , 11 . A . Chapters , Encampments , Preceptories , & c . Resident Tyler . Apply to E . GRISBROOK , Windsor .
Gout and Rheumatism The SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT of and the Recipe , by H . T . LAIT . Fressingfield , Harleston , Norfolk . Free to all on receipt of stamp for postag * .. "Mr . Lait ' s aim is to eradicate the disease from the system by removing the cause , and this is most successfully done by his treatment . "—The Court Journal . "Mr . Lait ' s remedy has proved most successful , and that his treatment is the true one seems beyond all doubt . " — The Ipswich Journal .
WANTED TO PURCHASE , a complete set of Craft and Arch Working Tools . Apply by letter , " Manager , " MASONIC STAR Newspaper , 59 , Moor Lane , E . C .
ALFRED W , MURRAY , 27 , Merchant ami Military Tailor , , KING STBEET , LONDON , E . C . First-class Materials and Perfect Fit Guaranteed . Prices exceedingly moderate . Inspection incited .
JAMES STEVENSON , G . E ., The People ' s Patent Agent , GRAY'S INN CHAMBERS , 20 , HIGH HOLBOJW , W . C . er Lowest Possible Charges . J £ * J