Article CONSECRATION OF THE LENNOX-BROWNE LODGE. No. 2318. ← Page 2 of 2 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1
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Consecration Of The Lennox-Browne Lodge. No. 2318.
Bro . Lennox-BroAvne , on his health being proposed , with the prefacing remark that the date of consecration of the lodge Avas also the anniversary of his birth , received an ovation on rising to respond Avhich almost took his breath away . Fortunately it ' did not entirely do so , or Ave should have had to deplore the loss of a highly esteemed man and a thorough mason , alike in practice as in theory , instead of rejoicing that it is yet competent for all his
friends tiAvish him "many happy returns" of a day -which must during his future life be associated with two pleasant and important events . The remaining toast , including that of " The Visitors . " had to be hurriedly given , "time for the trains'" having to be observed : and the brethren separated amidst expressions of considerable satisfaction with the entire proceedings connected with the consecration of the Lennox-Browne Lodge ' No . 231 S .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . '
A new lodge , under the title of : - The Scots' Lodge , " No . 23 lit . to meet at the Scottish Corporation Hall . Crane Court . Fleet Street . London , and of Avhich the R . AV . Bro . Lord Euston is the NY . M . Designate , has lately been formed , and ivill be consecrated on the
27 th inst .. Avhen a large and distinguished gathering may be expected . Its members must all have some connection " with Scotland by birth , marriage , or property ; and it is antici pated that many Scotsmen in London , AAdio are members of our Order but not yet alii Hated with any metropolitan lodge , will join the new lod ^ e .
AVe regret to learn that an accident to our esteemed Grand Secretary , Bro . Col . Shadwell II . Gierke , prevented his attendance on Saturday last at a meeting in connection with the Royal Order of
Scotland . AA e are not in possession of any particulars , and as in that respect " no news is good IICAVS , " have reason to hope that the accident is not of a very serious character . AVhatever it ranv be . Ave shall all be glad to hear of his convalescence .
The Court Journal says that the M . AV . Grand Master . Il . R . II . tin Prince of AVales has accepted the invitation of Lord and Lady Brooke to visit Easton Lodge . Dunmow . early in August . It is said that His Royal Highness will attend the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge for the Province of L ' ssex . which Avill be ' held at
Easton Lodge , tinder the banner of the Jiosslyn Lodge , No . 1 . TI 3 . on Tuesday , August ( ith . After the usual business meeting a banquet , Avill be served in a marquee on the terrace . The private grounds will be illuminated in the evening . It is expected that the meeting Avill be the largest "Masonic gathering ever held in Essex .
The foregoing paragraph is , hoAvever , contradicted in some provincial journals . At the time of our going to press Ave cannot certify our readers as to the correctness of the rumour or its contradiction . * * * * ¦ The announcement , that the Earl of Jersey has resigned the office
of Provincial Grand Master of 'Mark Masons in the Province of Berks and Oxon . has been receiA'ed with great regret by the Mark Masons throughout the tAVo counties . From the date of the formation of the province at Reading some years since , the noble Earl
has presided over its affairs Avith much ability and geniality , and under his lordship ' s rule Mark Masonry has made most satisfactory progress in this and the sister county of Oxford . It is considered probable , that the Earl of Jersey will be succeeded in the office by Viscount Valentin .
AVe hai-e had a copy of Murray * fl / uxtrated Fcum / Pochet C ' uidc for London sent to us by its publisher . John Paul Murray , of Queen ' s Head Passage . Paternoster Row ; and although wo do not find in it anything that may be termed masonic , and therefore pertinent to our pages , Ave are not inclined to pass it by ivithout a
recommendation . That Avondcrful penny again ' . AVhat it can , do in the Avay of support to those AVIIO ¦ ' ¦ lay themselves out " for the spread of information , Avhether generally or particularly , if only numbers will aid the effort ! Murray ' s guide is a marvel at the price , if it be only in respect of the sixteen sectional maps which it
contains , and AVithout taking into account its ten vieAvs of important localities , and the sixty-odd pages of general useful information . AVe put this guide into our pocket for frequent reference , and advise our provincial brethren Avhen visiting London to do likewise . They Avould save its cost , Ave are afraid to say 1 IOAV often and after what rate , if only by reference to its columns of cab fares .
Oumui of Stx-KKT MONITOR . —The summer meeting of the University of London ConekiA-e No . 2 was held at the Greyhound . Hampton Court , on Saturday , July [ 3 th , JS . Sfl . Li the unavoidable absence of Bro . Dr . Ernest Pocock , S . R .. the Conclave was ably presided over by Bro . AV . J . Spratling . B . So . the Grand Recorder , as S . R ., assisted by Bro . AV . G . Lemon , /{ . A ., LL . lt .. Grand Treasurer , as Councillor ; Bro . Charles Gross , J / J ) .. Grand ' Councillor as
Guide , and Bro . Frank E . Lemon . M . A ., LL . IS .. as Guarder . Dr . . lule . r and Norton . Letters of apology for . absence Avere read from the S . R . ( Dr . Zaoherie ) , Bros , Dr . Ransom , T .. Sir It . X . Fowler . Hart ., M . A ., Dr . Jackson , and various other brethren . Bro . A . c ' May bury . D . So ., M . D ., WAS duly admitted to the rank of a brother ol D . and J . and the order of the S . M . Reports from the visitiii" - deacons and other friendly business brought the proceedings of the evening to a pleasant termination .
Our Trestle Board
BERKS A ^ BUCKS . —The Provincial Grand Lodge held its annual meeting in the Assembly Rooms . Reading , on the . 1 lth inst .. when the Rev . J . S . Brownrigg . Deputy P . G . M .. presided , in the absence , through indisposition , of the Provincial Grand Master , Sir Daniel Goooh . Bart . The reports read by the Prey . Grand Secretary ( Bro . Robert Bradley ) were of a satisfactory character , and a strong feeling Avas expressed that in consequence of the
spread of Masonry in the two counties , and the number and strength of the lodges , the time had arrived when the province might Avith advantage be divided . The Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year were appointed and invested , the highest honour falling upon Bro . Edwd . Mavgrett . who Avas appointed Senior Grand AVai-den . The officers and brethren subsequently partook of a banquet , admirably served by Bro . Flanagan , of the Great AVestern Hotel .
CUMBERLAND AND AVESTMORELAXD—AVUITKIIAVKN ' . — SI - . . Sqt'ARi :. AND CO . UPASSKS Lorn , ' ! :, No . [[«) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , College Street . Whitehaven , on the 1 st inst . Then ; was a good attendance of members of the lodge , amongst Avhom were Bros . J . Barr . P . M .. P . P . G . S . AV . : It . AV . Moore . P . M .: AV . C . Johns . P . M .. P . P . G . S ¦
AN . Pagen , P . M ., P . P . G . J . NV . : T . Studholme . P . M . ; J . Cant . S . AV . : G . Starkey . J . AV .: Rev . . lames Anderson , chaplain , P . P . G . C . : S . Broadbent , sec . : S . Hinde , S . D .: J . Thompson . J . D . ; D . II Cook , org ., P . G . 0 . ; H . Meageen , I . G . ; Joseph Musgrave . S .. AV . Gaffney . S .: T . Richardson . T . : E . Thorr . burroAV : NV . AV . Mulcaster : J . G .
Todd : AV . A . Thornber : A . Sisson : R . D . Metcalf : B . Coivie ; C . J . J . Harris . AVAL Elect : R . Miller , A . Moordaif . J . P . Bennett , II . Burns , J . W . Taylor , James Lachlison . and A . Henderson . The foIIoAving visitors were also present : —Bros . M . A . Simpson , 133 . Comber Lodge . Ireland : Thomas Steele . 31 ! l . St . John and St . Paid Lodge , Malta : ' Dr . Muir , AV . M . : T . Brakenridge . P . M .. P . P . G . St . Br . ;
11 . Burns . P . M .. P . P . G . Purst . ; D . Atkinson , J . AV .: F . Farquharson , S ., and F . J . Kerr . Lewis Lodge . N 72 : Isaac Dickinson , AV . M .. Rev ! E . Rice . P . M .. P . P . G . C . A . Ashmore . S . AV .. and . 1 . Cottier . Sun and Sector Lodge , ! N > 2 . AYorkington : G . AV . Roll , Hindpool Lodge . I 22 . " i . Barrow-in-Furness : AV . Armstrong , AV . M ... !' . AVilson , P . M ., P . G . St . Br . j . 1 . A . Parker , I . G ., and Thomas Miller , S ., Kenlis Lodge , 12 l > 7 ,
Egromont : II . Murphy . Rising Sun Lodge . 1-MU , Japan ; II . Hartley . AV . M .. Arleedon Lodge , ' liWIO : J . MTIarry . AV . M .. E . Irving . L . Rumney and James Qnayle , Stirling Lodge . Cleator Moor ; A . AY . Turner , sec . Eden Lodge , 22 S . 1 . Workington : tA : c . A vote of condolence Avith the AvidoAV of the late Bro . Edward Tyson . P . M ., having been unanimously recorded . Bro . 0 . J . Harris was duly
installed AV . M . for the ensuing year . The following oflicers were invested by the AV . M ., viz .. Bros ' . G . Starkey . S . AV .: S . Broadbent , J . AV . ; AV . C . Johns , treas .: Rev . . 1 . Anderson , lion . sec . and chaplain : J . Thompson . S . D . ; II . Meageen . J . D . : Joseph MusgraA-c , I . G ,: AV . II . Chapman . D . C . : E . Thornburrow , almoner : D . If . Cook , org . ; B . CoAvie and J . Roan . steAvards : and T . Richardson , tyler . After
dinner the usual loyal and Masonic toasts Avere proposed and duly honoured , the toast of the CA-ening . "The neAvly installed Master ol the Sun . Square , and Coinir . isscs Lodge . Xo . 111 ) . Bro . Charles J . J . Harris , " being Avarmly received . During the pleasant eA-ening which ensued , Bros . Starkey . Kerr , Cowie . Thompson . Cook , and Cant , contributed some capital songs .
SUSSEX—HASTINGS . —DI-: IMVI-: NT LODCK . XO . ( 0 . —The monthly meeting of this thriving lodge was held on Monday , the Nth inst .. there being present : —Rev . J . Puttiek . P . Prov . G . C . ' . ' AV . M . : NV . Si Allen . S . AV .: F . C . Edwards . J . AV . ; J . Pearse . P . M .. sec : Geo . Rendell . S . D . : C . J . Ticehnrst , Acting J . D . : G . II . Gage . I . G ; T . AV . Markwick . I . P . M .: AV . M . Gleiiister . P . G . Std . Br . ; K . AV . J .
Hennah , P . P . G . D . C . : AV . II . Russell , P . P . G . A . D . C .: F . Plowman . P . M . ; C . E . Botley , P . AI . ; E . J . McCormick . J . II . Tendall . AV ! Cooper , L . J . Jukes , J . Whitehouse . S . T . AVeston . and S . Plowman . Mr . S . PloAvman . /¦' , / . ' . C . S ., Lecturer , & c . at St , Thomas' Hospital . London . Avas initiated by Bro . F . Plowman a P . M . of the lodge , in his usual able manner . The S . AV . ( Bro . Allen ) , gaA-e the charge
very impressively . The secretary having formally dniAvn attention to the enlarged picture of Bro . TroIIope , M . D ., P . G . D ., & c , Avhich had been prepai ed for the lotlge , and which Avas pronounced a very faithful likeness , Bro . Gleiiister , P . G . Std . Br ., gave notice that he Avould propose at the next lodge ; that a similar picture and an illuminated address be presented to Bro . Dr . Trollope as a small
acknowledgment for the many and great services rendered by him to the cause of Freemasonry . Bro . Russell mentioned the arrangements made by Bro . Rossiter , the treasurer , for the distribution of the fund granted to Mrs . Fewns . widow of the late Bro . Fewns , by the Board of Benevolence . Dr . Marshall -was proposed as a joining member .
CIUPPI , (; ATK LODGE , XO . 1 (! 13—Bro . J . F . Bell , AV . M . —The members of this Lotlge , Avith their ladies , there being altogether a company of about fifty , held their summer outing on the ' . lth inst . The excursionists journeyed to AYindsor by tin ; noon train , tAVo saloon carriages being placed at their disposal by the Great AVesteru Railway authorities . At AVindsor brakes Avere in Availing for the
purpose of taking the company for a drive through the forest . On arrival at A'irginia Water the company alighted , partaking of dinner , provided at " 'The Feathers , " Music and dancing Avert ; subsequently indulged in . after which , in the cool , of the evening , the company drove back to Windsor , returning to town well pleased Avith tin ; day ' s outi ' iitr .
AVe understand , that the resignation of II . AV . Bro . Frederick Binckes , P . G . NY ., as Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons , has been tendered to and accepted by the M . AV G . Mark Master . II . R . H . the Prince of AVales . and that R . AV . Bro . Charles Fitzgerald Matter , P . G . AV . and . Assist . Grand Secretary , has been nominated as Grand Kourokiry . A special Grand Mark Lodge will be held at -1 p . m ., on the 21 th inst .. at Sa . Red Lion Square . AV . C , for the iiiA'cstiture of the newly-appointed Grand Secretary .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Lennox-Browne Lodge. No. 2318.
Bro . Lennox-BroAvne , on his health being proposed , with the prefacing remark that the date of consecration of the lodge Avas also the anniversary of his birth , received an ovation on rising to respond Avhich almost took his breath away . Fortunately it ' did not entirely do so , or Ave should have had to deplore the loss of a highly esteemed man and a thorough mason , alike in practice as in theory , instead of rejoicing that it is yet competent for all his
friends tiAvish him "many happy returns" of a day -which must during his future life be associated with two pleasant and important events . The remaining toast , including that of " The Visitors . " had to be hurriedly given , "time for the trains'" having to be observed : and the brethren separated amidst expressions of considerable satisfaction with the entire proceedings connected with the consecration of the Lennox-Browne Lodge ' No . 231 S .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . '
A new lodge , under the title of : - The Scots' Lodge , " No . 23 lit . to meet at the Scottish Corporation Hall . Crane Court . Fleet Street . London , and of Avhich the R . AV . Bro . Lord Euston is the NY . M . Designate , has lately been formed , and ivill be consecrated on the
27 th inst .. Avhen a large and distinguished gathering may be expected . Its members must all have some connection " with Scotland by birth , marriage , or property ; and it is antici pated that many Scotsmen in London , AAdio are members of our Order but not yet alii Hated with any metropolitan lodge , will join the new lod ^ e .
AVe regret to learn that an accident to our esteemed Grand Secretary , Bro . Col . Shadwell II . Gierke , prevented his attendance on Saturday last at a meeting in connection with the Royal Order of
Scotland . AA e are not in possession of any particulars , and as in that respect " no news is good IICAVS , " have reason to hope that the accident is not of a very serious character . AVhatever it ranv be . Ave shall all be glad to hear of his convalescence .
The Court Journal says that the M . AV . Grand Master . Il . R . II . tin Prince of AVales has accepted the invitation of Lord and Lady Brooke to visit Easton Lodge . Dunmow . early in August . It is said that His Royal Highness will attend the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge for the Province of L ' ssex . which Avill be ' held at
Easton Lodge , tinder the banner of the Jiosslyn Lodge , No . 1 . TI 3 . on Tuesday , August ( ith . After the usual business meeting a banquet , Avill be served in a marquee on the terrace . The private grounds will be illuminated in the evening . It is expected that the meeting Avill be the largest "Masonic gathering ever held in Essex .
The foregoing paragraph is , hoAvever , contradicted in some provincial journals . At the time of our going to press Ave cannot certify our readers as to the correctness of the rumour or its contradiction . * * * * ¦ The announcement , that the Earl of Jersey has resigned the office
of Provincial Grand Master of 'Mark Masons in the Province of Berks and Oxon . has been receiA'ed with great regret by the Mark Masons throughout the tAVo counties . From the date of the formation of the province at Reading some years since , the noble Earl
has presided over its affairs Avith much ability and geniality , and under his lordship ' s rule Mark Masonry has made most satisfactory progress in this and the sister county of Oxford . It is considered probable , that the Earl of Jersey will be succeeded in the office by Viscount Valentin .
AVe hai-e had a copy of Murray * fl / uxtrated Fcum / Pochet C ' uidc for London sent to us by its publisher . John Paul Murray , of Queen ' s Head Passage . Paternoster Row ; and although wo do not find in it anything that may be termed masonic , and therefore pertinent to our pages , Ave are not inclined to pass it by ivithout a
recommendation . That Avondcrful penny again ' . AVhat it can , do in the Avay of support to those AVIIO ¦ ' ¦ lay themselves out " for the spread of information , Avhether generally or particularly , if only numbers will aid the effort ! Murray ' s guide is a marvel at the price , if it be only in respect of the sixteen sectional maps which it
contains , and AVithout taking into account its ten vieAvs of important localities , and the sixty-odd pages of general useful information . AVe put this guide into our pocket for frequent reference , and advise our provincial brethren Avhen visiting London to do likewise . They Avould save its cost , Ave are afraid to say 1 IOAV often and after what rate , if only by reference to its columns of cab fares .
Oumui of Stx-KKT MONITOR . —The summer meeting of the University of London ConekiA-e No . 2 was held at the Greyhound . Hampton Court , on Saturday , July [ 3 th , JS . Sfl . Li the unavoidable absence of Bro . Dr . Ernest Pocock , S . R .. the Conclave was ably presided over by Bro . AV . J . Spratling . B . So . the Grand Recorder , as S . R ., assisted by Bro . AV . G . Lemon , /{ . A ., LL . lt .. Grand Treasurer , as Councillor ; Bro . Charles Gross , J / J ) .. Grand ' Councillor as
Guide , and Bro . Frank E . Lemon . M . A ., LL . IS .. as Guarder . Dr . . lule . r and Norton . Letters of apology for . absence Avere read from the S . R . ( Dr . Zaoherie ) , Bros , Dr . Ransom , T .. Sir It . X . Fowler . Hart ., M . A ., Dr . Jackson , and various other brethren . Bro . A . c ' May bury . D . So ., M . D ., WAS duly admitted to the rank of a brother ol D . and J . and the order of the S . M . Reports from the visitiii" - deacons and other friendly business brought the proceedings of the evening to a pleasant termination .
Our Trestle Board
BERKS A ^ BUCKS . —The Provincial Grand Lodge held its annual meeting in the Assembly Rooms . Reading , on the . 1 lth inst .. when the Rev . J . S . Brownrigg . Deputy P . G . M .. presided , in the absence , through indisposition , of the Provincial Grand Master , Sir Daniel Goooh . Bart . The reports read by the Prey . Grand Secretary ( Bro . Robert Bradley ) were of a satisfactory character , and a strong feeling Avas expressed that in consequence of the
spread of Masonry in the two counties , and the number and strength of the lodges , the time had arrived when the province might Avith advantage be divided . The Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing year were appointed and invested , the highest honour falling upon Bro . Edwd . Mavgrett . who Avas appointed Senior Grand AVai-den . The officers and brethren subsequently partook of a banquet , admirably served by Bro . Flanagan , of the Great AVestern Hotel .
CUMBERLAND AND AVESTMORELAXD—AVUITKIIAVKN ' . — SI - . . Sqt'ARi :. AND CO . UPASSKS Lorn , ' ! :, No . [[«) . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , College Street . Whitehaven , on the 1 st inst . Then ; was a good attendance of members of the lodge , amongst Avhom were Bros . J . Barr . P . M .. P . P . G . S . AV . : It . AV . Moore . P . M .: AV . C . Johns . P . M .. P . P . G . S ¦
AN . Pagen , P . M ., P . P . G . J . NV . : T . Studholme . P . M . ; J . Cant . S . AV . : G . Starkey . J . AV .: Rev . . lames Anderson , chaplain , P . P . G . C . : S . Broadbent , sec . : S . Hinde , S . D .: J . Thompson . J . D . ; D . II Cook , org ., P . G . 0 . ; H . Meageen , I . G . ; Joseph Musgrave . S .. AV . Gaffney . S .: T . Richardson . T . : E . Thorr . burroAV : NV . AV . Mulcaster : J . G .
Todd : AV . A . Thornber : A . Sisson : R . D . Metcalf : B . Coivie ; C . J . J . Harris . AVAL Elect : R . Miller , A . Moordaif . J . P . Bennett , II . Burns , J . W . Taylor , James Lachlison . and A . Henderson . The foIIoAving visitors were also present : —Bros . M . A . Simpson , 133 . Comber Lodge . Ireland : Thomas Steele . 31 ! l . St . John and St . Paid Lodge , Malta : ' Dr . Muir , AV . M . : T . Brakenridge . P . M .. P . P . G . St . Br . ;
11 . Burns . P . M .. P . P . G . Purst . ; D . Atkinson , J . AV .: F . Farquharson , S ., and F . J . Kerr . Lewis Lodge . N 72 : Isaac Dickinson , AV . M .. Rev ! E . Rice . P . M .. P . P . G . C . A . Ashmore . S . AV .. and . 1 . Cottier . Sun and Sector Lodge , ! N > 2 . AYorkington : G . AV . Roll , Hindpool Lodge . I 22 . " i . Barrow-in-Furness : AV . Armstrong , AV . M ... !' . AVilson , P . M ., P . G . St . Br . j . 1 . A . Parker , I . G ., and Thomas Miller , S ., Kenlis Lodge , 12 l > 7 ,
Egromont : II . Murphy . Rising Sun Lodge . 1-MU , Japan ; II . Hartley . AV . M .. Arleedon Lodge , ' liWIO : J . MTIarry . AV . M .. E . Irving . L . Rumney and James Qnayle , Stirling Lodge . Cleator Moor ; A . AY . Turner , sec . Eden Lodge , 22 S . 1 . Workington : tA : c . A vote of condolence Avith the AvidoAV of the late Bro . Edward Tyson . P . M ., having been unanimously recorded . Bro . 0 . J . Harris was duly
installed AV . M . for the ensuing year . The following oflicers were invested by the AV . M ., viz .. Bros ' . G . Starkey . S . AV .: S . Broadbent , J . AV . ; AV . C . Johns , treas .: Rev . . 1 . Anderson , lion . sec . and chaplain : J . Thompson . S . D . ; II . Meageen . J . D . : Joseph MusgraA-c , I . G ,: AV . II . Chapman . D . C . : E . Thornburrow , almoner : D . If . Cook , org . ; B . CoAvie and J . Roan . steAvards : and T . Richardson , tyler . After
dinner the usual loyal and Masonic toasts Avere proposed and duly honoured , the toast of the CA-ening . "The neAvly installed Master ol the Sun . Square , and Coinir . isscs Lodge . Xo . 111 ) . Bro . Charles J . J . Harris , " being Avarmly received . During the pleasant eA-ening which ensued , Bros . Starkey . Kerr , Cowie . Thompson . Cook , and Cant , contributed some capital songs .
SUSSEX—HASTINGS . —DI-: IMVI-: NT LODCK . XO . ( 0 . —The monthly meeting of this thriving lodge was held on Monday , the Nth inst .. there being present : —Rev . J . Puttiek . P . Prov . G . C . ' . ' AV . M . : NV . Si Allen . S . AV .: F . C . Edwards . J . AV . ; J . Pearse . P . M .. sec : Geo . Rendell . S . D . : C . J . Ticehnrst , Acting J . D . : G . II . Gage . I . G ; T . AV . Markwick . I . P . M .: AV . M . Gleiiister . P . G . Std . Br . ; K . AV . J .
Hennah , P . P . G . D . C . : AV . II . Russell , P . P . G . A . D . C .: F . Plowman . P . M . ; C . E . Botley , P . AI . ; E . J . McCormick . J . II . Tendall . AV ! Cooper , L . J . Jukes , J . Whitehouse . S . T . AVeston . and S . Plowman . Mr . S . PloAvman . /¦' , / . ' . C . S ., Lecturer , & c . at St , Thomas' Hospital . London . Avas initiated by Bro . F . Plowman a P . M . of the lodge , in his usual able manner . The S . AV . ( Bro . Allen ) , gaA-e the charge
very impressively . The secretary having formally dniAvn attention to the enlarged picture of Bro . TroIIope , M . D ., P . G . D ., & c , Avhich had been prepai ed for the lotlge , and which Avas pronounced a very faithful likeness , Bro . Gleiiister , P . G . Std . Br ., gave notice that he Avould propose at the next lodge ; that a similar picture and an illuminated address be presented to Bro . Dr . Trollope as a small
acknowledgment for the many and great services rendered by him to the cause of Freemasonry . Bro . Russell mentioned the arrangements made by Bro . Rossiter , the treasurer , for the distribution of the fund granted to Mrs . Fewns . widow of the late Bro . Fewns , by the Board of Benevolence . Dr . Marshall -was proposed as a joining member .
CIUPPI , (; ATK LODGE , XO . 1 (! 13—Bro . J . F . Bell , AV . M . —The members of this Lotlge , Avith their ladies , there being altogether a company of about fifty , held their summer outing on the ' . lth inst . The excursionists journeyed to AYindsor by tin ; noon train , tAVo saloon carriages being placed at their disposal by the Great AVesteru Railway authorities . At AVindsor brakes Avere in Availing for the
purpose of taking the company for a drive through the forest . On arrival at A'irginia Water the company alighted , partaking of dinner , provided at " 'The Feathers , " Music and dancing Avert ; subsequently indulged in . after which , in the cool , of the evening , the company drove back to Windsor , returning to town well pleased Avith tin ; day ' s outi ' iitr .
AVe understand , that the resignation of II . AV . Bro . Frederick Binckes , P . G . NY ., as Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons , has been tendered to and accepted by the M . AV G . Mark Master . II . R . H . the Prince of AVales . and that R . AV . Bro . Charles Fitzgerald Matter , P . G . AV . and . Assist . Grand Secretary , has been nominated as Grand Kourokiry . A special Grand Mark Lodge will be held at -1 p . m ., on the 21 th inst .. at Sa . Red Lion Square . AV . C , for the iiiA'cstiture of the newly-appointed Grand Secretary .