Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MoyaliViasomcbenevolentInstitution FOR AGED FREEMASONS and WIDOWS OP FREEMASONS .
© rmtir gtatratt an & glrsrafcttt : —HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . THE^_.lTlTIVE_ElSA.Il,Y¦FESTIVAL AVILL TAKE PLACE AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , On WEDNESDAY , 21 th FEBRUARY , 1889 ; UPON WHICH OCCASION The Right Rouble . The EARL OF EUSTON , R . W . Prov . G . M ., Northants . and Hunts ., has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding .
BRETHREN are earnestly invited to accept the Office of SteAvards upon this occasion , and they will greatly oblige by forwarding their names and masonic rank as soon as convenient to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required , and supply them with the necessary circulars , & c . It is fraternally hoped that upon this occasion , owing to the large number of applicants and the few vacancies , Brethren Avill use their influence to obtain donations toAvards the funds of the Institution , which were never more needed than at the present time . Expenditure in Annuities alone , £ 15 , 000 . Permanent income only , £ 3 , 600 . 428 Annuitants on the Funds . 140 Candidates seeking admission . JAMES TERRY , Vice-Patron , P . G . S . B ., Office : —4 , FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . Secretary .
THESIQHTIZI(T^)THESXGHT11! WALTER LAWLEY'S Celebrated Pantoscopic Spectacles , ^^ ith f'lfe ^ THE NEW CANADIAN " PINCE-NEZ , iritt _ jW ( ti , mi ,.. tPrr _ t . JiT _„„ . a / at ,, . in * . „ ,. _ ., _ ,. M ^ - ^ S & Zph -1 \\ y ' -y-.-y '^ lX ^ with Improved Cork Placquets , in Light Nickel Steel Frames , Pitted T . ith Finest Co stal Leiws , 3 / 6 to 10 / 6 per pair . £ && % <&&?¦ - ] ff V . i ^^ M 4 / 6 and 7 / 6 per pair ; Pebbles , 7 / 6 , 10 / 6 and 12 / 6 per pair . GOLD SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES , * ! ^ - > ^ sg ' v ^ J ^ SiglUcar ^ lvUstea ^^ i ^ J ' re . crip ^ scartfutti , from 2 / 1 to £ 3 3 / - per pair . lfe „ , > ' ^ ^* *^^ C ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS . SOLE ADDRESS -WALTER LAWLEY , Oculists ' Optician , ^ 78 , Farringdon St ., London , E . C .
&M § m $ BY HER MAJESTY 'S I^^^^S.ROYAL LETTERS PATENT .oijL A SOMERCURY.NODANGER.NO&LYCERINE.'* tH ___________________________________________________ S:_B__RO__ l^__ EI__ E]_AJD'S HPatentDoubleValveGasGovernors. 2fUfi^ ese Ins * rumen * s are > without doubt , the Cheapest and Simplest in the Market . rS HlliBBH VW _ VAVH ^^^ N ^ V ^ SVSSVSS < Cx ) JgBHHBfcb .- JUsateTtsivelj / ctcLojDted ~ by II . M . Q-ovemrrLerLt , tTte ccristocrcccy £ - < a ^ vfr ^^^ Sm 0 i CLTLCL largest inamzfcictzi rers in . t 7 t & -world ,. ^^ RMHMHIMHHHPf' ^ u | sw «^_ H ^ i ' ^ ww ^^ H ^ HW- ^_ hHH ^ _ H ^ H » <^8VSt.George'sWorks,LondonFieldsStation, M WLWx_o_t>riDo_Esr.__=_.. _____ U : ___ 59 H __ B _______ KL J ^ 1 _ 4 Ssl ! fS _ S ______________ . CO TBS_ » Guaranteed for 7 years . Saving 20 to 60 per cent .
ROYALMASONICBENEVOLENTINSTITUTION FOB AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . ELECTION , JVIAY , 1889 . To iht P & trms , Vice-Patrons , Pr $$ idmts , Vice-Presidents , Life Governo . s &> Subscribes of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institu ion . Your Votes and Interest are earnestly solicited on behalf of J :E __M :I :M :_A _S ^:R ,_A .:B _:TRTJSLOW , Aged 78 Years , Widow of the late Bro . HENRY TEUSLOAV , Master Lighterman , who was initiated in the Kent Lodge , No . 15 , February , 1851 , paid ( _ i years ; joined the Lodge oi Temperance , No . 109 , May , 1856 , and paid thereto 19 i years ; exalted in the Temperance Chapter , on the 3 rd February , 18 G 3 , and continued a subscribing member until his death . Being totally without means of support , owing to great age and infirmity , the petitioner respectfully solicits the sympathies of the craft . The undermentioned Brethren xtrwujly recommend this case , and will most lhanlcfully receive , proxies . Bro . G . BOLTON , V . P . P . M . 169 , 147 , 1 , 165 ; 319 , Stansteatl Road , Catford , S . E . Bro . S . R . SPEIGHT , L . G . P . M . 147 ; 11 , Mona Road , Peckham , S . E . „ d . SKLDDER , V . P . P . M ., Arande ! House , Belmont Park , Lee , S . E . „ C . G . DILLEY , L . G . P . M . 1 , 155 ; 1 , Derrick Street , Rotherhithe . „ AV . MARTIN , L . G . P . M . 879 ; 21 , Longloy Street , Southwark Park Road . „ J . WILSON , L . G . P . M . 1 , 155 ; 6 , Clapton Square , E . „ a . BROWN , L . G . P . M ., 163 , Campbell Road , Row Road , K . „ J . ROSENSTOCK , L . G . P . M . 169 ; 41 , Derrick Street , Rotherhithe . „ G . L . MOORE , L . G . P . M ., 109 , Cuiii . i _ -. rc . _ al Road , Peckham . p . MORGAN , " Tiger Tavern , " Camberwell , S . E . „ J . « . NEELD , L . G . P . M . 109 ; 36 , Camden Grove , Peckham Road , Peckliam . „ T . AVALLIS , L . G . P . M ., 103 , Deptford Road , Rotherhithe , S . E . „ W . TOPP , L . G . PJtf ., 879 , Plough Road , Hoiherhithe , R . JACKSON , L . G . AV . M . 109 ; 25 , Kitto Road , St . Catherine Park , S . E . „ U . MOORE , L . G . P . M . 73 1 , 158 ; 12 , Deptford Road , Rotherhithe . „ G . JEWETT , L . S . P . M . 1 , 155 ; Lincoln House , Oaklleld Road , Penge . „ J . AV . WALKKU , L . G . S . W . 1 , 178 ; Surrey Ctominbrciiil Dock , IlolherttUe . „ C . DENTON , L . G . P . M . 109 . , A . PLTULKY , L . G . P . M . 188 ; 9 , Gracachareh Street , E . G . a . BOLTON , Junr ., L . G . 1 , 155 ; Grapes Hotel , Sutton , Surrey . , J . CARVER , S . G . P . M . 1 , 1 . 86 ; 72 , Florence ftoatl . New Crow , S . H . „ J . G . DALE , L , G . P . M . 109 ; 24 , Laurie « rove , New Cross , S . E . + ¦ JHS ^ iiSJ ^ AJ- ^ ' - 14 f ; U 7 » DruBiniona Road , Bermondsey . „ R . LONSDALE , L . G ., 14 , Butcher Row , Batcliff , E . J . J . HtmMKXSS , L . G . PJ _ t . 147 ; 8 , Endwell Hoed , Brockley . Or by the WIDOW , 141 , Grove Street , Deptford , S . E . Boys * or Girls' Vote * will be thankfully received for exchange .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MoyaliViasomcbenevolentInstitution FOR AGED FREEMASONS and WIDOWS OP FREEMASONS .
© rmtir gtatratt an & glrsrafcttt : —HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . THE^_.lTlTIVE_ElSA.Il,Y¦FESTIVAL AVILL TAKE PLACE AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , On WEDNESDAY , 21 th FEBRUARY , 1889 ; UPON WHICH OCCASION The Right Rouble . The EARL OF EUSTON , R . W . Prov . G . M ., Northants . and Hunts ., has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding .
BRETHREN are earnestly invited to accept the Office of SteAvards upon this occasion , and they will greatly oblige by forwarding their names and masonic rank as soon as convenient to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required , and supply them with the necessary circulars , & c . It is fraternally hoped that upon this occasion , owing to the large number of applicants and the few vacancies , Brethren Avill use their influence to obtain donations toAvards the funds of the Institution , which were never more needed than at the present time . Expenditure in Annuities alone , £ 15 , 000 . Permanent income only , £ 3 , 600 . 428 Annuitants on the Funds . 140 Candidates seeking admission . JAMES TERRY , Vice-Patron , P . G . S . B ., Office : —4 , FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . Secretary .
THESIQHTIZI(T^)THESXGHT11! WALTER LAWLEY'S Celebrated Pantoscopic Spectacles , ^^ ith f'lfe ^ THE NEW CANADIAN " PINCE-NEZ , iritt _ jW ( ti , mi ,.. tPrr _ t . JiT _„„ . a / at ,, . in * . „ ,. _ ., _ ,. M ^ - ^ S & Zph -1 \\ y ' -y-.-y '^ lX ^ with Improved Cork Placquets , in Light Nickel Steel Frames , Pitted T . ith Finest Co stal Leiws , 3 / 6 to 10 / 6 per pair . £ && % <&&?¦ - ] ff V . i ^^ M 4 / 6 and 7 / 6 per pair ; Pebbles , 7 / 6 , 10 / 6 and 12 / 6 per pair . GOLD SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES , * ! ^ - > ^ sg ' v ^ J ^ SiglUcar ^ lvUstea ^^ i ^ J ' re . crip ^ scartfutti , from 2 / 1 to £ 3 3 / - per pair . lfe „ , > ' ^ ^* *^^ C ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS . SOLE ADDRESS -WALTER LAWLEY , Oculists ' Optician , ^ 78 , Farringdon St ., London , E . C .
&M § m $ BY HER MAJESTY 'S I^^^^S.ROYAL LETTERS PATENT .oijL A SOMERCURY.NODANGER.NO&LYCERINE.'* tH ___________________________________________________ S:_B__RO__ l^__ EI__ E]_AJD'S HPatentDoubleValveGasGovernors. 2fUfi^ ese Ins * rumen * s are > without doubt , the Cheapest and Simplest in the Market . rS HlliBBH VW _ VAVH ^^^ N ^ V ^ SVSSVSS < Cx ) JgBHHBfcb .- JUsateTtsivelj / ctcLojDted ~ by II . M . Q-ovemrrLerLt , tTte ccristocrcccy £ - < a ^ vfr ^^^ Sm 0 i CLTLCL largest inamzfcictzi rers in . t 7 t & -world ,. ^^ RMHMHIMHHHPf' ^ u | sw «^_ H ^ i ' ^ ww ^^ H ^ HW- ^_ hHH ^ _ H ^ H » <^8VSt.George'sWorks,LondonFieldsStation, M WLWx_o_t>riDo_Esr.__=_.. _____ U : ___ 59 H __ B _______ KL J ^ 1 _ 4 Ssl ! fS _ S ______________ . CO TBS_ » Guaranteed for 7 years . Saving 20 to 60 per cent .
ROYALMASONICBENEVOLENTINSTITUTION FOB AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . ELECTION , JVIAY , 1889 . To iht P & trms , Vice-Patrons , Pr $$ idmts , Vice-Presidents , Life Governo . s &> Subscribes of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institu ion . Your Votes and Interest are earnestly solicited on behalf of J :E __M :I :M :_A _S ^:R ,_A .:B _:TRTJSLOW , Aged 78 Years , Widow of the late Bro . HENRY TEUSLOAV , Master Lighterman , who was initiated in the Kent Lodge , No . 15 , February , 1851 , paid ( _ i years ; joined the Lodge oi Temperance , No . 109 , May , 1856 , and paid thereto 19 i years ; exalted in the Temperance Chapter , on the 3 rd February , 18 G 3 , and continued a subscribing member until his death . Being totally without means of support , owing to great age and infirmity , the petitioner respectfully solicits the sympathies of the craft . The undermentioned Brethren xtrwujly recommend this case , and will most lhanlcfully receive , proxies . Bro . G . BOLTON , V . P . P . M . 169 , 147 , 1 , 165 ; 319 , Stansteatl Road , Catford , S . E . Bro . S . R . SPEIGHT , L . G . P . M . 147 ; 11 , Mona Road , Peckham , S . E . „ d . SKLDDER , V . P . P . M ., Arande ! House , Belmont Park , Lee , S . E . „ C . G . DILLEY , L . G . P . M . 1 , 155 ; 1 , Derrick Street , Rotherhithe . „ AV . MARTIN , L . G . P . M . 879 ; 21 , Longloy Street , Southwark Park Road . „ J . WILSON , L . G . P . M . 1 , 155 ; 6 , Clapton Square , E . „ a . BROWN , L . G . P . M ., 163 , Campbell Road , Row Road , K . „ J . ROSENSTOCK , L . G . P . M . 169 ; 41 , Derrick Street , Rotherhithe . „ G . L . MOORE , L . G . P . M ., 109 , Cuiii . i _ -. rc . _ al Road , Peckham . p . MORGAN , " Tiger Tavern , " Camberwell , S . E . „ J . « . NEELD , L . G . P . M . 109 ; 36 , Camden Grove , Peckham Road , Peckliam . „ T . AVALLIS , L . G . P . M ., 103 , Deptford Road , Rotherhithe , S . E . „ W . TOPP , L . G . PJtf ., 879 , Plough Road , Hoiherhithe , R . JACKSON , L . G . AV . M . 109 ; 25 , Kitto Road , St . Catherine Park , S . E . „ U . MOORE , L . G . P . M . 73 1 , 158 ; 12 , Deptford Road , Rotherhithe . „ G . JEWETT , L . S . P . M . 1 , 155 ; Lincoln House , Oaklleld Road , Penge . „ J . AV . WALKKU , L . G . S . W . 1 , 178 ; Surrey Ctominbrciiil Dock , IlolherttUe . „ C . DENTON , L . G . P . M . 109 . , A . PLTULKY , L . G . P . M . 188 ; 9 , Gracachareh Street , E . G . a . BOLTON , Junr ., L . G . 1 , 155 ; Grapes Hotel , Sutton , Surrey . , J . CARVER , S . G . P . M . 1 , 1 . 86 ; 72 , Florence ftoatl . New Crow , S . H . „ J . G . DALE , L , G . P . M . 109 ; 24 , Laurie « rove , New Cross , S . E . + ¦ JHS ^ iiSJ ^ AJ- ^ ' - 14 f ; U 7 » DruBiniona Road , Bermondsey . „ R . LONSDALE , L . G ., 14 , Butcher Row , Batcliff , E . J . J . HtmMKXSS , L . G . PJ _ t . 147 ; 8 , Endwell Hoed , Brockley . Or by the WIDOW , 141 , Grove Street , Deptford , S . E . Boys * or Girls' Vote * will be thankfully received for exchange .