Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"No Time To Read."
with its pages than condemn us : — " Wc have before us a pile of Masonic journals , our exchanges received during the past month . They contain an epitome of recent Masonic events and happenings throughout the world . They embrace the best thoughts and ideas of learned ,
well-informed Masonic writers , and furnish a valuable compensation in the way of knowledge of Masonry Avhich wc could derive from no other source . They furnish monthly a Masonic feast far more beneficial and satisfactory than the viands of the most sumptuous banquet ,
Long before Ave engaged in the business of publishing a Masonic journal Ave were a regular patron of several , and learned to appreciate them from the great benefit Ave derived from them . We have in our library a fair collection of the best Masonic works , but our full files of most of
the Masonic journals Avhich haA'o been published during the past thirty years arc a constant source of pleasure and profit in our reading . Aside from any selfish motives Ave
most earnestly urge all our brethren to become patrons and readers of one or more good , reliable Masonic journals . They Avill rcceiA-o greater benefits from them than they can derive from anv other source . "
No comment of ours upon these words could add to their force , or their application to members of our Order AVIIO coA'er their unwillingness to support Masonic journalism by the transparent excuse of their having " no time to read ! "
THE UNITED GKAND LODUE OF NEW ZEALAND . At a meeting of the Ponsonby Lodge . No . 70 S ., S . C ., held at Auckland , on the 14 th May , at Avhieh there Avas a good attendance of brethren and visitors , a unanimous vote Avas passed in favour of the formation of the proposed Grand Lodge . The voting so far in
this district for and against the movement is as fOIIOAVS : — / . ;„ . . - —Lodge Eden . 1530 . E . C . : Franklin . 2138 . E . C .: Coromandel . ¦ 156 . I . C .: St . AndreAvs . 418 , S . C . : Sir Walter Scott . 533 , S . C . : Manukau . 580 , S . C . : Te Aroha . 097 . S . C . ; Wairoa , 70 !) . S . C . ; Star in the Far South . 717 . S . C . ; Star of the North . 1647 . E . C . ; Ara , 348 . I . C . : Ponsonby . 708 . S . C .
Aiinhi . it : —Lodge Waitemata , 0811 , E . G .: Prince ol \\ ales , 1338 . B . C .: Corinthian . 1 ( 555 . E . C : ltcmuera . 1710 . E , C : Harmony . 2180 , E . C . As it is expected that the rest of the Lodges AVIIO have yet to record their votes Avill be practically in the same ratio , it may be assumed that the Auckland district is largely in faA'our of the movement , and as it is meeting Avith large support in the other
districts of the colony , the ultimate success of the movement seems assured . Letters have been received by the Wellington branch of the XOAV Zealand Masonic Union from Masons in Queensland , congratulating this colony on the progress the Grand Lodge movement is making , and stating that a similar movement has been commenced in Queensland .
Well hit / tun , May 7 . —The XOAV Zealand Pacific Lodge , No 517 , E . C , passed a resolution in favour of the Grand Lodge movement . The Masterton Lodge have also adopted a resolution recommending it . Christ church , May 10 . —The Conyers Masonic Lodge , 11 ) 16 , E . C , Sydenham , decided last night not to support the movement for a
NCAV Zealand Grand Lodge , deeming it inopportune at the present . Dunetlin , May 10 . —Lodge St . Andrew , 432 . S . C , passed a resolution unanimously that it does not at present see its Avay to move in the direction of a United Grand Lodge , but A \ 'ill adhere to the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and regrets that the matter has been gone about in so un-Masonic and precipitate a Avay .
"N . " writes in respect of the list of Lodges voting for the United Grand Lodge of NGAV Zealand as folloAVs : — " In the first place , it lumps together the Lodges of the three Constitutions , AAmereas these are perfectly distinct ; the action of none of them having the slightest control , or even influence over that of the other tAvo , least of all , perhaps , OA er the English . In the next place , the votes
of the Lodges are given as of equal value—such small country Lodges as Franklin or Star of the North , which being neAvlyformed have but their two or three P . M . ' s apiece , being reckoned as the equivalent of Waitemata and Prince of Wales , Avhich , owing to their lengthened existence , possess long rolls of men of standing and experience . In the third place , the fact that the D . G . M ., the
Board of General Purposes , the centrally elected authority , as well as Grand Lodge itself , Avhich , consisting as it does of the W . M . ' s , P . M . ' s , elected by the Lodges , together Avith the Wardens , represents the entire Constitution , has deliberately and definitely decided against the project , is not mentioned . Fourthly , no Constitution can go over as a body ; individual members must resign their
membership under their respective Constitutions , thus allowing the Lodge Avarrants to lapse , and this Avill not lie permitted to take place , as there are quite enough Masons in every Lodge loyal to the mother Grand Lodge to avert any such catastrophe . It may be added that the leading members of the Craft here have stated
that they Avould never become members under a severed and separate Grand Lodge , but thai if each stood solitary and alone , and his Lodge fell in ruins round him , he should simply seek affiliation in some other Lodge under the Grand Lodge of Englandi Auckland Weeldy Xnux . 18 / 5 / S'l .
NEW ZEALAND . —A meeting of Masons of all grades and constitutions Avas held at the Masonic Hall . Ashburton , on the 18 th April , to discuss the question of the proposed Grand Lodge for NCAV Zealand . Pro . C . Braddell presided , and there Avas a fair attendance . There was no information before the meeting as to cost , & c , of the noAV system , ani no data at all to guide the brethren in their deliberations : and throughout the meeting a feeling decidedly not
in favour of any change Avas very manifest . In fact , among the dozen or so gentlemen AVIIO spoke not one had anything to say in favour of the proposed Grand Lodge , or could discover any advantage likely to accrue to the cause in NeAV Zealand by its institution . The resolution " That the time has not come for the formation of a United Grand Lodge in NeAV Zealand" Avas passed unanimously .
AUCKLAND . —Some time ago , Avhen it became definitely known that the Earl of OIISIOAV , G . S . Warden of England , Avas on his Avay to NeAV Zealand in the capacity of Governor of the colony , and that his port of arrival would be Auckland , the Masonic brethren determined to give the illustrious brother a cordial and fraternal reception on his arrival , and Avhen Lord OIISIOAV reached Australia
a cable message was sent to him inviting his presence to a Masonic banquet on his arrival at Auckland . His Lordship promptly and frankly accepted the invitation . Punctually at eight p . m ., on April 23 rd . His Excellency Lord O IISIOAV , accompanied by Captain Saville . A . D . C .. arrived , and Avas escorted to the post of honour by Bro . G . S . Graham . D . G . M . ; Bro . Sir F . Whitaker , P . G . M ., S . C . ;
and Bro . G . P . Pierce , P . G . M ., I . C Bro . Graham presided , and on his right Avas Lord OIISIOAV ( the guest of the evening ) , Bro . Sir F . Whitaker , Rev . C . M . Nelson , and Bro . M . Niccol . On his left were Bros . G . P . Pierce , the Rev . W . Tebbs , and W . Lodder . The vicechairs Avere occupied by Bros . Clark and Skinner . There were about 140 brethren seated at the tables in regalia , and on the stage
Avere about SO ladies . At half-past nine o ' clock , just before the speaking commenced , the Countess of OnsloAv arrived , and was cordially received by the brethren , and escorted to the platform . Lord OnsloAv , on rising to respond to the toast of his health , Avas received Avith loud cheers . He said : —Right Worshipful Sir and Brethren . I need hardly tell you hoAV gratified I felt Avhen I
learnt of the early steps AA'hich yovi took to welcome me on my arrival as a Mason , for although lAvas assured of your loyalty , and kneAv that Avhen fully invested I Avould not fail to meet with manifestations of loyalty , yet I felt some misgivings as to the manner of the reception Avhich Avould be given to the humble individual Avho for the next five years is to do his best to represent
Her Most Gracious Majesty in this colony . ( Cheers . ) When I found such an influential section of the community prepared to accord me such a Avelcome , it gave me encouragement to proceed Avith my task , and it proves , if proof were wanted , IIOAV the Craft giA'es Avelcome help Avhen required . I recollect when I AA as initiated , I asked some of my elder brethren Avhat Avas the use of
Freemasonry . Of course I understood all about the dinners given at Oxford and Cambridge , but my elders then told me that the time would come AA'hen I would appreciate the benefits of belonging to the Masonic body , and brethren that day came to me on the 22 nd of April , 188 !) , in the cordial Avelcome Avhich I received from you and the citizens of Auckland . That cordial Avelcome and your
inritation Avas folloAved by one from the Auckland Racing Club , and at their meeting I for the first time saAV that ingenious machine you call the totalisator , and if I continue on the same favourable terms on which I commenced I shall have no reason to regret my acquaintauce Avith it . ( Laughter ) . Let me thank you and the citizens generally for the great kindness I have been met Avith . I have
met Avith offers of sports and amusements from all quarters , but all my life I have been a man of business , and my duty is to proceed Avithout delay to the seat of Government and take office . I have seen your magnificent toAvn and harbour , and I learn that it has one characteristic Avith Wellington in that it possesses a Government House . ( Cheers . ) I think wherever Englishmen
are found they Avill continue the same Avhether under the Northern Star or the Southern Cross , and none Avill be more anxious to lend help to each other than the brethren of the Craft . We all knoAV the great interest Avhich is noAV being manifested in draAving the mother country and the colonies together . Let us not overlook one of these bonds A \ hich has for its principles
good felloAvship and federation , Avhich are are those of the symbols and emblems of Freemasonry , and Avhich shall combine throughout the Avhole empire of our Empress Queen . ( Loud and prolonged cheering . )—New Zealand Herald , 20 / 5 / 89 . AUCKLAND . —A pretty little incident occurred at the May meeting of the Freemasons' Board of Benevolence . The board meets once a
month to grant assistance to distressed brethren or their families , and this is done to a large amount . Some time ago they assisted a brother in bad health to go to New Zealand , and the board Avere informed that a letter had been received from him , thanking them very heartily for their aid , and adding that he Avas quite well , and that they had been the means of saving his life . —Auckland Weekly New * , 4 / 5 / 89 .
TASMANIA—LAUNCESTON . —At a meeting of the Tasmaman Masonic Union , held at the Masonic Hall . Launceston , on the 10 th May , it Avas reported that arrangements had been made for some of the leading Masons at the capital to convene a meeting ol the fraternity to meet representatives from the toAvn and country lodges on that side of the island , and again exchange views on the
subject of forming a United Grand Lodge of Tasmania . It was decided that Friday , May 31 st , Avould suit the northern members , and that date Avould , it Avas stated , meet the convenience of the Hobart brethren . A number of names of members willing to proceed to Hobart Avere given in . and in order to facilitate
preliminaries it Avas arranged that Bro . II . White should receive names of Launceston residents , and Bro . A . Kirkland communicate Avith the country lodges , the desire being to make the visitation to Hobart as large and as ividely representative as possible . A subcommittee Avas also appointed to carry out necessary details .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"No Time To Read."
with its pages than condemn us : — " Wc have before us a pile of Masonic journals , our exchanges received during the past month . They contain an epitome of recent Masonic events and happenings throughout the world . They embrace the best thoughts and ideas of learned ,
well-informed Masonic writers , and furnish a valuable compensation in the way of knowledge of Masonry Avhich wc could derive from no other source . They furnish monthly a Masonic feast far more beneficial and satisfactory than the viands of the most sumptuous banquet ,
Long before Ave engaged in the business of publishing a Masonic journal Ave were a regular patron of several , and learned to appreciate them from the great benefit Ave derived from them . We have in our library a fair collection of the best Masonic works , but our full files of most of
the Masonic journals Avhich haA'o been published during the past thirty years arc a constant source of pleasure and profit in our reading . Aside from any selfish motives Ave
most earnestly urge all our brethren to become patrons and readers of one or more good , reliable Masonic journals . They Avill rcceiA-o greater benefits from them than they can derive from anv other source . "
No comment of ours upon these words could add to their force , or their application to members of our Order AVIIO coA'er their unwillingness to support Masonic journalism by the transparent excuse of their having " no time to read ! "
THE UNITED GKAND LODUE OF NEW ZEALAND . At a meeting of the Ponsonby Lodge . No . 70 S ., S . C ., held at Auckland , on the 14 th May , at Avhieh there Avas a good attendance of brethren and visitors , a unanimous vote Avas passed in favour of the formation of the proposed Grand Lodge . The voting so far in
this district for and against the movement is as fOIIOAVS : — / . ;„ . . - —Lodge Eden . 1530 . E . C . : Franklin . 2138 . E . C .: Coromandel . ¦ 156 . I . C .: St . AndreAvs . 418 , S . C . : Sir Walter Scott . 533 , S . C . : Manukau . 580 , S . C . : Te Aroha . 097 . S . C . ; Wairoa , 70 !) . S . C . ; Star in the Far South . 717 . S . C . ; Star of the North . 1647 . E . C . ; Ara , 348 . I . C . : Ponsonby . 708 . S . C .
Aiinhi . it : —Lodge Waitemata , 0811 , E . G .: Prince ol \\ ales , 1338 . B . C .: Corinthian . 1 ( 555 . E . C : ltcmuera . 1710 . E , C : Harmony . 2180 , E . C . As it is expected that the rest of the Lodges AVIIO have yet to record their votes Avill be practically in the same ratio , it may be assumed that the Auckland district is largely in faA'our of the movement , and as it is meeting Avith large support in the other
districts of the colony , the ultimate success of the movement seems assured . Letters have been received by the Wellington branch of the XOAV Zealand Masonic Union from Masons in Queensland , congratulating this colony on the progress the Grand Lodge movement is making , and stating that a similar movement has been commenced in Queensland .
Well hit / tun , May 7 . —The XOAV Zealand Pacific Lodge , No 517 , E . C , passed a resolution in favour of the Grand Lodge movement . The Masterton Lodge have also adopted a resolution recommending it . Christ church , May 10 . —The Conyers Masonic Lodge , 11 ) 16 , E . C , Sydenham , decided last night not to support the movement for a
NCAV Zealand Grand Lodge , deeming it inopportune at the present . Dunetlin , May 10 . —Lodge St . Andrew , 432 . S . C , passed a resolution unanimously that it does not at present see its Avay to move in the direction of a United Grand Lodge , but A \ 'ill adhere to the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and regrets that the matter has been gone about in so un-Masonic and precipitate a Avay .
"N . " writes in respect of the list of Lodges voting for the United Grand Lodge of NGAV Zealand as folloAVs : — " In the first place , it lumps together the Lodges of the three Constitutions , AAmereas these are perfectly distinct ; the action of none of them having the slightest control , or even influence over that of the other tAvo , least of all , perhaps , OA er the English . In the next place , the votes
of the Lodges are given as of equal value—such small country Lodges as Franklin or Star of the North , which being neAvlyformed have but their two or three P . M . ' s apiece , being reckoned as the equivalent of Waitemata and Prince of Wales , Avhich , owing to their lengthened existence , possess long rolls of men of standing and experience . In the third place , the fact that the D . G . M ., the
Board of General Purposes , the centrally elected authority , as well as Grand Lodge itself , Avhich , consisting as it does of the W . M . ' s , P . M . ' s , elected by the Lodges , together Avith the Wardens , represents the entire Constitution , has deliberately and definitely decided against the project , is not mentioned . Fourthly , no Constitution can go over as a body ; individual members must resign their
membership under their respective Constitutions , thus allowing the Lodge Avarrants to lapse , and this Avill not lie permitted to take place , as there are quite enough Masons in every Lodge loyal to the mother Grand Lodge to avert any such catastrophe . It may be added that the leading members of the Craft here have stated
that they Avould never become members under a severed and separate Grand Lodge , but thai if each stood solitary and alone , and his Lodge fell in ruins round him , he should simply seek affiliation in some other Lodge under the Grand Lodge of Englandi Auckland Weeldy Xnux . 18 / 5 / S'l .
NEW ZEALAND . —A meeting of Masons of all grades and constitutions Avas held at the Masonic Hall . Ashburton , on the 18 th April , to discuss the question of the proposed Grand Lodge for NCAV Zealand . Pro . C . Braddell presided , and there Avas a fair attendance . There was no information before the meeting as to cost , & c , of the noAV system , ani no data at all to guide the brethren in their deliberations : and throughout the meeting a feeling decidedly not
in favour of any change Avas very manifest . In fact , among the dozen or so gentlemen AVIIO spoke not one had anything to say in favour of the proposed Grand Lodge , or could discover any advantage likely to accrue to the cause in NeAV Zealand by its institution . The resolution " That the time has not come for the formation of a United Grand Lodge in NeAV Zealand" Avas passed unanimously .
AUCKLAND . —Some time ago , Avhen it became definitely known that the Earl of OIISIOAV , G . S . Warden of England , Avas on his Avay to NeAV Zealand in the capacity of Governor of the colony , and that his port of arrival would be Auckland , the Masonic brethren determined to give the illustrious brother a cordial and fraternal reception on his arrival , and Avhen Lord OIISIOAV reached Australia
a cable message was sent to him inviting his presence to a Masonic banquet on his arrival at Auckland . His Lordship promptly and frankly accepted the invitation . Punctually at eight p . m ., on April 23 rd . His Excellency Lord O IISIOAV , accompanied by Captain Saville . A . D . C .. arrived , and Avas escorted to the post of honour by Bro . G . S . Graham . D . G . M . ; Bro . Sir F . Whitaker , P . G . M ., S . C . ;
and Bro . G . P . Pierce , P . G . M ., I . C Bro . Graham presided , and on his right Avas Lord OIISIOAV ( the guest of the evening ) , Bro . Sir F . Whitaker , Rev . C . M . Nelson , and Bro . M . Niccol . On his left were Bros . G . P . Pierce , the Rev . W . Tebbs , and W . Lodder . The vicechairs Avere occupied by Bros . Clark and Skinner . There were about 140 brethren seated at the tables in regalia , and on the stage
Avere about SO ladies . At half-past nine o ' clock , just before the speaking commenced , the Countess of OnsloAv arrived , and was cordially received by the brethren , and escorted to the platform . Lord OnsloAv , on rising to respond to the toast of his health , Avas received Avith loud cheers . He said : —Right Worshipful Sir and Brethren . I need hardly tell you hoAV gratified I felt Avhen I
learnt of the early steps AA'hich yovi took to welcome me on my arrival as a Mason , for although lAvas assured of your loyalty , and kneAv that Avhen fully invested I Avould not fail to meet with manifestations of loyalty , yet I felt some misgivings as to the manner of the reception Avhich Avould be given to the humble individual Avho for the next five years is to do his best to represent
Her Most Gracious Majesty in this colony . ( Cheers . ) When I found such an influential section of the community prepared to accord me such a Avelcome , it gave me encouragement to proceed Avith my task , and it proves , if proof were wanted , IIOAV the Craft giA'es Avelcome help Avhen required . I recollect when I AA as initiated , I asked some of my elder brethren Avhat Avas the use of
Freemasonry . Of course I understood all about the dinners given at Oxford and Cambridge , but my elders then told me that the time would come AA'hen I would appreciate the benefits of belonging to the Masonic body , and brethren that day came to me on the 22 nd of April , 188 !) , in the cordial Avelcome Avhich I received from you and the citizens of Auckland . That cordial Avelcome and your
inritation Avas folloAved by one from the Auckland Racing Club , and at their meeting I for the first time saAV that ingenious machine you call the totalisator , and if I continue on the same favourable terms on which I commenced I shall have no reason to regret my acquaintauce Avith it . ( Laughter ) . Let me thank you and the citizens generally for the great kindness I have been met Avith . I have
met Avith offers of sports and amusements from all quarters , but all my life I have been a man of business , and my duty is to proceed Avithout delay to the seat of Government and take office . I have seen your magnificent toAvn and harbour , and I learn that it has one characteristic Avith Wellington in that it possesses a Government House . ( Cheers . ) I think wherever Englishmen
are found they Avill continue the same Avhether under the Northern Star or the Southern Cross , and none Avill be more anxious to lend help to each other than the brethren of the Craft . We all knoAV the great interest Avhich is noAV being manifested in draAving the mother country and the colonies together . Let us not overlook one of these bonds A \ hich has for its principles
good felloAvship and federation , Avhich are are those of the symbols and emblems of Freemasonry , and Avhich shall combine throughout the Avhole empire of our Empress Queen . ( Loud and prolonged cheering . )—New Zealand Herald , 20 / 5 / 89 . AUCKLAND . —A pretty little incident occurred at the May meeting of the Freemasons' Board of Benevolence . The board meets once a
month to grant assistance to distressed brethren or their families , and this is done to a large amount . Some time ago they assisted a brother in bad health to go to New Zealand , and the board Avere informed that a letter had been received from him , thanking them very heartily for their aid , and adding that he Avas quite well , and that they had been the means of saving his life . —Auckland Weekly New * , 4 / 5 / 89 .
TASMANIA—LAUNCESTON . —At a meeting of the Tasmaman Masonic Union , held at the Masonic Hall . Launceston , on the 10 th May , it Avas reported that arrangements had been made for some of the leading Masons at the capital to convene a meeting ol the fraternity to meet representatives from the toAvn and country lodges on that side of the island , and again exchange views on the
subject of forming a United Grand Lodge of Tasmania . It was decided that Friday , May 31 st , Avould suit the northern members , and that date Avould , it Avas stated , meet the convenience of the Hobart brethren . A number of names of members willing to proceed to Hobart Avere given in . and in order to facilitate
preliminaries it Avas arranged that Bro . II . White should receive names of Launceston residents , and Bro . A . Kirkland communicate Avith the country lodges , the desire being to make the visitation to Hobart as large and as ividely representative as possible . A subcommittee Avas also appointed to carry out necessary details .