Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Our Trestle Board
With this Number we issue , as a supplement , an index to the contents of our First Volume , Avhich in its appropriate binding is now ready for delivery . ***** The Anniversary Festival of the Asylum for Fatherless Children , Reedham , Surrey , is to be held at Cannon Street Hotel , London , on the 12 th March , Hugh M . Matheson , Esq ., presiding . A strong
appeal is made on behalf of the asylum , which , since it Avas founded in 1844 , has admitted to its kindly shelter no fewer than 1 , 563 children , and has within its doors at the present time some 320 . The institution is entirely unsectarian ; Avithout endowment ; depending wholly upon the benevolence of the public ; open to orphans of both sexes , and is the only institution of the kind where they are
received as early as three months old , and retained without exception until fifteen years of age . It therefore commends itself to universal support ; and members of the craft who , having supported niore immediately our OAvn charitable institutions , can yet find means to recognise the grand motto i ( Charity makes all
one , " should remember the fatherless and the AVU ' ' , although they may not be directly associated Avith our benevolent order . May we express the hope that on the SteAvards' lists at the approaching festival of this Orphan Asylum may be found the names of Freemasons Avhose charitable gifts are not entirely confined to Masonic Institutions .
Our correspondents have much to answer for . Consequent upon their daring to call attention to the necessity for reform , and on our giving publicity to their complaints , a threat from one high in the councils of our Institutions has been carried out , and we have been notified of the AvithdraAval of his name from our large list of subscribers . This narrow-minded action on the part of an
otherwise large hearted man will not , Ave think , very appreciably affect our circulation . There is an old saying amongst maidens whose sweethearts do not continue true to the core , that " the loss of one is the gain of tAvo , and the choice of twenty more . " AVe apply this comforting saying to our present case , and , as Jack Uunsby says , "the bearing of this obserwation lays in the application on it . "
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
UBIQUE LODGE—No . 1789 . —The visual quarterly meeting of this lodge was held at the Caft . Royal , Regent Street , AV ., on Monday , the 11 th inst . The brethren present included Bros . Captain AV . L . AVhite , AV . M . ; AV . K . Arnold , S . AV . ; E . Morris , J . AV . ; J . Christian , S . D . ; AV . AV . Blades , Acting J . D . ; AV . Seager , I . G . ; Captain A . C . Hansard , D . C . ; Captain A . Eardley-AVilmot ; Captain AV . Richey , P . M ., P . Z . ; Lieutenants Aldridge , Chamberlain , Turner , Cooper , Laird and AVilken , and many other brethren all of the Royal Artillery . After Bros . AV . Dickson and F . Myers had been impressively passed to the second degree , the lodge unanimously elected
Bro . W . R . Arnold , S . W ., to the otlice of AV . M . for the cunning year . Bro . Arnold was initiated in this lodge in November , 1884 , and raised to the third degree in May , 1885 , so that on the night of his installation , which takes place in May next , he will be only four years a M . M ., he has , however , served in the lodge , as J . D ., . 1 . & S . AV ., and is a life subscriber to the K . M . I , lor Girls . Bros . ( . ' apt . J . Sculley , R . H . A ., and J . Laeland were unanimously elected to the otlices of treasurer and tyler respectively . Bros . AV . Arnold , P . M . 13 , and J . Thorne were proposed as Joining members of the lodge . A dinner followed later , the usual masonic toasts being honoured and a very pleasant evening enjoyed by the brethren .
LONDON RIFLE BRIGADE LODGE—NO . 1062 . —Tho members of this lodge met on the 16 th inst ., at Andcrton ' s Hotel . Present , Bros . J . C . Tilt , W . M . ; J . Geon , S . W . ; Biug , J . W . ; Gregory , S . D . ; Lowe , Acting J . D . ; McNish , Acting I . G . ; Lackland , tyler ; Claridge , sec . ; McDowell , treas ., and about 20 brethren and visitors . Bros . W . M . Ward and Haydon were raised to the degree of M . M ., and Bro . Smith was passed to that of F . C ., the ceremonies In both instances being very well rendered by the W . M ., Bro . Tilt . At the supper which followed labour ,
the usual toasts were duly honoured . Bro . Claridge , the secretary , took occasion to remark that in this lodge a rule was enforced which obliged all candidates for the Master ' s chair to undergo an examination before a committee of skilled P . M ' s . and demonstrate to them that he was so thoroughly versed in all details of ritual and ceremonial as to be able to conduct the business of the lodge In a becoming manner . This is a most salutary rule , and one which , if adopted in all lodges , vwould prevent many instances of ridicule now . caused by an imperfect knowledge on the part of rulers in the craft .
DORIC LODGE—NO . 933 . —The installation meeting was held on the 12 th inst ., at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street . There were present : Bros . . las . Smith , AV . M . ; J . Hall Brown , S . W . ; J . Grey , J . AV . ; AV . AVainwriglit ,. P . M ., treas . ; J . Bowron , P . M ., see . ; W . Smith , S . D . ; J . L . Dale , J . D . ; T . G . Scott , steward ; G . T . H . Seddon , P . M ., org . ; P . M . ' s Bros . T . J . Barnes , Jas . Smith , A . Calver , B . Williams , J . AVest , G . Hollington , It . Ayton , It . Tucker , T . Crane , and AV . J . Edney ; Bros . P . AV . Gates , \ A . Caslake , J . Rushforth , G . AV . Austen , A . Dutlleld , AV . A . Hine , I . T . Johnson , A . Steedman , A \' . 11 . C . Moore , AV . A . Moss , F . Newport , and J .
Pick . Visitors : Bros . J . Taylor , P . M . 753 ; B . Bare , . M . 18 G 5 ; A . Brock , 857 ; H . F . J . Hallows , P . M . 1662 ; A . Hopson , 1421 ; J . Abrahams , 205 ; J . E . Taylor , 212 ; A . K . Trew , P . M . 959 ; AV . H . Myers , P . M . 820 ; H . AV . Clarke , P . M . 1625 ; H . F . Elliot , 49 ; G . J . Reed , 1910 ; AV . Verry , P . M ., P . G . S . Br . Herts ; J . Bouiton , AV . M . 2291 ; J . AVaylaud , 95 ; . Ino . Fowler , 1158 ; . lames Evans , AV . S . 1260 ; J . M . Knight , P . M . 95 ; R . Goodall , 87 ; A . J . Hollington , P . M ., P . G . S . 58 ; AV . Musto , P . M . 1349 . The installation ceremony was performed by the retiring AV . M ., Bro . . 1 . Smith , so eloquently and effciently as to call for more than ordinary commendation . The newly-installed AV . M . appointed his officers as follows : —j . Grev , S . W . ;
"W . Smith , J . W .-, W . Wutow right , T . M ., trcaa . ; , T . Btwron , P . M ., sec ; . I . ' L . DaU ., S . D ; A . R . Walker , J . D . ; T . G . Scott , I . G . ; Hine , steward ; W . A . Moss , D . C . ; 11 . T H . Seddon , P . M . ( for the 19 th time ) , org . ; . 1 . Rawles , tyler . The business of the evening included the consideration of an application from a former member of thc lodge for assistance , and £ 10 was promptly voted . The retiring W . M . was presented with a P . M . ' s jewel and a collar , amid marks of concurrence and appreciation , after which lodge was formally closed , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet ; at which the customary toasts were honoured . Songs and recitations by Bros . E . Bare , C . Hopson , F . Newport , A . Calver , F . Gates , \ V . J . Edney , and " . G . Scott greatly added to the pleasant features of this successful entertainment .
GALLEHY ( PKESS ) LODGE—No .-1928 . —At the-usual meeting on the 9 th inst ., a valuable past master ' s Jewel was presented to Bro . J . C . Duckworth , tho I . P . M . of the lodge , In acknowledgment of the great services which he has rendered to the
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
lodge since its formation eight years ago . At the same meeting tho members handed to Bro . Duckworth a handsome ring for Mrs . Duckworth , as a token of respect , that lady having taken an active interest in the non-masonic gatherings held under the auspices of thc lodge . ST . MARTIN ' S-I . E-GRAND LODGE—NO . 1538 . —On the 13 th inst ., at the Great Eastern Hotel , Liverpool Street , E . G . —AV . Bro . M . J . Mnmford , AV . M . —Bros . T . G . Fluck , I . P . M . ; J . llartnoll . S . AV .: P . C . Maitland , J . AV . ; G . AV . Hatch , P . M ., treas . ;
T . H . Roberts , S . D .: II . ' ! . ' . AVright , J . D .: I . T . Stranger . I . G .: G . If . Cantlc , Org . ( MASONIC ST . VH ) ; J . P . Parkes , P . M .: J . Hatch , AV . Callie , J . Ford , II . Bye , C . P . Bonne , AV . Johnston , C . Watson , C . E . Fardel ] , T . B . Sproston , II . Cooper , James , C . F . Finch , Cheilitis . Amongst the visitors were AV . Bro . Cbas . G . Hill , P . M . 2262 , P . Z . 177 ; J . Paige . Savage Club Lodge 2190 , AV . M . 1572 : H . JI . Davies , . 1 . 1 ) . Emblematic 1321 : G . Clavton . 780 ; G . AVinny , Org . Duke of Albanv 1963 . The
Lodge was duly opened , and Bros . . 3 . Hatch and AW Collie were passed to-the degree of F . C . 's . Mr . Cheilitis was then initiated into masonry . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . The usual toasts were given and cordially received , that of the visitors receiving a very excellent response from Bro . Clayton . During the evening many of tho brethren acted as vocalists , Bros . Cantlc , AVinny , and Davies , alternately presiding at the piano .
ROVAT , Alum . — IxnvsTUY (' . i . \ . "n- _ n—No . 186 .--A convocation of this elmptei was held at , Freemasons' Hall , London , on Tuesday , the lath inst .. Ex-Comp Josiah John Cantlc , M . E . Z .. ] residing , and being supported bv the following com panions : I . x-Comps . B . Tavlor . P . / .. Acting if . ; AV . W . AVcstlev . . 1 .: John Seex P . Z ., Srril e E . ; T . E . Tallant , I' . Z .. treas . ; C . II . J'hillips , P . Z .: ' AV . Pooiv , I ' . Z . Edumn . l Bye , and . 1 . AV . AVoi'stoneroft . Visitors : —Ex-Comps . James Stevens I ' . Z . 720 , 771 ; G . AV . Knight . . AI . K . Z . 1507 ; and Comp . S . Scott Young , 1385 . Th (
nnnntrs ot the convocation of 10 th October , 1888 . having been continued , and ballots taken for Bros . Charles Rawlev Cross . AV . M ., Creaton Lodge , No . 1791 Edward Austin , P . M ., Creaton Lodge , No . 1791 : Philip Shepherd , AV . M ., Royal Albert Edward Lodge , No . 1302 ; and Richard Killick , I . P . M .. Roval Albert Edward Lodge , No . 1362 , and declared favourable , Bros . Cross , Austin , ami Shepherd being in attendance , were introduced and exalted into the supreme degree . The banquet was served at the Holborn Restaurant .
RAVEXSBOUINK—No . 101 ) 1 . —On the 13 th inst ., at the George Hotel , Carford , S . E ., the fifteen sections were very ably worked under the presidency of AV . Bro . AValter Martin , P . M . The attendance ' was not , so numerous as was ' anticipated , but doubtless the very inclement weather accounted for thc absence of several brethren . Bro . Martin , with his usual ability , conducted the business of the evening , to the satisfaction of all present , and he and AV . Bro . Milbourn , P . M ., who officiated as S . AV ., were unanimously elecredhon . members , in appreciation of their valuable services on this and preceding occasions . This Lodge of Instruction at all times well repays a visit , its working being , under the preccptorship of W . Bro . H . Shaw , as perfect as can be found in London .
. STUART—No . 1632 . - -At the A ictoria Hotel , Karriiigdon Street , E . G ., on the 11 th inst . —Bro . Lindsay , AV .. AL—the second degree was rehearsed by the AV . M . On the 21 st Inst , the third degree will be rehearsed by Bro . Henry Baldwin , P . P . S . I ., Midx ., at 7 p-m ., Bro . Spiegel , Preceptor . Brethren cordially invited . STAKCIIAI'TUU—1275 .- On Friday , 15 th inst ., at . the Stirling Castle , Camberwell . Present , Comps . F . Hilton , P . 7 .. 1275 , Preceptor ; tt .. J . Yoisoy , P . Z ., S . E . 132 » , treas ., M . E . Z . ; Murche , H . ; G . Moore , H . 169 , J . ; Stone , S . E : C . Woods , S . N . ; A
AVood , P . S . ; Neeld , P . Z . ; Grtimmant , P . Z . ; Austin ; Addingion , Z . 1275 : Towers , and Wicks . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed . Comp . Murchii was elected M . I-. Z . for the next meeting , and received a vote of thanks for his "H " work , being the lirst time . Comps . Towers and Austin were admitted members . A committee was appointed to report as to the advisability of holding a supper . The balance-sheet , was presented by Comp . Murche , and showed a balance on the right side . During the past year the chapter met 11 times , with an average attendance of 12 . The highest was 20 and the lowest eight .
HANTS AND ISLE OF WIGHT—SIIA . XKI . IX—GUISE LODGE- No . lss .. —\\ the meeting held on the 3 lst nit . a letter was read from Bro . John Chapman , P . AI . 1402 , P . ProvG . D . of Devon , ( who is a member of No . 18 S 4 J , informing the brethren of the election of Bro . Alfred Greenham , P . M . 188-1 , & c , as one of the honorary members of tho Jordan Lodge , Torquay . On the proposition of Bro . Newman
P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W . Hants , seconded by the \ V . Master , and supported by Bro . John Bailey , P . M ., P . I ' rov . A . G . D . C . Hants , it was unanimously resolved 'That the brethren now assembled In open lodge desire to express their warm appreeiat ion of the favour conferred upon Brother Alfred Greenham , P . M . and D . C , and through him upon Chine Lodge , No . 1884 , in his election as honorary member of the . Ionian Lodge , as the projector and manager of the Shanklin . Masonic . Exhibition .
NORTHUMBERLAND . —TYNE . MOUTII—PIUOHY LODGE-No . 1863—Regular meeting at the Grand Hotel , Thursday , 14 th inst . Bros . Charles Herbert Staulev Sherlock and Robert , Spencer Story were elected members . Bros . Richard IlenrV AVesencraft and John William Carr were passed to the Second Degree by the W . M . ( Bro . John Coiill ) . A large number of Provincial Oilicers and P . M . ' s were present amongst whom wore 1 ros . J . D . Dixon , P . M ., Percy Lodge 1127 , P . G . S W •' AVm . Davison , P . M . de Ogle 636 , P . P . G . S . AV . ; Robert Carr , P . M . Newcastlc-on-Tyne Lodge 24 , and St . John ' s Lodge 1712 . P . P . G . S . AV . ; T . 13 . Nichols . P . M .
uinberland Lodge 685 , and Priory Lodge 1883 , treas ., P . P . G . S . AV . ; J . H . Beckingham , P . M . Priory Lodge ls 63 ( D . » f C ) . P . G . J . AV . ; Herbert Bott , P . G . Chap . ; J . M . Winter , P . M . Priory Lod . e 186 ) , P . P . G . Rr . ; AV . Carnaby , P . M . St . George ' s 431 P . G . S . B . ; 0 . Roope , P . M . 24 and 1863 , P . P . G . O . ; R . C . Symonils , P . M . Hotspur 1626 , P . P . G . P . ; Robert Ja kson , P . M . St . Johns 1712 , I' . G . P . ; John T . Davison , P . M . Priory Lodge 1863 , P . P . G . S . ; J . Heslop , P . M . St . George ' s Lodge 431 ; Joseph
Robertson , P . M . Tyne Lodge 991 ; AV . AVilkinson , 1298 London , organist . The officers present were Bros . . iohn Coull , AV . M ., ; II . Bott , S . A \ . ; AV . Spiecr , J . AV . T . B . Nichols , P . M ., treas . ; C . Roope , P . M ., see . ; AV . Fawcett , S . D . ; H . E . Hollis ' J . D . ; Jas . II . Beckinghain , P . M ., D . of C ; It . F . Kidd , S . S . Other members of Priory Lodge : Bros . G . Kenwiok , C . Gibson , A . AVaitt , W . Frazier , A . Ilelchwald and Bros . H . Geipel and \ V . G . Renolds of Lodge 1-127 .
TYNEMOuTH-PKiottY ROYAL Alien CiiAi'TEtt , No . 1863 .- -Election meeting at the Grand Hotel , on Monday , 10 th inst . The chapter was opened by the Principals and Past Principals . T . B . Nichols , Z ., P . KG . J ., occupied the first chair . E . Comp . G . It . Duncan was unanimously elected Z . for the ensuing year E . Comp . J . M . AVinter , II . ; J . ( .. Wallace , J . ; E . Comp . C . Roope , P . P . G . O ., Scribe E . ; Ed . Green , Scribe N . ; . ) . H . Beckinghain , treas . ; 11 . Bott , P . S . ; J . Coull 1 st Asst . So . ; AV . Bambridge , 2 nd Asst . So . ; Joseph W . Surtees , janitor .
The Annual Meeting of the LODGE OF IXSTUUCTICN , held under the wan-ant ot Lodge 24 , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , was held on Tuesday , 12 th inst , at Freemason's Hall , Grainger Street , AV . The Lodge was opened ' In due form by Bro . John Nesbit , P . M . 24 , P . P . G . S . D . Bro . 11 . L . ilarkham , P . M ., read the Treasurer ' s and Auditor's Report , which showed a good balance in favour of the lodge , which may be said to be due to the exertion of Bro . A . T . Aitchinson , P M . 21 , treas ., he having looked after the subscriptions so well that only two members were in arrears . The lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to Bro . J . S Tail ' s Crown and ' Mitre Hotel , where an excellent repast was provided , presided over by liio , . ) Nesbit , P . M . 24 . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to
SUSSEX—RYE—AVEI . MXGTOX LOI . GK—N O . 341 . —The installation meeting was held at the Cinque Ports Anns Hotel , Rye , on the lltli inst . The Lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . C . J . Fletchcrj who ably performed the ceremony of passing Bro . H . Davies Ilorrell to the F . C . degree . Tiie W . M . Elect , Bro . Joseph Molyneux Jenkins , J . W ., having been duly installed in the chair of K . S ., bv Bro . J . Cole , the ceremony was concluded by W . Bro . William Dawes , P . P . G . S . AV . and ' P . D . G . R . ( the secretary of the lodge ., who delivered the various charges in his usual impressive manner . The officers for the year ensuing were invested bv the
AV . M . as follows : —Bros . A . M . Brooklield , . 1 / . /' ., S . W . ; W . J . Palmer , J . W . ; A . H . Crick , Chap . ; F . llellinghain , P . P . G . S . B ., treas . ; AVUliam Dawes , see-JI . H . Barton , S . D . ; T . Bitshby , J . D . ; H . Holinan , J . G . ; and J . Masev , tyler ' . Besides several visiting brethren from Hastings and other lodges in the province j thc company was honoured by the presence of the Deputy Prov . ti . M ., Bro . Gerard ' Ford , P . G . D ., who was accompanied by W . Bro . V . P . Freeman , Prov . G . Sec , etc . At the subsequent banquet the usual loyal and masonic toasts were duly honoured ' ilnl a very pleasant and harmonious evening was spent . '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Trestle Board
With this Number we issue , as a supplement , an index to the contents of our First Volume , Avhich in its appropriate binding is now ready for delivery . ***** The Anniversary Festival of the Asylum for Fatherless Children , Reedham , Surrey , is to be held at Cannon Street Hotel , London , on the 12 th March , Hugh M . Matheson , Esq ., presiding . A strong
appeal is made on behalf of the asylum , which , since it Avas founded in 1844 , has admitted to its kindly shelter no fewer than 1 , 563 children , and has within its doors at the present time some 320 . The institution is entirely unsectarian ; Avithout endowment ; depending wholly upon the benevolence of the public ; open to orphans of both sexes , and is the only institution of the kind where they are
received as early as three months old , and retained without exception until fifteen years of age . It therefore commends itself to universal support ; and members of the craft who , having supported niore immediately our OAvn charitable institutions , can yet find means to recognise the grand motto i ( Charity makes all
one , " should remember the fatherless and the AVU ' ' , although they may not be directly associated Avith our benevolent order . May we express the hope that on the SteAvards' lists at the approaching festival of this Orphan Asylum may be found the names of Freemasons Avhose charitable gifts are not entirely confined to Masonic Institutions .
Our correspondents have much to answer for . Consequent upon their daring to call attention to the necessity for reform , and on our giving publicity to their complaints , a threat from one high in the councils of our Institutions has been carried out , and we have been notified of the AvithdraAval of his name from our large list of subscribers . This narrow-minded action on the part of an
otherwise large hearted man will not , Ave think , very appreciably affect our circulation . There is an old saying amongst maidens whose sweethearts do not continue true to the core , that " the loss of one is the gain of tAvo , and the choice of twenty more . " AVe apply this comforting saying to our present case , and , as Jack Uunsby says , "the bearing of this obserwation lays in the application on it . "
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
UBIQUE LODGE—No . 1789 . —The visual quarterly meeting of this lodge was held at the Caft . Royal , Regent Street , AV ., on Monday , the 11 th inst . The brethren present included Bros . Captain AV . L . AVhite , AV . M . ; AV . K . Arnold , S . AV . ; E . Morris , J . AV . ; J . Christian , S . D . ; AV . AV . Blades , Acting J . D . ; AV . Seager , I . G . ; Captain A . C . Hansard , D . C . ; Captain A . Eardley-AVilmot ; Captain AV . Richey , P . M ., P . Z . ; Lieutenants Aldridge , Chamberlain , Turner , Cooper , Laird and AVilken , and many other brethren all of the Royal Artillery . After Bros . AV . Dickson and F . Myers had been impressively passed to the second degree , the lodge unanimously elected
Bro . W . R . Arnold , S . W ., to the otlice of AV . M . for the cunning year . Bro . Arnold was initiated in this lodge in November , 1884 , and raised to the third degree in May , 1885 , so that on the night of his installation , which takes place in May next , he will be only four years a M . M ., he has , however , served in the lodge , as J . D ., . 1 . & S . AV ., and is a life subscriber to the K . M . I , lor Girls . Bros . ( . ' apt . J . Sculley , R . H . A ., and J . Laeland were unanimously elected to the otlices of treasurer and tyler respectively . Bros . AV . Arnold , P . M . 13 , and J . Thorne were proposed as Joining members of the lodge . A dinner followed later , the usual masonic toasts being honoured and a very pleasant evening enjoyed by the brethren .
LONDON RIFLE BRIGADE LODGE—NO . 1062 . —Tho members of this lodge met on the 16 th inst ., at Andcrton ' s Hotel . Present , Bros . J . C . Tilt , W . M . ; J . Geon , S . W . ; Biug , J . W . ; Gregory , S . D . ; Lowe , Acting J . D . ; McNish , Acting I . G . ; Lackland , tyler ; Claridge , sec . ; McDowell , treas ., and about 20 brethren and visitors . Bros . W . M . Ward and Haydon were raised to the degree of M . M ., and Bro . Smith was passed to that of F . C ., the ceremonies In both instances being very well rendered by the W . M ., Bro . Tilt . At the supper which followed labour ,
the usual toasts were duly honoured . Bro . Claridge , the secretary , took occasion to remark that in this lodge a rule was enforced which obliged all candidates for the Master ' s chair to undergo an examination before a committee of skilled P . M ' s . and demonstrate to them that he was so thoroughly versed in all details of ritual and ceremonial as to be able to conduct the business of the lodge In a becoming manner . This is a most salutary rule , and one which , if adopted in all lodges , vwould prevent many instances of ridicule now . caused by an imperfect knowledge on the part of rulers in the craft .
DORIC LODGE—NO . 933 . —The installation meeting was held on the 12 th inst ., at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street . There were present : Bros . . las . Smith , AV . M . ; J . Hall Brown , S . W . ; J . Grey , J . AV . ; AV . AVainwriglit ,. P . M ., treas . ; J . Bowron , P . M ., see . ; W . Smith , S . D . ; J . L . Dale , J . D . ; T . G . Scott , steward ; G . T . H . Seddon , P . M ., org . ; P . M . ' s Bros . T . J . Barnes , Jas . Smith , A . Calver , B . Williams , J . AVest , G . Hollington , It . Ayton , It . Tucker , T . Crane , and AV . J . Edney ; Bros . P . AV . Gates , \ A . Caslake , J . Rushforth , G . AV . Austen , A . Dutlleld , AV . A . Hine , I . T . Johnson , A . Steedman , A \' . 11 . C . Moore , AV . A . Moss , F . Newport , and J .
Pick . Visitors : Bros . J . Taylor , P . M . 753 ; B . Bare , . M . 18 G 5 ; A . Brock , 857 ; H . F . J . Hallows , P . M . 1662 ; A . Hopson , 1421 ; J . Abrahams , 205 ; J . E . Taylor , 212 ; A . K . Trew , P . M . 959 ; AV . H . Myers , P . M . 820 ; H . AV . Clarke , P . M . 1625 ; H . F . Elliot , 49 ; G . J . Reed , 1910 ; AV . Verry , P . M ., P . G . S . Br . Herts ; J . Bouiton , AV . M . 2291 ; J . AVaylaud , 95 ; . Ino . Fowler , 1158 ; . lames Evans , AV . S . 1260 ; J . M . Knight , P . M . 95 ; R . Goodall , 87 ; A . J . Hollington , P . M ., P . G . S . 58 ; AV . Musto , P . M . 1349 . The installation ceremony was performed by the retiring AV . M ., Bro . . 1 . Smith , so eloquently and effciently as to call for more than ordinary commendation . The newly-installed AV . M . appointed his officers as follows : —j . Grev , S . W . ;
"W . Smith , J . W .-, W . Wutow right , T . M ., trcaa . ; , T . Btwron , P . M ., sec ; . I . ' L . DaU ., S . D ; A . R . Walker , J . D . ; T . G . Scott , I . G . ; Hine , steward ; W . A . Moss , D . C . ; 11 . T H . Seddon , P . M . ( for the 19 th time ) , org . ; . 1 . Rawles , tyler . The business of the evening included the consideration of an application from a former member of thc lodge for assistance , and £ 10 was promptly voted . The retiring W . M . was presented with a P . M . ' s jewel and a collar , amid marks of concurrence and appreciation , after which lodge was formally closed , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet ; at which the customary toasts were honoured . Songs and recitations by Bros . E . Bare , C . Hopson , F . Newport , A . Calver , F . Gates , \ V . J . Edney , and " . G . Scott greatly added to the pleasant features of this successful entertainment .
GALLEHY ( PKESS ) LODGE—No .-1928 . —At the-usual meeting on the 9 th inst ., a valuable past master ' s Jewel was presented to Bro . J . C . Duckworth , tho I . P . M . of the lodge , In acknowledgment of the great services which he has rendered to the
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
lodge since its formation eight years ago . At the same meeting tho members handed to Bro . Duckworth a handsome ring for Mrs . Duckworth , as a token of respect , that lady having taken an active interest in the non-masonic gatherings held under the auspices of thc lodge . ST . MARTIN ' S-I . E-GRAND LODGE—NO . 1538 . —On the 13 th inst ., at the Great Eastern Hotel , Liverpool Street , E . G . —AV . Bro . M . J . Mnmford , AV . M . —Bros . T . G . Fluck , I . P . M . ; J . llartnoll . S . AV .: P . C . Maitland , J . AV . ; G . AV . Hatch , P . M ., treas . ;
T . H . Roberts , S . D .: II . ' ! . ' . AVright , J . D .: I . T . Stranger . I . G .: G . If . Cantlc , Org . ( MASONIC ST . VH ) ; J . P . Parkes , P . M .: J . Hatch , AV . Callie , J . Ford , II . Bye , C . P . Bonne , AV . Johnston , C . Watson , C . E . Fardel ] , T . B . Sproston , II . Cooper , James , C . F . Finch , Cheilitis . Amongst the visitors were AV . Bro . Cbas . G . Hill , P . M . 2262 , P . Z . 177 ; J . Paige . Savage Club Lodge 2190 , AV . M . 1572 : H . JI . Davies , . 1 . 1 ) . Emblematic 1321 : G . Clavton . 780 ; G . AVinny , Org . Duke of Albanv 1963 . The
Lodge was duly opened , and Bros . . 3 . Hatch and AW Collie were passed to-the degree of F . C . 's . Mr . Cheilitis was then initiated into masonry . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . The usual toasts were given and cordially received , that of the visitors receiving a very excellent response from Bro . Clayton . During the evening many of tho brethren acted as vocalists , Bros . Cantlc , AVinny , and Davies , alternately presiding at the piano .
ROVAT , Alum . — IxnvsTUY (' . i . \ . "n- _ n—No . 186 .--A convocation of this elmptei was held at , Freemasons' Hall , London , on Tuesday , the lath inst .. Ex-Comp Josiah John Cantlc , M . E . Z .. ] residing , and being supported bv the following com panions : I . x-Comps . B . Tavlor . P . / .. Acting if . ; AV . W . AVcstlev . . 1 .: John Seex P . Z ., Srril e E . ; T . E . Tallant , I' . Z .. treas . ; C . II . J'hillips , P . Z .: ' AV . Pooiv , I ' . Z . Edumn . l Bye , and . 1 . AV . AVoi'stoneroft . Visitors : —Ex-Comps . James Stevens I ' . Z . 720 , 771 ; G . AV . Knight . . AI . K . Z . 1507 ; and Comp . S . Scott Young , 1385 . Th (
nnnntrs ot the convocation of 10 th October , 1888 . having been continued , and ballots taken for Bros . Charles Rawlev Cross . AV . M ., Creaton Lodge , No . 1791 Edward Austin , P . M ., Creaton Lodge , No . 1791 : Philip Shepherd , AV . M ., Royal Albert Edward Lodge , No . 1302 ; and Richard Killick , I . P . M .. Roval Albert Edward Lodge , No . 1362 , and declared favourable , Bros . Cross , Austin , ami Shepherd being in attendance , were introduced and exalted into the supreme degree . The banquet was served at the Holborn Restaurant .
RAVEXSBOUINK—No . 101 ) 1 . —On the 13 th inst ., at the George Hotel , Carford , S . E ., the fifteen sections were very ably worked under the presidency of AV . Bro . AValter Martin , P . M . The attendance ' was not , so numerous as was ' anticipated , but doubtless the very inclement weather accounted for thc absence of several brethren . Bro . Martin , with his usual ability , conducted the business of the evening , to the satisfaction of all present , and he and AV . Bro . Milbourn , P . M ., who officiated as S . AV ., were unanimously elecredhon . members , in appreciation of their valuable services on this and preceding occasions . This Lodge of Instruction at all times well repays a visit , its working being , under the preccptorship of W . Bro . H . Shaw , as perfect as can be found in London .
. STUART—No . 1632 . - -At the A ictoria Hotel , Karriiigdon Street , E . G ., on the 11 th inst . —Bro . Lindsay , AV .. AL—the second degree was rehearsed by the AV . M . On the 21 st Inst , the third degree will be rehearsed by Bro . Henry Baldwin , P . P . S . I ., Midx ., at 7 p-m ., Bro . Spiegel , Preceptor . Brethren cordially invited . STAKCIIAI'TUU—1275 .- On Friday , 15 th inst ., at . the Stirling Castle , Camberwell . Present , Comps . F . Hilton , P . 7 .. 1275 , Preceptor ; tt .. J . Yoisoy , P . Z ., S . E . 132 » , treas ., M . E . Z . ; Murche , H . ; G . Moore , H . 169 , J . ; Stone , S . E : C . Woods , S . N . ; A
AVood , P . S . ; Neeld , P . Z . ; Grtimmant , P . Z . ; Austin ; Addingion , Z . 1275 : Towers , and Wicks . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed . Comp . Murchii was elected M . I-. Z . for the next meeting , and received a vote of thanks for his "H " work , being the lirst time . Comps . Towers and Austin were admitted members . A committee was appointed to report as to the advisability of holding a supper . The balance-sheet , was presented by Comp . Murche , and showed a balance on the right side . During the past year the chapter met 11 times , with an average attendance of 12 . The highest was 20 and the lowest eight .
HANTS AND ISLE OF WIGHT—SIIA . XKI . IX—GUISE LODGE- No . lss .. —\\ the meeting held on the 3 lst nit . a letter was read from Bro . John Chapman , P . AI . 1402 , P . ProvG . D . of Devon , ( who is a member of No . 18 S 4 J , informing the brethren of the election of Bro . Alfred Greenham , P . M . 188-1 , & c , as one of the honorary members of tho Jordan Lodge , Torquay . On the proposition of Bro . Newman
P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W . Hants , seconded by the \ V . Master , and supported by Bro . John Bailey , P . M ., P . I ' rov . A . G . D . C . Hants , it was unanimously resolved 'That the brethren now assembled In open lodge desire to express their warm appreeiat ion of the favour conferred upon Brother Alfred Greenham , P . M . and D . C , and through him upon Chine Lodge , No . 1884 , in his election as honorary member of the . Ionian Lodge , as the projector and manager of the Shanklin . Masonic . Exhibition .
NORTHUMBERLAND . —TYNE . MOUTII—PIUOHY LODGE-No . 1863—Regular meeting at the Grand Hotel , Thursday , 14 th inst . Bros . Charles Herbert Staulev Sherlock and Robert , Spencer Story were elected members . Bros . Richard IlenrV AVesencraft and John William Carr were passed to the Second Degree by the W . M . ( Bro . John Coiill ) . A large number of Provincial Oilicers and P . M . ' s were present amongst whom wore 1 ros . J . D . Dixon , P . M ., Percy Lodge 1127 , P . G . S W •' AVm . Davison , P . M . de Ogle 636 , P . P . G . S . AV . ; Robert Carr , P . M . Newcastlc-on-Tyne Lodge 24 , and St . John ' s Lodge 1712 . P . P . G . S . AV . ; T . 13 . Nichols . P . M .
uinberland Lodge 685 , and Priory Lodge 1883 , treas ., P . P . G . S . AV . ; J . H . Beckingham , P . M . Priory Lodge ls 63 ( D . » f C ) . P . G . J . AV . ; Herbert Bott , P . G . Chap . ; J . M . Winter , P . M . Priory Lod . e 186 ) , P . P . G . Rr . ; AV . Carnaby , P . M . St . George ' s 431 P . G . S . B . ; 0 . Roope , P . M . 24 and 1863 , P . P . G . O . ; R . C . Symonils , P . M . Hotspur 1626 , P . P . G . P . ; Robert Ja kson , P . M . St . Johns 1712 , I' . G . P . ; John T . Davison , P . M . Priory Lodge 1863 , P . P . G . S . ; J . Heslop , P . M . St . George ' s Lodge 431 ; Joseph
Robertson , P . M . Tyne Lodge 991 ; AV . AVilkinson , 1298 London , organist . The officers present were Bros . . iohn Coull , AV . M ., ; II . Bott , S . A \ . ; AV . Spiecr , J . AV . T . B . Nichols , P . M ., treas . ; C . Roope , P . M ., see . ; AV . Fawcett , S . D . ; H . E . Hollis ' J . D . ; Jas . II . Beckinghain , P . M ., D . of C ; It . F . Kidd , S . S . Other members of Priory Lodge : Bros . G . Kenwiok , C . Gibson , A . AVaitt , W . Frazier , A . Ilelchwald and Bros . H . Geipel and \ V . G . Renolds of Lodge 1-127 .
TYNEMOuTH-PKiottY ROYAL Alien CiiAi'TEtt , No . 1863 .- -Election meeting at the Grand Hotel , on Monday , 10 th inst . The chapter was opened by the Principals and Past Principals . T . B . Nichols , Z ., P . KG . J ., occupied the first chair . E . Comp . G . It . Duncan was unanimously elected Z . for the ensuing year E . Comp . J . M . AVinter , II . ; J . ( .. Wallace , J . ; E . Comp . C . Roope , P . P . G . O ., Scribe E . ; Ed . Green , Scribe N . ; . ) . H . Beckinghain , treas . ; 11 . Bott , P . S . ; J . Coull 1 st Asst . So . ; AV . Bambridge , 2 nd Asst . So . ; Joseph W . Surtees , janitor .
The Annual Meeting of the LODGE OF IXSTUUCTICN , held under the wan-ant ot Lodge 24 , Newcastle-upon-Tyne , was held on Tuesday , 12 th inst , at Freemason's Hall , Grainger Street , AV . The Lodge was opened ' In due form by Bro . John Nesbit , P . M . 24 , P . P . G . S . D . Bro . 11 . L . ilarkham , P . M ., read the Treasurer ' s and Auditor's Report , which showed a good balance in favour of the lodge , which may be said to be due to the exertion of Bro . A . T . Aitchinson , P M . 21 , treas ., he having looked after the subscriptions so well that only two members were in arrears . The lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to Bro . J . S Tail ' s Crown and ' Mitre Hotel , where an excellent repast was provided , presided over by liio , . ) Nesbit , P . M . 24 . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to
SUSSEX—RYE—AVEI . MXGTOX LOI . GK—N O . 341 . —The installation meeting was held at the Cinque Ports Anns Hotel , Rye , on the lltli inst . The Lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . C . J . Fletchcrj who ably performed the ceremony of passing Bro . H . Davies Ilorrell to the F . C . degree . Tiie W . M . Elect , Bro . Joseph Molyneux Jenkins , J . W ., having been duly installed in the chair of K . S ., bv Bro . J . Cole , the ceremony was concluded by W . Bro . William Dawes , P . P . G . S . AV . and ' P . D . G . R . ( the secretary of the lodge ., who delivered the various charges in his usual impressive manner . The officers for the year ensuing were invested bv the
AV . M . as follows : —Bros . A . M . Brooklield , . 1 / . /' ., S . W . ; W . J . Palmer , J . W . ; A . H . Crick , Chap . ; F . llellinghain , P . P . G . S . B ., treas . ; AVUliam Dawes , see-JI . H . Barton , S . D . ; T . Bitshby , J . D . ; H . Holinan , J . G . ; and J . Masev , tyler ' . Besides several visiting brethren from Hastings and other lodges in the province j thc company was honoured by the presence of the Deputy Prov . ti . M ., Bro . Gerard ' Ford , P . G . D ., who was accompanied by W . Bro . V . P . Freeman , Prov . G . Sec , etc . At the subsequent banquet the usual loyal and masonic toasts were duly honoured ' ilnl a very pleasant and harmonious evening was spent . '