Article Questions and Answers. Page 1 of 1 Article Questions and Answers. Page 1 of 1 Article We Notify that:- Page 1 of 1 Article Press Exchanges and Booka Recived. Page 1 of 2 Article Metroplitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Questions And Answers.
Questions and Answers .
* * * Querists icill please note that ice shall in future decline to pay altcntion to ent / uiries made anonymousl y , or o / henrise for / carded than in closed' envelopes . In some instances it may be found impalit ie to jiuh / ish re p i " tcs , hut ansirers may fie assured liy the . enclosure of a stamped and , add rested cover .
Q . —117 // you kindly inform me irhy a Master Mason ' s son is styled a " heirix" and , what connection that word , has icilli Freemasonry ?—A YOUNG- MASON . A . —TheAVord "LCAVIS" is a term belonging to operative masonry and signifies an iron cramp Avhich is inserted in a cavity prepared
for the purpose in any large stone , so as to give attachment to a pulley and hook , whereby the stone may be conveniently raised to any height , and deposited in its present position . It is a symbol of strength in speculatiA-e Freemasonrv . and the symbol is extended
to allude to the son of a mason because it is his duty to bear the heat and burden of the daj r , that his parents may rest in their old age , thus rendering the evening of their , HA-OS peaceful and happy . In other words his strength should , if needed , be their support . — En . M . S .
Q . — Why arc some Installation Meet iuys called Masonic Festivals nf St . John . '—A YOUNG MASON . A . —A full ansAver to this Avould necessarily be lengthy , and it would be also interesting , AVe can HOAV only briefly state that originally speculative Freemasonry was a Christian institution , and
lodges Avere dedicated to and called after one or other of the . •¦ Holy Saints' John , " namely St . John the Baptist , Avhose festh'al falls on the 21 th June , and St . John the Evangelist , whose festival occurs on the 27 th December . The connection Avith these festivals and the , installation meetings of many of our present lodges is still maintained , especially in the provinces . —En . M . S .
ROYAL ORDER OF SCOTLAND . —A Provincial Grand Lodge of London and the Metropolitan Counties was held on Saturday last , the 13 th inst .. at 33 . Golden Square . A \ . C The chair was taken by Very Illustrious Bro . Frank Richardson , in the absence of R . AA . Col . Shadwell H . Gierke , through the effects of an accident . The following candidates were admitted—Bros . R . Bei ridge . A \\ II . Kempster . M . D ., II . P . Hay . J . Balfour Cockburn . M . J ) .. Rev . U ,
Peek . M . A ., Col . Marmaduke Ramsay . H . C . Heard , and A . K . Prescott , J ) cp . Surg . Ileal . The duties of Mareschal Avere discharged by Bro . C . F . Matier . Bro . AV . B . AVilliamson , of AVorcester , was installed T of the Royal Bruce Chapter . At the termination of labour the brethren adjourned to the Zoological Gaidens , Avhere they dined under the presidency of Bro , Richardson , and spent a most agreeable eA ening . ROSICRUCIAN SOCIETA- —METROPOLITAN COLLEGE . —The
quarterly convocation of the above college Avas held at the Masonic Hall , Kia , Great Qu ? en Street , on Thursday , the 11 th inst ., Bro . Dr . AVynn AVestcott , Master of the Temple , presided , and Avas ably supported by Bros . Dr . A \ oodman ( Supreme Magus ) , J . LeAvis Thomas 8 " , S . Lardner , S . L . Macgregor Mathers 8 " , Robert Key , AA \ G . Lemon , Dr . Cockle , Rev . T . AV . Lemon , and other brethren .
After Bro . Robert A . GoAvan had been advanced to the grade of Zelator , a very able paper on the . Ten Sephiroth Avas read by V . AT Bro . Dr . AA oodman . The symbolism of the sacred names was dAvelt upon at some length and Avith great erodition ; and the mystic teaching of the three columns adorned with the Sephiroth Avas unfolded . Bro . J . LeAvis Thomas further pointed out some
analogies between the mystic names of the Deity as contained in the Pentateuch and the three AVelsh Avords denoting the Supreme being . Bro . MacGregor illustrated a similar trine in Gaelic . Further observations Avere made by Bros . Dr . A \ ynn AA estcott and AV . G . Lemon , the latter of whom showed that the several names
by Avhich the Supreme being Avas knoivn and Avorshipped were indicative of the dominant idea of the peoples at the time of user , changing as the habits , virtues and vices of their Avorshippers changed . The . conclave , AVIVS then closed , and the Fratres adjourned to the Holboi-n Restaurant for refreshment .
Questions And Answers.
The regular monthly meeting of the Committee of Management was held at Freemasons' Hall , on the 10 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro , J . A . Farnfleld , P . A . G . D . C ., Treasurer of the Institution . There Avere present Bros . Hugh Cotter , AA . II . Hubbert . G . Bolton . AV . II . Ferryman . P . G . P . ; H . Garrod , David D . Mercer , T . B . Purchas , P . A . G . D . C . : Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; Charles J . Perceval , E .
AVest , C . A . Cottebrune . P . G . P .: A . Forsyth , \ A . H . Making , H . Cox , J . Newton , C . G . Hill . S . Haslip . Samuel Brooks . Charles Lacey . Charles Kempton . A . H . Tattershall . E . Mead . AV . Smith , James Brett , P . G . P . ; and James Terry . P . G . S . B .. Secretary . The miimtes- of the previous meeting having been read and verified , the Secretary reported the deaths of three annuitants ( one male and two widoAvs ) .
The AA arden ' s Report for the past month having been read , a A ote of thanks was unanimously passed to the House Committee of the Boys" School for their kindness in granting permission to the school band to attend on the occasion of the SteAvards' visit to the Institution . The Report of the Finance Committee was read , adopted , and
ordered to be entered on the minutes . The recommendation as to the appointment of an accountant Avas agreed to , and also that he be requested to examine the books of the Institution and report thereon . Bro . J . S . Cumberland gave notice of a motion for the next meeting , and the proceedings then concluded Avith the usual vote of thanks to the Chairman .
We Notify That:-
We Notify that:-
The installation meeting of the Lebanon Lodge , No . 1320 , Bro . EdAvin Arthur Smith , A \ . M ., Avill be held at the Raihvay Hotel , Feltham , on Saturday next . Lodge will be opened at 1 p . m . The ceremonies of passing and raising will precede the installation of Bro . Charles AVilliain Baker , the AV . M . Elect . The lodge will banquet at ( i p . m . Frequent trains from AVaterloo .
Press Exchanges And Booka Recived.
Press Exchanges and Booka Recived .
Australian Key stone , Melbourne ; South Australian Freemason . Adelaide : Masonic Advocate , Indianopolis ; Voice of Freemasonry , for July , Chicago : Freemasons ' Chronicle , Sydney ; South African Freemason .
Messrs . Groves and Bacon ' s matinee of My I ' ncle takes place at Terry ' s , on Tuesday , July Kith : and at the same theatre , on AVednesday afternoon , July 24 th , Miss Muriel AVylford will produce The Cat spare a ne . Av play by John Tresher .
Street La render will reach its 500 th performance on Friday August 2 nd , when the folloAving ladies and gentlemen will appeal in it : —Messrs . Edward Terry , Alfred Bishop , Brandon Thomas II . Dana , II . R . Smith , Sant MattheAvs , P . Miller ; Mesdames M . A Aletor . Blanche Horelock , Annie Irish , and Carlotta Addison .
If education have no religious tendency , then is our civilization a failure , and all instruction goes for naught . Better for man to remain in slavery and degradation than to use the forces of education Avhich result in nothing but barren hopes and fruitless endeavour . Happily Ave experience a different result . The forces of education have elevated man to the moral and intellectual being
of to-day . Among these forces Ave recognize Masonic knoAvlcdge , which has participated in this great Avork , until now Ave find the test of true Masonic character applied to the highest type of developed manhood . Unmasonic conduct must , therefore , be the resultant operation of an impure mind—a soul devoid of true manhood , and influenced by unholy desires and passions . — Grand Master of West Virginia , U . S . A .
Metroplitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metroplitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
"All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS'HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "— General Laws and Jlegulations . No - NAME OP LODGE AND C HAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING , I N n 0 ,- „ NAME OP IJODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING . Lodge . I UJUJJI .. | ^
( Tins DAY ) ( 3 rd ) THURSDAY , JULY 18 th . HOUSE COMMITTEE , GIRLS' . SCHOOL , AT 4 . 30 . ] oo ; Upton Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgale , 13 . 13-io Bluckheuth Trafalgar Hot ., Greemvieh FS- ' I Emblematic Bridge House , Hotel , London Bridge 1 ! IG 3 Duke of Albany . Surrey M . H .. Canibenvel 1 ll . A . l * . u : i St . Mary ' s V .- \ f . H .
( 3 rd ) FRIDAY , JULY I ' . lth . HOUSE COMMITTEE , BOYS' SCHOOL , AT 4 . Ills I Uuiversiiy JK . M . H .
( 3 rd ) SATURDAY , JULY 20 th . 11 SS 5 Lewis King ' s Anns Hoi .. Wood Green , X . 153 U ¦ Simmx ' Surrey M . If ., Cambenvell Now Road 'il ' sr , ' . Lewis ¦ King ' s Anns Hot ., Wood Oreen , X . ' ' ao ' l i Tcnterdeu ' Anderlon ' s Hotel , Elect Street , E . C ,
( 4 th ) MONDAY , JULY 22 nd . Nil . ( lth ) TUESDAY , JULY 23 rd .
AUDIT COMMITTEE , GIRLS' SCHOOL , AT 4 . ' xk I Borough of Greenwich | AVIlliuinthiMth , TrafalgarRd ., Grn \ veh . ( lth ) WEDNESDAY , JULY 21 th . HOARD OF BENEVOLENCE , AT 0 . GEXEHAL COMMITTEE ( I . CHAPTER , AT 4 . 75-. ' , I I'r ' mee Erederiek AVilliain ... I Lord ' s Hot ., St .. John ' s Wood ( Til High Cross I Seven Sisters' Hot ., Totlenliam
( 4 th ) THURSDAY , JULY 25 th . GENERAL COMMITTEE , GIRLS' SCHOOL , AT -1 . Ifi 2 . ' ! i AVesl . Sinilhlield E . M . H . j : i I Hirani 1 Greyhound Hot ,, Richmond
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Questions And Answers.
Questions and Answers .
* * * Querists icill please note that ice shall in future decline to pay altcntion to ent / uiries made anonymousl y , or o / henrise for / carded than in closed' envelopes . In some instances it may be found impalit ie to jiuh / ish re p i " tcs , hut ansirers may fie assured liy the . enclosure of a stamped and , add rested cover .
Q . —117 // you kindly inform me irhy a Master Mason ' s son is styled a " heirix" and , what connection that word , has icilli Freemasonry ?—A YOUNG- MASON . A . —TheAVord "LCAVIS" is a term belonging to operative masonry and signifies an iron cramp Avhich is inserted in a cavity prepared
for the purpose in any large stone , so as to give attachment to a pulley and hook , whereby the stone may be conveniently raised to any height , and deposited in its present position . It is a symbol of strength in speculatiA-e Freemasonrv . and the symbol is extended
to allude to the son of a mason because it is his duty to bear the heat and burden of the daj r , that his parents may rest in their old age , thus rendering the evening of their , HA-OS peaceful and happy . In other words his strength should , if needed , be their support . — En . M . S .
Q . — Why arc some Installation Meet iuys called Masonic Festivals nf St . John . '—A YOUNG MASON . A . —A full ansAver to this Avould necessarily be lengthy , and it would be also interesting , AVe can HOAV only briefly state that originally speculative Freemasonry was a Christian institution , and
lodges Avere dedicated to and called after one or other of the . •¦ Holy Saints' John , " namely St . John the Baptist , Avhose festh'al falls on the 21 th June , and St . John the Evangelist , whose festival occurs on the 27 th December . The connection Avith these festivals and the , installation meetings of many of our present lodges is still maintained , especially in the provinces . —En . M . S .
ROYAL ORDER OF SCOTLAND . —A Provincial Grand Lodge of London and the Metropolitan Counties was held on Saturday last , the 13 th inst .. at 33 . Golden Square . A \ . C The chair was taken by Very Illustrious Bro . Frank Richardson , in the absence of R . AA . Col . Shadwell H . Gierke , through the effects of an accident . The following candidates were admitted—Bros . R . Bei ridge . A \\ II . Kempster . M . D ., II . P . Hay . J . Balfour Cockburn . M . J ) .. Rev . U ,
Peek . M . A ., Col . Marmaduke Ramsay . H . C . Heard , and A . K . Prescott , J ) cp . Surg . Ileal . The duties of Mareschal Avere discharged by Bro . C . F . Matier . Bro . AV . B . AVilliamson , of AVorcester , was installed T of the Royal Bruce Chapter . At the termination of labour the brethren adjourned to the Zoological Gaidens , Avhere they dined under the presidency of Bro , Richardson , and spent a most agreeable eA ening . ROSICRUCIAN SOCIETA- —METROPOLITAN COLLEGE . —The
quarterly convocation of the above college Avas held at the Masonic Hall , Kia , Great Qu ? en Street , on Thursday , the 11 th inst ., Bro . Dr . AVynn AVestcott , Master of the Temple , presided , and Avas ably supported by Bros . Dr . A \ oodman ( Supreme Magus ) , J . LeAvis Thomas 8 " , S . Lardner , S . L . Macgregor Mathers 8 " , Robert Key , AA \ G . Lemon , Dr . Cockle , Rev . T . AV . Lemon , and other brethren .
After Bro . Robert A . GoAvan had been advanced to the grade of Zelator , a very able paper on the . Ten Sephiroth Avas read by V . AT Bro . Dr . AA oodman . The symbolism of the sacred names was dAvelt upon at some length and Avith great erodition ; and the mystic teaching of the three columns adorned with the Sephiroth Avas unfolded . Bro . J . LeAvis Thomas further pointed out some
analogies between the mystic names of the Deity as contained in the Pentateuch and the three AVelsh Avords denoting the Supreme being . Bro . MacGregor illustrated a similar trine in Gaelic . Further observations Avere made by Bros . Dr . A \ ynn AA estcott and AV . G . Lemon , the latter of whom showed that the several names
by Avhich the Supreme being Avas knoivn and Avorshipped were indicative of the dominant idea of the peoples at the time of user , changing as the habits , virtues and vices of their Avorshippers changed . The . conclave , AVIVS then closed , and the Fratres adjourned to the Holboi-n Restaurant for refreshment .
Questions And Answers.
The regular monthly meeting of the Committee of Management was held at Freemasons' Hall , on the 10 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro , J . A . Farnfleld , P . A . G . D . C ., Treasurer of the Institution . There Avere present Bros . Hugh Cotter , AA . II . Hubbert . G . Bolton . AV . II . Ferryman . P . G . P . ; H . Garrod , David D . Mercer , T . B . Purchas , P . A . G . D . C . : Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; Charles J . Perceval , E .
AVest , C . A . Cottebrune . P . G . P .: A . Forsyth , \ A . H . Making , H . Cox , J . Newton , C . G . Hill . S . Haslip . Samuel Brooks . Charles Lacey . Charles Kempton . A . H . Tattershall . E . Mead . AV . Smith , James Brett , P . G . P . ; and James Terry . P . G . S . B .. Secretary . The miimtes- of the previous meeting having been read and verified , the Secretary reported the deaths of three annuitants ( one male and two widoAvs ) .
The AA arden ' s Report for the past month having been read , a A ote of thanks was unanimously passed to the House Committee of the Boys" School for their kindness in granting permission to the school band to attend on the occasion of the SteAvards' visit to the Institution . The Report of the Finance Committee was read , adopted , and
ordered to be entered on the minutes . The recommendation as to the appointment of an accountant Avas agreed to , and also that he be requested to examine the books of the Institution and report thereon . Bro . J . S . Cumberland gave notice of a motion for the next meeting , and the proceedings then concluded Avith the usual vote of thanks to the Chairman .
We Notify That:-
We Notify that:-
The installation meeting of the Lebanon Lodge , No . 1320 , Bro . EdAvin Arthur Smith , A \ . M ., Avill be held at the Raihvay Hotel , Feltham , on Saturday next . Lodge will be opened at 1 p . m . The ceremonies of passing and raising will precede the installation of Bro . Charles AVilliain Baker , the AV . M . Elect . The lodge will banquet at ( i p . m . Frequent trains from AVaterloo .
Press Exchanges And Booka Recived.
Press Exchanges and Booka Recived .
Australian Key stone , Melbourne ; South Australian Freemason . Adelaide : Masonic Advocate , Indianopolis ; Voice of Freemasonry , for July , Chicago : Freemasons ' Chronicle , Sydney ; South African Freemason .
Messrs . Groves and Bacon ' s matinee of My I ' ncle takes place at Terry ' s , on Tuesday , July Kith : and at the same theatre , on AVednesday afternoon , July 24 th , Miss Muriel AVylford will produce The Cat spare a ne . Av play by John Tresher .
Street La render will reach its 500 th performance on Friday August 2 nd , when the folloAving ladies and gentlemen will appeal in it : —Messrs . Edward Terry , Alfred Bishop , Brandon Thomas II . Dana , II . R . Smith , Sant MattheAvs , P . Miller ; Mesdames M . A Aletor . Blanche Horelock , Annie Irish , and Carlotta Addison .
If education have no religious tendency , then is our civilization a failure , and all instruction goes for naught . Better for man to remain in slavery and degradation than to use the forces of education Avhich result in nothing but barren hopes and fruitless endeavour . Happily Ave experience a different result . The forces of education have elevated man to the moral and intellectual being
of to-day . Among these forces Ave recognize Masonic knoAvlcdge , which has participated in this great Avork , until now Ave find the test of true Masonic character applied to the highest type of developed manhood . Unmasonic conduct must , therefore , be the resultant operation of an impure mind—a soul devoid of true manhood , and influenced by unholy desires and passions . — Grand Master of West Virginia , U . S . A .
Metroplitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metroplitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
"All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS'HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "— General Laws and Jlegulations . No - NAME OP LODGE AND C HAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING , I N n 0 ,- „ NAME OP IJODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING . Lodge . I UJUJJI .. | ^
( Tins DAY ) ( 3 rd ) THURSDAY , JULY 18 th . HOUSE COMMITTEE , GIRLS' . SCHOOL , AT 4 . 30 . ] oo ; Upton Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgale , 13 . 13-io Bluckheuth Trafalgar Hot ., Greemvieh FS- ' I Emblematic Bridge House , Hotel , London Bridge 1 ! IG 3 Duke of Albany . Surrey M . H .. Canibenvel 1 ll . A . l * . u : i St . Mary ' s V .- \ f . H .
( 3 rd ) FRIDAY , JULY I ' . lth . HOUSE COMMITTEE , BOYS' SCHOOL , AT 4 . Ills I Uuiversiiy JK . M . H .
( 3 rd ) SATURDAY , JULY 20 th . 11 SS 5 Lewis King ' s Anns Hoi .. Wood Green , X . 153 U ¦ Simmx ' Surrey M . If ., Cambenvell Now Road 'il ' sr , ' . Lewis ¦ King ' s Anns Hot ., Wood Oreen , X . ' ' ao ' l i Tcnterdeu ' Anderlon ' s Hotel , Elect Street , E . C ,
( 4 th ) MONDAY , JULY 22 nd . Nil . ( lth ) TUESDAY , JULY 23 rd .
AUDIT COMMITTEE , GIRLS' SCHOOL , AT 4 . ' xk I Borough of Greenwich | AVIlliuinthiMth , TrafalgarRd ., Grn \ veh . ( lth ) WEDNESDAY , JULY 21 th . HOARD OF BENEVOLENCE , AT 0 . GEXEHAL COMMITTEE ( I . CHAPTER , AT 4 . 75-. ' , I I'r ' mee Erederiek AVilliain ... I Lord ' s Hot ., St .. John ' s Wood ( Til High Cross I Seven Sisters' Hot ., Totlenliam
( 4 th ) THURSDAY , JULY 25 th . GENERAL COMMITTEE , GIRLS' SCHOOL , AT -1 . Ifi 2 . ' ! i AVesl . Sinilhlield E . M . H . j : i I Hirani 1 Greyhound Hot ,, Richmond