Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE LENNOX-BROWNE LODGE. No. 2318. Page 1 of 2 Article CONSECRATION OF THE LENNOX-BROWNE LODGE. No. 2318. Page 1 of 2 →
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® lje Masonic ^ tar . MHHk
THURSDAY , " ^ figggg JUL Y 18 , 1889 . Edited by W . BRO . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , Ac .
Published every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may be had from all Newsagents through the Publishers . 123 to 125 , Fleet Street , E . C .
Subscribers to THE M ASONIC STAR residing in London and the Suburbs will receive then- copies by the first post on THURSDAY MORNIXU . Copies for Country Subscribers Avill be fonvarded by the NIGHT Mail on AA edncsday . TERMS , including postage , payable in advance : — United Kin latum and Countries isiMl Places not
conunin General ciiiii ] irisecl in India , Postal Union . Postal Union . ia Brindisi . Twelve Months ... 6 s . 6 d . ... 8 s . 8 d . ... 10 s . 10 d . Six Months 3 s . 4 d . ... 4 s . 6 d . ... 5 s . 6 d . Three Months ... Is . 9 d . ... 2 s . 4 d . ... 3 s . Od . Post Office Orderspayable at the General Post OfficeLondon
, , , E . G .. to Messrs . ADAMS Bites ., 59 , Moor Lane . London , E . C . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed & Co . and all . communications concerning Subscriptions and AdA ertisenients should be addressed to " Manager . "
All other communications , letters , kc . to be addressed " Editor of Tut : MASONIC STAR , oil . Moor Lane , Fore Street . London , E . C . "
Publishing Offices : 123 to 125 , FLEET STREET , E . C . VOLUME I « In Masonic Cloth Cover—Now Ready —Price 3 s . 6 d .
Consecration Of The Lennox-Browne Lodge. No. 2318.
The province of Essex is to be congratulated on the formation , under most brilliant auspices , of a UCAV lodge , the consecration of which took place at the ; ' Roebuck , " Buckhurst Hill , on Monday last , and which Avas attended by a numerous and important body of the Craft . As was truly remarked by one of the speakers during
the (¦ veiling the gathering appeared rather to be like the assembly of a Provincial Grand Lodge than one associated Avith the business of a private lodge , and that , necessarily at the moment , the youngest . To the . well-kiiOAvn reputation of the distinguished brother AVJIOSC name the lodge Avill bear , and the great esteem in Avhich he and the master and Avardens designate are held , must be attributed the
attendance of some two hundred brethren , and the installation of the W . M . designate in a Board of fifty installed masters . Probably also , the intimation that the ceremonials of the day Avere to be performed by the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , the Rt .-IIon . the Lord Brooke . M . P .. . and his deputy the A ' . W . Bro . Fred . A . Philbrick , () . (' .. G . Reg ., had something to do ivith the magnitude of the
fathering , and it is most satisfactory to chronicle that the entire proceedings gave universal satisfaction . The Prov . Grand Master having opened a lodge , the ceremony of consecration Avas conducted throughout according to the customary programme , with Avhich most of our readers must be familiar . There . Avas not a hitch in any part of the Avork . The area and elevation of the spacious detached
building in Avhich the lodge Avas held , and its chapel-like interior , assisted ° materially to increase the solemnity Avhich should ever accompany one of the most touching and effective ceremonials of the Craft . ' Avhilst the quiet manner in AA-hich W . Bro . A . Lucking , P . P . G . Reg . and Prov . G . D . C . Essex , discharged his duties as D . C . ' , and the excellent musical arrangements under the direction of
Bro . Dr . James F . Haskins , who had the assistance of Bros . Dutton , Bartlett , Pritchard and Franklin Wive , gave to the religious character of the ProA' . Grand Master ' s Avork , and the orations and dedications of the V . W . Bro . Thomas Cochrane , Grand Chaplain , an impressiveness AA'hich Avill not readily leave the memories of those AVIIO had the good fortune to be present on this occasion .
The consecrating officers in addition to those named Avere . W . Bros . George Harrison , P . P . G .. as S . W .: Richard WOAVCS . P . P . G .. as JAY ; T . G . Railing . P . G . A . D . C . Eng ., Prov . G . Sec . Essex , as Secretary : and AndreAV Durrant , P . G . treas ., Essex , as I . G . The i-isitors ' attendance book Avas signed in the following order : —Bros . Alfred A . Pendlebury . Asst . G . Sec . : C , II . Devoir , P . G . S . of Wks . ; C . F .
Matier . P . G . S . B .: Richard Eve . P . G . Treas .: Edward Simmons ; J Tanner . P . P . S . D . Essex : Andrew Durrant , P . G . T . Essex : B . Lyons , P . M . 1227 : M . J . Harris . P . M . Co : F . II . Meggy . 270 ; A . ( J . Pritchard , 9 ; P . Chang . 1713 : Einil Behnkc , 2108 ; A . AV . Onvin , 1191 : LeAvis Ferguson . 1997 ; E . T . Landon , If ol ; J . C . HopAvood . ] -1 . - / 7 ; W . J . Shadrake ; G . M . W . Earquharson , 22 . - / 0 ; E . G . Cherry ,
SOI : L . C . Haslip . 813 : J . W . Cachet , 2250 ; C . II . Webb , 171 ; Richard Sandell . 1719 . J . J . Buginshaw , 227 , 0 ; J . NeAvton , 171 ; Fredk . Carr . 1 ( 507 : II . Sadler , Grand Tyler ; Walter Goulding , 1-11 ( 5 ; T . P . Niinn , 1 I . - / 7 ' ; C . E . Skinner , M . " i 7 ; Charles G . Foster , 1157 ; Walter J . Guthter , 1-157 ; Benjamin Nicholson , 1708 ; C . Geo , Cutchev . 1085 ; John Greig : John CodAvin . 55 ; Henry Magee ,
Consecration Of The Lennox-Browne Lodge. No. 2318.
17-1 : T . Baillie : J . C . Bolton , 73 ; F . Franklin Clive , 1319 Jno . Bartlett . 2030 : H . BcardshaAV . 1228 : R . G . Poulton . 1237 G . D . Lester . ! I 09 : Henry J . Dutton , ' 1700 ; James HalloAvs , 1002 J . Zacharie : ' II . Young . 1202 ; James Start . 1713 ; F . W . Fenman J . R , Brading . -153 : F . J . Oliver . 1050 : T . Franklin . 10 ( 52 : W Mollett . 7 ( i 5 TGCO . Kebbel , 1002 : Wm . Nicholls : J . II . Jewell
1223 -, S . G . Vaughan . 2005 ; Thos . J . Shutt , 2023 : J . Grant . 1-10 ; Percy S . Jarkins , 1385 : Richard KershaAV . 2250 ; E . C . Massey . 1297 ' : Egbert Cooper . 190 : C . Bcndaring . 1810 : R . S . Gushing . 1007 ; James Stevens . P . M . 1210 : John B . Monckton . P . S . W . of Eng .: Wilhelm Ganz , P . S . Org .: C . Beton , P . G . D . C . : \ . P , Freeman . P . G . See . Sussex ; Thomas Jessy : James Speller , 2250
Wm . Lake , 131 : Thos . Cochrane . 10 : T . Bullock . 101 : Geo . J . Westfield , 813 : EdAvard Terry , G . treas .. & c , & c , & c . Immediately after the conclusion of the Consecration Ceremony . Bro . Philbrick , P . D . G . M ., at the request of the Prov . G . M ., installed into the chair of K . S . the Worshipful Master designated in the charter granted bv the M . W . G . M .. H . R . H . the Prince of Wales .
Bro . T . Scoresby-Jackson , M . B ., J . W . 2250 , Avho , having been greeted and saluted in ancient form , appointed and invested Bro . Lennox-Browne , F . H . C . H .. P . M .. & c . asI . P . M . Bro . J . Binder , P . M ., was unanimously elected Treasurer , and Avas duly invested . The following Avere also invested as officers for the year : —Bros . II . Ffrench Bromhead , S . W . : W . Shurmur . P . M ., J . W . : T . H . G .
Wrighton . P . M . Sec .: AV . E . Dring . S . D . : H . J . Drane . J . D .: A . Schneider . I . G . : AV . M . Butcher . D . C . : AV . P . Allen , Asst . D . C . : G , Ashton , SteAvard ; A . Ambrose , M . D ., Asst . Steward ; J . G . Cachett . Org . -. and — Young Tyler , the remaining founders who signed the petition Avere Bros . Thomas Courtenay AVarner . AV . M . elect 2250 G . Hurley . 2250 : J . H . Clare . 193 : E . Gray . Jim .. 05 : and A .
BroAvn , 809 . The Ceremony of Installation Avas completed by tin delivery of addresses to Master , AVardens and brethren by Bro Philbrick in his usual effective manner . Honorary Membership AVU : conferred upon each of the consecrating officers , and handsome duplicates of the Founders' Jewel were presented to the Prov Grand Master and his deputy , both of whom replied in acknoAvledge
ment of the recognition their services had met AA'ith , and trusting that the labours of the day Avould be profitable to Masonry in general as well as to the neAV lodge in particular . AV . Bro . W , Shurmur , P . M ., J . AA ., Avas elected to represent the lodge on flu Essex Provincial Charity Committee , and the principal officers won
selected for framing the by-laAVs of the lodge . Several propositions for initiation of approved , candidates at the next meeting , and ol brethren desirous of joining were made : and after a number of apologies from distinguished brethren for absence on account ol more pressing engagements had been submitted—notably one from the Rt . Hon . the Farl of Euston addressed to Bro .
Lennox-Brownethe lodge Avas closed Avith solemn prayer . Just prior to the banquet , Bro . C . G . Cutchey , of Buckhurst Hill , availed himself of the opportunity for taking instantaneous and other photographs of the large body of Freemasons assembled in the grounds of the hotel ; and it is anticipated that these Avill form interesting memorials of the important occasion .
The banquet was served in the large assembly room of the hotel , and reflected much credit on the host . The menu Avas not too pretentious , the supply Avas ample , the Avines of good quality , and the . sen-ice effective , altogether giving general satisfaction . The lodge stoAvards performed their duties in no perfunctory manner , and consequently the comfort of the guests Avas
assured throughout the entertainment . A continuance of such service during their year of office Avill conduce to obtain for the now lodge a reputation for hospitality , second only to the good Masonic Avork AA'hich Avill certainly characterise its proceedings . After the cloth had been cleared and " grace sung , the AV . M . proposed the usual loyal toasts , ' . which Avere enthusiastically received . To
that of - The M . AV . the Prov . Grand Master , the R . W . the Pep , Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , present and past , " VAV . Bro . Sir John Monckton responded . Bro . H . J . Dutton sang in admirable style Bro . Ganz ' s song , ' I seek for thee in even floAver , " and Bro . Ganz , P . G . O , himself being present , kindly accompanied the vocalist . The health of the Provincial Grand Mastt-i
having been proposed in appropriate terms , and honoured with acclamation by the brethren , the R . AV . Bro . the Right Hon . the Lord Brooke expressed his acknowledgements for the reception accorJed to him , and his great pleasure in being amongst them during and after the performance of a duty Avhich had given him so much satisfaction , and AA'hich he hoped Avould largely promote
the interests of Freemasonry , especially in the province over which he Avas called upon to rule . He had never before seen so large an assembly in connection Avith a private lodge , or so many distinguished brethren gracing its proceedings by their presence . The company had just listened to a capital song by Bro . Franklin Clive , " Tin ; Fine Old English Gentleman , " and he might be permitted
to say that ho liA-ed in anticipation of the time Avhen they and others might be disposed to apply that honourable designation to himself . After a brief allusion to the increase of lodges in the province of late years , and hearty Avishes for the success ol the Lennox-BroAvne Lodge , his Lordship resumed his seat amidst loud cheers CA-oked by the apt sentiments he had expressed . An
excellent recitation by Bro . Emil Behnke caused much amusement . The V . AV . Bro . F . A . Philbrick responded for the toast proposed in his honour and that of the Provincial Grand Officers , in a speech of some length and of considerable interest , to condense which Avould do the speaker an injustice . As our columns cannot at present admit of our recording such speeches in criciiso , Ave refrain from mutilating Bro . Philbrick ' s admirable address , Avhich
was listened to most earnestly , and Avas much app lauded . He concluded by proposing the health of the AVorship ful Master , remarking that his selection for the honourable position of W . M . designate by the founders of the lodge . Avas an evidence ! of the merits possessed by him . and the great esteem m Avhich he was held by them . Bro ' . A . G . Pritchard followed with a diverting " musical sketch ; " and the AV . M . then briefly responded .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
® lje Masonic ^ tar . MHHk
THURSDAY , " ^ figggg JUL Y 18 , 1889 . Edited by W . BRO . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , Ac .
Published every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may be had from all Newsagents through the Publishers . 123 to 125 , Fleet Street , E . C .
Subscribers to THE M ASONIC STAR residing in London and the Suburbs will receive then- copies by the first post on THURSDAY MORNIXU . Copies for Country Subscribers Avill be fonvarded by the NIGHT Mail on AA edncsday . TERMS , including postage , payable in advance : — United Kin latum and Countries isiMl Places not
conunin General ciiiii ] irisecl in India , Postal Union . Postal Union . ia Brindisi . Twelve Months ... 6 s . 6 d . ... 8 s . 8 d . ... 10 s . 10 d . Six Months 3 s . 4 d . ... 4 s . 6 d . ... 5 s . 6 d . Three Months ... Is . 9 d . ... 2 s . 4 d . ... 3 s . Od . Post Office Orderspayable at the General Post OfficeLondon
, , , E . G .. to Messrs . ADAMS Bites ., 59 , Moor Lane . London , E . C . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed & Co . and all . communications concerning Subscriptions and AdA ertisenients should be addressed to " Manager . "
All other communications , letters , kc . to be addressed " Editor of Tut : MASONIC STAR , oil . Moor Lane , Fore Street . London , E . C . "
Publishing Offices : 123 to 125 , FLEET STREET , E . C . VOLUME I « In Masonic Cloth Cover—Now Ready —Price 3 s . 6 d .
Consecration Of The Lennox-Browne Lodge. No. 2318.
The province of Essex is to be congratulated on the formation , under most brilliant auspices , of a UCAV lodge , the consecration of which took place at the ; ' Roebuck , " Buckhurst Hill , on Monday last , and which Avas attended by a numerous and important body of the Craft . As was truly remarked by one of the speakers during
the (¦ veiling the gathering appeared rather to be like the assembly of a Provincial Grand Lodge than one associated Avith the business of a private lodge , and that , necessarily at the moment , the youngest . To the . well-kiiOAvn reputation of the distinguished brother AVJIOSC name the lodge Avill bear , and the great esteem in Avhich he and the master and Avardens designate are held , must be attributed the
attendance of some two hundred brethren , and the installation of the W . M . designate in a Board of fifty installed masters . Probably also , the intimation that the ceremonials of the day Avere to be performed by the R . W . Prov . Grand Master , the Rt .-IIon . the Lord Brooke . M . P .. . and his deputy the A ' . W . Bro . Fred . A . Philbrick , () . (' .. G . Reg ., had something to do ivith the magnitude of the
fathering , and it is most satisfactory to chronicle that the entire proceedings gave universal satisfaction . The Prov . Grand Master having opened a lodge , the ceremony of consecration Avas conducted throughout according to the customary programme , with Avhich most of our readers must be familiar . There . Avas not a hitch in any part of the Avork . The area and elevation of the spacious detached
building in Avhich the lodge Avas held , and its chapel-like interior , assisted ° materially to increase the solemnity Avhich should ever accompany one of the most touching and effective ceremonials of the Craft . ' Avhilst the quiet manner in AA-hich W . Bro . A . Lucking , P . P . G . Reg . and Prov . G . D . C . Essex , discharged his duties as D . C . ' , and the excellent musical arrangements under the direction of
Bro . Dr . James F . Haskins , who had the assistance of Bros . Dutton , Bartlett , Pritchard and Franklin Wive , gave to the religious character of the ProA' . Grand Master ' s Avork , and the orations and dedications of the V . W . Bro . Thomas Cochrane , Grand Chaplain , an impressiveness AA'hich Avill not readily leave the memories of those AVIIO had the good fortune to be present on this occasion .
The consecrating officers in addition to those named Avere . W . Bros . George Harrison , P . P . G .. as S . W .: Richard WOAVCS . P . P . G .. as JAY ; T . G . Railing . P . G . A . D . C . Eng ., Prov . G . Sec . Essex , as Secretary : and AndreAV Durrant , P . G . treas ., Essex , as I . G . The i-isitors ' attendance book Avas signed in the following order : —Bros . Alfred A . Pendlebury . Asst . G . Sec . : C , II . Devoir , P . G . S . of Wks . ; C . F .
Matier . P . G . S . B .: Richard Eve . P . G . Treas .: Edward Simmons ; J Tanner . P . P . S . D . Essex : Andrew Durrant , P . G . T . Essex : B . Lyons , P . M . 1227 : M . J . Harris . P . M . Co : F . II . Meggy . 270 ; A . ( J . Pritchard , 9 ; P . Chang . 1713 : Einil Behnkc , 2108 ; A . AV . Onvin , 1191 : LeAvis Ferguson . 1997 ; E . T . Landon , If ol ; J . C . HopAvood . ] -1 . - / 7 ; W . J . Shadrake ; G . M . W . Earquharson , 22 . - / 0 ; E . G . Cherry ,
SOI : L . C . Haslip . 813 : J . W . Cachet , 2250 ; C . II . Webb , 171 ; Richard Sandell . 1719 . J . J . Buginshaw , 227 , 0 ; J . NeAvton , 171 ; Fredk . Carr . 1 ( 507 : II . Sadler , Grand Tyler ; Walter Goulding , 1-11 ( 5 ; T . P . Niinn , 1 I . - / 7 ' ; C . E . Skinner , M . " i 7 ; Charles G . Foster , 1157 ; Walter J . Guthter , 1-157 ; Benjamin Nicholson , 1708 ; C . Geo , Cutchev . 1085 ; John Greig : John CodAvin . 55 ; Henry Magee ,
Consecration Of The Lennox-Browne Lodge. No. 2318.
17-1 : T . Baillie : J . C . Bolton , 73 ; F . Franklin Clive , 1319 Jno . Bartlett . 2030 : H . BcardshaAV . 1228 : R . G . Poulton . 1237 G . D . Lester . ! I 09 : Henry J . Dutton , ' 1700 ; James HalloAvs , 1002 J . Zacharie : ' II . Young . 1202 ; James Start . 1713 ; F . W . Fenman J . R , Brading . -153 : F . J . Oliver . 1050 : T . Franklin . 10 ( 52 : W Mollett . 7 ( i 5 TGCO . Kebbel , 1002 : Wm . Nicholls : J . II . Jewell
1223 -, S . G . Vaughan . 2005 ; Thos . J . Shutt , 2023 : J . Grant . 1-10 ; Percy S . Jarkins , 1385 : Richard KershaAV . 2250 ; E . C . Massey . 1297 ' : Egbert Cooper . 190 : C . Bcndaring . 1810 : R . S . Gushing . 1007 ; James Stevens . P . M . 1210 : John B . Monckton . P . S . W . of Eng .: Wilhelm Ganz , P . S . Org .: C . Beton , P . G . D . C . : \ . P , Freeman . P . G . See . Sussex ; Thomas Jessy : James Speller , 2250
Wm . Lake , 131 : Thos . Cochrane . 10 : T . Bullock . 101 : Geo . J . Westfield , 813 : EdAvard Terry , G . treas .. & c , & c , & c . Immediately after the conclusion of the Consecration Ceremony . Bro . Philbrick , P . D . G . M ., at the request of the Prov . G . M ., installed into the chair of K . S . the Worshipful Master designated in the charter granted bv the M . W . G . M .. H . R . H . the Prince of Wales .
Bro . T . Scoresby-Jackson , M . B ., J . W . 2250 , Avho , having been greeted and saluted in ancient form , appointed and invested Bro . Lennox-Browne , F . H . C . H .. P . M .. & c . asI . P . M . Bro . J . Binder , P . M ., was unanimously elected Treasurer , and Avas duly invested . The following Avere also invested as officers for the year : —Bros . II . Ffrench Bromhead , S . W . : W . Shurmur . P . M ., J . W . : T . H . G .
Wrighton . P . M . Sec .: AV . E . Dring . S . D . : H . J . Drane . J . D .: A . Schneider . I . G . : AV . M . Butcher . D . C . : AV . P . Allen , Asst . D . C . : G , Ashton , SteAvard ; A . Ambrose , M . D ., Asst . Steward ; J . G . Cachett . Org . -. and — Young Tyler , the remaining founders who signed the petition Avere Bros . Thomas Courtenay AVarner . AV . M . elect 2250 G . Hurley . 2250 : J . H . Clare . 193 : E . Gray . Jim .. 05 : and A .
BroAvn , 809 . The Ceremony of Installation Avas completed by tin delivery of addresses to Master , AVardens and brethren by Bro Philbrick in his usual effective manner . Honorary Membership AVU : conferred upon each of the consecrating officers , and handsome duplicates of the Founders' Jewel were presented to the Prov Grand Master and his deputy , both of whom replied in acknoAvledge
ment of the recognition their services had met AA'ith , and trusting that the labours of the day Avould be profitable to Masonry in general as well as to the neAV lodge in particular . AV . Bro . W , Shurmur , P . M ., J . AA ., Avas elected to represent the lodge on flu Essex Provincial Charity Committee , and the principal officers won
selected for framing the by-laAVs of the lodge . Several propositions for initiation of approved , candidates at the next meeting , and ol brethren desirous of joining were made : and after a number of apologies from distinguished brethren for absence on account ol more pressing engagements had been submitted—notably one from the Rt . Hon . the Farl of Euston addressed to Bro .
Lennox-Brownethe lodge Avas closed Avith solemn prayer . Just prior to the banquet , Bro . C . G . Cutchey , of Buckhurst Hill , availed himself of the opportunity for taking instantaneous and other photographs of the large body of Freemasons assembled in the grounds of the hotel ; and it is anticipated that these Avill form interesting memorials of the important occasion .
The banquet was served in the large assembly room of the hotel , and reflected much credit on the host . The menu Avas not too pretentious , the supply Avas ample , the Avines of good quality , and the . sen-ice effective , altogether giving general satisfaction . The lodge stoAvards performed their duties in no perfunctory manner , and consequently the comfort of the guests Avas
assured throughout the entertainment . A continuance of such service during their year of office Avill conduce to obtain for the now lodge a reputation for hospitality , second only to the good Masonic Avork AA'hich Avill certainly characterise its proceedings . After the cloth had been cleared and " grace sung , the AV . M . proposed the usual loyal toasts , ' . which Avere enthusiastically received . To
that of - The M . AV . the Prov . Grand Master , the R . W . the Pep , Grand Master , and the rest of the Grand Officers , present and past , " VAV . Bro . Sir John Monckton responded . Bro . H . J . Dutton sang in admirable style Bro . Ganz ' s song , ' I seek for thee in even floAver , " and Bro . Ganz , P . G . O , himself being present , kindly accompanied the vocalist . The health of the Provincial Grand Mastt-i
having been proposed in appropriate terms , and honoured with acclamation by the brethren , the R . AV . Bro . the Right Hon . the Lord Brooke expressed his acknowledgements for the reception accorJed to him , and his great pleasure in being amongst them during and after the performance of a duty Avhich had given him so much satisfaction , and AA'hich he hoped Avould largely promote
the interests of Freemasonry , especially in the province over which he Avas called upon to rule . He had never before seen so large an assembly in connection Avith a private lodge , or so many distinguished brethren gracing its proceedings by their presence . The company had just listened to a capital song by Bro . Franklin Clive , " Tin ; Fine Old English Gentleman , " and he might be permitted
to say that ho liA-ed in anticipation of the time Avhen they and others might be disposed to apply that honourable designation to himself . After a brief allusion to the increase of lodges in the province of late years , and hearty Avishes for the success ol the Lennox-BroAvne Lodge , his Lordship resumed his seat amidst loud cheers CA-oked by the apt sentiments he had expressed . An
excellent recitation by Bro . Emil Behnke caused much amusement . The V . AV . Bro . F . A . Philbrick responded for the toast proposed in his honour and that of the Provincial Grand Officers , in a speech of some length and of considerable interest , to condense which Avould do the speaker an injustice . As our columns cannot at present admit of our recording such speeches in criciiso , Ave refrain from mutilating Bro . Philbrick ' s admirable address , Avhich
was listened to most earnestly , and Avas much app lauded . He concluded by proposing the health of the AVorship ful Master , remarking that his selection for the honourable position of W . M . designate by the founders of the lodge . Avas an evidence ! of the merits possessed by him . and the great esteem m Avhich he was held by them . Bro ' . A . G . Pritchard followed with a diverting " musical sketch ; " and the AV . M . then briefly responded .