Article Our Exchanges. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Exchanges.
SOUTHWARIC LODGE—No . 870 . —On Thursday , the 11 th inst .. a gathering of the Craft occurred at the Bridge House Hotel , at the installation meeting of above Lodge . Bro . Ch . H . Freyer was most , ably inducted to the chair of K . S . by Bro . E . Leigh , I . P . M ., assisted by Bro . W . Beavis , P . M .. and Prov . G . Pursuivant , Middlesex . He then proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bros . Eaton , S . W . ;
Wilkinson , J . AV . : Kent , Treas . ; Beavis , Sec .: Lazarus , S . D . G . ; Bird , J . D . : Briley . I . G ., Chatterton , Org . : Percival , D . C . ; Pemberton , A . D . C . ; Davis , W . S . : Harper , Ass . Sec . ; Barrett , A . W . S . ; Rowo , Tyler . An interesting item in the proceedings was the presentation of a clock with ornaments to match to Mrs . Beavis , which Bro . Beavis was asked to accept on her behalf . The following inscription was engraved upon the clock : —'' Presented to Mrs . William . Beavis by the members of the Southwark Lodge , No . 8 !) 7 , with their hfisf-, -ivtsTinK fnr thp lipn . lt . li ji / nd Tin . nninnss nf
herself and her esteemed husband . 11 th Oct ., 1888 . " Bro . ¦ Beavis , in thanking the brethren for their kind gift , said that they could not have thought of anything which would have given him more gratification than the privilege they accorded him of making this personal present to his wife . In the course of the evening replying to the toast of his health , the W . M . was singularly happy
in his remarks relating to the country of his adoption , which were well-timed and in good taste . Bro . Professor Hahn and Bro . Chatterton supervised the harmony . An enjoyable evening was passed , and the brethren , one and all highly delighted , separated . Amongst those present we noted the following : Bros . Lee , P . M . 1897 ; Prov . A . G . Secretary Middlesex Etherington , P . M . 1300 ; P . P . G . D . Middlesex ; Skudder . P . M . l ( i !) : AVilliamsAV . M . 147 ;
, Bartlett , P . M . 1871 ; Melbourn . P . M . 13 ; Smith , P . M . 1288 ; Clemow , . P . M . 1580 : Porter , P . M . 1178 ; Kennett , P . M . 113 ( 5 : Wells , AV . M . 1158 ; Packer S . W . 1571 ; Hahn , Organist 2150 ; Hockison , 1175 , and others .
PERCY LODGE OP INSTRUCTION—No . 198 . —Held at the Jolly Farmers , Sottthgate Road , N ., on Saturday , 13 th October , 1888 . Present : —Bros . Simmons , AV . M .: Robinson . S . AV . : Ansell , J . AV . : Baker , S . D .: Piatt , J . D .: McNamara , I . G .: I . ' P . Cohen , Preceptor , and Galer , Seo ., and many other brethren . The Lodge was opened in the sscond degreeand the ceremony of passing rehearsedBro .
, , Witte candidate . Bro . L . A . Da Costa worked the 1 , 2 , 3 , l and 5 sections of the 2 nd Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Robinson was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A cordial vote of thanks was accorded the W . M .
MARK MASONRY . —On the 12 th inst ., Bro . Ephraim Sutherst was installed as AV . M . of the Dunelm Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . S 0 > 5 , for the ensuing year . The ceremony was jterformed by Bro . the Rev . Jos . Lawson .
GOING TO PRESS . The pressure on our space this week has been so considerable that we have felt ourselves bound to temporarily withdraw the Exchange and Mart column , and also several items of interest connected with " Ritualistic Nuts to Crack " Just as our machine is
commencing its revolutions we receive about a column of report of a meeting of Lodge No . 1700 , held on the 4 th inst . AA e needhardljsay that the distance of date suffices to prohibit its inssrtion ; even had space allowed . At the same time we receive a report of similar length of a Lodge of Instruction held in Kent on the 11 th inst . In this case date would not have so much mattered , and if we had received it twenty-four hours earlier we should have given the
report the attsntion it so admirably merits , and have n voided the possibility of offending an esteemed correspondent , from whom we hope again to hear .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
ABBREVIATIONS . Lo ., Lodges ; R . A . C , Chapters ; Mk ., Mark Lodges ; R . Cr ., Rose Croix Chapters ; R . X ., Red Cross Conclaves ; F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall , London ; F . M . T ., Freemasons' Tavern , London ; M . C , Masonic Club ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . R ., Masonic Rooms ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; P . R ., Private Rooms ; Hot ., Hotel ; Tav ., Tavern ; 0 . H ., Coffee House ; To . Ha ., Town Hall ; Rt ., Restaurant .
JItetopnittatt%ob$tsatttr(KIjqrfa*s. " All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . " —General Laws and Regulations .
- - j — - - - - - - ; _ 1 od ' . ' rn >" A . U 1-: OF LODOE AND ClIAl'TEK .: PLACE OF MEETING . ^"'' ° ' I I THIS DAY ( 3 rd ) THURSDAY , OCTOBER 18 th . ¦ 1 !) Gihon : fiuililhall TavGresham Street
., 55 | Constitutional Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 1 ( 19 Temperance ; White Swan Hot ., High St ., Deplford 170 Manchester ' Auderion ' s Hotel , Elect Street 181 Tiiiversal P . M . It . 733 Westbourne .,. i Lords' Hotel . St . John ' s Wood 813 New Concord ¦ Guildhall Tav ., E . C . 113 'J South Norwood ; Public . Hall , So . Norwood 1287 ( treat Northern K . jr . H . 1320 Bliekhcath
. - Trafalgar Hot ., Greenwich 1175 Pcckhain Surrev M . H ., Caniberwell ] f ! 13 j Cripplegate Albion Tav ., Aldevsgate Street 1 G 81 Londcshoro' : s . Air Street . Regent Street , W . 1901 i Selwyn East Dulwich Hot ., East Duhvich R . A . C . i 7 ! 1 | Pythagorean ship Hot ., Greenwich 217 ! Stability Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . Mark . ; ( I ]! on Accord 8 a , Red Lion Square , W . C .
( 3 rd ) FRIDAY , OCTOBER 10 th . U 75 Rose of Denmark ! Greyhound Hot ,, Richmond 1701 Anchor , Cannon Street Hotel 1002 London Rifle Brigade Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street Mark . 226 Excelsior . AL H ., Woolwich
]{ . C . W Invicta 33 , Golden Square , AV . ( 3 rd ) SATURDAY , OCTOBER 20 th . 1185 ; Lewis King ' s Arms , Wood Green , X . 1361 I Earl of Zetland Guildhall Tav
., E C . 1641 Cricliton Surrey M . If ., Caniberwell 1732 Xing s Cross Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 1897 , Citadel . „ „ Railway Hot ., Harrow Station 1-13 I St . Thomas' Cannon Street Hotel 1185 Lewis King ' s Arms Hot ., Wood Green N 119 ! | Royal Middlesex Mitre Hot ., Hampton Court ' " Mark .
251 ; Tenterden Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . ( 1 th ) MONDAY , OCTOBER 22 nd . 28 old Kind ' s Arms IF . M . 11 . Is : ' ' - ' oily Ship and Turtle . E . C . 902 liurj- 'oyne ( Installation i I Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street ' ¦)<)!> and
UeGrey liipon F . M . J . J . 1008 Kilburn ( Jtieen ' s Arm .- , Hot ., Kilbuni Gate 10 J 2 Stuart Bridge Hotifcc Hot ., S . E . 25 Robert Burns ... p M H 1537 St . Peter , Westminster ... ' . " " ' Ji ' Mark . i Prince of Wales S : i , Red Lion Square , W . C .
? ° ; NAME OF LODGE AND CU . U > . I PLACK OF MEETING . Lodge . J ( 1 th ) TUESDAY , OCTOBER 23 rd . 14 Tuscan FMII
. . . 92 Moira Albion Tav ., Aldorsgalc Street 145 Prudent Brethren F . M . H . 1 SG Industry F . M . II . 205 Israel Cannon Street Hotel 1158 Southern Star Bridge House Hotel , Jjondon Brig ., S . E . 1348 Ebury Cafe Royal , Regent Street 1714 Koya ' l Savoy F . M . II . R . A . C .
7 Roval York Lodge of J ' ersevcc . F . M . II . 1209 Stanhope M . II ., Caniberwell 1275 Star Ship Hot ., Greenwich 1339 Stockwell Surrey M . II ., Caniberwell Mark . 3 Keystone Ship and Turtle , E . C . ( 1 th ) WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 24 th .
BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE , AT C . 212 Euphrates Holborn Rest ., W . C . 754 Iligh Cross Seven Sister ' s Tav ., Tottenham 1017 Mmucliore Gate Royal , Regent Street 105 u Victoria Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 1540 Chaucer .. Bridge House Hot ., S . E . 1589 St . Dunstan ' s Anderton ' s Hot ., E . C . 1718 Centurion Inns of Court HotelHigh Holborn
, 1719 Evening Star F . M . H . 1768 Progress F . M . H . 1820 Sir Thomas White Holborn Viaduct Hot . R . A . C . 753 Prince Frederick William ... lord ' s Hotel , St . John ' s Wood
( 4 th ) THURSDAY , OCTOBER 25 th . 22 Neptune Guildhall Tav ., E . C . 31 Mount Moriah F . M . H . 65 Prosperity Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 66 Grenadiers V . M . H . 507 United Pilgrims Bridge House Hotel , JjOiidon Bridge 858 South Middlesex Beaufort Hot . Fulham
, 861 Finsbury St . Botolpli Clinibrs ., Bishopsgate 871 Royal Oak White Swan Tav ., Deptford 1421 Langthornc Angle Hot ., Hford 1658 Skeliuersdale Surrey M . H „ Caniberwell 1816 Victoria Park London Tavern , Fenchurch Street 1 U 74 SI . Mary Abbots T « wn Hull , Kensington R . A . C ¦ r-29 St . Albans Albion'I ' av ., Aldersgate Street Anderton
177 Domatic ' s Hot ., h'loet Street W . W Polish National V . M . H . 766 William Preston Cannon Street Hold , j ; . c . Mark . 1 « 1 Sir Francis Burdetl Albany Hot ., Twickenham 332 Boro' of Greenwich William the Fourth , Trafalgar Road 363 Ituspinl 8 a , Rod Lion Square , W . C . N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if
summonses are sent to us in , sufficient time . —ED . M . S .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Exchanges.
SOUTHWARIC LODGE—No . 870 . —On Thursday , the 11 th inst .. a gathering of the Craft occurred at the Bridge House Hotel , at the installation meeting of above Lodge . Bro . Ch . H . Freyer was most , ably inducted to the chair of K . S . by Bro . E . Leigh , I . P . M ., assisted by Bro . W . Beavis , P . M .. and Prov . G . Pursuivant , Middlesex . He then proceeded to invest his officers as follows : —Bros . Eaton , S . W . ;
Wilkinson , J . AV . : Kent , Treas . ; Beavis , Sec .: Lazarus , S . D . G . ; Bird , J . D . : Briley . I . G ., Chatterton , Org . : Percival , D . C . ; Pemberton , A . D . C . ; Davis , W . S . : Harper , Ass . Sec . ; Barrett , A . W . S . ; Rowo , Tyler . An interesting item in the proceedings was the presentation of a clock with ornaments to match to Mrs . Beavis , which Bro . Beavis was asked to accept on her behalf . The following inscription was engraved upon the clock : —'' Presented to Mrs . William . Beavis by the members of the Southwark Lodge , No . 8 !) 7 , with their hfisf-, -ivtsTinK fnr thp lipn . lt . li ji / nd Tin . nninnss nf
herself and her esteemed husband . 11 th Oct ., 1888 . " Bro . ¦ Beavis , in thanking the brethren for their kind gift , said that they could not have thought of anything which would have given him more gratification than the privilege they accorded him of making this personal present to his wife . In the course of the evening replying to the toast of his health , the W . M . was singularly happy
in his remarks relating to the country of his adoption , which were well-timed and in good taste . Bro . Professor Hahn and Bro . Chatterton supervised the harmony . An enjoyable evening was passed , and the brethren , one and all highly delighted , separated . Amongst those present we noted the following : Bros . Lee , P . M . 1897 ; Prov . A . G . Secretary Middlesex Etherington , P . M . 1300 ; P . P . G . D . Middlesex ; Skudder . P . M . l ( i !) : AVilliamsAV . M . 147 ;
, Bartlett , P . M . 1871 ; Melbourn . P . M . 13 ; Smith , P . M . 1288 ; Clemow , . P . M . 1580 : Porter , P . M . 1178 ; Kennett , P . M . 113 ( 5 : Wells , AV . M . 1158 ; Packer S . W . 1571 ; Hahn , Organist 2150 ; Hockison , 1175 , and others .
PERCY LODGE OP INSTRUCTION—No . 198 . —Held at the Jolly Farmers , Sottthgate Road , N ., on Saturday , 13 th October , 1888 . Present : —Bros . Simmons , AV . M .: Robinson . S . AV . : Ansell , J . AV . : Baker , S . D .: Piatt , J . D .: McNamara , I . G .: I . ' P . Cohen , Preceptor , and Galer , Seo ., and many other brethren . The Lodge was opened in the sscond degreeand the ceremony of passing rehearsedBro .
, , Witte candidate . Bro . L . A . Da Costa worked the 1 , 2 , 3 , l and 5 sections of the 2 nd Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Robinson was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A cordial vote of thanks was accorded the W . M .
MARK MASONRY . —On the 12 th inst ., Bro . Ephraim Sutherst was installed as AV . M . of the Dunelm Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . S 0 > 5 , for the ensuing year . The ceremony was jterformed by Bro . the Rev . Jos . Lawson .
GOING TO PRESS . The pressure on our space this week has been so considerable that we have felt ourselves bound to temporarily withdraw the Exchange and Mart column , and also several items of interest connected with " Ritualistic Nuts to Crack " Just as our machine is
commencing its revolutions we receive about a column of report of a meeting of Lodge No . 1700 , held on the 4 th inst . AA e needhardljsay that the distance of date suffices to prohibit its inssrtion ; even had space allowed . At the same time we receive a report of similar length of a Lodge of Instruction held in Kent on the 11 th inst . In this case date would not have so much mattered , and if we had received it twenty-four hours earlier we should have given the
report the attsntion it so admirably merits , and have n voided the possibility of offending an esteemed correspondent , from whom we hope again to hear .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
ABBREVIATIONS . Lo ., Lodges ; R . A . C , Chapters ; Mk ., Mark Lodges ; R . Cr ., Rose Croix Chapters ; R . X ., Red Cross Conclaves ; F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall , London ; F . M . T ., Freemasons' Tavern , London ; M . C , Masonic Club ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . R ., Masonic Rooms ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; P . R ., Private Rooms ; Hot ., Hotel ; Tav ., Tavern ; 0 . H ., Coffee House ; To . Ha ., Town Hall ; Rt ., Restaurant .
JItetopnittatt%ob$tsatttr(KIjqrfa*s. " All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . " —General Laws and Regulations .
- - j — - - - - - - ; _ 1 od ' . ' rn >" A . U 1-: OF LODOE AND ClIAl'TEK .: PLACE OF MEETING . ^"'' ° ' I I THIS DAY ( 3 rd ) THURSDAY , OCTOBER 18 th . ¦ 1 !) Gihon : fiuililhall TavGresham Street
., 55 | Constitutional Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 1 ( 19 Temperance ; White Swan Hot ., High St ., Deplford 170 Manchester ' Auderion ' s Hotel , Elect Street 181 Tiiiversal P . M . It . 733 Westbourne .,. i Lords' Hotel . St . John ' s Wood 813 New Concord ¦ Guildhall Tav ., E . C . 113 'J South Norwood ; Public . Hall , So . Norwood 1287 ( treat Northern K . jr . H . 1320 Bliekhcath
. - Trafalgar Hot ., Greenwich 1175 Pcckhain Surrev M . H ., Caniberwell ] f ! 13 j Cripplegate Albion Tav ., Aldevsgate Street 1 G 81 Londcshoro' : s . Air Street . Regent Street , W . 1901 i Selwyn East Dulwich Hot ., East Duhvich R . A . C . i 7 ! 1 | Pythagorean ship Hot ., Greenwich 217 ! Stability Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . Mark . ; ( I ]! on Accord 8 a , Red Lion Square , W . C .
( 3 rd ) FRIDAY , OCTOBER 10 th . U 75 Rose of Denmark ! Greyhound Hot ,, Richmond 1701 Anchor , Cannon Street Hotel 1002 London Rifle Brigade Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street Mark . 226 Excelsior . AL H ., Woolwich
]{ . C . W Invicta 33 , Golden Square , AV . ( 3 rd ) SATURDAY , OCTOBER 20 th . 1185 ; Lewis King ' s Arms , Wood Green , X . 1361 I Earl of Zetland Guildhall Tav
., E C . 1641 Cricliton Surrey M . If ., Caniberwell 1732 Xing s Cross Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 1897 , Citadel . „ „ Railway Hot ., Harrow Station 1-13 I St . Thomas' Cannon Street Hotel 1185 Lewis King ' s Arms Hot ., Wood Green N 119 ! | Royal Middlesex Mitre Hot ., Hampton Court ' " Mark .
251 ; Tenterden Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . ( 1 th ) MONDAY , OCTOBER 22 nd . 28 old Kind ' s Arms IF . M . 11 . Is : ' ' - ' oily Ship and Turtle . E . C . 902 liurj- 'oyne ( Installation i I Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street ' ¦)<)!> and
UeGrey liipon F . M . J . J . 1008 Kilburn ( Jtieen ' s Arm .- , Hot ., Kilbuni Gate 10 J 2 Stuart Bridge Hotifcc Hot ., S . E . 25 Robert Burns ... p M H 1537 St . Peter , Westminster ... ' . " " ' Ji ' Mark . i Prince of Wales S : i , Red Lion Square , W . C .
? ° ; NAME OF LODGE AND CU . U > . I PLACK OF MEETING . Lodge . J ( 1 th ) TUESDAY , OCTOBER 23 rd . 14 Tuscan FMII
. . . 92 Moira Albion Tav ., Aldorsgalc Street 145 Prudent Brethren F . M . H . 1 SG Industry F . M . II . 205 Israel Cannon Street Hotel 1158 Southern Star Bridge House Hotel , Jjondon Brig ., S . E . 1348 Ebury Cafe Royal , Regent Street 1714 Koya ' l Savoy F . M . II . R . A . C .
7 Roval York Lodge of J ' ersevcc . F . M . II . 1209 Stanhope M . II ., Caniberwell 1275 Star Ship Hot ., Greenwich 1339 Stockwell Surrey M . II ., Caniberwell Mark . 3 Keystone Ship and Turtle , E . C . ( 1 th ) WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 24 th .
BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE , AT C . 212 Euphrates Holborn Rest ., W . C . 754 Iligh Cross Seven Sister ' s Tav ., Tottenham 1017 Mmucliore Gate Royal , Regent Street 105 u Victoria Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 1540 Chaucer .. Bridge House Hot ., S . E . 1589 St . Dunstan ' s Anderton ' s Hot ., E . C . 1718 Centurion Inns of Court HotelHigh Holborn
, 1719 Evening Star F . M . H . 1768 Progress F . M . H . 1820 Sir Thomas White Holborn Viaduct Hot . R . A . C . 753 Prince Frederick William ... lord ' s Hotel , St . John ' s Wood
( 4 th ) THURSDAY , OCTOBER 25 th . 22 Neptune Guildhall Tav ., E . C . 31 Mount Moriah F . M . H . 65 Prosperity Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 66 Grenadiers V . M . H . 507 United Pilgrims Bridge House Hotel , JjOiidon Bridge 858 South Middlesex Beaufort Hot . Fulham
, 861 Finsbury St . Botolpli Clinibrs ., Bishopsgate 871 Royal Oak White Swan Tav ., Deptford 1421 Langthornc Angle Hot ., Hford 1658 Skeliuersdale Surrey M . H „ Caniberwell 1816 Victoria Park London Tavern , Fenchurch Street 1 U 74 SI . Mary Abbots T « wn Hull , Kensington R . A . C ¦ r-29 St . Albans Albion'I ' av ., Aldersgate Street Anderton
177 Domatic ' s Hot ., h'loet Street W . W Polish National V . M . H . 766 William Preston Cannon Street Hold , j ; . c . Mark . 1 « 1 Sir Francis Burdetl Albany Hot ., Twickenham 332 Boro' of Greenwich William the Fourth , Trafalgar Road 363 Ituspinl 8 a , Rod Lion Square , W . C . N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if
summonses are sent to us in , sufficient time . —ED . M . S .