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^^ fe ^^^^ jiijw Save Half your Coals and cure your by the American Stoves . ^ RP ^^ Iil ^ fc THB "CHALLENGE . "^ ^^ sg JJyy ^ Y ^^ ^^ J ^ ' ^^ Fw ^ S ^ . " ^ P ^ t kitchener without brickwork or other fixing . Malleable boiler , wrought gflllfrciO iron oven , entirely surrounded with heat . Good open roasting fire , and a certain cure for I iS ^^^ i ^^ . ^ B' 1 P ^^^ P ^ niiiBlVf {' yiilBs a smo ^ y cliimncj " . Will burn Wood or any kind of Fuel ; the cheapest and best range in I ||| K ^ tho market , in sizes from 21 in . to 4 ft . Price with boiler , £ 2 17 s . 6 d . ; without 1111 PiliBISii ^^^ lwM ^ mfJ 1 ft IW ? VF " ' ' f'lH hoilcr , £ 1 ISs . ( Wrought iron pressure boilers for bath purposes can be had with this II fiBP ^^ W » i 8 ^ I Iral i » ' 'fit range . ) Send for 100-page Illustrated Catalogue , free by quoting this paper . The only ___ B ! I ^ ^ P ^ 3 P ™^ 9 ^^ J 11 American Stove Stores in the United Kingdom . I^ jjii ^^ pffl ^ 11 ^ . "T^^ O 'RS: IT" ^^^ POORE & CO ., 139 , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON . W & B ^ ^ Ssllfc ESTABLISHED 32 YEAE-S .
TOYE ^ COMPYx 18 , Little Britain , E . G . ; Factory : Old Ford , London . ^ tanufarfurcrs of MASONIC CLOTHING , JEWELS , & c , APRONS from 8 / 6 to 18 / -, sent Post Free on receipt of P . O . O ., REGALIA FOR ALL SOCIETIES , Military and Theatrical Laces , Fringes , Gimps , Spangles , Ornaments , Gilt Threads , Bullions and Embroidery , Helmets , Caps , Gold Badges , Eeal Mohair Braids of every description , MASONIC , Wedding , Ball and other Favours . Cheapest Mouse for JSnglisli Goods .
The"Duke of Edinburgh"Umbrella , Named by desire of HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS , also used by HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , and other Members of the Royal Family . The above named Umbrellas claim exceptional advantages above every other invention at present brought out . UneiiUiillctl for ELEGANCE , STRENGTH ami NEATNESS . Tlic NATURAL STICK only is used . FOUR INCHES more allowed in height for the Hat or Bonnet , by the peculiar adjustment of the stretcher . It is the SMALLEST UMBRELLA , when rolled up , ever produced . Bro . ALEX . M1 CMILLAN , 66 , Holborn Viaduct , LONDON , E . C .
Testimonials , / P \ Votes of Thanks , < 8 cc , S /\ A 7 T" rAST MA'STE 1 ! S ani 1 O ' -tHlilt OFFICERS , ' NS //^ Artistically and Erablemaically Illuminated on Vellum , ^^ And Framed or Handsomely Round ready for Presentation . T . WOODS , 49 , Chancery Lane , London , E . C .
FOOD FOR DOGS ! FOOD FOR DOGS !! FL'KD , FATTEN nnd STRENGTHEN OAMITADV Cflfin for DOfiS of your DOG OH the ONLY PERFECT 0 A N I I AII I lUDU ALL BREEDS . Patent Protean Compound It is fur MI peri or to llisi'tiil I'oml . If requires no soaking or oilier preparation . It eontain * a uniform roinponi'iii : i »] niixiure of Albuminous , Farinaceous , l » 'ilirinnus ami ( ielatinous snlisianivs lii'ci'ssary to sustain in 1 » "N ' oi't licaltli , strent'lli and ondiirniiro imtli y < niii '_ ' anil olil I ) oi- 'S of all l . ri'i'ils . II ]>!¦ ' » vi-lit s all disensi » s . It removes erupt ions from ami renders Hie skin soft ami elasiie . thus nn _> : ii-iiIIJJ a ylossv anil silk-like appearance- lo the eoat . It is eaten t / reedily hy nil I ) o , ' _ 's . It is . for SjinrtiiiK Jlnu's , hy far I lie best fnoil ; it ailils Hone anil . M nsele . s- 'ivint , ' Sltvns . 'ili , Speed ami Kiiduiancc . Ho danger of Hydrophobia whilst feccting : upon this Compound . The Host and Cheajiist Food foe Uui / s aiol Cuts . Sold by ( . ' urn Clitnnllfi's , Grocers . Oilmen mul SI ores , in Tins , C » l ., 1 , ' -, 2 0 ; titnl ( , '\ vr . Keps . SiLETXTiLBTST FOOD CO ., 118 , FALCON ROAD , CLAPHAM JUNCTION , S . W .
IBIRO . . A.. S-A/ CnsTIE , Engraver , Designer , Illuminator ,
wS H. T. LAMB , ^ SsL : Jttatrofactttwr nf ffiasanic Btiudz , -85 * ( Motiving axxb fUjjalia , iBpi- 8 , St . John 's Square , Clerkenwell , Jj ^ UOISVIDOIST , ZE . C . ^^ mf ^ r Price List free on application .
WALTER LAWLEY 'SNew Field and Marine Glass , J <^ T ^ Wiy ifi < T 1 1 T * ^ TT Y 2 53 cess &^ S ^ E ^ S * ____ 5 _ JB . * * . JHL ^^ ____ ^ . Ann Mk . £ i a . JS L S ~^ . H jGr t—^ J ^^^ M ^^^ i EK lO MILES' RANGE , MSS ™ fHKll Fitted with 12 lenses of exceedingly fine quality , of great magnifying power , with perfect | $ L yifl HiJ IIF jagS definition . Made in bronze mounts , with black Morocco leather covered body , and fitted into ^ S 3 iII ! I'ifi 11 wl ^_^^ jgcpiilj best brown leather sling case , complete . _ 32 lOs . The finest glass ever produced at the price . _^_&^ JB | ' | i | S /| If'ljr *^^ i _> . . jBJk WALTER LAWLEY , Optician , 78 , Farringdon Street , LONDON , E . G . »^ M ^^
M. B. ROSENBERG , HIGH-CLASS TAILOR & OUTFITTER , LADIES'JACKETS ULSTER MAKER , 16 & 17 , LIVERPOOL ST ., LONDON , E . C . ( FIRST FLOOR . ) If . B . ROSENBERG respectfully calls attention to the extensive selection of material for tho ensuing Season , and , buying direct from the Manufacturers , is therefore able to give a good article at a moderate price . Specialities in Dress Suits and Inverness Capes made on the shortest notice .
A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY !!! IRELAND'SAURORA OR HERBAL OINTMENT , REGISTERED . This Preparation is the best ever offered to the public . It cures Eczema , Erysipelas , King ' s Evil , and all Diseases of the Skin , without the use oi' poisons , or any noxious substance . _ Old Wounds and Sores can be healed in a very short time by using- IRELAND S HERBAL OINTMENT . For Burns , Scalds , Bruises , Cuts , Contusions , or unsightly Blotches on the Skin , it is invaluable , as it leaves the skin smooth and in its normal condition . See Medical Testimonials . Wholesale Depot : —27 , DERWENT GROVE , EAST DULWICH , S . E . London Agents : —BARCLAY & SONS , FARRINGDON STREET . Sold by Chemists in Bottles , 1 / 1 _ , 2 / 9 , 4 / 6 , and 11 . ' -. None Genuine unless bearing the Signature of the Proprietress , " ELIZABETH IRELAND . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
^^ fe ^^^^ jiijw Save Half your Coals and cure your by the American Stoves . ^ RP ^^ Iil ^ fc THB "CHALLENGE . "^ ^^ sg JJyy ^ Y ^^ ^^ J ^ ' ^^ Fw ^ S ^ . " ^ P ^ t kitchener without brickwork or other fixing . Malleable boiler , wrought gflllfrciO iron oven , entirely surrounded with heat . Good open roasting fire , and a certain cure for I iS ^^^ i ^^ . ^ B' 1 P ^^^ P ^ niiiBlVf {' yiilBs a smo ^ y cliimncj " . Will burn Wood or any kind of Fuel ; the cheapest and best range in I ||| K ^ tho market , in sizes from 21 in . to 4 ft . Price with boiler , £ 2 17 s . 6 d . ; without 1111 PiliBISii ^^^ lwM ^ mfJ 1 ft IW ? VF " ' ' f'lH hoilcr , £ 1 ISs . ( Wrought iron pressure boilers for bath purposes can be had with this II fiBP ^^ W » i 8 ^ I Iral i » ' 'fit range . ) Send for 100-page Illustrated Catalogue , free by quoting this paper . The only ___ B ! I ^ ^ P ^ 3 P ™^ 9 ^^ J 11 American Stove Stores in the United Kingdom . I^ jjii ^^ pffl ^ 11 ^ . "T^^ O 'RS: IT" ^^^ POORE & CO ., 139 , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON . W & B ^ ^ Ssllfc ESTABLISHED 32 YEAE-S .
TOYE ^ COMPYx 18 , Little Britain , E . G . ; Factory : Old Ford , London . ^ tanufarfurcrs of MASONIC CLOTHING , JEWELS , & c , APRONS from 8 / 6 to 18 / -, sent Post Free on receipt of P . O . O ., REGALIA FOR ALL SOCIETIES , Military and Theatrical Laces , Fringes , Gimps , Spangles , Ornaments , Gilt Threads , Bullions and Embroidery , Helmets , Caps , Gold Badges , Eeal Mohair Braids of every description , MASONIC , Wedding , Ball and other Favours . Cheapest Mouse for JSnglisli Goods .
The"Duke of Edinburgh"Umbrella , Named by desire of HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS , also used by HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , and other Members of the Royal Family . The above named Umbrellas claim exceptional advantages above every other invention at present brought out . UneiiUiillctl for ELEGANCE , STRENGTH ami NEATNESS . Tlic NATURAL STICK only is used . FOUR INCHES more allowed in height for the Hat or Bonnet , by the peculiar adjustment of the stretcher . It is the SMALLEST UMBRELLA , when rolled up , ever produced . Bro . ALEX . M1 CMILLAN , 66 , Holborn Viaduct , LONDON , E . C .
Testimonials , / P \ Votes of Thanks , < 8 cc , S /\ A 7 T" rAST MA'STE 1 ! S ani 1 O ' -tHlilt OFFICERS , ' NS //^ Artistically and Erablemaically Illuminated on Vellum , ^^ And Framed or Handsomely Round ready for Presentation . T . WOODS , 49 , Chancery Lane , London , E . C .
FOOD FOR DOGS ! FOOD FOR DOGS !! FL'KD , FATTEN nnd STRENGTHEN OAMITADV Cflfin for DOfiS of your DOG OH the ONLY PERFECT 0 A N I I AII I lUDU ALL BREEDS . Patent Protean Compound It is fur MI peri or to llisi'tiil I'oml . If requires no soaking or oilier preparation . It eontain * a uniform roinponi'iii : i »] niixiure of Albuminous , Farinaceous , l » 'ilirinnus ami ( ielatinous snlisianivs lii'ci'ssary to sustain in 1 » "N ' oi't licaltli , strent'lli and ondiirniiro imtli y < niii '_ ' anil olil I ) oi- 'S of all l . ri'i'ils . II ]>!¦ ' » vi-lit s all disensi » s . It removes erupt ions from ami renders Hie skin soft ami elasiie . thus nn _> : ii-iiIIJJ a ylossv anil silk-like appearance- lo the eoat . It is eaten t / reedily hy nil I ) o , ' _ 's . It is . for SjinrtiiiK Jlnu's , hy far I lie best fnoil ; it ailils Hone anil . M nsele . s- 'ivint , ' Sltvns . 'ili , Speed ami Kiiduiancc . Ho danger of Hydrophobia whilst feccting : upon this Compound . The Host and Cheajiist Food foe Uui / s aiol Cuts . Sold by ( . ' urn Clitnnllfi's , Grocers . Oilmen mul SI ores , in Tins , C » l ., 1 , ' -, 2 0 ; titnl ( , '\ vr . Keps . SiLETXTiLBTST FOOD CO ., 118 , FALCON ROAD , CLAPHAM JUNCTION , S . W .
IBIRO . . A.. S-A/ CnsTIE , Engraver , Designer , Illuminator ,
wS H. T. LAMB , ^ SsL : Jttatrofactttwr nf ffiasanic Btiudz , -85 * ( Motiving axxb fUjjalia , iBpi- 8 , St . John 's Square , Clerkenwell , Jj ^ UOISVIDOIST , ZE . C . ^^ mf ^ r Price List free on application .
WALTER LAWLEY 'SNew Field and Marine Glass , J <^ T ^ Wiy ifi < T 1 1 T * ^ TT Y 2 53 cess &^ S ^ E ^ S * ____ 5 _ JB . * * . JHL ^^ ____ ^ . Ann Mk . £ i a . JS L S ~^ . H jGr t—^ J ^^^ M ^^^ i EK lO MILES' RANGE , MSS ™ fHKll Fitted with 12 lenses of exceedingly fine quality , of great magnifying power , with perfect | $ L yifl HiJ IIF jagS definition . Made in bronze mounts , with black Morocco leather covered body , and fitted into ^ S 3 iII ! I'ifi 11 wl ^_^^ jgcpiilj best brown leather sling case , complete . _ 32 lOs . The finest glass ever produced at the price . _^_&^ JB | ' | i | S /| If'ljr *^^ i _> . . jBJk WALTER LAWLEY , Optician , 78 , Farringdon Street , LONDON , E . G . »^ M ^^
M. B. ROSENBERG , HIGH-CLASS TAILOR & OUTFITTER , LADIES'JACKETS ULSTER MAKER , 16 & 17 , LIVERPOOL ST ., LONDON , E . C . ( FIRST FLOOR . ) If . B . ROSENBERG respectfully calls attention to the extensive selection of material for tho ensuing Season , and , buying direct from the Manufacturers , is therefore able to give a good article at a moderate price . Specialities in Dress Suits and Inverness Capes made on the shortest notice .
A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY !!! IRELAND'SAURORA OR HERBAL OINTMENT , REGISTERED . This Preparation is the best ever offered to the public . It cures Eczema , Erysipelas , King ' s Evil , and all Diseases of the Skin , without the use oi' poisons , or any noxious substance . _ Old Wounds and Sores can be healed in a very short time by using- IRELAND S HERBAL OINTMENT . For Burns , Scalds , Bruises , Cuts , Contusions , or unsightly Blotches on the Skin , it is invaluable , as it leaves the skin smooth and in its normal condition . See Medical Testimonials . Wholesale Depot : —27 , DERWENT GROVE , EAST DULWICH , S . E . London Agents : —BARCLAY & SONS , FARRINGDON STREET . Sold by Chemists in Bottles , 1 / 1 _ , 2 / 9 , 4 / 6 , and 11 . ' -. None Genuine unless bearing the Signature of the Proprietress , " ELIZABETH IRELAND . "