Article Evenings Abroad. Page 1 of 1 Article Our City Article. Page 1 of 1
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Evenings Abroad.
Evenings Abroad .
The " farcical rally , " as Messrs . Helmore and Eden Phillpotts describe their funny play . The Policeman-, is to be repeated at Terry ' s Theatre , on Tuesday afternoon , March 5 th . The cast will include Miss Gabrille Goldney , Miss Lilian Milhvard , Mr . Arthiir Williams , Mr . Forbes DaAvson and Mr . Compton Coutts .
At the Globe Theatre on Saturday evening , the Oth inst ., Miss Kate Vaughan produced The School for Scandal . A charming performance is that of Miss Vaughan as Lady Teazle , and Mr .
Fernandez as Sir Peter is sound and legitimate . Mr . Lionel Brough as Moses is , of course , excellent . Mr . Herbert , as Charles Surface , and Mr . Sullivan as Joseph Avere far above the average . Miss Leclercq ' s Mrs . Candour is a piece of acting of great merit .
It is rumoured that the IIBAV play entitled The Panel Picture will folloAV Tares at the Opera Comique . Julius Cresar will be played by the " O . U . D . S ., " at the new theatre , Oxford , on the 27 th inst . Mr . Alan M . Mackinnon will direct the piece , and Mr . Stewart DaAvson Avill lend his aid in the
production , as will also Mr . Bourchier in the capacity of assistant stage-manager . Mr . Alma Tadema , R . A ., Avill design the scenes of the Capitol and the Forum , which will be executed by Emden and Hall ; and Mr . Leslie Mayne has composed some special music for the tragedy . Mr . Bourchier is to be Brutus ; Mrs . Courtenay , Portia ;
Mrs . Charles Sim , Calphurnia : Mr . A . H . E . Grahame . Julius Ca _ sar ; Mi ' . Morris , Antony ; Mr . Clarke , Cassius ; Henry Irving ' s eldest son , Mr . R . Peel . Mr . G . LeAvis , Mr . Maude , and Mr . Nugent will appear in other parts . Despite the fact that Mr . Bcerbohm Tree has strengthened the
revival of The Merry Wires of Windsor very materially since the original matinee performances Avere given , the reception of the play on the evening of Saturday week last was by no means excessively enthusiastic . Yet Mr . Tree has himself given more artistic
satisfaction than before , and the rest of the actors and actresses have improved . The substitution of Mr . J . S . Blythe for Mr . Lionel Brough , and of Miss Henrietta Lindley for Miss Lingard , are the most important changes made . Thc scenery is excellent , and Sir Arthur Sullivan ' s music is charming , of course .
Last November I had the satisfaction of recording an interesting production at the Theatre Royal , Leamington , of a drama by Mr . Henry Byatt , entitled ' True Heart . The play has been since greatly revised , and it starts on tour this Aveek under the management of Mr . Yorke Stephens , who has personally directed the rehearsals . A
thoroughly efficient company will support the drama , and theAvreck scene , Avith its elaborate effects and strong dramatic climax , will be made a special feature . Mr . Pierre Leclern ' s play . A Lore Sforu , will be acted at the
Vaudeville Theatre during the current Aveek , supported by Misses Janet A church , Dolores Drumniond , Morland , Stettith , Haynes and Floyd , and Messrs . Charrington . Fred Thome . L . Cantley , Pagden , Lugg . Thornbm-y . AVheatman and Page .
The last nights of Dorothy are announced . The new comic opera to be produced at the Lyric Theatre will , it is stated , see the light on the 20 th of next month . The theatre closes on the 13 th March for a Aveek of rehearsals . After Mr . II . A . Jones' IICAV piece has ended its run at the
Haymarket , a version of the French drama , Jloger La Jloute , will be giA'en . This , however , is not due till the autumn . Matthew lluddoeh Avill be the title of Mr . Jones' play . The title of the French piece in its English dress , which will be supplied by Mr . Robert Buchanan , is not yet settled , but it may be either Comrades in , Arms or Bosom- Friends .
The Limited Liability Music Halls have been holding their Annual General Meetings . Some of them are announcing excellent dividends , but the results of the trading of certain Companies have not been uniformly successful . Upon authentic information I am able to announce that the
Avellknown provincial Company headed and exploited by Mr . F . R . Benson Avill be seen in London at Christmas next . The Globe Theatre has been taken for a year by this gentleman , who Avill , most probably , begin operations with a very elaborate revival of A Midsummer Niahfs Dream .
The date for the production of Mr . AVnson Barrett ' s neAv drama , Nowadays , as at present arranged , is the 28 th of the current month This season at Hengler's Circus at Covent Garden Avill end on Saturday evening next . Further attractions have been added to Faust , vp to Date at the
Gaiety . A UCAV dance for the four nimble young ladies , and a IIBAV Irish song for Mr . Lonnen , called " The AVidoAV , " and written by Robert Martin , Avere performed on Thursday last , which was the 100 th representation of this truly diverting burlesque by Messrs . G . 11 . Sims and Henry Pettitt .
French plays Avill be given at Mr . LdAvarde s Theatre at the end of May . During the season Madame Sarah Bernhardt Avill produce X ' , 1 rcu , the play she has written for herself , all by herself . It is said that Mr . Carl Rosa intends having an opera season in London this year . LAUNCELOT GOBBO .
Our City Article.
Our City Article .
CAPEL COURT , FEBRUARY 20 TH , 1880 . ' -The movements in the price of money have been constant during the past week , but on the whole the tendency is towards greater ease . A large sum is reported as being shipped from Buenos Ayres for London , and this , with the Australian money nearly due , Avill considerably improve the position of the Bank . Short loans are quoted at 2 J , 3 , and three months' bills at 2 J .
The principal feature in the stock markets is the absen . ee of fresh business , and as a consequence prices are loAver , with few exceptions , all round . In the foreign market this is owing to the unsettled state of politics in Paris ; and in English rails to the uncertainty as to A \ hat may be the effect of the UCAV tariff regulations .
In American railway shares there is the same feature . An association has been formed for the regulation of traffic rates , the settlement of disputes , and for mutual support , but so far the only effect has been to depress prices . In miscellaneous shares there is
also a feebleness , Avhich may , perhaps , be traced to the enormous increase of new ventures appealing to the public for subscription . The latest of these are the Bread Companies , Avhich are being brought out tAvo or three every day , and in AA'hich , for my part , I would not care to embark one sixpence .
Foreign Stocks shoAv little move on balance . After the settlement Avas concluded last week they improved someAvhat , but that gain has since been lost . The only excitement has been in what is called the " rubbish , " which includes the cheap South Americans . Peru tumbled very quickly upon the IIBAVS that Congress had separated Avithout coming to any decision as to the Grace Contract , but as
soon as the dealers came to their senses and realised the fact that this meant absolutely nothing , prices were soon put up again , and now stand about the same as before . Ecuadors also have again come into fashion and a rise of about 3 per cent . Avas established in one day ; nor do I think that the rise is over yet . This stock was carried up many points above present prices in the last flutter and this Avill probably happen again .
Home rails have been moving irregularly , first up , then down again , but I do not see any reason , to anticipate any great falling off , and in A ery fCAV cases does it happen that prices are beloAv those of a Aveek ago . The Scotch lines are easier , as are also the southern
lines , but the heavies are all better . I think that North British may be bought on any fall , as the dividend Avill soon be published , and Avill , I hear , be better than anticipated . Brightens also only Avant a feAv days fine Aveather to carry them up again higher than ever .
American rails are still unsettled , and any improvement is confined within very narroAV limits . They remain essentially a jobbing market . To-day they are very flat , and it may be a good buying day for a short rise , but the time of the big boom that has so often been predicted seems as far off as ever . The fizzle in Ontario ' s lasted about five minutes , and they are HOAV as utterly forgotten as usual . I Avould rather buy Milwaukie shares for a profit of 1 or 1 j per cent ., simply because they are flat and are so Avell abused .
Canadian Pacifies got up a little on the strength of a slightl y improved traffic , but they are not a lively stock and appear to have sunk to a level there is no moving them from . Grand Trunks are active enough , but it Avould puzzle anyone to say Avhich way they are going next . The rise of last week has not been maintained , but I Avould rather prefer to buy than to sell at present prices . Mexican rails recovered on the announcement of a good traffic return and look like improving .
In miscellaneous shares the business done has been pretty fair , Beulong tins being one of the lot wanted . Gun shares are in demand , in anticipation of extra Government contracts this year . Bell ' s asbestos , as soon as they were quoted ex-dividend , tumbled doAvn to HiJ- ; but when the selling ceased recovered again to 17 . Apparently the end has not yet come , but it is clear that the holders
do not believe muchm the future prospects of the company . Telegraphs are flat . The North group of nitrates continue to droop in the absence of the master , AA'hile the others , such as Taltal , improve . There is room for both , no doubt , but the North party have so overshadowed this market that all have not had an equal chance . Mines are quiet , not to say dull . After the recent excitement it is
as Avell to pause a little and look round . Some of the hitherto unknoAvn South African Mines , such as the Bixley and others of the same kind , are coming into notice , but the exploration and land shares are decidedly the favourites , as affording more scope for making big profits . CltAVTSMAX .
M . O . —( 1 ) Do as you have suggested . ( 2 ) You may refuse to accept the shares as they are not marketable . DIDO . —AVait until after the next settlement . These people are not worth going to any expense about .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Evenings Abroad.
Evenings Abroad .
The " farcical rally , " as Messrs . Helmore and Eden Phillpotts describe their funny play . The Policeman-, is to be repeated at Terry ' s Theatre , on Tuesday afternoon , March 5 th . The cast will include Miss Gabrille Goldney , Miss Lilian Milhvard , Mr . Arthiir Williams , Mr . Forbes DaAvson and Mr . Compton Coutts .
At the Globe Theatre on Saturday evening , the Oth inst ., Miss Kate Vaughan produced The School for Scandal . A charming performance is that of Miss Vaughan as Lady Teazle , and Mr .
Fernandez as Sir Peter is sound and legitimate . Mr . Lionel Brough as Moses is , of course , excellent . Mr . Herbert , as Charles Surface , and Mr . Sullivan as Joseph Avere far above the average . Miss Leclercq ' s Mrs . Candour is a piece of acting of great merit .
It is rumoured that the IIBAV play entitled The Panel Picture will folloAV Tares at the Opera Comique . Julius Cresar will be played by the " O . U . D . S ., " at the new theatre , Oxford , on the 27 th inst . Mr . Alan M . Mackinnon will direct the piece , and Mr . Stewart DaAvson Avill lend his aid in the
production , as will also Mr . Bourchier in the capacity of assistant stage-manager . Mr . Alma Tadema , R . A ., Avill design the scenes of the Capitol and the Forum , which will be executed by Emden and Hall ; and Mr . Leslie Mayne has composed some special music for the tragedy . Mr . Bourchier is to be Brutus ; Mrs . Courtenay , Portia ;
Mrs . Charles Sim , Calphurnia : Mr . A . H . E . Grahame . Julius Ca _ sar ; Mi ' . Morris , Antony ; Mr . Clarke , Cassius ; Henry Irving ' s eldest son , Mr . R . Peel . Mr . G . LeAvis , Mr . Maude , and Mr . Nugent will appear in other parts . Despite the fact that Mr . Bcerbohm Tree has strengthened the
revival of The Merry Wires of Windsor very materially since the original matinee performances Avere given , the reception of the play on the evening of Saturday week last was by no means excessively enthusiastic . Yet Mr . Tree has himself given more artistic
satisfaction than before , and the rest of the actors and actresses have improved . The substitution of Mr . J . S . Blythe for Mr . Lionel Brough , and of Miss Henrietta Lindley for Miss Lingard , are the most important changes made . Thc scenery is excellent , and Sir Arthur Sullivan ' s music is charming , of course .
Last November I had the satisfaction of recording an interesting production at the Theatre Royal , Leamington , of a drama by Mr . Henry Byatt , entitled ' True Heart . The play has been since greatly revised , and it starts on tour this Aveek under the management of Mr . Yorke Stephens , who has personally directed the rehearsals . A
thoroughly efficient company will support the drama , and theAvreck scene , Avith its elaborate effects and strong dramatic climax , will be made a special feature . Mr . Pierre Leclern ' s play . A Lore Sforu , will be acted at the
Vaudeville Theatre during the current Aveek , supported by Misses Janet A church , Dolores Drumniond , Morland , Stettith , Haynes and Floyd , and Messrs . Charrington . Fred Thome . L . Cantley , Pagden , Lugg . Thornbm-y . AVheatman and Page .
The last nights of Dorothy are announced . The new comic opera to be produced at the Lyric Theatre will , it is stated , see the light on the 20 th of next month . The theatre closes on the 13 th March for a Aveek of rehearsals . After Mr . II . A . Jones' IICAV piece has ended its run at the
Haymarket , a version of the French drama , Jloger La Jloute , will be giA'en . This , however , is not due till the autumn . Matthew lluddoeh Avill be the title of Mr . Jones' play . The title of the French piece in its English dress , which will be supplied by Mr . Robert Buchanan , is not yet settled , but it may be either Comrades in , Arms or Bosom- Friends .
The Limited Liability Music Halls have been holding their Annual General Meetings . Some of them are announcing excellent dividends , but the results of the trading of certain Companies have not been uniformly successful . Upon authentic information I am able to announce that the
Avellknown provincial Company headed and exploited by Mr . F . R . Benson Avill be seen in London at Christmas next . The Globe Theatre has been taken for a year by this gentleman , who Avill , most probably , begin operations with a very elaborate revival of A Midsummer Niahfs Dream .
The date for the production of Mr . AVnson Barrett ' s neAv drama , Nowadays , as at present arranged , is the 28 th of the current month This season at Hengler's Circus at Covent Garden Avill end on Saturday evening next . Further attractions have been added to Faust , vp to Date at the
Gaiety . A UCAV dance for the four nimble young ladies , and a IIBAV Irish song for Mr . Lonnen , called " The AVidoAV , " and written by Robert Martin , Avere performed on Thursday last , which was the 100 th representation of this truly diverting burlesque by Messrs . G . 11 . Sims and Henry Pettitt .
French plays Avill be given at Mr . LdAvarde s Theatre at the end of May . During the season Madame Sarah Bernhardt Avill produce X ' , 1 rcu , the play she has written for herself , all by herself . It is said that Mr . Carl Rosa intends having an opera season in London this year . LAUNCELOT GOBBO .
Our City Article.
Our City Article .
CAPEL COURT , FEBRUARY 20 TH , 1880 . ' -The movements in the price of money have been constant during the past week , but on the whole the tendency is towards greater ease . A large sum is reported as being shipped from Buenos Ayres for London , and this , with the Australian money nearly due , Avill considerably improve the position of the Bank . Short loans are quoted at 2 J , 3 , and three months' bills at 2 J .
The principal feature in the stock markets is the absen . ee of fresh business , and as a consequence prices are loAver , with few exceptions , all round . In the foreign market this is owing to the unsettled state of politics in Paris ; and in English rails to the uncertainty as to A \ hat may be the effect of the UCAV tariff regulations .
In American railway shares there is the same feature . An association has been formed for the regulation of traffic rates , the settlement of disputes , and for mutual support , but so far the only effect has been to depress prices . In miscellaneous shares there is
also a feebleness , Avhich may , perhaps , be traced to the enormous increase of new ventures appealing to the public for subscription . The latest of these are the Bread Companies , Avhich are being brought out tAvo or three every day , and in AA'hich , for my part , I would not care to embark one sixpence .
Foreign Stocks shoAv little move on balance . After the settlement Avas concluded last week they improved someAvhat , but that gain has since been lost . The only excitement has been in what is called the " rubbish , " which includes the cheap South Americans . Peru tumbled very quickly upon the IIBAVS that Congress had separated Avithout coming to any decision as to the Grace Contract , but as
soon as the dealers came to their senses and realised the fact that this meant absolutely nothing , prices were soon put up again , and now stand about the same as before . Ecuadors also have again come into fashion and a rise of about 3 per cent . Avas established in one day ; nor do I think that the rise is over yet . This stock was carried up many points above present prices in the last flutter and this Avill probably happen again .
Home rails have been moving irregularly , first up , then down again , but I do not see any reason , to anticipate any great falling off , and in A ery fCAV cases does it happen that prices are beloAv those of a Aveek ago . The Scotch lines are easier , as are also the southern
lines , but the heavies are all better . I think that North British may be bought on any fall , as the dividend Avill soon be published , and Avill , I hear , be better than anticipated . Brightens also only Avant a feAv days fine Aveather to carry them up again higher than ever .
American rails are still unsettled , and any improvement is confined within very narroAV limits . They remain essentially a jobbing market . To-day they are very flat , and it may be a good buying day for a short rise , but the time of the big boom that has so often been predicted seems as far off as ever . The fizzle in Ontario ' s lasted about five minutes , and they are HOAV as utterly forgotten as usual . I Avould rather buy Milwaukie shares for a profit of 1 or 1 j per cent ., simply because they are flat and are so Avell abused .
Canadian Pacifies got up a little on the strength of a slightl y improved traffic , but they are not a lively stock and appear to have sunk to a level there is no moving them from . Grand Trunks are active enough , but it Avould puzzle anyone to say Avhich way they are going next . The rise of last week has not been maintained , but I Avould rather prefer to buy than to sell at present prices . Mexican rails recovered on the announcement of a good traffic return and look like improving .
In miscellaneous shares the business done has been pretty fair , Beulong tins being one of the lot wanted . Gun shares are in demand , in anticipation of extra Government contracts this year . Bell ' s asbestos , as soon as they were quoted ex-dividend , tumbled doAvn to HiJ- ; but when the selling ceased recovered again to 17 . Apparently the end has not yet come , but it is clear that the holders
do not believe muchm the future prospects of the company . Telegraphs are flat . The North group of nitrates continue to droop in the absence of the master , AA'hile the others , such as Taltal , improve . There is room for both , no doubt , but the North party have so overshadowed this market that all have not had an equal chance . Mines are quiet , not to say dull . After the recent excitement it is
as Avell to pause a little and look round . Some of the hitherto unknoAvn South African Mines , such as the Bixley and others of the same kind , are coming into notice , but the exploration and land shares are decidedly the favourites , as affording more scope for making big profits . CltAVTSMAX .
M . O . —( 1 ) Do as you have suggested . ( 2 ) You may refuse to accept the shares as they are not marketable . DIDO . —AVait until after the next settlement . These people are not worth going to any expense about .