Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Press Exchanges and Books Received. Page 1 of 1 Article We are requested to notify that :- Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
® IJI > JHaaonk Max . J& k MARCH
THURSDAY , li gj ^ g ^ 21 , 1889 . Edited by W . BRO . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , & c .
Published every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may be had from all Newsagents through the Publishers . 123 to 125 , Fleet Street , E . C . Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR residing in London and the Suburbs will receive their copies by the first post on THURSDAY MORNING . Copies for Country Subscribers will be forwarded by the NIGHT Mail on AA ^ ednesday .
TERMS , including postage , payable in advance : — United Kingdom anil Countries I'oninrised Plncos not in ( iciH'riil coniiu-iml in India , Postal Union . Postal Union . viS lirinuisi . Twelve Months ... 6 s . 6 d . ... 8 s . 8 d . ... 10 s . lOd . Six Months 3 s . 4 d . ... 4 s . 6 d . . . . 5 s . 6 d . Three Months ... Is . 9 d . ... 2 s . 4 d . ... 3 s . Od .
Post Office Orders , payable at the General Post Office , London , E . G ., to Messrs . ADAMS BROS ., 59 , Moor Lane , London , E . C . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed & Co . and all communications concerning Subscriptions and Advertisements should be addressed to " Manager . "
All other communications , letters , & c , to be addressed " Editor
of THE MASONIC S TAR , 59 , Moor Lane , Fore Street , London , E . C . " Publishing Offices : 123 to 125 , FLEET STREET , E . G . VOLUME I. In Masonic Cloth Cover—Now Ready —Price 3 s . 6 d .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
AVitlimit in any way lioMnifr ourselves responsible for , or even approving of the opinions expressed , we freely throw open our columns for the proper discussion of all matters of a general character relating- to Freemasonry . Correspondents must be ns brief as possible , must write plainly , only use one side of the paper , and cannot expect , the return of rejected contributions . " Every contribution must , be accompanied with the name of the writer , not necessarily lor publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of THE MASOXIC STAK . DEAR Sir . AND BROTHER . I was pleased to see your answer to " A Mason , " Avith regard to the first secretary of a new lodge . There can be no doubt that all founders should "" meet upon the level . " Can you tell me whether
it is customary for founders to pay more than the joining fee , and . if so , why should a founder pay more than the joining member who comes into a new lodge a month after its consecration I I enclose my card , and remain , Yours fraternall y , THE LEVEL .
* J Founders of Lodges if they are "true and xinrcrc , " should dexerre the honourable distinction accorded- to them , by starting their Lodges free from all e . rpenxex connected with formation ; andirhilxt paying alike for membership , should , in addition , discharqc such e . rpenxex proportionately to the dignity of the ej / ices respectivel y conferred upon them . —ED . M . S .
SANDGATE LODGE AND SOLDIER MASONS . To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAB . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , I presume from the severe rebuke you administered to " P . M . 1130 /' in your issue of llth March , that he has sent you such a letter as bears out the views expressed in my last , over " want of harmony , " kc . I feel certain that if he could have disproved any
of the statements you would have given him an opportunity to do so , and I hope that should he be favoured with the insertion of an answer to me in your columns he will sign his name . I signed the prayer of petition of these military brothers for the following reasons : — 1 . Because it was made perfectly clear to me that it would benefit a large number of military brothers who at present are not enjoying masonic privileges , and object to affiliate to 14 . % ' .
2 . Because I was of opinion that it would assist them in getting the advancement in the craft that is the chief subject of this argument . 3 . Because I believed that standing in the way of what I thought to be these brothers' just claims would injure the Sandgate Lodge much more than it would to assist them . I believed it to be a happy moment either for good or evil , and took the course that I
thought would create harmony . My S . AV . was Bro . P . M . Flatten , and ho took the same view , and I suppose there is no sounder or more careful , right thinking brother in the craft , or in many other degrees he belonirs to . My J . W ., although not a P . M ., was held in high esteem by the brothers of the Sandgate Lodge , and did his work well , and nobody can say that he did not know what he was doing .
Original Correspondence.
In addition , there were about 80 petitions signed by Prov . Officers , P . M ' s , members of . Sandgate . Ilytlio and Folkestone Lodges , and brothers interested , and most of them were forwarded to Prov . G . Master in favour of the prayer of petition ; so we were not alone in the views we took . I am informed that they had about 50 joining members and 22 candidates to propose for initiation , amongst officers , warrant officersstaff sergeants , kcand I should have
, , thought it a very strong claim , particularly as they were promised the assistance of Grand Lodge officers . It seems hard at present to understand on what information this application met with an unqualified refusal ; perhaps , if ' ¦ P . M . 1430 . " will publish his name , it may afford food for reflection to Prov . G . Master . Yours fraternally , W . PERRY , I . P . M ., Sandgate Lodge . No . 1430 .
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
Press Exchanges and Books Received .
Australasian Keystone , February , Melbourne ; Stmt It- Australian Freemason , February , Adelaide ; Society ; Voice of Masonry ; Masonic Advocate ; Toronto Freemason .
R . M . I . GIRLS . —Out of twenty pupils entered for the Cambridge Local Examination in December last , the following obtained third class honours , viz ., Maud F . Hill , Ethel Fielding , and Ellen M . Foxall ; and the following satisfied the examiners , viz .. Dorothy Ainsworth , Georgina L . Smith , Mary Sherington . Isabella McLeod , Edith J . Matthews , Kate Wortley , Hannah Inglis , Marion A .
W arner . Caroline Weare , Florence K . Habgood , Amy D . Cutbush . Annie Brockbank . Daisy E . Capon . Louise A . Haigh . and Norah Besly . For the College of Preceptors' Examination , 2 !) pupils out of 30 passed , viz .: —Beatrice Knott , Mary Tanner , Lucy Smith , and Jane Turner , in Class II ., Div . III . ; Beatrice High , Hilda Newman , Charlotte Webb , Hilda Lyon , Louisa Pincombe , Maud Greethurst ,
Jane Hutchings , Charlotte McMillan , Mabel Heiishaw , Ettie Chapman , and Emily Hall , in Class III ., Div . I . ; Kate Stokes , Olive Hurst , Millicent Wotton , Entity Carruthers , Lucie Ochsenbein , Minnie Woodward , Nellie Walters , Mary Hammond , and Mary Hirst , in Class III ., Div . II . ; and Ada Buckley , Minnie Wedgewood , Alice West . Charlotte Bauster . and Florence Wright , in Class III .. Div . III .
R . M . B . I . —The committee met at Freemasons' Hall on the 13 th inst .. Bro . J . A . Farnfield , P . A . G . D . C , treas ., presiding . The secretary , Bro . James Terry . P . G . S . B ., announced that the total amount of subscriptions and donations at the recent festi val had now reached the sum of X . 13330 . and the number of lists to come in had been reduced to 17 . The decease of a widow annuitant was reported , and an application from a widow to be allowed half her late husband ' s annuity was granted .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The Sections of the Second and Third Lectures ( F . C . & M . M . ) will be worked in the " Strong Man" Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . at the li Bull and Bell" Tavern , Ropemaker Street , E . C , London , on the 25 th inst . ( Monday next ) at 7 p . m . ; Bro . J . Margetts , 1598 , W . M . and Section Master .
The Ley Spring Lodge , No . 150 S , W . Bro . Robert Stevens Walker , W . M ., will meet . at Anderton ' s Hotel this ( Thursday ) afternoon , at 5 . 30 , for election of W . M . and officers for ensuing year ; and will dine at 7 p . m . We regret to announce the decease of W . Bro . AVilliam Sampson , I . P . M . of this lodge , for whom the brethren are requested to attend in mafo lie mourning in token of the great respect in which that worthy brother was held .
A Lodge of Instruction has been sanctioned in connection with the Lodge of Perseverance , No . 1743 , to meet at the Cheshire Cheese , Addle Street , City , on Monday evenings , at 7 o ' clock . The first meeting was held on Monday the 18 th inst .
The Star Chapter of Instruction , No . 1275 , will hold its Annual Supper at the " Stirling Castle" Hotel , Church Street , Camberwell , on Friday , the 5 th April , at 7 p . m ., when Ex . Comp . F . Hilton , P . Z . has promised to preside . Tickets will be issued at 2 s . ( id . each up to 29 th inst ., on application to Comp . C . H . Stone , the Scribe E . tit aforenamed address .
• The Second AValthainstcw Masonic Benevolent Association , under the combined sanction of the "Bcaconsfield" and '" Warner " Lodges of Instruction has been inaugurated at the " Chequers Hotel , " Walthamstcw . It has a strong committee of energetic brethren , Bro . John Wildash , P . M . 1 ( j ( i 2 being its President , and
Bros . AV . Shurmur , treas ., 225 ( i , and T . Scores by Jackson , J . AV . 2250 , its Vice-Presidents . The treasurer is Bros . Ffiench Bromhead and Wm . Nieholls , both of the Beaconsfield Lodge of Instruction , No . 1002 , which now meets on AVeonesday evenings instead of Mondays as heretofore .
KNIGHTS TEMPLARS AT STOCKTON . —The annual encampment of the Mount Grace Preceptory of Knights Templars was held on the 13 th inst ., in the Masonic Hall , Stockton , when Hans B . Olsen , of AVest Hartlepool , was installed E . P . by Sub-Prior Henry Maddison , of Darlington , and subsequently the following officers were appointed : —John Pearson ( . Stockton ) , prelate ; G . Carter ( AVest
Hartlepool ) , cons . ; Jno . Hunter ( Hartlepool ) , marshal ; E . Cowper ( Darlington ) , sub .-marshal ; II . Macdonald ( Stockton ) , treasurer ; J . Burn ( Stockton ) , registrar ; 0 . S . Lane ( AVest Hartlepool ) , captain of the G . ; B . R . Smith ( Stockton ) , equerry . There were a number of visitors from the St . Cuthbert ' s Precoptory , Darlington , and the Royal Kent , Newcastle , and several nominations for installations were made . In the evening the Knights banqueted in the hall .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
® IJI > JHaaonk Max . J& k MARCH
THURSDAY , li gj ^ g ^ 21 , 1889 . Edited by W . BRO . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , & c .
Published every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may be had from all Newsagents through the Publishers . 123 to 125 , Fleet Street , E . C . Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR residing in London and the Suburbs will receive their copies by the first post on THURSDAY MORNING . Copies for Country Subscribers will be forwarded by the NIGHT Mail on AA ^ ednesday .
TERMS , including postage , payable in advance : — United Kingdom anil Countries I'oninrised Plncos not in ( iciH'riil coniiu-iml in India , Postal Union . Postal Union . viS lirinuisi . Twelve Months ... 6 s . 6 d . ... 8 s . 8 d . ... 10 s . lOd . Six Months 3 s . 4 d . ... 4 s . 6 d . . . . 5 s . 6 d . Three Months ... Is . 9 d . ... 2 s . 4 d . ... 3 s . Od .
Post Office Orders , payable at the General Post Office , London , E . G ., to Messrs . ADAMS BROS ., 59 , Moor Lane , London , E . C . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed & Co . and all communications concerning Subscriptions and Advertisements should be addressed to " Manager . "
All other communications , letters , & c , to be addressed " Editor
of THE MASONIC S TAR , 59 , Moor Lane , Fore Street , London , E . C . " Publishing Offices : 123 to 125 , FLEET STREET , E . G . VOLUME I. In Masonic Cloth Cover—Now Ready —Price 3 s . 6 d .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
AVitlimit in any way lioMnifr ourselves responsible for , or even approving of the opinions expressed , we freely throw open our columns for the proper discussion of all matters of a general character relating- to Freemasonry . Correspondents must be ns brief as possible , must write plainly , only use one side of the paper , and cannot expect , the return of rejected contributions . " Every contribution must , be accompanied with the name of the writer , not necessarily lor publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of THE MASOXIC STAK . DEAR Sir . AND BROTHER . I was pleased to see your answer to " A Mason , " Avith regard to the first secretary of a new lodge . There can be no doubt that all founders should "" meet upon the level . " Can you tell me whether
it is customary for founders to pay more than the joining fee , and . if so , why should a founder pay more than the joining member who comes into a new lodge a month after its consecration I I enclose my card , and remain , Yours fraternall y , THE LEVEL .
* J Founders of Lodges if they are "true and xinrcrc , " should dexerre the honourable distinction accorded- to them , by starting their Lodges free from all e . rpenxex connected with formation ; andirhilxt paying alike for membership , should , in addition , discharqc such e . rpenxex proportionately to the dignity of the ej / ices respectivel y conferred upon them . —ED . M . S .
SANDGATE LODGE AND SOLDIER MASONS . To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAB . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , I presume from the severe rebuke you administered to " P . M . 1130 /' in your issue of llth March , that he has sent you such a letter as bears out the views expressed in my last , over " want of harmony , " kc . I feel certain that if he could have disproved any
of the statements you would have given him an opportunity to do so , and I hope that should he be favoured with the insertion of an answer to me in your columns he will sign his name . I signed the prayer of petition of these military brothers for the following reasons : — 1 . Because it was made perfectly clear to me that it would benefit a large number of military brothers who at present are not enjoying masonic privileges , and object to affiliate to 14 . % ' .
2 . Because I was of opinion that it would assist them in getting the advancement in the craft that is the chief subject of this argument . 3 . Because I believed that standing in the way of what I thought to be these brothers' just claims would injure the Sandgate Lodge much more than it would to assist them . I believed it to be a happy moment either for good or evil , and took the course that I
thought would create harmony . My S . AV . was Bro . P . M . Flatten , and ho took the same view , and I suppose there is no sounder or more careful , right thinking brother in the craft , or in many other degrees he belonirs to . My J . W ., although not a P . M ., was held in high esteem by the brothers of the Sandgate Lodge , and did his work well , and nobody can say that he did not know what he was doing .
Original Correspondence.
In addition , there were about 80 petitions signed by Prov . Officers , P . M ' s , members of . Sandgate . Ilytlio and Folkestone Lodges , and brothers interested , and most of them were forwarded to Prov . G . Master in favour of the prayer of petition ; so we were not alone in the views we took . I am informed that they had about 50 joining members and 22 candidates to propose for initiation , amongst officers , warrant officersstaff sergeants , kcand I should have
, , thought it a very strong claim , particularly as they were promised the assistance of Grand Lodge officers . It seems hard at present to understand on what information this application met with an unqualified refusal ; perhaps , if ' ¦ P . M . 1430 . " will publish his name , it may afford food for reflection to Prov . G . Master . Yours fraternally , W . PERRY , I . P . M ., Sandgate Lodge . No . 1430 .
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
Press Exchanges and Books Received .
Australasian Keystone , February , Melbourne ; Stmt It- Australian Freemason , February , Adelaide ; Society ; Voice of Masonry ; Masonic Advocate ; Toronto Freemason .
R . M . I . GIRLS . —Out of twenty pupils entered for the Cambridge Local Examination in December last , the following obtained third class honours , viz ., Maud F . Hill , Ethel Fielding , and Ellen M . Foxall ; and the following satisfied the examiners , viz .. Dorothy Ainsworth , Georgina L . Smith , Mary Sherington . Isabella McLeod , Edith J . Matthews , Kate Wortley , Hannah Inglis , Marion A .
W arner . Caroline Weare , Florence K . Habgood , Amy D . Cutbush . Annie Brockbank . Daisy E . Capon . Louise A . Haigh . and Norah Besly . For the College of Preceptors' Examination , 2 !) pupils out of 30 passed , viz .: —Beatrice Knott , Mary Tanner , Lucy Smith , and Jane Turner , in Class II ., Div . III . ; Beatrice High , Hilda Newman , Charlotte Webb , Hilda Lyon , Louisa Pincombe , Maud Greethurst ,
Jane Hutchings , Charlotte McMillan , Mabel Heiishaw , Ettie Chapman , and Emily Hall , in Class III ., Div . I . ; Kate Stokes , Olive Hurst , Millicent Wotton , Entity Carruthers , Lucie Ochsenbein , Minnie Woodward , Nellie Walters , Mary Hammond , and Mary Hirst , in Class III ., Div . II . ; and Ada Buckley , Minnie Wedgewood , Alice West . Charlotte Bauster . and Florence Wright , in Class III .. Div . III .
R . M . B . I . —The committee met at Freemasons' Hall on the 13 th inst .. Bro . J . A . Farnfield , P . A . G . D . C , treas ., presiding . The secretary , Bro . James Terry . P . G . S . B ., announced that the total amount of subscriptions and donations at the recent festi val had now reached the sum of X . 13330 . and the number of lists to come in had been reduced to 17 . The decease of a widow annuitant was reported , and an application from a widow to be allowed half her late husband ' s annuity was granted .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The Sections of the Second and Third Lectures ( F . C . & M . M . ) will be worked in the " Strong Man" Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . at the li Bull and Bell" Tavern , Ropemaker Street , E . C , London , on the 25 th inst . ( Monday next ) at 7 p . m . ; Bro . J . Margetts , 1598 , W . M . and Section Master .
The Ley Spring Lodge , No . 150 S , W . Bro . Robert Stevens Walker , W . M ., will meet . at Anderton ' s Hotel this ( Thursday ) afternoon , at 5 . 30 , for election of W . M . and officers for ensuing year ; and will dine at 7 p . m . We regret to announce the decease of W . Bro . AVilliam Sampson , I . P . M . of this lodge , for whom the brethren are requested to attend in mafo lie mourning in token of the great respect in which that worthy brother was held .
A Lodge of Instruction has been sanctioned in connection with the Lodge of Perseverance , No . 1743 , to meet at the Cheshire Cheese , Addle Street , City , on Monday evenings , at 7 o ' clock . The first meeting was held on Monday the 18 th inst .
The Star Chapter of Instruction , No . 1275 , will hold its Annual Supper at the " Stirling Castle" Hotel , Church Street , Camberwell , on Friday , the 5 th April , at 7 p . m ., when Ex . Comp . F . Hilton , P . Z . has promised to preside . Tickets will be issued at 2 s . ( id . each up to 29 th inst ., on application to Comp . C . H . Stone , the Scribe E . tit aforenamed address .
• The Second AValthainstcw Masonic Benevolent Association , under the combined sanction of the "Bcaconsfield" and '" Warner " Lodges of Instruction has been inaugurated at the " Chequers Hotel , " Walthamstcw . It has a strong committee of energetic brethren , Bro . John Wildash , P . M . 1 ( j ( i 2 being its President , and
Bros . AV . Shurmur , treas ., 225 ( i , and T . Scores by Jackson , J . AV . 2250 , its Vice-Presidents . The treasurer is Bros . Ffiench Bromhead and Wm . Nieholls , both of the Beaconsfield Lodge of Instruction , No . 1002 , which now meets on AVeonesday evenings instead of Mondays as heretofore .
KNIGHTS TEMPLARS AT STOCKTON . —The annual encampment of the Mount Grace Preceptory of Knights Templars was held on the 13 th inst ., in the Masonic Hall , Stockton , when Hans B . Olsen , of AVest Hartlepool , was installed E . P . by Sub-Prior Henry Maddison , of Darlington , and subsequently the following officers were appointed : —John Pearson ( . Stockton ) , prelate ; G . Carter ( AVest
Hartlepool ) , cons . ; Jno . Hunter ( Hartlepool ) , marshal ; E . Cowper ( Darlington ) , sub .-marshal ; II . Macdonald ( Stockton ) , treasurer ; J . Burn ( Stockton ) , registrar ; 0 . S . Lane ( AVest Hartlepool ) , captain of the G . ; B . R . Smith ( Stockton ) , equerry . There were a number of visitors from the St . Cuthbert ' s Precoptory , Darlington , and the Royal Kent , Newcastle , and several nominations for installations were made . In the evening the Knights banqueted in the hall .