Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
Our readers will lie good enough to notice that we have removed the Offices of THE MASONIC STAR to 50 . Moor Lane , Fore Street , E . G . London , to which address ALL communications should be forwarded . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to
the EDITOR : and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BROS . From and after the issue of this Number . THE MASONIC STAR will be publishcd on Thursday Mornings , at 123 to 125 , Fleet Street . E . G . where the trade can now be supplied .
* * * * * At the General Committee Meeting of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , on the ( ith hist ., it was resolved " that all necessary expenses of the staff , officials and inmates , consequent upon the requisitions of Bro . Philbrick's Committee , and the resolutions passed in pursuance thereof , be allowed and paid out of the funds of the Institution . " Three additional vacancies were declared in consequence of the unexpected withdrawal of three boys from the establishment .
At the meeting or the Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , on AVcdnesday , the 10 th hist .. Bro . Raynham AA . Stewart ' s report as to the purchase of land was received and adopted . * * * # # Last week we published a letter signed " Agere non loqui . " the
concluding portion of which relates to an item in the March . 1888 . report of Grand Lodge in regard to payments to a law stationer for writing warrants , & c . AVe have made all enquiry on this subject which we consider incumbent upon us to make , short of immcdiatelv
approaching the Grand Secretary , who we should have thought would have been so anxious to rebut a statement largely affecting the capabilities of his subordinates as to have enabled us ' to publish his official explanatory statement on the subject .
It has been intimated to us that the staff already consider that they have more on their hands than they can comfortably get through to keep the register entered up , make out certificates , enter minutes , summons Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter , attend to
receipts and payments of both Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter . < fco .: and it may be so . But for the single operation of writing warrants and patents , a payment equivalent to £ 70 per annum does appear an extremely large and unnecessary item of expenditure .
AVe are authorised to state that Bro . AVoodward ' s engagements now requiring all his time , he has resigned his office of Prov . Grand Sec . and Prov . G . S . E . of Middlesex . The Prov . Grand Master has
appointed Bro . Howard II . Room , AV . M . of the Marquis of Dalhousio Lodge , and J . AA . of the Royal Hanover Lodge . 1777 in Middlesex . Prov . G . Sec . and Comp . AV . II . Lee . Assist . ( I . S . E . Middlesex to be Prov . G . S . E .
AVe should like to know what is meant by the expression in relation to election of the Grand Treasurer by the words in our correspondent . ' Scrutator ' s " letter in another page : — " an it trax tli' : turn of London thin time instead , of the Vrorinee . s . " That is to say , that the office being now held bv a Provincial brother , it must
follow as a rule that the dignity should at the next election be conferred upon a member of a Metropolitan Lodge . Now . this dictum does not originate either with the speaker at the Abbey
Lodge meeting , or any other individual of whom we have knowledge ; but , nevertheless , it is often reiterated in course of masonic converse , and it would be interesting to learn upon what grounds such an idea is based .
AVe cut the following from the Felio of the 13 th . inst . : — ' ¦ ' A Dtirious question has just been decided by the Grand Lodge of Freemasons in England . AVhen a dispute takes place between brethren at a ' mixed' dinner ( that is to say . when Masons'in
clothing and non-Masons are lire united ) , the incident cannot come officially within the cognisance of Grand Lodge . " At the moment we do not know to what incident this paragraph refers to . but we shall look it up and comment upon it in our next .
In the course of a Masonic sermon delivered in New Rothesay Established Church , the Rev . AV . AV . Tulloch . of Glasgow , said he rejoiced to bring Freemasonry prominently before the people of the country , seeing that the order was a great moral force , which
largely helped on the redemption of the world from evil . In its lodges the peer was on a level with the peasant , and the peasant could take precedence of the peer if he were a better Mason . Masonry Avas subservient to no creed or colour , but was at work all over the Avorld for the moral and spiritual welfare of mankind .
Laying The Memorial Stone Of The Children's Hospital At Leicester.
jpS ^ ilN the . Dth inst . the ' Memorial Stone of the Children ' s Hospital f fUl : ' Leicester was laid by the Mayor of Leicester , Bro . IP J Alderman T . AVright , P . M . and P . ' Prov . G . Reg ., under Iawd 5 | the most favourable auspices , the interest of the proceedings being enhanced by the attendance of a large number of the Masonic brethren of the province of Leicestershire and Rutland , and
the performance of the ceremony with the accustomed ritual of the fraternity . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master . Bro . S . S . Partridge ( P . G . D . C .. Eng . ) . in ' the absence of the R . AV . P . G . M .
Amongst the brethren attending Provincial Grand Lodge were the following : Robert Brewin , P . P . G . J " . AY , Devon , Acting Deputy Provincial Grand Master : S . Cleaver . Prov . G . S . AV .: J . T . Thorp . P . P . J . G . AV .. Acting Prov . . T . G . AY ; the Revs . AV . It . Hurd and Selwvn . C . Freer . Prov . G . Chaplains : R . AVaitc , Prov . G . Treasurer : the Rev . C . Henton-AVood , P . P . S . G . AV .. Prov . G . Sec : Miles J .
AValker , P . P . J . G . AV .. Prov . G . D . C . : AY II . Lead . Prov . A . G . D . C .: G . Jcssop , Prov . G . Sword Bearer : AV . J . Freer , P . P . G . Sword Bearer : G . Ncwsomo and J . E . Bcazelcv . Prov . G . Standard Bearers : E . Gurden , P . P . G . A . D . C . : AV . II . Barrow , Mus . Bac , Prov G . Org . : John Young . E . Holmes , and R . B . Starkey . Prov . G . Stewards : James Tanscr , Prov . G . Tyler : Dr . AV . Rhys-AVillianis
( P . A . G . D . C .. England ) ; the Rev . S . AV . AVigg . P . P . G . C .: F . J . Baines and T . AV . Clarke . P . P . S . G . AV . ' s : Joseph Young , P . P .. T . G . AA . ; J . II . Marshall , P . P . G . A . D . C ; R , S . Toller . P . P . G . Reg . : J . Hassall . AV . A . Musson , R . Michie . J . II . Thompson , and J . 0 . Law . P . P . G . D . ' s : F . B . AVilmer and T . Marson , P . P . G . Sup . AV . : E . Simpkin . E . II . Butler . D . Challis . and I . Harrison . P . P . G . Standard Bearers ; T .
B . Laxton and AV . T . Rowlatt , P . P . G . O . ' s : R , L . Gibson , P . P . G . P . T . Coltman , AA . M . 12 ( 55 : J . B . Fowler . AV . M . 15 ( 50 : J . G . Simpkin . AV . M . 2028 : T . Corcoran . AV . M . 1007 : T . G . Charlesworth , AV . M . 523 ; J . L . AVest , AV . M . 2081 : J . Vaughan . P . M . 8 ( 1 : E . Button , P . M . 1432 : F . G . Boden . P . M . 779 : Col . C . Phillips . P . M . 13 : AV . IT . Goodwin . P . M . 12 ( 55 : S . Kniarht . P . M . 131 ) 1 : AV . Maurice
AVilliams . S . AV . 27 !) : J . B . AVaring , S . AV . 523 ; G . C . Oliver , S . AA 1007 ; and AV . H . Key . J . AV . 2028 . An interesting letter was read from R . AA . Bro . AV . Kelly , P . P . G . M ., expressing his great regret that he was prevented by indisposition from taking part in the proceedings . Preliminary business having been disposed of . the brethren proceeded in procession to the site of
the new hospital , the handsome banners of the several lodges being borne by the respective officers . The ceremony of laying the stone in Masonic form having been completed . Bro . the Mayor addressed the assembly and briefly explained the circumstances under which the movement had been started , remarking that he had the gratification to be able to announce
that no less a sum than £ 5 , 400 had altogether been promised , with a further sum of £ 105 as annual subscriptions towards the working expenses in connection with the hospital . AVhen in full work it is estimated the cost of carrying on the institution will be from £ 1 , 200 to £ 1 , 500 a year , but he thought there could be little doubt that the benevolent public will readily contribute whatever
sum is found to be necessary for such a laudable and valuabh undertaking . The silver trowel used in the course of the ceremony was pre sented to the Mayor as a memento of the occasion , and Avas suitably acknowledged by his AA ' orship . The procession then re-formed and returned to the lodge room
where , after voting 10 guineas to the fund for the Children ' s Hospital , the P . G Lodge was closed . The whole of the arrangements for the Masonic ceremony Avere undertaken and most ably carried out by the Prov . G . Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Miles J . AValker , P . P . J . GAY , to whoso untiring exertions the success of the entire proceedings was in great measure due .
GREAT XORTHEHN LODGE or INSTRUCTION . —No . 1257 . —On Tuesday , the I 2 thinst ., at the Berwick Arms , Bcrners Street , AV . — The AA . M . of the Mother Lodge in the chair . The following 7
Brethren wore present : Bros . Lichtenfeld , S . AA . ; Hill , J . AV AV . Cleghorn , P . M . 1287 , Preceptor ; Reed , S . D . ; Flint , J . D
Steer , J . G . ; J . Paul , Sec ; C . Corby , Greenway , J . C . Smith , Thorno and Parker . The first Section of the first Lecture was worked by the AV . M ., assisted by the brethren . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Thome candidate , the remaining Sections of the Lecture worked by Bros . Corby , J . C . Smith . Cleghorn , Preceptor , and Paul respectively . Bro . Thorne was
elected a member , and Bro . Lichtenfeld W . M . forthe ensuing meeting . Sin HUGH MYDDELTON LODGE OF INSTRUCTION—Xo . 1 ( 502 . — On Thursday , the 11 th inst .. at the AA'hite Horse Tavern , Liverpool Road , X . —Bros . Gearing , AV . M . ; AVelsford , S / W . ; Scannell , J . AV Kirk . Preceptor ; Merryficld , S . D . ; Garner , J . D .: Fenner , I . G .: Osborn . Tarrant , and Patience . The ceremony of initiation was
rehearsed , Bro . Osborn candidate . The ceremony of passing was then rehearsed , Bro . Osborn also candidate . Bro . AVelsford was elected AV . M . for the ensuing meeting . THE STAR CHARTER OF IMPROVEMENT—Xo . 1275 .- —On Friday . 12 th inst ., at the Stirling Castle , Cainbcrwell , at 8 . Present : Comps . F . Hilton , P . Z .. 1275 , Preceptor ; R . J . Voisey . P . Z .. S . E ..
1321 ) . Treasurer ; Moore . H .. Kill . M . KZ . ; AV . Briant . . 132 !) , II . : G . Powell . P , Z .. J . : 0 . IT . Stone . S . X ., 1275 , S . E . ; C . AVoods . S . X . : J . Hill , P . S ., 1321 ) , P . S . ; II . Martin , and It . B . Templeman , !! . , 1 331 ) . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Martin personating candidate . Comp . Templeman was unanimously elected a joining member . Comp . Briant was elected M . E . Z . for the . next
meeting . A vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded on the minutes for the way in which Comp . Powell had performed the work of 3 rd Principal for the first time in this chapter . An expression of opinion that the MASONIC STAR should be preserved and bound at the end of the year was met by a member promising to have the first volume bound when it should be complete .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
Our readers will lie good enough to notice that we have removed the Offices of THE MASONIC STAR to 50 . Moor Lane , Fore Street , E . G . London , to which address ALL communications should be forwarded . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to
the EDITOR : and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BROS . From and after the issue of this Number . THE MASONIC STAR will be publishcd on Thursday Mornings , at 123 to 125 , Fleet Street . E . G . where the trade can now be supplied .
* * * * * At the General Committee Meeting of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , on the ( ith hist ., it was resolved " that all necessary expenses of the staff , officials and inmates , consequent upon the requisitions of Bro . Philbrick's Committee , and the resolutions passed in pursuance thereof , be allowed and paid out of the funds of the Institution . " Three additional vacancies were declared in consequence of the unexpected withdrawal of three boys from the establishment .
At the meeting or the Committee of Management of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , on AVcdnesday , the 10 th hist .. Bro . Raynham AA . Stewart ' s report as to the purchase of land was received and adopted . * * * # # Last week we published a letter signed " Agere non loqui . " the
concluding portion of which relates to an item in the March . 1888 . report of Grand Lodge in regard to payments to a law stationer for writing warrants , & c . AVe have made all enquiry on this subject which we consider incumbent upon us to make , short of immcdiatelv
approaching the Grand Secretary , who we should have thought would have been so anxious to rebut a statement largely affecting the capabilities of his subordinates as to have enabled us ' to publish his official explanatory statement on the subject .
It has been intimated to us that the staff already consider that they have more on their hands than they can comfortably get through to keep the register entered up , make out certificates , enter minutes , summons Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter , attend to
receipts and payments of both Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter . < fco .: and it may be so . But for the single operation of writing warrants and patents , a payment equivalent to £ 70 per annum does appear an extremely large and unnecessary item of expenditure .
AVe are authorised to state that Bro . AVoodward ' s engagements now requiring all his time , he has resigned his office of Prov . Grand Sec . and Prov . G . S . E . of Middlesex . The Prov . Grand Master has
appointed Bro . Howard II . Room , AV . M . of the Marquis of Dalhousio Lodge , and J . AA . of the Royal Hanover Lodge . 1777 in Middlesex . Prov . G . Sec . and Comp . AV . II . Lee . Assist . ( I . S . E . Middlesex to be Prov . G . S . E .
AVe should like to know what is meant by the expression in relation to election of the Grand Treasurer by the words in our correspondent . ' Scrutator ' s " letter in another page : — " an it trax tli' : turn of London thin time instead , of the Vrorinee . s . " That is to say , that the office being now held bv a Provincial brother , it must
follow as a rule that the dignity should at the next election be conferred upon a member of a Metropolitan Lodge . Now . this dictum does not originate either with the speaker at the Abbey
Lodge meeting , or any other individual of whom we have knowledge ; but , nevertheless , it is often reiterated in course of masonic converse , and it would be interesting to learn upon what grounds such an idea is based .
AVe cut the following from the Felio of the 13 th . inst . : — ' ¦ ' A Dtirious question has just been decided by the Grand Lodge of Freemasons in England . AVhen a dispute takes place between brethren at a ' mixed' dinner ( that is to say . when Masons'in
clothing and non-Masons are lire united ) , the incident cannot come officially within the cognisance of Grand Lodge . " At the moment we do not know to what incident this paragraph refers to . but we shall look it up and comment upon it in our next .
In the course of a Masonic sermon delivered in New Rothesay Established Church , the Rev . AV . AV . Tulloch . of Glasgow , said he rejoiced to bring Freemasonry prominently before the people of the country , seeing that the order was a great moral force , which
largely helped on the redemption of the world from evil . In its lodges the peer was on a level with the peasant , and the peasant could take precedence of the peer if he were a better Mason . Masonry Avas subservient to no creed or colour , but was at work all over the Avorld for the moral and spiritual welfare of mankind .
Laying The Memorial Stone Of The Children's Hospital At Leicester.
jpS ^ ilN the . Dth inst . the ' Memorial Stone of the Children ' s Hospital f fUl : ' Leicester was laid by the Mayor of Leicester , Bro . IP J Alderman T . AVright , P . M . and P . ' Prov . G . Reg ., under Iawd 5 | the most favourable auspices , the interest of the proceedings being enhanced by the attendance of a large number of the Masonic brethren of the province of Leicestershire and Rutland , and
the performance of the ceremony with the accustomed ritual of the fraternity . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master . Bro . S . S . Partridge ( P . G . D . C .. Eng . ) . in ' the absence of the R . AV . P . G . M .
Amongst the brethren attending Provincial Grand Lodge were the following : Robert Brewin , P . P . G . J " . AY , Devon , Acting Deputy Provincial Grand Master : S . Cleaver . Prov . G . S . AV .: J . T . Thorp . P . P . J . G . AV .. Acting Prov . . T . G . AY ; the Revs . AV . It . Hurd and Selwvn . C . Freer . Prov . G . Chaplains : R . AVaitc , Prov . G . Treasurer : the Rev . C . Henton-AVood , P . P . S . G . AV .. Prov . G . Sec : Miles J .
AValker , P . P . J . G . AV .. Prov . G . D . C . : AY II . Lead . Prov . A . G . D . C .: G . Jcssop , Prov . G . Sword Bearer : AV . J . Freer , P . P . G . Sword Bearer : G . Ncwsomo and J . E . Bcazelcv . Prov . G . Standard Bearers : E . Gurden , P . P . G . A . D . C . : AV . II . Barrow , Mus . Bac , Prov G . Org . : John Young . E . Holmes , and R . B . Starkey . Prov . G . Stewards : James Tanscr , Prov . G . Tyler : Dr . AV . Rhys-AVillianis
( P . A . G . D . C .. England ) ; the Rev . S . AV . AVigg . P . P . G . C .: F . J . Baines and T . AV . Clarke . P . P . S . G . AV . ' s : Joseph Young , P . P .. T . G . AA . ; J . II . Marshall , P . P . G . A . D . C ; R , S . Toller . P . P . G . Reg . : J . Hassall . AV . A . Musson , R . Michie . J . II . Thompson , and J . 0 . Law . P . P . G . D . ' s : F . B . AVilmer and T . Marson , P . P . G . Sup . AV . : E . Simpkin . E . II . Butler . D . Challis . and I . Harrison . P . P . G . Standard Bearers ; T .
B . Laxton and AV . T . Rowlatt , P . P . G . O . ' s : R , L . Gibson , P . P . G . P . T . Coltman , AA . M . 12 ( 55 : J . B . Fowler . AV . M . 15 ( 50 : J . G . Simpkin . AV . M . 2028 : T . Corcoran . AV . M . 1007 : T . G . Charlesworth , AV . M . 523 ; J . L . AVest , AV . M . 2081 : J . Vaughan . P . M . 8 ( 1 : E . Button , P . M . 1432 : F . G . Boden . P . M . 779 : Col . C . Phillips . P . M . 13 : AV . IT . Goodwin . P . M . 12 ( 55 : S . Kniarht . P . M . 131 ) 1 : AV . Maurice
AVilliams . S . AV . 27 !) : J . B . AVaring , S . AV . 523 ; G . C . Oliver , S . AA 1007 ; and AV . H . Key . J . AV . 2028 . An interesting letter was read from R . AA . Bro . AV . Kelly , P . P . G . M ., expressing his great regret that he was prevented by indisposition from taking part in the proceedings . Preliminary business having been disposed of . the brethren proceeded in procession to the site of
the new hospital , the handsome banners of the several lodges being borne by the respective officers . The ceremony of laying the stone in Masonic form having been completed . Bro . the Mayor addressed the assembly and briefly explained the circumstances under which the movement had been started , remarking that he had the gratification to be able to announce
that no less a sum than £ 5 , 400 had altogether been promised , with a further sum of £ 105 as annual subscriptions towards the working expenses in connection with the hospital . AVhen in full work it is estimated the cost of carrying on the institution will be from £ 1 , 200 to £ 1 , 500 a year , but he thought there could be little doubt that the benevolent public will readily contribute whatever
sum is found to be necessary for such a laudable and valuabh undertaking . The silver trowel used in the course of the ceremony was pre sented to the Mayor as a memento of the occasion , and Avas suitably acknowledged by his AA ' orship . The procession then re-formed and returned to the lodge room
where , after voting 10 guineas to the fund for the Children ' s Hospital , the P . G Lodge was closed . The whole of the arrangements for the Masonic ceremony Avere undertaken and most ably carried out by the Prov . G . Director of Ceremonies , Bro . Miles J . AValker , P . P . J . GAY , to whoso untiring exertions the success of the entire proceedings was in great measure due .
GREAT XORTHEHN LODGE or INSTRUCTION . —No . 1257 . —On Tuesday , the I 2 thinst ., at the Berwick Arms , Bcrners Street , AV . — The AA . M . of the Mother Lodge in the chair . The following 7
Brethren wore present : Bros . Lichtenfeld , S . AA . ; Hill , J . AV AV . Cleghorn , P . M . 1287 , Preceptor ; Reed , S . D . ; Flint , J . D
Steer , J . G . ; J . Paul , Sec ; C . Corby , Greenway , J . C . Smith , Thorno and Parker . The first Section of the first Lecture was worked by the AV . M ., assisted by the brethren . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Thome candidate , the remaining Sections of the Lecture worked by Bros . Corby , J . C . Smith . Cleghorn , Preceptor , and Paul respectively . Bro . Thorne was
elected a member , and Bro . Lichtenfeld W . M . forthe ensuing meeting . Sin HUGH MYDDELTON LODGE OF INSTRUCTION—Xo . 1 ( 502 . — On Thursday , the 11 th inst .. at the AA'hite Horse Tavern , Liverpool Road , X . —Bros . Gearing , AV . M . ; AVelsford , S / W . ; Scannell , J . AV Kirk . Preceptor ; Merryficld , S . D . ; Garner , J . D .: Fenner , I . G .: Osborn . Tarrant , and Patience . The ceremony of initiation was
rehearsed , Bro . Osborn candidate . The ceremony of passing was then rehearsed , Bro . Osborn also candidate . Bro . AVelsford was elected AV . M . for the ensuing meeting . THE STAR CHARTER OF IMPROVEMENT—Xo . 1275 .- —On Friday . 12 th inst ., at the Stirling Castle , Cainbcrwell , at 8 . Present : Comps . F . Hilton , P . Z .. 1275 , Preceptor ; R . J . Voisey . P . Z .. S . E ..
1321 ) . Treasurer ; Moore . H .. Kill . M . KZ . ; AV . Briant . . 132 !) , II . : G . Powell . P , Z .. J . : 0 . IT . Stone . S . X ., 1275 , S . E . ; C . AVoods . S . X . : J . Hill , P . S ., 1321 ) , P . S . ; II . Martin , and It . B . Templeman , !! . , 1 331 ) . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Martin personating candidate . Comp . Templeman was unanimously elected a joining member . Comp . Briant was elected M . E . Z . for the . next
meeting . A vote of thanks was ordered to be recorded on the minutes for the way in which Comp . Powell had performed the work of 3 rd Principal for the first time in this chapter . An expression of opinion that the MASONIC STAR should be preserved and bound at the end of the year was met by a member promising to have the first volume bound when it should be complete .