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jr \ Saririragg o : £ art least * H & 15 > per Cexrt . A GENUINE FOREIGN" CIGAR . Free"byPost,12s.6d.per100.SamplebundleofEight,14Stamps.
GENUINETURKISHCIGARETTES. Manufactured abroad from the finest Turkish Tobacco , and imported solely by the Cabana Cigar Company . Sample100,2s.3d.,PostFree. A BOOH to Smokers . —We liaA-e received from the Cabana Cigar Company , of 13 , Oxford Street , W ., samples of their Aveli-known " El Precio " Cigars , in three sizes , ranging in price from 12 s . Gd . to 17 s . Cd . per 100 , and after a fair trial Ave are in a position to pronounce them to be excellent in every respect and capital value for money . In these days of high prices it is refreshing to knoAv that Ave can at least obtain a really good and agreeable Cigar at a moderate figure ; and this can undoubtedly be said of the Cabana Cigar Company ' s (< El Precios . " Capital Cigarettes are also supplied by this firm at an equally IOAV price . —From the Evening ; News , May 80 th , 1884 .
CABANACIGARCOMPANY ( J 3 stccl > lis 7 zecl 1854 : ) , 13,OXFORDSTIR/ZEST,~W_ Oviposit ;© The Oxford B / Kiisics Hall . CATALOGUES J ^ ISTID PBSSS OZFinSTIOnSTS ZFIESEIE OUST AiFZE ^ ICATIOIET .
% B ^ \* ESI e & it & a lei b 3 ) tg 13,COHNHILL,E.G. For Prices , see daily papers . Trucks direct from the Colliery to every Railway Station .
ESTABLISHED 1860 . Gk"VST.ZEOsTIGKHIT, Carver,GilderandPictureFrameMaker, 1,HOLMES5BUILDINGS, | LITTLE BELL ALLEY , LONDON WALL , E . G . Estimates given for Re-gilding Looking Glasses , Picture Frames , Cornices , & c . Oil Paintings Cleaned , Lined and Restored . Water-Colour Drawings carefully mounted . Experienced Workmen sent to any part . EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FRAMES MADE TO ORDER . l . i-inch Oak and Gold Frame , 9 d . per foot ; 1-inch do ., 8 d . per foot ; 'j-ineh do ., 7 d . per foot . Fancy Pattern Black and Gold Frames , from 6 d . per loot . Architects' Plans carefully Mounted and Varnished . All Engravings carefully Strained on Stretchers . Paintings and Drawings sold on Commission . Artists' Works Collected and Delivered to the different Galleries . I ALL . ORDERS AND ENQUIRIES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO .
V > ^ % -f ^ . ^ p ( ym--t \ - BY HER MAJESTY'S # ^ # ft ® ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . # J § t BROMHEAD&CO.,^ u/KoLnUl}iLLr\5AJiUM/UtUF/\0IURL/to. | ! jl || j Appointment to Her Majesty ' s Government and the India Office . I JC ^ S £ S *^ S ^^| J ^ Rrfagfg- i—ni— Tfegg ^ Sj' ^ fSI^^HST.GEOKGE'SWORKS, ?|I|f'LONDONFIELDSSTATION, ^pLONDON,E.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
jr \ Saririragg o : £ art least * H & 15 > per Cexrt . A GENUINE FOREIGN" CIGAR . Free"byPost,12s.6d.per100.SamplebundleofEight,14Stamps.
GENUINETURKISHCIGARETTES. Manufactured abroad from the finest Turkish Tobacco , and imported solely by the Cabana Cigar Company . Sample100,2s.3d.,PostFree. A BOOH to Smokers . —We liaA-e received from the Cabana Cigar Company , of 13 , Oxford Street , W ., samples of their Aveli-known " El Precio " Cigars , in three sizes , ranging in price from 12 s . Gd . to 17 s . Cd . per 100 , and after a fair trial Ave are in a position to pronounce them to be excellent in every respect and capital value for money . In these days of high prices it is refreshing to knoAv that Ave can at least obtain a really good and agreeable Cigar at a moderate figure ; and this can undoubtedly be said of the Cabana Cigar Company ' s (< El Precios . " Capital Cigarettes are also supplied by this firm at an equally IOAV price . —From the Evening ; News , May 80 th , 1884 .
CABANACIGARCOMPANY ( J 3 stccl > lis 7 zecl 1854 : ) , 13,OXFORDSTIR/ZEST,~W_ Oviposit ;© The Oxford B / Kiisics Hall . CATALOGUES J ^ ISTID PBSSS OZFinSTIOnSTS ZFIESEIE OUST AiFZE ^ ICATIOIET .
% B ^ \* ESI e & it & a lei b 3 ) tg 13,COHNHILL,E.G. For Prices , see daily papers . Trucks direct from the Colliery to every Railway Station .
ESTABLISHED 1860 . Gk"VST.ZEOsTIGKHIT, Carver,GilderandPictureFrameMaker, 1,HOLMES5BUILDINGS, | LITTLE BELL ALLEY , LONDON WALL , E . G . Estimates given for Re-gilding Looking Glasses , Picture Frames , Cornices , & c . Oil Paintings Cleaned , Lined and Restored . Water-Colour Drawings carefully mounted . Experienced Workmen sent to any part . EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FRAMES MADE TO ORDER . l . i-inch Oak and Gold Frame , 9 d . per foot ; 1-inch do ., 8 d . per foot ; 'j-ineh do ., 7 d . per foot . Fancy Pattern Black and Gold Frames , from 6 d . per loot . Architects' Plans carefully Mounted and Varnished . All Engravings carefully Strained on Stretchers . Paintings and Drawings sold on Commission . Artists' Works Collected and Delivered to the different Galleries . I ALL . ORDERS AND ENQUIRIES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO .
V > ^ % -f ^ . ^ p ( ym--t \ - BY HER MAJESTY'S # ^ # ft ® ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . # J § t BROMHEAD&CO.,^ u/KoLnUl}iLLr\5AJiUM/UtUF/\0IURL/to. | ! jl || j Appointment to Her Majesty ' s Government and the India Office . I JC ^ S £ S *^ S ^^| J ^ Rrfagfg- i—ni— Tfegg ^ Sj' ^ fSI^^HST.GEOKGE'SWORKS, ?|I|f'LONDONFIELDSSTATION, ^pLONDON,E.