Article Press Exchanges and Books Received. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1
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Press Exchanges And Books Received.
INSTALLATION MEETING OF THE WINDSOR CASTLE LODGE . No . 771 . w _ . _ -- _ . __ . . ___ . ___ . ___ . , __ . _ . _ ^ . __ , _ ., „ . , ,.-..
, A large and influential gathering of brethren assembled at the Masonic Hall , Windsor , on the 12 th inst ., to honour the installation of Bro . William Griggs Nottage , as W . M . of the Windsor Castle Lodge , No . 771 .
Amongst those present were Bros . Thos . Page . W . M . ; W . G . Nottage . S . W . and W . M . Elect ; Nixon . J . W .: A . Roberts . S . D . ; P . M . Grisbrooke , Sec . : P . M . Goddard , Treas . ; Past Masters Bros . Manley , Powell . Cantrell . H . D . Marshall : McCloskie , Gray , Hunt , Harding , May , Somers . C . Devereux , Saunders , Rowe , Ashby , to ... & c . The following visitors , amongst others , signed the
attendance book : Bros . R . Bradley , Past Grand S . B ., P . G . Sec , Berks and Bucks ; Sir Joseph Devereux . P . P . G . Sec . Berks and Bucks ; 0 . D . Hume . P . G . D . C . Berks and Bucks ; ' Past Masters Bros . J . W . Martin . 411 ; T . King . 8 ( 52 ; A . Turner . W . M .. 1891 ; W . Sevenoaks . W . M .. 2 ( 10 ; Sherworthy . W . M .. 411 ; B . King . W . M .. i ) 15 : A . C . Hewitt . AV . M .. 15 . 5 ( 5 ; G . j . Judge , ' W . M .. I 78 S : E . Singer ,
S . W .. 1801 : J . Baker . J . W .. 1801 ; W . Walker . 1804 :. David Hills . 185 ; E . J . Maddy . 2120 : S . W . Sutton . 1 ( 504 ; M . Crewdon , 2120 : E . J . Webb . 2182 ; M . Dix . 2120 : H . Hobbs . J . W .. 200 : G . Gardner . 2120 ; & c . Bro . Rowe having proved his proficiency as F . C ., the W . M . and brethren withdrew to the special chamber connected Avith the lodge ,
where Bro . Rowe was raised to the third degree , the ceremony being worked in a most finished and impressive manner by the W . M . The lodge was then called off for refreshment , and . on resuming the W . M . gave the . traditional history . Bro . Nottage was then presented and , according to ancient custom , duly installed AV . M ., the ceremony being most ably performed by Bro . T . Page . After the
usual salutations , the newly-instalL .-d Master invested the following officers : Bros . Nixon , S . W .: A . Roberts , J . W . ; P . M . Goddard . treas . ; P . M . Grisbrooke , sec . ; P . M . Marshall , D . C . ; Waiford , A . D . C . ; Somers , S . D . ; P . M . Gardner , J . D . ; Harding , I . G . ; Rowe , org . ; Gray , Hunt , McCloskie , Stewards ; and Nowell , tyler . The working tools were presented , and the first two addresses giA en by Bro . Marshall . P . M ., and the address to the brethren bA- Bro . Page ,
I . P . M . The W . M . presented Bro . Page with a very handsome P . M . jewel on the successful termination of his year of office , at the same time highly complimenting him on his efficient working . After " hearty good wishes , " two candidates were proposed for initiation . The brethren then adjourned to the Guildhall ( kindly lent for the
occasion by his worship the Mayor ) , Avhere a very elegant banquet Avas served at Avhich the W . M . presided . The usual loyal and masonic toasts were given , the W . M ., in proposing the Royal Family , mentioning that H . R . H . Princess Christian had that day , in that very room , been ministering to the wants and relieving the necessities of a large number of very poor children : this , he
maintained Avas the true masonic spirit , which should be felt and practised by all of them , and he suggested that , to show they were not forgetful of the claims that others , less happily circumstanced , had upon them , the St . John ' s column should be passed round , and the amount collected forwarded to Her Royal Highness . This was carried by acclamation .
The W . M s health was very eloquently proposed by I . P . M . Page in most eulogistic terms , he wishing him a happy and successful year of office , with abundance of work , and work worthy of him . In proposing the toast of the Visitors the W . M . advocated the more frequent visiting of the neighbouring lodges by the younger brethren , even without the usual imitation , stating that the experience
gained could not be over estimated . Bro . Sir John Devercnx , P . P . G-., sec . Berks and Bucks ; SeA enoaks . W . M . Etonian Lodge . 200 : King . W . M . Abbey Lodge , 045 ; Judge , W . M . the Perfect Ashlar Lodge , 1788 , responded to the toast . Bro . Sir John DeA'ereux ( to whom the masons of Berks and Bucks owe so much of their present prosperity ) in the course of his
remarks alluded to the unique and magnificent temple in which the lodge holds its meetings , of Avhich he Avas the instigator , giving some very interesting details concerning it , and recounting the numerous difficulties he had to contend Avith before that beautiful structure Avas constructed and consecrated . The health of the I . P . M ., Bro . T . Page , Avas very enthusiastically received , the W . M .
investing him with a handsome P . M s collar , subscribed for by the officers of his year , as " a mark of their sincere regard and esteem . " and adding that he was not only a shining example of Avhat a speculative mason should be , but he had done his best for his lodge as an operative mason , having that evening presented them with a very fine ivory gavel which he had carved as a labour of love with his own hands . A capital programme of music , under the direction
of Bro . Somers , S . D ., Avas given by Bros . W . RoAve , G . May , and others , which added very much to the enjoyment of the evening . In every respect this installation meeting was a decided success , and the lodge fully deserves thc hearty congratulations which were freel y bestoAved on its master and officers at the close of the first meeting of what promises to be a red letter year for the Windsor Castle Lodge .
lhe consecration of the above lodge took place on Monday , the 1 th inst ., at the Plough Inn , Elstree , Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., ' the Provincial Grand Master , occupied the chair as Consecrating Officer , and appointed his officers : —Bros . F . S . Knyvett , P . G . T ., as S . W . ; Mihill Slaughter . J . G . W .. as J . W . : Rev . W . Mills .
1 . G . Chap ., as Chaplain ; J . Terry , P . G . D . C , as D . C . ; W . J . Morris , fv _ ' a , s ^ - The usual preliminaries having been arranged , the Provincial Grand Master said they had met to add another lodge to the province , making the seventeenth on the list , and congratulated the founders upon the expansion of the province since
he had been the Provincial Grand Master . The Prov . Grand Sec . then addressed the Prov . Grand Master , and the warrant was read , and the petitioners signified their approval of the officers named therein . The Prov . Grand Chaplain then gave an impressive oration upon masonry , its objects and its duties , which was listened to with great interest . The consecration ceremony being duly
finished , the Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master of West Yorkshire , Bro . Tew . J . P .. then entered the lodge and was received with grand honours . Bro . J . E . Dawson . D . P . G . Master , installed Bro . Rawson Kelley . P . M ., P . P . G . W .. West Yorkshire , into the chair , according to ancient custom . The W . Master then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . John Petch , P . M .. as Acting
P . M .: James France , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B .. West Yorks ., as S . W . ; J . G . Cobb , J . W .: W . Pheasant , treas . ; W . II . G . Ball . sec . ; C . M . Coxon . S . D . : J . F . Bell , J . D . : AV . Neil , D . C . : AV . II . Aplin , I . G . ; and G . Couchman . tyler . The D . P . G . Master then delivered the addresses to the AV . Master and AVardens . and Bro . Mihill Slaughter . P .. T . G . AA ., delivered the
address to the brethren . The lodge was resumed to the first degree , and the AV . M .. on behalf of the brethren , tendered the honorary membership of the lodge , accompanied with a founder ' s jewel , to the R . AA . Provincial Grand Master , for his kindness in coming amongst them and undertaking the consecration ceremony , which the R . AV . P . G . Master accepted , and expressed the gratification it
gave him to have been present to receive such a handsome jewel , and such a hearty and cordial reception from the brethren , and he hoped to have the pleasure of being present at many future meetings of the lodge . Votes of thanks Avere unanimously accorded to the following brethren and gentlemen for their handsome gifts to the lodge .
A'iz ., to Bro . RaAvson Kelley , AV . M .. for the lodge furniture , collars , and jewels ; to Bro . Col . T . Mitchell for the masonic carpet ; to Bro . E . S . Stillwell for the tyler ' s sword ; and to Mr . V . L . Tapling for the curtains . The acting LP M . Bro . John Petch , having been elected to serve on the Charity Committee of the Province . the W . M . said he had great pleasure in announcing to the brethren that T . K . Tapling , Esq .,
M . P ., had promised him thirty guineas to endoAV the three chairs ( ten guineas to be given to each of the Masonic Charities ) , and that Bros . George and John Kelley , AVest Yorkshire , had also contributed five guineas each for the R . M . Benevolent Institution , and that a vote of thanks be recorded upon the minutes of the lodge . Amongst the brethren and visitors present Avere the following : — Bros . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., P . G . M . ; J . E . Dawson , D . P . G . M . ; T . AV .
Tew , P . G . M ., AA est Yorks . ; H . Smith , D . P . G . M ., AVest Yorks .: T . S Knyvett . P . G . T . ; G . E . Lake . P . G . Seo . : J . Terry . P . G . D . C . ; AV . H Dipstole . P . G . SteAvd . ; Rev . AV . Mills . P . G . Chaplain : S . H . Moore P . G . S . B . : M . Slaughter . P . G . J . AV . ; E . Arnold , P . G . Stwd . ; L . J
Myers . P . P . G . StAvd .: E . P . Debenham . P . P . G . StAvd .: T . S . Carter . P . P . J . AV . : H . Holmes . P . G . A . Sec . ; C . E . Keyser . P . P . G . J . AV .: A . T Brett , P . P . G . S . AA . ; AV . J . Morris , P . P . G . P . ; AV . F . Smithson ; P . P . G . D .. AVest Yorks . ; A . Macaulev , P . G . Reg ., AVest Yorks . ; T . B . Fox , P . P . G . S . B .. AA est Yorks . ; A . Il ' aut . P . G . StAvd .. Somerset ; A . C . Haleshap , P . M . 1471 ; J . T . Salmon , P . M . 017 ; R . E . Hunt , P . M . 45 ;
F . HalloAVs . P . M . 8 ( 51 . 1 ( 5 ( 52 ; C . H . Fisher , P . M . 1489 ; AV . Parker . P . M . 1851 ; E . Blinkhom , P . M . 1471 ; T . 0 Berg . P . M . 1613 ; AV . Medwin . P . M . ; E . HOAVCS , 1500 , AV . M . ; G . F . Baker , AV . M . 503 ; G . C . Kinnear , AV . M . 727 ; AV . Masters . AV . M . 2128 ; E . C . Mulney , P . M . 170 and 2246 ; H . Hunt , AV . M . Elect , 1471 ; and several other brethren .
At the banquet which followed , the W . M . Bro . RaAvson Kelley presided , supported by the R . AA . P . G . Master , the D . P . G . M ., and other Provincial Grand Officers . The customary loyal and masonic toasts were duly honoured , and some excellent speeches were delivered by the A \ . M . and the brethren who responded thereto . Altogether it Avas one of the greatest and most successful meetings held in the province .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
I - . vro . MiA . —Translation in type , bur . crowded out this week . Several uonnimnk'atioi . s must stand over for same reason as above .
LECTURE BY BRO . J . FINLAY FINLAYSOX , 385 . 711 , QUATUOII CORNATI , 207 ( 5 , MASONIC HALL , LEICESTER , to UNION LODGE OF INSTRUCTION . NO . 523 . —Chair was to have been taken by Bro . Kelly QF . S . A :, F . RJT . S 7 ) , P . P . G . M . and G . Supt . Leicester and Rutland , but in consequence of the inclemency of the weather he was unable to attend , Bro . S . S . Partridge , D . P . M ., taking his place .
The lecture treated of ancient and modern masonry , and showed the analogy between the symbols of Egypt and India and those now accepted by the craft , and Avhence the legend of H . A . B . appears to have taken its rise . The lecturer demonstrated that if masonry really rose above the status of a benevolent and social club and took the high position that was claimed for it , it was the grandest
exponent of religious truth , apart from supernatural sources , that the world possesses . In its symbols it teaches life and the giver of life ; in its great legend it teaches death and the hope of immortality . Over a hundred brethren were present , and the lecture Avas listened to with sustained and sympathetic interest . At its
conclusion , Bro . J . T . Thorp , P . P . S . G . AV ., seconded by Bro . the Rev . C . Henton AVood , P . P . S . G . AV ., proposed a vote of thanks " for the eloquent and learned address , " which was enthusiastically accepted . By a unanimous vote of the lodge , Bro . J . Finlay Finlayson was elected honorary member of Union Lodge of Instruction , No . 523 .
The mysteries of thc craft should be intimately known to every Master and every AVarden of a lodge . To accomplish this he must take some trouble . He must think over the work , read the best masonic books , and carefully read his masonic newspaper through . The leaders of the masonic fraternity are always expected to be bright Masons . -
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
INSTALLATION MEETING OF THE WINDSOR CASTLE LODGE . No . 771 . w _ . _ -- _ . __ . . ___ . ___ . ___ . , __ . _ . _ ^ . __ , _ ., „ . , ,.-..
, A large and influential gathering of brethren assembled at the Masonic Hall , Windsor , on the 12 th inst ., to honour the installation of Bro . William Griggs Nottage , as W . M . of the Windsor Castle Lodge , No . 771 .
Amongst those present were Bros . Thos . Page . W . M . ; W . G . Nottage . S . W . and W . M . Elect ; Nixon . J . W .: A . Roberts . S . D . ; P . M . Grisbrooke , Sec . : P . M . Goddard , Treas . ; Past Masters Bros . Manley , Powell . Cantrell . H . D . Marshall : McCloskie , Gray , Hunt , Harding , May , Somers . C . Devereux , Saunders , Rowe , Ashby , to ... & c . The following visitors , amongst others , signed the
attendance book : Bros . R . Bradley , Past Grand S . B ., P . G . Sec , Berks and Bucks ; Sir Joseph Devereux . P . P . G . Sec . Berks and Bucks ; 0 . D . Hume . P . G . D . C . Berks and Bucks ; ' Past Masters Bros . J . W . Martin . 411 ; T . King . 8 ( 52 ; A . Turner . W . M .. 1891 ; W . Sevenoaks . W . M .. 2 ( 10 ; Sherworthy . W . M .. 411 ; B . King . W . M .. i ) 15 : A . C . Hewitt . AV . M .. 15 . 5 ( 5 ; G . j . Judge , ' W . M .. I 78 S : E . Singer ,
S . W .. 1801 : J . Baker . J . W .. 1801 ; W . Walker . 1804 :. David Hills . 185 ; E . J . Maddy . 2120 : S . W . Sutton . 1 ( 504 ; M . Crewdon , 2120 : E . J . Webb . 2182 ; M . Dix . 2120 : H . Hobbs . J . W .. 200 : G . Gardner . 2120 ; & c . Bro . Rowe having proved his proficiency as F . C ., the W . M . and brethren withdrew to the special chamber connected Avith the lodge ,
where Bro . Rowe was raised to the third degree , the ceremony being worked in a most finished and impressive manner by the W . M . The lodge was then called off for refreshment , and . on resuming the W . M . gave the . traditional history . Bro . Nottage was then presented and , according to ancient custom , duly installed AV . M ., the ceremony being most ably performed by Bro . T . Page . After the
usual salutations , the newly-instalL .-d Master invested the following officers : Bros . Nixon , S . W .: A . Roberts , J . W . ; P . M . Goddard . treas . ; P . M . Grisbrooke , sec . ; P . M . Marshall , D . C . ; Waiford , A . D . C . ; Somers , S . D . ; P . M . Gardner , J . D . ; Harding , I . G . ; Rowe , org . ; Gray , Hunt , McCloskie , Stewards ; and Nowell , tyler . The working tools were presented , and the first two addresses giA en by Bro . Marshall . P . M ., and the address to the brethren bA- Bro . Page ,
I . P . M . The W . M . presented Bro . Page with a very handsome P . M . jewel on the successful termination of his year of office , at the same time highly complimenting him on his efficient working . After " hearty good wishes , " two candidates were proposed for initiation . The brethren then adjourned to the Guildhall ( kindly lent for the
occasion by his worship the Mayor ) , Avhere a very elegant banquet Avas served at Avhich the W . M . presided . The usual loyal and masonic toasts were given , the W . M ., in proposing the Royal Family , mentioning that H . R . H . Princess Christian had that day , in that very room , been ministering to the wants and relieving the necessities of a large number of very poor children : this , he
maintained Avas the true masonic spirit , which should be felt and practised by all of them , and he suggested that , to show they were not forgetful of the claims that others , less happily circumstanced , had upon them , the St . John ' s column should be passed round , and the amount collected forwarded to Her Royal Highness . This was carried by acclamation .
The W . M s health was very eloquently proposed by I . P . M . Page in most eulogistic terms , he wishing him a happy and successful year of office , with abundance of work , and work worthy of him . In proposing the toast of the Visitors the W . M . advocated the more frequent visiting of the neighbouring lodges by the younger brethren , even without the usual imitation , stating that the experience
gained could not be over estimated . Bro . Sir John Devercnx , P . P . G-., sec . Berks and Bucks ; SeA enoaks . W . M . Etonian Lodge . 200 : King . W . M . Abbey Lodge , 045 ; Judge , W . M . the Perfect Ashlar Lodge , 1788 , responded to the toast . Bro . Sir John DeA'ereux ( to whom the masons of Berks and Bucks owe so much of their present prosperity ) in the course of his
remarks alluded to the unique and magnificent temple in which the lodge holds its meetings , of Avhich he Avas the instigator , giving some very interesting details concerning it , and recounting the numerous difficulties he had to contend Avith before that beautiful structure Avas constructed and consecrated . The health of the I . P . M ., Bro . T . Page , Avas very enthusiastically received , the W . M .
investing him with a handsome P . M s collar , subscribed for by the officers of his year , as " a mark of their sincere regard and esteem . " and adding that he was not only a shining example of Avhat a speculative mason should be , but he had done his best for his lodge as an operative mason , having that evening presented them with a very fine ivory gavel which he had carved as a labour of love with his own hands . A capital programme of music , under the direction
of Bro . Somers , S . D ., Avas given by Bros . W . RoAve , G . May , and others , which added very much to the enjoyment of the evening . In every respect this installation meeting was a decided success , and the lodge fully deserves thc hearty congratulations which were freel y bestoAved on its master and officers at the close of the first meeting of what promises to be a red letter year for the Windsor Castle Lodge .
lhe consecration of the above lodge took place on Monday , the 1 th inst ., at the Plough Inn , Elstree , Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., ' the Provincial Grand Master , occupied the chair as Consecrating Officer , and appointed his officers : —Bros . F . S . Knyvett , P . G . T ., as S . W . ; Mihill Slaughter . J . G . W .. as J . W . : Rev . W . Mills .
1 . G . Chap ., as Chaplain ; J . Terry , P . G . D . C , as D . C . ; W . J . Morris , fv _ ' a , s ^ - The usual preliminaries having been arranged , the Provincial Grand Master said they had met to add another lodge to the province , making the seventeenth on the list , and congratulated the founders upon the expansion of the province since
he had been the Provincial Grand Master . The Prov . Grand Sec . then addressed the Prov . Grand Master , and the warrant was read , and the petitioners signified their approval of the officers named therein . The Prov . Grand Chaplain then gave an impressive oration upon masonry , its objects and its duties , which was listened to with great interest . The consecration ceremony being duly
finished , the Right Worshipful Prov . Grand Master of West Yorkshire , Bro . Tew . J . P .. then entered the lodge and was received with grand honours . Bro . J . E . Dawson . D . P . G . Master , installed Bro . Rawson Kelley . P . M ., P . P . G . W .. West Yorkshire , into the chair , according to ancient custom . The W . Master then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . John Petch , P . M .. as Acting
P . M .: James France , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B .. West Yorks ., as S . W . ; J . G . Cobb , J . W .: W . Pheasant , treas . ; W . II . G . Ball . sec . ; C . M . Coxon . S . D . : J . F . Bell , J . D . : AV . Neil , D . C . : AV . II . Aplin , I . G . ; and G . Couchman . tyler . The D . P . G . Master then delivered the addresses to the AV . Master and AVardens . and Bro . Mihill Slaughter . P .. T . G . AA ., delivered the
address to the brethren . The lodge was resumed to the first degree , and the AV . M .. on behalf of the brethren , tendered the honorary membership of the lodge , accompanied with a founder ' s jewel , to the R . AA . Provincial Grand Master , for his kindness in coming amongst them and undertaking the consecration ceremony , which the R . AV . P . G . Master accepted , and expressed the gratification it
gave him to have been present to receive such a handsome jewel , and such a hearty and cordial reception from the brethren , and he hoped to have the pleasure of being present at many future meetings of the lodge . Votes of thanks Avere unanimously accorded to the following brethren and gentlemen for their handsome gifts to the lodge .
A'iz ., to Bro . RaAvson Kelley , AV . M .. for the lodge furniture , collars , and jewels ; to Bro . Col . T . Mitchell for the masonic carpet ; to Bro . E . S . Stillwell for the tyler ' s sword ; and to Mr . V . L . Tapling for the curtains . The acting LP M . Bro . John Petch , having been elected to serve on the Charity Committee of the Province . the W . M . said he had great pleasure in announcing to the brethren that T . K . Tapling , Esq .,
M . P ., had promised him thirty guineas to endoAV the three chairs ( ten guineas to be given to each of the Masonic Charities ) , and that Bros . George and John Kelley , AVest Yorkshire , had also contributed five guineas each for the R . M . Benevolent Institution , and that a vote of thanks be recorded upon the minutes of the lodge . Amongst the brethren and visitors present Avere the following : — Bros . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., P . G . M . ; J . E . Dawson , D . P . G . M . ; T . AV .
Tew , P . G . M ., AA est Yorks . ; H . Smith , D . P . G . M ., AVest Yorks .: T . S Knyvett . P . G . T . ; G . E . Lake . P . G . Seo . : J . Terry . P . G . D . C . ; AV . H Dipstole . P . G . SteAvd . ; Rev . AV . Mills . P . G . Chaplain : S . H . Moore P . G . S . B . : M . Slaughter . P . G . J . AV . ; E . Arnold , P . G . Stwd . ; L . J
Myers . P . P . G . StAvd .: E . P . Debenham . P . P . G . StAvd .: T . S . Carter . P . P . J . AV . : H . Holmes . P . G . A . Sec . ; C . E . Keyser . P . P . G . J . AV .: A . T Brett , P . P . G . S . AA . ; AV . J . Morris , P . P . G . P . ; AV . F . Smithson ; P . P . G . D .. AVest Yorks . ; A . Macaulev , P . G . Reg ., AVest Yorks . ; T . B . Fox , P . P . G . S . B .. AA est Yorks . ; A . Il ' aut . P . G . StAvd .. Somerset ; A . C . Haleshap , P . M . 1471 ; J . T . Salmon , P . M . 017 ; R . E . Hunt , P . M . 45 ;
F . HalloAVs . P . M . 8 ( 51 . 1 ( 5 ( 52 ; C . H . Fisher , P . M . 1489 ; AV . Parker . P . M . 1851 ; E . Blinkhom , P . M . 1471 ; T . 0 Berg . P . M . 1613 ; AV . Medwin . P . M . ; E . HOAVCS , 1500 , AV . M . ; G . F . Baker , AV . M . 503 ; G . C . Kinnear , AV . M . 727 ; AV . Masters . AV . M . 2128 ; E . C . Mulney , P . M . 170 and 2246 ; H . Hunt , AV . M . Elect , 1471 ; and several other brethren .
At the banquet which followed , the W . M . Bro . RaAvson Kelley presided , supported by the R . AA . P . G . Master , the D . P . G . M ., and other Provincial Grand Officers . The customary loyal and masonic toasts were duly honoured , and some excellent speeches were delivered by the A \ . M . and the brethren who responded thereto . Altogether it Avas one of the greatest and most successful meetings held in the province .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
I - . vro . MiA . —Translation in type , bur . crowded out this week . Several uonnimnk'atioi . s must stand over for same reason as above .
LECTURE BY BRO . J . FINLAY FINLAYSOX , 385 . 711 , QUATUOII CORNATI , 207 ( 5 , MASONIC HALL , LEICESTER , to UNION LODGE OF INSTRUCTION . NO . 523 . —Chair was to have been taken by Bro . Kelly QF . S . A :, F . RJT . S 7 ) , P . P . G . M . and G . Supt . Leicester and Rutland , but in consequence of the inclemency of the weather he was unable to attend , Bro . S . S . Partridge , D . P . M ., taking his place .
The lecture treated of ancient and modern masonry , and showed the analogy between the symbols of Egypt and India and those now accepted by the craft , and Avhence the legend of H . A . B . appears to have taken its rise . The lecturer demonstrated that if masonry really rose above the status of a benevolent and social club and took the high position that was claimed for it , it was the grandest
exponent of religious truth , apart from supernatural sources , that the world possesses . In its symbols it teaches life and the giver of life ; in its great legend it teaches death and the hope of immortality . Over a hundred brethren were present , and the lecture Avas listened to with sustained and sympathetic interest . At its
conclusion , Bro . J . T . Thorp , P . P . S . G . AV ., seconded by Bro . the Rev . C . Henton AVood , P . P . S . G . AV ., proposed a vote of thanks " for the eloquent and learned address , " which was enthusiastically accepted . By a unanimous vote of the lodge , Bro . J . Finlay Finlayson was elected honorary member of Union Lodge of Instruction , No . 523 .
The mysteries of thc craft should be intimately known to every Master and every AVarden of a lodge . To accomplish this he must take some trouble . He must think over the work , read the best masonic books , and carefully read his masonic newspaper through . The leaders of the masonic fraternity are always expected to be bright Masons . -