Article BOMBAY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article We are requested to notify that :- Page 1 of 1 Article AN EVENING WITH " OUR BOYS." Page 1 of 1 Article The Masonic " Poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We have been favoured with a copy of the report of the Freemasons ' Joint Hall Committee which was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Byculla , on the 21 st December last , under the presidency of W . Bro . James W . Smith , and was largely attended by most distinguished brethren of the district over which H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught is Grand Master under the English Constitution . It was
unanimously resolved that steps should be taken to build a Masonic Hall under the joint proprietorship , and for the joint use of the English and Scottish Constitutions , the M . W . the Grand Master of all Scottish Freemasonry in India concurring with H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught in the proposed scheme . Lodge Rising Star of W . I . donates Rs . 10 , 000 towards the undertaking , which sum will be
placed at the disposal of the Building Committee as soon as the decision of the High Court for that purpose has been obtained . The president , Bro . Smith , announced that Rs . 108 , 095 in all had been promised by the several lodges and chapters working under the English and Scottish Constitutions . Votes of thanks to president , hon . secretary , and sub-committee terminated a most enthusiastic meeting , and one on which the craft in India are to be congratulated
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The Committee of Management of this Institution held its usual monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall , on the 13 th inst . Bro . J . A . Farnfield , Treasurer , P . A . G . D . C ., presided , and there were present Bros . W . B . Daniell ; C . J . Perceval ; C . II . Driver , P . P . G . S . of W . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P .: Joseph Freeman . W . H . Ferryman , P . G . P . ; S . Brooks ; C . H . Webb ; G . Bolton :
C . Daniel ; A . H . Tattershall : AY . Smith ; Hugh Cotter ; J . Newton ; W . Masters : Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; Alex . Forsyth : W . M . Bvwater , P . G . S . B .: J . Dixon ; B . G . Blasby ; and Jas . terry , P . G . S . B ! ( Sec . ) The Secretary reported the deaths of six annuitants ( four men and two widows ) and one male candidate . A letter was also read from a male candidate , withdrawing his name from the list of
candidates for the May election . A letter from Bro . Raynham W . Stewart was read on the subject of erecting a boundary fence , and such a fence was ordered to be erected accordingly . Applications from the widows of two recently deceased annuitants for the half of their late husbands' annuities were read and
granted . A widow ' s petition which had been deferred for further information , was accepted , and the name ordered to be placed on the list of candidates for the election in May . A statement of receipts and expenditure having been submitted , the
Committee finally settled the lists of candidates for election on the two funds , and declared the vacancies on each , which will be filled up in May , viz .: Male Fund , 02 Candidates , 17 vacancies ( 11 immediate and 3 deferred ) ; Female Fund , 81 candidates , 10 vacancies ( 7 immediate and 3 deferred ) .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The Windsor Castle Chapter of Royal Arch Masons , No . 771 , will hold a Convocation of the Chapter at the Masonic Hall , Windsor , this ( Thursday ) evening , at 5 p . m . Exaltation and other business . The fifteen sections will be worked on Tuesday , the 2 ( ith inst ., at 7 p . m ., in the Camden Lodge of Instruction , No , 704 , at the Lord Northbrook Hotel , Lee , S . E .. opposite Lee Station . Bro . E . C . Talbot , Preceptor , 65 , 1310 . W . M . ; G . J . Milbourn , P . M . 13 . S . W . ; R . Spreight , P . M . 147 , J . W . ; Walter Robin , 249 and 1350 , hon . sec .
A football match between the past and present pupils of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , will take place in the school grounds at Wood Green , on Saturday next , at 3 p . m . A special Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and the Colonies , & c , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . K . G ., M . W . Grand Master , will be held in the large Hall of the
Holborn Restaurant , London , on Monday next , the 25 th inst ., at 3 p . m ., to consider a motion by M . W . Bro . Rev . Canon Portal , M . A ., Past Grand Master and President of the General Board , for authorization to take a lease of the premises known as Bacon's Hotel , Great Queen Street , from the United Grand Lodge of England , for the purposes of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons .
A Royal Arch Chapter of Improvement , under the sanction of the principals of the Andrew Chapter , 834 , will be founded at the Windsor- Castle Hotel , King Street West , Hammersmith , on Wednesday next , the 27 th inst ,, and will afterwards be held at the same place on the second and fourth Wednesdays in each month , at 8 o ' clock p . m . Companion George Read , P . Z ., has consented to act as preceptor .
——At No . 8 a , Red Lion Square , London , W . C ., the following meetings will be held during the ensuing week , viz . : —Bon Accord Mark Master Masons' Lodge , this ( Thursday ) evening , the 21 st inst . ; Grand Masters Royal and Select Council , to-morrow evening , the 22 nd inst . ; and the Prince of Wales Ark Installation on Monday next , the 25 th inst .
A Masonic concert is to be held on Thursday , the 28 th inst ., at the Bow and Bromley Institute , in aid of the funds of the Royal . Masonic Benevolent Institution . The arrangements for the concert will be on the same lines as last year .
A Masonic ball , in connection with the Bromley St . Leonard Lodge , No . 1805 , is to take place on the 5 th March , at the Bromley Vestry Hall . Bow Road , London , E . Brethren desiring to be present should communicate with Bro . W . M . Mead , Sec . 1805 , 24 , Tomlin ' s Grove , Bow .
An Evening With " Our Boys."
On Friday last , the 15 th inst ., another social evening concert of " The Old Masonians " took place at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street , E . G ., under the chairmanship of Mr . R . Stanley Chandler . This gathering was the sixth of eight social meetings arranged to be given by the society during the season 1888-9 , and was attended by about 70 members and their friends . Among the old masonians
present were Bros . S . R . Speight and Glass , Messrs . Gardner , Gedge , Johnson , Williams , Stephenson , O'Doherty ,. Barnes , and others . The songs , recitations , and solos were carefully selected so as to suit the taste of all . A very enjoyable evening" was spent , and it would have delighted the hearts of many an old mason to have seen the manly , fresh , honest-looking features , and well set-up bearing of the old masonians present , taking their pleasure rationally
and modestly with their feAV friends , after the toil and business of the day was done . The next social meeting Avill take place on March the 1 st , at 8 o'clock , the chairman being Mr . A . B . Whiteley . We have seen the programme , and can testify as to the excellent quality of the entertainment and the talent of the performers . The secretary of the society is Mr . Alfred Watkins . of 17 . Abbey Gardens . St . John ' s Wood . N . W .
The Masonic " Poet's Corner."
The Masonic " Poet's Corner . "
{ Original and Selected . ) MASONS' VOWS .
By the late BRO . DR . ROBERT MORRIS , of Kentucky . IN fllasons' Lodge , Avith darkened eyes , And cable-toAV about me , I sAvore to hele all Mysteries , That Masons keep and Masons prize : The Brothers' secret Avhispered IOAV , The words they speak , the things they do . In mystic manner taught me !
I SAvore to answer and obey The summons sent me duly , By Brothers' hand , or Lodge array : I SAvore that I Avould never stray From ancient rules , or laws that bound Freemasons in the days renoAvned , But Avould observe them truly .
I SAA'ore , Avith generous gifts , to care For those in SOITOAV stricken ; The Brother on the darkened square , The Mourner , Avith dishevelled hair , The Orphan , doomed alas ! to stray Along Life ' s cold and cheerless Avay , Whose tears gush forth unbidden .
I SAvore Avith honesty to deal With each true heart around me , That " honour bright" should ever be Unbroken bond 'twixt him and me ; Nor wrong , nor guile , nor cruel fraud , Shall ever break the holy cord With Avhich that VOAV hath bound me !
I SAvore the Chastity to keep , Of woman true and tender , Of Mason's Widow , Wife and Child , His Mother , Sister , undefiled , ( Those , pure and innocent , Avhose love Makes Mason ' s Homes like that above ) I am the sAvorn defender !
I SAvore to guard the Portals close , Of the Masonic Temple , To purge the quarries from the dross , And build the Mystic Walls of those hi body perfect , honest heart , And mind secure in Royal Art , By precept and example !
These Avere our Vows , be these our care ! And may such Light be given In ansAA er to our earnest prayer . That Ave may ever do and dare All that God ' s Sacred LaAvs enjoin 1 So , Avhen the evening shades decline , We may be found— in Heaven !
[ Private instructions for recitation of this admirable poem Avi be forwarded by the Editor of this Journal to any brother sendin name , address , and number of lodge , accompanied by a stampe envelope for reply . ]
MARRIAGE OF BRO . H . B . MARSHALL , JUN . —On the 12 th inst ., the marriage of Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall , jun ., B . A . ( only son of Bro . H . B . Marshall , J . P ., C . C , P . G . Treas . ) , with Miss Laura R . Siggs ( second daughter of Bro . G . Siggs , of SouthAvark and Brixton ) Avas solemnised at the Wesleyan church , Mostyn Road , Brixton , in the presence of a large number of friem s and Avellwishers , the fine building which Avas beautifully decorated Avith ferns
and evergreens , being thronged almost to the doors . The marriage service was read by the Rev . Joseph Nettleton ( superintendent of the circuit ) , assisted by the Rev . Hugh Price Hughes , M . A ., and the service was fully choral . Amongst the numerous presents made to the newly-married couple was an elegant silver salver , the gift of the brethren of the Union Lodge , No . 127 , and Avhich Avas accompanied with earnest expressions of " hearty good Avishes , " and many kind congratulations to the bridegroom .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We have been favoured with a copy of the report of the Freemasons ' Joint Hall Committee which was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Byculla , on the 21 st December last , under the presidency of W . Bro . James W . Smith , and was largely attended by most distinguished brethren of the district over which H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught is Grand Master under the English Constitution . It was
unanimously resolved that steps should be taken to build a Masonic Hall under the joint proprietorship , and for the joint use of the English and Scottish Constitutions , the M . W . the Grand Master of all Scottish Freemasonry in India concurring with H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught in the proposed scheme . Lodge Rising Star of W . I . donates Rs . 10 , 000 towards the undertaking , which sum will be
placed at the disposal of the Building Committee as soon as the decision of the High Court for that purpose has been obtained . The president , Bro . Smith , announced that Rs . 108 , 095 in all had been promised by the several lodges and chapters working under the English and Scottish Constitutions . Votes of thanks to president , hon . secretary , and sub-committee terminated a most enthusiastic meeting , and one on which the craft in India are to be congratulated
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The Committee of Management of this Institution held its usual monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall , on the 13 th inst . Bro . J . A . Farnfield , Treasurer , P . A . G . D . C ., presided , and there were present Bros . W . B . Daniell ; C . J . Perceval ; C . II . Driver , P . P . G . S . of W . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P .: Joseph Freeman . W . H . Ferryman , P . G . P . ; S . Brooks ; C . H . Webb ; G . Bolton :
C . Daniel ; A . H . Tattershall : AY . Smith ; Hugh Cotter ; J . Newton ; W . Masters : Jabez Hogg , P . G . D . ; Alex . Forsyth : W . M . Bvwater , P . G . S . B .: J . Dixon ; B . G . Blasby ; and Jas . terry , P . G . S . B ! ( Sec . ) The Secretary reported the deaths of six annuitants ( four men and two widows ) and one male candidate . A letter was also read from a male candidate , withdrawing his name from the list of
candidates for the May election . A letter from Bro . Raynham W . Stewart was read on the subject of erecting a boundary fence , and such a fence was ordered to be erected accordingly . Applications from the widows of two recently deceased annuitants for the half of their late husbands' annuities were read and
granted . A widow ' s petition which had been deferred for further information , was accepted , and the name ordered to be placed on the list of candidates for the election in May . A statement of receipts and expenditure having been submitted , the
Committee finally settled the lists of candidates for election on the two funds , and declared the vacancies on each , which will be filled up in May , viz .: Male Fund , 02 Candidates , 17 vacancies ( 11 immediate and 3 deferred ) ; Female Fund , 81 candidates , 10 vacancies ( 7 immediate and 3 deferred ) .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The Windsor Castle Chapter of Royal Arch Masons , No . 771 , will hold a Convocation of the Chapter at the Masonic Hall , Windsor , this ( Thursday ) evening , at 5 p . m . Exaltation and other business . The fifteen sections will be worked on Tuesday , the 2 ( ith inst ., at 7 p . m ., in the Camden Lodge of Instruction , No , 704 , at the Lord Northbrook Hotel , Lee , S . E .. opposite Lee Station . Bro . E . C . Talbot , Preceptor , 65 , 1310 . W . M . ; G . J . Milbourn , P . M . 13 . S . W . ; R . Spreight , P . M . 147 , J . W . ; Walter Robin , 249 and 1350 , hon . sec .
A football match between the past and present pupils of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , will take place in the school grounds at Wood Green , on Saturday next , at 3 p . m . A special Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales and the Colonies , & c , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales . K . G ., M . W . Grand Master , will be held in the large Hall of the
Holborn Restaurant , London , on Monday next , the 25 th inst ., at 3 p . m ., to consider a motion by M . W . Bro . Rev . Canon Portal , M . A ., Past Grand Master and President of the General Board , for authorization to take a lease of the premises known as Bacon's Hotel , Great Queen Street , from the United Grand Lodge of England , for the purposes of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons .
A Royal Arch Chapter of Improvement , under the sanction of the principals of the Andrew Chapter , 834 , will be founded at the Windsor- Castle Hotel , King Street West , Hammersmith , on Wednesday next , the 27 th inst ,, and will afterwards be held at the same place on the second and fourth Wednesdays in each month , at 8 o ' clock p . m . Companion George Read , P . Z ., has consented to act as preceptor .
——At No . 8 a , Red Lion Square , London , W . C ., the following meetings will be held during the ensuing week , viz . : —Bon Accord Mark Master Masons' Lodge , this ( Thursday ) evening , the 21 st inst . ; Grand Masters Royal and Select Council , to-morrow evening , the 22 nd inst . ; and the Prince of Wales Ark Installation on Monday next , the 25 th inst .
A Masonic concert is to be held on Thursday , the 28 th inst ., at the Bow and Bromley Institute , in aid of the funds of the Royal . Masonic Benevolent Institution . The arrangements for the concert will be on the same lines as last year .
A Masonic ball , in connection with the Bromley St . Leonard Lodge , No . 1805 , is to take place on the 5 th March , at the Bromley Vestry Hall . Bow Road , London , E . Brethren desiring to be present should communicate with Bro . W . M . Mead , Sec . 1805 , 24 , Tomlin ' s Grove , Bow .
An Evening With " Our Boys."
On Friday last , the 15 th inst ., another social evening concert of " The Old Masonians " took place at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street , E . G ., under the chairmanship of Mr . R . Stanley Chandler . This gathering was the sixth of eight social meetings arranged to be given by the society during the season 1888-9 , and was attended by about 70 members and their friends . Among the old masonians
present were Bros . S . R . Speight and Glass , Messrs . Gardner , Gedge , Johnson , Williams , Stephenson , O'Doherty ,. Barnes , and others . The songs , recitations , and solos were carefully selected so as to suit the taste of all . A very enjoyable evening" was spent , and it would have delighted the hearts of many an old mason to have seen the manly , fresh , honest-looking features , and well set-up bearing of the old masonians present , taking their pleasure rationally
and modestly with their feAV friends , after the toil and business of the day was done . The next social meeting Avill take place on March the 1 st , at 8 o'clock , the chairman being Mr . A . B . Whiteley . We have seen the programme , and can testify as to the excellent quality of the entertainment and the talent of the performers . The secretary of the society is Mr . Alfred Watkins . of 17 . Abbey Gardens . St . John ' s Wood . N . W .
The Masonic " Poet's Corner."
The Masonic " Poet's Corner . "
{ Original and Selected . ) MASONS' VOWS .
By the late BRO . DR . ROBERT MORRIS , of Kentucky . IN fllasons' Lodge , Avith darkened eyes , And cable-toAV about me , I sAvore to hele all Mysteries , That Masons keep and Masons prize : The Brothers' secret Avhispered IOAV , The words they speak , the things they do . In mystic manner taught me !
I SAvore to answer and obey The summons sent me duly , By Brothers' hand , or Lodge array : I SAvore that I Avould never stray From ancient rules , or laws that bound Freemasons in the days renoAvned , But Avould observe them truly .
I SAA'ore , Avith generous gifts , to care For those in SOITOAV stricken ; The Brother on the darkened square , The Mourner , Avith dishevelled hair , The Orphan , doomed alas ! to stray Along Life ' s cold and cheerless Avay , Whose tears gush forth unbidden .
I SAvore Avith honesty to deal With each true heart around me , That " honour bright" should ever be Unbroken bond 'twixt him and me ; Nor wrong , nor guile , nor cruel fraud , Shall ever break the holy cord With Avhich that VOAV hath bound me !
I SAvore the Chastity to keep , Of woman true and tender , Of Mason's Widow , Wife and Child , His Mother , Sister , undefiled , ( Those , pure and innocent , Avhose love Makes Mason ' s Homes like that above ) I am the sAvorn defender !
I SAvore to guard the Portals close , Of the Masonic Temple , To purge the quarries from the dross , And build the Mystic Walls of those hi body perfect , honest heart , And mind secure in Royal Art , By precept and example !
These Avere our Vows , be these our care ! And may such Light be given In ansAA er to our earnest prayer . That Ave may ever do and dare All that God ' s Sacred LaAvs enjoin 1 So , Avhen the evening shades decline , We may be found— in Heaven !
[ Private instructions for recitation of this admirable poem Avi be forwarded by the Editor of this Journal to any brother sendin name , address , and number of lodge , accompanied by a stampe envelope for reply . ]
MARRIAGE OF BRO . H . B . MARSHALL , JUN . —On the 12 th inst ., the marriage of Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall , jun ., B . A . ( only son of Bro . H . B . Marshall , J . P ., C . C , P . G . Treas . ) , with Miss Laura R . Siggs ( second daughter of Bro . G . Siggs , of SouthAvark and Brixton ) Avas solemnised at the Wesleyan church , Mostyn Road , Brixton , in the presence of a large number of friem s and Avellwishers , the fine building which Avas beautifully decorated Avith ferns
and evergreens , being thronged almost to the doors . The marriage service was read by the Rev . Joseph Nettleton ( superintendent of the circuit ) , assisted by the Rev . Hugh Price Hughes , M . A ., and the service was fully choral . Amongst the numerous presents made to the newly-married couple was an elegant silver salver , the gift of the brethren of the Union Lodge , No . 127 , and Avhich Avas accompanied with earnest expressions of " hearty good Avishes , " and many kind congratulations to the bridegroom .