Article The Masonic " Port's Corner." Page 1 of 1 Article A STRANGE MASONIC INCIDENT. Page 1 of 1 Article We are requested to notify that :- Page 1 of 1
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The Masonic " Port's Corner."
The Masonic " Port's Corner . "
QOrit / iiuil and . Selected . ) THE OLD TYLER .
GOD BLESS THE OLD TYLER ! how long he has trudged Through sunshine and storm with his " summonses due !" Xo pain nor fatigue the Old Tyler has grudged
To serve the great Order . Freemasons , and you . God bless the Old Tyler ! how oft he has led The funeral procession from lodge door to grave ! How grandlv his weapon has guarded the dead
To their last quiet home , where acacia boughs wave . God bless the Old Tyler ! how oft he has knocked . When , vigilant , strangers craved welcome and rest ! How widely your portals , though guarded and locked . Have swung to the signal , the Tyler knows best !
There ' s a Lodge where the door is not guarded nor tyled . There ' s a Land without graves , without murmurs or sin . There ' s a MASTER most gracious , paternal and mild .
And he waits the Old Tyler , and bids him come in . ' And there the Old Tyler , no lonyer outside . — Xo longer with weapon of war in his hand . — A glorified spirit , shall grandly abide
And close by the MASTER , high honoured , shall stand . [ From Th " . Poetry of Freemasonry , by the late Bro . Dr . ROB MORRIS , Masonic Poet Laureate . !
A Strange Masonic Incident.
WTKHE first masonic funeral that was solemnised in California : — y- 'li v ! ' ^ bo ( ^* washcd U P i tlle ^ ay ° f San Francisco ej ^ s > in 1849 , and upon the person of the deceased was found tlie silver mark of a Mason , on which were engraved the initials of his name . On further investigation the most singular exhibition of masonic emblems ever drawn upon the human skin were revealed . Beautifully dotted on the left arm . in red and blue
ink , appeared all the emblems of an entered Apprentice . There was a Holy Bible , the Square and Compass , the twenty-four inch Gauge and common Gavel . There was also a masonic ' pavement representing the floor of King Solomon ' s Temple , the indented tassel which surrounds it , and blazing star in the centre . On his left arm , artistically executed in the same indelible liquid , were the
emblems pertaining to the Fellow-craft degree , viz ., the square , the level , and the plumb ; there was also the five Order ; of Architecture , the Tuscan . Doric . Ionic . Corinthian and Composite . On removing the garment from the body , the trowel presented itself . with all the other tools of operative masonry . Over his heart was a pot of incense , on the other parts of his body were a beehive , the
Book of Constitutions guarded by a tyler ' s sword , the sword pointing to a naked heart , the All-seeing Eye , the anchor and the ark , the hour-glass , the scythe , the Forty-second problem of Euclid , the sun . moon , stars and comet , and the three steps emblematical of youth , manhood and age . Admirably executed was a Avecping virgin reclining on a broken column , upon which laA' the Book of
Constitutions ; in her left hand she held a pot of incense , the masonic emblem of the immortality of the soul . Immediately beneath her stood winged Time , with his scythe by his side , which cuts the brittle thread of life , ever reminding us that our lives are withering away . The withered and attenuated fingers of the
Destroyer were placed among the gracefully flowing ringlets of the disconsolate mourner . From this description we can well see the grandeur of the conception which blended the emblems of mortality in one picture , and that the execution was quite equal to the conception . Probably never before was such a picture ever beheld , and possibly never will again . AVe are told that the brother ' s name was never known .
grand doings at Southport , on the 3 rd mst ., in connection with the annual meeting and festival of Provincial Grand Lodge for the Western Division of Lancashire . About 1 , 1 Oil brethren were present in full regalia . The Prov . G . M ., the Earl of Lathom presided , and Avas supported by Bro . the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres . D . G . M . of Scotland , and the past grand officers . In the course of his
remarks the P . G . M . said that a committee had been nominated for the purpose of inquiring into the status and condition of the Boys ' School , and he hoped that the result of the inquiry would resuli ' in its better conduct in future . Lord Stanley of Preston ' s letter . resigning his position of D . P . G . M ., stated that he was compelled to do so owing to his being appointed Governor-General of Canada
but that he was gladdened by the thought that the bonds of friendliness , and his gratitude for same , between himself and the brethren , would never be lessened though some thousands of miles of ocean rolled between them . The P . G . M ., in the course of his remarks , when proposing the toast of the Princess of AValcs and the rest of the the royal family , said that on an occasion of H . lt . H . visiting the Girls '
School , she made the gratifying remark to the three teachers— " I shall never again say a bad word about Freemasonry . I am glad to think that my husband and son are both masons . " After a number of speeches by the various distinguished brethren present , and the usual toasts , the company separated , having passed a most enjoyable evening .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Bedfordshire , the R . AY Bro . Col . William Smart . Prov . Grand Master , will assemble at the Assembly Rooms . Com Exchange . Leighton Buzzard , on Thursday , the 25 th hist ., at 4 p . m ., at which all Master Masons may attend . After the general business a banquet will be served at the Swan
Hotel at 5 . 30 p . m . AY Bro . Charles E . Prior , of St . Peter ' s . Bedford , is the Grand Secretary for this province . The Surrey Masonic Hall Lodge . Xo . 153 ' , ) . now meets on third AVednesdays , and not on first Thursdays , in the respective months named in official calendars .
1 ho . following Lodges now meet at the Inns of Court Hotel . High Holborn : —Unity . Xo . (!' . ) ; Hood Report . Xo . I . "ill : Honor and Generosity , Xo . Hi . 5 : Maybury , Xo . III ! ' . ! : Centurion , Xo . 1718 ; Montague Guest , liK ' IO ; and United Xorthorn Counties , Xo . 2128 . The Montague Guest R . A . Chapter . Xo . K . MIO . and the Mount Calvary Encampment also meet at this hotel . The respective dates of meetings will be rcirularlv announced in our tabulated calendar .
Ihc lemperanoe-m-the-Easb Lodge ol : Mark Mister Masons . Xo . 350 . Bro . Charles AVyatt-Smith , P . M .. Secretary , will meet this evening . October ISth , at the Assembly Rooms . Xewby Place . Poplar . E .. at ( i p . m . The Annual Festival and Installation Meeting of the
Okeovcr Lodge . Xo . 132-1 , will be held in the Town Hall . Market Place . Ripley . Derbyshire , on Thursday , Xov . 1 st . at 2 . 30 . Bro . J . H . Day is the present AV . M ., and will install Bro . F . 0 . Corficld as his successor . The banquet will take place at the AVhitc Lion Hotel , at 5 p . m .
lire first regular meeting of the new session of Lodge Temperance . Xo . 10 !) , will lie held at the AVhite Swan Hotel . High Street , Deptford , to-daj-, the 18 th hist ., at 5 . HO p . m ., Bro . J . G . Dale . AA . M . Initiation will follow a successful ballot for a candidate A recommendation from the committee of the Benevolent Fund will be submitted for the acceptance of the brethren . A banquet will be served at the conclusion of business .
A convocation of the A \ mdsor Castle Chapter of Royal Arch Masons , Xo . 771 . will be held , at the . Masonic Hall , St . Albans Street , Windsor , this ( Thursday ) evening , the ISth hist ., at 5 . 30 p . m ., when the installation of Comps . K . It . Montmorency . Prov . G . S . ; F . J . Rushton , P . Prov . G . O ., and II . D . Marshall , as M . E . Z ., II ., and J . respectively , will take place .
The Alexandra Lodge , Xo . 1 ) 85 , will hold its installation meeting at the Bridge Hotel . Sutton Bridge , llolheach , Lincolnshire , on Monday , the 22 nd hist ., at 4 . 30 p . m . Bro . AV . Porter , AV . M . ; Bro . Charles E . AVard , AV . M . elect : Bro . Edward Sunderland , Sec . Banquet will be served at 0 . 30 p . m . The Lodge of Instruction attached to Xo . ' . 185 meets at the Bull Hotel . Long Sutton , at 7 p . m .. on the AVednesdays preceding each lodge meeting .
•——The Bagshaw Lodge of Instruction . Xo . 1457 , hold its meetings on Fridays , at 7 . 30 . at the Public Hall . Loughton . Xot being a London Lodge , it is not included in our tabulated list on page 118 . and at present we cannot find space for other Lodges of Instruction . The AVarner Lodge , Xo . 225 ( 1 , will meet at the Railway Forest Hotel . Chingford . Essex , at 5 p . m .. on Tuesday , the 23 rd hist .
At the Percy Lodge of Instruction . Xo . 1 ' . 18 . the Fifteen Sections will be worked by the members of the Israel Lodge of Instruction , on Saturday , the 27 th hist ., at 7 o ' clock , at the Jolly Farmers Tavern . Southgate Road . X . Bro . L . A . De Costa . S . AV . 13114 . will preside : Bros . AV . Musto . S . AV . : B . De Costa . J . AV . : and I . P . Cohen . I . P . M .
The annual festival of the Lodge of Friendship and Unity , Xo . 1271 , Bradfoid-on-Avon , will take place on Monday . Oct . 22 iuL at half-past 2 o ' clock precisely , at Avon House . Kingston Road , Bradford-on-Avon . The installation of the AV . M . elect , Bro . C . AV . B .
Bryant , will be performed bv V . AV . Bro . Sir Gabriel Goldney . Bart ., P . G . AY Eng . ; D . P . G . M . Wilts . The banquet will be held at 4 . 30 p . m . at the Swan Hotel . The G . AV . lt . Co . will issue first and second class tickets at a fare and a-quarter for the double journey from the usual stations , on production of the summons for this meeting .
The Society of Promoters of Charity . '' whose laudable object it is to distribute bread , meat and coals to the poor during the winter , will have their annual ticket benefit at the Ado ] phi Theatre , from the 12 th to the 24 th November .
Tin ; Git HAT CITY LODC ; or INSTRUCTION—No . 112 (> . —On Thursday . 1 J th hist ., at the Masons' Hall Tavern . E . G . Present : —Bros . I ) . Hills , AV . M . : . 1 . K . Pitt , S . W .: J " . L . Barrett . . J . AV .: T . Owens . S . D . ; B . Price . J . D . : F . Ford . i . G . : . lames Stevens . P . M . P . Z .. Preceptor : II . J . Whitehouse . II . J . Gaskin . H . Bromhead , ' AV . ¦) . Ball Cothelstone , Darenth Road , Stamford Hill . X .. Hon . Sec . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . Bro . J . Gaskin as candidate . At the close
of the ceremony the S . AV . answered the questions for passing for the benefit of the Bro . initiated . Bro . T . Owens acted as candidate during the rehearsal . The ceremony of •¦ passing" was rehearsed and the S . W . answered the questions for raising for the benefit of the newly " passed" Bro . Bro . B . T . Price was elected a member : and Bro . J . X . Pitt . AV . M . for the ensuing meeting . X . B . —The Lodge meets regularly on . Thursdays , at ( i . 3 o p . m . Brethren are invited to attend .
BURGOYNE LOD ; . ; E oi . . ' INSTRUCTION—No . 1 ) 02 — On Friday . 12 th hist ., at the Essex Head . Essex Street . Strand , W . C .. Bro . G . C . Stafford , AV . M , —Bros . It . X . Field , S . W . : Barter . LAY : Butty . Preceptor , and several other brethren present . The ceremony of initiation wa rehearsed , and subsequently Bro . Cross , W . M .. elect of the mother lodge , rehearsed the addresses on investiture of olficfirs . Bro . Field was elected AV . M . for the next meeting .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic " Port's Corner."
The Masonic " Port's Corner . "
QOrit / iiuil and . Selected . ) THE OLD TYLER .
GOD BLESS THE OLD TYLER ! how long he has trudged Through sunshine and storm with his " summonses due !" Xo pain nor fatigue the Old Tyler has grudged
To serve the great Order . Freemasons , and you . God bless the Old Tyler ! how oft he has led The funeral procession from lodge door to grave ! How grandlv his weapon has guarded the dead
To their last quiet home , where acacia boughs wave . God bless the Old Tyler ! how oft he has knocked . When , vigilant , strangers craved welcome and rest ! How widely your portals , though guarded and locked . Have swung to the signal , the Tyler knows best !
There ' s a Lodge where the door is not guarded nor tyled . There ' s a Land without graves , without murmurs or sin . There ' s a MASTER most gracious , paternal and mild .
And he waits the Old Tyler , and bids him come in . ' And there the Old Tyler , no lonyer outside . — Xo longer with weapon of war in his hand . — A glorified spirit , shall grandly abide
And close by the MASTER , high honoured , shall stand . [ From Th " . Poetry of Freemasonry , by the late Bro . Dr . ROB MORRIS , Masonic Poet Laureate . !
A Strange Masonic Incident.
WTKHE first masonic funeral that was solemnised in California : — y- 'li v ! ' ^ bo ( ^* washcd U P i tlle ^ ay ° f San Francisco ej ^ s > in 1849 , and upon the person of the deceased was found tlie silver mark of a Mason , on which were engraved the initials of his name . On further investigation the most singular exhibition of masonic emblems ever drawn upon the human skin were revealed . Beautifully dotted on the left arm . in red and blue
ink , appeared all the emblems of an entered Apprentice . There was a Holy Bible , the Square and Compass , the twenty-four inch Gauge and common Gavel . There was also a masonic ' pavement representing the floor of King Solomon ' s Temple , the indented tassel which surrounds it , and blazing star in the centre . On his left arm , artistically executed in the same indelible liquid , were the
emblems pertaining to the Fellow-craft degree , viz ., the square , the level , and the plumb ; there was also the five Order ; of Architecture , the Tuscan . Doric . Ionic . Corinthian and Composite . On removing the garment from the body , the trowel presented itself . with all the other tools of operative masonry . Over his heart was a pot of incense , on the other parts of his body were a beehive , the
Book of Constitutions guarded by a tyler ' s sword , the sword pointing to a naked heart , the All-seeing Eye , the anchor and the ark , the hour-glass , the scythe , the Forty-second problem of Euclid , the sun . moon , stars and comet , and the three steps emblematical of youth , manhood and age . Admirably executed was a Avecping virgin reclining on a broken column , upon which laA' the Book of
Constitutions ; in her left hand she held a pot of incense , the masonic emblem of the immortality of the soul . Immediately beneath her stood winged Time , with his scythe by his side , which cuts the brittle thread of life , ever reminding us that our lives are withering away . The withered and attenuated fingers of the
Destroyer were placed among the gracefully flowing ringlets of the disconsolate mourner . From this description we can well see the grandeur of the conception which blended the emblems of mortality in one picture , and that the execution was quite equal to the conception . Probably never before was such a picture ever beheld , and possibly never will again . AVe are told that the brother ' s name was never known .
grand doings at Southport , on the 3 rd mst ., in connection with the annual meeting and festival of Provincial Grand Lodge for the Western Division of Lancashire . About 1 , 1 Oil brethren were present in full regalia . The Prov . G . M ., the Earl of Lathom presided , and Avas supported by Bro . the Earl of Crawford and Balcarres . D . G . M . of Scotland , and the past grand officers . In the course of his
remarks the P . G . M . said that a committee had been nominated for the purpose of inquiring into the status and condition of the Boys ' School , and he hoped that the result of the inquiry would resuli ' in its better conduct in future . Lord Stanley of Preston ' s letter . resigning his position of D . P . G . M ., stated that he was compelled to do so owing to his being appointed Governor-General of Canada
but that he was gladdened by the thought that the bonds of friendliness , and his gratitude for same , between himself and the brethren , would never be lessened though some thousands of miles of ocean rolled between them . The P . G . M ., in the course of his remarks , when proposing the toast of the Princess of AValcs and the rest of the the royal family , said that on an occasion of H . lt . H . visiting the Girls '
School , she made the gratifying remark to the three teachers— " I shall never again say a bad word about Freemasonry . I am glad to think that my husband and son are both masons . " After a number of speeches by the various distinguished brethren present , and the usual toasts , the company separated , having passed a most enjoyable evening .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Bedfordshire , the R . AY Bro . Col . William Smart . Prov . Grand Master , will assemble at the Assembly Rooms . Com Exchange . Leighton Buzzard , on Thursday , the 25 th hist ., at 4 p . m ., at which all Master Masons may attend . After the general business a banquet will be served at the Swan
Hotel at 5 . 30 p . m . AY Bro . Charles E . Prior , of St . Peter ' s . Bedford , is the Grand Secretary for this province . The Surrey Masonic Hall Lodge . Xo . 153 ' , ) . now meets on third AVednesdays , and not on first Thursdays , in the respective months named in official calendars .
1 ho . following Lodges now meet at the Inns of Court Hotel . High Holborn : —Unity . Xo . (!' . ) ; Hood Report . Xo . I . "ill : Honor and Generosity , Xo . Hi . 5 : Maybury , Xo . III ! ' . ! : Centurion , Xo . 1718 ; Montague Guest , liK ' IO ; and United Xorthorn Counties , Xo . 2128 . The Montague Guest R . A . Chapter . Xo . K . MIO . and the Mount Calvary Encampment also meet at this hotel . The respective dates of meetings will be rcirularlv announced in our tabulated calendar .
Ihc lemperanoe-m-the-Easb Lodge ol : Mark Mister Masons . Xo . 350 . Bro . Charles AVyatt-Smith , P . M .. Secretary , will meet this evening . October ISth , at the Assembly Rooms . Xewby Place . Poplar . E .. at ( i p . m . The Annual Festival and Installation Meeting of the
Okeovcr Lodge . Xo . 132-1 , will be held in the Town Hall . Market Place . Ripley . Derbyshire , on Thursday , Xov . 1 st . at 2 . 30 . Bro . J . H . Day is the present AV . M ., and will install Bro . F . 0 . Corficld as his successor . The banquet will take place at the AVhitc Lion Hotel , at 5 p . m .
lire first regular meeting of the new session of Lodge Temperance . Xo . 10 !) , will lie held at the AVhite Swan Hotel . High Street , Deptford , to-daj-, the 18 th hist ., at 5 . HO p . m ., Bro . J . G . Dale . AA . M . Initiation will follow a successful ballot for a candidate A recommendation from the committee of the Benevolent Fund will be submitted for the acceptance of the brethren . A banquet will be served at the conclusion of business .
A convocation of the A \ mdsor Castle Chapter of Royal Arch Masons , Xo . 771 . will be held , at the . Masonic Hall , St . Albans Street , Windsor , this ( Thursday ) evening , the ISth hist ., at 5 . 30 p . m ., when the installation of Comps . K . It . Montmorency . Prov . G . S . ; F . J . Rushton , P . Prov . G . O ., and II . D . Marshall , as M . E . Z ., II ., and J . respectively , will take place .
The Alexandra Lodge , Xo . 1 ) 85 , will hold its installation meeting at the Bridge Hotel . Sutton Bridge , llolheach , Lincolnshire , on Monday , the 22 nd hist ., at 4 . 30 p . m . Bro . AV . Porter , AV . M . ; Bro . Charles E . AVard , AV . M . elect : Bro . Edward Sunderland , Sec . Banquet will be served at 0 . 30 p . m . The Lodge of Instruction attached to Xo . ' . 185 meets at the Bull Hotel . Long Sutton , at 7 p . m .. on the AVednesdays preceding each lodge meeting .
•——The Bagshaw Lodge of Instruction . Xo . 1457 , hold its meetings on Fridays , at 7 . 30 . at the Public Hall . Loughton . Xot being a London Lodge , it is not included in our tabulated list on page 118 . and at present we cannot find space for other Lodges of Instruction . The AVarner Lodge , Xo . 225 ( 1 , will meet at the Railway Forest Hotel . Chingford . Essex , at 5 p . m .. on Tuesday , the 23 rd hist .
At the Percy Lodge of Instruction . Xo . 1 ' . 18 . the Fifteen Sections will be worked by the members of the Israel Lodge of Instruction , on Saturday , the 27 th hist ., at 7 o ' clock , at the Jolly Farmers Tavern . Southgate Road . X . Bro . L . A . De Costa . S . AV . 13114 . will preside : Bros . AV . Musto . S . AV . : B . De Costa . J . AV . : and I . P . Cohen . I . P . M .
The annual festival of the Lodge of Friendship and Unity , Xo . 1271 , Bradfoid-on-Avon , will take place on Monday . Oct . 22 iuL at half-past 2 o ' clock precisely , at Avon House . Kingston Road , Bradford-on-Avon . The installation of the AV . M . elect , Bro . C . AV . B .
Bryant , will be performed bv V . AV . Bro . Sir Gabriel Goldney . Bart ., P . G . AY Eng . ; D . P . G . M . Wilts . The banquet will be held at 4 . 30 p . m . at the Swan Hotel . The G . AV . lt . Co . will issue first and second class tickets at a fare and a-quarter for the double journey from the usual stations , on production of the summons for this meeting .
The Society of Promoters of Charity . '' whose laudable object it is to distribute bread , meat and coals to the poor during the winter , will have their annual ticket benefit at the Ado ] phi Theatre , from the 12 th to the 24 th November .
Tin ; Git HAT CITY LODC ; or INSTRUCTION—No . 112 (> . —On Thursday . 1 J th hist ., at the Masons' Hall Tavern . E . G . Present : —Bros . I ) . Hills , AV . M . : . 1 . K . Pitt , S . W .: J " . L . Barrett . . J . AV .: T . Owens . S . D . ; B . Price . J . D . : F . Ford . i . G . : . lames Stevens . P . M . P . Z .. Preceptor : II . J . Whitehouse . II . J . Gaskin . H . Bromhead , ' AV . ¦) . Ball Cothelstone , Darenth Road , Stamford Hill . X .. Hon . Sec . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed . Bro . J . Gaskin as candidate . At the close
of the ceremony the S . AV . answered the questions for passing for the benefit of the Bro . initiated . Bro . T . Owens acted as candidate during the rehearsal . The ceremony of •¦ passing" was rehearsed and the S . W . answered the questions for raising for the benefit of the newly " passed" Bro . Bro . B . T . Price was elected a member : and Bro . J . X . Pitt . AV . M . for the ensuing meeting . X . B . —The Lodge meets regularly on . Thursdays , at ( i . 3 o p . m . Brethren are invited to attend .
BURGOYNE LOD ; . ; E oi . . ' INSTRUCTION—No . 1 ) 02 — On Friday . 12 th hist ., at the Essex Head . Essex Street . Strand , W . C .. Bro . G . C . Stafford , AV . M , —Bros . It . X . Field , S . W . : Barter . LAY : Butty . Preceptor , and several other brethren present . The ceremony of initiation wa rehearsed , and subsequently Bro . Cross , W . M .. elect of the mother lodge , rehearsed the addresses on investiture of olficfirs . Bro . Field was elected AV . M . for the next meeting .